Re: Problems with emacs built against gtk3

2011-11-28 Thread Angelo Graziosi

Ken Brown wrote:

I don't think gtk3 is the culprit here after all. I uninstalled libgtk3_0 and 
libgtk3-devel and rebuilt emacs, but the problem persisted. It was only after 
uninstalling dconf-service (a dependency of libgtk3_0) that things went back to 

I can confirm. I uninstalled (forcing) ONLY dconf-service and Emacs 
works again. Thanks to Ken for having found this workaround...


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FAQ: Avoid dialogs to pop up in the center of a two-monitor setup

2011-11-28 Thread alexander.sahler
I use XWin to start remote applications (debian server) on a dual-headed
Windows desktop environment.
The login is done using putty with X forwarding enabled, as the server
does not provide Xdmcp, the reason for which is out of scope here.
When I start netbeans (for instance) the scplash screen and all dialogs
are centered on the display :0 which is of size 3840x1080 because of the
two monitors of having 1920x1080 px each. That is, the dialog is split
by the monitor borders, which is very annoying. 
After some investigation I read about the xinerama extension, which
should solve this problem.
So I tried to start XWin this way:
XWin +xinerama -screen 0 @1 -rootless -screen 1 @2 -rootless
With this configuration the Server is able to place the dialogs
correctly, that is, in the center of a monitor (not the whole workspace)
- thanks to xinerama. But I don't have a Window manager that's
decorating the windows! OK, I can start a window manager on the server
side - that works for sure - but what if I minimize a window? For the
windows aren't managed by the Window's window manager, they are not
displayed at the task bar. So I have to start a panel on the server side
as well (gnome panel for instance).
I would prefer to use the xwinwm locally (by running DISPLAY=:0.0
xwinwm in a second bash), but this doesn't work. Xwinwm tells me:
Xlib:  extension "Windows-WM" missing on display ":0.0".
BScreen::BScreen: managing screen 0 using visual 0x21, depth 24
Xlib:  extension "Windows-WM" missing on display ":0.0".
Xlib:  extension "Windows-WM" missing on display ":0.0".
Xlib:  extension "Windows-WM" missing on display ":0.0".
Xlib:  extension "Windows-WM" missing on display ":0.0".
Xlib:  extension "Windows-WM" missing on display ":0.0".
void* BlackboxWindow::getHWnd(void) - XGetWindowProperty failed. 0 0 0
0 0
and the decoration is not painted.
I tried different things:
XWin +xinerama -multiwindow -screen 0 @1 -screen 1 @2 
ends up with all remote applications displayed *twice* - one time with
borders, the other one without!
Is there a solution to this? Did anyone have the same problems?
Thanks,  Alexander.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Dr. Alexander Sahler

Brodos AG
Erlanger Straße 9-13
D-91083 Baiersdorf

Telefon: +49 9133 7770 – 4280
Fax: +49 9133 7770 – 4808

Email: ( )

Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dr. Horst Brokelmann
Vorstand: Dominik Brokelmann (Vorsitzender), Stefan Vitzithum
Brodos AG mit Sitz in Baiersdorf
HRB Nr. B 7677 Amtsgericht Fürth
Umsatzsteuer: ID Nr. DE159605590

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FAQ: Avoid dialogs to pop up in the center of a two-monitor setup

2011-11-28 Thread alexander.sahler
I use XWin to start remote applications (debian server) on a dual-headed 
Windows desktop environment.
The login is done using putty with X forwarding enabled, as the server does not 
provide Xdmcp, the reason for which is out of scope here.
When I start netbeans (for instance) the scplash screen and all dialogs are 
centered on the display :0 which is of size 3840x1080 because of the two 
monitors of having 1920x1080 px each. That is, the dialog is split by the 
monitor borders, which is very annoying. 
After some investigation I read about the xinerama extension, which should 
solve this problem.
So I tried to start XWin this way:
XWin +xinerama -screen 0 @1 -rootless -screen 1 @2 -rootless
With this configuration the Server is able to place the dialogs correctly, that 
is, in the center of a monitor (not the whole workspace) - thanks to xinerama. 
But I don't have a Window manager that's decorating the windows! OK, I can 
start a window manager on the server side - that works for sure - but what if I 
minimize a window? For the windows aren't managed by the Window's window 
manager, they are not displayed at the task bar. So I have to start a panel on 
the server side as well (gnome panel for instance).
I would prefer to use the xwinwm locally (by running DISPLAY=:0.0 xwinwm in a 
second bash), but this doesn't work. Xwinwm tells me:
Xlib:  extension "Windows-WM" missing on display ":0.0".
BScreen::BScreen: managing screen 0 using visual 0x21, depth 24
Xlib:  extension "Windows-WM" missing on display ":0.0".
Xlib:  extension "Windows-WM" missing on display ":0.0".
Xlib:  extension "Windows-WM" missing on display ":0.0".
Xlib:  extension "Windows-WM" missing on display ":0.0".
Xlib:  extension "Windows-WM" missing on display ":0.0".
void* BlackboxWindow::getHWnd(void) - XGetWindowProperty failed. 0 0 0 0 0
and the decoration is not painted.
I tried different things:
XWin +xinerama -multiwindow -screen 0 @1 -screen 1 @2 
ends up with all remote applications displayed *twice* - one time with borders, 
the other one without!
Is there a solution to this? Did anyone have the same problems?
Thanks,  Alexander.

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