Fw: failure notice

2018-08-26 Thread surendar jeyadev via cygwin


Many thanks, TW, for your hint. I have "solved" the problem, but I do not
understand why it works! I took time to test it for a few days to make
sure that things were ok. Hence the slow response. If I had only also

included my prompt in the original email, I think that you would have
caught the error at once. My oversight.

Thomas Wolff wrote:>>

Please test the following:

* Set you prompt to some basic string, e.g. PS1=%. Does that change 

anything?* Mintty 2.7.5 changed the default wraparound behaviour to become
compatible with the xterm default. With setting -o OldWrapModes=true,
does that change anything?* Can you cross-test this in xterm?

* Does it happen in a freshly-started mintty? If it only happens later,
which programs did you run in the meantime?* Make a screen log demonstrating
a minimal test case, please.


Trying the minimal prompt that you suggested, I did not have any terminal
problems.And then building up the prompt, but eschewing colour, I still did
not have probelms.That convinced me that, just as the webpage I quoted in
my original email suggested, the problem lay in the (incorrect!) escape
sequences to turn the prompts green.

My prompt, that I just copied off the internet was

  PS1="\e[1;32m\]\h \! $ \[\e[0m\] "

This is the cause of the problems. After a lot of hunting, I found another:

  PS1="\[\e[1;32m\]\h \! $ \[\e[0m\] "

And this works just fine!

The real issues is that I still have no real clue on how these escape
sequences work!! I read several pages that talk about how to get various
esoteric prmpts but none parses out the individual functional pieces. For
me, it is a case of "monkey see, monkey do".

Thanks again, TW.

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Fw: When scrolling through history in cygwin terminal window line gets garbled

2018-08-17 Thread surendar jeyadev via cygwin

I am having a similar issue to that pictorially shown here:


This is new to me as I have been using Cygwin on a Windows 7

machine for several years without encountering this problem. 

(Of course, that Cygwin build was from 5 or 6 years back.)
I just moved to a Windows 10 machine and installed Cygwin from 
scratch a couple of days back and ran into the issue.

Using the UP arrow to go up the history list, I have no problem till I
hit a long command (in the case shown below the problematic 
command was about 50 characters long). When going one step
further up the history list, the leading characters of the long
command stay on the command line. I cannot backspace/delete

I am using mintty from the standard distribution. 

Specific example. I issue a 'history' command to show the 

history and then use the UP arrow key to scroll upwards. After 6
Ups, I reach command no. 33 as shown below.

sita 41 $  history
2  vi .bash_profile
3  quit
4  eixt
5  exit
6  histoyr
7  history
8  vi .bash_profile
9  vi .bash_profile
   10  exit
   11  history
   12  cd /usr/share
   13  ls
   14  cd
   15  history
   16  exit
   17  history
   18  history
   19  exit
   20  sdafasfas
   21  history
   22  cp /usr/share/vim/vim*/vimrc_example.vim ~/.vimrc
   23  history
   24  cp /usr/share/vim/vim*/vimrc_example.vim ~/.vimrc
   25  history
   26  ls
   27  cd
   28  vi .bash_profile
   29  exit
   30  history
   31  exit
   32  cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out
   33  history
   34  history
   35  ls
   36  cd
   37  pwd
   38  ls
   39  history
   40  exit
   41  history
sita 42 $  history

Now I move up one more step an get 

30  history
   31  exit
   32  cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out
   33  history
   34  history
   35  ls
   36  cd
   37  pwd
   38  ls
   39  history
   40  exit
   41  history
sita 42 $  cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out

which is just what is expected. One more and we get

   31  exit
   32  cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out
   33  history
   34  history
   35  ls
   36  cd
   37  pwd
   38  ls
   39  history
   40  exit
   41  history
sita 42 $  cygcheckexit

Command 31 (exit) now has the extra characters
pre-pending the entry on the history list.

Hitting a return here executes the 'exit', though.
This seems to work for other commands. It appears
as though the characters have no effect. But,
they do cause a bit of confusion!

Also I noticed that if I input a really long string for a command, the 
that should be in a new line over write the leading characters of the command --
that is, there is no line feed when the text wraps around.

Would greatly appreciate any help in fixing this.

The 'cygcheck' output is attached.

If you need any further information about the 
mintty set up, please let me know.


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Re: Cygwin window closes by itself -- And, a strange workaround

2010-06-04 Thread surendar jeyadev

--- On Fri, 6/4/10, Larry Hall (Cygwin) reply-to-list-only...@cygwin.com 

 1.5.25 is no longer supported.  The current version is

I have downloaded the setup and will install this weekend.



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cygwin 1.5.25 slowing down Switch User and waking from Standby Mode

2008-09-07 Thread surendar jeyadev

I recently upgraded to 1.5.25 and I now find that whenever we put
the machine on Standy mode, or try to switch users, the machine
hesitates for a very long time (up to 90 sec), while the previous
1.4.x did not.

We are running Windows XP SP3.

I read that 1.5.25 slows logoff in some special architectures. But
our machine is a quite primitive Dell Pentium.

Any help would be appreciated.



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Cdrtools in Cygwin

2008-08-27 Thread surendar jeyadev

I have been using Cdrtools under Cygwin for burning CDs for a couple
of years now. The 'cdrecord' came from the precompiled Win32 binaries
at http://smithii.com/cdrtools. (The URL may be defunct now, but a 
Google search brings up a cached version of the page!)

The 'cdrecord' version I have is 2.01.01a01, which does not support
DVDs and so I got the 'latest' (2.01.01a47) from


but on trying to use 'cdrecord' I get the message

 The procedure entry point_isinfd could not located in the
 dynamic link library cygwin1.dll

As I am no Cygwin expert, could someone please throw some light
on this. Perhaps, my version of cygwin1.dll is out of date (it
is about a couple of years old)? Or, is there something more
involved here? How does find the version of the DLL?



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File permissions and ownership changes between Unix and Cygwin

2005-12-17 Thread surendar jeyadev

I have been successful in using 'mkisofs' and
(from Joerg Schilling)to burn CDs using Cygwin. One
that is strange is the change in file permissions and

I used 'chown' to (recursively) change the entire
to be burned onto the CD so that the owner was
I verified that this change was right. The group
was 'None' and I left that alone. But, when I run
to create a raw image of the CD, I find (using
to mount the raw image) that the file ownership has
switched back to my Windows XP account name. The
CD is, of course, the same. Also the permissions on
CD are set to 'rwxrwxrwx' even though this was not the
case in the files on the hard disk.

I understand that this is something to do with
but I was wondering if there is a Cygwin trick that I
am missing. I would like burn disks so that they have
the right permissions and ownerships when used on a 
Unix/Linux machine. In particualar, I want 'r--r--r--'
for the permissions and 'root' for owner and group.

Any hints would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: File permissions and ownership changes between Unix and Cygwin

2005-12-17 Thread surendar jeyadev

--- Brian Dessent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 surendar jeyadev wrote:

 As far as I understand it, the basic ISO9660 format
 does not have any
 fields to store file attributes such as owner or
 permissions.  So on
 mounting such a disc, Windows and/or Cygwin will
 have to synthesize
 these fields, which is probably why they are not set
 as you want.

Ah! Never thought about the basic format .

 To enable storing of these attributes you need to
 use the Rock Ridge
 extension.  When creating your image you will have
 to make sure that you
 enable these extensions (-R, -r, etc.)  Although

I always, even on an Unix box, use the -R -J options
when running mkisofs. The problem I mentioned occured
with these options. But (as you say below) I need to
explore the -r option, which I have not used so far.

 from the man page it
 looks like the author may be somewhat biased against

Ah!! That is putting it mildly. Very mildly. (But then
again I am probably in that camp  though,
not so extreme).

 When used on Win32, the
 execute bit is set on
   all files. This is a result of the
 lack of file  permis-
   sions  on  Win32  and  the Cygwin
 POSIX emulation layer.
   See  also   -uid   -gid,   -dir-mode, 
  -file-mode   and

I think that my answers will lie in these other
I have not bothered with them so far.

 I'm not sure what This is a result of the lack of
 file permissions on 
 Win32 and the Cygwin POSIX emulation layer but it
 seems like some
 pretty thick ignorance, since that's the entire
 point of Cygwin.

I will leave you to spar with Joerg! I have my scars!!

 You should post your question on the cdrtools list
 or forum, since this
 is not a cygwin package.

I will try to find one  Don't think that one

Thanks for the quick response.


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cdrecord and loopback devices

2005-12-01 Thread surendar jeyadev
Sorry, Rene! Didn't send it to the group by mistake.

--- René Berber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No, no package, but there is one available for
 Cygwin:  Look for
 cdrecord-prodvd-2.01a11-i586-pc-cygwin.exe or a more
 recent version (this was
 from 2003).

Thanks. I got Ross Smith's version  from the link on

mkisofs seems to work fine but I have not burnt a CD
as yet. On Solaris
I am used to testing the raw image prior to burning
buy using the 'lofiadm'
related commands to associate a device with the raw
image file and then
mounting it. Going through the Cygwin archives I
gather that there are no
loopback facilities within Cygwin, though I picked up
a hint to used something
called 'filedisk'. I have not completed its
installation -- have to backup the
registry first!! -- but, is there any *other* way to
check the integrity of 
the ISO raw image file?


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Re: Norton Internet Security and Cygwin: What settings for NIS? *** SOLUTION *** ???

2005-11-29 Thread surendar jeyadev
First of all, many thanks to all you who have pitched
in to help me out.

I followed Rene's advice and added 'hostname.exe' to
the NIS
'allowed' list. I found that things moved along, but
stuck at 'uname'(should have expected that to
So I added 'uname.exe' to NIS's list. And, lo and
everything seemed right.

Then I tried 'vi' and it hung. By some stroke of luck
discovered that I had to logoff NIS. In my set up,
Dell, users are logged into NIS at Startup (do not
why). It is not just the firewall coming up, but the
is logged into the Norton account. If I just logoff
account and leave the firewall on, things seem to

I will try some more things when I have time.

One last question (and we may change the thread). All
is because I want to use 'cdrecord' from Joerg
on my PC. Is there a package available? I am brand new
to Cygwin and am not sure how one mine's the stuff --
apologise for these simplistic questions.

Thanks again to all of you.


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Re: Norton Internet Security and Cygwin: What settings for NIS?

2005-11-27 Thread surendar jeyadev

--- Brett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am having a similar problem and so far have no
 But my circumstances are slightly different and
 suggest, if the underlying problem is the same, that
 problem resides in another direction.
 I am running Windows 2000 Professional and Norton
 2003 Professional.  I am connected to the internet
 and was
 running a Cygwin upgrade directly from the Cygwin
 site last
 night.  The install keeps freezing and the log
 indicates a
 problem with McShield.  Specifically, Could not
 service McShield for query, start and stop. McAfee
 may not
 be installed, or we don't have access..  I do not
 McAfee has every been on this box.  I tried

Apparently, this is not a problem. Larry Hall replied
one of my earlier problems -- not being able to
Cygwin at all, which seems to be your case -- saying
was normal. I quote him below:

   These messages are no problem.  Setup checks for
   because it is known to cause setup problems.  As
   message notes, McAfee may not be installed,...,
   is true in your case.

 dissabling both
 Auto-Protect and Script Blocking in Norton
 without luck.
 If our problems are the same, this is not a network
 I should note that I did a complete from-scratch
 install of
 Cygwin on my brother's Windows XP box last night
 without any
 problem.  I am not certain of his anti-virus
 protection and
 he is back on the road headed home this morning so I
 Hope this is helpful and that someone has an idea.

I have to try one more thing -- turn of Norton and
unplug the cable. But there is something very fishy
going one. When I tried to launch Cygwin a few minutes
ago, Norton popped up a message saying 
'hostname.exe is trying to contact DNS server'. 

Would anyone have an idea why a DNS sever is being 
contacted? It *appears* that my set up is behaving
not only as a network set up, but the the 
modem/Norton combination is coming into play. I do
not know what the modem is -- it was installed by
Roadrunner and has no name on it!

As my machine is very much an out of the box,
plain XP from Dell, I would guess that this should
not be an unusual case. But, maybe it is not  :-)


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Re: Installation Fails (Hangs?) on plain vanilla XP Machine

2005-11-26 Thread surendar jeyadev

--- Larry Hall (Cygwin)

 surendar jeyadev wrote:
 As things are not even getting to step 1, could
 something more fundamental at work -- such as

That's what I suspect, yes.  You mentioned that you're
'Direct Connection to the Internet' for 'setup.exe'. 
Is that
the same method your browser uses to connect to the

Yes, in the sense that I use Roadrunner and the
setting there
is Direct Connection to the Internet. So, if I were
try the HTTP or FTP methods, what should I use for the

proxy? One of the entries in the mirrors list? I tried

the one in Virginia for mirrors.rcn.net and the one
Tennessee mirrors.xmission.com, but did not get


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Norton Internet Security and Cygwin: What settings for NIS?

2005-11-26 Thread surendar jeyadev

I am changing the Suject line as this could be a new
thread. The 'old problem', I think, has been solved.

--- Larry Hall (Cygwin)

 To me, this really sounds like a firewall problem
 but you
 might need to actually debug 'setup.exe' to verify

Well, in some way it is. As I mentioned earlier, I use
Norton Internet Security. And, as I also mentioned
I tried the installation after logging off from
Apparently, that is not enough. So, I stopped NIS
and, lo and behold, the installation went through -- I
think :-)

I now have a icon on the desktop saying Cygwin, but,
again, nothing works unless I kill NIS. With it on,
shell hangs. If I open it with NIS off, it appears to
I can do a 'ls -a' and see the files I expect:
.bashrc and .inputrc.

Commands like 'man', 'wc', etc. work. But, I need to
completely exposed. Even if I turn on NIS after the
initialises, it freezes and does not unfreeze.

So, my questions:

1. What are the recommended settings for Norton?
2. Why is a connection to the Internet needed at all? 
   Should I not be able to work as a stand alone
   It appears that Cygwin is attempting to contact a
3. Are there shell/environmental variables that I have
   set to make it work as a stand alone installation?

Lastly, I apologise for the abbreviation 'NIS'. I know
it means something else, but it was just convenient
this thread!

Special note of thanks to Larry for all the advice.


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Installation Fails (Hangs?) on plain vanilla XP Machine

2005-11-25 Thread surendar jeyadev

I am trying to install Cygwin on a standard Windows XP
set up.
When I run 'setup.exe', it hangs at the point where is
to download the 'mirrors.lst' file. The is no activity
in the
progress bar and I noted no disk or net activity for
30 min.
Retried 3 times to no avail. The log file is included


2005/11/24 18:53:06 Starting cygwin install, version
2005/11/24 18:53:06 io_stream_cygfile: fopen failed 2
No such file or directory
2005/11/24 18:53:06 io_stream_cygfile: fopen failed 2
No such file or directory
2005/11/24 18:53:06 io_stream_cygfile: fopen failed 2
No such file or directory
2005/11/24 18:53:06 io_stream_cygfile: fopen failed 2
No such file or directory
2005/11/24 18:53:06 Current Directory: C:\Documents
and Settings\surendar\Desktop\Software
2005/11/24 18:53:06 Changing gid to Users
2005/11/24 18:53:06 Could not open service McShield
for query, start and stop. McAfee may not be
installed, or we don't have access.
2005/11/24 18:53:08 io_stream_cygfile: fopen failed 2
No such file or directory
2005/11/24 18:53:08 source: network install
2005/11/24 18:53:09 root: C:\cygwin binary system
2005/11/24 18:53:14 io_stream_cygfile: fopen failed 2
No such file or directory
2005/11/24 18:53:14 Selected local directory:
C:\Documents and
2005/11/24 18:53:16 net: Direct
2005/11/24 18:53:28 io_stream_cygfile: fopen failed 2
No such file or directory
2005/11/24 18:53:28 io_stream_cygfile: fopen failed 2
No such file or directory
2005/11/24 18:53:28 io_stream_cygfile: fopen failed 2
No such file or directory
2005/11/24 18:53:28 io_stream_cygfile: fopen failed 2
No such file or directory
2005/11/24 18:53:28 Ending cygwin install


A couple of questions. What are McShield and McAfee
doing here?
I run Norton Internet Security. Could that be the
problem? But,
turning off the firewall did nothing to help.

Any help can be appreciated.



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Re: Installation Fails (Hangs?) on plain vanilla XP Machine

2005-11-25 Thread surendar jeyadev

--- Larry Hall (Cygwin)

 surendar jeyadev wrote:
  I am trying to install Cygwin on a standard
 Windows XP
  set up.
  When I run 'setup.exe', it hangs at the point
 where is
  to download the 'mirrors.lst' file. The is no
  in the
  progress bar and I noted no disk or net activity
  30 min.
  Retried 3 times to no avail. The log file is
 Can you reach http://cygwin.com/mirrors.lst from
 browser?  Are you using an FTP mirror?  If so, try
 HTTP mirror instead.  Or try:


Yes, I could reach http://cygwin.com/mirrors.lst
any problems.
I was using 'Direct Connection to the Internet'.
I fetched 'setup-2.513-alpha.exe' and it failed the
same way.
The log file is identical.

As things are not even getting to step 1, could there
something more fundamental at work -- such as


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