Win32 X clients?

2005-05-10 Thread Keith D. Tyler
Aside from the list at, which 
is specifically limited to Cygwin software, does anyone know of a good 
source of available X clients that are native under Win32?

I'm also interested if anyone has managed to compile Firefox under 
Windows as an X client instead of using Win32 windowing.


Re: X client wrapper for Win apps?

2002-09-18 Thread Keith D. Tyler

David Fraser was recently quoted as saying...
> I've discovered that rather than using -fullscreen, if you simply use 
> -nodecoration
> and set the X server to run at the same size as fullscreen, it doesn't 
> minimize when
> you switch tasks, but still stays the same size as the full screen in 
> the background.
> The advantage being you can still see it behind your other apps (if 
> they're not maximized),
> although they're still not actually inside X windows.

Yeah... but unless you only use alt-tab to switch apps, you have to
minimize the X server periodically to see the minimized app icons (which
are ugly as sin in Win95+, but that's another matter)

> Could we modify them to send messages between them for certain desktops?


> So say you have Ctrl-F1, Ctrl-F2 switching to Linux Desktop 1 and 2, then
> Ctrl-F3, Ctrl-F4 switch back to the Windows one and tell it to activate 
> a certain
> desktop. That way we'd be writing glue code rather than a whole new system.

Well, I use directional window-switching keystrokes. The JSPager set uses
Ctrl-Up,Ctrl-Down, etc, and my FvwmPager set uses Alt-Up, Alt-Down, etc.

> >This is, I realize, all probably very unrealistic dreaming, but any leads
> >or tips are welcome.
> >

Sounds like if Wine emulates a Win32 environment and then converts Win32
apps to X windows, the problem is partly solved there. But AFAIK Wine
doesn't have a multi-window mode, you get one X window which contains a
Windows desktop *within* which normal GDI windows run. Is that right or
has that changed?

Federal Way, WA
 Terrorists can attack freedom, but only Congress can destroy it.

Re: X client wrapper for Win apps?

2002-09-19 Thread Keith D. Tyler

David Fraser was recently quoted as saying...
> Stuart Adamson wrote:
> >>printer. The people
> >>from wine already have written a driver which exports a GDI 
> >>interface and
> >>maps all calls to X11. Maybe this is a starting point.
> >
> >But xfree86 will also be using this interface to draw to the screen (as 
> >will the logon box etc).  I can see this becoming rather circular 
> >You need to be able to set the GDI context per application.

Well, if xfree86 could take over the root desktop a la Explorer, then you
would only need to detect which app is controlling the desktop.

Of course, that assumes this functionality would only be desired by
people trying to run XWin as the desktop shell...

I guess this is why I figured a separate wrapper app would be the
easiest solution. One could simply set up aliases or a shell function
that ran certain apps through the wrapping program, which would only have
to be able to act as an X app to display itself. It also wouldn't have to
interfere with system drivers, it would (theoretically) only have to
interfere with the *application's* attempts to make system calls.

(I acknowledge that I'm no Windows programmer, and I'm theorizing this
off what little I know of system calls and what I've overheard you guys
say on this topic already.)

Federal Way, WA
 Terrorists can attack freedom, but only Congress can destroy it.

Re: X client wrapper for Win apps? [o/t]

2002-09-19 Thread Keith D. Tyler

Harold L Hunt was recently quoted as saying...
> Yikes.
> Didn't your mothers ever tell you guys that you are crazy?

Incidentally, yes. (But she said it about herself too.)

Federal Way, WA
 Terrorists can attack freedom, but only Congress can destroy it.

Re: X client wrapper for Win apps?

2002-09-19 Thread Keith D. Tyler

Jehan was recently quoted as saying...
> Oh nice! I'll then look forward to the new Windows service pack and the 
> number of new posts in the mailing about XFree being broken after the 
> upgrade.
> But I have a better idea, replace the kernel32.dll with our own that 
> will convert Windows calls into a Linux/BSD/Un*x calls. That way, 
> instead of having Windows window showing in Xfree running in Windows, 
> you'll just have Windows on top of Xfree. We would also have a perfect 
> Unix layer for Windows then, we won't need Cygwin anymore, we would use 
> Linux/BSD/Un*x directly. It will also add to the 
> security/performance/whatever.
> Oh wait, that's WINE isn't it? ;)

In response to that...

Can you please show me how to port my company's VB client software to
*nix? Then I could just run Linux. An MS-Exchange compliant mail program
would help too. 

(All things have cause or reason.)



Re: X client wrapper for Win apps?

2002-09-19 Thread Keith D. Tyler

Jehan was recently quoted as saying...
> More over, if you have GDI-fake->X->GDI-real, that would be quite ugly 
> for the speed.

Wouldn't running Windows emulation under POSIX emulation under Windows
be, at best, just as bad?

Kdt, who will shut up now

Re: New Project (was RE: X client wrapper for Win apps?)

2002-09-20 Thread Keith D. Tyler

Nicholas Wourms was recently quoted as saying...
> I don't see why this has to be seperate from the Cygwin/XFree
> project?  It seems to me that they are proposing more of an
> extension/addon then replacing the server itself.  Do you have some
> objection to what is being proposed?

Well, depending on the solution, it could end up being usable with
other PC X Window servers.


Re: compiling netcat

2002-09-23 Thread Keith D. Tyler

Mario Ohnewald was recently quoted as saying...
> Hello!
> I want to get netcat running in under cygwin.
> I guess you just have to compile it like in a normal UNIX enviorment.

No, you need to get netcat for NT.
The unix C source isn't cygwin compatible, and there's really no need
since there is a command-line-friendly native Win32 netcat.

(OK, a quick double-check shows some experimental Makefile sections for
DOS, but again, why mess with this when there's already a native binary

Federal Way, WA
 Terrorists can attack freedom, but only Congress can destroy it.

Re: Rootless mode revisited...

2002-10-16 Thread Keith D. Tyler

> However, I noticed a few strange artifacts of this approach to rootless 
> mode...
> 2) Now that there is no root window, you can't use the XWindows window 
> manager's root-window menus.

Unless you turn off -nodecoration, then the root window is available as an
ugly strip above your X apps. :) But then the bottom 18 pixels of your X
app are unavailable, unless you use the overlapping trick.

Another thing woth noting IMO (though I'm sure obvious to many here) is
that if you are using a virtual pager inside X, and you change pages, your
*X Apps* will switch but your Win32 apps will not.

Other obvious caveats to note about xmag, xv capture, etc.

This is a neat patch. I could replace my fvwm2 root menus with a fixed
permanent menu box, and set XWin as a fixed window within my Windows
virtual pager. This could be a nifty option while I hold my breath for
win32-x11. :)

Thanks Mr. Matsuzaki.

Federal Way, WA
   If Tyrrany and Oppresion come to this land,
  it will be under the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.
   - James Madison, U.S. President 1809-1817

Re: Invoking rootless mode

2002-10-18 Thread Keith D. Tyler
Sam Edge was recently quoted as saying...
> You wrote in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> in gmane.os.cygwin.xfree on Thu, 17 Oct 2002 10:13:10 +0200:
> > oh how I miss the "focus 
> > follows mouse" function within windows, just to mention one
> At the expense of being somewhat off topic and sounding like a
> Microsoft UI aficionado you can get this behaviour out of most
> versions of Windows if you install Microsoft Tweak UI. (Some versions
> need the XMouse powertoy instead - also from Microsoft.)

At the expense of sounding like a picky naysayer, XMouse never worked
consistently similar to any other X wm's focus-follows-mouse behaviour
that I ever used. And it will never work like Fvwm2 SloppyFocus, which
I've become addicted to. :)

As for rootless mode, I'd throw out some other caveats and

* I'm using a Win32 virtual pager. When XWin is active, even in rootless
mode, the window covers up the page in the virtual display. (Yes I know
why, and this is with JSPager, perhaps there are shape-aware virt pagers
for Win32.)

* I recommend running this mode with the X server set to run
always-on-top. Right now I'm using a tool called Make Always On Top to
make XWin.exe this way, perhaps I could suggest that XWin.exe include this
ability as a command-line and/or icon-menu option.

Right now I'm using Chris's patched binary, set sticky in my Win32 pager,
and Always On Top via that tool. I've moved my fvwm root-window menus to
be invoked via an added title button on all fvwm windows, and turned on
the titlebar for one of my X sticky windows so that I can always access 
it. I then get myself into the habit of manually minimizing X apps when I
need to use a large Win32 app. This is a bit of a minor inconvenience, but
the always-on-top has the benefit of making my X icons, winlist and pager
window always available.

In the meantime, I've trimmed off two pages of my X virtual desktop, two
pages off my Windows virtual desktop, and turned off the overhead caused
by my X root-pattern switcher (FvwmBacker). I'm enjoying this desktop

Federal Way, WA
   If Tyrrany and Oppresion come to this land,
  it will be under the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.
   - James Madison, U.S. President 1809-1817

Re: Invoking rootless mode

2002-10-18 Thread Keith D. Tyler
Uwe Schmidtmann was recently quoted as saying...
> Guess I needed that - I had TweakUI already installed for some other 
> reason but never checked the mouse options... sh...
> By the way: This works absolutely positiv with the "-rootless" option of 
> the new xwin binary. All looks like being integrated expcept copy/paste.

To get integrated copy/paste, you need xwinclip:

And warning: it tends to crash here and there, so be prepared to restart
it as needed. Some days I have to restart it once or twice. But it works
rather well.


Federal Way, WA
   If Tyrrany and Oppresion come to this land,
  it will be under the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.
   - James Madison, U.S. President 1809-1817

Re: Rootless: how to get wm menu?

2002-10-25 Thread Keith D. Tyler
Danilo Turina was recently quoted as saying...
> With WindowMaker, I select one of the applications running under X and 
> then press F12.
> I think it's the only way.
>  > How do I open the X11 window-manager menu when working in rootless mode?
>  > When clicking a mouse button on the background, I get a Windows menu.
>  > There should be a small area or special icon as an event proxy for the
>  > missing X11 background.

You could run an app that shows some root window space. Try running
Xeyes. The rootless mode doesnt include the X shape mask of xeyes in the
Windows shape map for rootless mode, so the corners of xeyes should be
usable as root window click-space.

The other way, which is what I've done in my fvwm, is to move your root
window menus to an always-visible location, like opened from a titlebar


Federal Way, WA
   If Tyrrany and Oppresion come to this land,
  it will be under the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.
   - James Madison, U.S. President 1809-1817

Re: Strange xhost behavior- Please help!!

2002-11-04 Thread Keith D. Tyler
Dawson, David W was recently quoted as saying...
> When the X-server detects that the last client connection terminates, the
> server does a full reset.
> xhost is NOT a persistent connection.
> As soon as the xhost program completes it's job (telling the X-Server host
> to change the permissions), the xhost program closes it's connection with
> the X-server.  Since (in your case) it is the ONLY connection at that time,
> the X-server resets and promptly eradicates the xhost setting.
> You need to open a persistent connection first: an xterm, a window manager,
> xclock, something

... or run XWin.exe with the -noreset option.

Federal Way, WA
   If Tyrrany and Oppresion come to this land,
  it will be under the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.
   - James Madison, U.S. President 1809-1817

Re: HOWTO rootless mode??

2002-11-05 Thread Keith D. Tyler
Is it worth asking if the option has been added to the XWin.1 manpage?

(If it isn't, then... er...)


Randall R Schulz was recently quoted as saying...
> Gr...
> At 13:24 2002-11-05, you wrote:
> >I can't find any documentation on how to use rootless mode (or even what 
> >it is)?

Re: Randall, please don't post here

2002-11-05 Thread Keith D. Tyler
Randall, I'm sorry for asking about the man page. Incidentally, I *did* check mine,
which should be up to date since I updated my cygwin install yesterday (mainly to
get the stable rootless mode binary), and didn't see the option. My question had
more to do with probing if there was an edited copy in existence, and if it had
been pushed out, the answers to which would determine 1) if the edit was needed
(in which case I'd certainly be happy to contribute a few strings if needed, 
though I'm hardly the most appropriate person), 2) if it wasnt needed and was just
a matter of waiting for it to be pushed, or 3) if my last cygwin update got farked
up somehow.

And lastly, when I said "if it isn't", I was referring to the "If it's worth
asking" part, not whether the man page was updated. Apparently it wasn't worth
asking, and for that I apologize.

I'm not sure that this list has collectively determined whether this is a
Cygwin/XFree *discussion* list, or a Cygwin/XFree *development* list. Please,
for those of us who either a) aren't programmatically inclined, or b) don't 
have the luxury of vast expanses of time to get up to speed on the required
languages and source materials, someone figure out. Maybe two lists are needed.


Federal Way, WA
   If Tyrrany and Oppresion come to this land,
  it will be under the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.
   - James Madison, U.S. President 1809-1817

Re: Randall, please don't post here

2002-11-06 Thread Keith D. Tyler
For the record, I checked my copy. It didn't have any mention of -rootless. 
That doesn't mean that someone has or hasnt thought to add such a section to it.
Instead of flogging an obvious novice (lars) who couldn't find the option, which
is partially understandable as it wasn't documented, I thought perhaps that
reflection on the current-ness of the packaged documentation would be more
productive and positive than vented impatience.

Granted, as Russell pointed out to me, it is preferred that people search the
archives before pestering the discussion list, and I agree with that philosophy in
theory and practice, but not everyone gets it. (Including my boss.) On the other
hand, it seems one could argue that we would never need man pages in the Internet
age, as everyone who needs to know how to use something can just search through the
archives of the mailing list dedicated to that program. I'm not sure that's the
best method of disseminating documentation, though.

As for me, I'll be sure to be more specific in the future.



Christopher Faylor was recently quoted as saying...
> I'm not sure what you are pleading for but I don't see why asking people
> to contribute is a terrible thing on any list.  And, pointing out that
> it is ludicrous to ask hundreds of people (i.e., the people on this
> mailing list) to check on something like "Is it in the man page yet"
> when one could easily check this on their on system is not something
> that even a (shudder) "newbie" should have problems with.

Re: Xwinclip

2002-12-13 Thread Keith D. Tyler
Salah Zerrougui was recently quoted as saying...
> I download Xwinclip Test06 according to instructions,
> put start start xwinclip.exe in the batch file after
> start Xwin ..
> Now when i select some text and cut it, i get 
> SelectionNotify CompoundText in the Xwinclip (Dos
> windows) but when i go to Windows Notepad i cannot
> paste it (grayed).

I believe when that happens, it also means that Xwinclip has died, and you need to
restart it.

I had this happen a lot to me and I reverted to Test05 release and have had less
(but not zero) problems.

I'm guessing international character sets can cause Xwinclip more headaches.

Federal Way, WA
   If Tyrrany and Oppresion come to this land,
  it will be under the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.
   - James Madison, U.S. President 1809-1817

Re: Xwinclip

2002-12-16 Thread Keith D. Tyler
John Buttery was recently quoted as saying...
>   For the record, in case the xwinclip developers know something about
> the different Windows versions that would halp them debug, I've been
> using xwinclip in a NT 4.0 Workstation SP6a environment for a long time
> with zero, and I mean not even one, problems.  Maybe there's something
> about that version it likes?=20

I use Windows 2K SP2, but I heaviliy use a proprietary product which does
not do normal cut and paste (from what I can tell, I don't know the
details) because of the special conditions of the objects being handled.
That is my prime suspect for my xwinclip problems.


Re: how to change the background of xterm?

2003-01-03 Thread Keith D. Tyler
Mingdong Huang was recently quoted as saying...
> The default background of xterm is white. I tried to change it to black by
> editing /etc/X11/app-defaults/XTerm-color file, but did not work.
> Any hints?
> Ming

Add this to your .xdefaults file:

XTerm*background: black
XTerm*foreground: white
