Re: Rootless mode revisited...

2002-10-18 Thread Harold L Hunt II
Yikes!!!  I just noticed that my XWin.log is 52 MB for my one hour 
session in Cygwin/XFree86.  I will have to roll a new release tonight 
that turns off the logging of the winAddRgn messages.  Sorry about that.


root wrote:

Works rubber bands.. none of my previous
problems (my error!).

Only quirk I can see is loads of 'winAddRgn()' message lines at the end of
my XWin.log.

Thanks a million..I owe someone a beer for this!!


Re: Invoking rootless mode

2002-10-18 Thread Keith D. Tyler
Sam Edge was recently quoted as saying...
 You wrote in [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 in gmane.os.cygwin.xfree on Thu, 17 Oct 2002 10:13:10 +0200:
  oh how I miss the focus 
  follows mouse function within windows, just to mention one
 At the expense of being somewhat off topic and sounding like a
 Microsoft UI aficionado you can get this behaviour out of most
 versions of Windows if you install Microsoft Tweak UI. (Some versions
 need the XMouse powertoy instead - also from Microsoft.)

At the expense of sounding like a picky naysayer, XMouse never worked
consistently similar to any other X wm's focus-follows-mouse behaviour
that I ever used. And it will never work like Fvwm2 SloppyFocus, which
I've become addicted to. :)

As for rootless mode, I'd throw out some other caveats and

* I'm using a Win32 virtual pager. When XWin is active, even in rootless
mode, the window covers up the page in the virtual display. (Yes I know
why, and this is with JSPager, perhaps there are shape-aware virt pagers
for Win32.)

* I recommend running this mode with the X server set to run
always-on-top. Right now I'm using a tool called Make Always On Top to
make XWin.exe this way, perhaps I could suggest that XWin.exe include this
ability as a command-line and/or icon-menu option.

Right now I'm using Chris's patched binary, set sticky in my Win32 pager,
and Always On Top via that tool. I've moved my fvwm root-window menus to
be invoked via an added title button on all fvwm windows, and turned on
the titlebar for one of my X sticky windows so that I can always access 
it. I then get myself into the habit of manually minimizing X apps when I
need to use a large Win32 app. This is a bit of a minor inconvenience, but
the always-on-top has the benefit of making my X icons, winlist and pager
window always available.

In the meantime, I've trimmed off two pages of my X virtual desktop, two
pages off my Windows virtual desktop, and turned off the overhead caused
by my X root-pattern switcher (FvwmBacker). I'm enjoying this desktop

Federal Way, WA
   If Tyrrany and Oppresion come to this land,
  it will be under the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.
   - James Madison, U.S. President 1809-1817

Thanks for the icon

2002-10-18 Thread Harold L Hunt II
Jehan (Bing),

I wanted to say thanks for provided the .ico file that I used for the 
icon in Cygwin/XFree86 - Server Test Series - Test 66.  I stole that 
icon from your systray icon patches.  I was never able to find nor 
create an X icon that had the proper transaparency and that looked good 
in all color modes.  You either found that one or created it and, 
regardless of which of those it was, it fit the bill.  I hope you 
noticed that your name was on the credit line for the icon patch.

Anyway, I just wanted to make sure that I called attention to the 
creator/finder of the X icon that we are now using.


keyboard problem

2002-10-18 Thread Jochen Wurster

i am running Xfree on an english Windows 2000 version with a german
keyboard. How can i configure xfree to use a german keyboard instead of the
default english?

Thanks in advance

Joche Wurster

Re: xwinclip problem/puzzle

2002-10-18 Thread Chris Twiner
 Unfortunately not.  The version most recently posted had the ctrl+c and  
server reset code in place but nothing much else.


It does however contain the code to handle the selections properly.  I'm not 
sure I made that clear enough.  It does what you want it to do but not much 
else, is what I should have said :-).

 When you run multiple screens do you keep the same display setting or 
does  it need to change?  If it is the same display I can get it working 
(by  making sure the newly activated window is not a cygwin window).

Do you mean multiple virtual desktops, or dual monitors?  Though I

Multiple virtual desktops, dual monitors didn't seem to work in any way.  
I.e. using the screen option on xwin.exe


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Rootless mode logging and slowness

2002-10-18 Thread Harold L Hunt II
Some of you have noticed that a message is being added to /tmp/XWin.log 
every time that winAddRgn (or something close to that) is called.

Other of you have also noticed that certain window operations and other 
random operations are slower than expected in Cygwin/XFree86 with 
rootless mode enabled.

It turns out that these two issues are related.  The winAddRgn function 
is being called many, many, many thousands, if not hundreds of thousands 
of times and the average window operation may cause it to be called 
several hundred times.  As you can imagine, writing a message to the log 
file during every one of these calls is an extraordinary burden.

I built a test version for my own purposes with this logging message 
disabled and I fully expected the performance hit to go away.  Well, it 
did, for the most part.  I would estimate that about 95% of the slowdown 
in rootless mode was caused by this errant logging, but the rootless 
mode is still a little bit slower than non-rootless mode.  However, the 
performance hit is now well worth the features and new usage scenarios 
that rootless mode provides.

I used Cygwin/XFree86 today in rootless mode for several hours while 
creating a LaTeX  document for my homework and creating figures for that 
document in xfig.  Rootless mode made it so much easier to switch 
between emacs and xfig running under Cygwin/XFree86 to Adobe Acrobat or 
to Mozilla running under Windows.  (Yes, I know, I could use ghostscript 
to view my pdf, but gs keeps crashing on startup whenever I try to run 
it; also, Acrobat is much more user-friendly than gs).

So, rootless mode makes Cygwin/XFree86 actually useful for the primary 
maintainer to get some work done!  This is astonishing!  :)


Re: Invoking rootless mode

2002-10-18 Thread Uwe Schmidtmann
Hallo Sam.

Sam Edge wrote:

At the expense of being somewhat off topic and sounding like a

and so on - at least avoid full qoute...

Guess I needed that - I had TweakUI already installed for some other 
reason but never checked the mouse options... sh...

By the way: This works absolutely positiv with the -rootless option of 
the new xwin binary. All looks like being integrated expcept copy/paste.

Thanks a lot!


Re: Invoking rootless mode

2002-10-18 Thread Keith D. Tyler
Uwe Schmidtmann was recently quoted as saying...
 Guess I needed that - I had TweakUI already installed for some other 
 reason but never checked the mouse options... sh...
 By the way: This works absolutely positiv with the -rootless option of 
 the new xwin binary. All looks like being integrated expcept copy/paste.

To get integrated copy/paste, you need xwinclip:

And warning: it tends to crash here and there, so be prepared to restart
it as needed. Some days I have to restart it once or twice. But it works
rather well.


Federal Way, WA
   If Tyrrany and Oppresion come to this land,
  it will be under the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.
   - James Madison, U.S. President 1809-1817

Re: Thanks for the icon

2002-10-18 Thread Jehan
Harold L Hunt II wrote:

I wanted to say thanks for provided the .ico file that I used for the
icon in Cygwin/XFree86 - Server Test Series - Test 66.  I stole that
icon from your systray icon patches.  I was never able to find nor
create an X icon that had the proper transaparency and that looked 
good in all color modes.  You either found that one or created it and,
regardless of which of those it was, it fit the bill.  

I created it with a nice screenshot of xlogo and a bit of PaintShop 
Pro (for the individual images) and Visual C (for the ico file itself 
and transparency).

I hope you noticed that your name was on the credit line for the icon 

Yes I did, thanks, that will help me become famous one day *grin*


Re: XFree86 install fails

2002-10-18 Thread Rasjid Wilcox
On Thu, 17 Oct 2002 12:22 pm, Chris plonski wrote:
 Does cygwin use the windows registry to save previous

Yes.  See the Cygwin FAQ 'How do I uninstall all of Cygwin' 
( - there are entires in the registry 
tree `Software\Cygnus Solutions' under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and/or 


Re: Invoking rootless mode

2002-10-18 Thread Alexander Gottwald
On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Keith D. Tyler wrote:

 * I recommend running this mode with the X server set to run

You will never get the w32 windows in front of any x11 window. 

 Right now I'm using a tool called Make Always On Top to
 make XWin.exe this way, perhaps I could suggest that XWin.exe include this
 ability as a command-line and/or icon-menu option.

Feel free to add such a commandline option.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 126018723

Re: XFree86 install fails

2002-10-18 Thread Harold L Hunt II

The mount information is pretty much the only information that Cygwin 
stores in the registry, and unfortunately it is not cleared when you 
uninstall Cygwin/XFree86.  At least, I don't recall that it is cleared. 
I will probably add something about this to the FAQ, eventually.


Chris plonski wrote:

Thanks!  This did the trick!  I just have a question now, where is this
mount information stored?  I started out by deleting any previous cygwin
directory trees.  Does cygwin use the windows registry to save previous

On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 18:39, Harold Hunt wrote:


You need to run ``mount'' from a Cygwin bash prompt and check the location
of your fonts mount.  For example, here is what I get:

Administrator@HUNTHARO ~
$ mount
C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\lib\X11\fonts on /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts type system
C:\cygwin\bin on /usr/bin type system (binmode)
C:\cygwin\lib on /usr/lib type system (binmode)
c:\PalmDev on /PalmDev type system (textmode)
C:\cygwin on / type system (binmode)
c: on /cygdrive/c type user (binmode,noumount)
w: on /cygdrive/w type user (binmode,noumount)
y: on /cygdrive/y type user (binmode,noumount)
z: on /cygdrive/z type user (binmode,noumount)

My guess is that at some point you had Cygwin/XFree86 installed to a
different drive that is no longer available.  You can unmount your current
mount for /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts and either 1) remount it if your default
mount is not binary mode, or 2) leave out that mount if your default mount
is binary mode.



-Original Message-
[mailto:cygwin-xfree-owner;]On Behalf Of Chris Plonski
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 5:47 PM
Subject: XFree86 install fails

I have seen this on multiple Win2k SP3 machines.  I cannot
perform a new install of the XFree86 package.  The setup proceeds
as normal till it gets to the fonts.  It will freeze unpacking
the first font package, and I have to cancel.  I have tried to
manually running bunzip2 on any of the fonts packages, and it
fails with aas follows:

$ bunzip2 XFree86-fenc-4.2.0-2.tar.bz2

bunzip2: I/O or other error, bailing out.  Possible reason follows.
bunzip2: Invalid argument
   Input file = XFree86-fenc-4.2.0-2.tar.bz2, output file =
bunzip2: Deleting output file XFree86-fenc-4.2.0-2.tar, if it exists.

Using a win utility to extract out the .tar file and issuing a
tar -xvf command does as follows:
$ tar -xvf XFree86-fenc-4.2.0-2.tar
tar: usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts: Cannot mkdir: No such file or directory
tar: usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/encodings: Cannot mkdir: No such
file or directory

I attempted to simply issue a mkdir command as follows, and it
fails doing that too!

$ mkdir /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts
mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts': No
such file or directory

What's up?


Re: Invoking rootless mode

2002-10-18 Thread Uwe Schmidtmann
Keith D. Tyler wrote:

At the expense of sounding like a picky naysayer, XMouse never worked
consistently similar to any other X wm's focus-follows-mouse behaviour
that I ever used. And it will never work like Fvwm2 SloppyFocus, which
I've become addicted to. :)

Maybe I was not clear enough with my posting (english is not my native 
language, sorry). What I am running is a combination of xmouse for the 
native windoze stuff and icewm managing the mouse focus for x11. This is 
not always flawless, but with icewm using the nice scheme windows and 
X11 almost look the same and the context switch between X and windoze 
works without having to click or press any weired keys.

This is extremely useful as I use nedit for editing my source code while 
using borland as a compiler. I am used to nedit for almost 7 years now 
and had extreme problems with editor integrated in borlands ide when I 
came to this job.

Sorry for being off topic again...

Maybe Harold Hunt could give a short hint on where to get the xwin.exe 
version with less logging... Thanks.

Regards and have a nice weekend.


Re: Invoking rootless mode

2002-10-18 Thread Harold L Hunt II

There is a preliminary Server Test Series - Test 67 release up at: (~1,225 KB)

I say that this is preliminary because I built it from the HEAD branch, 
rather than from the 4.2.0 branch.  Thus, if you run xdpyinfo it will 
report a strange version number, whereas the usual releases report 4.2.0.

I am only putting this link up for those few brave soles that want to 
minimize logging before I can make an official release.


Uwe Schmidtmann wrote:

Keith D. Tyler wrote:

At the expense of sounding like a picky naysayer, XMouse never worked
consistently similar to any other X wm's focus-follows-mouse behaviour
that I ever used. And it will never work like Fvwm2 SloppyFocus, which
I've become addicted to. :)

Maybe I was not clear enough with my posting (english is not my native 
language, sorry). What I am running is a combination of xmouse for the 
native windoze stuff and icewm managing the mouse focus for x11. This 
is not always flawless, but with icewm using the nice scheme windows 
and X11 almost look the same and the context switch between X and 
windoze works without having to click or press any weired keys.

This is extremely useful as I use nedit for editing my source code 
while using borland as a compiler. I am used to nedit for almost 7 
years now and had extreme problems with editor integrated in borlands 
ide when I came to this job.

Sorry for being off topic again...

Maybe Harold Hunt could give a short hint on where to get the xwin.exe 
version with less logging... Thanks.

Regards and have a nice weekend.


Re: Invoking rootless mode

2002-10-18 Thread Harold L Hunt II

You will probably want to grab that Test 67 preliminary release that I 
just posted... it has much better performance due to reduced logging. 
Take a look at your /tmp/XWin.log file, it is probably over 50 MB.


Holger Vogt wrote:

Hi all,

I have just installed XWin-Test66.exe over a very old Cygwin
installation (May 01, X-dlls March 01) on a Windows NT4 notebook. After
starting and a short DOS box pop up ... nothing happened.

But then there it was: a small green rectangle among all my Windows
icons stating sh.

Now my screen is full with applications (Xman, Xciruit drawing program,
MAGIC layout editor), and still the Windows background, Windows Netscape
and others.

Congratulations, great work.

Holger Vogt

Re: Rootless mode revisited...

2002-10-18 Thread Harold L Hunt II
Don't worry, the patch came through correctly.  The problem was that the 
email did not clearly state that a rootless mode had been implemented, 
so both Alexander and I didn't pay any attention to it.  I didn't even 
notice that it had a patch attached.

The message is in the archives:




On 16 Oct 2002, Alexander Gottwald


On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Harold L Hunt II wrote:


Oh my god, I completely missed this patch!  Wow!

I can't remember this patch too. Either it got lost or was
somehow rejected by the mailserver or maybe was sent to a
private address. 

It was posted on the 15th of this month in this thread. The M-ID 
I have is from the gmane newsserver so it won't be helpful to 
you I guess, sorry. If you can't get it then I will forward it 
to you (9k).

(Off list - I can't email everyone a copy after all, there is a 
limit to my bandwidth :-)


Re: Rootless mode revisited...

2002-10-18 Thread Alexander Gottwald

 It was posted on the 15th of this month in this thread.

And I received it. Must have been blind that day.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 126018723

Need help

2002-10-18 Thread Carlton Teel
Greetings all,

I have been trying to locate the steps needed to use the fvwm
distributed with Cygwin, but I have not found the silver bullet yet.
Can you point to where I need to look or provide me with the necessary
steps?   Once fvwm is in place, how do I integrate in another theme for
fvwm to use?

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated :)

BTW - Thanks for providing this product!


tel;work:972-231-5702 x206
org:Innovative Signal Analysis, Inc.
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Principal Engineer
adr;quoted-printable:;;3301 East Renner Road=0D=0ASuite 200;Richardson;TX;75082;USA
fn:Carlton Teel

x-server with window-manager

2002-10-18 Thread Sven Köhler

is there a project for an x-server with window-manager that integrates 
remote-windows into the windows-desktop?

Re: x-server with window-manager

2002-10-18 Thread Harold L Hunt II

I realize that English is probably not your native language, but could 
you elaborate on your question a little bit?  I cannot understand what 
you are asking.


Sven Köhler wrote:


is there a project for an x-server with window-manager that integrates 
remote-windows into the windows-desktop?

Re: x-server with window-manager

2002-10-18 Thread Sven Köhler
I realize that English is probably not your native language, but could
you elaborate on your question a little bit?  I cannot understand what
you are asking.

should better read next time:
it says:
Seamless integration with Windows
that was what i asked for.

have you already started to implements that feature?

Re: x-server with window-manager

2002-10-18 Thread Sven Köhler
I realize that English is probably not your native language, but could
you elaborate on your question a little bit?  I cannot understand what
you are asking.

Is there a project, that is developing a x-server that has an integrated 
window-manager so that x-forwarded windows will appear like ms-windows' 
native ones?

I think cygwin's current x-server is based on Xnest so that all the 
x-forwarded windows will appear within one big window which is my 
XFree-Desktop and they do not seamlessly integrate into the 