xfree server crashes when taking over windows desktop.

2004-04-13 Thread Lathouwers Lode

I have an X-session running on PC1.
with PC2 I do a Remote Desktop Connection (Windows XP) towards PC1.
the X-server crashes now.
I have installed latest cygwin/x packages.


Re: startx problem

2004-04-13 Thread STAMEN Rainer

thanks a lot.
I commented out the line:
defaultserargs=multiwindow -clipboard

This cures the problem.


  My .xinitrc is as follows:
  # Window Maker default X session startup script
  # If you login from xdm, uncomment this to make error messages appear
  # in the console window.
  # tail -f /home/stamen/.xsession-errors  /dev/console 
   exec wmaker

 Your are launching Window Maker window manager, but...

  The XWin.log which I get is the following:
  Welcome to the XWin X Server
  Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project
  XWin was started with the following command line:
  X :0 -multiwindow -clipboard

 ...X is started with the -multiwindow option that lanches its own window
 manager (in practice it uses the native Windows wm).

 Maybe the problem is there.


 Danilo Turina
 Alcatel Optics OND Network Management
 Rieti (Italy) - Phone: +39 0746 600332

 3 anni 4 giorni 1 ora 31 minuti 31 secondi

RE: xorg XWin.exe: Can I get rid of extra console?

2004-04-13 Thread Walters, I (Iestyn)
Holger Krull wrote:

 we had this in the XWin w/out -nodecoration running in
 background doesn't display anything thread. At least to get rid of the
 extra window, i don't know if this changes the hotkey problem.

Great thread, but you're right, it doesn't solve the hotkey problem. The
Windows Shell seems to remember the main program window started by a
shortcut hotkey. If you press the hotkey a second time, Windows tries to
activate the window in some way. If that particular window has disappeared
however, it will try to start a second instance of the program (I seem to
remember there was a bug in (win32) gvim related to this awhile back).

I have a fix that will do for now:

 The Shortcut attached to my preferred hotkey (Ctrl+Alt+/) runs:

\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\run.exe C:\bin\Xfghack.exe

[Dunno what run.exe does, but a console window momentarily flashes by
without it.] Xfghack is a short C program:

HWND w = FindWindow (0, Cygwin/X - 0:0);
return w? !SetForegroundWindow(w): system (setsid XWin -clipboard );

Works nicely. (The thread you pointed out above helpfully mentions both
setsid and run, so thanks for that!)

I was going to write The real solution of course is for XWin to have an
option not to create the console window..., but Xfghack is slightly more
useful in that it will bring the X session to the front even if it wasn't
originally started by the Windows Shell via the shortcut, or even if the
window has not got a title bar (I couldn't use -nodecoration before).

The things you learn, eh?
CCLRC e-Science Centre, RAL, UK. OX11 0QX

cygwin Xterm and mysqlclient - stdout/stdin/stderr problem ?

2004-04-13 Thread Richard Piper
I am using mysqlclient on WinXP. This works well with in the standard 
cygwin bash shell. Using the xterm with the cygwin-xfree the client 
hangs after initiation at the command line. I have upgraded to the most 
recent version of cygwin. Prior to this the output would appear in the 
parent bash shell, rather than in the xterm.

I looks a little like a problem with redirection of stdout ...

Has anyone else experience this problem. There was some discussion 
regarding the way stdout is handled in xterms with Windows on the 
mailing list.


If I ssh from the xterm to a remote linux system the mysql client works 
as would be expected.



Richard Piper
Web: http://icu.rnsh.org
Mobile: 0438-120860
Sydney: 9926-8617
Kippax: 6550-5117
GPG key ID: F6DFFB33 @ wwwkeys.pgp.net
Key fingerprint: 3FB8 8355 3AAA 84C3 D548  8FFF EFDB C6B5 F6DF FB33

segmentation fault please help

2004-04-13 Thread MIREK JANCZUR

I'm trying to run cygwin in multiwindow mode and I'm getting errors
In home directory I can find xwin.exe.stackdump file which contains:
Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=01072E25
 5 [unknown (0x124)] xwin 872 handle_exceptions: Error while 
dumping state (probably corrupted stack)
eax=0009 ebx=000C ecx=0002 edx=01CDE9C8 esi=010A4868 

I'm having fresh installation of cygwin and X no previous cygwin1.dll 
around ... what is that ???


New error display

2004-04-13 Thread Sheldon T. Hall

I just updated my Cygwin/X, and the latest version has an undesirable new

When I run my batch files, I get my usual X desktop, but I also get a DOS
box with the following contents:

Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project


XWin was started with the following command line:

XWin -clipboard

OsVendorInit - Creating bogus screen 0
winValidateArgs - g_iNumScreens: 1 iMaxConsecutiveScreen: 1
winValidateArgs - Returning.
(II) XF86Config is not supported. See
faq.html for more information
winDetectSupportedEngines - Windows NT/2000/XP
winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw installed
winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw4 installed
winDetectSupportedEngines - Returning, supported engines 0007
winScreenInit - dwWidth: 1024 dwHeight: 768
winSetEngine - Multi Window or Rootless = ShadowGDI
winAdjustVideoModeShadowGDI - Using Windows display depth of 16 bits per
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed - User w: 1024 h: 768
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed - Current w: 1024 h: 768
winAdjustForAutoHide - Original WorkArea: 0 0 740 1024
winAdjustForAutoHide - Adjusted WorkArea: 0 0 740 1024
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed - WindowClient w 1018 h 715 r 1018 l 0 b 715
t 0

winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed -  Returning
winAllocateFBShadowGDI - Creating DIB with width: 1018 height: 715 depth: 16
winAllocateFBShadowGDI - Dibsection width: 1018 height: 715 depth: 16 size
: 1455740
winAllocateFBShadowGDI - Created shadow stride: 1018
winFinishScreenInitFB - Masks: f800 07e0 001f
winInitVisualsShadowGDI - Masks f800 07e0 001f BPRGB 6 d 16 bpp
winRandRInit ()
winCreateDefColormap - Deferring to fbCreateDefColormap ()
winFinishScreenInitFB - returning
winScreenInit - returning
InitOutput - Returning.
MIT-SHM extension disabled due to lack of kernel support
XFree86-Bigfont extension local-client optimization disabled due to lack of
ed memory support in the kernel
(--) Setting autorepeat to delay=250, rate=31
(--) winConfigKeyboard - Layout: 0409 (0409)
(EE) Keyboardlayout US (0409) is unknown
Rules = xorg Model = pc101 Layout = us Variant = (null) Options =
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID/, removing
from li
winPointerWarpCursor - Discarding first warp: 509 357
winBlockHandler - Releasing pmServerStarted
winBlockHandler - pthread_mutex_unlock () returned
winProcEstablishConnection - Hello
winInitClipboard ()
winProcEstablishConnection - winInitClipboard returned.
winClipboardProc - Hello
DetectUnicodeSupport - Windows NT/2000/XP
winClipboardProc - DISPLAY=
winClipboardProc - XOpenDisplay () returned and successfully opened the

winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD - Initializing - Returning.

The DOS box remains on the screen, and closing it also terminates my X

I have not changed my batch files, which worked fine with the previous
version (say 3 weeks ago) of Cygwin/X.

How can I eliminate this?


Sheldon T. Hall
206-780-7971 (CMHC)
206-842-2858 (Home)

Where do I get run.exe?

2004-04-13 Thread bhlewis
I'm trying to get rid of the extra console window for X as 
described at http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2004-
04/msg00227.html .  But I don't have and can't find where to 
get run.exe.

Brady Lewis

Re: Where do I get run.exe?

2004-04-13 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
On Tue, 13 Apr 2004, bhlewis wrote:

 I'm trying to get rid of the extra console window for X as described at
 http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2004-04/msg00227.html .  But I don't
 have and can't find where to get run.exe.

 Brady Lewis


At any point when the question where do I find X in Cygwin arises, the
Cygwin package search page at http://cygwin.com/packages/ is your
friend.  In particular, here are the packages containing run.exe:


You'll probably want the latest version.
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster.  -- Patrick Naughton

Problem with X forwarding by openssh-3.8p1

2004-04-13 Thread kwong
I have installed the lastest X11 binaries, including xorg-x11-xwin,
together with openssh-3.8p1. The rest of my cygwin installation is also
up-to-date, including cygwin1.dll version 1.5.9-1. I use startxwin.bat to start
XWin using -multiwindow -clipboard. I login to a remote Linux server using ssh
-X and start a Matlab session. The Matlab flash screen comes up, but when the
flash screen disappears, there is only a menu bar located at the top left
corner of the screen. If I choose maximize, the Matlab command window comes up
but I am not able to type in any commands. If I downgrade to 
openssh-3.7.1p2-2, the problem disappears. The sshd_config file is identical in
both cases.

There are other problems with X forwarding under openssh-3.8p1, but since I am
now using openssh-3.7.1p2-2, I cannot reproduce the error messages. I don't
whether this is considered an openssh-3.8p1 problem or a X server problem, but
there appears to be some incompatibility issue here.

Raymond Kwong

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Re: Problem with X forwarding by openssh-3.8p1

2004-04-13 Thread Harold L Hunt II
See A1:


I have installed the lastest X11 binaries, including xorg-x11-xwin,
together with openssh-3.8p1. The rest of my cygwin installation is also
up-to-date, including cygwin1.dll version 1.5.9-1. I use startxwin.bat to start
XWin using -multiwindow -clipboard. I login to a remote Linux server using ssh
-X and start a Matlab session. The Matlab flash screen comes up, but when the
flash screen disappears, there is only a menu bar located at the top left
corner of the screen. If I choose maximize, the Matlab command window comes up
but I am not able to type in any commands. If I downgrade to 
openssh-3.7.1p2-2, the problem disappears. The sshd_config file is identical in
both cases.

There are other problems with X forwarding under openssh-3.8p1, but since I am
now using openssh-3.7.1p2-2, I cannot reproduce the error messages. I don't
whether this is considered an openssh-3.8p1 problem or a X server problem, but
there appears to be some incompatibility issue here.
Raymond Kwong

Re: ttmkfdir no longer needed

2004-04-13 Thread Michael Bax
  Due to this I am going to pull the link to ttmkfdir from our 'Ported
  Software' page.  Perhaps someone would like to write a postinstall
  script that creates symlinks to the Fonts folder for Windows under

 One note: In the thread proposal for using windows truetype fonts I
 suggested to use the /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype dir for truetype
 fonts, because this is the default for qt and kde. Are there any
 objectivities using this instead of /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/windows ?

I object.  :-)

Shouldn't we be consistent with established Unix practice and put any local
fonts in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local?


']' and others not functional for Japanese keylayout?

2004-04-13 Thread haro
Hi list,

Some keys like ']', '_' are not functional for Japanese layout
keyboards with xorg-* packages.

xev shows that, there are no keycode-symbol assignment done.

  KeyPress event, serial 24, synthetic NO, window 0x81,
  root 0x3a, subw 0x82, time 3082882, (43,34), root:(817,224),
  state 0x10, keycode 51 (keysym 0x0, NoSymbol), same_screen YES,
  XLookupString gives 0 bytes:
  XmbLookupString gives 0 bytes:
  XFilterEvent returns: False

Affected keycodes are following:
keycode  51 = bracketright braceright kana_MU kana_closingbracket
keycode 120 = Hiragana_Katakana Romaji
keycode 123 = backslash underscore kana_RO

FWIW, when I was using XFree86-* packages, I had an hack to load
special xmodmap file, which I got from Internet somewhere, that
seemed have covered the problem. :-(

Can somebody look into it, please.

Thanks in advance,
   _ _Munehiro (haro) Matsuda
 -|- /_\  |_|_|   Kubota Graphics Technology Inc.
 /|\ |_|  |_|_|   2-8-8 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 160-0022, Japan
  Tel: +81-3-3225-0767  Fax: +81-3-3225-0740
Welcome to the XWin X Server
Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project


XWin was started with the following command line:

/usr/X11R6/bin/XWin -rootless -clipboard -emulate3buttons 50 

ddxProcessArgument - Initializing default screens
winInitializeDefaultScreens - w 1152 h 864
winInitializeDefaultScreens - Returning
OsVendorInit - Creating bogus screen 0
_XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root
winValidateArgs - g_iNumScreens: 1 iMaxConsecutiveScreen: 1
winValidateArgs - Returning.
(II) XF86Config is not supported. See 
http://x.cygwin.com/docs/faq/cygwin-xfree-faq.html for more information
winDetectSupportedEngines - Windows NT/2000/XP
winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw installed
winDetectSupportedEngines - Returning, supported engines 0003
winScreenInit - dwWidth: 1152 dwHeight: 864
winSetEngine - Multi Window or Rootless = ShadowGDI
winAdjustVideoModeShadowGDI - Using Windows display depth of 16 bits per pixel
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed - User w: 1152 h: 864
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed - Current w: 1152 h: 864
winAdjustForAutoHide - Original WorkArea: 0 0 864 1152
winAdjustForAutoHide - Taskbar is auto hide
winAdjustForAutoHide - Found BOTTOM auto-hide taskbar
winAdjustForAutoHide - Adjusted WorkArea: 0 0 863 1152
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed - WindowClient w 1152 h 863 r 1152 l 0 b 863 t 0
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed -  Returning
winAllocateFBShadowGDI - Creating DIB with width: 1152 height: 863 depth: 16
winAllocateFBShadowGDI - Dibsection width: 1152 height: 863 depth: 16 size image: 
winAllocateFBShadowGDI - Created shadow stride: 1152
winFinishScreenInitFB - Masks: f800 07e0 001f
winInitVisualsShadowGDI - Masks f800 07e0 001f BPRGB 6 d 16 bpp 16
winRandRInit ()
winCreateDefColormap - Deferring to fbCreateDefColormap ()
winFinishScreenInitFB - returning
winScreenInit - returning
InitOutput - Returning.
MIT-SHM extension disabled due to lack of kernel support
XFree86-Bigfont extension local-client optimization disabled due to lack of shared 
memory support in the kernel
(--) Setting autorepeat to delay=500, rate=31
(II) Loading US keyboard layout.
(--) winConfigKeyboard - Layout: e0200411 (0411) 
(--) Using preset keyboard for Japanese (411), type 7
Rules = xorg Model = jp Layout = jp Variant = (null) Options = (null)
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID/, removing from list!
winPointerWarpCursor - Discarding first warp: 576 431
winBlockHandler - Releasing pmServerStarted
winBlockHandler - pthread_mutex_unlock () returned
winProcEstablishConnection - Hello
winInitClipboard ()
winProcEstablishConnection - winInitClipboard returned.
winClipboardProc - Hello
DetectUnicodeSupport - Windows NT/2000/XP
winClipboardProc - DISPLAY=
winClipboardProc - XOpenDisplay () returned and successfully opened the display.
winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD - Initializing - Returning.
winProcSetSelectionOwner - Clipboard not yet started, aborting.
winProcSetSelectionOwner - Clipboard not yet started, aborting.

Re: XWinrc Bugs

2004-04-13 Thread Earle F. Philhower III
Howdy Rodrigo,

First, thanks for writing the man page updates.  The version I saw was
missing some of the new items that were added, now I have no excuse
not to add them myself. ;)
It's hard to do any Windows 95 testing, actually it's hard to get any
Win95 API documentation anymore (MS seems to be updating their
Platform SDK and removing any reference to W95 if a function is updated).
For your problem with the system menus, I really believe this is
due to something else completely, especially when you ended up without
the 3 system menu items in all windows, after a reboot.  Here's why:
. There are no DeleteMenuor RemoveMenu calls anywhere in prefs.c
  All we ever do is a reset-to-default GetSystemMenu(hwnd,TRUE) call,
  everything else is just an InsertMenuItem() call.
. Even if somehow you ended up messing with the golden system menu
  that could only last until a reboot.  There's no UpdateResource
  call until you get to an NT based OS, a change to a GDI resource
  can't be written into a system .DLL file
The removal of the 3 menu items would also make the max/min/close
buttons disappear, since Windows reads each window's system menu to
determine whether or not to enable those buttons.
Maybe you've hit GDI heap exhaustion?  IIRC the easiest way to
see GDI and SYSTEM heap free is to (seriously!) run Solitaire, then
do Help-About...  Running out of heap makes bad, bad things happen
under W95/98/ME.
I think I *may* understand the ICONS stuff:  I think until W98 only
16-color or black-and-white icons were allowed for applications.
Can you please try pointing to a Black-and-White or 16-color .ICO
file?  You might be able to find some in your c:\Windows folder,
but I can't remember any specific names.
You could also try an app which has its own B-n-W icon like xcalc
and see if that always works, and compare that to an app with a
true-color icon like some KDE app...
At 08:19 PM 4/11/2004 -0400, Rodrigo Medina wrote (lots o' snips):
I have found a couple of bugs in the XWinrc feature.
1- The ICONS instruction does nothing, i.e. the applications
2- This one is really weird. The normal behavior of XWin -multiwindow is
to assing to a generic window a menu with 6 items: Restore, Move,
Size, Minimize, Maximize and Close (I am not sure of the actual
english names).  After I tried to include  some items in a particular
program (xeyes) with XWinrc the following happened:
b) From that point, ALL windows produced by XWin -multiwindows
lack of items Restore, Minimize and Maximize in their menus and have the
Minimize and Maximize buttons inactivated. This happens
even to other applications, even if the XWin program is shutdown and
started again WITHOUT a XWinrc file, even if the machine is rebooted
and even if XWin is reinstalled.

-Earle F. Philhower, III
 cdrlabel - ZipLabel - FlpLabel

Re: XWinrc Bugs

2004-04-13 Thread Earle F. Philhower III
Oh yeah, I am looking over winprefs.c to see if there is anything
untowards going on elsewhere in it.  Maybe a GDI call somewhere returns
a valid error under W98+ for invalid data or out-of-mem, but under W95
it kills the GDI.  I'll be sure to post any findings, but my time to
look at this is quite limited now...
At 07:59 PM 4/13/2004 -0700, I wrote:
...Maybe you've hit GDI heap exhaustion?  IIRC the easiest way to
see GDI and SYSTEM heap free is to (seriously!) run Solitaire, then
do Help-About...  Running out of heap makes bad, bad things happen
under W95/98/ME.
At 08:19 PM 4/11/2004 -0400, Rodrigo Medina wrote (lots o' snips):
I have found a couple of bugs in the XWinrc feature.
1- The ICONS instruction does nothing, i.e. the applications
2- This one is really weird. The normal behavior of XWin -multiwindow is
to assing to a generic window a menu with 6 items: Restore, Move,
Size, Minimize, Maximize and Close (I am not sure of the actual
english names).  After I tried to include  some items in a particular
-Earle F. Philhower, III
 cdrlabel - ZipLabel - FlpLabel

Re: Problem with xterm and cygxft-2.dll after update

2004-04-13 Thread Harold L Hunt II
Mark Arnold wrote:
Hi All,

I was hoping to get some help with a problem I am now having with my 
Prior to yesterday I hadn't updated my cygwin installation for about 
about 3 weeks or so.  
I updated by running the setup application and initially downloaded
everything locally from my favourite mirror, then ran setup again and
installed what needed to be updated.
I noticed in the process of updating that the heirarchy changed with 
the addition of the X11 category and I now have the xorg-x11-XXX packages
installed (versions

The problem is now that when I start X and try to run things suck as
xclock and xterm I get a windows dialog box appearing telling me that 
xterm is unable to locate the DLL cygXft-2.dll in the specified path
and lists the search path which includes C:\cygwin\bin, 
C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin plus a whole lot of other windows directories.
You need the libXft and libXft2 packages.  I'm not sure why libXft2 was 
not selected automatically.
