Re: 1.5.18: I give up...

2005-07-26 Thread Boaz Harrosh

David Masterson wrote:

I guess I'll give Cygwin some time to mature and come back to it in the

It is all working here very well. (XP SP2 latest updates) It is 
obviously something with your setup.
Maybe an old cygwin1.dll somewhere. Or an extra local Firewall, or all 
local ports close, or ...

But if it is only X you need try out Xming (googleit) . It has a nice 
simple Installer and not so many things to break up.

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Re: sshd and X

2005-05-25 Thread Boaz Harrosh

Alexander Gottwald wrote:

Maybe ssh -v -v -v wil give you a clue what is happening.


Right!! try running sshd in a consul in the foreground. (Check what 
switch makes it run in the foreground (-d?))

Than see what prints you have.
If this works it is not the end. SYSTEM user is different than the 
foreground user, sshd is very picky about permissions been to low or to 

Re: Returned mail: we don't accept email with executable content (#5.3.4)

2004-11-01 Thread Boaz Harrosh
Mail Delivery Subsystem wrote:
The original message was received at Mon, 1 Nov 2004 16:25:23 +0200 (IST)
from [] (may be forged)
  - The following addresses had permanent delivery errors -

Reporting-MTA: dns;
Arrival-Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 16:25:23 +0200 (IST)
X-Message-Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 552 we don't accept email with executable content 
Final-Recipient: RFC822; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Action: failed
Status: 5.2.2
Remote-MTA: DNS;
Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 552 we don't accept email with executable content (#5.3.4)
Last-Attempt-Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 16:25:28 +0200 (IST)

Re: Minimal replacement for Exceed
Mon, 01 Nov 2004 16:27:12 +0200

 I tried to send below message.
The message
Attached a: dir /s  cygwindir.txt
and the wise Installer script.
Even if you do not have Wise installer Just have a look inside. It's a 
text file with a pretty clear syntax of what it does.

Look here:
It is a thread about what I do in the post Install at: 
bin/ (run at end of wise installation)
You'd have to debug that part because I did mine manually. May be it is 
better to do what, I think it was Alexandre,suggested  in above thread.
You can see that it can be cleaned farther, I needed the bin/* utils, 
and didn't want to bother with what dlls are needed or not. So I 
included them all.

If you can receive a 12M exe file I can send you the result, so you can 
try for yourself. Or If you have an FTP I can put it on?
Just send me the Info. (After Install files extract to 27M)

Feel free to ask any questions On the wise Installer or any thing else
Free Life
The message
A simple dir /s and an Install script was to much. and a zip of them is 
considered an executable file, so I give up. Amanda did you get your 
private copy?

Re: Minimal replacement for Exceed

2004-10-31 Thread Boaz Harrosh
I want to find a replacement for Hummingbird Exceed.  I know that Cygwin includes an X 
server, but I'm not interested in all of Cygwin.  What would be the minimum I'd need 
to install to be able to run Cygwin/X?  In case it matters, I'd like to run the X 
server with the -multiwindow and -clipboard parameters.

Dear Amanda !
I have packed a Wise-Installer with a some-what minimal installation. It 
uses the windows fonts and this way saves 14M of fonts. It does include 
a full bash + utils and SSH so it is not as minimal as it can be. The 
Install.exe is about 12M.

I can send you the .exe but you will find that it has some specialized 
stuff  for the purpose it was made. (automatic connection to a Linux 
application server). I can also send you the files listing, and the wise 
script, so you can pack your own.

Free Life

Re: fonts and symbolic links

2004-08-25 Thread Boaz Harrosh
Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
Shouldn't this be fonts.dir (note the s)?

Sorry, Its a typo, all these missing ss and the wrong case. I did not 
paste my actual script Just re-typed it in the mail.
The actual code is exactly as you said.

Do you Google:  The matches 
show that ttmkfdir is not part of the Cygwin/X distribution, so you 
must've downloaded it separately.  FWIW, I'm going to do some work with 
fonts soon, and might consider making ttmkfdir into a Cygwin package, 
installable via setup.exe.


There is a sourceforge project for ttmkfdir. They only have ELF binaries 
for download. It was easier to find it on the net than to compile. I 
found it packaged with cygwin/XFree86 so I assumed it was a part of 
Any way, it is a part of many Linux distributions. It looks odd that 
cygwin that leaves within Windows will not take advantage of windows 
fonts. It should be part of the Basic-X package, this and the 2 fonts I 
specified in the 2nd letter. Than the post-Install script should prepare 
the windows fonts directory for use by X. The standard fonts that are 
now part of cygwin/X should only be optional in a different (none 
default) package. As they are not necessary. (and not as beautiful). And 
they triple the size of the base X package. (this is Just my $0.02)

I don't know how much help it is, but I found that a directory of symlinks 
(instead of a symlink to a directory) works with XWin.  So, try something 

ln -s /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/Fonts/* /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF
and see if it helps.
And, as you've already noticed, mount will also work.

I like the mount way so I'll keep it. It might be considered by 
cygwin1.dll teem to change symlinks to directories from windows 
shortcut-files to mount points. As it looks like the current way is not 
so transparent for UNIX applications.

Thank you very much for your reply, and grate work to all the X teem. It 
is totally production ready.

Free life

fonts and symbolic links

2004-08-24 Thread Boaz Harrosh
As I am trying to pack a minimum X installation 

I have played around with using windows fonts and only supplying the 
smallest possible fonts in download.
I have done the following:
1) run mkfontdir -  in the /cygdrive/c/windows/font/ directory
2) run ttmkfdir.exe  font.dir - I found ttmkfdir.exe in an old 
cygwin/xfree (not installation. It is very useful still. I 
suggest someone updates it to the new package or should I have 
used something else?

[Q] if I run ln -s /cygdrive/c/windows/font/ 
/usr/X11r6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF - On load, XWin.log will still complain 
about /usr/X11r6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF been not loadable.
But if I deep copy  cp /cygdrive/c/windows/font/* 
/usr/X11r6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/ - than it is OK. Why would XWin not follow 
the symbolic link prepared by cygwin1.dll? This is Important as it is a 
big Resource and I don't want to duplicate windows font directory.

Re: fonts and symbolic links

2004-08-24 Thread Boaz Harrosh
Boaz Harrosh wrote:
As I am trying to pack a minimum X installation 

I have played around with using windows fonts and only supplying the 
smallest possible fonts in download.
I have done the following:
1) run mkfontdir -  in the /cygdrive/c/windows/font/ directory
2) run ttmkfdir.exe  font.dir - I found ttmkfdir.exe in an old 
cygwin/xfree (not installation. It is very useful still. I 
suggest someone updates it to the new package or should I have 
used something else?

[Q] if I run ln -s /cygdrive/c/windows/font/ 
/usr/X11r6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF - On load, XWin.log will still complain 
about /usr/X11r6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF been not loadable.
But if I deep copy  cp /cygdrive/c/windows/font/* 
/usr/X11r6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/ - than it is OK. Why would XWin not 
follow the symbolic link prepared by cygwin1.dll? This is Important as 
it is a big Resource and I don't want to duplicate windows font 

I managed to work around the symbolic links problem with mounting 
c:\windows\fonts on /usr/X11r6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/ so I have my Install 
do that and it works. Even though its name is TTF it will actually 
include all the windows fonts 95% of which are usable by XWin. Good Job for supporting all these windows font formats.

2 Issues remain.
1- The original one why links don't work. 2 - what's with ttmkfdir.exe 
can/should it be included in cygwin/X?
( It was included in cygwin/XFree. Since the move to it is no 
longer there)

If any one wants to know:
Additional to the preparation of the windows fonts to be used by 
cygwin/X one needs the following files:
1) in /usr/X11r6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/
(see 2 attached text files)
2) The original contents of  fonts/encodings/ (0.5Mg)
3) Original contents of  /fonts/util (0.2Meg)
3) All other fonts/ dirs can be removed. X11r6/bin can be trimmed down 
to 1/2 a dozen files.

And thats it Nothing else need changed. The original X11r6/ installation 
was 24Mg now it is down to 3.5Mg including extras.

And I am sorry to say that now (using the windows fonts) it looks much 
(^2) better.

Free Life

6x12.pcf.gz -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--12-110-75-75-c-60-iso10646-1
cursor.pcf.gz cursor

Wise Install for Cygwin/X and Windows OCX for automatic X connection.

2004-07-26 Thread Boaz Harrosh
Hi list!
I have packaged a wise installation for Just Cygwin-X + ssh. Is it in 
any way interesting to any one? (Wise is a package that produces a 
self-installing executables.)

I have had to change a few .BAT files so hard coded \Cygwin where 
removed and a call to /cygenv.bat is made. The Wise installer will than 
write/modify this file to reflect installation path. It is now possible 
to install to any directory, the default is: \Program files\Cygwin. 
Batch files and Registry entries use the short DOS name of above folder 
so there are no spaces in the directory name.

TODO: compile Cygwin to use a different Registry root-key, so above can 
be installed along side an existing Cygwin installation.
The package is 44Meg 20Meg of it is the X fonts. It is 27Meg after 
packaging for download.

I have also developed a self-installing OCX (Xwidget.OCX) that can be 
put on a WEB page, that will install above X and than will connect to an 
SSH server and will execute a command. So a windows base browser machine 
can run remote X applications. Follow is a list of actions preformed by 
- IE hits a page with above OBJECT instance. The OBJECT tag has the 
CODEBASE attribute pointing to the Xwidget.CAB file (file contains the 
Xwidget.OCX + above cygwinX installation + setup.inf file that installs 
them both.)
- If Object does not exist it is installed by IE after confirmation.
- OCX has 4 main properties:
   - ServerIP is a string that can be a URL or an IP address which 
points to an SSH server.
   - SSHUser is the remote user to use.

   -MagicWord is the password or ssh-key to be used
   - SSHCommand is a string that contains the shell script to execute 
on the server after connection.
- After above are set the Connect property is called by HTML script 
Xwidget will do the following:
- Check to see if X is running locally. If not it will be lunched.
- establishes an SSH connection with ServerIP and SSHUser. Using the 
-X switch for X Forwarding. (Hard coded local display 0.0 is used)
- Executes the SSHCommand on the remote machine. So if an X-Client 
application is specified in this command it will display on the user 
machine tunneled threw the established SSH connection.

So a Linux/Unix application server can put up an HTTP server with a Menu 
full of Applications it can serve. A first time visitor will have X 
automatically installed, each link on the page will/can lunch a 
different application.

Would Cygwin/X like to Host this OCX? Or should I send it to Freashmeat?