Graphicks Magic on Vista?

2008-01-11 Thread Lee D. Rothstein

Has anyone gotten gm[.exe] to work on Vista?

I keep getting pop-up Windows boxes saying gm has stopped working ...

with of course Vistas favorite non-functioning toggle switch line about 
trying to find a solution, blah, blah, blah, blah.



P.S. Cygwin folk say Vista is not supported. That's only because they're 
spoiled sports. They expect things to work.  ;-)

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Re: Graphicks Magic on Vista?

2008-01-11 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 01/12/2008, Lee D. Rothstein wrote:
P.S. Cygwin folk say Vista is not supported. That's only because they're 
spoiled sports. They expect things to work.  ;-) 

We do expect things to work but the Cygwin project does (begrudgingly? ;-) )
support Vista.  I know.  cygcheck output says otherwise but it is a bit
behind the times. ;-)

Sorry, can't provide any other feedback about your message ATM. :-(

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.  (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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Re: Graphicks Magic on Vista?

2008-01-30 Thread Lee D. Rothstein

Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

On 01/12/2008, Lee D. Rothstein wrote:

gm.exe on vista doesn't work

Sorry, can't provide any other feedback about your message ATM. :-(

Larry are you working the problem of
gm not even being able to generate help much less image
transformation on Cygwin on Vista. I am willing to help, to the
extent that my meager GNU development skills will allow. Test, maybe?

I was writing a brief tutorial on using 'gm' to do batch
processing of oodles of images, when my system died and the new
Vista system renders (if you'll excuse the expression) 'gm' a goner.


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Re: Graphicks Magic on Vista?

2008-01-30 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

Lee D. Rothstein wrote:

Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

On 01/12/2008, Lee D. Rothstein wrote:

gm.exe on vista doesn't work

Sorry, can't provide any other feedback about your message ATM. :-(

Larry are you working the problem of
gm not even being able to generate help much less image
transformation on Cygwin on Vista. I am willing to help, to the
extent that my meager GNU development skills will allow. Test, maybe?

I was writing a brief tutorial on using 'gm' to do batch
processing of oodles of images, when my system died and the new
Vista system renders (if you'll excuse the expression) 'gm' a goner.


I had left the message in my inbox as a reminder that I should boot up into
Vista at some point and play with Cygwin.  But I haven't been there yet (and
probably won't be for at least a couple of weeks).  The system I have with
Vista is primarily an XP machine for work and booting down and around to
Vista just isn't an non-intrusive enough task that I can do it quickly and
easily.  Beyond that, I don't know diddly about 'gm' so about the only thing
I'm likely to have a chance to do when I get there is run it and see if
things work better or worse for me relative to XP.  One can always hope that
I have some inspiration if and when I see a problem but at this point, I
wouldn't recommend holding your breath waiting for me to come up with a
patched version, unless you're looking to set a new world record for breath-
holding. ;-)

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.  (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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