Re: Shared memory?

2002-10-07 Thread mika . laitio

I am also having problems with shared memory segments in Windoes-dll.
I trying to make a dll which- can be used from two different application 
(process)  and which can still share the same data-segment.
(Ie. application two can read data that is set by application one)

I need to use -mno-cygwin option while compiling this dll.


30.09.2002 22:59
Please respond to cygwin-xfree

Subject:Re: Shared memory?


Yes, but you have to run some service that supports the SHM model (I 
forget the package name or whether it was ever rolled into a Cygwin 
setup package that is in the primary distribution, and for anyone about 
to jog my memory: I don't care either).

Go look at the KDE on Cygwin pages if you want more information.  They 
have to build Cygwin/XFree86 with the MITSHM extension in order to 
support KDE.  The ``cygipc'' library or package comes to mind, as we 
have some #ifdef test in xc/config/cf/cygwin.* that check CygIPC.

In case you were wondering, MITSHM is not enabled in the default build, 
nor in the default Cygwin/XFree86 distribution, because the cygipc 
library/package/whatever is either 1) not included in the default 
distribution, 2) not stable enough, 3) not automatically installed with 
absolutely no user intervention, or 4) because no one poked me to let me 
know that the previous 3 possibilities have all been taken care of.

There, that should give you enough to Google on.


Jean-Claude Gervais wrote:
> Does Cygwin support any equivalent to the *nux shared memory APIs?
> The  shm* functions.
> Thanks.

cygprce.dll missing from one of my friends postgreSQL-installation?

2002-03-26 Thread mika . laitio


is there any fast method for checking which package contains dll which is
missing from the cygwin-installation?
I have itself installed cygwin and postgreSQL couple of times to different
computers without big problems.

But now I have noticed that for 3 other people who has tryed to do the
same, has had all kind of problems because of some missing libraries and
For now it takes from me a long time to try to quess which package certain
dll which is still missing.

Just for example some minutes ago, one of my friend installed cygwin, and
received message from missing cygprce.dll.
He got this error when he started to initializing postgre-database. Can
somebody tell to me which package contains this dll?
(Or how to search them fastly would be even better...)


Creation of postgres user to cygwin fails.

2002-02-13 Thread mika . laitio

I tried to install postgreSQL to service as mentioned in the document
but I can not get it working properly because I have problem in the
creation and login in as postgres-user to cygwin.
After creating the postgres-user to Cygwin and trying to login to Cygwin as
a postgres-user, I am getting following kind of error:

  Administrator@NERIAH /usr/X11R6/bin
  $ login
  login: postgres
  You are successfully logged in to this server!!!
  login: no shell: /bin/bash: Permission denied

  Administrator@NERIAH ~

I am running Windows 2000, and I am logged to Windows as a as a user which
is local Administrator and belongs
to my companys NT-Domain. The postgres user which I created to Windows, is
local user.

If I logon to Windows 2000 as a local postgres-user, and open
cygwin-console, then it shows in the console that I am
logged in as a postgres-user just fine.(If I then would try to login as an
Administrator, I would get the same permission denied
message what I explained above.)

I tried to read documentation from ntsec in
but I really did not catch up what I should do...
