RFU: bcrypt 1.1-2

2012-09-27 Thread Jari Aalto
wget --recursive --no-host-directories --cut-dirs=3 \
http://cante.net/~jaalto/tmp/cygwin/bcrypt/bcrypt-1.1-2-src.tar.bz2 \
http://cante.net/~jaalto/tmp/cygwin/bcrypt/bcrypt-1.1-2.tar.bz2 \

Packaging update, like zlib => zlib0, project information (README), test
cases added to source package etc.


ITP: gt5 -- shell program to display visual disk usage with navigation

2012-09-27 Thread Jari Aalto
wget --recursive --no-host-directories --cut-dirs=3 \

http://cante.net/~jaalto/tmp/cygwin/gt5/gt5-1.5.0~20111220+bzr29-1-src.tar.bz2 \
http://cante.net/~jaalto/tmp/cygwin/gt5/gt5-1.5.0~20111220+bzr29-1.tar.bz2 \

Included in Debian:


To check packaging:

  tar -xf *-src.tar.bz2
  ./*.sh --color --verbose all


[ setup.hint ]

sdesc: "shell program to display visual disk usage with navigation"
ldesc: "Tool for exploring disk usage more conveniently than the du(1).
program displays what has appened since last run and displays dir size
and the total ercentage. It is possible to navigate and descend to
directories by sing cursor keys with text based browsers."
category: Utils
requires: lynx