Problem with Gnuplot under Cygwin/XFree86

2004-03-24 Thread ncokwqc02
I described a problem with Gnuplot under Cygwin/XFree86 here:

In the opinion of one of the Gnuplot gurus (Hans BB), it's a Cygwin/XFree86 problem 
not a Gnuplot problem. I don't know. Do any of the cygwin-xfree86 authorities agree? 
Either way, I'd like to be able to resolve it.

BTW, is there an FAQ that describes the correct way to post a reply to a message in 
this group so it registers as a follow-up message.




Protect yourself from spam, 


RE: Convenient script for starting an XFree86 xterm

2004-03-02 Thread ncokwqc02

Thanks for the tip. I hadn't known about '/usr/X11R6/bin/run.exe'.

Now that I am aware of it, I'm not finding much documentation about it.
However, it does improve upon my offering by simplifying it.

As you suggested, I can eliminate the VBScript and replace the target in my
shortcut by

C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\run.exe /XFree86xterm.bat

where '/XFree86xterm.bat' points to the DOS script I described earlier. The
new procedure is simpler and works just as well.

A minor drawback to both procedures is that one cannot take advantage of
Windows' facility to position new windows to avoid complete overlap. I
suppose it's being applied to the non-existent Command prompt window rather
than the 'xterm'.


Convenient script for starting an XFree86 xterm

2004-03-01 Thread ncokwqc02
I've seen some other postings on this subject recently, so I'm submitting
this contribution as a potential starting point for others.

I have convenient Windows desktop shortcuts to start up a Cygwin/Bash shell
window and an RXVT/Bash shell window. I was looking for something similar to
start up a Cygwin/XFree86 xterm. Of course, I didn't want to generate
multiple running copies of the 'XWin' server, nor did I want useless Command
prompt windows hanging around.

Here's what I came up with. I make no claim to generality, robustness,
cleverness, originality or anything else. It just works for me.

It consists of three parts:

1) A desktop shortcut with the following target:
C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\WSCRIPT.EXE "C:\cygwin\invisible.vbs"

2) A VB shell script named 'C:\cygwin\invisible.vbs' containing the single
CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run  & WScript.Arguments(0) & , 0,

3) A DOS shell script named 'C:\cygwin\XFree86xterm.bat' containing the
following lines:
@echo off

ps -ef | grep /usr/X11R6/bin/XWin > nul

  start /DC:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin /B XWin -multiwindow -clipboard

set DISPLAY=localhost:0.0

C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\xterm -fn 10x20 -sl 1000 -sb -leftbar -ms red -fg
yellow -bg black -e /usr/bin/bash --login -i

- The shortcut starts the Windows scripting language, which runs the simple
Visual Basic script.
- The VB script runs the DOS shell script without generating a Command
- The DOS shell script
  - Starts 'XWin' with my preferred switches as a background process if no
such process is already running,
  - Sets DISPLAY to the 'localhost:0.0', which the 'xterm' will inherit, and
  - Starts a login bash shell in an XFree86 xterm with some decent extra


Use ReflectionX client with Cygwin/XFree86 X server?

2004-02-28 Thread ncokwqc02
Is it possible to set up my PC so that Cygwin/XFree86 is the X server and ReflectionX 
is the X client?

I have Cygwin and WRQ/ReflectionX both installed on my PC.

There are certain aspects of how XFree86 handles X clients that I don't like compared 
to how ReflectionX can handle them, so I don't generally use XFree86 with Cygwin.

However, I think I have an application that would benefit from a local X11 server.

I would like to build an X11 version of gnuplot under Cygwin, so I can start an 
'xterm' on my PC from Cygwin and run gnuplot locally.

If I can use Cygwin/XFree86 to create the X window commands and use ReflectionX to 
display them, that would satisfy my requirements.

Any suggestions or pointers to a relevant FAQ would be appreciated.

