Re: Start menu shortcuts

2009-09-06 Thread Yaakov (Cygwin/X)

On 02/09/2009 14:59, Charles Wilson wrote:

IMO, each (X) package should, in its own postinstall script, create the
start menu shortcut it needs, using mkshortcut from cygutils.

Well, perhaps GUI X packages.  A lot of the X.Org apps are diagnostical 
in nature and hence are designed to be run from the command line.  There 
are a few which provide real functionality (nothing that isn't available 
elsewhere with a modern GUI), and even those don't show up in the 
standard X11 desktop menus.

That postinstall script should also invoke whatever tool is necessary and
supported to add its opendesktop menu items to the cygwin area, so that
cygwin/gnome and/or cygwin/kde window managers are happy -- at the
package maintainer's discretion.

If you are referring to /usr/share/applications/*.desktop used by 
GNOME/KDE/Xfce/LXDE, those files are shipped by each package and are 
part of the tarball, not created by postinstall.  For those GUI packages 
which don't ship a .desktop menu, one can be created by calling 
make_desktop_entry() in src_install().

I believe Yaakov's ideas revolve around automating this with certain
primitives to be invoked within .cygport packaging scripts.

That was my original train of thought.  But as there already exists a 
cross-desktop menu system in the X11 world, I would rather find a way to 
use that instead, rather than maintaining a second menu system just for 

My grand idea would be for XWin itself to implement the desktop menu, 
parsing /usr/share/applications/ on startup, and generating a menu 
structure that could be used in .XWinrc as so:

menu root {
  "Reload .XWinrc"  RELOAD
  "Applications"  LAUNCHER

The attached script provides an example of what such a menu would look 
like in XWin if done manually.  I just put this together, so it's a bit 
rough, but it should give you an idea of the result (but obviously not 
the implementation).

OTOH, someone would have to write this parser -- we probably can't use 
any of the existing ones, since most of them have dependencies beyond 
those of XWin, and are under licenses which are more restrictive than 
MIT/X11.  And as a Windows app, XWin knows only about .ICO icons, so 
supporting the PNG/SVG icons typically used in FD.o menus would be more 

If that is not plausible, then I suppose the fallback would be to have 
cygport handle this by parsing the .desktop file, generating a 
postinstall mkshortcut command, and creating an .ICO from the 
corresponding PNG/SVG with ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick/Netpbm/etc.  The 
major drawback of this approach is in the case of split-packages, as 
this would require some special handling of the postinstall, as well as 
changes to each subpackage's .list file or _CONTENTS variable.

How to manange the transition, from the monolithic X-start-menu-icons
package and script, to this distributed approach -- no idea.

Either way, the transition means obsoleting X-start-menu-icons by 
causing it to be uninstalled through "upgrading" it to an empty tarball.

#! /bin/sh
# See

# Main Categories:
cats="AudioVideo Development Education Game Graphics Network Office Settings 
System Utility"

# The following line must be added manually to the designated ROOTMENU
#   "Applications" MENU fdoapps

echo "MENU fdoapps {"
for cat in ${cats}
echo -e '\t'${cat} MENU ${cat}
echo "}"

# FIXME: fallback for (faulty) menus which specify none of the Main Categories
for cat in ${cats}
echo "MENU ${cat} {"
for app in $(find /usr/share/applications -name '*.desktop' | xargs 
grep -l "Categories=.*${cat};")
# not intended for 
grep -q '^NoDisplay=true' $app && continue
grep -q '^OnlyShowIn=' $app && continue
eval $(grep '^Exec=' $app | sed -e 's|=\(.*\)|="\1"|g')
eval $(grep '^Name=' $app | sed -e 's|=\(.*\)|="\1"|g')
echo -e '\t'\"${Name}\" EXEC \"${Exec%% *}\"
done | sort -f
echo "}"

Re: [ITP] rarian

2009-09-06 Thread Andy Koppe

Worst library-naming pun ever?

:) Andy

[SECURITY] vorbis

2009-09-06 Thread Yaakov (Cygwin/X)


libvorbis needs a version bump to 1.2.3 ASAP for CVE-2009-2663.


[ITA] WindowMaker

2009-09-06 Thread Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
WindowMaker has been sitting orphaned for a while now, and there have 
been requests for an update, so:
