Re: Old favourite: Terminate batch job (Y/N)?

2006-10-30 Thread Brian Dessent
Fergus Daly wrote:

> A second solution offered in the archives is
> .. {as before}
> set CYGWIN=tty
> bash
> .. {as before}
> and this certainly seems to work, in that (a) the invitation to
> "Terminate .." no longer appears; and (b) the preceding {sequence of
> mount instructions} survives in the bash process.
> But several persons offering this solution also provide gloomy but not
> very specific warnings that it is or can be dangerous, causing other
> behaviours to be altered. Again, can anybody comment on this as a
> solution? (It is now months and in some cases years since the original
> postings.)

Well, all this does is tell Cygwin to always allocate a pty, even if
it's possible to use a standard windows console instead.  It is the same
affect as using rxvt or xterm, or running the command over ssh. 
Personally, I always use rxvt and never use the Windows console, so in
effect this is the equivalent of running with 'tty' set, and the world
has not ended.  Many people use CYGWIN=tty as there are some programs
that will only function respectably when connected to a pty; it gives
you a more unix-like environment.

The only thing to watch out for is that because ptys are a Cygwin
fiction, native windows programs can sometimes be confused by them. 
Normally this just means their stdout is buffered and you don't see
anything until the buffer fills.  But if it is expecting interactive
input it can also fail in more strange ways.  I prefer using Cygwin
tools to native ones anyway, so for me this is not a big deal.  You can
search the archives for keywords "pty rxvt console native" etc. and you
should see many, many threads discussing this.

In your specific case, it seems silly to enable this option just to
bypass the batch file prompting (and I'm not even sure why that works)
as it seems like it's an accidental side effect.  I would go with "start
/wait", assuming that the second console window is acceptable.


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Re: Old favourite: Terminate batch job (Y/N)?

2006-10-30 Thread Fergus Daly
>> .. but if your {commandlist 2} contains unmount commands
>> then it would certainly appear in the bash session
>> as though the mount commands had never happened, since
>> they will have been unmounted by the time you get to do
>> anything in bash.

Exactly right. I thought there was somebody standing behind me all this
time. Creepy.

>> If you change it to "start /wait bash" then you should get the
>> behavior of waiting for the bash process to terminate before
>> in the batch file.

Thank you very much. I'll use this next.

A second solution offered in the archives is

.. {as before}
set CYGWIN=tty
.. {as before}

and this certainly seems to work, in that (a) the invitation to
"Terminate .." no longer appears; and (b) the preceding {sequence of
mount instructions} survives in the bash process.

But several persons offering this solution also provide gloomy but not
very specific warnings that it is or can be dangerous, causing other
behaviours to be altered. Again, can anybody comment on this as a
solution? (It is now months and in some cases years since the original

Thank you.


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Re: Old favourite: Terminate batch job (Y/N)?

2006-10-30 Thread Brian Dessent
fergus wrote:

> If during the bash session I issue ctrl-C to interrupt something, then on
> exiting bash the ctrl-C instruction seems to have been queued for use and I
> am invited to "Terminate batch job (Y/N)?" before commencing the sequence at
> {commandlist 2}.

It's not that ^C got queued up, it's that cmd.exe prompts you thusly any
time a process launched in a batch file returns with a non-zero exit
code.  Further, bash's exit status is the same as the last executed
command, thus if you run a command that exited with non-zero status
(such as one that was killed) and then hit ^D or type exit to close
bash, then cmd.exe will see that non-zero error from the command and
prompt you.

> However, I find that if I do this, then on starting bash, all the
> instructions issued in the preceding {sequence of "mount" intructions} are
> ignored in the new bash process. (But they were carried out correctly, as
> was confirmed; and the consequences of the instructions issued in
> {commandlist 1} are remembered. So it's not that all the contents of the
> .cmd file preceding the start bash command are, for whatever reason,
> ignored. Just some of them!)

Cygwin's 'mount' command and the mount table itself are stored in the
registry, so the actions of one process should be seen in another.  I
think what you are actually seeing is the fact that when you use 'start'
it asynchronously starts the new process and does not wait for it to
terminate before continuing in the batch file, so that your {commandlist
2} gets executed immediately, not when bash exits.  This is a WAG but if
your {commandlist 2} contains unmount commands then it would certainly
appear in the bash session as though the mount commands had never
happened, since they will have been unmounted by the time you get to do
anything in bash.

If you change it to "start /wait bash" then you should get the desired
behavior of waiting for the bash process to terminate before continuing
in the batch file.


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Old favourite: Terminate batch job (Y/N)?

2006-10-30 Thread fergus
For compelling reasons I start bash through a .cmd file with contents

{commandlist 1}
{sequence of "mount" instuctions}
:: next line is to confirm that these instructions have been
{commandlist 2}

If during the bash session I issue ctrl-C to interrupt something, then on
exiting bash the ctrl-C instruction seems to have been queued for use and I
am invited to "Terminate batch job (Y/N)?" before commencing the sequence at
{commandlist 2}.

This is an old problem and there are various solutions offered in the
archives to prevent the presentation of this annoying invitation, of which
the most useful seems to be to preface the bash command with "start": ie.
amend one line in the .cmd file so that it reads

{commandlist 1}
{sequence of "mount" instructions}
:: next line is to confirm that these instructions have been
start bash
{commandlist 2}

However, I find that if I do this, then on starting bash, all the
instructions issued in the preceding {sequence of "mount" intructions} are
ignored in the new bash process. (But they were carried out correctly, as
was confirmed; and the consequences of the instructions issued in
{commandlist 1} are remembered. So it's not that all the contents of the
.cmd file preceding the start bash command are, for whatever reason,
ignored. Just some of them!)

Can anybody explain what's going on here? And can anybody offer a mechanism
for suppressing the "Terminate batch job? (Y/N)" invitation that is less
prone to breaking something else?

Thank you.


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