Bad Address error from random executables causing freezes after upgrading to Win7

2011-02-13 Thread Wayne Hayes

I recently upgraded to Windows 7.  Before that I was running XP with Cygwin 5.1.
(I can't give you the exact version because it's now gone).  I have scripts
running in the background constantly doing things like downloading news, 
my current dynamic IP to another machine, running a nigthly unison, etc.  
after upgrading to Windows 7, I started seeing very infrequent errors like the 

[... a few minutes of execution without errors ...]
/home/wayne/bin/quote: line 8: /usr/bin/date: Bad address
[... a few more minutes of execution without errors ... ]
/home/wayne/bin/quote: line 74: /usr/bin/tr: Bad address
[... a few more minutes of execution without errors ... ]
bash: /home/wayne/bin/quote: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Bad address
/home/wayne/bin/quote: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
/home/wayne/bin/quote: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
/home/wayne/bin/quote: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
/home/wayne/bin/quote: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable

Note that the error is coming from random executables called from my scripts.
Now, the fork: Resource temporarily unavaible errors I've seen before, ongoing
for years, and they're annoying but not critical because execution would always
continue.  I would also consider these Bad address errors not to be crucial 
occasionally they cause my script to just freeze up and stop dead.  Not good 
I need these scripts to be running continuously.

The first thing I did was upgrade from Cygwin 5.1 to 6.1, the most recent stable
release.  It didn't solve the problem.  Then I tried re-compiling all my own 
executables.  No luck.  Then I found a description of a similar problem back in
August on this list,

where Corinna Vinschen suggested getting the most recent developer version.  I
assumed this means cygwin1.dll.  So I went and got the most recent developer
version, which is 13 February 2011, and I downloaded and un-tar'd

Then I rebooted.  No luck.  The problem persists.

This is what uname -a now says:

CYGWIN_NT-6.1 pisa 1.7.8s(0.236/5/3) 20110213 16:43:51 i686 Cygwin

Has anybody else encountered this problem?  Any clue as to what's causing it?

Wayne Hayes, Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department.
4092 Bren Hall, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-3435.
e-mail:; Office Phone: +1-949-824-1753
Base 10 sucks.  If God had been a decent mathematician,
he would've given us 12 fingers instead of 10. - unknown

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Re: [ Cygwin-1.5.5 sscanf on floats: 20 times slower than 2 years ago]

2003-11-17 Thread Wayne Hayes
Since scanf and the floating point arithmetic is implemented in newlib,
I've redirected this message there.  Does anybody have an idea, what
could slow down float scanning in sscanf by a factor of 20?

Thanks!  Just to be pedentic, I realized that it's worse than a factor of 20.
My *entire simulation* slows down by a factor of 20; there's significant
other computation in it.  So the scanf slowdown is probably closer to
hundreds of times.  *Something* fishy must be going on.  :-)

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Cygwin-1.5.5 sscanf on floats: 20 times slower than 2 years ago

2003-11-16 Thread Wayne Hayes
Hello.  Until recently I was running W2k with an ancient version of
cygwin; I don't know what version it was, but if anybody cares I've
put a copy of cygwin1.dll (dated 2001-May-20) at

It worked fine on W2k for the past 2.5 years.

I recently upgraded to Windows XP and this old cygwin stopped working.
No problem, I say, it's also time to upgrade cygwin, so I go install the
most recent version.

Everything works fine, except one of my I/O intensive simulations starts
running about 20 times slower!

After copious mucking about, I finally narrowed it down to sscanf: sscanf
on double precisions numbers, such as

double a;
char line [80];
sscanf(line, %lf, a);

runs about 20 times slower than in the old cygwin.  Replacing the sscanf
with a call to atof gets back the old speed.  It's only noticable, of
course, if you're scanning a huge file.  In my case, it's a 60MB file
that contains tens of thousands of lines of ASCII floating point numbers.

So, consider this a bug report.  A slowdown of a factor of 20 is not really
a good thing.

The output of cygcheck -s -v -r  cygcheck.out can be found at


- Wayne

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