RE: End of support for 9x

2008-08-25 Thread Terry Dabbs

It is a pity; I have applications utilizing cygwin on Windows 93 and 95.
This is not a situation where I 'insist on using unsupported software',
but where a vendor has written applications I must interface with that
were written for those platforms and they will not upgrade, for reasons
of their own. I hope there will be some spot out there that will keep
the last compatible versions available.

Terry Dabbs

-Original Message-
Of Trans-Mit Support
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 2:42 AM
Subject: Fw: End of support for 9x

Haven't had many bad experiences with Win98,
and now being serious, I do use XP and cygwin,
but still prefer Win98 performance cf. XP on same H/W
Its just a pitty I won't be able to keep the CYGWIN up to date on my

 Its bad enough having to use windows, but having to upgrade to XP or 
 is just out of the question.

 I'm not surprised that you're having bad experiences with Windows if
 insist on using obsolete, unsupported software that wasn't designed
 modern hardware.  I expect I'd have a lot of problems too if I
 Version 4 of Suse which I first bought over a decade ago.

 The jury's still out when it comes to Vista - but for XP, many users
 found it to be a highly stable OS.  Personally, I find XP to be more 
 than 64Studio which is easily the most stable of the (ten) Linux
 that I've tried.  And Win2K is also excellent, as Derek suggested.

 Admittedly, XP's Fisher Price look is offputting but you don't need
 use it.  I prefer the 'classic' look which I've used ever since XP
 came out.  I've never once had any incompatibility problem with it.

 Give it a try - you might be pleasantly surprised.


 - Original Message - 
 From: Trans-Mit Support [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 25 August 2008 06:10
 Subject: End of support for 9x

 Note that the official support for Windows 95, Windows 98, and
 will be discontinued with the 
 next major version (1.7.0) of Cygwin.

 Its bad enough having to use windows, but having to upgrade to XP or 
 is just out of the question. Looks like I won't be using any new
 of cygwyn

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RE: End of support for 9x

2008-08-25 Thread Terry Dabbs

That should do it. 


-Original Message-
Of Corinna Vinschen
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 8:56 AM
Subject: Re: End of support for 9x

On Aug 25 08:34, Terry Dabbs wrote:
 It is a pity; I have applications utilizing cygwin on Windows 93 and
 This is not a situation where I 'insist on using unsupported
 but where a vendor has written applications I must interface with that
 were written for those platforms and they will not upgrade, for
 of their own. I hope there will be some spot out there that will keep
 the last compatible versions available.

It's fixed decided that we keep the entire 1.5.25 based net distro
around for those user who are still running Cygwin on Windows 9x
or users having very specific needs.  However, there will probably
be no new packages for the 1.5.25 based distro anymore.  No package
maintainer will be forced to support two separate distros.


Corinna Vinschen  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader  cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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RE: Making the command console stay on top

2005-11-16 Thread Terry Dabbs
I would like to thank you for your suggestions.

Just to clarify: I have checked out a number of the simple solutions:
WindowOnTop, AlwaysOnTop, LaunchOnTop, etc.,.
The problem with each of these is that it requires the operator to
physically select the window which is to remain on top, or with
LaunchOnTop, it doesn't work with the windows console window (The
command prompt). The point of this program is to have an operator at a
pc that controls a manufacturing operation to use a scanner, scan a
barcode, and the data they need shows up on the screen, with no other
interaction with the program (the dirt simple approach...), so I will
not make them fumble around with the mouse, which is required by the
above mentioned programs. They are quite nice for what they do, however.

The machines I am putting my application on, do not have cygwin
installed as a package. What I do is put the compiled exe file and the
cygwin1.dll only on the machine and use the windows console as the
display window, because all the windows machines have it. I can have
them start it with a short cut, and it requires zero support once it is
set up. Previous applications I have made in this way automatically
loaded the machine's programs for it, but this one requires the operator
to read the program output and then enter it in the main application
that covers the screen.

What I will do:
-Check out the run package and see what I can do with it.
-See what other window manipulations are possible with gcc libraries.
-Keep checking this mailing list for suggestions. This is one of the few
lists that actually produces *really good* information.


original message:-
I have an application written and compiled using gcc and ncurses (for
the colors), in the cygwin environment. This application gets
information from a database, and displays it to an operator running a
machine telling them what program to input (among other things).

The problem is that when they go to enter the program name, the console
window immediately falls behind that of the application they are
entering the data into, and they can't read it.

I'm using a shortcut to start this, and the level of display of the
window is not one of the options. Does anyone (that will answer) know a
way to start this window with the attributes needed so it will not be
covered when another application is touched by the mouse?


Terry Dabbs

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RE: Making the command console stay on top

2005-11-16 Thread Terry Dabbs
Thank you, Ehud!

You just saved me from writing a GUI that I didn't really have time to
Yes, this one works on console windows, you can name the object you want
to float,
And limit it just to that, and it works if you start it before or after
the application.


-Original Message-

On Wed, 16 Nov 2005 10:44:21 -0600, Terry Dabbs  wrote:

 The problem with each of these is that it requires the operator to 
 physically select the window which is to remain on top, or with 
 LaunchOnTop, it doesn't work with the windows console window (The 
 command prompt).
     so I will
 not make them fumble around with the mouse, which is required by the 
 above mentioned programs.

Check the PowerMenu by Thong Nguyen. It is free of charge (but no
source) and has command line options that will do what you want.
It is at:


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Making the command console stay on top

2005-11-15 Thread Terry Dabbs

I have an application written and compiled using gcc and ncurses (for
the colors), in the cygwin environment. This application gets
information from a database, and displays it to an operator running a
machine telling them what program to input (among other things).

The problem is that when they go to enter the program name, the console
window immediately falls behind that of the application they are
entering the data into, and they can't read it.

I'm using a shortcut to start this, and the level of display of the
window is not one of the options. Does anyone (that will answer) know a
way to start this window with the attributes needed so it will not be
covered when another application is touched by the mouse?


Terry Dabbs

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RE: Drop Win9x support? (was: Serious performance problems)

2005-06-03 Thread Terry Dabbs
I have an application that is used in a manufacturing environment that
runs only on '95 and '98. Our IT department thought, as you do, that it
should always be possible to run every Win98/ME binary on XP, in spite
of the fact that the company that wrote the application says it is not
possible. Turns out, that it is not *always* possible. 
It will never be upgraded to a newer operating system, as they simply
have no one that is buying the app, and we have not found anything that
works better for the application. Since I do other things with cywin, I
would need multiple, different, installations on my desktop. What fun
that would be
So, its not a matter of being too cheap, its just being stuck. 
If cygwin does drop the support for 9x, it would be a hassle, but not
fatal, if 1.5.x were easily findable to reinstall when needed.


-Original Message-
From: On Behalf Of Gerrit P. Haase
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: Drop Win9x support? (was: Serious performance problems)

Terry Dabbs wrote:

 I am supporting applications requiring cygwin on '95 and '98 that are 
 not going away anytime soon.

I have not seen any Win98/ME PC since about 5 years, we're using NT all
over the place.  As I started to work in this business NT4 was current,
then W2K came up, now every new box is delivered with XP, all NT based
systems.  I cannot imagine why someone with a PC not older than 5 years
doesn't want to spend 100$ to buy an XP license.  It should always be
possible to run every Win98/ME binary on XP.  I was able to run some old
PC Games on XP which I couldn't run for about 5 years because the lack
of Win98 in my location.  The XP system supports running those old
binaries.  And if you really need Cygwin for Win98, you may use 1.5.x
forever.  As I have heard, there are still people out there who are
running NT4 Server, for about ten years now, using Cygwin B20 since
1999;)  It is fitting their needs, so why should they upgrade?


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RE: Drop Win9x support? (was: Serious performance problems)

2005-06-02 Thread Terry Dabbs


I am supporting applications requiring cygwin on '95 and '98 that are
not going away anytime soon.


Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
 Alternatively, we could drop Win98 support.


The requirement made sense back when WinXP wasn't dominant yet.  By now,
the last machines still running Win9x are dying or being replaced at a
fairly high rate.  I'm glad Cygwin was available during the years it's
taken for NT-based Windows to take over.  It was good work, but it's
time to move on.

It's not like the current Cygwin totally sucks or anything.  I can
continue using 1.5 on my last Win9x machine indefinitely.  The main
reasons to update Cygwin are security fixes and new functionality, and
neither is a serious concern on such legacy machines.

The tricky part is figuring out how to continue to make Cygwin 1.5
available to those last souls who need Win9x support.

Perhaps this could coincide with whatever Cygwin 2.0 will be.  I imagine
Cygwin 2.0 just being an opportunity to break the ABI, get rid of cruft,
etc.  This would naturally solve the Cygwin 1.5 availability problem: 
the new stuff would appear in a different directory on the mirrors,
perhaps containing cygwin2 in the path name.  Then the current
setup.exe will look in the current place for Cygwin, and get only 1.5. 
Those wanting the new stuff would get a new setup.exe, which will look
in the cygwin2 location.

If there are still a few things people want to push into the last Cygwin
1.5 releases, that's fine, too.  A little parallel development during a
major version changeover never killed anyone.

Even if some of you disagree with whether to discontinue Win9x support
now, some of these issues still bear discussing.  This day will come


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FW: Bug in the /dev/ttySx handling code?

2005-05-09 Thread Terry Dabbs

It appears you are using com1, with this command: 
stty -F /dev/ttyS0 -a

But, your strace shows ttyS1, which is com2. Are you plugged into the proper 
port with your cable? 

T. Dabbs

Subject: Bug in the /dev/ttySx handling code?

I compiled a linux program, which uses the serial driver (and is working) under 
cygwin (winxp), but the communication was not working.

For initializing the port, I use:
  fd = open (dev, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
   tcgetattr (fd, t1);
  t1.c_cflag = B19200 | CS8 | PARENB | CLOCAL | CREAD;
  t1.c_iflag = IGNBRK | INPCK | ISIG;
  t1.c_oflag = 0;
  t1.c_lflag = 0;
  t1.c_cc[VTIME] = 1;
  t1.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;

  tcsetattr (fd, TCSAFLUSH, t1);

Then normal read/write to the file descriptor follows.

strace logged:
   47   22132 [main] eibd 3124 fhandler_serial::open: fhandler_serial::open 
(/dev/ttyS1, 0x8002, 0xF78)
  101   22233 [main] eibd 3124 fhandler_base::open_9x: (\\.\com2, 0x8002)
 1415   23648 [main] eibd 3124 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x8002, 
supplied_bin 0x1
   59   23707 [main] eibd 3124 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to binary
   42   23749 [main] eibd 3124 fhandler_base::open_9x: 0x6C8 = CreateFile 
(\\.\com2, 0xC000, 0x7, 0x22E990, 0x3, 0x4080, 0)
   44   23793 [main] eibd 3124 fhandler_base::open_9x: 1 = fhandler_base::open 
(\\.\com2, 0x8002)
   97   23890 [main] eibd 3124 fhandler_serial::open: 0x1 = 
fhandler_serial::open (/dev/ttyS1, 0x8002, 0xF78)
   45   23935 [main] eibd 3124 open: 5 = open (/dev/ttyS1, 0x8002)
   85   24020 [main] eibd 3124 fhandler_serial::tcgetattr: vmin_ 0, vtime_ 0
   41   24061 [main] eibd 3124 tcgetattr: iflag 4, oflag 0, cflag 930, lflag 0, 
   75   24136 [main] eibd 3124 fhandler_serial::tcgetattr: vmin_ 0, vtime_ 0
   46   24182 [main] eibd 3124 tcgetattr: iflag 4, oflag 0, cflag 930, lflag 0, 
   57   24239 [main] eibd 3124 fhandler_serial::tcsetattr: action 1
   55   24294 [main] eibd 3124 fhandler_serial::tcsetattr: flushed file buffers
  210   24504 [main] eibd 3124 fhandler_serial::tcsetattr: vtime 100, vmin 0
   42   24546 [main] eibd 3124 fhandler_serial::tcsetattr: 
ReadTotalTimeoutConstant 100, ReadIntervalTimeout -1, 
ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier -1
   56   24602 [main] eibd 3124 tcsetattr: iflag 0x11, oflag 0x0, cflag 0x9BE, 
lflag 0x0, VMIN 0, VTIME 1
   43   24645 [main] eibd 3124 tcsetattr: 0 = tcsetattr (5, 1, 22EDF0)
A printf of the return code of tcsetattr returned 0. I connected the program 
using a null modem cable to an other Linux machine. It turned out, that cygwin 
configured the serial interface to 9600 baud.

With this configuration, I can send without any errors data on the linux PC to 
the cygwin program (and back):
stty -F /dev/ttyS0 -a
speed 9600 baud; rows 0; columns 0; line = 0; intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^?; 
kill = ^U; eof = ^D; eol = undef; eol2 = undef; start = ^Q; stop = ^S; susp 
= ^Z; rprnt = ^R; werase = ^W; lnext = ^V; flush = ^O; min = 1; time = 5; 
parenb parodd cs8 -hupcl -cstopb cread clocal -crtscts ignbrk -brkint -ignpar 
-parmrk -inpck -istrip -inlcr -igncr -icrnl -ixon -ixoff -iuclc -ixany -imaxbel 
-opost -olcuc -ocrnl -onlcr -onocr -onlret -ofill -ofdel nl0 cr0 tab0 bs0 vt0 
ff0 -isig -icanon -iexten -echo -echoe -echok -echonl -noflsh -xcase -tostop 
-echoprt -echoctl -echoke

On cygwin, stty on the serial is not working (stty -F /dev/ttyS0 shows 0 baud; 
stty -F /dev/ttyS0 speed 9600 returns an error message).

Is the serial driver emulation code not supporting this, or is there an bug in 

mfg Martin Kögler
PS: Please CC me on replies

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RE: Bug in the /dev/ttySx handling code?

2005-05-09 Thread Terry Dabbs

Perhaps one of the gurus will chime in

I am not an expert, but I produced the following code that works every day on a 
number of our production machines, using com2 to send data out. The comments 
are what I put at the time, and as far as I know thet describe accurately what 
is happening. One note: com_port_name below is the string /dev/com2, not 
/dev/ttyS1, if that makes a difference.

 /* We now have the name of the com port. The following opens the port for us 
to use.*/

rs232_fd = open(com_port_name, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY );  /* In case 
this right after a reboot, windows  */
 /* may be 
unstable on the com ports. This is   */
close(rs232_fd); /* wake 
it up you might say...   */

rs232_fd = open(com_port_name, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY );  /* Now for 
real. com_port_name is of the form*/
 /* com1, 
com2, etc.; O_RDWR is open for  */
 /* read 
and write. O_NOCTTY indicates there  */
 /* is no 
controlling terminal (no tty).*/

/* Now we set the parameters using termios functions, these set the port 
parameters. Mucho importante!  */

tcgetattr(rs232_fd,my_termios);  /* Get the 
current port setup, such as it is. */
my_termios.c_cflag = B9600 | CS8 | CREAD | CLOCAL | HUPCL;/* Set the 
following communication flags: */
  /* B9600 = 9600 
Baud rate.*/
  /* CS8   = 
character bits are 8.  */
  /* CREAD = Enable 
receiver.   */
  /* CLOCAL= Ignore 
modem control lines. No modem here. */
  /* HUPCL = 
Release/close port when the process dies.  */
my_termios.c_iflag = IXON | IGNBRK | IGNPAR ; /* Set the 
following input flags: */
  /* IXON  = Use 
XON/XOFF flow on output.   */
  /* IGNBRK= Ignore 
Break condition on input. */
  /* IGNPAR= Ignore 
framing and parity errors.  */
cfsetospeed(my_termios,B9600);   /* Set Speed to 
9600 Baud.*/
tcsetattr(rs232_fd,TCSANOW,my_termios);  /* Make the 
my_termios values apply to rs232_fd NOW.*/
tcflush(rs232_fd,TCIOFLUSH);  /* Flush any 
spurious IO data on the port.*/

/* The important opening and set up is done.

/* Now go read and write. */

Good Luck,


-Original Message-
Subject: Bug in the /dev/ttySx handling code?

On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 12:46:55PM -0500, Terry Dabbs wrote:
 It appears you are using com1, with this command: 
 stty -F /dev/ttyS0 -a
 But, you strace shows ttyS1, which is com2. Are you plugged into the proper 
 port with your cable? 

Yes, I used the right port, as on the Linux PC cat /dev/ttyS0 showed the 
expected data (after adjusting the configuration of the port), which was send 
with my program (eibd) using cygwin.

In the other direction, I did some echo  /dev/ttyS0. With 9600 
baud, I get for such a request a block of the same byte (I have not checked the 
hex code).

I am using two PCs, one with Windows, where COM2 is used and a Linux PC with 
only one COM port.
stty -F /dev/ttyS0 -a shows the configuration of the Linux PC.

A mode COMx in cmd on a unused port shows a baud rate of 9600, so it looks 
like, the configuration of the serial port is not changed, although in the 
current CVS version of, I can not see any proof for it.

At least, I understand, why stty -F /dev/ttyS0 under cygwin return 0 baud:
tcgetattr returns 0 baud, if DTR is not set, which is different to the 
behaviour of Linux.

I would like to track the problem down, but as the use of stty (and cat for 
doing IO) does not work, I have no idea, how to do it.

mfg Martin Kögler


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RE: X application fails

2005-04-11 Thread Terry Dabbs

No, Exactly the same error. Unfortunately, the only information I got
from Agilent was that they couldn't get it to work either, in the past.
They said it DOES work on linux with their application (isn't it
virtually the same?). In any case thanks for replying. If you have an
idea for a direction I could go with this, that would be helpful,
otherwise I'll have to try other Xservers.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Terry Dabbs
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 12:29 PM
Subject: RE: X application fails


Thanks, I won't be able to try it until Monday. On vacation today, so no
direct access. I will let you know...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alexander Gottwald
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 3:41 AM
Subject: Re: X application fails

On Thu, 7 Apr 2005, Terry Dabbs wrote:

 I'm new to cygwin/X. I installed the cygwin/X package, and an using it

 with the expectation it will provide a display for hpux clients.
 What does work:
  - I use either startxwin.bat -or-, type xhost + in the 
 shell, then go to the hpux machine and set the display, send xrdb
 commands, and xterm runs on my pc from the hpux client. Logging in 
 with XDMCP works, it looks very good.
 What does not work:
 I have an X application, Agilent's HPSmarttest, which runs OK with 
 reflections XDMCP, but with both methods above it gives the error 
 message (in a window on the display server!) that it can not create 
 background window. Since it works using Reflections, I assume there

 is some setting, or something that is not set by default.

Maybe it's a problem with the missing 8bit colorplane on Cygwin/X
You might try to run Cygwin/X in 8bit mode (XWin -depth 8 -fullscreen)

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 126018723

RE: X application fails

2005-04-11 Thread Terry Dabbs
Thank You all for your help. I Copied the fonts for HPUX to the fonts
directory for Cygwin/X. It works very well now.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Paulus
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 2:57 PM
Subject: RE: X application fails

Another option, if it's only 1 app you have problems with is to run an X
VNC Server session on your hpux box and then run the VNC Client on your
windows box to see the app.  I was having some problems with Sun's
Workshop Debugger under Cygwin/X, and that was my solution.

On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 14:47:01 -0500, Terry Dabbs wrote:

No, Exactly the same error. Unfortunately, the only information I got 
from Agilent was that they couldn't get it to work either, in the past.
They said it DOES work on linux with their application (isn't it 
virtually the same?). In any case thanks for replying. If you have an 
idea for a direction I could go with this, that would be helpful, 
otherwise I'll have to try other Xservers.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Terry Dabbs
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 12:29 PM
Subject: RE: X application fails


Thanks, I won't be able to try it until Monday. On vacation today, so 
no direct access. I will let you know...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alexander Gottwald
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 3:41 AM
Subject: Re: X application fails

On Thu, 7 Apr 2005, Terry Dabbs wrote:

 I'm new to cygwin/X. I installed the cygwin/X package, and an using 

 with the expectation it will provide a display for hpux clients.
 What does work:
  - I use either startxwin.bat -or-, type xhost + in the 
 shell, then go to the hpux machine and set the display, send xrdb
 commands, and xterm runs on my pc from the hpux client. Logging in 
 with XDMCP works, it looks very good.
 What does not work:
 I have an X application, Agilent's HPSmarttest, which runs OK with 
 reflections XDMCP, but with both methods above it gives the error 
 message (in a window on the display server!) that it can not create 
 background window. Since it works using Reflections, I assume 

 is some setting, or something that is not set by default.

Maybe it's a problem with the missing 8bit colorplane on Cygwin/X 
You might try to run Cygwin/X in 8bit mode (XWin -depth 8 -fullscreen)

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 126018723

RE: X application fails

2005-04-08 Thread Terry Dabbs

Thanks, I won't be able to try it until Monday. On vacation today, so no
direct access. I will let you know...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alexander Gottwald
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 3:41 AM
Subject: Re: X application fails

On Thu, 7 Apr 2005, Terry Dabbs wrote:

 I'm new to cygwin/X. I installed the cygwin/X package, and an using it

 with the expectation it will provide a display for hpux clients.
 What does work:
  - I use either startxwin.bat -or-, type xhost + in the 
 shell, then go to the hpux machine and set the display, send xrdb
 commands, and xterm runs on my pc from the hpux client. Logging in 
 with XDMCP works, it looks very good.
 What does not work:
 I have an X application, Agilent's HPSmarttest, which runs OK with 
 reflections XDMCP, but with both methods above it gives the error 
 message (in a window on the display server!) that it can not create 
 background window. Since it works using Reflections, I assume there

 is some setting, or something that is not set by default.

Maybe it's a problem with the missing 8bit colorplane on Cygwin/X
You might try to run Cygwin/X in 8bit mode (XWin -depth 8 -fullscreen)

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 126018723

X application fails

2005-04-07 Thread Terry Dabbs
I'm new to cygwin/X. I installed the cygwin/X package, and an using it
with the expectation it will provide a display for hpux clients.
What does work:
 - I use either startxwin.bat -or-, type xhost + in the
shell, then go to the hpux machine and set the display, send xrdb
commands, and xterm runs on my pc from the hpux client. Logging in
with XDMCP works, it looks very good.
What does not work:
I have an X application, Agilent's HPSmarttest, which runs OK with
reflections XDMCP, but with both methods above it gives the error
message (in a window on the display server!) that it can not create
background window. Since it works using Reflections, I assume there
is some setting, or something that is not set by default. 
Any ideas?
Terry Dabbs
Here's the log file:
Welcome to the XWin X Server
Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project
XWin was started with the following command line:
XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -silent-dup-error 
ddxProcessArgument - Initializing default screens
winInitializeDefaultScreens - w 1024 h 768
winInitializeDefaultScreens - Returning
(WW) /tmp mounted int textmode
_XSERVTransmkdir: ERROR: euid != 0,directory /tmp/.X11-unix will not be
(II) XF86Config is not supported
(II) See for http://for  more information
(==) FontPath set to
winAdjustVideoModeShadowGDI - Using Windows display depth of 32 bits per
winAllocateFBShadowGDI - Creating DIB with width: 1024 height: 768
depth: 32
winInitVisualsShadowGDI - Masks 00ff ff00 00ff BPRGB 8 d 24
bpp 32
null screen fn ReparentWindow
null screen fn RestackWindow
InitQueue - Calling pthread_mutex_init
InitQueue - pthread_mutex_init returned
InitQueue - Calling pthread_cond_init
InitQueue - pthread_cond_init returned
winInitMultiWindowWM - Hello
winInitMultiWindowWM - Calling pthread_mutex_lock ()
MIT-SHM extension disabled due to lack of kernel support
XFree86-Bigfont extension local-client optimization disabled due to lack
of shared memory support in the kernel
(--) Setting autorepeat to delay=500, rate=31
(--) winConfigKeyboard - Layout: 0409 (0409) 
(--) Using preset keyboard for English (USA) (409), type 81
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - Hello
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - Calling pthread_mutex_lock ()
(--) 3 mouse buttons found
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID/, removing
from list!
winInitMultiWindowWM - pthread_mutex_lock () returned.
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - pthread_mutex_lock () returned.
winInitMultiWindowWM - pthread_mutex_unlock () returned.
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - pthread_mutex_unlock () returned.
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - DISPLAY=
winInitMultiWindowWM - DISPLAY=
winProcEstablishConnection - Hello
winInitClipboard ()
winProcEstablishConnection - winInitClipboard returned.
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - XOpenDisplay () returned and successfully
opened the display.
winInitMultiWindowWM - XOpenDisplay () returned and successfully opened
the display.
winClipboardProc - Hello
DetectUnicodeSupport - Windows NT/2000/XP
winClipboardProc - DISPLAY=
winClipboardProc - XOpenDisplay () returned and successfully opened the
winProcSetSelectionOwner - Clipboard not yet started, aborting.
winProcSetSelectionOwner - Clipboard not yet started, aborting.
AUDIT: Thu Apr  7 14:21:35 2005: 1892 XWin: client 5 rejected from IP

RE: Obscene content in cygwin file.

2005-01-07 Thread Terry Dabbs
I have an incident from the early 90s that is very close to this
I worked at a division headquarters of large company, where we had
hundreds of people who would log into their email account on the VAX.
When logging in you would see a message of the day. The guy
administering this got tired of the same old boring messages and started
rotating in messages very much like the ones in the limerick file. The
first couple were only slightly off-color, and actually got positive
responses. Then the third, and last one, had to do with a guy in
Nantucket who had some unusual practices. The effect this had in the
local work place was fun to watch, having the computer pipe that stuff
on the screen was about as imaginable as Bush saying it on TV, and
created quite a stir. The end result was not so much fun, the employee
was severly reprimanded (Andrew wouldn't work there...) and was weeded
out in the first layoff (I wonder why...). I don't know if this was a
related package, but the guy said he read the first one, and assumed the
others were no worse. There was a lot of comment about this, but other
than the general opinion the guy was a moron (he wasn't, just young),
the overall consensus was who in the hell would provide a software
package where such a thing is possible?. You can be sure that some
scrutiny as to the supplier occurred.
I am fairly sure my vote won't count. But, we need to protect the
children, and from reading this thread, the ones that need protecting
subscribe to this list. Choices are fine, and maybe immature sysadmins
deserve what they get, but the folks that think nothing is wrong with it
do not need a temtation like this to show how cool they are.

-Original Message-
Of Christopher Faylor
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 8:52 AM
Subject: Re: Obscene content in cygwin file.

On Fri, Jan 07, 2005 at 01:22:32AM -0500, Brian Bruns wrote:

 Personally, I thought that them doing this was a sign of a more 
 innocent time, where we didn't have to worry about every single word 
 that came out of our mouth (or keyboard).

 Seriously guy, your type is one of the primary reasons why the 
 internet is getting - its not quite there yet, but getting - to be 
 *no fun*.
 It was built on freedom and free-thinking, and the very fact that 
 this conversation is taking place is a testimony to how bitter it has


I tend to agree with you on that.  I was on the internet since the 
middle 90s, and even then, you could start to see new people/businesses

forcing their own views on the rest of the Internet, that had been 
there long before them, and continue to be there long after they are 

I've been reading usenet since the early 80's and I find the notion that
this kind of discussion is a recent phenomenon sort of amusing.

This is *exactly* the type of fodder that has driven Usenet discussions
for years.  We do get the added spin of workplace lawsuites, yadda
yadda, but that just adds more fuel to what would have been a very
nicely burning flame.

If Cygwin was a true business enterprise, this would be a no-brainer.
We'd remove the content.  The reason wouldn't be because we are cravenly
caving to the PC majority.  The reason would be that it might offend a
customer who would take their business elsewhere.  You can't have that
unless you are in a position of not caring about losing a few customers.
Not many businesses are in that position.

Business issues are not the point here, though.  My issue is that I
grant others the right to be offended by the type of language we're
talking about.  It is a given that there are many people in our society
who will be offended by it.  These people do not buy Playboy or Hustler
because they do not like what these magazines represent but they aren't
out picketing those establishments, either.  So, they are following the
Just don't look at it then! scenario.

We do not offer these people the same choice with Cygwin.  When they
innocently download fortune means that they are using hard drives to
house unencrypted content that they consider objectionable.  That is not
fair to them.


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RE: FW: comport problem

2004-08-24 Thread Terry Dabbs


You are correct. I used gcc-2 because that is what downloaded by default. Previously, 
I just used com2, and it was acceptable, and worked fine. I read the code in the 
some of the other emails in the forum and noted that it was in the form /dev/com2. I 
changed to format, and it now works great.


Terry Dabbs

On Mon, 23 Aug 2004, Terry Dabbs wrote:

 I've used a version of cygwin from June of 2003. I've loaded a new
 version, and apparently gcc is now gcc-2.

No, gcc-2 was a package of the old gcc-2.95.x compiler.  It was pulled
from the distribution because of bugs.  gcc is currently version 3.3.3.

 The problem is that I can't open the comport with the program that
 previous worked well under the old cygwin/gcc. I noted references in my
 search for the solution about gcc-2 or cygwin not accepting the name
 com1, com2 etc.  I' love some direction here.

This is not a gcc problem at all.  Cygwin will let you open COM1, COM2,
etc., but it will treat them as regular files.

If you are trying to use POSIX functionality (termios, etc.) with that
file descriptor, please use the corresponding POSIX device name listed
here instead:

to open the port.  Doing so should eliminate your problem.


Brian Ford
Senior Realtime Software Engineer
VITAL - Visual Simulation Systems
FlightSafety International
the best safety device in any aircraft is a well-trained pilot...

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FW: comport problem

2004-08-23 Thread Terry Dabbs

  -Original Message-
 From: Terry Dabbs  
 Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 6:58 PM
 To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] com (E-mail)
 Subject:  comport problem
 I've used a version of cygwin from June of 2003. I've loaded a new version, and 
 apparently gcc is now gcc-2.
 The problem is that I can't open the comport with the program that previous worked 
 well under the old cygwin/gcc. I noted references in my search for the solution 
 about gcc-2 or cygwin not accepting the name com1, com2 etc. 
 I' love some direction here. 
 Terry Dabbs

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Re: ncurses and terminal definitions

2003-08-01 Thread Terry Dabbs
Thanks for the clarification. These are pretty standard MS workstations regardless of
the task we are using them for (wish it was linux...), so I can't help but use the
default drive. So, although it may be something to be aware of, it does appear it is
hard to screw it up.

Terry Dabbs

Larry Hall wrote:

 Terry Dabbs wrote:

  Thanks for the help. Since your advice kept me from having to install cygwin
  on the machines I'm going to run this on, the mounting, I suppose defaults to
  what it was on my compiling machine, which is the C drive for cygwin in my case.

 Actually, no.  I guess I wasn't clear.  Whether the file is found or not
 depends on the current drive.  If the user's current drive is C: and you've
 installed the file on the C drive, then the path will work.  Otherwise,
 it will complain that the file isn't found.  If you want to avoid this,
 you need to create the mount point I suggested or otherwise wrap your
 application to make sure that C: is always the current drive when it

 Larry Hall
 RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
 838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
 Holliston, MA 01746

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ncurses and terminal definitions

2003-07-31 Thread Terry Dabbs

I've been using gcc to compile some simple applications for NT win98 and
win95 for automating machinery. I have a problem on one screen where you
can't read the screen (windows98) clearly, so I loaded
ncurses, redid the application so it the text is very bright and
colorful even on the poor screen. Very nice.
The problem is, I was up to now only needing to place the cygwin1.dll on
each machine I put a program on, and that's all, with the exception of
the executable and miscellaneous setup files. I thought I would only
have to place the cygncurses7.dll on the machines as well.
I moved the executable and placed cygncurses7.dll on a machine, tried
it, and got Error opening terminal: cygwin. I read references to this
in the mailing lists, which say do an install on each machine with
multiple packages using setup.
For a number of reasons I wish to avoid this, the least of which is they
are not on the net.
What is the least amount of files I need, and where should I put them
for ncurses to identify the terminal on the machines I need to put my
executable? Can you help?


Terry Dabbs

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Re: ncurses and terminal definitions

2003-07-31 Thread Terry Dabbs

I just copied the path so the file is c:\usr\share\terminfo\c\cygwin directly
from the machine I compile with. This does work, and cygwin, yet again, has
made my little project happier. I do note that the laptop running win98 I
tried this on took a good 20 seconds to give up the terminal to the program.
Is this just because the lap top is slow (it is...) or is win98 simply that
poor compared to NT in performance. The delay on NT, if any, is not


Terry Dabbs

Larry Hall wrote:

 Terry Dabbs wrote:

  I've been using gcc to compile some simple applications for NT win98 and
  win95 for automating machinery. I have a problem on one screen where you
  can't read the screen (windows98) clearly, so I loaded
  ncurses, redid the application so it the text is very bright and
  colorful even on the poor screen. Very nice.
  The problem is, I was up to now only needing to place the cygwin1.dll on
  each machine I put a program on, and that's all, with the exception of
  the executable and miscellaneous setup files. I thought I would only
  have to place the cygncurses7.dll on the machines as well.
  I moved the executable and placed cygncurses7.dll on a machine, tried
  it, and got Error opening terminal: cygwin. I read references to this
  in the mailing lists, which say do an install on each machine with
  multiple packages using setup.
  For a number of reasons I wish to avoid this, the least of which is they
  are not on the net.
  What is the least amount of files I need, and where should I put them
  for ncurses to identify the terminal on the machines I need to put my
  executable? Can you help?

 It's just looking for the 'cygwin' terminal database.  You can find that
 in /usr/share/terminfo/c/cygwin.

 Larry Hall
 RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
 838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
 Holliston, MA 01746

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Re: ncurses and terminal definitions

2003-07-31 Thread Terry Dabbs
Thanks for the help. Since your advice kept me from having to install cygwin
on the machines I'm going to run this on, the mounting, I suppose defaults to
what it was on my compiling machine, which is the C drive for cygwin in my case.


Larry Hall wrote:

 Christopher Faylor wrote:

  On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 04:47:13PM -0400, Larry Hall wrote:
 Hi Terry,
 Don't know exactly what accounts for the performance drain you see with
 98.  Like you say, could be just a slow machine.  You'd have to debug it
 to know for sure.
 One point.  /usr/share/terminfo/c/cygwin == c:\usr\share\terminfo\c\cygwin
 only if the Cygwin root mount point (/) == c:\.  As you can see, you get
 this for free if your current drive is c: but that's not guaranteed.  You
 may want to add one step and one binary to your installation procedure.
 That is, after plopping the files down where you want them, invoke the
  mount -s c:/ /
 This will require privileges to write to the system hive of the registry.
 If you don't have this right or can't get it, you can omit the '-s' flag,
 but the mount will only be available for the current user.  You will need
 to repeat the command (minus the '-s') for all the users that need your
 application on that machine.  You don't need to leave 'mount' on the
 machine after installation.
  Larry - mount defaults to -s these days.  If you want user-mode mounts,
  you need to use -u.

 Heh.  Right.  Sorry about that.

   I will always consult the documentation before posting.
   I will always consult the documentation before posting.
   I will always consult the documentation before posting.

 (Good advice for new users too. ;-) )

 Larry Hall
 RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
 838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
 Holliston, MA 01746

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gcc using termios.h and -mno-cygwin

2003-07-02 Thread Terry Dabbs

I am new and may really get flamed on this

I need to do serial port IO on Windows98 and NT using com1 and com2. I
have seen some nice examples which compile and execute without using
-mno-cygwin in the archives. When I use the -mno-cygwin option I get
the error termios.h not found. this is true using #include
sys/termios.h and #include termios.h.
(1) Should this work with termios.h and -mno-cygwin together?
(2) If not, does anyone have some sample code showing a good method to
read/write com1 without termios.h functions?


Terry Dabbs

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