RE: tcsh hangs after updating to cygwin 1.5.7-1. Expires with Out of Memory

2005-01-01 Thread Michael Bax
   I have experienced exactly the same problem! On two different machines
   running XP.
  I'm running XP *and* I'm using tcsh on a regular basis and I'm not able
  to reproduce that effect.

 Well, I know of at least one way to cause this problem!  My cygwin
 installation was running fine for over a year on an XP machine without
 any problems.  Today, out of nowhere, it starts giving me the Out of
 memory error whenever I try to run tcsh.

 Looking in that directory revealed that the .history file was huge.

This happened to me today also, on a 128 MB Windows 2000 SP4 machine.  All
was well until yesterday, when tcsh failed a couple of times, but it seemed
to be inconsistent.  Today tcsh crashed every time I invoked it without -f.

I discovered that my .history file was 53 MB in size!  This is with
history 1024
savehist(1024 merge)
in my .login.

 wc .history
0 3316299 53060768 .history

Examination of the .history file shows it to be garbage.  It contains
nothing but a sea of repeated copies of $prompt (when in $HOME, post
variable substitution).

Could there be a problem with the history save or merge code?

cygwin 1.5.12-1
tcsh 6.13.00-2


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The tcsh manual vs tcsh initialization; fix for slow startup

2005-01-01 Thread Michael Bax
The tcsh manual states:
onintr is ignored if the shell is running detached and in system
startup files (see FILES), where interrupts are disabled anyway.

grep onintr /etc/csh.cshrc
onintr -

Is the manual incorrect or is the initialization file conceptually flawed?

The tcsh manual also states:
-f  The shell ignores ~/.tcshrc, and thus starts faster.

But -f also causes the shell to ignore /etc/csh.* and .login.  Is the
specification or the implementation at fault?

On a Pentium I-level computer, tcsh takes an aggravatingly long time to
process the initialization files.  I found that commenting out the lines
that call
source /etc/profile.d/complete.tcsh
in /etc/csh.cshrc (or deleting the file /etc/profile.d/complete.tcsh) sped
up this process dramatically.


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vi W10: Warning: Changing a readonly file on large read-write file

2005-01-01 Thread Michael Bax
When attempting to edit a *writeable* file of zero lines but 53 MB in size
(no newlines), vi appears to hang.  Ctrl-C is followed by the response
W10: Warning: Changing a readonly file
following which it appears that one is editing a new file.  Quitting without
writing succeeds.

cygwin 1.5.12-1
vim 6.3-1


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Re: ttmkfdir no longer needed

2004-04-13 Thread Michael Bax
  Due to this I am going to pull the link to ttmkfdir from our 'Ported
  Software' page.  Perhaps someone would like to write a postinstall
  script that creates symlinks to the Fonts folder for Windows under

 One note: In the thread proposal for using windows truetype fonts I
 suggested to use the /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype dir for truetype
 fonts, because this is the default for qt and kde. Are there any
 objectivities using this instead of /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/windows ?

I object.  :-)

Shouldn't we be consistent with established Unix practice and put any local
fonts in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local?


Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Michael Bax
Hi folks

The new icon with alpha looks quite bad on Windows 2000 and earlier systems,
with a thick white border -- see the attachment PNG.  The tips of the X on
some of the other versions of the icon  also look slightly blunt (minor
quibble), and the top and bottom rows are lost at 16x16.

Presumably we shouldn't be setting the default to something that uses a
feature unsupported by the majority of systems out there!  Alpha is nice,
but it is a new, optional feature; we still need to support low-colour
desktops by default.

Using the CVS icon as a starting point, I created a new icon using an
outlined white square as the background.  It is rendered at 16x16, 24x24 and
32x32 sizes, each for monochrome, 16 and 256 colours.  It has the correct
proportions of the thick and thin lines, properly anti-aliased and
quantised.  It's even rotationally invariant!  :-)

I have attached two files: a comparison of the icons in Overview.png, and
the improved icon in Improved.ico.

attachment: Overview.pngattachment: Improved.ico

Re: X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Michael Bax
Hi folks

This is a little long, but I have combined several points rather than
bombard the list with multiple messages.  Thanks for your patience.  :-)

Nahor wrote:

 What is New Alpha? I sent a few on the mailing list. Was it icon_test9
 (attached again here)? This one has 24bit icons, hopefully the prefered
 format on systems not supporting the alpha channel (crossing fingers).

The file you attached has issues under Windows 2000 (does not show icon
picture in Explorer).  But it was the latest version of your icon at the
time.  Original was from X.exe.

 I don't care about the majority of the systems out there. I care about
 the majority of the system using Cygwin/XFree. And that can be very

The majority of Cygwin users are not typical gamers.  They are more likely
to be similar in profile to hackers such as the Linux or BSD folks -- and
those are well known to be frequently using older generations of hardware
(and hence software).

Industry is still receiving PC's preloaded with Windows 2000 -- which will
be supported until 2007!  Remember, 2 years after Windows 2000 came on the
scene, IT organisations were still DEPLOYING Windonts NT!

Two years after the debut of Windows 2000, the number of *new* Windows NT
server licenses matched the number of Windows 2000 licenses.  And that's
just the new liceneses -- just think of the huge installed base.  And as for
desktops, by 2002 75% of desktops in industry were Windows 9x!

 Uh? I don't get your point. I personally don't buy a machine just to run
 unix. I use it to do other stuff (mostly compilation) that do make use of
 CPU power. So I have a recent machine, so I have XP. I assume that quit a
 dew (most?) geeks using Cygwin/XFree would be in the same case. But it's
 just a guess.

I'm sure that many Cygwin users have brand new machines.  But I am equally
sure that many more have older systems.

The baseline for support today must clearly be pre-XP systems.

 The other thing, IMHO, is that the alpha icon on non-alpha system, while
 not the best icon that can be on such system, is not completely ugly

Frankly, I disagree.  I wouldn't have put in the effort of designed a new
icon set if I thought it were OK!  :-)

 So between an icon that looks best on recent machines but not as good on
 older ones and one that looks best on older machines but not as good as it
 can be on recent ones, I prefer to think future/progress/whatever and
 take the first.

The problem is that the rest of the software world disagrees.  It is
standard software practice to support as many platforms as possible with the
*default* install, even if it is not as flashy as the others.  Sure, you can
have an option to enable alpha -- but don't make it the default.

Do you really want someone installing X/Cygwin for the first time to be
confronted with an amateurish-looking icon?  That was my first impression.
From a technical perspective, aesthetics are secondary -- but in the real
world, first impressions last.

 Between the CVS and your improved, I prefer the one in CVS. The thin
 lines is acutally too thin in 16x16, the line is too blury on yours, the
 white background seems to wash over the black line.

You originally said that my original monochrome X was ugly due to blocky
edges, but that is exactly the problem with your icon on Windows 2000
systems!  :-)

The lines in Improved.ico (why the quotes?) are actually in exactly the
correct anti-aliased proportion to represent the X logo within the limits of
the bitmap.  The CVS icon is incorrectly proportioned.

I do not argue that you personally prefer your version.  That is of course a
subjective choice!  However, Improved.ico has the proportions of the
original X vector logo; you may prefer something that looks different, but
that then is something different, not a faithful rendering of the X logo.

Ago wrote:

 If you can build ico files with both alpha and non-alpha icons why not
 include your version with alpha channel and for non-alpha either the boxed
 (which I liked) or a plain two-color variant.

 cygwin is unix. unix is simple (shell and stuff) and this is the opposite
 of the bubble-gum os WinXP with alpha channel.

Hear hear!  :-)

Earle wrote:

 - Default to a safe setting for anything that's not critical. -
 You'll save TONS of user grief, and by extension, your own.


 Looking really nasty under OSs earlier than XP is a bug I'd say.  Plus
 it's probably rechnically an invalid icon resource under those OSes so
 you may wnd up causing a boom (hey, under 95 or 98 it doesn't take
 much to crash the system!)

Strongly agreed.

 You've not very familiar with how a shortcut is made, are you?  Make the
 1st icon in the file the clean X-in-a-white-box that's been there for

X/Cygwin icon proposal

2004-03-08 Thread Michael Bax
Hi folks

I've attached my suggestion for a X/Cygwin program icon.  It does not
feature the speckled white border problem exhibited in the Cygwin/X
screenshots at

It's also efficient, at 518 bytes.  :-)  There is another new X icon in
X/Cygwin CVS that features a white background in a black square, but do we
want an icon with a background?  It seems more normal to me to have a
transparent background.  (The CVS icon has other issues like a blue 24x24
bitmap and is asymmetrical (not rotationally invariant at 180 degrees, for
the OCD.)  :-)

What do you think?

attachment: X.ico

xcalc glitches

2003-11-11 Thread Michael Bax

xcalc occasionally doesn't see the X server:

Error: Can't open display:

It gives a warning when it opens correctly:

Warning: No type converter registered for 'String' to 'Bitmap' conversion.

Why is this?

This is a fresh installation of Cygwin DLL 1.5.5-1 running on Windows 2000


XFree86 Start Menu shortcuts broken -- run.exe at falt?

2003-11-11 Thread Michael Bax

My Cygwin root is C:\Program Files\Cygwin.  The space appears to cause the
automatically-created Cygwin-XFree86 shortcuts to fail.  Run.exe pops up a
dialog saying that it can't find
Files\Cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\run.exe xclock -display
for example.

It occurs even if the shortcut is invoked as C:\Progra~1\Cygwin\usr\bin\

This is on a fresh installation of Cygwin DLL 1.5.5-1 running on Windows
2000 SP4, with XFree86-bin-4.3.0-6.


[Previously posted in error to wrong list, doh.]

cygcheck (abbreviated).out
Description: Binary data

Cygwin 1.5.5-1: whois misbehaviour

2003-11-11 Thread Michael Bax

By my reading of the man page, the Cygwin whois appears to ignore
the --version and --verbose options that are listed in the man page and/or
built-in help.

It also appears to me that it ignores the WHOIS_SERVER environment variable:
whois mbax
No whois server is known for this kind of object.

This is Cygwin DLL 1.5.5-1 running on Windows 2000 SP4.


cygcheck (abbreviated).out
Description: Binary data
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rxvt-2.7.10-3 man page errors

2003-11-11 Thread Michael Bax

There's a curious glitch in the rxvt man page:
igl-freehand:~ man rxvt  /tmp/tmp
/usr/bin/tbl:standard input:310: `.' not last character on lin
/usr/bin/tbl:standard input:310: giving up on this table
/usr/bin/tbl:standard input:776: `.' not last character on lin
/usr/bin/tbl:standard input:776: giving up on this table

This is on a fresh installation of Cygwin DLL 1.5.5-1 running on Windows
2000 SP4.


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Cygwin 1.5.5-1: cp to network 100% slower than cmd's copy

2003-11-11 Thread Michael Bax

I am aware than Cygwin network operations are slower than native Windows
operations, but is a factor of 2-3 reasonable?

time cp 15MBfile /cygdrive/i/1
0.18u 2.04s 0:19.96 11.1%
time cp 15MBfile //igl/home/2
0.21u 1.77s 0:20.20 9.8%
time cmd /c copy 15MBfile i:\3
1 file(s) copied.
0.02u 0.02s 0:09.89 0.4%

On longer files the operation has been closer to 3 times slower.

Why is the CPU usage so much higher (~20x?)

This is on a fresh installation of Cygwin DLL 1.5.5-1 running on Windows
2000 SP4.


cygcheck (abbreviated).out
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XFree86 Start Menu shortcuts broken -- run.exe at falt?

2003-11-11 Thread Michael Bax

My Cygwin root is C:\Program Files\Cygwin.  The space appears to cause the
automatically-created Cygwin-XFree86 shortcuts to fail.  Run.exe pops up a
dialog saying that it can't find
Files\Cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\run.exe xclock -display
for example.

It occurs even if the shortcut is invoked as C:\Progra~1\Cygwin\usr\bin\

This is on a fresh installation of Cygwin DLL 1.5.5-1 running on Windows
2000 SP4, with XFree86-bin-4.3.0-6.


cygcheck (abbreviated).out
Description: Binary data
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XFree86 fails to see/render TrueType fonts

2003-11-11 Thread Michael Bax

XFree86 fails to render TTF fonts on my computer.  This is true for the
bundled fonts/TTF/* as well as the Windows fonts.

There are two problems:

1. XFree86 does not appear to include the X11 fonts/TTF directory in the
font path by default.  This can be shown by removing the Luxi fonts in the
fonts/Type1 directory and rehashing.  The server should use the TTF versions
instead, but it does not see these fonts at all.  This can be fixed using
xset fp+, but surely the TTF font directory should be included in the path
by default?

2. After xset fp+ and rehash, the TrueType fonts are listed in e.g.
xfontsel.  However, they are not rendered (or are rendered blank)!  The same
is true for my custom-installed TrueType fonts.  They worked in XFree86 3.x,
however, using the same installation procedure.

Other fonts are fine, but all TrueType fonts are effectively invisible.

This is on a fresh installation of Cygwin DLL 1.5.5-1 running on Windows
2000 SP4, with XFree86-bin-4.3.0-6.


cygcheck (abbreviated).out
Description: Binary data
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RE: fvwm-2.4.7-2 install missing /usr/local/etc/fvwm/system.fvwm2rc?

2002-11-29 Thread Michael Bax
In followup to my earlier message:

 INSTALL.fvwm from the fvwm source tarfile ( suggests 
 copying system.fvwm2rc to /usr/local/etc/fvwm/system.fvwm2rc 
 to provide a system default.  This file does not appear to be 
 present in the Cygwin package, but it seems that installing 
 this file to the correct place would be the most transparent 
 way to streamline fvwm setup.

The Cygwin version of fvwm2 appears to be configured slightly
differently from the default.  The appropriate directories for
system.fvwm2rc are 
${datadir}/fvwm -- /usr/X11R6/share/fvwm
${sysconfdir}   --  /etc (why not /usr/local/etc or even

As a possible alternative to supplying this default configuration file,
what about installing fwwm-icons along with a configuration
pre-generated by FvwmScript-Setup95?


Error reports and queries

2002-02-06 Thread Michael Bax


I installed OpenSSH (and therefore OpenSSL) under Cygwin.  My shell is tcsh.
When my shell starts up, it gives an error because the last line of
/etc/profile.d/openssl.csh has an error in the last line.  This should be
endif not fi.

If tcsh is invoked from the command line (for example), the MANPATH variable
gains a duplicate openssl entry.  This is duplicated again each time tcsh is

The default configuration for tcsh is quite different to most systems'
default tcsh configuration: noglob is set, command-line typo-correction is
enabled, etc.  Any chance that this could be changed to a setup that is more
typical on Unix systems?

I am a power user, not an administrator.  But inside my Cygwin shell I can
read, edit and write arbitrary files in /, /etc, /home/Administrator etc.
This is true both with and without ntsec.  Is this proper behaviour, to
follow the NTFS permissions and disregard the Posix permissions?

It appears that ntsec allows *listing* permissions, but the real permissions
are unchanged with or without ntsec.  Is this right?

What does ntea actually do?  The guide isn't very clear whether this is a
good thing, or exactly what it does: if it simply allows tracking chmod
permissions, how do these interact with the ntsec permissions?

Thank you

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