Test version 1.26-1 of alternatives
is available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Latest upstream release DESCRIPTION The alternatives provides mechanisms for maintaining a database of, and managing, other packages which might be in conflict with each other. The end user can easily switch between the desired versions HOMEPAGE https://github.com/fedora-sysv/chkconfig Marco Atzeri If you have questions or comments, please send them to the cygwin mailing list at: cygwin (at) cygwin (dot) com . -- *** CYGWIN-ANNOUNCE UNSUBSCRIBE INFO *** The easiest way to unsubscribe is to visit <https://cygwin.com/mailman/options/cygwin-announce>, and click 'Unsubscribe'. If you need more information on unsubscribing, start reading here: <https://sourceware.org/lists.html#unsubscribe>.