Re: Xwinclip doesn't work with Konsole

2002-11-25 Thread Chris Twiner
If, on the other hand, the applications work fine with xclipboard, then 
maybe we will be able to do a better job of handling the selections.

Well actually I can't even get the cygwin one to run let alone do anything.  
It pops up a small window with a very confused button set then shows cancel 
or something similar every time I try to use it.

Using the openwin (solaris) xclipboard these applications work fine, the 
selection is fine and everything works as expected.

We are not doing a very good job of figuring out how the commercial X 
applications out there handle clipboard integration. They *never* grab the 
primary selection and they always have the most recently selected text from 
either clipboard.

Only ever when you leave one of their windows.  Don't forget that they, like 
you know when you're window is left.  That is the time to find out if 
anything has been grabbed.  Also I'm fairly sure that most messages go 
through the X server so it shouldn't be very difficult to trap drags, 
ctrl+c's etc. Or more likely the real message ids.

Maybe they are doing this through polling, which we are trying to avoid, 
but I am not even sure how polling would solve the problem (unless you poll 
for the selection, compare it to the old data, and act accordingly, which 
would put a huge demand on network bandwidth...).

I doubt polling would solve much.  Either way you are still causing 
unnecessary bandwith hogging when you steal ownership, not much most of the 
time but heh.

More importantly the way that most X users expect the selection system to 
work (again as a user) is like my fix had made i.e. don't grab the 
selection.  As a side point, yes I prefer my version of xwinclip to exceeds 
rather poor clipboard handling, including the recent release.  Plus it 
always crashes and it's dead slow.  I prefer cygwin/xfree86 by a long shot.

It is our problem (well anyone who wants to use xwinclip) and it should be 
fixed. The hook dll doesn't need to be used as XWin can notify the app 
itself (if you have it inbuilt into xwin then multiple instances of xwin 
won't work properly together (although I'm not sure they do anyway), i'm 
talking about running xwin more than once not a screen option).
Oh please. Integrating the clipboard support into the XWin.exe executable 
is not going to forbid it from working with multiple screens run by one 
executable, nor is it going to forbid multiple instances of XWin.exe.

The oh please is a little childish don't you think?  I never said it would 
forbid anything.  But in terms of real issues that would have to be tackled:

- setjmp and longjmp would not be usable within the xwin, they work on stack 
unwinding and would unwind the whole stack (pos solution to run as a thread 
but xlib doesn't like that very much).
- if you do have multiple instances of the code that does the selection 
handling you will have to use ipc mechanisms to handle the change in 
selection loop (xwinclip a and b).  A notices that an applicaiton in it's 
instance has changed the selection, it copies it to the clipboard.  B 
notices that the clipboard has changed and claims ownership, a notices that 
an app  If R4 programmers could do it, I'm sure you or I could.

You might have to program a little more carefully, but there is nothing 
about having the functionality present in XWin.exe that prevents anything 
from working correctly.

Never said there was.

You have mentioned before that X-Win32 is using an Xt-app for their 
clipboard support... but I have never noticed such an app.

I'm a little confused here I have never mentioned X-Win32 before in my life. 
 I did mention Klipper for KDE that I found before solving the problem of 
inter toolkit selection grabbing.  But never X-Win32.

I can remove the hook by patching xwin to send out WM_ACTIVATE message's 
to a single xwinclip instance (this of course can be run from within XWin 
anyway). But I think that's not what you want either.

I just want a solution that works identically to the dozen or so commerical 
implementations that have conquered this very problem. I won't be satisfied 
until we have clipboard support that rivals the commercial X Servers for MS 

As I and others have said here, the commercial ones aren't much better but 
they don't grab the selection (it's about the only good thing they do).

Either way unless you can obtain source code or a developer who worked on 
these you're stuck as to identically doing it.  The question you have to ask 
yourself is if you need to do that.  You seem dedicated to copying the 
selection every time a user highlights something.  Why?  I doubt seriously 
that commercial software is doing something so obviously wastefull.


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Re: Xwinclip doesn't work with Konsole

2002-11-22 Thread Chris Twiner

Indeed, the clipboard thing has been irritating me for a while, can't 
believe i didn't spot it. Either way I can't get the thing to work yet.  
When I call XConvertSelection on CLIPBOARD it says there is a message (from 
select) but then XNextEvent doesn't process any message, very wierd.  
Primary still works fine.

xwinclip-Test06 actually works the exact same way with Emacs... I am 
>pretty sure this is just because Emacs 21 finally fixed the way that >the 
selections were handled. So, I think we can now safely say that if >someone 
has an application that unhighlights the selection when >xwinclip is 
running: fix the *?$%ing application!!! :)

I'd have to disagree in a big way.  xterm, dtterm, nedit, netscape , and 
countless other X applictions that behave in the right way won't because 
xwinclip breaks the standard by reclaiming ownership.  I've tested your 
release with at least the above and it causes functionality issues with 
anything that uses the selection.

The next qt format will follow motif i.e. select is primary, ctrl+c (or 
alt+c etc) copies the highlighted text into the clipboard.  This is a very 
standard way of doing things, and more importantly it works properly.  
"Fixing" them to leave the selection up breaks the normal visual feedback 
you get with all standard X apps, not good at all.

   Arrgh... I am just confused now. Is the unhighlighting of >selections 
our problem anymore? I am starting to think that it is not.

It is our problem (well anyone who wants to use xwinclip) and it should be 
fixed.  The hook dll doesn't need to be used as XWin can notify the app 
itself (if you have it inbuilt into xwin then multiple instances of xwin 
won't work properly together (although I'm not sure they do anyway), i'm 
talking about running xwin more than once not a screen option).

I can remove the hook by patching xwin to send out WM_ACTIVATE message's to 
a single xwinclip instance (this of course can be run from within XWin 
anyway).  But I think that's not what you want either.


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RE: Xwinclip doesn't work with Konsole

2002-11-22 Thread Chris Twiner
Hi Chris

Can you build the xwinclip exe and use the dll supplied
(i've put the in there as well)? Let me know what
happens (and the output).

The copy from X works just like I wrote in my previous mail to
Harold (see log1), but when I try to copy from Windows, the
results are unpredictable. (see log2)

Thanks Jozsef,

The output looks as I'd expect for Harolds reasoning.  I've put in his 
changes for selecting the CLIPBOARD (an issue with me for a while) output 
but I haven't made the thing work yet.  It recognises an owner and calls 
xconvertselection, then the flushxevents function is called but the 
XNextEvent doesn't show a new message. Bizarre.

I'll keep trying to get clipboard working properly maybe that will be 


PS (the "wierd" behaviour with pasting back the windows clipboard is because 
it won't claim ownership unless a windows application has changed the 
clipboard since the last primary selection.  This is in my code only.  It 
makes logical sense but it doesn't work the way the old one did, as far as 
possible it leaves XWin to do it's thing, only claiming the primary 
selection once the clipboard has been changed).

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Re: Xwinclip doesn't work with Konsole

2002-11-21 Thread Chris Twiner

Sorry for private mail, but I am not sure I can mail to the
list.. reading it from news.

No problems.  I had to register with the global posting list (on to post properly, I had so many returned to me.  Using 
the global list means you don't have to receive all message postings.

Just a quick thought.. as you say "it does not use the PRIMARY
selection properly", does it use the primary selection at all?

According to the docs on it, yes.  It's apparently a well known problem, if 
it is the problem that was suggested.

I mean, modern X and like the CDE on solaris has two clipboards, one
is for CDE, and can be accessed by apps compiled to CDE through the
menus edit->copy edit->paste, while the other, in xterms, emacs and so
on uses the ancient select with mouse, and paste with middle button..

Strictly speaking the acient select with mouse and paste option is the 
correct ICCM standard, that's why qt3 is moving to that way of operating.  
It's probable that it's current implementation is just using it's own wierd 
solution but the postings on google seem to indicate it uses both CLIPBOARD 
and PRIMARY so it may be it's just not using it properly.

It is not like Konsole uses the alternative clipboard? Or you are
supposed to use it..

Nope it's non standard.  However that doesn't mean that xwinclip shouldn't 
be changed to work with it.

Or maybe even you need to select the text, and do a edit->copy to get
it to the clipboard?

Could be, but I'd like to see what the latest output would be.


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RE: Xwinclip doesn't work with Konsole

2002-11-21 Thread Chris Twiner

Can you build the xwinclip exe and use the dll supplied (i've put the in there as well)?  Let me know what happens (and the output).



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RE: Xwinclip doesn't work with Konsole

2002-11-21 Thread Chris Twiner

Thanks for the feedback, I will post another version of mine tonight (forgot 
to last night). Can you give me the output of my xwinclip when you run these 

I will post the built exe and the dll for my version as well, just to remove 
compilation issues.

It seems as though it doesn't recognise that there is a primary selection.  
This seems related to the qt bug but I don't know quite how to proove it.


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Re: Xwinclip doesn't work with Konsole

2002-11-20 Thread Chris Twiner

Damn this is interesting.

Just to check (I don't have kde available) this when you
say copy/paste do you mean the edit menu copy and paste?


good good.

Or do you mean highlight in Konsole and then use the middle button.

Yes, this is what I meant.

What does the output of my xwinclip have in it?  does it show something like 

no xa_primary owner

or maybe

XToWindows XA_PRIMARY convertselect() failed

It would mean that there is some dodgy non-standard activity going on or 
that the format can't be converted.


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Re: Xwinclip doesn't work with Konsole

2002-11-20 Thread Chris Twiner
Thanks Jozsef,

That's perfect information.

From what I can tell (quick research) it uses CLIPBOARD and PRIMARY.

Sorry, this I don't understand, what this sentence means.
Can you explain it?

I think so, the Konsole app doesn't seem to use the PRIMARY selection 
properly (i.e. in a standard way), that is why test6 doesn't automatically 
remove the selection from it.

The primary selection is when you highlight something in xterm and then 
(whilst it is still highlighted) use the middle button to click in another 
xterm (or the same one, or another compliant x application).  This is the 
standard way to perform cutting and pasting.  This works properly with both 
versions of xwinclip for compliant applications.

Just to check (I don't have kde available) this when you say copy/paste do 
you mean the edit menu copy and paste?  Or do you mean highlight in Konsole 
and then use the middle button.  (although at some stage in the next few 
months I may get another box for linux).



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Re: Xwinclip doesn't work with Konsole

2002-11-20 Thread Chris Twiner
 I have tested the latest official release (Test6) and
the hacked one from Chris Twiner, but neither works with
Konsole, the console from KDE.


What are you doing that makes you think it isn't working?  Are you just 
using primary selection?  From what I can tell (quick research) it uses 
CLIPBOARD and PRIMARY.  If (with my version) the selection is still shown 
can you use the middle mouse button to "paste" it into another X app, like 
xterm?  If so then it should be usable with both mine and test6.

does test6 clear the selection after you select it?


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re: Direction of xwinclip

2002-11-20 Thread Chris Twiner
I now remember what it was that I did not like: Ownership of the X 
is grabbed when XWin.exe loses focus.  Is that correct?

No.  It only takes ownership selection when XWin is gaining activation (and 
not from another window).  When Xwin looses activation (and therefore focus) 
it merely grabs whatever is in the selections, if anything, and puts it into 
the windows clipboard.

Robert's method of watching for changes in XA_CUT_BUFFER0 might be hack, 
I think it is probably closer to what other X Servers for Windows are 
as those other X Server do not grab ownership of the X selection when they
lose the focus.

Neither does my code, but see later...

Have you got any objections to watching for changes in
XA_CUT_BUFFER0 as a signal that we should request another copy of the X

Yes I have, the ICCM standard says don't use it in new applications and the 
rest of the x development community says don't use it in new applications.  
Seemingly only a few do.  Motif apps have some wierd logic for working out 
wether to try and use it but they don't use it directly (they've got their 
own wierd and wonderful way of doing things for CLIPBOARD).

Basically as the ICCM says it's obsolete.  You can write a compliant X 
selection app that works with PRIMARY without problems but never uses the 
cut buffers.  How many applications have you tried it with, sorry I can't 
try it at mine, gcc's specs don't seem to work for my box (or the work box I 
have it on).

If we decide to go with the XA_CUT_BUFFER0 hack, then there will probably
need to be only one more release of xwinclip.  After that we can 
on integrating the clipboard support into XWin.exe.

I think that it would be usefull (possibly as thats the way xceed works, 
when it does, to make it an xt/xm app as well) so that we can get the motif 
clipboard if it's being used.

However within XWin it may not be the best approach either way, as all 
messages go through the xserver anyway should not a simple hook into the 
server code be better then making a client within a server (and having to 
look at threading it or more complicated setjmp's).

By the way... I like the setjmp/longjmp stuff... I thought it was two
assembly language instructions that were used.  Imagine my surprise when I
saw setjmp.h and realized that setjmp and longjmp were (used like)
functions.  That is a heck of a lot easier than I had thought it would be.

Glad it could help.

Thanks for your contributions Chris.



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Re: xwinclip test 6 hacked to leave selection untouched

2002-11-18 Thread Chris Twiner
Well, if you solution is everthing you claim, then you certainly have not 
>been promoting it correctly.

It's my fault that you have forgotten it?  I don't thinks so.  If you did 
not want to use it then you should have said a long time ago before I wasted 
days on it.

The impression I have gathered is that it requires hooks to watch >messages 
for the XWin.exe windows, whereas today's solution does not >require such 
hooks. I have really been waiting for a solution that does >not require 
such hooks. If your solution no longer requires such hooks, >then you did a 
poor job of communicating that fact.

Nothing has changed about it using hooks.  Nothing at all.  If his solution 
does work/ not had time to try it out. Then at least the jmp's and signal 
handling should still be of some use.

Also :

And the reading I did whilst creating the changes would indicate this only 
happens for applications that explicitly choose it too.

Motif apps don't either it would seem.


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Re: xwinclip test 6 hacked to leave selection untouched

2002-11-18 Thread Chris Twiner
Hi Harold,

From what I understand, you are grabbing ownership of the selection when 
Cygwin/XFree86 loses focus... that is not the correct solution,

Nope, it only grabs X selection when both the windows clipboard has changed 
(in latest code) and any "cygwin/xfree86" class window is activated.  I.e. 
it won't grab it if a user moves from one "cygwin/xfree86" to another.

When the "cygwin/xfree86" looses focus it first looks for XA_PRIMARY and 
then XA_SECONDARY and then clipboard, not that the clipboard code works with 
motif apps.

The basic one window code (no clipboard chain) was there two months ago and 
posted to the group.  I.e. it fixed what was broken in test6 and fixed again 
by the recent poster.

as other X Server on Windows implementations out there (not to name any 
names) are able to watch the X selection without taking ownership of it 

Which was the whole point of my fixes, you yourself claimed you could not 
see what was wrong with test6 "prove to me with code" was your response.  So 
I did, you said "great" it looks like it works, thanks for the contributions 
I'll put it into a new test release, however you were busy and it would take 
a while. Which from the level of involvement you have with cygwin was all 
too reasonable.

It sounds likes we need to watch the selection on the root window, rather 
than stealing it for our own. If you did this, then I misunderstood what 
you were trying to say. However, I doubt that you did this because grabbing 
ownership of the selection when we lose focus would be unnecessary.

Indeed I did.  It never grabbed the selection when the focus was lost, only 
when the window was activated again. i.e. you have gone into windows and the 
clipboard is different so grab the windows clipboard.  The current version 
only does this when the clipboard has changed (And across -screen's).

I had tried to explain this before (as had other posters) but you didn't see 
anything was wrong, so I made it work in a consistent fashion with windows 
and most x servers and so it wouldn't break nedit (main motivation).

I wait until a solution looks clean before I do anything with it, and 
stealing ownership on losing focus didn't look like much of a solution.

Again it was only on gaining of activation, and you didn't at the time see 
anything was wrong with the test6 code.

You had wanted it external when you mentioned this (or internal with a 
disabling switch).  My solution was designed from the outset not to intefere 
with the inner workings of the xserver and to be within the X selection 
system, something that commercial solutions obviously aren't limited by.


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Re: xwinclip test 6 hacked to leave selection untouched

2002-11-18 Thread Chris Twiner

I'm curious has it been forgotten that I already fixed the selection 
grabbing over two months ago?

Either way the latest code does the clipboard chain stuff and handles 
multiple windows ( -screen option), and some wierd bug were it doesn't free 
the dll properly.  I can't get it to link properly on gcc 3.2.

The problem being the -mno_cygwin option doesn't seem to work.  The dll must 
be without cygwin1.dll given that as a default it is not placed inside 
?:\windows\system.  Maybe this is a point for another list.

If the latest code is wanted I'll post it, I'm pretty much finished with 
what I want to do with it.  I can't for example see the point in spending 
much more time on it if it never get's included.


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Re: how does xwin resolve ip addresses

2002-11-12 Thread Chris Twiner
Ok, problem resolved.  After much digging around and non-help from 3Com I 
have sussed the damn thing out.  When such a thing happens, either the 
ipconfig not returning the whole information or a 20106 error in the system 
log (doesn't seem to matter if it's talking about a different interface), 
the RRAS service is the damned culprit.

So answer was disable the damn thing.

Thanks to all that helped and many thanks to Ago,


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right mouse button again, motif on solaris

2002-11-11 Thread Chris Twiner
Hi All,

An application, Razor (Motif) that I'm running won't allow the right button 
to work.  After investigation this appears to be a bug in the Motif 
libraries within Solaris.

However as it appears different on different Xservers the common factor 
seems to be the mouse setting.  A post :

Seems to indicate that the server tells the client how many mouse buttons 
are supported.  This seems to be a motif issue.  Under NEdit for example it 
is possible to get the right mouse button menu by disabling num-lock, 
scoll-lock and caps-lock.  Of course Razor doesn't work this way. (basic 
problem is drag and drop doesn't work over ssh, since it uses it's own 
protocol, so a right mouse button is the only other way to work it).

Exceed doesn't share the problem cygwin has.  Cygwin's problem seems very 
similar to the problem indicated by the above post.  i.e. cygwin tells the 
motif version there are X number of buttons and it chooses the last button 
for right button as default.

Is there any way of checking what an individual application believes or 
indeed checking/changing what the cygwin is telling the clients?

Your's confused further,


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Re: Problems with xwinclip version 0.5/0.6

2002-11-11 Thread Chris Twiner
I have installed the xwinclip-Test06, but the selection not only 
after I release the mouse button, but it flashes continously, and I can't
paste the selection either under X, nor in windows.
Has anybody any ideea, why is this so?

The second problem may be related to the first, given the flashing 
continuously.  It seems like the application you are using remotely tries to 
capture the x primary selection as well.  This release of xwinclip claims 
the x selection as soon as a selection has been made.  The other application 
may be doing the same, hence the continuous flashing.

You can try using the version I uploaded to the list.  It needs to be 
compiled though, and if you have the latest version of cygwin it probably 
won't work.  I should be able to release a new version of the xwinclip to 
the mailing list tonight which should work with the latest version, I hope.



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Re: how does xwin resolve ip addresses

2002-11-11 Thread Chris Twiner

At 3Com's behest I tried the card in another laptop that had another 
installation of the card:

Yes the card works in another laptop, an xp home one on the same network.  
Also the ipconfig works on this machine as well.  It looks therefore like a 
driver problem, either a bad installation on my part or some conflicting 

I will do the following :

1) re-install the software
2) check dll dependencies and versions between the two machines

I'll reply with the results.

, and I'll do the same here.

Ago, I'll try these changes first because it looks much like a bad software 
installation and nothing to do with cygwin.  Unless you'd like to try and 
get it working with this installation first, in which case I'll delay the 


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Re: how does xwin resolve ip addresses

2002-11-07 Thread Chris Twiner
An additional bit of information, IIS can use the ip address to serve web 

ipconfig is still of course broken.


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Re: how does xwin resolve ip addresses

2002-11-07 Thread Chris Twiner
Hi Ago,

Tried it, but it made no difference.


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Re: how does xwin resolve ip addresses

2002-11-05 Thread Chris Twiner
here are the results of the latest :

ls_netdev $Id: ls_netdev.c,v 1.3 2002/11/04 21:59:03 ago Exp $
OS Version: Windows NT 5.1 Build 2600
Querying devices using ioctl
lo: family=TCP/IP (0) addr=
eth0: family=TCP/IP (0) addr=
Querying devices using internal function
// Dumping IpAddrTable
bDescr=Intel 8255x-based PCI Ethernet Adapter (10/100)
bDescr=3Com 3CRSHPW_96 Wireless LAN PC Card
bDescr=MS TCP Loopback interface
// Dumping IfTable
bDescr=Internal loopback interface for 127.0.0 network
bDescr=Intel 8255x-based PCI Ethernet Adapter (10/100)
eth0: family=TCP/IP (0) addr=
lo: family=TCP/IP (0) addr=

And just for completeness the route print:

c:\home\Chris>route print
Interface List
0x1 ... MS TCP Loopback interface
0x2 ...02 00 4c 4f 4f 50 .. Microsoft Loopback Adapter
0x10004 ...00 20 e0 70 70 16 .. Intel 8255x-based PCI Ethernet Adapter 
0x10005 ...00 04 75 c4 55 6e .. 3Com 3CRSHPW_96 Wireless LAN PC Card
Active Routes:
Network DestinationNetmask  Gateway   Interface  Metric   30   30   30   30   1   30   30   30   30   30   1   1   10004   1   1
Default Gateway:
Persistent Routes:

Hope it helps.

3com rather quickly referred me to the cygwin/xfree86 documentation so I'll 
not hold out much hope of useful help from them.


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Re: how does xwin resolve ip addresses

2002-11-05 Thread Chris Twiner
> Bad luck. It seems the ip address is correctly setup, but there is no
> interface configured. Maybe reinstalling the drivers for the wireless
> card will help.
> I've searched the MSDN but there is no comment for the GetIfTable 
> that it would not report wireless interfaces.

I'be build a new version, which queries the interface for each ip address.
Can you please try it too?

Hi Ago,

I'll try it later today (it's at home, I'm at work :).


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Re: how does xwin resolve ip addresses

2002-11-01 Thread Chris Twiner
Hi Harold,

I seem to have the latest drivers, I checked a couple of weeks ago, no harm 
in doing so on a regular basis.

It just strikes me as weird that although I can telnet into a box over it I 
can't start a server on it.  Add that to ipconfig /all and it makes it very 

I'll send a query to 3com.



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how does xwin resolve ip addresses

2002-11-01 Thread Chris Twiner
Hi All,

I have a problem using a wireless card (3com) on my home network.  I have a 
basic wireless setup and a switched setup (for my servers).  When using the 
wireless card I can use the internet fully and most applications are happy 
with it.  Bizarly though ipconfig /all doesn't list the wireless card as an 
ip adapter.

When trying to use cygwin/xfree on the address (given by dhcp) the xserver 
doesn't work i.e. no clients can bind to it.  Is the discovery mechanism for 
the ip address using the same as ipconfig does and hence can't see it?

Does anyone have similar experience?



PS (I should get some time today to work on xwinclip, I'll tackle it on the 
latest release)

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Re: right mouse button doesn't work (re: old subject)

2002-10-30 Thread Chris Twiner
Hi All,

got the problem.  When the num-lock is on it won't work properly in nedit:

similar problem non-cygwin related: slash archives slash discuss slash 2000-Mar slash 0383.html 
(slashed it so it would go through the spam filter)

So it's possibly an application problem I'm looking at.  Why it works on 
local and not remote I don't know.

It doesn't help with the other application though.  (Drag and drop and right 
mouse button, which works under exceed).  The application is Razor by the 


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Re: right mouse button doesn't work (re: old subject)

2002-10-29 Thread Chris Twiner
Hi Harold,

Just got some extra info. Rather curiously holding down ctrl and clicking 
the right mouse button works as expected.  This further compounds the issue 
given that some button 3 messages are definitely getting through.



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Re: right mouse button doesn't work (re: old subject)

2002-10-29 Thread Chris Twiner
Hi Harold,

The address of the old message is here,

David Esposito is the person who said he had everything working.

Just a little info, I checked xmodmap -pp and all the mappings are ok, 
running NEdit on the local machine (cygwin to cygwin) works fine, NEdit from 
the solaris box doesn't.

Also some other applications that are used at work don't.  Incidently there 
is also a drag and drop issue.  The cursor changes to indicate the drag has 
started but the window never recieves the drop (although the initiator 
changes the cursor back).  It's possibly the same issue.

I did the xev check as well, just to make sure it was somewhere between 
solaris and the solaris default X server system (i.e. using nedit as a 
server to cygwin).



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right mouse button doesn't work (re: old subject)

2002-10-29 Thread Chris Twiner
Hi All,

A while ago the point was made that when using X from a solaris system to 
cygwin the right mouse button did not work.

Mentions of recompiling x for solaris were mentioned but no conclusion was 
shown.  Only a post by Harold that someone got it working.

Suffice to say I have such a situation.  It happens on my home solaris box 
and those at work.  Whilst messing around on my own box is ok, it's 
definitely not for the work machines.

Was any conclusion reached? Did anyone have a solution?


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Re: Problems with xwinclip version 0.5/0.6

2002-10-24 Thread Chris Twiner
Hi Brian,

Thanks for the 'extern "C"', I had forgotten to add those.  If you don't 
mind however I'll avoid poluting the std namespace.


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Re: Problems with xwinclip version 0.5/0.6

2002-10-23 Thread Chris Twiner

A release was planned by Harold but he's very busy so it could be a while.  
All is now clear with regards the compiler.

Indeed I used gcc 2.95 not the 3.1 release.

So, the reason it fails with the can't set hook func is that the name 
mangling has changed. I'll investigate what it has changed to.

The failed linking is a little strange but heh.  At least I understand why 
the dynamic loading doesn't work.


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Re: Problems with xwinclip version 0.5/0.6

2002-10-23 Thread Chris Twiner

I can send you them directly later (I'm at work now) but..

You say it dies after the messages are displayed, do you mean that xwinclip 
then terminates?  Or do you mean it doesn't seem to do much?

Also I'm still a little confused as to why you needed to change the build 
dll script anyway, what release of cygwin are you using?  Maybe I and the 
others have an older/newer version.


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Re: Problems with xwinclip version 0.5/0.6

2002-10-22 Thread Chris Twiner
Hi Volker,

I notice you had a mingw error.  Could you please try using the gcc provided 
with cygwin, as I believe myself and others use.  It should remove most of 
the problems you're seeing as neither myself nor others seem to have them.

As to the output, that's correct it's debug information to let me know what 
is going on message wise through the system.  The ioctl statement is due to 
the cygwin code for the windows device explicitly mentioning setting the 
hwnd it listens to (or listens to all).  Which doesn't really hurt anything 
in the code you have.

After that message it should also display information in the xwinclip window 
about what windows and X messages are being processed involving the 
clipboards, again just debug information.

Thank you for trying to use the code though.


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Re: Problems with xwinclip version 0.5/0.6

2002-10-21 Thread Chris Twiner
Hi Volker,

Can you try the version I posted last month (there were several versions but 
the last post holds the best version).

It solves the clearing of the selection.  I am suprised that the test06 
solved your problem, it didn't with me or other users.  I use NEdit so I 
have the same issue with active regions.

With respect to the selection maintaining two different clipboards can you 
tell me if it seems to behave the same with my changes?

Also if you're testing rootless mode it would be good to know if it works in 
that (it looks for a focus change in the root window so I am not sure it 
will), I haven't had time to have a look yet.



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Re: xwinclip problem/puzzle

2002-10-18 Thread Chris Twiner
 Unfortunately not.  The version most recently posted had the ctrl+c and  
server reset code in place but nothing much else.


It does however contain the code to handle the selections properly.  I'm not 
sure I made that clear enough.  It does what you want it to do but not much 
else, is what I should have said :-).

 When you run multiple screens do you keep the same display setting or 
does  it need to change?  If it is the same display I can get it working 
(by  making sure the newly activated window is not a cygwin window).

Do you mean multiple virtual desktops, or dual monitors?  Though I

Multiple virtual desktops, dual monitors didn't seem to work in any way.  
I.e. using the screen option on xwin.exe


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Re: xwinclip problem/puzzle

2002-10-15 Thread Chris Twiner

Thanks for the referal Jehan,

>And maybe Chris has a newer version now.

Unfortunately not.  The version most recently posted had the ctrl+c and 
server reset code in place but nothing much else.  This I had planned to do:

- get the windows clipboard only when something has changed on it (don't 
unnecessarily grab the x selection)
- handle multiple X server screens (so you don't end up using windows as an 
unnecessary intermediatary clipboard system).

When you run multiple screens do you keep the same display setting or does 
it need to change?  If it is the same display I can get it working (by 
making sure the newly activated window is not a cygwin window).

As to further dev I want to contribute but my time is tight at the moment, 
previously I was on a part time contract so I could devote time to xwinclip. 
  Now I'm full time so I don't know when I'll get round to it. I will do 
them both, but I just can't say when.


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Re: xwinclip

2002-09-19 Thread Chris Twiner

Hi Jean-Claude,

>Please forgive the newbie-type question:

gives a thorough explanation on how to get xwinclip running.  It must be 
running as well as XWin.  You'll see if that version is running because when 
you select some text the selection will dissapear and automatically be 
placed in the windows clipboard.

Hope that helps

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Re: xwinclip - update and motif clipboard

2002-09-19 Thread Chris Twiner

>>Well according to the specs you're implementation is right.  Own clipboard 
>>manager and grab the clipboard when it's been selected, then own it again. 
>>  It doesn't seem to work with Motif though.  No biggy, primary works v. 

>That's good to know, but why doesn't it work when we do it according >to 
>spec?  :)

Motif does some wierd clipboard antics and completely breaks the way it 
should work.  Basically it stores all the entries under the root window as 
properties (xprop can show them).  There is a kde app called klipper that 
handles the two properly but it involves making xwinclip an xt application 
for the xm stuff to work.

>>Like Chris said it's suprising you can reply at all, and much appreciated.

>No problem, I don't want people to think that I have given up or anything.

Like I said, it's much appreciated, I've been busy this week with various 
things but I've still checked the list so it's a very good feeling to see 
such a reply.

>which you can view via XFree86's cvsweb).  Or, you could blindly 
the ClipBoard chain support...

Honestly I'm tempted to do that, purely because it offers the oppurtunity to 
have a bit more of a play.  The ultra2 that was going to occupy my time just 
"blew a fuse" so I'm back to the free time.

>It would probably be a good idea to allow the app to work with multiple 
sessions.  But, are you doing everything properly, such as giving each XWin
window a different display number and telling each instance of xwinclip 
display to connect to?

I'm doing that properly (although a new app starts in the old display).  The 
problem is I'm looking for a window that says Cygwin/XFree86 which of course 
they all will say.  It may need code in XWin to provide a differentiation of 
window title mentioning the display number (and env variable) or something 
similar. Otherwise you don't know which XWin display has lost/gained focus 
and which to start the xwinclip operations on.

I think that would also be usefull for XWin in multiple windows as well.  
The user would be able to see which goes where.  Possibly a user additional 
title as well such as "linux box" or "sun box" etc.

In short how do you know which "Cygwin/XFree86" window is the one xwinclip 
is started for (x wise it's DISPLAY) but windows wise?


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Re: xwinclip - update and motif clipboard

2002-09-19 Thread Chris Twiner

>I thank you for putting so much time into developing xwinclip.

It has been a pleasure anyway.

>I really appreciate that you got the long-awaited setjmp lngjmp
functionality implemented so that we are not killed upon X Server shutdown
and restart.

It's cool, I've always wanted an excuse to use them (always used c++ 
exceptions instead).

>I don't know anymore about the CLIPBOARD than what I wrote in the xwinclip
source comments, which was something to the effect of, ``help! can't find
CLIPBOARD documentation, how does it work?''

Well according to the specs you're implementation is right.  Own clipboard 
manager and grab the clipboard when it's been selected, then own it again.  
It doesn't seem to work with Motif though.  No biggy, primary works v. well.

>I am going to integrate your changes into a future release of xwinclip, but
I cannot tell you when that will be.  However, a little schedule update:
 On the other hand, shit happens, so don't expect
anything extraordinary.  :)

Like Chris said it's suprising you can reply at all, and much appreciated.

As was suggested I'm going to look at implmenting "a grab the selection only 
when the windows clipboard has changed" addition to the code.  It shouldn't 
make a great deal of extra code but it will definitely make a minor glitch 
go bye bye.

I'll have a look at integrating it into XWin as well.  When more than one 
XWin window are open it doesn't work properly and if the x windows clients 
become integrated with windows ala eXceed then it won't work at all.



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Re: xwinclip - update and motif clipboard

2002-09-08 Thread Chris Twiner

Hi All,

As promised an updated version of my xwinclip patch.

Major changes:

Now ctrl-c works properly, closes nicely, both the windows hook and the x 
display (and anything else after the event loop).

Also a restart works for when the x server crashes/restarts/whatever so will 
xwinclip.  This is done with setjmp and longjmp, so should work within a 
thread as part of XWin.exe.

I've also made all my tab characters two spaces to be in line with Harolds 
original code and got rid of extra characters on the end of the line (due to 
NEdit's block operations, handy but I didn't realise they added spaces at 
the end of lines to the size of the block).

There is still lot's of printf's every where for debugging, more so now (due 
to trying to get the motif clipboard working).  Needless to say they don't 
affect the applications behaviour in XWin.

Still outstanding:

integration with motif?  Not sure it's really worth my effort anymore.  Had 
a go and got nothing more that hassle.  It seems to use the motif functions 
you must only have an Xt app. As xwinclip is xlib alone the two like to 
cause av's when shoved together.  I'm sure I can manage just to highlight 

handling of non windows clipboard change: if the windows clipboard doesn't 
change don't force the ownership of primary.  Should not be much more 

Hope all works, let me know.


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Re: xwinclip - update and motif clipboard

2002-09-06 Thread Chris Twiner

>Woohoo!  So, when do we get to see the beautiful new code?

Hi Brian,

I can clean up what I have now, pre motif clipboard and do another post of 
it to the mailing list.  Official release wise is down to Harold.

I'll tidy it up tomorrow and send it out.


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xwinclip - update and motif clipboard

2002-09-05 Thread Chris Twiner

Hi All,

Quick update, got the signal working properly for ctrl-c or closing the 
windows command window.  Solution (as the SIGINT handler is run in a 
seperate thread in windows) is to set a variable in the windows loop that 
sends the kill message that kill_xwinclip was doing.

That means that all the kill_.. apps that I wanted to get rid of can be (and 
have). It also means that I don't need a window to handle turning on and off 
clipboard operations a simple close of the window would be sufficient.

Also I believe that handling the xIO error as a thread within XWin should be 
possible but I'd still be tempted to run it seperately as xwinclip.  It 
could work integrated if it was run as a seperate thread (would need to be 
anyway really), as such longjmp and setjmp should affect only that thread.  
Again I don't see how much sense this really makes.

I do have a remaining issue that I'd like to solve, CLIPBOARD operations. 
The problem seems to be the application I'm using i.e. NEdit uses Motif 
programming interfaces (or lesstif) in the default distribution.  This 
leaves four questions :

1) Should we try to get Motif clipboard operations (like klipper)?
2) If so how do we identify that what client owns the clipboard is a motif 
one (to use the motif mechanism for getting the clipboard data)?
3) Should we try to get motif clipboard before the X clipboard or after?
4) How exactly do we get the motif clipboard?

I belive 1) should be a yes but as yet I'm at a loss to attempt the other 3 
questions.  I have read that the root window property CLIPBOARD holds the 
clipboard for Motif apps but xprop dumps when i do
xprop -root CLIPBOARD.

Either way I've have only just started looking at that issue and I'm just 
about to read

But any help would be nice from someone who knows the answers now :-)



PS (Jehan and Harold, it was all tab characters that I was inserting, I'll 
change them to the two space's that Harold uses).

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Re: xwinclip re selection polling

2002-09-01 Thread Chris Twiner

The problem seemed to be based around the old window not getting destroyed, 
windows still thinks it's there and sends forth more messages to it.

I've destroyed the window in the iohandler and the problem seems to be 
solved.  Sorry for the multiple posts just spotted it over a few days.


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Re: xwinclip re selection polling

2002-09-01 Thread Chris Twiner

Hi All,

The select statement isn't the problem, it's the restart.  I'm pretty 
certain that it's just due to the old window sending messages the select 
does a peekmessage of NULL for the hwnd, this picks up all messages for that 

The restarter wasn't closing the window so it's probable that the old hwnd 
for the old window that wasn't getting closed is at fault.  This is just a 
heads up, so no-one starts investigating unnecessarily. I'll post again with 
the results.


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Re: xwinclip re selection polling

2002-08-31 Thread Chris Twiner

Hi All,

I think I've just identified a bug with select on /dev/windows.  According 
to the select code for the windows device it does a if (peekmessage()) then 
in xwinclip it does the flushwindows upon select returning.

I've found a wierd circumstance were select returns but when the 
flushwindows function returns there is no message on the queue.  As the 
select believes there is but windows doesn't it causes an infinite loop.  
Don't know how to reproduce yet but it has been after reconnecting (longjmp 
and setjmp) that I've noticed.

I will investigate more later.  I've got a log from the xwinclip output and 
I'll try to find a reproducable case.

Has anyone noticed anything similar before with /dev/windows?


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Re: xwinclip re selection polling

2002-08-31 Thread Chris Twiner

Hi All,

Ok, Harold the jmp is in place (i'm closing the hook and freeing the library 
first of course) and it works.  I needed to change the dll though as it was 
still using the old HWND for the old cygwin/XFree86 window.

If a restart is done off the server menu nothing different seems to happen.  
It all seems to work fine.  Close XWin and it restarts xwinclip (after the 
freeing of resources), then restart XWin and it reconnects (if it's not out 
of retries) then all is well in the world.

Laters and have a good weekend, Mine is full of a street party outside my 
door, thankfully they stop playing music at 2am.


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Re: xwinclip re selection polling

2002-08-31 Thread Chris Twiner


>Excellent detective work. It looks like longjmp setjmp is the way to go.
I will give it a try someday, unless you want to do it first.

Thanks, I'll give it a bash.  Best place is right at the beginning I think, 
all the resources will be useless anyway, as they are tied to the old 
display connection.  I've not used setjmp and longjmp before (c++ guy, love 
those exceptions) so it will be a good thing anyway for me to do them (at 
least for me:-).

>The reason that catching a server reset is so important is that we
should not be killed when the server resets and we should try to connect
to the server again if it resets. Part of this makes it easy to stay
connected when a user is using XDMCP to connect to a remote machine.
Also, we can never integrate clipboard support into XWin.exe until we
can be assured that the server will not be killed when it resets.

That's what I thought the reason was, I'm still not sure that integrating 
makes that much sense, the jmp solution would seem to solve that but the 
problem with it is it rewinds the stack right back to the setjmp, that means 
that whatever else that process has been doing it's screwed.  Hence it would 
have to be forked or spawned anyway.

I'll get it restarting anyway, shouldn't take too long.



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Re: xwinclip re selection polling

2002-08-30 Thread Chris Twiner


As an aside this link explains that the only way is to longjmp/setjmp.

If the intention is to fully integrate xwinclip into XWin then this would be 
unwanted to say the least.  Given XWin would close anyway you'd still want 
xwinclip to close with it.


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Re: xwinclip re selection polling

2002-08-30 Thread Chris Twiner

>I can't tell if you have enough of an understanding of X11 to write a
proposed solution that actually makes sense.  At least, I can't make any
sense out of your proposal.

I understand what he's saying but XLib seems quite against the idea :

XSetIOErrorHandler is the first thing and the last thing that happens.  
Automagically unfortunately so it "can't" be recovered from.

What I'm confused about is what does this matter?  For me it's a great place 
to close the hook (stops the hook from not working the next time xwinclip is 
started). In fact the only thing for me now is to try and get a proper close 
notification when xwinclip is closed by the user. Ctrl-c doesn't cut it.  As 
an aside it comes back to the Windoze window being visible again (could put 
a button on it to disable xwinclip's activities, god knows why you'd want to 
though - as appose to just killing it then resarting it?-).

Do you want this information because having a client that is within the x 
server could cause a big problem when the server disconnects?  Personally I 
think we'd be better off keeping it out of XWin anyway, possibly have it 
start it but it really is a seperate tool KISS and all that.

Why do we need to know when the server is about to close?


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Re: xwinclip re selection polling

2002-08-30 Thread Chris Twiner

>- kill_xclip_hook.exe doesn't do anything for me. I have to use 
>kill_xwinclip to really remove the hook, even if xwinclip is already dead.

I saw that a few times as well.  I'm wondering wether a new message needs to 
be sent through the hook to close it or something similar.  I'll add the 
functionality into kill_xclip_hook, the two behaviours are different in that 
if xwinclip is running then just kill_xwinclip will do the job of both 

>- We really need to find away to automatically remove the hook without 
>having to use kill_xwinclip (or find a way to automatically call this app). 
>It took me a few minutes to remember what you said in your previous mail 
>and what I compiled before I thought about using this program. Could 
>xwinclip do the same thing than kill_xwinclip before registring itself?

I've been trying to figure a way around this.  It will always remove the 
hook if kill_xwinclip has been called, because this allows the program to 
exit gracefully.  Ctrl-c or closing the window doesn't and the signals never 
seem to work.  In essence the bit's that are important are a call to RemHook 
and to FreeLibrary from within xwinclip.  When it recieves a WM_DESTROY 
(like kill_xwinclip sends) it cleans itself up, xconnection and all.

I think until it's integrated within XWin (still think Harolds right about 
the closing of connection, I can test for the Cygwin/XFree86 window being 
closed, I can even stop it but I can't catch the xlib bombing out on a 
send/receive) it must have a windows window not a console to close properly. 
  This would allow the proper trapping of the messages.  It doesn't need to 
show anything in the window just to be a visible one.  Of course it doesn't 
stop someone killing the process but it does at least make the close work.

>- XWinclip doesn't copy what is already in the windows clipboard when it 

Good un. Although I'm not sure it's entirely wanted behaviour.  What if you 
just start xwinclip between selection operations on the XWin x clients?  
Should it automatically clear them or is the reason you're starting xwinclip 
because you want to give them the windows clipboard.  I think it's the 
latter, I'll put it in (means owning XA_PRIMARY when it starts up, no 

>- I don't know if it can be done but when XWin gets activated, the 
>selection should not disappears if the Windows clipboard didn't change. I 
>mean: if you select something in X, activate a Windows application, then 
>activate XWin, the selection disappear, it shouldn't.

Agreed on reflection that makes sense shouldn't be tough to fix.  See below 

>That said, a thought came to me (yep, another wild guess :p). When I select 
>something in X, I can paste it as many time I want without having the 
>selection disappearing. Is it because when I "middle-click" X fake the 
>paste by sending the keystrokes matching what is in the clipboard or is it 
>because reading the content of the clipboard doesn't change the selection?

It's because clicking the middle button sends a xconvertselection that sends 
a SelectionRequest event to the owner.  The owner of the selection sends the 
data back in a SelectionNotify event. (of course this is given that I read 
the specs properly, but it seems to be the truth from the debugging 

The original xwinclip always followed the reciept of the SelectionNotify 
event with an XSetSelectionOwner which forced the selection to be cleared 
(via a SelectionClear event).  As such whilst you could still paste as many 
times as you wanted (as xwinclip now owned the selection and handled the 
requests) you couldn't use any functions that depended on the selection 
remaining with the original owner.

>IOW, am I correct to assume that the selection disappear when an 
>application "take ownership" and that "taking ownership" mean that when a 
>process ask for the clipboard content, we will be the one asked to send it? 
>If my guess is correct, why not "take ownership" only if the Windows 
>clipboard changed and differs from the current X clipboard?... Or was 
>because xwinclip was losing the ownership that it knew that the selection 

The Or is the right one.  It knew because it received the SelectionClear 
event.  I agree though it's really only necessary to take ownership when the 
windows clipboard is different.

>Last Chris, you may want to look at the WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD Windows event. 
>Using this feature would allow to handle Windows applications that change 
>the clipboard by themselves (ie without user intervention). I don't know 
>any but I'm not omniscient.

It seems perfect for the job.  Saves trying to evaluate the contents of the 
clipboard between the two (really convoluted as it's asynchronous you'd have 
to write a mini event loop).  I'll put that in as well, it'd make things 
that much smoother.

Thanks for the feedback some gems esp the WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD.  I didn't know 
that existed, not even a couple of y

Re: xwinclip re selection polling

2002-08-29 Thread Chris Twiner

Hi All,

It's just going 01.29am here so I won't have a big look at it, but couldn't 
the windows hook be used for the same purpose i.e. track for the close 
message.  I'll give it a go tomorrow.

And yes Jehan, it's just what I need (although I'm about to get a few new 
hardware toys to play with as well, and who knows work may call me in).



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Re: xwinclip re selection polling

2002-08-29 Thread Chris Twiner

>There is some obvious cleaning to do here. First, is to use only tabs or 
>only spaces (don't remember which one Harold uses). Having a mix of space 
>and tabs is a big mess for people who don't use the same tab size (8 vs 4 
>vs 3 vs 2).

I'll figure which one's are used and change the stuff accordingly.  I 
thought I had it set, but I didn't check it on another text editor or even 

>Some files (windproc.c at least) has a huge number of spaces/tabs at then 
>end of line (see KillXWinclip function ).

That's one thing I rarely check for, wouldn't take much either way.

>Some files don't have indentation at all (kill_xwinclip.c) or barely 
>(kill_xclip_hook.c). As you said, there isn't much to them anyway so it's 
>not a huge task to clean them but that will still help others who would 
>want to look at the code. Also, even if you want to get rid of them, you 
>don't know how long they will stay. There was once a guy who said that 
>storing the date with only 2 digits was be good enough, that by the time we 
>would get to 2000, the software would have been replaced and corrected... 
>you know the end of the story ;)

Good point, I'll clean them up either way then resubmit.  I will have a look 
at integrating it to XWin anyway.  It would be another interesting way to 
keep my mind active.

>I don't know how much of the problems are yours or from the original code 
>(never looked at it) but it would be a good thing to have that cleaned in 
>any case.

I saw different formating in the files but it could just be the way I've 
setup NEdit.  Again I'll have a crack.

>What about trying to integrate xwinclip inside XWin? It would fix this 
>problem since you don't have to create the Hook. You just have to add a 
>call to the owner thingie in xwinwndproc.c file. It would also allow to get 
>rid of the two files you want to remove ;). Last, it would reduce the size 
>of the Cygwin/XFree to-do list (a killer feature for Harold ;)).

As I said I'd be up for that.  Just of out interest did you try the changed 
version?  I'm quite interested to know if it works properly on other 

Thanks for the feedback.


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Re: xwinclip re selection polling

2002-08-29 Thread Chris Twiner

Hi All,

Thanks for the response Harold.  I revised the logic in the changes and 
managed to remove the threading and all that went with it.  Guess what, the 
XWin crashes stopped on both expected exists of xwinclip (via the stopping 
tool I wrote) and via Ctrl-C/close command.

The problem I am trying to solve is that of xwinclip "stealing" the 
selection ownership from x windows.  My main motivation for this is NEdit, 
the block functions rely on the selection being present and unaltered.

Basically all the changes are removal of xsetselectionowners throughout old 
winclip code and inserting one for primary when Cygwin/XFree86 regains 
focus.  Then adding convertselections to force the insert into the windows 

I've tested it out for XA_PRIMARY don't know any apps that use secondary but 
I've also tried on CLIPBOARD.  It does something but I wouldn't say it works 

I have attached a zip with the complete files in there, not just diffs etc 
in case the base version is different now.  They xwinclip normal files and 
the xwinclip_hook file additions have been changed to agree with the sytle 
guidelines Harold pointed out.

kill_xwinclip.c and kill_xwclip_hook.c haven't but there isn't much to them 
anyway, and I'd like to figure out a way to remove them anyway.

I have left the original code in place but commented out where necessary 
also there are lots of printf's in place to help with debugging.

There is shell script called build_dll_extras.SH that builds the dll and the 
two kill apps.

Hope the format is ok. If not tell me and I'll send them back with whatever 
changes are necessary. Cygwin is a great tool, I want to contribute.

Untested and definitely won't work is running more than one screen. The hook 
relies on the Cygwin/XFree86 window title, it will therefor not work with 
more than one screen.

thanks in advance for the feedback (hopefully positive),

Chris Twiner

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Re: xwinclip re selection polling

2002-08-28 Thread Chris Twiner

>I think the goal in the not-too-far-away-future is to have xwinclip 
> >integrated directly inside the XWin app. This would save you the >trouble 
>to use SetWindowsHookEx, which IIRC is a big piece of crap. >Also, this 
>would save you the trouble of killing xwinclip while XWin >is still 

I read that the plan was to integrate it on one of the posts (and the todo 
list) but the problem would still remain (keeping ownership).  You're right 
though SetWindowsHookEx is awful.  It's not too bad for a process only hook 
but a global is horrible.

I think you're right though, wasting more time on the closing down bit would 
be foolish.  When integrated only the setselectionowner's would need to be 
removed and the two event's code added. Much cleaner but would get rid of 
the ownership thing.

Thanks for the feedback.  Nobody replied to the other post so I wondered 
what interest level there was.


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xwinclip re selection polling

2002-08-28 Thread Chris Twiner

Hi All,

I posted last week that I had a possible solution to the xwinclip selection 
behaviour.  I didn't get any feedback so I endeavoured to do it anyway.  So 
this ones a bit long but it's an explanation of how I've got it working ..

Basic premise :

Use a seperate dll that runs a system wide Windoze hook to catch all 
activate messages.  2 events are of interest in the hook, when 
Cygwin/XFree86 is activated and when it is deactivated.  When an event is 
detected the hook then sends a broadcast registered message to all top level 

The top level Windoze window for xwinclip is run in a seperate thread and as 
such always receives the messages.  Upon receipt of the activation messages 
flags are set up that indicate that either xtowindows be called or 
windowstox.  These functions copy the data in the respective directions.

The flags have to be used so the main thread (the owner of pDisplay) is the 
one that calls the functions.  They in turn either XSetSelectionOwner 
(windowstox) or they XConvertSelection (xtowindows) to set the messages 

Major changes are that the select in xwinclip.c has a time limit applied and 
that the XSetSelectionOwner in xevents.c and XSetSelectionOwner in 
xwinclip.c are removed.

This means that all selection operations behave as expected in XWin with 
xwinclip running.

However I have some limitations:

closing xwinclip:
   closing XWin closes xwinclip but doesn't go through WM_DESTROY on the x 
window, just
XIO:  fatal IO error 113 (Connection aborted) on X server ""
  after 48 requests (47 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
   I made a script to close xwinclip via sending an X message but it results 
in crashing XWin as well.

the select statement timeout:
   In order to get the polling on the notification flags (from the windows 
thread) the timer is set to 1 sec (or some other time).  Is there a way to 
make the flags act as file descriptors for the select statement?

Any help on the problems would be appreciated.

The code is still (cough cough) a little rough n ready so I will release it 
when appropriate.  Is putting a zip attachment on this mailing list 

I have only been working on this for 3 days and it's my first attempt at X 
antics so if these are FAQ style items I appologise (I've looked just can't 
find them).


Chris Twiner

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xwinclip re selection polling

2002-08-21 Thread Chris Twiner

Hi All,

I'm a first time poster so appologies if I've misunderstood the etiquette 
rules or not found a previous answer to this.

The message at :

Lists polling as an unsatisfactory way of handling the ownership setting 
issue.  Whilst I agree I do have a slight variation to question on.

If a windows hook were used i.e. SetWindowsHookEx would this not tell you 
when the XWin looses focus.  Would this not be a good time to claim 
ownership of selection and ask for it's content.

The reverse would also be true that you could use the time when XWin gains 
focus to handle the setting ownership of PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD to hold the 
windows clipboard data.

Again excuse the ignorance if this isn't helpful in anyway.  I only started 
looking at xwinclip 3 days ago and I'd never seen X development before that.

Hope it is helpful,

Chris Twiner

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