Re: Launching Cygwin/X in background with no clients

2015-02-03 Thread Mark Hansen

On 2/2/2015 9:12 PM, Jim Garrison wrote:

On 2/2/2015 5:21 PM, Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:

 On Mon, 2015-02-02 at 16:52 -0800, Jim Garrison wrote:

 I updated Cygwin (which pulled in a bunch of Cygwin-X updates) and
 now startxwin no longer works.  According to the log (below) it starts
 the XServer successfully but then shuts down.

 My .startxwinrc is an empty (zero-length) file to prevent automatic
 launching of the default clients, which I don't need.


I want to start an X server in the background, with no visible
clients, if it's not already running, whenever I launch a mintty
session. X should continue to run even if the mintty session that
started it is closed.

Currently I have the following in my .bash_profile

ps -ef|grep -q XWin || nohup setsid startxwin 2>startxwin.log&

This now works again after adding "exec sleep infinity" in
.startxwinrc, but I can't help feel my whole approach is a bad hack.
Both nohup and setsid seem to be required. Without setsid the mintty
will hang if I attempt to close it with exit or ^D, and without nohup
the X server terminates whenever the first mintty session is closed.

Is there a cleaner way to accomplish this objective?

Are you willing to have the X Server launch when you log into windows and just 
keep it
running? This is what I do and I find it very useful. I launch the X server 
when I log
in using a shortcut with the following target:

  C:\Apps\cygwin\bin\run.exe /usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c "/usr/bin/startxwin.exe -- -emulate3buttons 100 -multiwindow -clipboard 

I then place this shortcut into the Startup folder of my Start menu.

I hope this helps.

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XTerms show up behind other Windows/XP/7 application windows when launched

2011-12-04 Thread Mark Hansen
I've been using the X server that comes with Cygwin for a long time, and
one thing that I've never been able to find a solution for is that many
times when launching an XTerm window, it comes up behind other applications
running on the Windows/XP/7 display. I'm using Windows/XP at work and Windows
7 at home, and it happens in both places.

The other Windows applications (native Windows applications, not X applications)
are not configured to stay on top or anything like that.

I do use Focus Follows Mouse (a Windows feature) but even when I don't move the
mouse after launching an XTerm, the new XTerm window can come up behind other

I see the application icon show up in the application bar (across the bottom
of the display) and can click on that to cause the XTerm to come to the front,
but it's really annoying that it doesn't show at the front when it first comes

Is there something I can do to make this work properly?

The X Server version is currently 1.10.1-1 (built 2011-04-22), but like I say,
it's been happening for a long time, going back years.


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Re: Cygwin/X X Server 1.12.3 Middle Click Problem

2012-11-19 Thread Mark Hansen
On 11/18/2012 12:57 PM, Taylor Lilly wrote:
> I am running Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 on a Dell Latitude XT2 with an external 
> Dell 3 button (scroll wheel) optical mouse.  I have Cygwin package 
> "cygwin-1.7.16-1" installed with the packages in the user guide suggested for 
> Xwin capability and SSH.  My intention for use is to SSH to a Ubuntu boxes 
> and mostly run Xemacs to program.  My main problem is not being able to get 
> the middle click to be recognized in the Xwindows, including xterm local, as 
> a paste.
> I have tried a different combination of software, namely Xming and Putty, but 
> with no greater success.  I also tried an older version of Cygwin from 2010, 
> again to no success.  The mouse middle button is recognized by the windows 
> operating system and is in the "auto scroll" mode under the mouse settings.  
> The scroll functionality is recognized by the Xwindow (xemacs and xterm).  
> But the paste does not work with the middle click.  I tried a different 
> mouse, a Logitec optical mouse, and was able to get the Xwindow to recognize 
> a 5th mouse button (unassigned and threw an error in xemacs) when the middle 
> click was set to "zoom" instead of autoscroll, but alas no paste.  So, I have 
> scoured as much google as I can follow and found more than my fair share of 
> suggestions on how to emulate the 3rd button with a double click (left and 
> right) for track pads and other two button appliances, but nothing much to 
> help me diagnose why the middle button does paste with my three button mous
> What further information or tests may I try to figure out what is at the 
> source of this problem?  I have attached my cygcheck.out and my XWin.log 
> files as well as the user guide I used to choose the packages (only the ones 
> suggested in the setup).  I assume that it is something to do with the 
> Windows 7 operating system, as I have not had the problem in the past on 
> other laptops running Cygwin and external usb mice, nor with other desktops.  
> I have reached the limits of my computing knowledge and would like to inquire 
> as to the community's knowledge of how the program treats the chain of events 
> from middle click to xemacs paste, a chain I am not intimately familiar.
> Regards,
> TL

Can you try starting the XServer with the -emulate3buttons command-line
option? Then you should be able to paste using the L+R mouse buttons clicked

My mouse doesn't have a middle mouse button (it is a mechanical switch
used to enable/disable the ratcheting on the scroll wheel), so this may
not be a good solution for you.

Good luck.

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Re: "Erreur" messages when trying to compile

2013-02-18 Thread Mark Hansen
On 2/18/2013 6:42 AM, Jack wrote:
> On 2013.02.18 09:26, jere95 wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am new to programming and I downloaded cygwin, because I heard it  
>> was a
>> good gcc compiler. At the moment I am reading this O'reilly book on  
>> C, and I
>> tried compiling the folowing exemple programme out of the book :
>> When I try to compile, this c file, typing : /gcc cards.c -o cards/ ,  
>> the
>> cygwin terminal answers :
>> What is the problem?
> For some reason, your examples are not coming through to the mailing  
> list.
> However, it looks like the messages are very clear.  You seem to be  
> using "(" (left parenthesis) instead of "{" (left curly brace) on many  
> lines.  gcc is expecting a closing parenthesis before the next  
> semicolon, and it is expecting a semicolon  before the next closing  
> curly brace.

Yes, here is his example program:

int main()
char card_name[ 3];
puts("Enter the card_name: ");
scanf("%2s", card_name);
int val = 0;
if (card_name[0] == 'K') (
val = 10;
} else if (card_name[0] == 'Q') (
val = 10;
} else if (card_name[0] == 'J') (
val = 10;
}else if (card_name[0] == 'A') (
val = 11;
}else (
val = atoi(card_name);
printf("The card value is: %i\n", val);
return 0;

Look at this line, for example:

if (card_name[0] == 'K') (

My guess is that you typed this in by hand, and didn't see clearly
that the last character should have been an open brace '{' rather
than an open parentheses '('. It looks like you've made the same
error in several other places.

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Re: text fields in app don't allow input when running Cygwin X

2013-03-27 Thread Mark Hansen
On 3/27/2013 9:09 AM, Jon TURNEY wrote:
> On 25/03/2013 18:39, KM wrote:
>> I have an application that I have always compiled on Linux and then invoked
>> via X Windows with my installed Cygwin X.  Basically use a shortcut to
>> startwin.exe (full command is  C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe /usr/bin/bash.exe -l
>> -c /usr/bin/startxwin.exe ).  This always started my X server in the
>> background  (no root window, or invisible root window), and still does.
>> All I had to do is log into my server, export my DISPLAY and start the
>> app.
>> However I have recompiled my application with java 7 and now all of the
>> radio buttons, buttons, scrollbars, and checkboxes, etc.  all still work as
>> before.  The only thing that does NOT work is a text field.  I can not get
>> the focus of the mouse in there, nor can I change or enter any data in
>> those fields.
>> When I start Cygwin x from the Cygwin xterminal in a windowed env (e.g.
>> starx from command line), and export my DISPLAY on the server, the
>> application works, but is contained within the root window.  I never had to
>> do it this way before and it looks slightly different, no separate window
>> borders etc.
>> We also use Reflection for an X server - that seems to run the recompiled
>> application fine.
>> Any ideas?  Also I apologize if I'm not saying this quite right! Thanks for
>> any help.  If you need more info let me know.
> There have been some problems in the past with assumptions that Java Windowing
> toolkits makes about window manager behaviour which XWin's multiwidow mode
> breaks (e.g. [1],[2]), so this might be something similar.
> If you can provide a *small* Java application which demonstrates the problem,
> and the precise java version which you are using, I will see if I can
> reproduce and investigate the problem.
> [1]
> [2]

I had a problem with one Java application when running on a Linux host and 
to my Cygwin X server on my local PC. This started when the application first 
to Java 1.6 and the problems I encountered were not identical to the OP's 
but I thought I would mention my work around anyway, in case it helps.

I just added the following command-line argument to the Java command line:


Good luck.

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Re: Cygwin 1.7.22 calls dumper when starting X

2013-08-01 Thread Mark Hansen
See below...

On 8/1/2013 2:33 PM, Angelo Graziosi wrote:
> Charles Wilson wrote:
>> (I'm not sure why you need & at all; unless it allows the bash shell to 
>> exit, where otherwise it would hang around?)
> Without the "&", there is an extra bash process running: I want just to 
> start XWin...
>> See attached.
>   > 
>> > xmlns:xsi="";;

The semicolon at the end of the above line is a syntax error. You need to 
remove it.

>> xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="run2.xsd">
>>   -l -c 'rm -rf /tmp/{.X*,dbus*,orbit*,*}; XWin -nowgl -multiwindow 
>> -clipboard -silent-dup-error 2>/dev/null &'
> I have copy/pasted it, but it doesn't work (I have also tried with us-ascii)
> If I add the debug options you suggested, I got
> opt_loglevel: 9
> opt_nogui   : 0
> opt_notty   : 1
> opt_timeout : 0.50
> opt_wait: 0
> opt_force   : auto
> (run2_xml_stardocument) ctx=0x22aa8c
> (run2_xml_enddocument) ctx=0x22aa8c
> /home/angelo/XWinServer.xml: validation generated an internal error
> There was an error parsing XWinServer.xml
> exit status 1
> Ciao,
> Angelo.

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Problem launching XTerm on new Cygwin installation

2014-03-07 Thread Mark Hansen

I just installed the 64-bit version of Cygwin on both a desktop PC and a laptop 
On the desktop, everything worked as expected without problems. On the laptop, I
have the following problems:

When I launch a shell window, I get the following error:

Your group is currently "mkgroup". This indicates that neither your gid nor 
your pgsid is in /etc/group.

Also, when I try to launch an XTerm, I get the following message in the XTerm 
window for
just a few seconds and then the window goes away:

/cygdrive/c/Apps/cygwin/bin/xterm: Could not exec XTERM_SHELL=XTERM_SHELL=: No 
such file or directory

I'm starting the XWin Server using a shortcut with the following:

/usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c
"/usr/bin/startxwin.exe -- -emulate3buttons -multiwindow -clipboard 

I'm starting the XTerm using a shortcut with the following:

-p /usr/X11R6/bin xterm +tb -sb -sl 5000 -display -ls 
/bin/zsh -l

I've searched for this XTERM_SHELL error, but can't find anything. Can anybody 
help me?


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Re: Problem launching XTerm on new Cygwin installation

2014-03-07 Thread Mark Hansen

On 3/7/2014 11:57 AM, Mark Hansen wrote:

I just installed the 64-bit version of Cygwin on both a desktop PC and a laptop 
On the desktop, everything worked as expected without problems. On the laptop, I
have the following problems:

When I launch a shell window, I get the following error:

Your group is currently "mkgroup". This indicates that neither your gid nor 
your pgsid is in /etc/group.

Also, when I try to launch an XTerm, I get the following message in the XTerm 
window for
just a few seconds and then the window goes away:

/cygdrive/c/Apps/cygwin/bin/xterm: Could not exec XTERM_SHELL=XTERM_SHELL=: No 
such file or directory

I'm starting the XWin Server using a shortcut with the following:

  /usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c
  "/usr/bin/startxwin.exe -- -emulate3buttons -multiwindow -clipboard 

I'm starting the XTerm using a shortcut with the following:

  -p /usr/X11R6/bin xterm +tb -sb -sl 5000 -display -ls 
/bin/zsh -l

I've searched for this XTERM_SHELL error, but can't find anything. Can anybody 
help me?


Well, I did the following two things:

1. I changed the group id for my entry in the /etc/passwd file from 10530 (or 
that value was) to 545 (Users) and the first error went away.

2. I changed the shortcut I use to launch the XTerms and removed the shell name 
the end, so it now looks like this:

  -p /usr/X11R6/bin xterm +tb -sb -sl 5000 -display -ls

and now the XTerm is started without any errors.

I guess it's working now, but I'm curious why these problems happened on the 
installation and not on the desktop installation.

Especially why the XTerm launch command had to change. The one I showed first 
been using for years without problems. I don't remember how I came up with it 
but I remember spending a lot of time putting that together. Also, that original
launch command is working on my other PC (the desktop) as well as my other 
running the 32-bit version of Cygwin.

Thanks for any feedback/clarification.

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Re: Problem launching XTerm on new Cygwin installation

2014-03-07 Thread Mark Hansen

On 3/7/2014 1:49 PM, Thomas Dickey wrote:

On Fri, Mar 07, 2014 at 11:57:20AM -0800, Mark Hansen wrote:

I just installed the 64-bit version of Cygwin on both a desktop PC and a laptop 
On the desktop, everything worked as expected without problems. On the laptop, I
have the following problems:

When I launch a shell window, I get the following error:

Your group is currently "mkgroup". This indicates that neither your gid nor 
your pgsid is in /etc/group.

(I don't know about this one)

Also, when I try to launch an XTerm, I get the following message in the XTerm 
window for
just a few seconds and then the window goes away:

/cygdrive/c/Apps/cygwin/bin/xterm: Could not exec XTERM_SHELL=XTERM_SHELL=: No 
such file or directory

yes, that's a bug which surfaced in #301, thought it was gone in #302, and 
_should_ be gone in #303
(from yesterday)

I'm starting the XWin Server using a shortcut with the following:

/usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c
"/usr/bin/startxwin.exe -- -emulate3buttons -multiwindow -clipboard 

I'm starting the XTerm using a shortcut with the following:

-p /usr/X11R6/bin xterm +tb -sb -sl 5000 -display -ls 
/bin/zsh -l

I'd try putting "-e" before the "/bin/zsh", which moves it away from the bug 
(actually, the trailing "-l" doesn't look right either)

Thanks. I think the -l was to cause a login shell, but I see now that is what 
the -ls
argument does. Since I removed the shell argument ("/bin/zsh -l") it is now 
I'm getting the shell I want, I suspect, because that is the shell mentioned in 
/etc/passwd file for my user.

As a result, it is working so I'll leave it alone.

fwiw, when I compile #301, #302 and #303 for Cygwin, I don't see the bug.
However, I was able to analyze it on Linux with valgrind...

Well, I downloaded the Cygwin installation for my desktop last week, and 
the Cygwin for my laptop yesterday. I guess the bug could have been introduced 
those times?

Thanks for your help!

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Re: Problem launching XTerm on new Cygwin installation

2014-03-07 Thread Mark Hansen

On 3/7/2014 2:12 PM, Thomas Dickey wrote:

On Fri, Mar 07, 2014 at 02:03:57PM -0800, Mark Hansen wrote:

As a result, it is working so I'll leave it alone.


>fwiw, when I compile #301, #302 and #303 for Cygwin, I don't see the bug.
>However, I was able to analyze it on Linux with valgrind...

Well, I downloaded the Cygwin installation for my desktop last week, and 
the Cygwin for my laptop yesterday. I guess the bug could have been introduced 
those times?

yes - I finished #302 at the beginning of the week.

Okay, this is very strange. As I said before, I have had no problems launching 
on my desktop running 64-bit Cygwin. I've launched several XTerms today with no 
... until a few minutes ago. I went to launch an XTerm on my desktop PC and it 
having the same problem I saw on the laptop (the error having to do with 

I edited the launcher shortcut to remove the "/bin/zsh -l" from the end of the 
and it started working again.

I didn't do anything to update the Cygwin product on my desktop during this 

I'm confused...


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Re: Problem launching XTerm on new Cygwin installation

2014-03-07 Thread Mark Hansen
On 3/7/2014 4:36 PM, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 07, 2014 at 03:37:36PM -0800, Mark Hansen wrote:
>> Okay, this is very strange. As I said before, I have had no problems 
>> launching XTerms
>> on my desktop running 64-bit Cygwin. I've launched several XTerms today with 
>> no problems
>> ... until a few minutes ago. I went to launch an XTerm on my desktop PC and 
>> it began
>> having the same problem I saw on the laptop (the error having to do with 
>> I edited the launcher shortcut to remove the "/bin/zsh -l" from the end of 
>> the command
>> and it started working again.
>> I didn't do anything to update the Cygwin product on my desktop during this 
>> time.
> xterm handles these three cases differently:
>   xterm
>   xterm /bin/zsh
>   xterm -e /bin/zsh
> The bug that I mentioned is in the second case - not in the other two.

Thanks. That was the bug I hit on my laptop. However, my desktop PC was working
fine with "xterm ... /bin/zsh -l" and then suddenly, it started getting the same
error. I made the same change to it as I did on my laptop PC and it worked, so
I'm not stopped - I'm just wondering how my desktop PC was working then suddenly
stopped working without altering any of the Cygwin software or settings.

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Re: Problem launching XTerm on new Cygwin installation

2014-03-16 Thread Mark Hansen
On 3/7/2014 11:57 AM, Mark Hansen wrote:
> I just installed the 64-bit version of Cygwin on both a desktop PC and a 
> laptop PC.
> On the desktop, everything worked as expected without problems. On the 
> laptop, I
> have the following problems:
> When I launch a shell window, I get the following error:
> Your group is currently "mkgroup". This indicates that neither your gid nor 
> your pgsid is in /etc/group.

I just installed the 64-bit version of Cygwin to another 64-bit Windows 7 PC, 
it did not have this problem. After the installation was finished, my user was
configured in the /etc/passwd file and did not have the "mkgroup" group. 
it was set to 513 (None), which I guess is okay - at least I don't get the error
when launching a shell.

I don't think I did anything different during the installation other than just
getting a later version (I downloaded the software on 3/15/2014).


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Re: Problem of Starting Xterm using the System Tray Icon for Xterm for Cygwin64

2014-03-19 Thread Mark Hansen
On 3/19/2014 3:21 PM, Jyhshyong wrote:
> Hi
> I just installed Cygwin 64 on my 64-bit Cygein 64 PC, and found that 
> the Xterm in the system tray icon is no longer working.  
> The Xwin server system tray icon has the following target
> C:\cygwin64\bin\run.exe /usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c /usr/bin/startxwin.exe
> It works fine as the 32-bit version, click on the icon, I can start X 
> server and open a small Xterm window.
> However, the Xterm system tray icon with the target defined as
> C:\cygwin64\bin\run.exe /usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c '/usr/bin/xterm -sl 1000 -
> geometry 120x40  -fn -adobe-courier-bold-r-normal-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*  
> -sb -rightbar -fg black -bg white -display'
> failed to open an xterm window.
> The 32 bit version of the Xterm short icon with the target defined as
> C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe /usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c '/usr/bin/xterm -sl 1000 -
> geometry 120x40  -fn -adobe-courier-bold-r-normal-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*  
> -sb -rightbar -fg black -bg white -display'
> is still working, but only open to the 32-bit Cygwin environment.
> Any idea on solving this problem?
> Thanks for any suggestion.
> Jyhshyong

I would start by removing arguments and trying to determine which are causing 
problem. Note that (I believe) what shows up in the system try is not the XTerm,
but the XServer (XWin). While the XServer is running, you can run a client, like
XTerm and it will display on the XServer display.

Here is the shortcut I'm using to launch an XTerm under 64-bit cygwin:

C:\Apps\cygwin\bin\run.exe -p /usr/X11R6/bin xterm +tb -sb -sl 5000 -display -ls

This is working fine for me.

You can also check the /var/log/xwin/XWin.log file to see if there 
are any
errors being written there when you try to launch the XTerm.

Good luck.

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Re: 64-bit xfree86 failing

2014-12-01 Thread Mark Hansen

On 12/1/2014 8:35 AM, Tim Kingman wrote:

I see the same issue, and it looks like this is because I have an
empty (commented-out) ~/.startxwinrc

Removing this file causes X to open and start an xterm, probably
because it broke several of the new rules in :
* User-defined ~/.startxwinrc files must now be executable, the final
command therein must be run in the foreground, and that command's
exiting will end the X session, just like with startx and ~/.xinitrc
or ~/.Xclients.

This causes another problem for me because my .bashrc calls startxwin
to make sure I always have an X server running ( per ), and then I get caught in a loop
of launching new X servers infinitely (probably from startxwin now
finding a new DISPLAY, and if I specify both :0 and -silent-dup-error,
XWin still writes an error to the console that display 0 is already
active, and displays a Windows dialog with an error about not being
able to move XWin.0.log to XWin.0.log.old ).

I'll keep playing with this to see if I can come up with a solution to
duplicate my previous behavior: Any new bash shell makes sure that X
is running, with no X apps running, and only one X is running, and new
shells don't pop up any "display already exists" errors.



Are you opposed to having the X Server start when you log into the Windows 
This is what I do and it works well. The X server is always running when I need 

I created a desktop shortcut with the following command:

C:\Apps\cygwin\bin\run.exe /usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c "/usr/bin/startxwin.exe -- 
-emulate3buttons 100 -multiwindow -clipboard -swcursor"

and then just place that shortcut in the "programs -> startup" start menu 

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Re: startxwin.exe no longer exists?

2014-12-16 Thread Mark Hansen

On 12/15/2014 6:49 PM, Will Parsons wrote:

Marco Atzeri wrote:

On 12/12/2014 7:07 PM, Will Parsons wrote:

For several years now I have been starting X windows by clicking on an
icon on my desktop that is a link to C:\cygwin\bin\startxwin.exe.  It
has recently ceased to work because apparently startxwin.exe no longer
exists.  Somehow I missed where this was removed, so what is the
recommended way of starting X from a desktop icon now?

I seem to recall that startxwin.exe was introduced some time ago
because using a script to start X was inadequate somehow, but I don't
remember the details, so what changed?

OK - so what I get from that is that whatever problems were associated
with the original shell script have been solved and startxwin is now a
shell script again.  But, my basic question is unanswered - how do I
start an X session from an icon?  Obviously, simply replacing the link
to startxwin.exe to startxwin will not work, so I copied the shortcut
from the start menu to the desktop and tried it (after renaming my
.xinitrc and .startxwinrc files to avoid any problems with the change
of model).

Here is the content of the desktop shortcut that I use:

C:\Apps\cygwin\bin\run.exe /usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c "/usr/bin/startxwin.exe -- 
-emulate3buttons 100 -multiwindow -clipboard -swcursor"

I have this set to run when I log into the machine and it works fine.

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