On Sat, 08 Aug 2020 20:14:59 +0900, Lemures Lemniscati
> On Sat, 08 Aug 2020 06:32:06 +0200, ASSI
> > Lemures Lemniscati via Cygwin-apps writes:
> > > But I feel uneasy about the usase of CYGPORT_TAR_CMD, because we must
> > > specify 'tar' in it. It is a redundancy.
> > 
> > It is also a way to do nefarious things, but there are already many
> > more such places.
> > 
> > > The following is a thought experiment to avoid this redundancy.
> > […]
> > 
> > As I said, you'll end up with configuration variables for everything
> > except the actual command (which is found in PATH, so if I really wanted
> > to mess with it I could do that anyway).
> Oh, I see. My comment was maybe misleading.
> My point is that it would be happy for me if it is sufficient to specify
> changed parameters only.  (the point is not about avoiding wicked things).
> And I guess your point of view about configuration is more general than
> mine.
> Now, my last wish, in this case, is that these settings, for example,
> would be effective and would do well:
> CYGPORT_TAR_EXT=".tar.zst"
> CYGPORT_TAR_CMD="tar -I 'zstd -19 -T0'"
> And, I think it will be user-friendly.
> Regards,
> Lem

Now, I suggest another patch, so that both of the following invocations
work [1].

CYGPORT_TAR_EXT=".tar.zst" CYGPORT_TAR_CMD="env ZSTD_CLEVEL=19 tar -I zstd 
--group nobody:65534 --owner nobody:65534" cygport foo.cygport package

CYGPORT_TAR_EXT=".tar.zst" CYGPORT_TAR_CMD="tar -I 'zstd -19 -T0' --group 
nobody:65534 --owner nobody:65534" cygport foo.cygport package



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