[a tangent but hopefully not OT question] Re: Malwarebytes flags qdbusviewer-qt5.exe as Adware.Elex malware

2017-03-20 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 03/19/2017 01:23 PM, René Berber wrote:

On 3/19/2017 12:18 PM, Ed Koerber via cygwin wrote:

It bears asking to be thorough... are we sure that the cygwin package
has not been compromised somehow?

You are correct in not taking unsubstantiated remarks as useful.

We usually run the program in question through https://www.virustotal.com/

If several, reputable, scanners flag it as a virus, then its probably a

Hope this helps.


I looked at https://www.virustotal.com/ and found it interesting. That 
being said, everything on it looked "pc" and "windows" except for one 
report of issues which seemed OS/Mac based.

I went through all the documentation and tabs to other pages as best I 
could (including the FAQ).

I could not get a clear answer as to whether this site handled any and 
all queries was platform agnostic or limited to Windows (and maybe OSX).

I have to deal with Windows via Cygwin, OSX, and Centos/Fedora and can't 
figure out if I can send anything from any platform to this site.

Thanks in advance for humouring my tangent within this same thread (I 
made sure I changed the subject to reflect the tangent)


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intermittent ssh port 22 connection refused problem

2012-08-12 Thread Paul Allen Newell


I have a WinXP with cygwin and a couple Fedora 16 boxes on my LAN. Every 
once in a awhile, I am unable to ssh/scp/telnet from the Fedora boxes to 
the cygwin box (port 22 connection refused). I've never been able to get 
a reproducible case and it usually corrects itself the next time I power 
up everything.

The WinXP can ssh/scp to the Fedora boxes and the Fedora boxes can all 
ssh/scp to each other.

It happened yesterday and I could not get it to start working no matter 
how many reboots I did on both machines. I gave up for the night before 
I did something stupid, came back today, and it is all working. The only 
weak clue I have is that I remember twice not being able to do it and 
noticing that I hadn't open a cygwin shell on the WinXP box. Shouldn't 
make any difference as when it is working, it doesn't matter whether I 
have a cygwin shell open. (right?)

I was able to confirm that the problem is most likely on cygwin side 
(not positive, but likely) as a self-referring ssh into myself on cygwin 

I can trap an error message from iptables on the Fedora side (yoyo is 
the F16 box, is the WinXP cygwin box):

Aug 11 23:43:43 yoyo kernel: [ 779.725071] IPTABLES: LOG REJECT 
IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:1e:8c:c3:21:d6:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=229 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=128 
ID=33554 PROTO=UDP SPT=138 DPT=138 LEN=209
Aug 11 23:43:48 yoyo kernel: [ 785.386501] IPTABLES: LOG REJECT 
IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:1e:8c:c3:21:d6:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=234 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=128 
ID=33555 PROTO=UDP SPT=138 DPT=138 LEN=214


I have no idea how to get any log messages on the cygwin side (google 
searches indicate that iptables in not available on cygwin/windows). I 
did a google on cygwin ssh intermittent and saw reported problems, but 
none seemed the same (the closest was a Connection timed out but I 
couldn't find a trail for replies to it).

Any suggestions about how to try to figure it out? (based on the 
assumption that I am not able to repeat the failure and I may have to 
wait until it decides to show itself again)

Thanks in advance,
Usage: cygcheck [-v] [-h] PROGRAM
   cygcheck -c [-d] [PACKAGE]
   cygcheck -s [-r] [-v] [-h]
   cygcheck -k
   cygcheck -f FILE [FILE]...
   cygcheck -l [PACKAGE]...
   cygcheck -p REGEXP
   cygcheck --delete-orphaned-installation-keys
   cygcheck --enable-unique-object-names Cygwin-DLL
   cygcheck --disable-unique-object-names Cygwin-DLL
   cygcheck --show-unique-object-names Cygwin-DLL
   cygcheck -h

List system information, check installed packages, or query package database.

At least one command option or a PROGRAM is required, as shown above.

  PROGRAM  list library (DLL) dependencies of PROGRAM
  -c, --check-setupshow installed version of PACKAGE and verify integrity
   (or for all installed packages if none specified)
  -d, --dump-only  just list packages, do not verify (with -c)
  -s, --sysinfoproduce diagnostic system information (implies -c)
  -r, --registry   also scan registry for Cygwin settings (with -s)
  -k, --keycheck   perform a keyboard check session (must be run from a
   plain console only, not from a pty/rxvt/xterm)
  -f, --find-package   find the package to which FILE belongs
  -l, --list-package   list contents of PACKAGE (or all packages if none given)
  -p, --package-query  search for REGEXP in the entire cygwin.com package
   repository (requires internet connectivity)
   Delete installation keys of old, now unused
   installations from the registry.  Requires the right
   to change the registry.
  --enable-unique-object-names Cygwin-DLL
  --disable-unique-object-names Cygwin-DLL
  --show-unique-object-names Cygwin-DLL
   Enable, disable, or show the setting of the
   unique object names setting in the Cygwin DLL
   given as argument to this option.  The DLL path must
   be given as valid Windows(!) path.
   See the users guide for more information.
   If you don't know what this means, don't change it.
  -v, --verboseproduce more verbose output
  -h, --help   annotate output with explanatory comments when given
   with another command, otherwise print this help
  -V, --versionprint the version of cygcheck and exit

Note: -c, -f, and -l only report on packages that are currently installed. To
  search all official Cygwin packages use -p instead.  The -p REGEXP matches
  package names, descriptions, and names of files/paths within all packages.

Problem reports:   http://cygwin.com/problems.html

Re: question on Cygwin's version of make

2012-03-02 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 3/2/2012 1:10 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

On Mar  1 17:50, Paul Allen Newell wrote:

Given that the problem is identified (basename doesn't like spaces),

This is not correct.  It's not that basename doesn't like spaces, the
problem is incorrect quoting.  Example:

   $ basename /a/b/c.d .d
   $ basename /a/b/c.d .d
   c.d .d

And since the result still contains a space, you still have to quote
it when using it in subsequent calls:

   $ cat c.d .d
   $ cat c.d .d
   cat: c.d: No such file or directory
   cat: .d: No such file or directory



Thanks. Once Dave Korn led me to the alias I had in .bashrc and I could 
see that I was, in fact, calling basename (and my alias wasn't correct), 
everything began to fall into place.

My original assumption was very incorrect.

I also thank you for showing me that it will be a double quote and not a 
single quote.


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Re: [SOLVED:] Re: make producing basename error that can't be captured by make make.out

2012-03-02 Thread Paul Allen Newell

[sent to wrong email address, apologies]

On 3/2/2012 12:43 PM, Paul Allen Newell wrote:

On 3/1/2012 11:19 PM, Dave Korn wrote:

On 02/03/2012 07:06, Paul Allen Newell wrote:

I'll go and figure out some way to filter $(PWD) to be acceptable to
   It just needs quotes around it to prevent the space being taken as 
a separator.



Thanks. I was planning to hit the bash man pages today to figure out 
single and double quotes as the whole thing made alot more sense this 


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Re: [SOLVED:] Re: make producing basename error that can't be captured by make make.out

2012-03-02 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 3/2/2012 3:28 AM, Eliot Moss wrote:


Generally, getting  quotes around it will do the trick.
Over the years I have managed to make many of my scripts
safe for file and directory names that have spaces. It's
a pain, but generally possible ... Eliot Moss


Thanks. I am usually very good about avoiding spaces so I can understand 
why my scripts aren't bullet-proofed. Luckily, I don't have that many, 
so a retrofit is doable.


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Re: question on Cygwin's version of make

2012-03-02 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 3/2/2012 4:21 AM, Andrey Repin wrote:

I'm abit lost in your loops.
In case of redirecting your output to tee... man tee.

Andrey Repin (anrdae...@freemail.ru) 02.03.2012,16:19

Sorry for my terrible english...


I was confused too ... once DaveK pointed me to my alias in .bashrc, 
everything made sense and this whole what is going on with redirect 
was rendered moot.


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Re: question on Cygwin's version of make

2012-03-01 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 2/29/2012 11:55 PM, marco atzeri wrote:

looks on

for further info.


Thanks for the links.

And thanks to Csaba and you for confirming proper syntax ... it will 
help as I figure out 2 and 1 and all the typography that needs to be 
used to make it all work.


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Re: question on Cygwin's version of make

2012-03-01 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 3/1/2012 2:58 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:

Greetings, Paul Allen Newell!

have a script to get rid of everything being an executable.

chmod -x,+X -R /path/...
warrant a script?

Andrey Repin (anrdae...@freemail.ru) 02.03.2012,02:58

Sorry for my terrible english...


Thanks for the reply. In my case, it is very warranted as not everything 
wants to be made an executable. Plus it allows me to deal with ugo 


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Re: question on Cygwin's version of make

2012-03-01 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 2/29/2012 11:55 PM, marco atzeri wrote:

On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 8:47 AM, Csaba Raduly  wrote:

On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 8:23 AM, marco atzeri  wrote:

On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 8:13 AM, Paul Allen Newell  wrote:


I also noticed that if I run make  make.out that the message is printed
to the terminal and is not in make.out. What am I missing to capture all
output in make.out?

I like this way

make21  |tee make.out

21  redirect the error message to the std output

Shouldn't that be

make 21 | tee make.out

yes correct,
typo from my side

looks on

for further info.



Marco and Csaba:

I looked in the first suggested link and found what my problem is. Item 
#3.6 is

This will place every output of a program to a file. This is suitable 
sometimes for cron entries, if you want a command to pass in absolute 

rm -f $(find / -name core)  /dev/null

This is what I am doing and my problem is basename is sending its 
error/warning to the screen and ignoring my . Yes, I know my email 
originally stated , but it doesn't seem to matter what the order is 
for basename to ignore it.

What am I not understanding in what the link says versus the actions I 
am seeing?


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Re: question on Cygwin's version of make

2012-03-01 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 3/1/2012 12:27 AM, Csaba Raduly wrote:

On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 8:13 AM, Paul Allen Newell  wrote:

I've got a C++ tree that is running under Fedora 14, Fedora 16, and Cygwin.
Everything works.

Tonight, I needed to test something and was on my Windows box, so I did a
cut-and-paste operation which gave me a directory of Copy of myStuff. I
did a make and it worked, but I am seeing a message about basename: extra
operand 'myStuff'.

That appears to be an error message from /usr/bin/basename

GNU make has a built-in function $(basename ...) but that doesn't
appear to have such an error message.

I figured out that the spaces in the MS Copy of myStuff were the problem
and was able to rename w/o spaces and move forward.

But I would like to ask if anyone knows what in make uses the basename
command so I can try to either massage the Makefile to deal with it or throw
a more meaningful error (as in your directory has spaces in it and there
will be complaints)?

Read your makefile. One of the actions is probably using basename.
Alas, /usr/bin/basename has no way of knowing that it was invoked from
make; you can't get more meaningful errors.



The first thing I did was look in my makefiles to see if I was using 
basename. I'm not and so I am thinking that something else is calling it 
under the hood. Its the very first thing, so I am inclined to think that 
make must be calling it to load up a variable should the makefile ever 
need it.

I went through the gnu.org man html and can't see much more than 
basename exists and how to use it.

Using Macro's suggestion of 21 doesn't capture the basename 
error/warning message. I tried make  make.out 21 and the message 
still isn't being captured.

Given that I don't like spaces in filenames/directories, its a moot 
point in terms of how to avoid the problem. But the inability to capture 
the output is bothering me ...


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Re: question on Cygwin's version of make

2012-03-01 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 3/1/2012 9:35 AM, LMH wrote:
Some folks call make from a bash file to take advantage of things that 
bash can do and make can't, or at least easily. Using a config.sh to 
run make could let you test anything you want, print warnings, or 
exit, if anything is spotted. If everything looks good, the script can 
call make. This is common when you need to collect information about 
the local configuration (OS, arch, preferences, etc) in a portable way.

Don't know if that helps, but that is what occurred to me reading you 



Thanks for the reply. For many years, I've had no trouble doing 
everything inside a makefile, including getting platform/OS/etc. I've 
seen posts that use a config.sh or similar ... up until now I've had no 
need to consider that path.

Given that the problem is identified (basename doesn't like spaces), a 
fix is easy (don't use spaces), and everything works, I don't think 
switching is going to help me. Its more and more looking (to me) like a 
error/warning message is thrown by basename which is being called under 
the hood by make (as opposed to my explicitly using that function) and, 
right now, I can't capture the message when I think I am getting 
everything stdout and stderr is spitting out.


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Re: question on Cygwin's version of make

2012-03-01 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 3/1/2012 5:54 PM, marco atzeri wrote:

On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 2:34 AM, Paul Allen Newell wrote:

Using Macro's suggestion of 21 doesn't capture the basename error/warning
message. I tried make  make.out 21 and the message still isn't being

it should be
  make 21 |tee  make.out

but also this should work

if not something is wrong on your bash.


may I suggest

Run cygcheck -s -v -r  cygcheck.out and include that file as an
attachment in your report



My typo, apologies. I did use make 21 |tee  make.out ... without 

I mentioned in my first email that I wasn't providing cygcheck info as I 
assumed that it was a dumb pilot error on my part and didn't want to 
clog the system with that kind of noise.

I am beginning to think something might be wrong with bash on my system 
and need to formalize a test case. I have already had my wrist slapped 
for not following problem.html and have every intention of making sure I 
report a possible problem correctly.

My thanks for your help,

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make producing basename error that can't be captured by make make.out

2012-03-01 Thread Paul Allen Newell


I've already run an earlier version of this through the list to see if I 
was dealing with pilot error. Its gotten to the point that it was 
suggested I consult http://cygwin.com/problems.html and submit.

The issue came up when I did a Windows cut-and-paste of a directory in 
my cygwin home, cd-ed to it, and got a basename error when I ran make. 
Was able to figure out that make didn't like Copy\ of\ myStuff and all 
I had to do was remove the spaces and everything was happy.

But while trying to debug, I found another issue. The first is that I 
wanted to trap all output to a file so I could run make -d to see where 
basename was getting called. So, I used make -d  make.out per #3.6 
in http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO-3.html. Everything except 
the basename error went to the file ... basename still printed to the 
screen. Tried other variations with no success. That's when it was 
suggested I do the report.html.

I went through the archives and the closest I found was a 2005 post with 
a basename error, but it seemed to not cover what I was seeing.

To show the problem:

Create a directory called myStuff in one's cygwin home directory. Do a 
cd myStuff and run make. It will say no targets or makefile found. 
Now, open the cygwin home directory with a Windows right click Open. 
Do a Copy and then a Paste of myStuff to get Copy\ of\ myStuff. Do a 
cd into that directory and run make. I am getting:

basename: extra operand 'myStuff'
Try 'basename --help' for more information.
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.

That's the original problem and this test proves that it is nothing in 
my makefile as there is no makefile, its happening in the execution of 
make. With make -d, it still is the first thing called before one gets 
the opening stuff about which version, no warranty, etc..

If I type make  make.out, the basename error still goes to the 
screen and the no target/makefile goes to make.out.

The issue I am reporting is the lack of capturing the basename error to 
make.out, though I do think basename not being able to understand 
directories with space(s) is a nuisance worth noting.

Please let me know if there is any other info I can provide (cygcheck 


Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Thu Mar 01 18:49:16 2012

Windows XP Home Edition Ver 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3

Path:   C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin
C:\Program Files\CheckPoint\fde
C:\Program Files\Vim\vim72
C:\cygwin\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem
C:\Program Files\Vim\vim72

Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe
UID: 1004(Paul) GID: 513(None)
513(None)   0(root) 544(Administrators) 545(Users)

SysDir: C:\WINDOWS\system32

USER = 'Paul'
PWD = '/home/Paul'
HOME = '/home/Paul'

HOMEPATH = '\Documents and Settings\Paul'
MANPATH = '/usr/local/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/man:'
APPDATA = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Paul\Application Data'
HOSTNAME = 'krazy'
TERM = 'cygwin'
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = 'x86 Family 15 Model 67 Stepping 3, AuthenticAMD'
OLDPWD = '/home/Paul/Copy of kami_17feb12'
OS = 'Windows_NT'
ALLUSERSPROFILE = 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users'
!:: = '::\'
TEMP = '/tmp'
COMMONPROGRAMFILES = 'C:\Program Files\Common Files'
QTJAVA = 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext\QTJava.zip'
LANG = 'C.UTF-8'
USERPROFILE = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Paul'
CLIENTNAME = 'Console'
PS1 = '\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n\[\e[32m\]\u@\h \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n\$ '
!C: = 'C:\cygwin\bin'
SHLVL = '1'
COMSPEC = 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe'
TMP = '/tmp'
PRINTER = 'HP Photosmart 7510 series (Network)'
tvdumpflags = '8'
CLASSPATH = '.;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext\QTJava.zip'
INFOPATH = '/usr/local/info:/usr/share/info:/usr/info:'
PROGRAMFILES = 'C:\Program Files'
_ = '/usr/bin/cygcheck'

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygwin\Program Options
  (default) = (unsupported type)
  (default) = 

Re: make producing basename error that can't be captured by make make.out

2012-03-01 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 3/1/2012 7:10 PM, Kenneth Wolcott wrote:

On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 19:05, Kenneth Wolcottkennethwolc...@gmail.com  wrote:

Is it possible that scripts and executables write to file descripter 3 or
4 or 5?  File descriptor 0 is STDIN (normally), and file descriptor 1 is
STDOUT (normally) and file descripter 2 is SDTERR (normally).

So, perhaps you might want to try to capture/merge the output of file
descriptor 3, or 4 or 5?

The syntax for merging is quite similar to the 21 for bash which means
please merge the STDERR with the STDOUT.

Ken Wolcott


Thanks for the suggestion. Having a bit of difficulty getting all the 
different ways of redirecting to work (makes me wonder about both my 
copy of bash and my understanding of bash).

I was able to get:
make  make.out 21
to produce the same results as .

If I replace the 2 with 3/4/5, I still get the basename going to 
screen, but the makefile's error as well (which is what I would expect 
since I am not redirecting 2)


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[NEARLY SOLVED:] Re: make producing basename error that can't be captured by make make.out

2012-03-01 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 3/1/2012 10:07 PM, Dave Korn wrote:

On 02/03/2012 02:52, Paul Allen Newell wrote:

[ weird problem symptoms ]

   You probably have a script or shell alias getting in between you and the
real make.  Please run type make ; which -a make in a bash shell and show us
the results.



Thanks for the reply (smiled on the weird problem symptoms summation).

The result is:
type make; which -a make
make is aliased to `settitle Making $(basename $PWD)  make $@'

I groaned when I saw this as it is obvious the $(PWD) is feeding 
basename and that's the make error. Thanks.

However, I am still trying to understand why this potentially incorrect 
alias is creating text output to the screen which can't be redirected as 
it isn't stdout or stderr ... or 3/4/5 as someone suggested I test.


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Re: [SOLVED:] Re: make producing basename error that can't be captured by make make.out

2012-03-01 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 3/1/2012 10:50 PM, Dave Korn wrote:

   I think it's because aliases are just simple text substitutions.  So if you
have 'make' being transformed to 'settitle Making $(basename $PWD)  make
$@' then you would get 'make  make.out' becoming 'settitle Making
$(basename $PWD)  make $@  make.out' and as you see the redirect only
gets applied to the command after the ''.



Ah, I understand.

I wrapped the whole alias in paras and am now getting all errors put 
into make.out, including the basename.

I'll go and figure out some way to filter $(PWD) to be acceptable to 

Many thanks for taking the time to help,

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question on Cygwin's version of make

2012-02-29 Thread Paul Allen Newell
I've got a C++ tree that is running under Fedora 14, Fedora 16, and 
Cygwin. Everything works.

Tonight, I needed to test something and was on my Windows box, so I did 
a cut-and-paste operation which gave me a directory of Copy of 
myStuff. I did a make and it worked, but I am seeing a message about 
basename: extra operand 'myStuff'.

I figured out that the spaces in the MS Copy of myStuff were the 
problem and was able to rename w/o spaces and move forward.

But I would like to ask if anyone knows what in make uses the basename 
command so I can try to either massage the Makefile to deal with it or 
throw a more meaningful error (as in your directory has spaces in it 
and there will be complaints)?

I also noticed that if I run make  make.out that the message is 
printed to the terminal and is not in make.out. What am I missing to 
capture all output in make.out?

Thanks in advance,

ps: I haven't included all the details of cygcheck as I think the issue 
is on my end once I have an idea of why basename is being called -- will 
gladly provide if it helps

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Re: question on Cygwin's version of make

2012-02-29 Thread Paul Allen Newell


Thanks for reply, my comments inline

On 2/29/2012 11:23 PM, marco atzeri wrote:

names with spaces are always a problem for a lot of unix/cygwin
program, so my suggestion
is to rename the directory.
Please also note that copypaste will likely mess your file permission

Yes, I solved the problem by removing spaces. I always create 
directories and files without spaces. but a cut-and-paste in Windows 
doesn't respect such. I haven't seen any permissions problems on a 
cut-and-paste .. the only issue I see is when I port back to Fedora and 
have a script to get rid of everything being an executable.

I am just hoping that I can understand where basename is executed so I 
can flag the problem. It ain't a show-stopper, but it would be nice to 
just do a cut-and-paste followed by a make in the new directory which 
should tell me you got spaces.

I also noticed that if I run make  make.out that the message is printed
to the terminal and is not in make.out. What am I missing to capture all
output in make.out?

I like this way

make21  |tee make.out

21  redirect the error message to the std output

Okay ... interesting ... can I beg a bit more of an explanation as I 
don't understand the difference between  and 21 (bash stuff is 
an an area that I am maybe less than a newbie)


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Re: Opening new cygwin window with arguments

2012-01-12 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 1/11/2012 10:38 PM, Paul Allen Newell wrote:

On 1/11/2012 10:26 PM, Daniel Colascione wrote:

Are you using Cygwin vim or a native win32 vim? Win32 console programs
generally aren't happy in mintty, and you should use their Cygwin


Thanks for the prompt reply.

I just did a which on vim and can see that it is referencing 
/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Vim/vim72/vim. My bad as I should have 
checked that .. I somehow was convinced that I had gotten a vim from 
cygwin setup.

Let me correct that and see if things work.

Once again, thanks,


Installing and running /usr/bin/vim sure works alot better ... thanks 
for pointing out my oversight.

Things are a bit screwy on the Windows side, but that's not a Cygwin issue.


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Re: Opening new cygwin window with arguments

2012-01-11 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 1/11/2012 7:37 PM, Gary Johnson wrote:

 mintty -e tail -f foo

The -e is optional, but I like keeping my mintty commands consistent
with those I write for other terminals.


I am using cygwin 1.7.9-1 per cygcheck.

I tried using mintty and it looks better than the default window the 
launching cygwin puts up. But I noticed that if I vim a file, nothing 
happens. When I control-C out, I can see that actually something did 
happen as there is a .whatever.swp file created. For the heck of it, I 
tried under an x shell (?hope I have my terminology right?) via 
startxwin  and had the same vim experience (no file opening but a swp 
file left).

Is this one of these situations where I need to find a gvim and use 
that? I see under setup that there is a gvim 7.3.353.1 available, but 
wanted to make sure this was the advised solution before adding it.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Opening new cygwin window with arguments

2012-01-11 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 1/11/2012 10:26 PM, Daniel Colascione wrote:

On 1/11/12 10:22 PM, Paul Allen Newell wrote:

On 1/11/2012 7:37 PM, Gary Johnson wrote:

  mintty -e tail -f foo

The -e is optional, but I like keeping my mintty commands consistent
with those I write for other terminals.


I am using cygwin 1.7.9-1 per cygcheck.

I tried using mintty and it looks better than the default window the
launching cygwin puts up. But I noticed that if I vim a file,
nothing happens. When I control-C out, I can see that actually
something did happen as there is a .whatever.swp file created. For
the heck of it, I tried under an x shell (?hope I have my terminology
right?) via startxwin and had the same vim experience (no file
opening but a swp file left).

Are you using Cygwin vim or a native win32 vim? Win32 console programs
generally aren't happy in mintty, and you should use their Cygwin


Thanks for the prompt reply.

I just did a which on vim and can see that it is referencing 
/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Vim/vim72/vim. My bad as I should have checked 
that .. I somehow was convinced that I had gotten a vim from cygwin setup.

Let me correct that and see if things work.

Once again, thanks,

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question on where to direct a query

2012-01-03 Thread Paul Allen Newell


I am running code on a Fedora box and a WinXP box under cygwin.

When I run a make with g++, I am seeing message of recipe for target 
'whatever' failed. I do not see these under Fedora. Though it may seem 
like a minor point, it is a bit of a pain when trying to filter any 

Is this a Cygwin issue that I should be getting an example together for 
or is it a make issue .. in which case where is the right place to 
submit that targets both make and cygwin?

Thanks in advance,

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question(s) regarding startxwin

2011-12-22 Thread Paul Allen Newell


I have a question or two regarding startxwin. When I fire it off using 
startxwin, I get two warnings which I have been ignoring but finally 
decided I really ought to check to make sure I am not seeing something I 

They are:
startxwin: XFree86_VT property unexpectedly has 0 items instead of 1
Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion

Since everything is working, I assume they can be ignored?

The next one may be the xwin or it may be OpenGL under cygwin (on maybe 
OpenGL in general but I can't test that at the moment). When I start a 
program that uses OpenGL, my firewall barks about the program trying to 
access the internet and the only detail I can get is it thinks the 
destination OP is Port 8456.

If I am correct, is the loop-back (if I have the term right?) 
so I am guessing that it is an access to the internet/LAN to myself (?). 
But I have no idea what Port 8456 is about ... and I can't figure out 
why there would be any action which would look like an internet access.

I looked at man pages on startxwin and XWin, but didn't see anything 
that helped (or, if it is there, I didn't register that it was what I 

cygcheck -c shows that
cygwin is 1.7.9-1
libX11* is 1.4.4-1
opengl is 1.1.0-10
freeglut is 2.6.0-1.

Any other packages I should get version numbers of?

At the present, I am assuming it is harmless and allowing it to go 
through (and the program works as expected), but it seems wrong to not 
try to understand what is happening.

None of these are show-stoppers as far as I can tell ... actually, none 
of them rate more than nuisance --- so long as I am correctly 
interpreting them as such.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: question(s) regarding startxwin

2011-12-22 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 12/22/2011 7:50 PM, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

On 12/22/2011 10:16 PM, Paul Allen Newell wrote:


I have a question or two regarding startxwin. When I fire it off using
startxwin, I get two warnings which I have been ignoring but finally
decided I really ought to check to make sure I am not seeing something I

Questions about Cygwin-X should go to the cygwin-xfree list.  See the
link below for details on creating a problem report.

Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html is the loopback address.  X is using that IP for your local
server.  Nothing to worry about.


Thanks for the reply. Good to get confirm that it is loopback and the 
internet access is nthing to worry about. I'll investigate 
cygwin-xfree for the other questions.

Scanned problems.html ... given how far below the bar I was, your 
suggestion was very gentle. It is now bookmarked so I can do better 
next time.


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Re: question(s) regarding startxwin

2011-12-22 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 12/22/2011 8:17 PM, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

Not to worry.  You don't need flame-resistant gear until the _second_
transgression. ;-)

I wear the flame-resistant gear all the time as one never knows what 
someone will consider a transgression (smile)


ps: fyi --- I got this message twice ...

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Re: question(s) regarding startxwin

2011-12-22 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 12/22/2011 8:21 PM, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

Not to worry. You don't need flame-resistant gear until the _second_
transgression. ;-)

And that make two for me!

Hum  past transgressions catching up with me or a double-hit on this 

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[SOLVED:] Re: best way to prevent a cygwin build?

2011-12-02 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 12/2/2011 10:49 AM, Dave Korn wrote:

   Well, in this particular case:

ifeq (Cygwin, $(shell uname -o))
$(error This project does not build in Cygwin)

   Can be placed anywhere in the makefile, no need to modify the build rules.


Csaba, Warren, and Dave:

Thanks for all of your replies.

The syntax/line:
$(error This project does not build in Cygwin)

is exactly what I was looking for as I didn't know how to force an exit. 
I just tried it out and it works like a champ.

I also looked it up in GNU make man pages and it is there ... I don't 
know how I missed it last night as I thought I checked for error. My 
oversight on missing it, it was probably too late in the evening.


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best way to prevent a cygwin build?

2011-12-01 Thread Paul Allen Newell

Dear Cygwin:

I have a network of Fedora machines and WinXP running Cygwin. Most of 
the projects I work on can be compiled/linked/run under both, but there 
are exceptions. As in Maya ...

I am not happy with having to run two separate source trees and would 
like a way (as in best standard) to add something to any Maya makefile 
which will prevent execution if it is being compiled on Cygwin. The best 
I have been able to come up with is a check under each make directive, 
but that's alot of exceptions where I would think only one would be 

I searched the GNU make docs and googled for such, but the best I could 
see were bailout rules under a given make rule directive. I can find out 
whether I need to bail by the test ifeq (Cygwin, $(shell uname -o)) 
but can't figure out a way to have the makefile ask this question once 
for the entire set of make directives in it.

Any suggestions?


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question on backup

2011-10-27 Thread Paul Allen Newell

Hello to all:

My question is how do I get an archive of what cygwin packages I have 
installed. I have googled and only find info on how to do a full backup 
of the tree. I did a bit of a hunt through the cygwin email archives but 
only found one tidbit about something used to work but doesn't now.

I would like to capture the info in a file. Whether it can be used in an 
install on a new machine is academic (though that would be nice). I just 
want a record in case I have to do a new install and want to know what I 
had before.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: question on backup

2011-10-27 Thread Paul Allen Newell

On 10/27/2011 7:18 AM, Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 07:30:04AM -0400, Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E] 

Ken Brown sent the following at Thursday, October 27, 2011 7:26 AM

On 10/27/2011 3:24 AM, Paul Allen Newell wrote:

My question is how do I get an archive of what cygwin packages I have



sed -n -e '2,$s/ .*$//p' /etc/setup/installed.db

or to feed into setup.exe -P

sed -n -e '2,$s/ .*$//p' /etc/setup/installed.db | tr '\n' , | sed -e 's/,$/\n/'

Is there some reason why you wouldn't just use cygcheck for this?


Ken: /etc/setup/installed.db is exactly what I was looking for, thanks

Barry: Thanks for sed suggestions, makes for a cleaner list of info 
(which matches my need of an ascii record of what I've installed)

Chris: I didn't know about cygcheck and had blinders on during my search 
as I was looking for a data file rather than a utility. Just read the 
docs, test drove it per docs, and its definitely better than what I was 
originally looking for. Thanks!


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