Re: launch server x without startx command

2005-02-17 Thread Arturus Magi
Alexis Cothenet wrote:
I have seen (
tried with my own ip)
but it doesn't work for me.
i'm working with tcsh shell.
Maybe there is a place where i could launch the startx script ?
I took a slightly different route that either of those posters did.  The 
end result should be the same, but it's still worth a try, since you 
seem to be able to run startx once you have a POSIX shell.

My system has c:\cygwin\bin;c:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin at the end of 
$PATH$, and I simply stuck a shortcut to 'sh startx' in the default 
user's startup folder.  As long as startx works on your system, this 
should too, since it's simply automating the invocation of the startx 
shell script.

This should work in user-specific environment variables and startup 
folders too, and if you don't want to edit your Windows path variable, 
prefixing the Windows path to bin/sh to the shortcut should produce the 
same end result as well.

Re: Duplicate invocation problem with xwin.exe

2004-12-08 Thread Arturus Magi
Martin Gill wrote:
Ok, managed to find out what the problem was.
Seems it's Zone Alarm. I had to completely uninstall it to solve the
Just thought I'd post this in case anyone else ever has the same problems.
I've sent a note to ZA support... if they offer a solution i'll post it
On cygwin, some of the socket interface is emulated by using loopbacks 
on internet sockets, so Xwin, Xinit, and several other programs need to 
have access to the internet, and Xwin needs server rights.  If server 
rights are denied, xterm would not have been able to connect to the X 
server (and might have attempted to reinvoke xinit...I'm not sure 
whether there is any special handling in there).

Did you check ZA before uninstalling to make sure you hadn't blocked access?

Re: problem with opening DISPLAY

2004-10-27 Thread Arturus Magi
I have just installed cygwin/x and have the problem of "cannot open Display

Looking at the FAQ, it seems to be a problem with my firewall, which is 
McAffee Personal Firewall 4, which i use to protect my broadband Connection. Has 
anyone had the same problem, and is there a solution?. It must be very common 
now with broadband
Give XWin.exe and any X programs you use permission to access IP on all ports and protocols, and XWin.exe specifically needs 
server rights under the same conditions.

Re: cygwin/x and zonealarm firewall

2004-09-10 Thread Arturus Magi
BJ Garman wrote:
I saw on the website that some users had problems getting cygwin/x to 
run properly with ZoneAlarm firewall by zonelabs to work. I myself 
played around with it and found that it can be made to work easily by 
setting a few simple things within your zonealarm firewall. Cygwin/x 
must be able to act as a server and must be able to use its default ip 
It's not that simple.  ZoneAlarm implements it's security by replacing 
the Winsock with it's own code.  In some cases this irreparably breaks 
programs that depend on the Winsock, like Cygwin/X.

ZoneAlarm 4.5 works fine, but ZoneAlarm 5 doesn't, as far as being able 
to run X.  Other programs work with ZA 5 but not 4.5.  Some simply don't 
work with either.

Re: password

2004-09-01 Thread Arturus Magi
george opstad wrote:
This may sound stupid but I have cygwin running OK but I never put in a 
password for the superuser and now I can't add users.Is there a default 

On Cygwin there is no superuser.  Use Windows to add users, then 
"mkpasswd > /etc/passwd" to update /etc/passwd.

incidentally, this is the wrong list for this.  Reply-to has been set to 
 the proper list.  Future inquiries that don't relate specifically to 
Cygwin/X go to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: X startup hangs

2004-07-16 Thread Arturus Magi
electa wrote:
ZoneAlarm is known to change the behaviour of Windows
TCP/IP stack and this seems to cause troubles with cygwin since cygwin
must provide unix
like semantics and has problems if something does not work it was
But I tried shutting down Zonealarm--> X still hangs. Do you think it ss
really a ZoneAlarm problem?
ZoneAlarm replaces the TCP stack with it's own.  You cannot fully shut 
it down until after uninstalling it and rebooting.

The most recent version of ZA broke every POP/SMTP mailer on my system. 
 Shutting it down, removing it from start up and rebooting did nothing 
to change that.  Uninstalling it magically fixed everything, and several 
other problems I hadn't attributed to ZoneAlarm as well.

Re: How to use ddd with XWindows?

2004-07-13 Thread Arturus Magi
Siegfried Heintze wrote:
I apologize if I had already posted this question. However, I did not see my
own posting and I assume it never made it to the mailing list.
I see from the posting below that you are using startx. H... I think
that is the command I use on Linux. I tried it on Win2003 server running
cygwin and there is no such command.
Just to interject, the startx script does exist on Cygwin.  That's how I 
typically start X.  You have to invoke it in a posix shell on some 
versions of Windows because of the way Windows detects executable 
scripts, though.

Re: Using xterm via cygwin

2004-07-09 Thread Arturus Magi
S Wade wrote:
> Fatal server error:
> Cannot open log file "/tmp/XWin.log"
Try checking the permissions on /tmp and /tmp/XWin.log.  /tmp should be 
world-writable, and XWin.log probably should be as well.

Re: Error while trying to run startx which in turn is trying to start fvwm2

2004-07-01 Thread Arturus Magi
Narayan Moni wrote:
XWin was started with the following command line:
X :0 -multiwindow -clipboard 

-multiwindow has an internal WindowManager that maps X-11 calls to 
Windows GDI calls.  If you want to use fvwm2, try editing startx to call 
X with -rootless instead (or without either flag if you want to see the 
X-11 root window).

I not sure if this is the actual error you're seeing, though.  It looks 
to me like X is dying before fvwm is called.

Re: window manager

2004-06-16 Thread Arturus Magi
Chris W wrote:
Brian Ford wrote:
What I want is to be able to change colors and font sizes on the fly and

AFAIK, font sizes are application specific and have nothing to do with 
window manager.

I'm not sure what you mean by colors.  You mean like the Windows desktop

I meant the xterm background and text colors, I guess that doesn't 
really have anything to do with the window manager.

Create an .XDefaults file (note: most Windows tools won't allow it, as a 
file starting with a period cannot have a valid MS-DOS 8.3 filename, and 
they all require it to be creatable for backwards compatibility) and 
populate it with the desired settings.  'man xterm' should have the list 
of valid settings.  'man startx' may as well, but I'm not certain about 

some way of opening more windows or other x applications with a menu of
some kind.

Is Start->All Programs->Cygwin-X not sufficient?  You want a real X 
manager instead of the Windows one?


I guess I was thinking more along the lines of linux windows managers.  
The instation didn't create a Cygwin-X entry in my start menu and I'm 
not sure how to add one.  I can add the startxwin.bat but I can only run 
that once and when I try and create a shortcut to xterm.exe it just 
exits  right after it loads.

Install the x-org-icons package.  Incidentally, most X programs will 
start correctly if the X-server is already running.

Setting DISPLAY=0:0 as a Windows environment variable, or in you shell's 
rc file, will get all of them working this way, but rxvt will stop 
working in W11 mode if you do this (in the case of the rc file, Windows 
shortcuts to rxvt may still start it in W11 mode).