Re: Connect from Unix to Windows via ssh and start an applycationwhich is using the windows display

2003-01-13 Thread Andrew Markebo
/ Andrew Markebo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Security thingy, basically you can't do this, fire up a graphical
| windows-app remote. 

Eh sorry quick answer, didn't think twice when I wrote it, anyone who
have a better explanation?

NT's telnet server, cygwins ssh/telnet-login doesn't give access to
the screen, due to security in the NT services or something?


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Connect from Unix to Windows via ssh and start an applycationwhich is using the windows display

2003-01-13 Thread Andrew Markebo
Security thingy, basically you can't do this, fire up a graphical
windows-app remote. 

You maybe want to throw an eye on VNC, will export the desktop of the
windows-machine to any machine having a vnc-viewer.. and vnc-viewers
exist for maany platforms.


/ Axel Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| I have the problem to start an application on windows 2000 from a unix host.
| I decided to do that task over ssh because of security reasons. The
| application has to use the display of the windows workstation.
| I installed cygwin on the windows host and configured the ssh-deamon as a
| windows service. Now I can login from a linux host to the windows machine, but
| I have a problem to start an application with a graphical surface. If I try
| to start notepad.exe for example, the shells hangs and I have to stop with
| CTRL-C. 
| If I call a Cygwin-Shell on the windows-host directly and type "notepad" the
| application works correctly. 
| If I try a "ssh localhost" on the Cygwin-Shell I have the same problem as
| described above.
| Of course I know about the mechanisms of forwarding displays under
| unix/linux (like: xhost + hostname, export DISPLAY= hostname:x.x,,... ), but this
| seems not to work, because I want to connect to a display of a windows host and
| not to another X-Server.
| Can anyone help me ?
| Axel Bauer
| Philips Medical Systems
| Boeblingen, Germany
| -- 
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 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

Re: Connect from Unix to Windows via ssh and start an applycationwhich is using the windows display (more deatails)

2003-01-13 Thread Staf Verhaegen
Axel Bauer wrote:

O.K. I think I should explain my problem more detailed. Because of company
confidentials I only will describe the principal problem. We have a unix-host,
running several services. On this host we want to call a script ( e.g. perl
or bash-script) which starts an application on the windows machine. The
windows application itself is served by a human operator on the windows host. In
other words: The only task of the unix machine is to start the application,
nothing more.
Our intention is to use an ssh-connection to do that task. Therefore I
installed cygwin togehter with sshd. From the Unix side it should be possible to
make an ssh-call like 
"ssh -x user@windowshost applicationcommand"
The only problem is the connection from the sshd-service (on windows) to the
windows-display. I think that Vince Hoffman gave me a very good hint in his
answer. (Allow sshd to connect the windows display). I try them out at the

I'm no windows expert but maybe you try to not run the sshd as a service but 
start it up during the user login on the windows machine. This way I think 
that the sshd will be connected to the local display.


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 For every tool there are at least 2 uses: the one it was designed for
 and the other for which it wasn't.

Re: Connect from Unix to Windows via ssh and start an applycationwhich is using the windows display

2003-01-13 Thread Jim Drash

Since you provided us with nothing to explain what you are trying to
do, we all had to guess.  If you need aceess to Windows GUI applications
(you mentioned Notepad), you need a way to export the GUI. Windows is not
X-Windows based so you have to use something else.  We suggested VNC.
There are others. Rdesktop if the Desktop is NT 4 or higher. You could run
Windows Terminal Server and use either Rdesktop or the Citrix ICA java

BTW, I use and SSH tunnel for VNC everyday.  I can run any application I
want included Cygwin applications.

Re: Connect from Unix to Windows via ssh and start an applycationwhich is using the windows display

2003-01-13 Thread Jim Drash