Re: run.exe will not work with upgrade from 1.14.4 to 1.16.3

2015-01-05 Thread Laurens Blankers
On 5-1-2015 05:04, Larry Hall (Cygwin-X) wrote:
> So I'm guessing with your statement above that English isn't your primary
> language.
>  [..]
> 1. I am not the maintainer of the xinit package. [..]

English is indeed not my first language, but that is no excuse for not
carefully reading your replies and not verifying assumptions about you
being a maintainer. I did not read your replies carefully enough and did
not check my assumptions. Please accept my apologies.

> [..]
> 2. Yaakov is a very capable and prolific contributor to the Cygwin
>and has been for many years. [..]

I do appreciate your (yours, Yaakov's, and others) efforts very much. I
tried to express that in the last paragraph of my original mail [1].
Please tell me if this intent did not come across or was drowned
somehow, so I can phrase it better next time.

> [..]
> You'll notice that sometimes Yaakov is answering
>  the question raised and other times others are doing it.  That's
>  standard operating procedure. [..]

I did read all the previous questions and answers. I interpreted the
focus on having users change their configuration rather than changing
the xinit package as a denial of the problem. However, now I see that
none of the replies were by the package maintainer. I now realize that
you were doing the best you could in helping me and others.

> [..]
>  When I mentioned above that you or others can help out by pointing out
>  where the solutions proposed fall short [..]

As far as I can tell, from the available information, users which meet
any of the following criteria will run into trouble:

- Custom .startxwinrc or .xinitrc
- Using untrusted X11 forwards over SSH (e.g. ssh -X or PuTTY)

My assumption is that this covers the vast majority of xinit users.
Including these which previously complained about the non-standard way
of handling configuration.

As a software engineer I strongly believe in the principle of least
astonishment [2]. At least for the vast majority of users. In this case,
in my opinion at least, that would mean that changing the behaviour of
startxwin should be done in such a way as to provide a seamless way of
users to upgrade. Preferably by maintaining compatibility with existing
configurations, or by automatic conversion, or, if necessary through a
well documented manual transition process.

What I am trying to say is that I don't object to your solutions, but I
would really like this to be solved in a way that provides a create user
experience. For me that would mean that the first step would be to
retract the update (revert back to 1.3.2-1) as to prevent more users
from running into problems. I do realize that that would mean forcing
people who have already converted to go back. But I assume this is a
minority of users. Then I would propose to evaluate what could be done
to provide a smooth transition, possibly over a longer time, popping up
increasingly annoying warnings about the configuration, for example.

I would like to help with this. I think I can assist in figuring out
what kind of configurations are out there, as well as in testing, and in
writing documentation. I could even code the solution, but that would
probably be more efficient of people with more experience in bash
scripting would do that.

> [..]
> So I withdraw my previous request that you not post
> your policy question to the Cygwin main list (since I agree it is a
> general issue) but instead request that you only discuss the policy and
> not overlap with the specifics covered in the xinit package threads [..]

Thank you, I would like to discussion on the general list to be broader.
Because, for me, this issue was highlighted by xinit, but is by no means
related to it. I, and I assume many others, rely on Cygwin and also
assume, possibly incorrectly, that it will continue to function as
expected, after applying (security) updates. An incompatible change in
any other package would also be problematic for me. The reason I
mentioned xinit explicitly is to provide the reader with a background,
and as soft of a 'full disclosure' of my involvement.

I will also make it very explicit on the common list that the post is
not specific to xinit, but that is merely serves as an example.

> A: Yes.
> > Q: Are you sure?
> >> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
> >>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

I really like your signature, do you mind if I borrow/steal it?



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Re: run.exe will not work with upgrade from 1.14.4 to 1.16.3

2015-01-05 Thread Yaakov Selkowitz

On 2015-01-05 03:06, Laurens Blankers wrote:

On 5-1-2015 05:04, Larry Hall (Cygwin-X) wrote:
As far as I can tell, from the available information, users which meet
any of the following criteria will run into trouble:

- Custom .startxwinrc or .xinitrc

Just .startxwinrc, and the changes were explained in the announcement.

- Using untrusted X11 forwards over SSH (e.g. ssh -X or PuTTY)

ssh -X hasn't been supported since X11R7.4 way back in 2008 (see the FAQ 
for details).

As a software engineer I strongly believe in the principle of least
astonishment [2]. At least for the vast majority of users. In this case,
in my opinion at least, that would mean that changing the behaviour of
startxwin should be done in such a way as to provide a seamless way of
users to upgrade. Preferably by maintaining compatibility with existing
configurations, or by automatic conversion, or, if necessary through a
well documented manual transition process.

That's what the announcement was for.

What I am trying to say is that I don't object to your solutions, but I
would really like this to be solved in a way that provides a create user
experience. For me that would mean that the first step would be to
retract the update (revert back to 1.3.2-1) as to prevent more users
from running into problems. I do realize that that would mean forcing
people who have already converted to go back. But I assume this is a
minority of users. Then I would propose to evaluate what could be done
to provide a smooth transition, possibly over a longer time, popping up
increasingly annoying warnings about the configuration, for example.

I am not going to revert the recent changes, which are important and 
long overdue.  If any has constructive suggestions for incremental 
improvements thereto, they will be duly considered, but going backwards 
is not the solution.

So I withdraw my previous request that you not post
your policy question to the Cygwin main list (since I agree it is a
general issue) but instead request that you only discuss the policy and
not overlap with the specifics covered in the xinit package threads [..]

Thank you, I would like to discussion on the general list to be broader.

That won't be necessary.  As a rolling distribution without stable 
releases, these kind of changes in UX happen from time to time.  That's 
what announcements are for.


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Re: run.exe will not work with upgrade from 1.14.4 to 1.16.3

2015-01-05 Thread Laurens Blankers
On 5-1-2015 10:48, Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:
> Just .startxwinrc, and the changes were explained in the announcement.
The information is contained within the announcement, but it is a bit
difficult to figure out what to do from just the list of changes. A more
detailed step-by-step guide, preferably as part of the FAQ would be very
much appreciated.

> ssh -X hasn't been supported since X11R7.4 way back in 2008 (see the
> FAQ for details).
I see, but PuTTY which apparently uses insecure forwards has worked for
many years all the way up to 1.3.2-1.

> That's what the announcement was for.
As mentioned above a bit more guidance would be nice.

> I am not going to revert the recent changes, which are important and
> long overdue.  If any has constructive suggestions for incremental
> improvements thereto, they will be duly considered, but going
> backwards is not the solution.
OK, I am a bit disappointed, but I do have some suggestions. How would
you prefer I post them? In this thread or a new one? All together or one
post per suggestion?

> That won't be necessary.  As a rolling distribution without stable
> releases, these kind of changes in UX happen from time to time. 
> That's what announcements are for.
Are you saying it is inappropriate to discuss or that you personally
don't see value in this?


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Re: run.exe will not work with upgrade from 1.14.4 to 1.16.3

2015-01-05 Thread Yaakov Selkowitz

On 2015-01-05 04:03, Laurens Blankers wrote:

On 5-1-2015 10:48, Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:

Just .startxwinrc, and the changes were explained in the announcement.

The information is contained within the announcement, but it is a bit
difficult to figure out what to do from just the list of changes. A more
detailed step-by-step guide, preferably as part of the FAQ would be very
much appreciated.

I can't be everyone's personal IT department.  I believe the information 
in the announcement contains sufficient information for users to make 
the necessary changes, but the most important part would be the new 
requirements of ~/.startxwinrc.

ssh -X hasn't been supported since X11R7.4 way back in 2008 (see the
FAQ for details).

I see, but PuTTY which apparently uses insecure forwards has worked for
many years all the way up to 1.3.2-1.

Then please provide complete details in a separate thread.

I am not going to revert the recent changes, which are important and
long overdue.  If any has constructive suggestions for incremental
improvements thereto, they will be duly considered, but going
backwards is not the solution.

OK, I am a bit disappointed, but I do have some suggestions. How would
you prefer I post them? In this thread or a new one? All together or one
post per suggestion?

Please start a new thread.

That won't be necessary.  As a rolling distribution without stable
releases, these kind of changes in UX happen from time to time.
That's what announcements are for.

Are you saying it is inappropriate to discuss or that you personally
don't see value in this?

There is simply no point.


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Can't open display with PuTTY and xinit 1.3.4-1

2015-01-05 Thread Laurens Blankers
When using PuTTY with X11 forwarding enabled X clients are no longer
able to connect to the X server running locally. When reverting back to
1.3.2-1 the problem goes away.

This may be related to the -nolisten tcp which is now the default[1]. If
this is indeed the case it would be create of adding the '-listen' flag
to startxwin could be added to the FAQ. Or another, more secure,
solution would also be appreciated.



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Suggestion for improving xinit 1.3.4

2015-01-05 Thread Laurens Blankers

As requested [1] a separate thread for suggesting improvements to xinit,
in order to solve some of the issues people have been having since the
release of 1.3.4-1 [2].

1. Handling of empty .startxwinrc
Given the new behaviour of startxwin having an empty is never a correct
configuration. It would be really nice if startxwin could check for a
zero length .startxwinrc and in that case just start the X server
without any programs, as it used to do in 1.3.2-1. This would solve a
problem reported several times [3, 4] and also solve the problem of
having an icon on the task bar for 'sleep inf' [5].

2. Adding a hint about 'sleep inf' to the FAQ
Not everyone reads the release notes, most people, when running into
problems will read the FAQ first. How about adding an entry similar to
this one:

Q: startxwin exits immediately on start-up without error
A: ~/.startxwinrc must be executable and block or else X server will
exist, adding a 'sleep inf' to the end of the file should help, also see [2]

3. Adding 'listen' option to the FAQ
Consider adding something similar:

Q: X server is no longer accepting client connections, how come?
A: For security reasons, by default the X server no longer listen for
tcp connections, if you really want this add '-listen' to the start-up

Also see [6].

4. Semantic versioning
Signalling major changes in the version number makes it a lot easier to
find the problem, at least for me. Semantic versioning [7] suggest does
thing. Practically this would have mend calling the latest release
2.0.0-1 rather than 1.3.4-1. No additional effort required, but a clear
signal to people to read the release notes.

I hope these suggestions don't require too much work. I think they would
have a significant positive impact on UX.



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Re: Can't open display with PuTTY and xinit 1.3.4-1

2015-01-05 Thread Yaakov Selkowitz

On 2015-01-05 05:31, Laurens Blankers wrote:

When using PuTTY with X11 forwarding enabled X clients are no longer
able to connect to the X server running locally. When reverting back to
1.3.2-1 the problem goes away.

This may be related to the -nolisten tcp which is now the default[1]. If
this is indeed the case it would be create of adding the '-listen' flag
to startxwin could be added to the FAQ. Or another, more secure,
solution would also be appreciated.

Wait, are you talking about a Windows version of PuTTY?  Then that makes 
sense, as it would be unable of using the *NIX socket typically used by 
local X clients, and I am indeed able to duplicate that behaviour.  I 
can't think of an alternative to -listen if you wish to use a Windows 
PuTTY (or, for that matter, any MinGW-compiled X client) with Cygwin/X. 
 This will be added to the FAQ in due course.

However, a Cygwin PuTTY does not have that limitation, and X11 
forwarding works just fine as is.  (If there is interest, I can easily 
add this to the distribution.)  Similarly, the Cygwin (open)ssh 
obviously has no problems with X11 forwarding either.

BTW, reverting this behaviour isn't an option either, as it will 
actually become the upstream default in the next major release of the X 



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Re: Suggestion for improving xinit 1.3.4

2015-01-05 Thread Yaakov Selkowitz

On 2015-01-05 05:46, Laurens Blankers wrote:

As requested [1] a separate thread for suggesting improvements to xinit,
in order to solve some of the issues people have been having since the
release of 1.3.4-1 [2].

1. Handling of empty .startxwinrc
Given the new behaviour of startxwin having an empty is never a correct
configuration. It would be really nice if startxwin could check for a
zero length .startxwinrc and in that case just start the X server
without any programs, as it used to do in 1.3.2-1. This would solve a
problem reported several times [3, 4] and also solve the problem of
having an icon on the task bar for 'sleep inf' [5].

And what if it's not zero-length but still blank?

2. Adding a hint about 'sleep inf' to the FAQ
Not everyone reads the release notes, most people, when running into
problems will read the FAQ first. How about adding an entry similar to
this one:

Q: startxwin exits immediately on start-up without error
A: ~/.startxwinrc must be executable and block or else X server will
exist, adding a 'sleep inf' to the end of the file should help, also see [2]

Yes, something along these lines should be added to the FAQ soon.

3. Adding 'listen' option to the FAQ

See my response to your PuTTY thread.

4. Semantic versioning
Signalling major changes in the version number makes it a lot easier to
find the problem, at least for me. Semantic versioning [7] suggest does
thing. Practically this would have mend calling the latest release
2.0.0-1 rather than 1.3.4-1. No additional effort required, but a clear
signal to people to read the release notes.

xinit -- the startx and xinit parts -- is an upstream X.Org package, and 
they determine the package version.  The startxwin components are 
Cygwin-specific additions to the package, as they have been since we 
first released modular X11R7.4.  Therefore, changing the version in this 
way isn't a viable option here.

However, from personal experience, I disagree that a different version 
number would have made a bit of difference.  Either people will read the 
announcements -- and the subject of mine should have indicated that this 
wasn't a routing update -- or they won't.


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Re: Suggestion for improving xinit 1.3.4

2015-01-05 Thread Yaakov Selkowitz

On 2015-01-05 11:43, Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:

On 2015-01-05 05:46, Laurens Blankers wrote:

As requested [1] a separate thread for suggesting improvements to xinit,
in order to solve some of the issues people have been having since the
release of 1.3.4-1 [2].

1. Handling of empty .startxwinrc
Given the new behaviour of startxwin having an empty is never a correct
configuration. It would be really nice if startxwin could check for a
zero length .startxwinrc and in that case just start the X server
without any programs, as it used to do in 1.3.2-1. This would solve a
problem reported several times [3, 4] and also solve the problem of
having an icon on the task bar for 'sleep inf' [5].

And what if it's not zero-length but still blank?

I could have startxwin check if ~/.startxwinrc is executable, and skip 
if it not, which might also cover many of these empty .startxwinrc's. 
OTOH all that might accomplish is trade the "why won't it start" for 
"why doesn't it respect my config". :-)


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Re: run.exe will not work with upgrade from 1.14.4 to 1.16.3

2015-01-05 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin-X)

On 01/05/2015 04:06 AM, Laurens Blankers wrote:

Since I believe the rest of what you wrote above has been covered in one
form or another since my last reply, I won't bore anyone with my responses.
This leaves just one very critical piece of business which absolutely must
be addressed:

>A: Yes.

> >Q: Are you sure?

> >>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.

> >>>Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

I really like your signature, do you mind if I borrow/steal it?

Of course!  I actually "borrowed" it from someone else a few lifetimes
ago so it would hardly be sporting of me to deny you equal rights. :-)



A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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