On 2021-03-17 14:02, Jon Turney wrote:
A new setup release candidate is available at:
   https://cygwin.com/setup/setup-2.906.x86_64.exe (64 bit version)
   https://cygwin.com/setup/setup-2.906.x86.exe    (32 bit version)
Please test, and report any problems here.
This is not the place for setup feature requests.
Changes compared to 2.905:
- If a selected site URL saved from the last run starts with "http://";, and an identical URL, except starting with "https://";, is in the current mirror list, migrate it from "http://"; to "https://";. - Propagate the value of the CYGWIN environment variable into post-install and pre-remove scripts (Thanks to Michael Wild for this patch).
   Partially addresses: 
- Warn about unknown package names used with '--packages' or '--remove-packages' options. - Move (potentially localizable) installation progress and package action strings to string table resource.
- Fix new warnings and build issues with gcc 10.

Not seeing any issues with this test release.
Sometime in the last while, Cygwin Setup started making the default chooser column widths 100-200px wide, and I don't see any obviously relevant change in the log, nor any issues in setup.log.full. Only unusual occurrence may be /etc/setup/setup.rc chooser_window_settings has 4G-1 in fields 4-7 of window placement, and wondered if those could be getting used incorrectly for column width calculations? I'm on Windows 1909 19H1 10.0.18363.1379 until my next update which says it has 20H? pending.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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