Re: Ratpoison build error

2010-04-26 Thread David Barr
I would guess that the ratpoison Makefile is putting the libraries in
the wrong order.  I think that the libraries shold be listed after the
object files in the link command.

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 8:41 AM, David Sastre  wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to build ratpoison-1.4.5 (it's a window manager) with
> cygport but I'm failing
> at compile stage, because it complains about some some symbols not
> being defined
> (log attached).
> The devel libraries containing those symbols are installed.
> This is how gcc is invoked:
> gcc  -march=prescott -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -O2
>    -lXtst -lXinerama -lXext -lX11 -lXft -lXrender
>    -lfontconfig -lexpat -liconv -lfreetype -lz
>    -lX11 -lxcb -lXau -lXdmcp
>    -lhistory
>    -o ratpoison.exe actions.o bar.o completions.o communications.o
>    editor.o events.o format.o frame.o getopt.o getopt1.o globals.o
>    group.o history.o hook.o input.o linkedlist.o main.o manage.o number.o
>    sbuf.o screen.o split.o window.o xinerama.o
> I'd like to understand what causes the linking error (if any).
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Regards.
> --
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Re: problem in openin xterm

2010-04-26 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin X)

On 4/23/2010 11:42 PM, wrote:

Dear Cygwin expert,

After installin cygwin on my laptop (vista) I have a problem in opening
X window (xterm). After tryinmg several times it opens the xterm. Could
you tell me the reason of this problem?

Please read and follow the problem reporting guidelines described at
the link below.  Make sure that you *attach* (rather than append) your
cygcheck output.

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Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.  (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


A: Yes.

Q: Are you sure?

A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.

Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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귀사제품의 미국판매에 관하여

2010-04-26 Thread 미국 볼라노스 Ave

미국 오클라호마에서 10여년간 한국제품을 미국에 온라인을 통해 소개하고 잇는
볼라노스(라는 회사입니다.

귀사의 제품을 미국에 온라인을 통하여 팔지 않으시겠읍니까?
미국의 온라인은 불황일수록 매출이 올라가는 추세입니다.  아무래도 나가지 않고 집에서
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지난해 전체적으로 온라인 판매는 낮은 성장률이지만 판매 증가세를 유지했읍니다.

관심이 있으시면 당사의 사이트인 을 방문하시어 자세히 읽어 보시기 바랍니다.

연락 기다리겠읍니다.

2010년 4월 27일

미국 볼라노스 에버뉴 에서

Mardketing Dir.
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Cygwin/X11 issues on Windows 7

2010-04-26 Thread ScKaSx

Hi All,

I recently upgraded to windows 7 and am therefore reinstalling cygwin/x11
after a long time.  On XP I would start xterm from the startxwin.bat file. 
I am experiencing trouble starting with the startxwin executable which is
the new recommended startup method as well as afew other issues:

(1) When I try to start from /cygwin/bin/startxwin.exe I get an error
message through cygwin.  I can get the xterm to start from going to "XWin
Server" in start menu (which isn't so bad) but sometimes it only starts the
server as opposed to starting the server + opening xterm window.  Is there a
way to click on one of the programs and get the xterm to pop up
automatically like with startxwin.bat?

(2) One problem is that I don't have a .startxwinrc yet.  I was hoping
someone can recommend how I would translate my startxwin.bat into the
.startxwinrc?  I had the startxwin.bat set up so that it would have a black
background, be of a certain size, etc.  I tried just copying my
startxwin.bat as .startxwinrc but that didn't work.  I used the following
command in startxwin.bat to set the xterm perferences:

run xterm -s1 1000 -sb +tb -rightbar -fg white -bg black -geometry 115x65
-ls -e /usr/bin/bash -l

(3) I installed the openssh package through setup but when I try to run the
'ssh' command I get that the program does not exist.  Why might this happen?

Any thoughts or help is greatly appreciated.


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