Reini Urban schrieb:
The two setup.hints are attached.

Oops. This is the correct one for perl-libwin32. Win32CORE is in perl core now. Sorry.
Win32::GUI was removed.
@ perl-libwin32
sdesc: "Perl extensions for using the Win32 API"
category: System Libs
requires: perl cygwin
ldesc: "Perl extensions for using the Win32 API.
Included modules: Win32API::File, Win32API::Net, Win32API::Registry,
ChangeNotify, Clipboard, Console, Event, EventLog, File, FileSecurity, 
IPC, Internet, Job, Mutex, NetAdmin, NetResource, ODBC, OLE, PerfLib, Pipe,
Process, Registry, Semaphore, Service, Shortcut, Sound, TieRegistry and

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