Re: Question about ash and getopts

2003-12-29 Thread Larry Hall
At 02:20 PM 12/29/2003, Peter Seebach you wrote:
>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Larry Hall writes:
>>If you're curious, I suggest you run some timings on ash with and without 
>>getopts enabled using a few configure scripts from some of Cygwin's 
>>packages, large and small.  It was the slowness of configure scripts 
>>that prompted the streamlining of Cygwin's ash.  If you can provide 
>>data that suggests that there isn't a performance penalty for these
>>scripts with getopts on, then a patch to turn it back on may be considered.
>Did anyone perform an actual test showing that the getopts code was making
>a difference, or was it just a general desire to trim everything in sight?

I don't know.  It was a long time ago that this change was made.  I don't
recall the details (even if they were posted at the time).  In any case, 
since ash has been /bin/sh for many, many years now and things have clearly
changed all over Cygwin in this time, the tests run then may have different
results than those run now.  That's why I suggested you run your own tests
and report back the results if you're interested in more details.  Beyond 
that, I can only point to the (very old) email archives and say "whatever
details exist are in there somewhere".  But if it wasn't clear to you what
the reason was for making the change (although it sounds like you were), 
it should be clear now. ;-)

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Question about ash and getopts

2003-12-29 Thread Larry Hall
At 02:54 PM 12/29/2003, Peter Seebach you wrote:
>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Igor Pechtcha
>nski writes:
>>I'm sure this discussion is in the archives somewhere.
>A first run of casual searching hasn't turned it up.
>However, since I happen to have an unmunged ash source around, I removed
>getopts from it.
># Without getopts
>$ ls -l obj/sh
>-rwxr-xr-x  1 seebs  wheel  116024 Dec 29 12:50 obj/sh
># with getopts
>$ ls -l obj/sh
>-rwxr-xr-x  1 seebs  wheel  116440 Dec 29 12:51 obj/sh
>416 bytes?
>Is this some kind of practical joke?  The one thing I saw in the archive
>said that removing getopts saved 13k of space.
>To remove getopts, I removed:
>* getoptscmd
>* The reference to getoptscmd in builtin.def
>* getopts
>* getoptsreset
>The entirety of options.c only has about 3k of code in it at all.
>416 *bytes*?
>Admittedly, I did this compile on NetBSD, but the code in question is 100%
>portable, and the same everywhere.  It sounds to me like someone trimmed a
>lot of things, without any attention at all to how large the individual things
>I don't think anyone can convince me that a 416-byte difference in code, or
>even twice that, is big enough to justify thumbing one's nose at POSIX.

OK, sounds to me like you've convinced yourself that ash should contain 
getopts.  Does that mean that you no longer have a need to keep this thread 
going?  I'm not sure I see the discussion providing any useful benefit beyond
you becoming more comfortable with your original position.  If I'm wrong,
please show us where you're headed.  If not and your main goal was to just 
point out that ash doesn't have getopts, then let's end the thread.  There's 
little point to covering the same ground on this topic again. 

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Question about ash and getopts

2003-12-29 Thread Larry Hall
At 03:19 PM 12/29/2003, Peter Seebach you wrote:
>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Larry Hall writes:
>>OK, sounds to me like you've convinced yourself that ash should contain 
>>getopts.  Does that mean that you no longer have a need to keep this thread 
>>going?  I'm not sure I see the discussion providing any useful benefit beyond
>>you becoming more comfortable with your original position.  If I'm wrong,
>>please show us where you're headed.  If not and your main goal was to just 
>>point out that ash doesn't have getopts, then let's end the thread.  There's 
>>little point to covering the same ground on this topic again. 
>The goal here is that I would like Cygwin to be the best environment it could
>be, since I use it, and I sometimes want to recommend such an environment to
>people, and I dislike having to say "it's very much like Unix, except that
>standard POSIX shell scripts that have worked on every Unix system anywhere
>since the late 80's won't run on it".
>In short, I think this mistake should be recognized as just that - a mistaken
>devotion to the Little Tin God - and corrected.  Then Cygwin will be one
>obvious step closer to POSIX compliance, and there will no longer be periodic
>repititions of the question "why doesn't my POSIX-compliant shell script
>work with this /bin/sh", followed quickly by the question "why did someone
>put special effort into breaking it".
>This has already made its way into a book as an example of false efficiency.

I see.  So how does this thread differ from previous ones on this subject?
As far as I can see, you simply want to state your case but not contribute 
anything in return.  We've had threads like that.  If you *really* want
to see a change here, you have to put some effort into it.  That means 
looking at the issue objectively, running some tests, and if those tests
bear out, sharing them with the list along with the patch to enable the 
features you want and that your tests validate.  Of course, you can skip 
all this and just voice your opinion and be done with it.  It's your right.
It won't resolve your issue though.  Well, at least not at this point.  But
if that's the direction you want to go then it makes sense to end this 
thread, since it's just covering the same ground as the previous threads on 
this subject.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Question about ash and getopts

2003-12-29 Thread Larry Hall
At 03:48 PM 12/29/2003, Peter Seebach you wrote:
>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Larry Hall writes:
>>I see.  So how does this thread differ from previous ones on this subject?
>Well, first off, I've done the obvious test, and verified that there is no
>"13k space saving".  There might be 1/2k.

Perhaps.  By your own admission, you used different source though so the 
results of the space savings are inconclusive, or more precisely, 
incompatible given the historical base.  But I can't and won't argue you 
did not make an effort to investigate the "space saving" claim.  However, you 
need to be methodical and complete to make your efforts worthwhile.  If
you can compare ash using the current sources with and without the features
you want and prove there is no performance hit, then I'd say you have 
something very worthwhile.  If not, at least we have some good data to
point to, which it seems is part of your concern now.  This would be a 
productive effort, no matter what the outcome, which is why I suggested it.
But that doesn't mean you have to follow through obviously.

>>As far as I can see, you simply want to state your case but not contribute 
>>anything in return.  We've had threads like that.  If you *really* want
>>to see a change here, you have to put some effort into it.  That means 
>>looking at the issue objectively, running some tests, and if those tests
>>bear out, sharing them with the list along with the patch to enable the 
>>features you want and that your tests validate.
>I can indeed run tests, but right now, no one has offered even a TINY SHRED
>of actual evidence that the current broken behavior ever saved any space or
>The one evidential claim made in the past was that getopts was 13k of
>executable size.  It isn't.
>The resistence here makes no sense.  The code is already written; it is in
>ash, as it has been forever.  There is no evidence showing that removing half
>a kilobyte of executable code makes any measurable difference at all.
>This suggests to me that no amount of testing matters; the decision here is
>an ego one, not an engineering one.  The decision Was Made; therefore it is
>the Cygwin Way to break /bin/sh in the name of saving space, even if the space
>savings are actually 1/26th of what was claimed.
>Can anyone honestly tell me that, if it turns out that enabling getopts
>imposes no significant performance penalty, that this will result in fixing
>the shell?  I see no reason to believe it, simply because there's never been
>any evidence that getopts was causing problems in the first place.

I can't make any promises.  I'm not the ash maintainer and I won't speak
for her.  I can say that I've found this list to be very open to sound
results and good patches.  But the mantra is, PTC (patches thoughtfully
considered), which means any patch submitted is not automatically 
accepted.  In your case, the bar is raised rather high.  Performance of
configure scripts was abysmal when /bin/sh == /bin/bash.  That prompted 
the change to /bin/sh as ash.  A trimmed version of ash was introduced 
to save more time.  The difference was noticeable.  But, like I said,
this was a long time ago (/bin/sh as ash was introduced in B20 if I 
remember correctly).  So things may be different now.  And, they may not.
But the overwhelming consensus at the time was that this was all a change
for the better.  I don't think there will be much enthusiasm for a change
that slows down configures (thus another reason for the suggestion I made
about testing this with your getopts-enabled ash).  So, if you want to 
get this feature back into Cygwin's ash, you definitely will need to show
that it can be done without a performance penalty.

I think I've been pretty clear on this subject.  Unless you have a 
specific question that I haven't already answered, I don't plan to 
respond to further posts in this thread.  IMO, this has been discussed
more than sufficiently and further discussion is getting more and more 
off-topic.  For those interested in pushing for change in this area,
it's time to do.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Question about ash and getopts

2003-12-29 Thread Larry Hall
At 06:46 PM 12/29/2003, Peter Seebach you wrote:
>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Peter Seebach writ
>>Can we just kill this now?  Take out the "-j", leave the support for getopts
>>in the shell, and all the shell scripters will be happy.  The configure
>>scripts will run at exactly the same speed, and I will happily join in
>>defending the decision to trim the job control and history features from the
>>shell to make a minimalist shell designed for scripting, leaving people the
>>option of using bash or pdksh if they want an interactive shell.
>I may be forced to retract this.
>Out of idle curiousity, I did timing comparisons between the stripped-down
>shell and the "bloated" /bin/sh on NetBSD.
>The bloated shell wins, by about 15%.  I don't know why, but I suspect it
>has to do with configure using something which is a builtin in the bigger
>shell, and an external command in the smaller one.
>I find this ironic.

Indeed.  That it would be.  Of course, like I said, lot's of things have
changed so the results today don't necessarily conflict with the findings
of yesteryear. 

Would you be willing to take this a step further and provide some 
configuration timings for some of the existing Cygwin packages?  Of
particular interest would be the larger packages, like binutils, gcc, and
gdb.  If these have favorable results, I think it could spark some 

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: [1.5.5] sshd error on local machine. [the return of sshd nightmare]

2003-12-29 Thread Larry Hall
You're not starting sshd as a service.  You're not going to have allot of 
luck starting it from the command line.  If you're looking for debug output,
you need to install sshd under a different name (than "sshd") and pass it
the "-d" flag.  See the "cygrunsrv -I" command in /bin/ssh-host-config for 
information on how sshd has been installed for you as a service.  Copy it
with changes for the service name (sshd) and passing it the debug flag "-d".

FYI, SYSTEM ~= root.



At 07:22 PM 12/29/2003, dominix you wrote:
>I've tryed this advice from Corinna:
>> - Deinstall the sshd service: cygrunsrv -R sshd
>> - Edit /etc/passwd and remove the sshd account entry.
>> - Remove the sshd account: net user sshd /delete
>> - If you didn't change much in your /etc/ssh_config and /etc/ssdh_config
>>   files, remove them.
>> - Run ssh-host-config again.
>> - Run ssh-user-config for your own (and each other used) account.
>> - Restart the sshd service.
>> Corinna
>I don't understand what's wrong, I've read nearly *all* threads about ssh in
>the ML
>, I've reinstalled ssh packages many times taking care of perms... using
>priv sep.
>Note:this machine has special interface binding that I suspect to be
>responsible of troubles cause I've installed the same software on others
>machines that works *very* well.
>ipconfig /all
>Windows IP Configuration
>Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : pastis
>Primary Dns Suffix  . . . . . . . :
>Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown
>IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : Yes
>WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
>DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . :
>Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
>Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
>Description . . . . . . . . . . . : D-Link DL10050-based Ethernet
>Adapter (Generic)
>Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-05-5D-07-7B-70
>Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
>IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
>Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
>IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
>Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
>Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
>DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
>PPP adapter Olitec USB ADSL:
>Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
>Description . . . . . . . . . . . : WAN (PPP/SLIP) Interface
>Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-53-45-00-00-00
>Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
>NB: windows XP Internet firewall=on but not log at all regarding local
>I'm unable to use sshd -d as I was used to on unix system
>cause I got error
># sshd -d
>debug1: sshd version OpenSSH_3.7.1p2
>debug1: read PEM private key done: type RSA
>debug1: private host key: #0 type 1 RSA
>debug1: read PEM private key done: type DSA
>debug1: private host key: #1 type 2 DSA
>/var/empty must be owned by root and not group or world-writable.
>root ?? who's that ??
># ls -lad /var/empty /var/log/sshd.log
>drwxr-xr-x+   2 SYSTEM   Administ0 Jul  5 22:31 /var/empty
>-rw-rw-r--+   1 SYSTEM   Administ0 Nov  8 17:16 /var/log/sshd.log
>no feedback in sshd.log ?
>now trying to login, I just get this from both localhost or another machine
>on localnetwork
># ssh -v -v pastis
>OpenSSH_3.7.1p2, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0.9.7c 30 Sep 2003
>debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh_config
>debug2: ssh_connect: needpriv 0
>debug1: Connecting to pastis [] port 22.
>debug1: Connection established.
>debug1: identity file /cygdrive/c/DOCUME~1/dominix/.ssh/identity type -1
>debug1: identity file /cygdrive/c/DOCUME~1/dominix/.ssh/id_rsa type -1
>debug2: key_type_from_name: unknown key type '-BEGIN'
>debug2: key_type_from_name: unknown key type 'Proc-Type:'
>debug2: key_type_from_name: unknown key type 'DEK-Info:'
>debug2: key_type_from_name: unknown key type '-END'
>debug1: identity file /cygdrive/c/DOCUME~1/dominix/.ssh/id_dsa type 2
>debug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version OpenSSH_3.7.1p2
>debug1: match: OpenSSH_3.7.1p2 pat OpenSSH*
>debug1: Enabling compatibility mode for protocol 2.0
>debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_3.7.1p2
>debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent
>debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT received
>debug2: kex_parse_kexinit:
>debug2: kex_parse_kexinit: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss
>debug2: kex_parse_kexinit:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED],aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr
>debug2: kex_parse_kex

Re: Problem searching archives of this list.

2003-12-29 Thread Larry Hall
At 10:03 PM 12/29/2003, Greg Smith you wrote:
>I'm trying a very simple search: cygpcre-0.dll
>It doesn't work,  I get all the hits for cygpcre
>and dll, even if it's in quotes. As a result, I am
>probably about to submit a duplicate report.
>I know, it's probably because that's the way
>it's indexed. Still, it turns what could be a very
>narrow, targeted search into a fruitless one.

I'm assuming you used the search engine with the email archives.  No one
really uses that for anything serious. ;-)  Try this:


Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: DLL and external symbols

2003-12-30 Thread Larry Hall
At 04:35 PM 12/30/2003, Jani Tiainen you wrote:
>I'm sure that this has been answered several times, but I'll ask again because 
>couldn't find any solution by myself.
>I would like to build DLL (or any other sort of library) that refers to external 
>symbols in main application.
>So far I have been able to build non-working constructs. =)
>Let's say that I've two files:
>extern void funcInMyLib(int);
>void funcInMain(int i)
>printf("funcInMain(%ld)\n", i);
>int main(int argc, char **argv)
>return 0;
>and second file (library)
>extern void funcInMain(int);
>void funcInMyLib(int i)
>printf("Calling back...");
>funcInMain(i + 1);
>Now how I can get this working, or is it possible at all?

It's possible but you have to move "funcInMain()" into the DLL with 
"funcInMyLib()" or into another DLL.  That's the straight-forward 

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Installation Clarification

2004-01-01 Thread Larry Hall
At 03:05 AM 1/1/2004, Nageshwara rao M you wrote:
>Respected sir/madam,
>I want to know how to INSTALL C compiler of lower version on
>current release of CYGWIN,which I have recently downloaded and installed 
>from cygwin site.
>Currently installed CYGWIN details :
>COMPILER: gcc - 3.3.1
>My Requirement:
>To install lower version of C compiler,details
>COMPILER:gcc - 2.95.3
>Are they any options in the setup.exe to add packages
>apart from the list of packages existing in setup.exe.
>I am in the process of installing Speech tools for TTS
>which requires only C compiler of Version gcc - 2.95.3
>please help me out.

In the annals of the email archives, it's discussed why the gcc2 package
(2.95.3) is no longer offered as a Cygwin package.  The short answer is,
it's too buggy and undependable.  So you won't be able to download and
install such a package from any "respectable" mirror.  If you do find it
on some mirror somewhere, don't expect any "support" from this list if 
you run into problems when using that version of the compiler.  You can,
of course, always build that compiler version yourself if you have a 
pressing need and can't find it anywhere, with the same stipulation of 
"no support" from this list for any problems you might run into.

Sorry I don't have better news for you.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Question about ash and getopts

2004-01-01 Thread Larry Hall
At 09:57 PM 12/31/2003, Shankar Unni you wrote:
>Larry Hall wrote:
>>Performance of configure scripts was abysmal when /bin/sh == /bin/bash.
>Umm, ash+getopts != bash. I think this is an apples-and-oranges comparison. Certainly 
>ash (in any form) would be much faster than bash - no argument there, and I don't 
>think anyone's advocating linking sh to bash again.

Nor was I.  I was simply providing some history.

>I guess the big question now is: how would Peter "prove" to anyone's liking that 
>ash+getopts ~= ash-getopts in performance (and nowhere near "bash")?  Is there some 
>acceptance criterion that anyone's willing to spell out? PTC is fine, but it's hard 
>to evaluate a patch unless an objective (or even subjective) performance criterion is 
>spelled out..

I provided my suggestion, which Peter followed.  It's the ash maintainer 
that has the final word on what, if anything, happens next and/or what
the criteria should be.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Bug in fstream code and gcc-2 package?

2004-01-02 Thread Larry Hall
At 07:54 AM 1/2/2004, John Maddock you wrote:
>The following example code works cleanly on all the platforms I've tested
>on, except the gcc-2 package where it segfaults:

The gcc-2 package has been removed as a package from Cygwin mirrors (or
should be) and is no longer supported.  Try it with the current Cygwin
gcc/g++ package (3.3.1).  Your code executes without a crash there.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Can't get network services

2004-01-02 Thread Larry Hall
At 01:26 PM 1/2/2004, Rotheray, John you wrote:
>I have installed cygwin on Windows XP on both a home and work
>computer. Neither of which am I able to get network services through
>cygwin. Both have internet access from within the windows environment
>but when I try to fire up lynx or ssh cygwin can't make a connection to
>network services. What gives? I couldn't dig up any online documentation
>on solving network problems for cygwin. Pls Help. 

Start here:

>Problem reports:

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: setup crashes

2004-01-02 Thread Larry Hall
At 02:17 PM 1/2/2004, james pentland you wrote:

>Setup.exe version 2.416
>Setup fails almost always to install from my local
>cygwin archive.
>in each case the crash occurs during the install step
>  checking MD5 for _update-info-dir-00221-1
>this is the first procedure after the Select Packages

>i also have Setup.exe version 2.415.
>this behaves in an almost identical fashion to 2.416,
>although it crashes with a warning popup, as follows:
>  Runtime error!
>  Program: F:\cygwin\setup.exe
>  abnormal program termination

You may want to investigate this issue with one of the setup
snapshots at <>.  I don't
really expect that 2.418 will solve the problem but it's worth
trying.  Also, you could try debugging setup with the debug
snapshot version of 2.415, since you're seeing a crash with that.
Just some ideas...

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Bug in fstream code and gcc-2 package?

2004-01-03 Thread Larry Hall
At 04:12 PM 1/3/2004, Gerrit P. Haase you wrote:
>Hallo Beman,
>I cannot reproduce it here on my NT4 SP 6a:

In case it's of any interest, the version that I compiled
was the same as Gerrit's in every way except it was on 
W2K + SP3.

>Can you run it with gdb and try to figure out what fails for you?

I can't find fault with this suggestion. ;-)

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: DLL vs. shared object linking behavior

2004-01-04 Thread Larry Hall
At 06:19 AM 1/4/2004, Jani Tiainen you wrote:
>Karl Robillard wrote:
>>I have a shared library which has undefined references to functions.  On Linux I can 
>>build and use the library without problems, but when I build it as a DLL using 
>>Cygwin the undefined references are link errors.  Can the Windows loader handle 
>>unresolved symbols in DLLs at runtime?  Is there some magic compiler option I can 
>>use to allow this?
>Well I've been struggling with same things.
>Problem is that windows doesn't allow direct undefined references in DLL's. So you 
>have to do some magic.
>Look reply chain titled "DLL and external symbols", there is some information that 
>got me through.

Right.  You essentially need to create a "stub" library to link against,
typically called an import/export library.  You can probably find some 
references for this in the Cygwin list archives, as Jani suggested, but 
this is really just pure Windows "stuff".  As such, discussion is really 
off-topic for this list.  I'd recommend the MSDN and/or gcc sites as good 
options for detailed information on this subject, if you need it.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Bug in fstream code and gcc-2 package?

2004-01-04 Thread Larry Hall
At 01:18 PM 1/4/2004, Beman Dawes you wrote:
>OK, the tests are finished. Good news! Eleven additional Boost regression tests now 
>pass and there are no new failures. The only other difference is that the version is 
>being reported as GNU C++ version 3.3.1 (cygming special) rather than just GNU C++ 
>version 3.3.1. I assume that is to be expected.

Yes, it's fine and expected.  Glad to hear the good results!

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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RE: 1.5.5-1:libpcre0 package missing when I chose the Download fr om Internet install option.

2004-01-06 Thread Larry Hall

Is a valid Cygwin mirror site?  I don't see it on the list
of available sites in setup.  It's possible that this site is old/
unreliable/no longer a mirror.  Please try one of the other sites
listed by setup and report back if you still see the problem.



At 12:59 PM 1/6/2004, Chan, Stephen (IT) you wrote:
>I may have found the issue.
>It looks like the default in setup.exe is not to download libpcre0.
>But the "less" program in the cygwin distribution seems to depend on
>-Original Message-
>From: Chan, Stephen (IT) 
>Sent: Friday, January 02, 2004 2:42 PM
>Subject: 1.5.5-1:libpcre0 package missing when I chose the Download from
>Internet install option. 
>Sympton of problem:
>Running "less" produces a pop-up window error, "The dynamic link library
>cygpcre-0.dll could not be found in the specified path."   This problem was
>also reported by Andrew McVitty on the cygwin mailing list on Oct 8 2003.
>What I found:
>The llibpcre0 package is not installed when choosing "Download from
>Internet" and then "Installing from Local Directory".  I chose as
>my mirror site.
>Stephen Chan
>Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
>212-902-5475 (phone)
>212-493-9800 (fax)
>Unsubscribe info:
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Re: Crash when compiling Sitecopy

2004-01-08 Thread Larry Hall
At 04:59 AM 1/8/2004, Frantisek Fuka you wrote:
>I am not a Cygwin expert but I am trying to compile sitecopy 
>( under the Cygwin, which should be possible "out of 
>the box". Unfortunately, after unpacking he source, entering the directory and typing 
>"./configure", small window appears with the following text:
>"Error Starting Program - The CYGICONV-2.DLL file is linked to missing export 
>(it looks like generic Windows error message, not cygwin error)
>While this happens, the cygwin windows says:
>$ ./configure
>checking for gcc... gcc
>checking for C compiler default output... configure: error: C compiler cannot cr
>eate executables
>See `config.log' for more details.
>When I look into the config.log file, the culprit seems to be:
>Thread model: posix
>gcc version 3.3.1 (cygming special)
>configure:1698: $? = 0
>configure:1700: gcc -V &5
>gcc: `-V' option must have argument
>configure:1703: $? = 1
>configure:1727: checking for C compiler default output
>configure:1730: gccconftest.c  >&5
>gcc: installation problem, cannot exec 
>`/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.1/cc1.exe': Permission denied
>I have the latest standard cygwin installation and doesn't contain the /usr directory 
>at all! It has /lib directory in the root (i.e. the above path would be valid if it 
>didn't inlude the opening "/usr") but I am not enough Linux guru to understand config 
>files and try to fix this myself. I have Windows 98 SE.
>Any help? Thanks.

Gerrit's right.  Your installation isn't as up-to-date as you think.
But I expect there's more wrong than just an out-of-date cygwin package
(though it could be just that - you may have forgotten to reboot when 
setup told you to).  Your best bet, if you continue to have troubles that
you can't figure out, is to visit <> and
provide the information it requests if you need to contact the list again
on this subject.  My WAG is that you have more than 1 cygwin1.dll on your
system, probably as a result of installing some third-party application
that uses Cygwin, but there's really not enough information here for me to 
be sure.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: SSH-Keyauthentification with Windows 2003

2004-01-08 Thread Larry Hall
At 08:48 AM 1/8/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
>I want to realize SSH-Keyauthentification with Windows 2003 and cygwin
> As ssh-client I use putty 0.53b on a Windows NT SP6-workstation.
> I use a technical account for the ssh-service with the privileges
>- logon as service
>- create token
>- replace process token
>because the local system account context does'nt work anymore under Windows

Sounds like you've read and followed the instructions in 
/usr/share/doc/Cygwin/openssh.README.  That's good.

>If I'm logged on locally on the windows machine (running the ssh-Service)
>with the account "p859301" and starting the putty-ssh-Shell from another
>one, the keyauthentification for the user "p859301" works fine. (this
>meanes, that  ssh is properly configured for this user)
>If I'm logged off locally from the machine (running the ssh-Service) and
>starting the putty-ssh-shell from another one , I can enter the passphrase
>for my public key and then get the following error message
>=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2004.01.08 13:40:05
>login as: p859301
>Authenticating with public key "rsa-key-20031002"
>Passphrase for key "rsa-key-20031002": 
>Last login: Thu Jan  8 13:39:53 2004 from Could not chdir to
>home directory /home/p859301: No such file or directory
>/bin/bash: No such file or directory
>then, the shell closes .

I presume you have this same problem even with 'ssh' as the client?
Assuming you can't find a solution yourself (or haven't already), we need
more information.  Visit <> and provide
the information it requests.  Also, it would be good to know what the 
permission of your home directory (ls -l and getfacl) is and your .ssh
directory and files.  Seeing your /etc/passwd and /etc/group would also
be interesting.  One WAG is that at least some of your mounts are 'user'
rather than 'system' but that's based on extremely limited base information.

>starting the ssh-Service on the machine in debugmode, I got the following
>output , if I want to establish the ssh-session ont the client
>C:\cygwin\usr\sbin>sshd -d

If this is what you actually typed to run 'sshd' in debug mode and you 
aren't logged in as the ssh-service user, then this isn't going to be
useful output.  Generally, it's best to just set up another service (e.g.
'ssh-service-debug') that sets the debug mode flags (set them all), stop
the non-debug service, and start this one.  Then you always have the debug 
service there, properly configured, and easy to use whenever you have a 

>Has someone got ssh-keyauthentification to work under windows 2003 ?

 From reading this list, it would seem that at least some people have.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Crash when compiling Sitecopy

2004-01-08 Thread Larry Hall
At 10:27 AM 1/8/2004, Frantisek Fuka you wrote:
>Larry Hall wrote:
>>At 04:59 AM 1/8/2004, Frantisek Fuka you wrote:
>>>I am not a Cygwin expert but I am trying to compile sitecopy 
>>>( under the Cygwin, which should be possible "out of 
>>>the box". Unfortunately, after unpacking he source, entering the directory and 
>>>typing "./configure", small window appears with the following text:
>>>"Error Starting Program - The CYGICONV-2.DLL file is linked to missing export 
>>>(it looks like generic Windows error message, not cygwin error)
>>Gerrit's right.  Your installation isn't as up-to-date as you think.
>>But I expect there's more wrong than just an out-of-date cygwin package
>>(though it could be just that - you may have forgotten to reboot when setup told you 
>>to).  Your best bet, if you continue to have troubles that
>>you can't figure out, is to visit <> and
>>provide the information it requests if you need to contact the list again
>>on this subject.  My WAG is that you have more than 1 cygwin1.dll on your
>>system, probably as a result of installing some third-party application
>>that uses Cygwin, but there's really not enough information here for me to be sure.
>Thank you all for the help. The problem was that I kept the old cygwin1.dll because I 
>needed it to run the old sitecopy version. This was exactly the reason why I wanted 
>to compile the new version - to be able to delete the old cygwin1.dll. I had no idea 
>that this old DLL was used by anything else apart from the old sitecopy. When I 
>deleted cygwin1.dll, the compilation succeeded!
>Thanks again.

You're welcome.  But you shouldn't need to recompile sitecopy to use a 
newer cygwin1.dll.  Just delete the old cygwin1.dll and replace it with the 
new.  sitecopy.exe will see the new one (worked fine for me when I tried
it with cygwin 1.5.5 installed).

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: X11R6.4 Problem

2004-01-08 Thread Larry Hall
At 01:44 PM 1/9/2004, Eric LaBolle you wrote:
>I am trying to build an application that uses X11R6.4 libraries and includes, 
>however, these are now distributed with the current cygwin.  Previous versions (B20) 
>do not seem to work properly.  Where do I get the most recent X11 distribution with 
>all of the necessary includes and libs?

For B20?  Nowhere I would hope. ;-)  Everything for the current release of 
Cygwin can be downloaded via setup at  See
<> to find the package that has a particular file
you're looking for.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: control-spacebar

2004-01-08 Thread Larry Hall
At 05:03 PM 1/8/2004, H. James de St. Germain you wrote:
>(But doesn't everyone just work in emacs anyway?)

No, if I'm one of "everyone".

>Then when you start cygwin, it pops up an rxvt terminal for you.
>NOTE: in the past I have had 
>  setenv CYGWIN "tty" 
>in my resource file (.tcshrc) and this causes the rxvt to core dump
>upon exit.  Removing this line seems to have fixed the problem.

Right.  "tty" is a Cygwin option that needs to be set *before* cygwin DLL
is loaded.  That means it needs to be set before launching your cygwin.bat 
and before any Cygwin services.  One could argue that setting it where you
did shouldn't cause a crash but that just degenerates to a PTC case IMO.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: rsync/cygwin can't handle filenames with some character set

2004-01-09 Thread Larry Hall
At 11:01 AM 1/9/2004, Rami Addady you wrote:
> It was reported in the past:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg03306.html
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05701.html
>I remmeber  there was a cygwin patch , but lost the link.
>Please help

Why don't you go back to the source and ask this same question of the 
OP on the rsync list?

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: detecting runtime environment

2004-01-09 Thread Larry Hall
At 05:26 AM 1/9/2004, Antonio Querubin you wrote:
>I want a program (written in C) to behave a little differently depending
>on whether it's started in a cygwin window or started from a DOS/Windows
>command prompt window.  Is there a standard method for detecting, at
>run-time, which environment a program was started in?

Standard?  No.  Probably relying on environment variables is the most
common approach to something like this.  You could look for "SHELL" for

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: control-spacebar

2004-01-09 Thread Larry Hall
At 12:33 AM 1/9/2004, Christopher Faylor you wrote:
>On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 05:33:23PM -0800, Brian Dessent wrote:
>>"H. James de St. Germain" wrote:
>>>at the time...  Its curious that it works in either place and even more
>>>curious that placing it after cygwin starts causes programs like rxvt
>>>to core dump.
>>Why should that be curious?  As Chris pointed out it has to be set
>>before cygwin1.dll initializes.
>It certainly shouldn't SEGV if it is set in an rc file but it is curious
>why someone would comment on the curious nature of something that was
>already acknowledged by Larry as a potential bug.

Yeah, I know it's going out on a limb to suggest that a segv is a bug.
I'm a bit radical when it comes to things like that.  Any segv I tend 
to call "bugs", whether I find them curious or not.  I'm also of the 
notion that all "bugs" should segv.  That would make the job of finding 
and fixing "bugs" allot easier, right?  So when you write some code that 
will cause a "bug", please do so in such a way that it will always segv. 
This will streamline the bug reporting and resolution process immensely.

(Newly self-appointed Cygwin bug standard's officer) 

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Re: rshd and stdout

2004-01-09 Thread Larry Hall
At 11:53 AM 1/9/2004, David Reid you wrote:
>I'm using rsh to run a command on a remote machine.
>But I only get output back from stderr, not from 
>stdout. Here is my sample program and the output:
>   main() {
>  fprintf(stdout, "stdout\n");
>  fprintf(stderr, "stderr\n");   
>   }
>   $ rsh machine1 ./main
>   stderr
>How can I get stdout back to the rsh client?
>Note: cygwin rshd is running on a windows box, rsh can
>be on windows or linux, the result is the same.
>It works as I would expect when using the linux rshd 
>on a linux box (it prints stdout and stderr)

Make sure you're running Cygwin's rsh first.  Also, visit:

>Problem reports:

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: control-spacebar

2004-01-09 Thread Larry Hall
At 01:01 PM 1/9/2004, Christopher Faylor you wrote:
>On Fri, Jan 09, 2004 at 11:50:03AM -0500, Larry Hall wrote:
>>So when you write some code that will cause a "bug", please do so in
>>such a way that it will always segv.
>As it turns out, the problems that people are having with Windows ME in
>recent cygwin snapshots are really SEGV problems, so I've been
>apparently inadvertantly following this maxim.

That's great!

>Now, if only I could get Windows to tell me exactly where the bug is
>occurring that would be wonderful.

Well, actually fixing the bug is a "second tier" for me that I'm less
concerned about at the moment.  If we can reach a point of consistency
and integrity with our bugs, that's a major accomplishment.  Thanks for 
helping us move toward that goal Chris!  I'm sending you one "I keep my 
bugs tidy" tee-shirt to welcome you into the Tidy-Bugs Club.  Watch your 
mail for it.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: rsync/cygwin can't handle filenames with some character set

2004-01-09 Thread Larry Hall
At 01:23 PM 1/9/2004, Rami Addady you wrote:
>It's cygwin patch, and I guess the problem occur in other applications
>I don't thing I should ask for cygwin supprt in rsync mailing list.

There's no need to reply to me directly.  I've set the reply-to to go to
the list.  That indicates my preference and should be honored by your 
email client.  Also, please don't quote your and/or others email 
addresses in your replies.  They just become fodder for spam harvesters
that troll the email archives.

The references you gave in your original message were from the rsync
list and discussed a patch to rsync for Cygwin (of dubious general use
I'll admit but a patch regardless).  There was no mention of a patch 
to anything in the Cygwin DLL or anything outside the rsync source,
which is why I suggested that you contact the OP of the described patch
on the rsync list.  He would certainly be able to provide this patch 
and let you know if it was forwarded to the Cygwin rsync maintainer or the upstream 
rsync maintainer.  Certainly, if you believe there is a patch that
belongs in the Cygwin DLL to help with this, then some Cygwin list is 
a better source, although as I said, the thread you pointed to doesn't
suggest this.  I'd recommend checking the archives for this list, 
the cygwin-patches list and the cygwin-apps list for relevant messages 
on this topic if you feel there was a patch that was submitted or discussed
within the Cygwin community.  If it was submitted to Cygwin, it would be 
through one of these three lists.  Assuming no one else recalls the patch 
and provides you with a direct pointer, that's your best bet IMO.

>- Original Message -
>From: "Larry Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 6:34 PM
>Subject: Re: rsync/cygwin can't handle filenames with some character set
>> At 11:01 AM 1/9/2004, Rami Addady you wrote:
>> >Hi,
>> >
>> > It was reported in the past:
>> >[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg03306.html
>> >[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05701.html
>> >
>> >I remmeber  there was a cygwin patch , but lost the link.
>> >Please help
>> Why don't you go back to the source and ask this same question of the
>> OP on the rsync list?
>> --
>> Larry Hall
>> RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
>> 838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
>> Holliston, MA 01746
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Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Updated: man-1.5k-2

2004-01-09 Thread Larry Hall
At 05:02 PM 1/9/2004, Steve Kelem you wrote:
>I installed this version, and I still get the ESC characters.  Do you have any idea 
>why I'm getting them?

Does '/usr/share/misc/man.conf' contain this line?

PAGER   /usr/bin/less -isrR

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: CVS on Windows OS, under Cygwin: incompatibility with textmode

2004-01-10 Thread Larry Hall
At 09:43 PM 1/9/2004, Agosta, John M you wrote:

>(w/ cross posting to
>I set up the CVS (1.11.6-3) port to Windows that comes in Cygwin.
>Everything worked fine, except checking out files with CVS was adding
>extra lines to files -- under some circumstances---checked-out files had
>the Windows \r\n line termination changed to \r\r\n. 
>It appears to be an interaction between Cygwin and CVS. Using a Cygwin
>port of a Unix shell appears to be necessary to running a command-line
>CVS client from Windows---using the windows cmd prompt to run CVS gave
>me errors.  The configuration is simple.  The archive is a remote file
>system mounted on the client windows machine.  All commands are run on
>the client with CVSROOT pointing to the archive directory on the remote.
>Here were the clues: The problem only appeared on one of two apparently
>identical client machines. The archive files themselves were not
>corrupted. All profile, install scripts, environment variables were
>identical on both machines, but the mount command showed that the
>mis-functioning machine mounted its directories in textmode, and the
>functioning machine in binmode. Since there is no equivalent fstab file
>in Cygwin, this configuration is read from in the Windows registry at
>boot time. (See
>The registry configuration is the first step in the Cygwin
>setup.exe---It can be modified by re-running setup  and choosing default
>text file type == UNIX (without re-installing any files). 
>Users who choose this setting will have to accept not being able to open
>files saved by Cygwin commands (e.g. cat) in Windows notepad.
>Fortunately most Windows applications (MS Word, VS6) have no problem
>interpreting line breaks in unix style text files. 
>I suppose that CVS is conservative when it archives files, and does not
>"unixify" them, but interacts with Cygwin to modify them on checkout.
>Is is possible to configure cvs to treat import and checkout
>consistently when Cygwin mounts directories in textmode?

IIRC, no.  There's history on this in the Cygwin email archives, if you're 
interested.  It's a PTC <> situation for the 
CVS code.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Ncurses prob

2004-01-10 Thread Larry Hall
At 11:19 PM 1/9/2004, Paul-Kenji Cahier you wrote:
>hello again,
>new question now, since every lib compiled well i went to the main
>program and it cant find the new lib i just compiled, so i was
>wondering what is it looking for when one does -lnameofthelib
>cuz on my linux box everything goes fine, and i've checked the include
>which are exactly the same
><05:11:07> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/calendar/src$ make
>gcc -g -Wall -ansi -pedantic -Wwrite-strings -Wshadow -Waggregate-return -I. 
>-I/home/calendar/include -I/usr/local/include/ncurses -I/usr/local/include 
>-L/usr/local/lib parser.o main.o cal.o   -L/home/calendar/lib -lncurses -loncurses 
>-loxhtml -lotxt -lcal -ldate -o ../main
>/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.1/../../../../i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: cannot find 
>collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>make: *** [all] Error 1
><05:14:57> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/calendar/lib$ ll
>total 210
>drwxrwxrwx+   9 DeathWol None0 Jan 10 05:08 .
>drwxrwxrwx+   8 DeathWol None0 Jan 10 05:14 ..
>drwxrwxrwx+   2 DeathWol None0 Jan 10 04:12 CVS
>-rw-rw-rw-1 DeathWol None  221 Nov 26 11:39 Makefile
>drwxrwxrwx+   3 DeathWol None0 Jan 10 04:48 libcal
>-rwxrwxrwx1 DeathWol None41038 Jan 10 05:04
>drwxrwxrwx+   3 DeathWol None0 Jan 10 04:48 libdate
>-rwxrwxrwx1 DeathWol None29857 Jan 10 05:04
>drwxrwxrwx+   3 DeathWol None0 Jan 10 04:48 libdebug
>-rwxrwxrwx1 DeathWol None26422 Jan 10 05:04
>drwxrwxrwx+   3 DeathWol None0 Jan 10 05:01 liboncurses
>-rwxrwxrwx1 DeathWol None49859 Jan 10 05:04
>drwxrwxrwx+   3 DeathWol None0 Jan 10 05:03 libotxt
>-rwxrwxrwx1 DeathWol None31712 Jan 10 05:04
>drwxrwxrwx+   3 DeathWol None0 Jan 10 05:00 liboxhtml
>-rwxrwxrwx1 DeathWol None32088 Jan 10 05:04

OK, so you don't have liboncurses.a.  That's the problem.  

><05:15:45> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/calendar/include$ ll
>total 23
>drwxrwxrwx+   3 DeathWol None0 Jan 10 04:48 .
>drwxrwxrwx+   8 DeathWol None0 Jan 10 05:14 ..
>drwxrwxrwx+   2 DeathWol None0 Jan 10 04:12 CVS
>-rw-rw-rw-1 DeathWol None 3570 Jan 10 05:14 cal.h
>-rw-rw-rw-1 DeathWol None 2744 Jan 10 05:04 libcal.h
>-rw-rw-rw-1 DeathWol None 1909 Jan 10 05:04 libdate.h
>-rw-rw-rw-1 DeathWol None 1946 Jan 10 05:04 libdebug.h
>-rw-rw-rw-1 DeathWol None  608 Jan 10 05:04 liboncurses.h
>-rw-rw-rw-1 DeathWol None  114 Jan 10 05:04 libotxt.h
>-rw-rw-rw-1 DeathWol None  102 Jan 10 05:04 liboxhtml.h
>-rw-rw-rw-1 DeathWol None 2567 Jan 10 05:14 parser.h
>-rw-rw-rw-1 DeathWol None 5998 Jan 10 05:14 queue.h
>Most libs were compiled this way:
>gcc -g -Wall -ansi -pedantic -Wwrite-strings -Wshadow -Waggregate-return -I. 
>-I/home/calendar/include -I. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/ncurses 
>-I/usr/local/include -c output.c -o ../
>gcc -g -shared -o ../ -Wl,--export-all-symbols 
>-Wl,--enable-auto-import -Wl,--whole-archive ../ -Wl,--no-whole-archive 
>-L/home/calendar/lib -L/usr/lib -lintl -lncurses
>cp liboxhtml.h /home/calendar/include
>cp ../ ../ (i added this line later to
>check it wasnt a prob with filenames but it wasnt)

Why are you naming the files *.so?  These aren't shared libraries in the 
traditional UNIX sense.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Updated: man-1.5k-2

2004-01-11 Thread Larry Hall
At 03:58 PM 1/10/2004, Peter J. Stieber you wrote:
>Steve Kelem wrote:
>>>I installed this version, and I still get the ESC characters.
>>> Do you have any idea why I'm getting them?
>Larry Hall wrote:
>> Does '/usr/share/misc/man.conf' contain this line?
>> PAGER   /usr/bin/less -isrR
>I updated to man-1.5k-2 too and my '/usr/share/misc/man.conf' contains
>PAGER   /bin/less -is

Right.  If you have a man.conf file before, the update won't change it.
If you want the new defaults, you need to remove this file before you
update via setup.

>I don't get ESC chars because I setup the fix posted on this mailing list
>prior to the fix being provided in the man package. I think it was add the
>following to .bashrc.
>export LESS=R
>export MANPAGER=less

There are certainly other ways other than what I suggested to fix the 
issue.  The email archives mentions them for those interested in

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: problems with cygrunsrv and inetd

2004-01-11 Thread Larry Hall
At 12:32 PM 1/11/2004, Ruud Huynen you wrote:
>I looked on the internet and inetutils.README to install the inetd and the
>ssh service.
>When I create the windows service inetd with:
>cygrunsrv -I inetd -d "CYGWIN inetd" -p /usr/sbin/inetd -a -d -e

Why did you install it this way?  inetutils.README clearly states that 
the inetd service is installed with the '--install-as-service' flag.

>I noticed that the executable pointed to in the service is, which is wrong:

No, it's not wrong for a service installed with cygrunsrv.

>After removing it
>cygrunsrv -R inetd
>And using:
>/usr/sbin/inetd.exe --install-as-service
>I have in the service: C:\cygwin\usr\sbin\inetd.exe
>Starting it shows the two inetd processes running, but netstat -an does not
>show any listening ports!

 From inetutil.README:

Current caveat: inetd is visible twice in the process list.
This is currently needed to work correctly with the service
manager. This should be solved in a future release.

>I thought -d means debugging. Not daemon. But I tried it and changed the
>registry to add the -d. The same behaviour is noticed.
>Only by using the following command I have the ports open, and can connect:
>$ /usr/sbin/inetd.exe -d &
>[1] 2936
>$ ADD : echo proto=tcp, wait=0, user=root builtin=4080d0 server=internal
>registered internal on 4
>ADD : echo proto=udp, wait=0, user=root builtin=4080e0 server=internal
>registered internal on 5
>ADD : discard proto=tcp, wait=0, user=root builtin=4080f0 server=internal
>registered internal on 6
>ADD : discard proto=udp, wait=0, user=root builtin=408100 server=internal
>registered internal on 7
>ADD : daytime proto=tcp, wait=0, user=root builtin=408130 server=internal
>registered internal on 8
>ADD : daytime proto=udp, wait=0, user=root builtin=408140 server=internal
>registered internal on 9
>ADD : chargen proto=tcp, wait=0, user=root builtin=408150 server=internal
>registered internal on 10
>ADD : chargen proto=udp, wait=0, user=root builtin=408160 server=internal
>registered internal on 11
>ADD : time proto=tcp, wait=0, user=root builtin=408110 server=internal
>registered internal on 12
>ADD : time proto=udp, wait=0, user=root builtin=408120 server=internal
>registered internal on 13
>ADD : ftp proto=tcp, wait=0, user=root builtin=0 server=/usr/sbin/in.ftpd
>registered /usr/sbin/in.ftpd on 14
>ADD : telnet proto=tcp, wait=0, user=root builtin=0
>registered /usr/sbin/in.telnetd on 15
>ADD : shell proto=tcp, wait=0, user=root builtin=0 server=/usr/sbin/in.rshd
>registered /usr/sbin/in.rshd on 16
>ADD : login proto=tcp, wait=0, user=root builtin=0
>registered /usr/sbin/in.rlogind on 17
>ADD : exec proto=tcp, wait=0, user=root builtin=0 server=/usr/sbin/in.rexecd
>registered /usr/sbin/in.rexecd on 18/usr/bin/ssh-host-config -y
>ADD : talk proto=udp, wait=1, user=root builtin=0 server=/usr/sbin/in.talkd
>registered /usr/sbin/in.talkd on 19
>ADD : ntalk proto=udp, wait=1, user=root builtin=0 server=/usr/sbin/in.talkd
>registered /usr/sbin/in.talkd on 20
>Using  /usr/sbin/inetd.exe  without the '-d' does not work.

Sounds to me like you didn't run iu-config.  I'd recommend uninstalling, 
removing /etc/inetd.conf, reinstalling, and running iu-config.

>Using the "/usr/bin/ssh-host-config -y" to configure ssh has the same
>problem. In the service the executable is 'C:\cygwin\bin\cygrunsrv.exe'.
>What is wrong ?

Nothing.  That's correct.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Problem reports:

Re: Unix pipes implemented successfully

2004-01-11 Thread Larry Hall
At 01:47 PM 1/11/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
>I have working FIFO implementation for Cygwin-1.5.5-1 based on materials
>shared by Robert Collins (many thanks to him). It was tested on WinXP,
>Win2k, Win3k. For tests I used my code as well as some third-party fifo
>I need this kind of IPC for my current software development.
>Does exist any posibility to incorporate this patch in next Cygwin release?
>With respect,
>Sergey Samsi
>Internet service
>S.A. Moldtelecom
>GSM: 69115719

The typical credo here is PTC <>.
But, this sounds like it may be more than a trivial patch so unless you
have a copyright assignment form on file, you need to take this step 
before someone can review your patch.  See <>,
particularly the section "Before you get started".


Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

Unsubscribe info:
Problem reports:

Re: problems with cygrunsrv and inetd

2004-01-11 Thread Larry Hall
Actually, yes.  Installing for "Just me" creates mount points only for the
current user.  All services started by Cygwin are, by default, started as 
another user, typically SYSTEM, which won't see the user-specific mount
points.  To run services "right out of the box" with Cygwin, you really 
need to install for "All Users".  Looking back now at your report, I guess 
there was the hint of this issue in the report and your cygcheck output 
clearly shows user mounts.  Sorry I didn't pick up on this and point it out 
to you sooner.  The alternative to reinstalling everything would have been
to just remount all your mounts as 'system' rather than 'user' (see 'man
mount') or rerunning setup again without uninstalling and picking "All
users" insteaad.  But you clearly got to where you want to be with your
method.  Good catch on your part!  Glad you got it working.


At 03:17 PM 1/11/2004, Ruud Huynen you wrote:
>I reinstalled cygwin completely and it works now. Inetd and ssh are working
>in 2 minutes.
>This time I used the setup setting Install For 'All Users'.
>Is there a problem with installing inetd and sshd when using 'Just me' ?
>- Original Message - 
>From: "Larry Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 8:02 PM
>Subject: Re: problems with cygrunsrv and inetd
>> At 12:32 PM 1/11/2004, Ruud Huynen you wrote:
>> >Hello
>> >
>> >I looked on the internet and inetutils.README to install the inetd and
>> >ssh service.
>> >When I create the windows service inetd with:
>> >cygrunsrv -I inetd -d "CYGWIN inetd" -p /usr/sbin/inetd -a -d -e
>> >CYGWIN=ntsec
>> Why did you install it this way?  inetutils.README clearly states that
>> the inetd service is installed with the '--install-as-service' flag.
>> >I noticed that the executable pointed to in the service is, which is
>> >C:\cygwin\bin\cygrunsrv.exe
>> No, it's not wrong for a service installed with cygrunsrv.
>> >After removing it
>> >cygrunsrv -R inetd
>> >
>> >And using:
>> >/usr/sbin/inetd.exe --install-as-service
>> >I have in the service: C:\cygwin\usr\sbin\inetd.exe
>> >
>> >Starting it shows the two inetd processes running, but netstat -an does
>> >show any listening ports!
>>  From inetutil.README:
>> Current caveat: inetd is visible twice in the process list.
>> This is currently needed to work correctly with the service
>> manager. This should be solved in a future release.
>> >I thought -d means debugging. Not daemon. But I tried it and changed the
>> >registry to add the -d. The same behaviour is noticed.
>> >
>> >Only by using the following command I have the ports open, and can
>> >$ /usr/sbin/inetd.exe -d &
>> >[1] 2936
>> >
>> >$ ADD : echo proto=tcp, wait=0, user=root builtin=4080d0 server=internal
>> >registered internal on 4
>> >ADD : echo proto=udp, wait=0, user=root builtin=4080e0 server=internal
>> >registered internal on 5
>> >ADD : discard proto=tcp, wait=0, user=root builtin=4080f0 server=internal
>> >registered internal on 6
>> >ADD : discard proto=udp, wait=0, user=root builtin=408100 server=internal
>> >registered internal on 7
>> >ADD : daytime proto=tcp, wait=0, user=root builtin=408130 server=internal
>> >registered internal on 8
>> >ADD : daytime proto=udp, wait=0, user=root builtin=408140 server=internal
>> >registered internal on 9
>> >ADD : chargen proto=tcp, wait=0, user=root builtin=408150 server=internal
>> >registered internal on 10
>> >ADD : chargen proto=udp, wait=0, user=root builtin=408160 server=internal
>> >registered internal on 11
>> >ADD : time proto=tcp, wait=0, user=root builtin=408110 server=internal
>> >registered internal on 12
>> >ADD : time proto=udp, wait=0, user=root builtin=408120 server=internal
>> >registered internal on 13
>> >ADD : ftp proto=tcp, wait=0, user=root builtin=0 server=/usr/sbin/in.ftpd
>> >registered /usr/sbin/in.ftpd on 14
>> >ADD : telnet proto=tcp, wait=0, user=root builtin=0
>> >server=/usr/sbin/in.telnetd
>> >registered /usr/sbin/in.telnetd on 15
>> >

Re: creating dll

2004-01-11 Thread Larry Hall
Discussion of VC++ or Borland or any other non-Cygwin problems are off-topic
for this list.  Please take them to the appropriate list.  This list's
volume is too high to permit digression from it's charter.  If Gerrit is 
willing and able to answer questions about VC++ or other non-Cygwin topics,
I'm sure he'll contact you off-list.  But for the sake of others, let's 
end the current off-topic thread.


At 11:26 PM 1/11/2004, Yamini Sekar you wrote:
>Hello Gerrit,
>   Nice name.
>   Thanks for your reply. May i know that you know vc++. Becaz i am doing 
>project in vc++. If i have doubt, shall i ask you ??
>-- Original Message ---
>From: "Gerrit P. Haase" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 09:53:51 +0100
>Subject: Re: creating dll
>> Hallo yamini,
>> Am Sonntag, 11. Januar 2004 um 08:35 schriebst du:
>> > Sir,
>> >I have a doubt in creating a dll in the borland c++
>> > compiler. plz send the reply as soon as possible and
>> > also send the mail to thiis id.
>> This mailing list is about Cygwin(tm) from the company Red Hat, Inc.
>> Borland Software Corporation is a different company, please ask
>> someone at Borland for support:
>> Gerrit
>> -- 
>> =^..^=
>--- End of Original Message ---
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RE: 1.3.22: popen() fails without /bin/sh

2004-01-12 Thread Larry Hall
Chris Faylor responded with this:


At 02:58 AM 1/12/2004, Hanak Michal-r50233 you wrote:
>there were no reaction on my message nor any fix in the cygwin library. I'm still 
>using the popen2/pclose2 workaround and it seems it works well.
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 4:52 PM
>> Cc: Michal Hanak
>> Subject: 1.3.22: popen() fails without /bin/sh
>> Dear Michal, dear cygwin developpers,
>> i have the same popen() problem as described in 
>> i.e. my programm crashes when calling popen() on a system
>> with minimal cygwin files (only cygwin1.dll and sh.exe in the 
>> windows path). Does anyone know if there has been a solution 
>> or fix meanwhile ?
>> Thanks
>>   Matthias
>> ###
>> # mail:  Matthias Buchmeier   #
>> #IFF-IEE (Gruppe Gr"unberg)   #
>> #Forschungszentrum J"ulich#
>> #52425 Juelich#
>> #Germany  #
>> # #
>> #   tel: +49 (0)2461 61 4273  #
>> #   fax:4443  #
>> # email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]#
>> ###
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Re: g++ command

2004-01-12 Thread Larry Hall
At 11:07 AM 1/12/2004, Angelika Olsson you wrote:
>I'm kind of a newbie at c++ and cygwin. I've just installed cygwin on my
>pc, including all the g++ packages. I try to compile with the simple
>g++ -c Test.cpp
>but all I get is the depressing reply:
>bash: g++: command not found
>Have I forgotten something? 

Yes.  See the link for problem reports below.

>Do I need something extra? 

Probably, though if you had attached the output of cygcheck, I could 
be more certain.  But my WAG is that you didn't install the g++ package.

>Am I not using the
>right command? 

No, you are using the correct command.  You just haven't installed it or 
Cygwin can't find it for some reason.

>Unsubscribe info:
>Problem reports:

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

Unsubscribe info:
Problem reports:

Re: Problem with ssh/pvm/winXp

2004-01-12 Thread Larry Hall
At 11:59 AM 1/12/2004, Pedro Luiz Nani Costa you wrote:
>Hi folks
>I´m trying to use pvm over cygwin, and i´m not sure about what is
>The thing is that i am using ssh instead of rsh. Well, no big deal...
>So far, look what it happens, if trying to add some hosts using pvm´s
>$ pvm
>pvm> add pcdep49
>add pcdep49
>0 successful
> pcdep49 Can't start pvmd
>Auto-Diagnosing Failed Hosts...
>Verifying Local Path to "rsh"...
>Rsh found in /usr/bin/ssh.exe - O.K.
>Testing Rsh/Rhosts Access to Host "pcdep49"...
>Rsh/Rhosts Access is O.K.
>Checking O.S. Type (Unix test) on Host "pcdep49"...
>Host pcdep49 is Unix-based.
>Checking $PVM_ROOT on Host "pcdep49"...
>The value of the $PVM_ROOT environment
>variable on pcdep49 is invalid ("").
>Use the absolute path to the pvm3/ directory.
>Moreover, look at these output:
>$ ssh pcdep49 "export"
>declare -x ALLUSERSPROFILE="C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users"
>declare -x CMG_HOME="C:\\Arquivos de programas\\CMG"
>declare -x COMMONPROGRAMFILES="C:\\Arquivos de programas\\Arquivos comuns"
>declare -x COMPUTERNAME="PCDEP49"
>declare -x COMSPEC="C:\\WINNT\\system32\\cmd.exe"
>declare -x CYGWIN="ntsec tty"
>declare -x CYGWIN32="ntsec tty"
>declare -x HOME="/home/pcosta"
>declare -x HOMEDRIVE="c:"
>declare -x HOMEPATH="\\Cygwin\\home\\pcosta"
>declare -x LOGNAME="pcosta"
>declare -x LOGONSERVER="PCDEP49"
>declare -x LSFORCEHOST="pcdep64"
>declare -x MAIL="/var/spool/mail/pcosta"
>declare -x NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS="1"
>declare -x OLDPWD
>declare -x OS="Windows_NT"
>declare -x OS2LIBPATH="C:\\WINNT\\system32\\os2\\dll;"
>declare -x
>declare -x PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER="x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 3,
>declare -x PROCESSOR_LEVEL="6"
>declare -x PROCESSOR_REVISION="0803"
>declare -x PROGRAMFILES="C:\\Arquivos de programas"
>declare -x PWD="/home/pcosta"
>declare -x SHELL="/bin/bash"
>declare -x SHLVL="1"
>declare -x SSH_CLIENT=" 3002 22"
>declare -x SSH_CONNECTION=" 3002 22"
>declare -x SYSTEMDRIVE="C:"
>declare -x SYSTEMROOT="C:\\WINNT"
>declare -x TEMP="/cygdrive/c/WINNT/TEMP"
>declare -x TERM="cygwin"
>declare -x TMP="/cygdrive/c/WINNT/TEMP"
>declare -x USER="pcosta"
>declare -x USERDOMAIN="PCDEP49"
>declare -x USERNAME="pcosta"
>declare -x WINDIR="C:\\WINNT"
>What am i missing here??

First, you should clarify what pvm is.  I'm assuming you mean 
<>, though I can't be sure.

AFAICS, the main problem is just that PVM_ROOT is not defined.  If that's the
case, just define it in the system variables (not the user's) in the Windows
control panel.

>It seems a problem with environmental setting, but i already define
> ~/.profile,  ~/.ssh/environment,  ~/.ss/rc, etc

Assuming you mean environment variables, then see my response above.

>Oh!!! I´m using cygwin, pvm 3.4.3, windowsXp...

This isn't enough information.  You should read through the "Problem reports"
link below.  This describes the proper "boot-strap" information that should 
accompany all problem reports to this list. 

>Any help it would be great!!
>Thanks in advance!
>Unsubscribe info:
>Problem reports:

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

Unsubscribe info:
Problem reports:

Re: Problem with ssh/pvm/winXp

2004-01-12 Thread Larry Hall
At 01:55 PM 1/12/2004, Pedro Luiz Nani Costa you wrote:
>Sorry Larry! :(
>That won´t happen again.
>I´m using pvm(paralle virtual machine 3.4.3), and windowsXp
>professional SP1, and my cygwin report is attached.

Got it.  I'd recommend *not* putting UNC paths in your path.  It will 
slow things down tremendously.  But, to each his own as they say.

>All that you say is correct, i could set now the environmental variables.
>But, my problem isn´t solve yet. For execute my program as i do in Unix, i
>have to mount a remote server with the pvm files. Actually, look what i
>have in .bashrc:
>if [ ! -d /mnt/shared/ ] ;\
>then mkdir -p /mnt/shared ;\
>if [ -d /shared/ ] ;\
># se existe o diretório local, ou seja, estou no servidor de
># aplicativos Cygwin
>mount -f "c:\\cygwin\\shared" "/mnt/shared"
># se não, monto pela rede
>mount -f "pcdep06\\shared" "/mnt/shared"
>#Definições PVM
>export PVM_ROOT=/mnt/shared/pvm3
>That is possible using .ssh/rc or the ~/.bashrc itself in Unix. In that
>case(cygwin), can i do it in another way??? I mean, is there another
>mechanism to mount that net path

Cywgin mounts don't have the same semantics as UNIX mounts.  They are 
primarily mapping DOS paths to POSIX.  They are also persistent.  Surmising
from your path that you expect the '//pcdep06/shared' path to always be 
available, you just need to mount this path once as a "system" path (see
'man mount') and you're done.  So I'd recommend just creating the mount 
point once manually, setting the proper environment variables in the control
panel for the system and let it go at that.  If you need the flexibility
of setting the mount point to one place or another dynamically, you can do
that too.  Just remember to 'umount /mnt/shared' before mounting it.  Also,
if you expect this all to work from 'ssh' or other service, make sure
that the shared location allows access without (Windows) authentication.

>Thanks again
>On Mon, 12 Jan 2004, Larry Hall wrote:
>> At 11:59 AM 1/12/2004, Pedro Luiz Nani Costa you wrote:
>> >Hi folks
>> >
>> >I´m trying to use pvm over cygwin, and i´m not sure about what is
>> >happening.
>> >The thing is that i am using ssh instead of rsh. Well, no big deal...
>> >So far, look what it happens, if trying to add some hosts using pvm´s
>> >console:
>> >
>> >
>> >--->
>> >$ pvm
>> >pvm> add pcdep49
>> >add pcdep49
>> >0 successful
>> > pcdep49 Can't start pvmd
>> >
>> >Auto-Diagnosing Failed Hosts...
>> >pcdep49...
>> >Verifying Local Path to "rsh"...
>> >Rsh found in /usr/bin/ssh.exe - O.K.
>> >Testing Rsh/Rhosts Access to Host "pcdep49"...
>> >Rsh/Rhosts Access is O.K.
>> >Checking O.S. Type (Unix test) on Host "pcdep49"...
>> >Host pcdep49 is Unix-based.
>> >Checking $PVM_ROOT on Host "pcdep49"...
>> >
>> >The value of the $PVM_ROOT environment
>> >variable on pcdep49 is invalid ("").
>> >Use the absolute path to the pvm3/ directory.
>> >
>> ><---
>> >
>> >Moreover, look at these output:
>> >
>> >--->
>> >$ ssh pcdep49 "export"
>> >declare -x ALLUSERSPROFILE="C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users"
>> >declare -x CMG_HOME="C:\\Arquivos de programas\\CMG"
>> >declare -x COMMONPROGRAMFILES="C:\\Arquivos de programas\\Arquivos comuns"
>> >declare -x COMPUTERNAME="PCDEP49"
>> >declare -x COMSPEC="C:\\WINNT\\system32\\cmd.exe"
>> >declare -x CYGWIN="ntsec tty"
>> >declare -x CYGWIN32="ntsec tty"
>> >declare -x HOME="/home/pcosta"
>> >declare -x HOMEDRIVE="c:"
>> >declare -x HOMEPATH="\\Cygwin\\home\\pcosta"
>> >declare -x LOGNAME="pcosta"
>> >declare -x LOGONSERVER="PCDEP49"
>> >declare -x LSFORCEHOST="pcdep64"
>> >declare -x MAIL="/var/spool/mail/pcosta"
>> >declare -x NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS="1"
>> &

Re: incremental tar backups

2004-01-12 Thread Larry Hall
At 02:00 PM 1/12/2004, DAVID SPEAR you wrote:
>Hi folks:
>I am running cygwin under Win2K Pro SP4, and am having some trouble creating 
>backups with the gnu tar 1.13.25 that came with my distribution.  Specifically, 
>I can make a full backup (of a directory) using:
>cygserver% tar -cf backup.tar -g /cygdrive/d/tmp/dumpdates-backup --ignore-
>failed-read -l -v /cygdrive/d/myfolder
>No problem, creates the list file, etc.  However, when I go to do my 
>incrementals using the same command (different target file of course) I get
>/cygdrive/d/myfolder/subfolder:  Directory has been renamed
>/cygdrive/d/myfolder/subfolder2:  Directory has been renamed
>etc., etc., etc.
>None of the reported directories have been renamed.  So my "incrementals" are 
>Now, at first I thought maybe this was due to whitespaces in the (windows) 
>pathnames, but I have eliminated this possibility with some testing.  I have 
>seen (old old old) references to a similar problem having to do with Windows 
>changing the reported inode of files upon reboot but I have not rebooted the 
>machine.  All files to be backed up are local.
>It appears that anything within the C:\\cygwin directory has no problems... 
>maybe just stuff accessed via /cygdrive/"X"???
>BTW, I ported my backup scripts from an old WinME box on which they worked 
>Any help greatly appreciated.

I assume you missed this in your search for info?


Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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Problem reports:

Re: incremental tar backups

2004-01-12 Thread Larry Hall
At 03:04 PM 1/12/2004, Christopher Faylor you wrote:
>On Mon, Jan 12, 2004 at 02:24:36PM -0500, Larry Hall wrote:
>>At 02:00 PM 1/12/2004, DAVID SPEAR you wrote:
>>>I am running cygwin under Win2K Pro SP4, and am having some trouble creating 
>>>backups with the gnu tar 1.13.25 that came with my distribution.  Specifically, 
>>>I can make a full backup (of a directory) using:
>>>cygserver% tar -cf backup.tar -g /cygdrive/d/tmp/dumpdates-backup --ignore-
>>>failed-read -l -v /cygdrive/d/myfolder
>>I assume you missed this in your search for info?
>That should be old news.  The current version of tar is supposed to fix the
>problem.  See: .

Good point.  I didn't chase the thread far enough (it's not my greatest
skill anyway ;-) ). 

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Problem reports:

RE: problems with cygrunsrv and inetd

2004-01-12 Thread Larry Hall
At 09:23 PM 1/12/2004, Gary R. Van Sickle you wrote:
>> Ruud,
>> I know it can be difficult to remember everything a page says after
>> reading through it once, but this issue actually is mentioned in the
>> Users' Guide under "Internet Setup":
>> <>
>> "The Install For options of All Users or Just Me should always be left on the
>> default All Users, unless you do not have write access to
>> the registry or the All Users Start Menu. This is true even if you
>> are the only
>> user planning to use Cygwin on the machine. Selecting Just Me will cause
>> problems for programs such as crond and sshd."
>If indeed this is accurate and the whole story, the option should be removed,
>and write access tested for.  But I would think this should also decide whether
>the Cygwin program group and shortcut gets put in the All Users or the current
>user's start menu.

You mean this should be automated.  Sure, that seems possible.  From the 
code in it seems that the placement of shortcut and program group 
is dependent on whether "All users" or "Just me" option was selected so at 
least that part of it is in agreement with your suggestion, unless I'm 
missing something.  Someone would need to provide a patch that removed the
current options though and add the test you mention to automate the rest.
You've spent more time in the setup code than I have though Gary so you 
probably know better than I how easy or not this would be to implement.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Problem reports:

Re: make complaining about clock skews

2004-01-13 Thread Larry Hall
At 05:53 PM 1/13/2004, wim delvaux you wrote:
>Hi all,
>whenever I 'make' something, there are always itens with times in the future.
>However, the date is perfect, also the time 'in the future' is less than a 
>second ? 
>What is going on ?


>Problem reports:

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: recovering cygwin settings after a Win98 anomaly

2004-01-13 Thread Larry Hall
At 07:26 PM 1/13/2004, Igor Pechtchanski you wrote:
>On Tue, 13 Jan 2004, jon wild wrote:
>> Hello all
>> This sounds like it should be a FAQ question but I couldn't see it there.
>> Sorry in advance if this is tedious.
>> A few days ago my OS (Win98) inexplicably reverted to a much earlier
>> registry version, resetting all program preferences and file associations
>> etc. Big headache--and recent registry restore files were all wiped at the
>> same time, so I can't fix everything in one fell swoop. The registry was
>> reset to a time (4 years ago!) when I didn't have cygwin installed, which
>> I presume is the cause of the present problem I am having. Cygwin boots
>> into the wrong folder, and won't recognise commands apart from pwd and cd
>> (as far as I've checked--no ls etc). If I cd to my home directory and try
>> to run one of my executables there, I am told that cywin1.dll doesn't
>> exist, though windows sees it fine (in c:\cygwin\bin).
>> Everything was running v smoothly before the anomaly. Is there a simple
>> way I can fix whatever happened? Or will I have to reinstall cygwin from
>> scratch? If anyone can point me in the right direction for understanding
>> what happened and how to fix it, I'll be grateful. I don't know much about
>> the interaction between cygwin and windows, I just use it for compiling
>> and running C programs and some batch text-processing, so apologies if the
>> question is very basic.
>> Thanks --Jon Wild
>The only thing Cygwin normally stores in the registry at this point are
>mounts (technically, there are other things, but if you'd used them, you'd
>know how to fix this).
>If you've installed in the standard location, try running the following
>commands (from c:\cygwin\bin):
>mount -s -b --change-cygdrive-prefix "/cygdrive"
>mount -f -s -b "C:/cygwin" "/"
>mount -f -s -b "C:/cygwin/bin" "/usr/bin"
>mount -f -s -b "C:/cygwin/lib" "/usr/lib"
>If you've installed X, you should also run
>mount -f -s -b "C:/cygwin/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts" "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts"
>If you didn't install in the standard location, change "C:/cygwin" in the
>above commands to the location where you installed Cygwin.
>Please let the list know if this works for you.

Or, if you're not this adventurous, just rerun setup.  It will recreate 
the mount points you're missing.  It will even update any packages that
might be out-of-date to boot! :-)

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: rsync/cygwin can't handle filenames with some character set

2004-01-13 Thread Larry Hall
At 08:41 PM 1/13/2004, Dylan Cuthbert you wrote:
>Actually, the problem I was having with rsync/cygwin and codepages was
>caused by cygwin's modification of file paths, ie. some Japanese encodings
>can cause a filename to have three backslashes (when viewed in Japanese it
>doesn't of course) in it.
>Cygwin seemed to be kicking in when it saw the backslashes to try and map
>windows drive shares or something like that.
>In the end I gave up and changed what I was doing to remain on linux and
>ended up using cygwin only for the very final stage (it is an automated
>backup system).

Yes the Cygwin Windows to POSIX path mapping code uses the occurrence of 
backslash in the path as an indicator that it's a Windows path.  I 
guess this would be a PTC situation, assuming you cannot use "mount"
to mask the problem in some way.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Building nco: changes in Cygwin break linking

2004-01-13 Thread Larry Hall
At 07:00 PM 1/13/2004, Mark Hadfield you wrote:
>Hello all
>I am trying to build NCO version 2.8.0 from source ( I 
>have Windows 2000 SP4 with an up-to-date, reasonably complete Cygwin environment 
>(cygwin 1.5.5-1, gcc 3.3.1-3, etc). I use the usual "./configure, make" process. The 
>build fails to produce executables, with output like this
>/bin/bash ../../libtool --mode=link cc  -g -O2 -ansi  -L/usr/local/lib  
>-o ncwa.exe  ncwa.o -lnco -lintl -lm -lC -lnetcdf
>cc -g -O2 -ansi -o ncwa.exe ncwa.o  -L/usr/local/lib ./.libs/libnco.a -L/usr/lib 
>/usr/local/lib/libnco.a /usr/lib/libintl.dll.a /usr/lib/libiconv.dll.a -lC -lnetcdf
>fu01.o(.idata$3+0xc): undefined reference to `_libc_iname'
>fu02.o(.idata$3+0xc): undefined reference to `_libc_iname'
>fu03.o(.idata$3+0xc): undefined reference to `_libc_iname'
>fu04.o(.idata$3+0xc): undefined reference to `_libc_iname'
>fu05.o(.idata$3+0xc): undefined reference to `_libc_iname'
>fu06.o(.idata$3+0xc): more undefined references to `_libc_iname' follow
>Info: resolving _optarg by linking to __imp__optarg (auto-import)
>Info: resolving _optind by linking to __imp__optind (auto-import)
>collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>When I followed exactly the same steps with exactly the same source on 14 Aug 2003 I 
>did not encounter this error. IIRC, I had an up-to-date, reasonably complete Cygwin 
>environment then. So I presume that the problem is caused by the installation of a 
>newer version of some Cygwin software component in the meantime.
>Any suggestions on how to diagnose & solve the problem?

Well, if it worked before but doesn't now, something has certainly 
changed.  However, presumptions beyond that aren't too helpful.  I'd 
suggest figuring out who's looking for this symbol and where it should
come from.  Track it from there until you find the library you're 

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Compiling .sys files

2004-01-14 Thread Larry Hall
At 12:37 PM 1/14/2004, Theo Verelst you wrote:

>Dear readers,
>Though I realize it is not exactly the purpose of cygwin to make windows things work, 
>but rather have the power of unix available under windows, too, I was wondering if it 
>is reasonably possible to generate .sys files which are understood by for isntance 
>XP, so that a driver can be compiled with cygwin.

Yes.  See <>.  This
package contains a Windows driver built with and for Cygwin.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: MS offers "Services For Unix" free of charge

2004-01-14 Thread Larry Hall
Actually, this has always been a potential issue, since SFU has been around
for a while.  The biggest conflicts, beyond path clashes which we 
unequivocally state must be resolved by putting Cygwin first in the path, 
are likely to be services.  But, so far, we haven't seen lots of complaints 
here about SFU clashes.  Maybe we'll see more now that it's free to download 
and use.  Or maybe SFU just works well with Cygwin. ;-)  But beyond 
curiosity, there's not many reasons to install and use both, at least 
concurrently.  Cygwin and SFU both address the same needs and Cygwin covers 
a wider range of tools.  We'll see what happens though.


At 02:43 PM 1/14/2004, Robb, Sam you wrote:
>Thought this might interest some of the folks who frequent
>this list... particularly those who have to support Cygwin
>installations, and might now have to deal with a parallel
>(conflicting?) install of SFU :-/
>Microsoft Offers Linux-Interoperability Software For Free
>Jan. 13, 2004
>Microsoft has decided to drop the $99 licensing fee previously
>required for its Services For Unix software and plans to make
>a new version of the interoperability product available this
>week at no cost on its Web site.
>The three main components of SFU--Unix's Network File System
>and Network Identity Service and Microsoft's Interix layer of
>Posix APIs--have all been tuned for better performance, with
>some commands running 50% faster, Oldroyd says. SFU 3.5 also
>features first-time support for P-Threads (for Posix-compliant
>multithreaded applications), a broader set of Posix APIs, and
>updated utilities and libraries.
>Unsubscribe info:
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Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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RE: MS offers "Services For Unix" free of charge

2004-01-14 Thread Larry Hall
At 04:26 PM 1/14/2004, Robb, Sam you wrote:
>> But beyond curiosity, there's not many reasons to install and
>> use both, at least concurrently.  Cygwin and SFU both address
>> the same needs and Cygwin covers a wider range of tools.  We'll
>> see what happens though.
>One thing that Cygwin does lack, and SFU has, is an NFS client :-/
>I know that alone will probably entice me into taking a look at

Right.  That's always intrigued me as well.  If you look more closely
at any or all parts of SFU, with or without Cygwin, I'm sure the list
would be interested in the results of your analysis.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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RE: MS offers "Services For Unix" free of charge

2004-01-14 Thread Larry Hall
Who knows for sure what the *real* driving force that is behind this 
change.  However, it is timed very closely (concurrently?) with MS's 
extension of 98, 98SE, and Me support through Fall 2006.  The current
buzz on this change was that MS was afraid too many "orphaned" 98 users
(currently 25% of Windows users) might "defect" to Linux rather than 
upgrade if they were left high and dry.  So Linux was perceived as a 
real threat in this situation.  SFU becoming free may have just "come
along for the ride" in the hysteria.  It certainly helps with the story
that "Windows is the best" (so why would you want to leave it) too.  But 
too much discussion about MS's motives here will get us very off-topic.
Suffice it to say it's an option for some other folks now but also easier 
for us to evaluate presumably. 


At 06:52 PM 1/14/2004, Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) you wrote:
>Before one gets too excited, one might wait until one sees the licensing
>terms.  I seems to remember that MS was all hot and bothered about what they
>were calling viral software.  (Misnomer, Outlook is viral software, in as
>far as it is designed to help viruses propagate.  GPL might be better termed
>a viral license.)  Will the license let one do what one wants to do?
>Does this mean that that MS finds that Cygwin (and U/Win, MKS, et al.) is a
>threat?  Or that they were not making much from SFU but cannot drop it for
>various reasons, so are going for brownie points?
>I also liked the part about 
>   "The real driver behind this [pricing]
>   change is this interoperability issue,"
>   Oldroyd says. "We want Windows to be the
>   best platform for interoperability."
>Since MS has long desired that "Windows be the best platform for"
>productivity suites, will Office soon be available for free?
>-Original Message-
>From: Robb, Sam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 2:43 PM
>Subject: MS offers "Services For Unix" free of charge
>Thought this might interest some of the folks who frequent
>this list... particularly those who have to support Cygwin
>installations, and might now have to deal with a parallel
>(conflicting?) install of SFU :-/
>Microsoft Offers Linux-Interoperability Software For Free
>Jan. 13, 2004
>Microsoft has decided to drop the $99 licensing fee previously
>required for its Services For Unix software and plans to make
>a new version of the interoperability product available this
>week at no cost on its Web site.
>The three main components of SFU--Unix's Network File System
>and Network Identity Service and Microsoft's Interix layer of
>Posix APIs--have all been tuned for better performance, with
>some commands running 50% faster, Oldroyd says. SFU 3.5 also
>features first-time support for P-Threads (for Posix-compliant
>multithreaded applications), a broader set of Posix APIs, and
>updated utilities and libraries.
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Re: /cygdrive/a permission denied

2004-01-15 Thread Larry Hall
At 01:30 PM 1/15/2004, Ahmed Hashim you wrote:
>I'm using cygwin on Windows XP. I want to create a
>boot disk for my target machine 
>when I do the following:
>dd conv=sync if=install/bin/redboot.bin of=/cygdrive/a
>I get the following message: 
>dd: opening '/cygdrive/a': Permission denied 

Use /dev/fd0 instead.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Installed files permissions after an update of cygwin

2004-01-15 Thread Larry Hall
At 05:54 PM 1/15/2004, GarulfO:<> you wrote:
>I recently update my Cygwin version.
>The first bit (execution) of the permission is set for all my files, for group and 
>sometimes other.

Windows sets the execution bit on all files it creates.  Is that what you're 

>Did I make a bad manipulation ?

Perhaps, unless it's the issue I mentioned above.

>Can I correct this problem ?

Sure.  Use 'chmod' unless you're not on NT/W2K/XP/W2K3/LMNOP... or working
on a FAT/FAT32 file system.

>I saw an old mail on this subject but with no reponse. And I couldn't find more info 
>in FAQ.

That's cause your question isn't really an FAQ AFAICT.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: MS offers "Services For Unix" free of charge

2004-01-15 Thread Larry Hall
At 04:21 PM 1/15/2004, Shankar Unni you wrote:
>Larry Hall wrote:
>>The current buzz on this change was that MS was afraid 
>> too many "orphaned" 98 users (currently 25% of Windows users)
>> might "defect" to Linux rather than upgrade [...]
>Oooh. I wonder what they were smoking. I seriously doubt even a tiny fraction of 
>those users would even *think* about Linux, let alone think they could handle it 
>themselves. We're talking about folks who think adding a DIMM is something they have 
>to haul the PC back to the manufacturer for..

True but there are versions of Linux out there that are very easy to 
install and look and feel allot like Windows.  But that's a separate 
subject only potentially related to the topic at hand, mostly by timing.
I don't think it's on-topic for this list.

>No, I see this as more of a move towards enticing people to try SFU for free. Once 
>they're hooked, we'll see "SFU Professional", "SFU Enterprise Edition" (and dare I 
>dream? "SFU Data Center Edition").
>("The first hit's free, kid!").

Perhaps.  But if that's their goal they could have introduced those 
versions now.  I'm not saying they won't do what you suggest but the 
move they just made with it would imply to me that they aren't heading
that way.  I also don't see much to get "hooked" on that isn't available 
from another source, free or otherwise.  Regardless, I'm interested in 
the results of your upcoming tests.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: shortcuts on win2k

2004-01-15 Thread Larry Hall
At 03:39 PM 1/15/2004, Steve you wrote:
>All the cygwin user's gude had to say about symlinks is that they do not have all the 
>property info that windoze shortcuts have, ..which doesn't bother me.
>I want to use symlinks ( ln -s ) as I do in gnu/linux.
>I made some today on my win2k box at work.
>They worked fine in the cd command, but I could not get automcomplete to expand lists 
>on the symlinks.  cygstart did not seem to work with them.
>Using "ls" with a symlink only lists the symlink, the dir it points to.
>Is this normal, do symlinks have less features on cygwin such that they are not "as 
>good as the dir/file" being there..or am I missing something?

Apparently, you're missing something. ;-)  I'm not sure I know exactly what
you did and what you saw but I tried everything you mentioned in some
form and it worked just fine for me.  You should look closer at what you
did and see if you can find the source of the problem.  If you cannot 
and need to consult the list again on this issue, first visit:

>Problem reports:

and follow the recommendation there.  I'd also recommend that you 
provide annotated input and output of cases that you have problems with.  
This will allow others to duplicate your steps exactly and determine if 
there's anything "unusual" about your process.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: geomview successfully compiled!!

2004-01-15 Thread Larry Hall
At 06:34 PM 1/15/2004, B. Marchand you wrote:

>I'm not sure if the cygwin setup utility has an "Update" option where it reads the 
>version available on that mirror, compares it to the version you have installed, and 
>determines if you need an update or not. Anyway, it claimed I didn't need it but I 
>re-installed it anyhow.

Yes, setup has this.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: SFU installed -> rxvt problems

2004-01-17 Thread Larry Hall
At 01:06 AM 1/17/2004, Christopher Faylor you wrote:
>On Fri, Jan 16, 2004 at 10:01:17PM -0800, Peter Skj?tt Larsen wrote:
>>While realizing that this list is not about SFU, closer examination
>>reveals that the dev environment in SFU 3.5 (and prior versions) is gcc
>>and SFU allows for Visual Studio to be invoked as well - e.g.  $CC
>>implies by default the visual studio (command line) compiler.  Don't
>>pick the standard install however, some useful things are not turned on
>>by default!
>And, so, with this message we now step even more firmly into off-topic
>Maybe you all need to form another mailing list if this is really a
>hot topic for discussion.

Right.  Perhaps I should say something here, since it may have been my
earlier comments on this subject that made people think that this was a forum
open for any and all discussion of SFU.  That was not my intent.  While I 
have personal curiosity about SFU and how it may work (or not) with Cygwin,
I don't believe that this list is the proper forum for discussing SFU.  I 
do think there is some benefit to the list if someone who's installed it
would provide a concise review of it in terms of areas of overlap and not as 
well as any clashes.  This would be information that would be generally 
useful for the list in terms of recognizing SFU-induced problems in future 
problem reports (though the resolution is likely to still be "don't do that"
or "uninstall SFU").  But really any general discussion of SFU is off-topic, 
just like any general discussion of U/WIN and MKS are off-topic.  Sorry if
any previous comments from me on this subject generated any confusion.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Windows Server 2003 on AMD64, One More Ping

2004-01-18 Thread Larry Hall
At 01:12 PM 1/18/2004, Benson Margulies you wrote:
>Some time ago, I reported that fork() didn't work when running the
>current cygwin distro on the AMD64 on Windows. At the time, I debugged
>far enough to get an approximate picture of what Cygwin was doing with
>VirtualXXX calls to implement fork, and I posted some questions in the
>hopes of understanding it well enough to try to make a fix. As far as I
>could see, I didn't get a reply.
>To summarize, it seemed to me as if the code was making some assumptions
>about what virtual addresses ranges would be available and assigned
>under certain conditions related to fork, and that these assumptions
>were not valid on the AMD64, leading to failures.
>Presumably, a ground-rule of Cygwin is to program only to the documented
>Win32 API, and not to resort to the NT API substrate as illustrated in
>In any case, the offer is still open; if someone would be so kind as to
>offer up a summary of the design of fork(), I'd be willing to make some
>effort to diagnose and propose mods to adapt it.

Didn't you get some reply?  I seem to remember some discussion of the 
subject, though maybe I'm thinking of some other related inquiry.
I'd say your general summary of what fork assumes is correct.  I don't
really know anymore about it though.  If it's a problem for AMD64, I 
guess that's not too much of a surprise, given the differences in 
address space.  However, the assumptions are made to support fork()
semantics, which don't map into the API.  So that's the problem, if 
it wasn't already obvious to you.  I'm sure the list would be interested
in hearing the results of any analysis you undertake though!

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: man 1.5k-2 is broken

2004-01-18 Thread Larry Hall
At 11:03 AM 1/18/2004, Alejandro Lopez-Valencia you wrote:
>The file /usr/share/misc/man.conf specifies less flags as "-is".
>This must be set to "-isrR" to work with groff's default tty output
>using SGR codes.

If you had a /usr/share/misc/man.conf file before the install, you won't
get an updated version from the install.  Either make the change manually
or remove usr/share/misc/man.conf and reinstall.  There is nothing wrong
with the man tarball.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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RE: Permissions get lost when moving files between drives.

2004-01-19 Thread Larry Hall
At 01:52 AM 1/19/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
>> There's no need to Cc: me, I read the list, hence the 
>> Reply-To.  Please
>> make sure your mailer respects that.
>I'm sorry. Since I received the message as e-mail (from: you, to: David
>Cc: me and the list), I thought I would have to do a group-reply and send
>my reply to all of them. 
>Isn't this usually the correct thing - i.e. doing a reply-to-all?

Sure.  But if the sender has set the "Reply-To" header, that should indicate
to the email client that regardless of the address of the sender, the 
message should instead go to the address of the "Reply-To".  That's the
way it's supposed to work and that's what Igor is pointing out.

>> > Cygwin DLL version info:
>> > DLL version: 1.3.22
>> This is a very old version of the Cygwin DLL.  The latest 
>> stable version
>> is 1.5.5.  
>You developers have a funny idea of "very old" ;-) 
>It is just a bit over 6 months that I downloaded my cygwin. OK, I've
>learned now: This is already very old.
>> You should upgrade and see if you still get this problem.
>As the problem has now gone away by setting the CYGWIN environment variable,
>I think I'll wait with the upgrade until another bug appears. Better not
>fixing something which isn't broken yet.

Due to the heavy volume on this list, it's policy not to pursue reported
problems unless they're reported against the current version.  The reasoning
here is simple.  A bug could be fixed in the current version so spending
time tracking down the cause in an older version can end up being wasted
effort.  Of course, you're always free to maintain whatever version you 
like.  I just wanted to let you know that any future bug reports you may 
make to the list might just invoke the "upgrade to current" response before 
anyone spends any time thinking further about your report.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: cygwin uninstall

2004-01-19 Thread Larry Hall
At 02:15 AM 1/19/2004, radek you wrote:
>I have one problem with cygwin. I can't uninstall it . there is no uninstall
>option in the program group also there is no such option in add/remove. I wanted
>to make another clean install but can't do that without removing first
>installation. any ideas how to do it?

Yes.  Read the FAQ:

How do I uninstall individual packages?

How do I uninstall all of Cygwin?

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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RE: SSH key authentification problem

2004-01-19 Thread Larry Hall
At 07:56 AM 1/19/2004, Marc Poppleton you wrote:
>> There is not a lot else the Cygwin list can help with as it appears from
>> the verbose output you previously posted that the Cygwin ssh client is
>> doing exactly what it should and the problem lies with the Linux sshd
>> server.
>That all I actually needed to know! :)
>I was affraid that something was going wrong on my side, but it seems that
>my client is behaving has it should.
>Thanks for your help, all of you. I'm forwarding these mail to the admin so
>he can figure out what he did wrong.

One thing you should also note as a result of this statement from you:

>I've installed cygwin and followed the instructions found here :

Cygwin provides installation scripts to set up both ssh and sshd as well
as instructions on how to use them (/usr/share/doc/Cygwin/openssh.README).
The reason this information is available is because this is the recommended
way to install openssh on Cygwin.  I expect you weren't aware of this 
information and went looking elsewhere, ending up at the URL you posted.
Still, you really do need to install in the recommended way if you want 
this list to help you out.  We can't be responsible for mis-configuration 
information that you get from other sites and there's generally too much
traffic on this list to debug everyone's custom initial configuration.  So,
if the admin thinks the problem is still on your end, I'd make the following

  1. Read /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/openssh.README
  2. Use the /bin/ssh-*-config scripts it mentions to configure your
  3. If you have trouble, try starting the local server and see if you 
 can get it to work.
  4. If that fails, read 'man ssh', 'man sshd', 'man ssh_config', and
 'man sshd_config'.  There's lots of information there that will help
 you understand how to configure and use openssh.
  5. If you're still having problems, visit <>
 before reposting to this list and provide this information it requests,
 along with relevant openssh logs and files (like the ones you were
 providing).  Someone should be able to help you with any problem you're
 having with the local openssh server.  Once you have that working, 
     you're in good shape to argue with your admin (or tell him/her nicely
 what configuration you need to get this to work ;-) ).


Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: rsh as NONE SYSTEM user = permission denied

2004-01-19 Thread Larry Hall
At 08:02 AM 1/19/2004, Steven Hartland you wrote:
>Has anyone gotten rsh to work with a none system
>user? I've followed the guide inetutils-1.3.2.README.
>telnet works fine but a simple:
>rsh -l myuser "ls /"
>fails with:
>Permission denied.
>Anyone got any ideas? N.B. anyway of getting a log file
>out of rshd?

Yes.  Please visit:

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and provide the requested information.  Also the output of 'cygcheck rsh'
just before you would invoke 'rsh' would be helpful.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: man 1.5k-2 is broken

2004-01-19 Thread Larry Hall
At 02:08 PM 1/19/2004, Alejandro Lopez-Valencia you wrote:
>On Sunday, January 18, 2004 8:44 PM [GMT-5],
>Larry Hall wrote:
>> At 11:03 AM 1/18/2004, Alejandro Lopez-Valencia you wrote:
>>> The file /usr/share/misc/man.conf specifies less flags as "-is".
>>> This must be set to "-isrR" to work with groff's default tty
>>> using SGR codes.
>> If you had a /usr/share/misc/man.conf file before the install, you
>> won't get an updated version from the install.  Either make the
>> change manually or remove usr/share/misc/man.conf and reinstall.
>> There is nothing wrong with the man tarball.
>Hmmm... You are obliquely correct, of course, but your answer
>presumes too much. I am reporting a package configuration bug, not
>weeping for help on a "small little thing anybody should know how to
>do"(tm).[1] Are you the packager maintainer? (No I am *not*
>volunteering, thank you).

No, I'm not the package maintainer.  Just a long time user and listener
on this list.  Actually, I was aware that you were reporting a "bug" in 
that packaging.  That's why I answered you so specifically.  I stated
that the tarball was fine and with instructions for manually making the
required change, if 'man' was installed previously.  I recognize that the 
approach I described puts a burden on the user and potentially adds traffic 
to this list (this particular change already has done so quite a bit, even 
though 'man' is not to 'blame').  However, these situations are catch-22.  
If the user has added customizations to the file before the installation, 
they loose them afterward without some manual intervention.  Either way, 
we loose.  So far, the convention adopted for packages in with config files 
like this is to only create them but not replace them.  This is why I made
the statements I did.

>IMAO, the maintainer should have fixed the obvious bug (and
>documented blunder!) of not using "-isrR" in man-1.5m2-1 by
>modifying the postinstall script to backup the old man.conf file if
>present and installing a new one with the bug fix.

That's another way to go.  Clearly, the 'man' maintainer is free to 
decide whether he would prefer to take the approach you describe, stick
with the one he has, or adopt another.  But the 'man' package currently 
follows the Cygwin packaging convention (as I mentioned above).  And the
resolution isn't as 'obvious' as you imply.  However, I'm sure if the
'man' maintainer feels there is a need to make a change here as a result
of your report, he will do so.  While my previous comments on the subject
as well as these are meant to clarify the current state of affairs, the
package maintainer always has the last word on what will be done with any
particular package.  That means he's free to disregard or contradict 
anything I've said.  That said, you are also free to provide any patches
you deem appropriate for the maintainer's consideration.

I hope that clarifies the intent of my original response.  If not, let
me know and I'll try again.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Is cygwin really for me? (Need c++ compiler)

2004-01-19 Thread Larry Hall
But you missed Chris's point.  This list isn't for discussing, comparing,
contrasting, and general sharing on the best way to compile apps for 
Windows and other platforms.  While there may be folks on this list that
can provide you with some input on your inquiry, continuing this discussion
here on the list would not be appropriate.  Those who want to reply to you 
should do so directly so that this thread doesn't "clutter" the list.



At 02:28 PM 1/19/2004, Andrew Sasak you wrote:
>I welcome any input I can get, to the list or to me personally. I figure there are 
>many people here who have been exposed to other tools, etc, that I have never heard 
>>From: Christopher Faylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: Is cygwin really for me? (Need c++ compiler)
>>Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 14:17:48 -0500
>>On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 02:13:39PM -0500, Andrew Sasak wrote:
>>>I've been a cygwin user for quite a while, but I still consider myself
>>>a newbie.  I have access to Visual C++ 6.0, but not permanently.  I
>>>want to be able to compile c++ code that I can easily distribute
>>>without licensing problems (because I write software for a University
>>>research lab, at some point may want to write shareware software, etc).
>>>Currently I only need to compile for Windows computers, but I would
>>>like to be able to compile, or at least write code that can be
>>>compiled, on both Win and Linux systems.  For this reason I have been
>>>using cygwin g++ with the -mno-cygwin flag.  Lately I'm wondering if
>>>this is really the best option for me.  I would appreciate any input
>>>that anybody can give me about different development enviroments,
>>>compilers, etc.
>>Whatever input you get, it will have to be personal email.  Non-cygwin
>>compilers or environments are hardly fodder for this mailing list.
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Re: 'info' observations and questions

2004-01-19 Thread Larry Hall
At 03:33 PM 1/19/2004, Doug Wyatt you wrote:

>I don't know where the info.exe source is - doing a setup
>package search for info or info.exe does not seem to be
>helpful in locating it.  Any hints?




Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Cygwin without Win32

2004-01-19 Thread Larry Hall
At 03:37 PM 1/19/2004, Dax Kelson you wrote:
>The newly released Microsoft Services For Unix (SFU v3.5) includes a new
>"highly tuned" POSIX subsystem. MS says that UNIX apps using the POSIX
>subsystem are within 10% performance of Windows apps using the Win32
>subsystem. The security models also work together so that chmod/chown/su
>and friends all work properly. It would be nice to see an implementation
>of setfacl and getfacl.
>Would there be any benefit to porting Cygwin to sit directly on top the
>POSIX subsystem instead of going through the Win32 subsystem?
>kernel <-> POSIX <-> cygwin (bash, et al)
>instead of
>kernel <-> WIN32 <-> cygwin.dll <-> cygwin (bash, et al)
>Just curious.

Not if one wants to be able to write programs that use Win32 functionality
and Windows < NT. 

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: cygwin without Win32

2004-01-19 Thread Larry Hall
At 07:12 PM 1/19/2004, Andrew DeFaria you wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 01:37:27PM -0700, Dax Kelson wrote:
>>>The newly released Microsoft Services For Unix (SFU v3.5) includes a new "highly 
>>>tuned" POSIX subsystem. MS says that UNIX apps using the POSIX subsystem are within 
>>>10% performance of Windows apps using the Win32 subsystem. The security models also 
>>>work together so that chmod/chown/su and friends all work properly. It would be 
>>>nice to see an implementation of setfacl and getfacl.
>>>Would there be any benefit to porting Cygwin to sit directly on top the POSIX 
>>>subsystem instead of going through the Win32 subsystem?
>>There would certainly be a real detriment in the fact that cygwin would stop working 
>>for Windows 95/98/Me. If we could focus just on NT class systems, there is all sorts 
>>of improvements that we could make. I don't think that all of the people using those 
>>systems would be too happy with us, though, as much as I'd like to ditch them.
>Has anybody actually measured how many 9x/Me Cygwin users there are compared with NT 
>and greater?

No, not that has been reported to this list anyway.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: help: running the latest cygwin on a windows 2003 server

2004-01-20 Thread Larry Hall
At 09:28 AM 1/20/2004, Stefan Zachow you wrote:
>Dear cygwin experts,
>I went through the mailing list archive searching for
>"windows 2003 server" but the resulting 10 pages
>didn't really help.
>Could anybody please provide a hint to my problem
>running cygwin on a Windows 2003 server?
>I can only start a cygnus shell when I am a member
>of the administrator group. Since the server is a
>potentially platform for all of our users, everybody
>has to be a member of this group.
>Has anybody had an equivalent problem and knows
>how to fix it?


>Problem reports:

Also, who did you install Cygwin as and did you install it for "All users"
or "Just me"?  The answer to the last part may provide you with the answer
you seek.  Otherwise, please provide more specific information as requested

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: simple newbie init question

2004-01-21 Thread Larry Hall
At 10:26 AM 1/21/2004, Edward W. Rouse you wrote:
>I have installed Cygwin 1.5.5 on a Win2000 box. I included all of the
>packages, just to be safe. But I can't figure out where to add services
>to the init process. cygwin.bat starts the bash shell fine and I have
>set the PATH and some variables there.
>I want to start PostgreSQL and cvs only when I have the Cygwin session
>window open. Where do I put the commands? I have created a script to
>start and stop these services from the command line, but would really
>like to automate the process.
>I am more familiar with the way SuSE works and following the RedHat
>reference guide did not help. I searched the archives and the Cygwin
>documentation but didn't find anything that addresses starting and
>stopping services when using the bash shell.
>I did see someone mention a .bash-shutdown file. Is there also a
>.bash-startup file and where would it go? Or am I supposed to use the
>/etc/defaults/etc/bash.bashrc file?

This sounds more like a generic bash question than a Cygwin one but I'll
bite.  If you'll only ever have one window started from cygwin.bat open
at a time, just add the start-up to ~/.bash_login and the shutdown to 
~/.bash_logout.  If you'll have more than one window open at a time, you'll
want to add some logic to avoid multiple attempts to start and stop these


Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Missing /dev

2004-01-21 Thread Larry Hall
At 11:48 AM 1/21/2004, Kaz Kylheku you wrote:
>This is a tiny little annoyance in Cygwin: various device paths exist,
>like your controlling terminal /dev/conin. However, there is no actual
>/dev directory in the filesystem.
>This confuses some programs that do parsing on the path rather than
>just pass the entire string to open(). E.g. CLISP's file I/O library:
>[6]> (with-open-file (f "/dev/conin" :direction :input) (read f))
>*** - nonexistent directory: #P"/dev/"
>The simple workaround is to ``mkdir /dev'', but would it be a bad idea
>for the Cygwin installer to create this directory?

There's no need.  As Chris Faylor has said in the past, we'll be moving
away from this pseudo-device emulation.  That's a better resolution to the
problem than perpetuating the current workaround.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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RE: simple newbie init question

2004-01-21 Thread Larry Hall
Ah, so you do want init services.  Install the 'inetutils' package and
read up on inetd.


At 12:29 PM 1/21/2004, Edward W. Rouse you wrote:
>Thanks, I found the doc page for .bashrc and .profile. And I got
>postgres starting fine. But I need to start pserver for use with cvs.
>Can I do this with the cygwin bash shell or some other way? I read the
>apache/cygwin page on starting httpd. Is their something similar for the
>cvs pserver?
>In other words, where does the line 'cvspserver stream tcp nowait root
>/usr/bin/cvs cvs --allow-root=/usr/local/cvsroot pserver' go?
>> -Original Message-
>> Of Dave Korn
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 12:20 PM
>> Subject: RE: simple newbie init question
>> > -Original Message-
>> > From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Edward W. Rouse
>> > I have installed Cygwin 1.5.5 on a Win2000 box. I included
>> > all of the packages, just to be safe. But I can't figure out
>> > where to add services to the init process. cygwin.bat starts
>> > the bash shell fine and I have set the PATH and some variables
>>   There is no init process under cygwin.
>> > I want to start PostgreSQL and cvs only when I have the
>> > Cygwin session window open.
>>   That'll *really* slow down opening the cygwin bash shell if it has
>> start up a couple of heavy-duty servers every time, but it's your
>> > Where do I put the commands?
>> ~/.bashrc
>> That is to say, the .bashrc in your $HOME directory.
>> > I have created a script to start and stop these services from
>> > the command line, but would really like to automate the process.
>> See also
>> which details how you could get the cygwin version of postgresql up
>> running as a system service.  I haven't tried that myself so I can't
>> for it personally but it looks like it ought to work to me
>> cheers,
>>   DaveK
>> --
>> Can't think of a witty .sigline today
>> --
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RE: simple newbie init question

2004-01-21 Thread Larry Hall
At 01:23 PM 1/21/2004, Edward W. Rouse you wrote:
>I do have inetutils installed but I can't find inetd except in the
>/lib/perl5/5.8.2/Net/demos/ directory. The relevant portion of cygcheck
>is shown. 
>indent  2.2.8-1
>inetutils   1.3.2-25
>initscripts 0.9-1
>Should I reinstall it? 

What about '/usr/sbin/inetd.exe'?  That's what you're looking for.  Is 
it there?  If not, reinstall.  If so, read 


Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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RE: prelude to a new cygwin 1.5.7 release: snapshot available

2004-01-22 Thread Larry Hall
At 09:46 PM 1/22/2004, Ton van Overbeek you wrote:
>Even with the latest snapshot dll (cygwin1-20040122.dll) I still have
>the same problem as reported by Dirk Fassbender in message
>When I start ddd gdb is complaining it cannot access /dev/tty1 etc.
>So I am still using 1.5.5.
>This is on Win XP/PRO with an empty CYGWIN environment variable.

Oh, jeez I'm sorry but this qualifies as a "me too" report.  There'll
be no gold star for you from CGF on this one! ;-)

>Any test/strace etc. you want me to run ?
>Or does this rings any bells w.r.t. changes between 1.5.5 and 1.5.6 ?
>There is one change in the 1.5.6 announcement which seems to be related to
>- Protect tty access from unauthorized users.  (Pierre Humblet,
>Christopher Faylor)

Well, it could be useful for you to track down this change in CVS and
build without it to determine whether this is a contributing factor 
or not.  Give it a shot.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: installation freezes at /usr/bin/idle

2004-01-22 Thread Larry Hall
At 11:04 PM 1/22/2004, Ling F. Zhang you wrote:
>I am doing a full installtion with all src selected,
>and when it's installing
>The program uses 100% CPU, and doesn't do anything for
>long time. I am using a p4 1.7G, 512 RDRAM, 120GB HDD
>(lots of space remaining), WIN2K3 Standard...anyone
>has the same problem?

Google may be able to help answer that question:


But I didn't have that problem and I have Python-2.3.3-1 installed.
Maybe you just got a bad package/mirror.  Try checking the md5sum 
of the python package to see if it's corrupt or something.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Linking VC++ apps to cygwin-based DLLs

2004-01-23 Thread Larry Hall
At 01:22 AM 1/23/2004, Brian Dessent you wrote:
>Tomer Zekharya wrote:
>> I want to port a certain group of libraries from UNIX to windows. I managed to 
>> compile and link it using cygwin, but the Windows applications that needs these 
>> libs are MFC based, so I can't compile them in cygwin (at least that's what I 
>> understood from searching through the web and through the cygwin mailing list).
>> I tried doing the opposite: compile the UNIX code to DLLs using cygwin, and trying 
>> to link to them in VC++, but I get all kind of errors.  After compiling the DLLs as 
>> described in the "Building DLLs" section in the Cygwin manual, I get the following 
>> message when linking in VC++:
>> warning LNK4078: multiple ".text" sections found with different attributes 
>> (E020)
>> And my application crashes on some kind of memory fault.
>> Since I'm new to this world of cygwin and VC++, I don't really know if I made a 
>> mistake in the cygwin side or the VC++ side. If anyone has successfully compiled 
>> MFC based applications linking against cygwin-based DLLs, I'll be more than happy 
>> to hear how he/she did it.
>THis is surely in the FAQ somewhere, which I'm sure gives a better
>answer than I can.
>A "Cygwin" application by definition is one that links against
>cygwin1.dll.  That is, it uses the Cygwin layer to provide a POSIX
>interface.  If you link against cygwin1.dll you cannot also link against
>another crt (C runtime) library, because the two conflict.  So, either
>you must modify your VC++ code to not use any of the VC++ libraries, or
>you must modify your Cygwin code so that it doesn't link against
>cygwin1.dll.  The latter is possible with the "-mno-cygwin" flag to gcc,
>which turns it into mingw.  Objects compiled that way will have no
>dependance on cygwin1.dll, but they will also have no support for the
>POSIX compatibility that Cygwin provides.  So, you can't have your cake
>and eat it too.  If you want the functionality that Cygwin provides, you
>must not use any other crt.

And you must interface to your DLLs as C-callable functions, not as C++ 
functions or classes.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: installation freezes at /usr/bin/idle

2004-01-23 Thread Larry Hall
Hm.  Something's not right here.  Let's see if we can start with the 
basics.  Can you invoke 

  :\bin\cygcheck -s -r -v

If so, send the output *as an attachment* to the list.  That will give us
some idea of the state you're in.


At 03:57 AM 1/23/2004, Ling F. Zhang you wrote:
>I can click "Cancel" but then it give me an err msg:
>cannot open /usr/.../setup.log for writing
>I checked writing permission to the folder and it
>checks out. I used two different mirror
>and same thing
>--- Larry Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> At 11:04 PM 1/22/2004, Ling F. Zhang you wrote:
>> >I am doing a full installtion with all src
>> selected,
>> >and when it's installing
>> >
>> >Python-2.3.3-1
>> >/usr/bin/idle
>> >
>> >The program uses 100% CPU, and doesn't do anything
>> for
>> >long time. I am using a p4 1.7G, 512 RDRAM, 120GB
>> HDD
>> >(lots of space remaining), WIN2K3 Standard...anyone
>> >has the same problem?
>> Google may be able to help answer that question:
>> But I didn't have that problem and I have
>> Python-2.3.3-1 installed.
>> Maybe you just got a bad package/mirror.  Try
>> checking the md5sum 
>> of the python package to see if it's corrupt or
>> something.
>> --
>> Larry Hall 
>> RFK Partners, Inc.  (508)
>> 893-9779 - RFK Office
>> 838 Washington Street   (508)
>> 893-9889 - FAX
>> Holliston, MA 01746 
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Re: Cannot connect to Interix subsystem

2004-01-23 Thread Larry Hall
At 10:09 AM 1/23/2004, Christopher Faylor you wrote:
>On Thu, Jan 22, 2004 at 10:22:01PM -0800, Curtis Ebert wrote:
>>Hi Christopher,
>>While Googling for a clue on what may be causing my problem, I came across 
>>your post 1/12/02 post to the cygwin group about "Cannot connect to 
>>Interix subsystem" whenever trying to run any of their commands such as 
>>I'm having the exact same problem.  Did you ever figure it out?  Would you 
>>mind sharing your findings with me?  I know it's been a long while and you 
>>don't know me from Adam, but anything you can recall would be much 
>Please check out the project web page for links to available information
>and ports: .
>If you don't see what you need there, then the cygwin mailing list is
>the best place to make observations or get questions answered.
>Information on the mailing list is available at the project web page.
>For your convenience, I've reset the Reply-To: address to point to the
>cygwin mailing list.  I've also Cc'ed this reply there.


You contacted the wrong person in that thread.  Robert White was the 
one with this problem and Chris simply pointed out to him that this 
inquiry on the Cygwin list was off-topic.  You'd want to check with
Robert personally as to whether he was able to resolve this issue.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: 'entrypoint __getreent missing' problem in the binary distribution files for Windows ! How to proceed, how to report the bug ?

2004-01-23 Thread Larry Hall
At 11:46 AM 1/23/2004, Rolf Hemmerling you wrote:
>Hello !
>'entrypoint __getreent missing' problem in the binary distribution files
>for Windows ! How to proceed, how to report the bug to the authors &
>builders of the binary distribution, so that WORKING packages are
>offered for download, in the future ? ?

Actually, things work fine if they are installed correctly.

>*** From my point of view, this bug exists "since months" and nobody
>cares of it. This is absolutely horror and might cause a very-bad
>reputation of open-source & freeware, as the binary distribution is a
>"must" for rookie users. 

The problem is installation specific and not systemic.  The solution is 
to find the local conflict and resolve it.  I've found nothing that would
substantiate your view of this "bug" in the distribution or that "nobody 
cares about it".

>I installed parts of the ***binary*** distribution of the Cygwin stuff,
>with W2k,SP4.

And how did you do that?

>Some of the binary compiled tools, like G++
>(release/gcc/gcc-g++/gcc-g++-3.3.1-3.tar.bz2 ), when called in a DOS
>box, refuse to work and abort with a special message in an extra window
>( of Windows)
>(german language on W2k)
>'Der Prozedureinsprungpunkt "__getreent" wurde in der DLL "Cygwin1.dll"
>nicht gefunden'.
>'Der Prozedureinsprungpunkt "libintl_bindtextedomain" wurde in der DLL
>"Cygmtl-2.dll" nicht gefunden'.
>'The entrypoint "__getreent" is missing in the DLL "Cygwin1.DLL"'.
>'The entrypoint "libintl_bindtextedomain" is missing in the DLL
>Same with the standard installation process with setup.exe: it fails,
>with similar messages.

Visit <> then and follow the instructions
provided there.  There's some basic information we need to understand 
your installation before anyone here can help you diagnose your problem.
I should also clarify that this list can only really "support" installations
of Cygwin that are current (well, for the moment, at least to the level 
of version 1.5.5 for the Cygwin package) and that use setup.exe to install 

>The ** entrypoint __getreent is missing  ** problem was discussed both
>in this mailing list, and other mailing lists. Mostly it was by people
>who did NOT run this binary distribution, but who were faced with the
>bug when they compiled their own projects. Before compiling a project
>(with windows), I need a working binard distribution !
>Maybe the solution was a simple wrong -D definition when the binary
>distribution was created ? Read this posting !
>"The compile option "-D__linux__" is the cause.
>There are some header files which use __linux__ in them.
>But cygwin environment (that corresponds to __CYGWIN__) somewhat differs
>from __linux__ one.  So using '__linux__' in cygwin has some bad effect
>on those header files, I suppose."

No, that's a build environment issue.  It's related (by the message) but
not the same thing at all.

>Any suggestions, besides to recompile the whole stuff by myself ( too
>much work for me, especially as I am shure that I must know special
>tricks to (cross-) compile the whole stuff on Linux :-(. )

Seems to me that you've done some reading but apparently missed or 
dismissed relevant postings on this matter.  For example, the thread
starting here:


There are others as well.  Your best bet is to report the problems 
you're having following the guidelines of <>
if you are installing with setup, can't get things to work, and the 
previous advice isn't working for you.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: xmlto errors

2004-01-23 Thread Larry Hall
At 12:46 PM 1/23/2004, Elvin Peterson you wrote:
>1)   When I use xmlto to convert a docbook xml file to
>html-nochunks, I get the following error:
>basename: too many arguments
>Try `basename --help' for more information.
>2) Further, if I use the plain 'html' option, no files
>are created.  It fails with the error:
>cp: cannot stat `*.htm*': No such file or directory
>3) I am unable to run xmlto from any other directory
>other than ~.
>I am using the latest version of cygwin.  Any help is

Don't forget the important information to read at:

>Problem reports:

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

Unsubscribe info:
Problem reports:

Re: installation freezes at /usr/bin/idle

2004-01-23 Thread Larry Hall
At 12:51 PM 1/23/2004, Ling F. Zhang you wrote:
>I will do that as soon as I get to my computer (later
>this afternoon). I would like to also point out that I
>tried the following:
>unselect Python during the package section phase
>set freezes when trying to installed rcs (which is the
>next package)


>I suspect that some windows service/process is
>conflicting with cygwin, as I had similar freezing
>problem long ago with Norton Anti-Virus Enterprise.
>However this is a new installation on this computer
>with win2k3 standard. The only software I got on it so
>far are MS Office System 2k3.

Right.  Virus software can be a problem in these 
situations.  But if you haven't installed any, then
this can't be a problem here. ;-)

>--- Larry Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hm.  Something's not right here.  Let's see if we
>> can start with the 
>> basics.  Can you invoke 
>>   :> directory>\bin\cygcheck -s -r -v
>> If so, send the output *as an attachment* to the
>> list.  That will give us
>> some idea of the state you're in.
>> Larry
>> At 03:57 AM 1/23/2004, Ling F. Zhang you wrote:
>> >I can click "Cancel" but then it give me an err
>> msg:
>> >cannot open /usr/.../setup.log for writing
>> >I checked writing permission to the folder and it
>> >checks out. I used two different mirror
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >and same thing
>> >
>> >--- Larry Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> At 11:04 PM 1/22/2004, Ling F. Zhang you wrote:
>> >> >I am doing a full installtion with all src
>> >> selected,
>> >> >and when it's installing
>> >> >
>> >> >Python-2.3.3-1
>> >> >/usr/bin/idle
>> >> >
>> >> >The program uses 100% CPU, and doesn't do
>> anything
>> >> for
>> >> >long time. I am using a p4 1.7G, 512 RDRAM,
>> 120GB
>> >> HDD
>> >> >(lots of space remaining), WIN2K3
>> Standard...anyone
>> >> >has the same problem?
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> Google may be able to help answer that question:
>> >> 
>> >>
>> >> 
>> >> But I didn't have that problem and I have
>> >> Python-2.3.3-1 installed.
>> >> Maybe you just got a bad package/mirror.  Try
>> >> checking the md5sum 
>> >> of the python package to see if it's corrupt or
>> >> something.
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> --
>> >> Larry Hall 
>> >>
>> >> RFK Partners, Inc.  (508)
>> >> 893-9779 - RFK Office
>> >> 838 Washington Street   (508)
>> >> 893-9889 - FAX
>> >> Holliston, MA 01746 
>> >> 
>> >
>> >
>> >__
>> >Do you Yahoo!?
>> >Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free web site building tool.
>> Try it!
>> >
>> >
>> >--
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>> >Documentation:
>> >FAQ:
>Do you Yahoo!?
>Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free web site building tool. Try it!
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Re: xmlto errors

2004-01-23 Thread Larry Hall
At 01:20 PM 1/23/2004, Elvin Peterson you wrote:

>--- Larry Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Don't quote email addresses in your responses.  It's just
spam fodder!

>> At 12:46 PM 1/23/2004, Elvin Peterson you wrote:
>> >Hello,
>> >1)   When I use xmlto to convert a docbook xml file
>> to
>> >html-nochunks, I get the following error:
>> >
>> >basename: too many arguments
>> >Try `basename --help' for more information.
>> >
>> >2) Further, if I use the plain 'html' option, no
>> files
>> >are created.  It fails with the error:
>> >
>> >cp: cannot stat `*.htm*': No such file or directory
>> >
>> >3) I am unable to run xmlto from any other
>> directory
>> >other than ~.
>> >
>> >I am using the latest version of cygwin.  Any help
>> is
>> >appreciated.
>> Don't forget the important information to read at:
>> >Problem reports:  
>I have searched Google (web and newsgroups) and this
>mailing list too.  Here is my detailed cygwin info.
> Cygwin DLL version info:
> DLL version: 1.5.5
> DLL epoch: 19
> DLL bad signal mask: 19005
> DLL old termios: 5
> DLL malloc env: 28
> API major: 0
> API minor: 94
> Shared data: 3
> DLL identifier: cygwin1
> Mount registry: 2
> Cygnus registry name: Cygnus Solutions
> Cygwin registry name: Cygwin
> Program options name: Program Options
> Cygwin mount registry name: mounts v2
> Cygdrive flags: cygdrive flags
> Cygdrive prefix: cygdrive prefix
> Cygdrive default prefix:
> Build date: Sat Sep 20 16:31:15 EDT 2003
> CVS tag: cr-0x9b
> Shared id: cygwin1S3

OK but what about the output of cygcheck -s -r -v (*attached*, not 

>Test command:
>$ xmlto -o xml html-nochunks xmlto.xml
>The file xmlto.xml is the one distributed with xmlto
>(uses docbook 4.2).

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

Unsubscribe info:
Problem reports:

Re: Most mirrors don't have md5.sum for setup.exe

2004-01-23 Thread Larry Hall
Sounds like something that's worthwhile to report to the 
site maintainer(s).


At 01:45 PM 1/23/2004, Jim Kleckner you wrote:

>Brian Dessent wrote:
>>Jim Kleckner wrote:
>>>I noticed that the mirror site that I am using
>>>via rsync:
>>>  rsync://
>>>lost the md5.sum file some time ago (2-3 months?).
>*at the top level*
>>>An informal and incomplete check of sites from
>>>indicates these sites have the md5.sum file:
>>>and these sites do not have the md5.sum file:
>>>Should it be at every site?
>>I don't understand what you mean by "the" md5.sum file.  There is a md5
>>file for every package.  If you open
>> and traverse into
>>the release subdirectory and look at any package dir, there is a md5.sum
>>file with timestamp corresponding to the same date as the packages.  In
>>other words, I don't see anything wrong.
>Yes, I know that.
>The original message could have had the phrase
>"at the top level" though I thought, obviously
>incorrectly, that the explicit path to the
>containing directory would be clear.
>Click on this link to see the existing file:
>or this one to see that it is missing:
>This is the md5.sum file for setup.exe, setup.ini etc.
>Note that the file mod times are "fresh" in those
>sites that have it.
>Unsubscribe info:
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Re: xmlto errors

2004-01-23 Thread Larry Hall
At 01:20 PM 1/23/2004, Elvin Peterson you wrote:

>Test command:
>$ xmlto -o xml html-nochunks xmlto.xml
>The file xmlto.xml is the one distributed with xmlto
>(uses docbook 4.2).

OK, from what you've provided, I don't see anything wrong with the 
installation and I cannot reproduce your problems (though I'm a 
complete newbie with xmlto so I can't claim that means anything).
Looking at the script, it appears to me that there is some 
possibility that spaces in $PWD has the potential to foul up the 
second usage of basename, accounting for the first complaint you
mentioned. Perhaps you want to add 'set -x' to the start of the
of 'xmlto' and see what it tells you.

I'm sure someone else more familiar with xmlto can help out
better than I, if you don't find your own answer first.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Problem reports:

Re: installation freezes at /usr/bin/idle

2004-01-23 Thread Larry Hall
OK, try this:

set PATH=C:\cygwin\bin;%PATH%
cygcheck -s -r -v 

If that gives you the same complaint, it's probably a 
permissions problem.  Take a look at who has permission
for the executables tweak them as necessary.


At 04:31 PM 1/23/2004, Ling F. Zhang you wrote:
>I cannot do cygchecks -s -r -v because of the
>following error:
>C:\cygwin\bin>cygcheck -s -r -v
>Cygwin Win95/NT Configuration Diagnostics
>Current System Time: Fri Jan 23 13:30:04 2004
>Windows .NET Server Ver 5.2 Build 3790
>Path:   C:\WINDOWS\system32
>`id' program not found
>'C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe' is not recognized as an
>internal or external comma
>operable program or batch file.
>Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (nontsec)
>I guess it's due to my unability to complete the
>--- Larry Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> At 12:51 PM 1/23/2004, Ling F. Zhang you wrote:
>> >Hi:
>> >
>> >I will do that as soon as I get to my computer
>> (later
>> >this afternoon). I would like to also point out
>> that I
>> >tried the following:
>> >
>> >unselect Python during the package section phase
>> >
>> >result:
>> >set freezes when trying to installed rcs (which is
>> the
>> >next package)
>> OK.
>> >I suspect that some windows service/process is
>> >conflicting with cygwin, as I had similar freezing
>> >problem long ago with Norton Anti-Virus Enterprise.
>> >However this is a new installation on this computer
>> >with win2k3 standard. The only software I got on it
>> so
>> >far are MS Office System 2k3.
>> Right.  Virus software can be a problem in these 
>> situations.  But if you haven't installed any, then
>> this can't be a problem here. ;-)
>> >--- Larry Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> Hm.  Something's not right here.  Let's see if we
>> >> can start with the 
>> >> basics.  Can you invoke 
>> >> 
>> >>   :> >> directory>\bin\cygcheck -s -r -v
>> >> 
>> >> If so, send the output *as an attachment* to the
>> >> list.  That will give us
>> >> some idea of the state you're in.
>> >> 
>> >> Larry
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> At 03:57 AM 1/23/2004, Ling F. Zhang you wrote:
>> >> >I can click "Cancel" but then it give me an err
>> >> msg:
>> >> >cannot open /usr/.../setup.log for writing
>> >> >I checked writing permission to the folder and
>> it
>> >> >checks out. I used two different mirror
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >and same thing
>> >> >
>> >> >--- Larry Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> >> At 11:04 PM 1/22/2004, Ling F. Zhang you
>> wrote:
>> >> >> >I am doing a full installtion with all src
>> >> >> selected,
>> >> >> >and when it's installing
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >Python-2.3.3-1
>> >> >> >/usr/bin/idle
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >The program uses 100% CPU, and doesn't do
>> >> anything
>> >> >> for
>> >> >> >long time. I am using a p4 1.7G, 512 RDRAM,
>> >> 120GB
>> >> >> HDD
>> >> >> >(lots of space remaining), WIN2K3
>> >> Standard...anyone
>> >> >> >has the same problem?
>> >> >> 
>> >> >> 
>> >> >> Google may be able to help answer that
>> question:
>> >> >> 
>> >> >>
>> >>
>> >> >> 
>> >> >> But I didn't have that problem and I have
>> >> >> Python-2.3.3-1 installed.
>> >> >> Maybe you just got a bad package/mirror.  Try
>> >> >> checking the md5sum 
>> >> >> of the python package to see if it's corrupt
>> or
>> >> >> something.
>> >> >> 

Re: freeze-up running bash and make

2004-01-26 Thread Larry Hall
At 04:12 AM 1/26/2004, Dylan Cuthbert you wrote:
>Hello all,
>I have just upgraded to the latest cygwin, and our build process doesn't
>work anymore. (it freezes with no messages and not even the ability to press
>ctrl-c to get out)
>We are running "bash -c make"from a std style prompt.
>Oddly, f we run make from an already existing rxvt or bash shell window here
>is no problem. (maybe something to do with the difference between
>using --login or not?)
>I have attached the strace output.

Does it work better with the latest snapshot <>?

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: ssh configuration that is pulling my hair out!

2004-01-26 Thread Larry Hall
At 12:21 PM 1/26/2004, Jose Gilberto Torres you wrote:

>>I feel like a broken record on this subject.  If you followed the
>>instructions for setting up sshd under Cygwin from a different site,
>>why are you asking for help here on the Cygwin list when you are having
>>problems with instructions garnered from another site? != 
>>  Even the page you reference above says
>Well excuse me.  I understand you feel like a broken record and I apoligize for 
>asking this particular question regarding this matter.   
>Anyway, if this is such a commonly asked question, shouldn't be in a FAQ document or 
>something around that? 

Hm, interesting theory.  I guess the logic escapes me.  I don't understand
the reasoning by which someone uses configuration information from another 
site to set up a Cygwin package, has a problem, and then decides to come to 
the Cygwin site looking for help.  Why is that the obvious course of 

I'd be happy to propose an FAQ entry if I thought it would help.
Perhaps you'd want to suggest how one might word such an FAQ
such that it makes sense but doesn't sound condescending or obvious to 
those that would read it.  All I can come up with is:

Q: If I configure my Cygwin packages using instructions from another site 
   rather than those provided with the package and have problems, can I ask 
   the Cygwin mail list for help resolving these problems?

A: No.  You need to go back to the site from which you got the instructions 
   and ask there.  Alternatively, use the instructions and/or scripts that
   come with the Cygwin package.  If you use the instructions and/or scripts 
   that are part of the Cygwin package and have problems, you can then 
   consult the Cygwin mail list after reading and following 

Just seems to me like this is saying don't call the gas company to complain
about service you got from the plumber you hired.  The plumber is the one 
you should be talking to.  Doesn't this make sense?  If it doesn't, then 
perhaps an entry for the FAQ could be crafted to address this issue.  
Otherwise, adding what should be obvious to the FAQ isn't going to pass 
muster.  The FAQ isn't the place for the obvious.  

So, why wasn't this obvious to you?  I'm not being sarcastic.  I really 
want to know.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Probably stupid question about line termination

2004-01-26 Thread Larry Hall
At 01:00 PM 1/26/2004, Benson Margulies you wrote:
>However we set up the text mode with mount, files referenced with drive
>letters are being read with DOS line termination. Is there a way to
>control this?

I'm not sure the first part of your statement makes sense with the last
part.  The implication is that you're looking for UNIX-style line endings
for "files referenced with drive letters" but you state that you "set up the 
text mode with mount", which implies that you want DOS-style line endings.
Cygwin treats all paths using DOS drive syntax as DOS format files, using 
DOS line endings.  You can use the Cygwin 'mount' command to mount a DOS
path as a Cygwin POSIX path and to treat files in this subtree as UNIX-style
files (using the '-b' flag to 'mount - see 'man mount').  But of course, 
this means you have to use the POSIX path to get this behavior.  Otherwise, 
you can use 'd2u' to convert the file(s) in question.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: ssh configuration that is pulling my hair out!

2004-01-26 Thread Larry Hall
At 01:41 PM 1/26/2004, Christopher Faylor you wrote:
>On Mon, Jan 26, 2004 at 06:34:29PM -, Dave Korn wrote:
>>>-Original Message-
>>>From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Larry Hall
>>>Otherwise, adding what should be obvious to the FAQ isn't going to pass
>>>muster.  The FAQ isn't the place for the obvious.
>>AYS?  The FAQ is the place for _frequently_ asked questions, and I've
>>always assumed that frequency of questions is orthogonal to whether
>>they're obvious or not[*].  After all, its whole raison d'etre is to
>>save the list the bother of having to repeatedly answer the same
>>questions that come up time after time after time  Surely that's
>>justification for putting any question (no matter how obvious the
>>answer) in the FAQ solely on the grounds of how often it crops up?
>>OTOH 'frequently' in this context should imply 'asked by a variety of
>>different people', rather than 'asked by one person repeatedly'  ;)
>I think you're missing the point.  Larry apparently doesn't understand
>(and neither do I) the thought process which, for example, would cause a
>person who bought coffee that was to hot to complain at Starbucks when
>the coffee was bought at Krispy Kreme.
>Larry was asking for some insight into the thought process so that the
>potential FAQ entry could pinpoint the problem.  It's not obvious what
>the problem could possibly be here so adding empty obvious words is
>not going to be much use.
>I actually suspect that this is one of many cases where a FAQ entry
>would be of little help and I'm always wary of adding so much verbiage
>to the FAQ that it becomes unusable.

Precisely.  The idea of adding to the  FAQ for something that should be 
obvious goes against my grain but I'm OK with the notion if doing so 
addresses a problem.  But, at least to me, this one seems way off to one
end of "obviousness" so I have to question the "obvious" solution too.
Maybe there's a better solution because the problem isn't what we think
it is.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: ssh-add hangs on Windows 95

2004-01-27 Thread Larry Hall
At 05:59 AM 1/27/2004, Trevor Vaughan you wrote:
>I have successfully installed the latest (22 Jan 04) Cygwin release on 3
>computers: 2 running Windows 2000 and one running Windows 95. I can now
>successfully access my CVS repository remotely from any of these machines,
>using the Cygwin ssh and cvs utilities, which was my primary goal.
>In the bash shell I also run "ssh-agent $SHELL" followed by "ssh-add", and
>this works fine on the Windows 2000 machines. However, on my Windows 95
>machine "ssh-add" simply hangs. Once this has happened the incidence of
>blue-screen-of-death memory errors increases markedly. However, ssh-add does
>not itself crash with a memory-error screen or return any error messages --
>it just hangs. I tried changing the permissions on the files in my ~/.ssh
>directory, but (as I see from other postings) chmod has little or no effect
>in Win 95. In any case, the key files should be OK because they work fine
>for ssh and remote cvs calls: only ssh-add seems to have a problem.
>My Win 95 system is a Pentium 166 MHz with 64 MB RAM. I'm not running any
>exotic background software. What have I done wrong?

See :

>Problem reports:

My WAG is you need to try the latest snapshot <>
but the information that the problem report page asks for would help 
confirm that.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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RE: Problem with DLLs and processes

2004-01-27 Thread Larry Hall
At 06:47 AM 1/27/2004, Dave Korn you wrote:
>> -Original Message-
>> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Przemyslaw Sliwa
>> I have a question regarding the dynamically linked libraries 
>> in Cygwin.
>> When I compile my program under cygwin it uses the dlls. And 
>> then during the runtime it loads all the functions from the dll.
>> A similar story we have under Linux when one uses the .lo or 
>> .so files. However I want to use the compiles program on 
>> another machine which does not have the cygwin suite. Under 
>> Linux I just specify the option -STATIC and then the program 
>> contains all the data needed by the program. I can take it on 
>> another machine, which does not have the library and run it. 
>> I suppose under cygwin I can do the same, but nowhere in the 
>> docs it is written how.
>> Could someone tell me how to compile a program so that it 
>> contains all the functions needed by it in the exe file???
>  Ideally, you'd simply build the cygwin dll from source as a static link
>library and add it to your exe.  Unfortunately that turns out not to be
>possible because of various internal design features of cygwin.  There are
>also licensing implications:
>  I don't know if there's any way to statically link a .dll into a .exe in
>general.  However, you can simply distribute a copy of cygwin1.dll with your

Actually, the recommended approach is to distribute your program that 
depends on Cygwin and then point to's setup to install the
Cygwin package (and anything else needed/wanted).  Obviously, this could
be automated too.

>  This has a slight danger, that the version with your exe might clash with
>an existing version of cygwin dll already on the computer.  To avoid this,
>you can install your exe and the cygwin dll into a directory of their own.
>Then you create a file in that directory that has the exact same name as
>your exe with ".local" appended.  This means that when your .exe runs, it
>will look in the same directory for its dlls before it looks in the windows
>system dir.  That way, your exe gets the version of the dll it expects, but
>none of the existing software on the machine you install will interact with
>it.  Google for "side-by-side DLLs" if you want to know more.

Actually, this will still cause a clash for the Cygwin.  But since 
Cygwin DLLs are backward compatible, the recommended approach, which I 
mentioned above, of distributing the Cygwin DLL will avoid any type of 

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: troubelshouting with cygwin

2004-01-27 Thread Larry Hall
At 09:36 AM 1/27/2004, Skippy the Kangoo you wrote:
>My english is very bad but I need your help.
>I have a troubleshout whit cygwin and gcc.
>When I  compiled my code source with gcc, it say
>/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.1/../../../../i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: cannot
>find -luser32
>collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>I don't now what this.
>If you can help me, I will wonderfull.
>Thank You,
>Skippy the Kangoo.

You did not install a package you need.  To figure out which one, go to 
<> and type in 'libuser32.a'.  This will tell
you the name of the package with this file.  Run setup.exe and install
that package.  This process is the same whenever you're looking to find 
a file that you're missing.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: ssh configuration that is pulling my hair out!

2004-01-27 Thread Larry Hall
At 03:03 AM 1/27/2004, Brian Dessent you wrote:
>Larry Hall wrote:
>> Precisely.  The idea of adding to the  FAQ for something that should be
>> obvious goes against my grain but I'm OK with the notion if doing so
>> addresses a problem.  But, at least to me, this one seems way off to one
>> end of "obviousness" so I have to question the "obvious" solution too.
>> Maybe there's a better solution because the problem isn't what we think
>> it is.
>While I understand that Cygwin cannot be responsible for what third
>parties say about its configuration, it shouldn't be entirely mysterious
>why a lot of people see that site first, and then ask here.  If you
>google for "cygwin sshd configuration" the first four hits are on
>  I don't think it's that outrageous that someone would
>google first, try the instructions presented in the results, and then
>seek out the official mailing list when that doesn't work.  Or, in other
>words, "Cygwin is cygwin, why should it matter where I saw the
>instructions?"  I don't think it would be wasteful to add a simple FAQ
>entry along the lines of "Q: I'm having problems with my sshd
>configuration, can you help?  A: Yes, please read
>/usr/share/doc/Cygwin/sshd.README.  Only those instructions are
>supported on the mailing list, if you still need help."

To me, that suggests that we need to either have a way to optionally 
start the configuration of packages from setup.exe and/or somehow queue
the user into the READMEs.  This is a bit more involved to implement 
than additions to the FAQ but it seems to me that it's much more likely 
to eliminate the questions on this and other package configuration issues 
that stem from 3rd party configuration advice.  But can anyone who has 
configured sshd using, for example, confirm that this is the 
approach they took?

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: ssh configuration that is pulling my hair out!

2004-01-27 Thread Larry Hall
At 11:03 AM 1/27/2004, Larry Hall you wrote:
>At 03:03 AM 1/27/2004, Brian Dessent you wrote:
>>Larry Hall wrote:
>>> Precisely.  The idea of adding to the  FAQ for something that should be
>>> obvious goes against my grain but I'm OK with the notion if doing so
>>> addresses a problem.  But, at least to me, this one seems way off to one
>>> end of "obviousness" so I have to question the "obvious" solution too.
>>> Maybe there's a better solution because the problem isn't what we think
>>> it is.
>>While I understand that Cygwin cannot be responsible for what third
>>parties say about its configuration, it shouldn't be entirely mysterious
>>why a lot of people see that site first, and then ask here.  If you
>>google for "cygwin sshd configuration" the first four hits are on
>>  I don't think it's that outrageous that someone would
>>google first, try the instructions presented in the results, and then
>>seek out the official mailing list when that doesn't work.  Or, in other
>>words, "Cygwin is cygwin, why should it matter where I saw the
>>instructions?"  I don't think it would be wasteful to add a simple FAQ
>>entry along the lines of "Q: I'm having problems with my sshd
>>configuration, can you help?  A: Yes, please read
>>/usr/share/doc/Cygwin/sshd.README.  Only those instructions are
>>supported on the mailing list, if you still need help."
>To me, that suggests that we need to either have a way to optionally 
>start the configuration of packages from setup.exe and/or somehow queue

Ugh!   ^^

>the user into the READMEs.  This is a bit more involved to implement 
>than additions to the FAQ but it seems to me that it's much more likely 
>to eliminate the questions on this and other package configuration issues 
>that stem from 3rd party configuration advice.  But can anyone who has 
>configured sshd using, for example, confirm that this is the 
>approach they took?

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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RE: ssh configuration that is pulling my hair out!

2004-01-27 Thread Larry Hall
At 11:25 AM 1/27/2004, Edward W. Rouse you wrote:

>> -Original Message-
>> At 11:03 AM 1/27/2004, Larry Hall you wrote:
>> >At 03:03 AM 1/27/2004, Brian Dessent you wrote:
>> >>Larry Hall wrote:
>> >>
>> >
>> >To me, that suggests that we need to either have a way to optionally
>> >start the configuration of packages from setup.exe and/or somehow
>> Ugh!
>Shouldn't that be
>clue ? 

No, I did mean 'cue' but 'clue' could work too. :-)

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: ssh configuration that is pulling my hair out!

2004-01-27 Thread Larry Hall
At 11:37 AM 1/27/2004, Brian Ford you wrote:
>On Tue, 27 Jan 2004, Larry Hall wrote:
>> To me, that suggests that we need to either have a way to optionally
>> start the configuration of packages from setup.exe and/or somehow queue
>> the user into the READMEs.
>Technically, the FAQ should have accomplished that under "Where's the
>documentation?".  Although, it obviously doesn't.

Right.  Clearly the FAQ is at least one step removed from what's needed.
Certainly that would seem to mesh with the notion that people Google for
configuration help rather than look at what was downloaded or even the 
Cygwin site.

>As a side note, that entry could use an update to reflect FHS.

True enough.  I submitted a patch for that a while ago but looks like it 
hasn't been applied yet.  I'll dig it up again.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: configure problem with cygwin on w2k server

2004-01-27 Thread Larry Hall
At 12:41 PM 1/27/2004, annett.frick you wrote:
>dear listmembers,
>I have a problem to configure geos and  postgis with cygwin/postgresql- I installed 
>successfully on a Windows 2000 machine- now I tried to install it on
>a Windows 2000 server machine- is there any difference???
>I followed the instructions from the Windows PostGIS Installation Guide and get the
>error message: cannot create executables
>in the log-file it says as follows:
>It was created by configure, which was
>generated by GNU Autoconf 2.57.  Invocation command line was
>  $ ./configure
>bla,blah and then:
>configure:1978: checking for gcc
>configure:1994: found /usr/bin/gcc
>configure:2004: result: gcc
>configure:2248: checking for C compiler version
>configure:2251: gcc --version &5
>gcc (GCC) 3.2 20020927 (prerelease)

Looks like you're out of date.  Rerun setup and upgrade.

Also visit:

>Problem reports:

Particularly, cygcheck output is relevant.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: OpenSSL libcrypto

2004-01-27 Thread Larry Hall
At 08:47 PM 1/27/2004, King Lung Chiu you wrote:
>I'm trying to build openssh-3.7.1p2 on Cygwin, but I get the following 
>error after running configure:
> configure: error: *** Can't find recent OpenSSL libcrypto (see config.log 
> for details) ***
>I haven't seen any similar posts in the cygwin mailing list archive.
>So any ideas how to fix that libcrypto error?

It's amazing what a package search will turn up...


Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: perlcc does not work on my cygwin-please help

2004-01-28 Thread Larry Hall
At 02:52 AM 1/28/2004, Pinhas Krengel you wrote:
>Thanks Rafael
>Well it is not acutally perlcc that I am after. I try to compile a CPAN
>module and the compiler does not find the path to some important files like
>perl.h and XSUB.h etc... From what you say I understand that it is wrong to
>use ming but ratjer use the cygwin gcc and g++.
>I got the former right  from the setup installation. But I don't have g++.
>Is it posiibble to download and cleanly install it on my current cygwin.

Please don't quote email addresses in your responses to the list.  It just
adds fodder for spam harvesters.

Run setup and install g++ to get it on your system if you don't already 
have it.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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Re: Cut-down Cygwin on a USB Memory Stick?

2004-01-28 Thread Larry Hall
At 09:40 AM 1/28/2004, zzapper you wrote:
>Hi Y'All
>Anyone investigated putting a cutdown version of CygWin onto a memory
>stick (128MB or bigger).
>What would you need the dlls vim,find,grep,ls etc??
>zzapper (vim & cygwin & zsh)

Yes, it has been investigated.  You can find some discussion of it in 
the email archives.  It's similar to the discussion of Cygwin on a CD,
though simpler in a way since the memory sticks are writable and CDs
(generally) are not.

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746 

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