Re: How to get xdm working?

2003-09-10 Thread pnews
 CYGWIN_95-4.0 myhost 1.5.3(0.90/3/2) 2003-09-01 13:15 i586 unknown
 unknown Cygwin
 I am running these tests on a Samba partition which is mounted
 on the F: drive.
 I can make an XDMCP connection using startxdmcp.bat or the command line
 Xwin.exe -query remotehost. (Having learnt to mount the /tmp as a bin
 type mount! )
 This works fine and I can get the indirect list of machines on my net
 served up to me via the remotename machine. Connect to that machine
 and get the remote xdm to give me a login prompt.

To make my life simple I decided to retreat from running X and xdm
separately under cygwin for the moment. 
So I have enabled the following line in the /etc/xdm/Xservers file:
  localhost:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X

I put the localhost infront of :0 n the Xervers file because of my own
now redundent attempts to do the xauth for xdm. But in the archives there
are comments that this might be a good thing to do for other reasons so
I decided to leave it in. If I can fix my other problems I'll come back
to it.

I have created a root user in the /etc/passwd file and another ordinary
user with no password entry.

I can run xdm inside an strace as a -nodaemon and it does not crash:
strace xdm -nodaemon /tmp/log

I had to alter the line in the /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config
  DisplayManager.*.authFile: Xauthority
  DisplayManager.*.authFile: /etc/X11/xdm/authdir/authfiles/Xauthority

Because otherwise xdm put the Xauthority file into home dir
of root ( I am not sure if it was just putting it into ./ or into $HOME/
because I was running xdm there -- life is too short to test this).

I have added a script /etc/profile.d/
  if [ -f /etc/X11/xdm/authdir/authfiles/Xauthority ]
So that all users get the xdm generated XAUTHORITY file.

The local /etc/hosts file was linked to C:/windows/hosts
which on my version of Windows 95 does not exist. So for
the moment I have removed the link and created it locally
with 2 lines: localhost thismachine

I have messed around with but it does not seem
to make a difference. (Monkey sees in cygwin, archives monkey tires)

To try to make the local display as permissive a possible I have created
/etc/X0.hosts file and put all the combinations of the localhost and
its hostname.

I have been able to get the login box under xdm and enter either root
or the other user without a password. But the execution of an xterm as
an .xsession under these users always fails.

The fail in the same way for both users and the error is logged
in $HOME/.xsessions-errors:
_X11TransSocketOpen: socket() failed for tcp
_X11TransSocketOpenCOTSClient: Unable to open socket for tcp
_X11TransOpen: transport open failed for tcp/localhost:0
/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm Xt error: Can't open display: localhost:0

I can replicate this error without having to use xdm. If I open a bash
window using the windows cygwin.bat file from an MS windows user called
root and then execute an xterm onto an xserver on another machine
(which has already been made agreeable to this with a xhost +) eg
xterm -display remotehost:0
then the window opens. 
But if I now invoke su - root or login root and try the same command
I get the error:
_X11TransSocketOpen: socket() failed for tcp
_X11TransSocketOpenCOTSClient: Unable to open socket for tcp
_X11TransOpen: transport open failed for tcp/remothost:0

I also get this if I su - and then run bash --login -i

I have trawled the archives and I can not find any thing which explains
this failure. I did find
: * Subject: Windows path an logins.
: [snip]
: NB: This error is NOT caused by missing /etc/hosts entry!
: This error is produced by the network not being able to start. It is
: because the windows path is not in the SHELLS path environment. Is there a
: [snip]

But taking the path which exists for the successful opening and importing
it into the failure did not fix the problem.

I have seen some mention in the archives that there is a difference beteween
UNIX sockets and Window sockets which might related to this problem. But
I don't know enough to say one way or another.

BTW thanks Igor for pointing out /dev/mem exists. But I can not use it with
sum (as xdm does) because it is not readable by root. I can not sum 
/dev/urandom either (it just hangs).  I think the neatest I can come up with
at the moment is to use the xdm Xauthority file as its own seed.

Can any one shed some light on why I get the _X11TransSocketOpen failure?

Regards Philip

How to get xdm working?

2003-09-08 Thread pnews
CYGWIN_95-4.0 myhost 1.5.3(0.90/3/2) 2003-09-01 13:15 i586 unknown
unknown Cygwin

I am running these tests on a Samba partition which is mounted
on the F: drive.

I can make an XDMCP connection using startxdmcp.bat or the command line
Xwin.exe -query remotehost. (Having learnt to mount the /tmp as a bin
type mount! )

This works fine and I can get the indirect list of machines on my net
served up to me via the remotename machine. Connect to that machine
and get the remote xdm to give me a login prompt.

Is it possible set up cywin to run the equivalent of my Linux Boxes'
inittab lines:
  x1:5:respawn:/usr/X11/bin/X -indirect thislocalhost
  x2:5:respawn:/etc/X11/xdm -nodaemon

I have tried to do this in two ways:
The first is to run xdm without removing the line in 
/etc/xdm/Xservers specifying the server name:
  :0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X
Infact I modified this to:
 localhost:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X
Because I needed that name to fix the auth problem. (see below)

I could then run xdm from the command line. It returns:
  Only root wants to run xdm
I worked around this in one of two ways:
either running xdm -debug 10
or creating a root account and logging in as root.

The other files I altered were all in /etc/X11/xdm
  *   #any host can get a login window
  * CHOOSER BROADCAST #any indirect host can get a chooser

  !DisplayManager.errorLogFile:  /var/log/xdm.log
  DisplayManager.errorLogFile:  /tmp/xdm.log

  ! removing this makes life simpler for now
  ! DisplayManager.willing: su nobody -c /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xwilling


  !DisplayManager.requestPort: 0

Some comments on the above. I changed the errorLogFile so that
I did not have to monitor logs in more than one dir.

I removed the su nobody -c because it just complicates things!
Removing the whole line saves running a script which includes
programs which do not exist on my installation of cygwin.

I created an Xauthority file because the one generated by xdm
has a colon in it and the file system barfs at that. When
creating the entries for the Xauthority file I used a modified
version of the which appeared in May 2002 in this mail list:
   mcookie=`dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 | md5sum | cut -f1 -d\ '`
   xauth -f $XAUTHORITY -v add $DISPLAYNUM . $mcookie
   xauth -f $XAUTHORITY -v add$DISPLAYNUM . $mcookie
   xauth -f $XAUTHORITY -v add $HOSTNAME$DISPLAYNUM . $mcookie
NB; For belt and braces I mounted the file authfiles dir as type bin.
This is why I changed the line in the Xserver file to include localhost as 
this script generates that entry:
  $ xauth list
  myhost/unix:0  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  7042...fc
  localhost:0  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1   7042...fc  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  7042...fc

DM.RandomFile was used because the default is /dev/mem which does not
appear to exist. I would be grateful for a better solution than the
log file as a file for sum.

DM.requestPort is commented out because I want other machines to get XDMCP 
messages from this machine.

If I run xdm with the Xservers commented out and from separate
window with the line: Xwin -indirect myhost
The host name appears in the indirect list on a Linux machine.
But when I connect to it I get a grey cross hatched screen
and nothing else. The same is true for the local X screen.
At the same time as the cross hatch appears xdm core dumps

Whether I run xdm -debug 10 as root or another user whether there is
an entry in Xserver or chooser or xterm inplace of chooser
xdm always core dumps usually with the  KERNEL32.DLL or less often
CYGWIN1.DLL depending on the settings in xdm-config

I noted the entry 2003/7/102 that other have been doing far more work
on his than I have. Has anyone got a version which runs (with the release
which I am using) and if so what am I doing that is not correct?

Two useful mail list refrences:

Here is one example of a dump cut from the popup window.
XDM caused an invalid page fault in
module KERNEL32.DLL at 0137:bff85fe5.
EAX=c0013f4c CS=0137 EIP=bff85fe5 EFLGS=00010202
EBX=8160e5a0 SS=013f ESP=006d EBP=006d009c
ECX=c0013f48 DS=013f ESI=006d00d0 FS=2877
EDX=006d01f8 ES=013f EDI=006d00b4 GS=
Bytes at CS:EIP:
57 8b 30 55 83 7e 54 00 0f 84 1c 01 00 00 f6 46 
Stack dump:
006d00d0 006cda98  bff85812
0001 000e 006d00b4 006d00d0
006d0300 000b 006cda98

Here is a example taken from the XDM.EXE.stackdump

Excption: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=610788D1
eax=20202020 ebx=008CF380 ecx=61621714 edx=61621718 esi=0039 edi=
ebp=008CF3A8 esp=008CF340 program=F:\CYGWIN\USR\X11R6\BIN\XDM.EXE
cs=0137 ds=013F es=013F 

Re: How to get xdm working?

2003-09-08 Thread Harold L Hunt II
That is a pretty large and well-detailed request.  Unfortunately, I 
don't know enough to answer your question.  Perhaps someone else does... 
if not, it looks like you would be the one that knows the most about the 
subject (a position I often find myself in :).



CYGWIN_95-4.0 myhost 1.5.3(0.90/3/2) 2003-09-01 13:15 i586 unknown
unknown Cygwin
I am running these tests on a Samba partition which is mounted
on the F: drive.
I can make an XDMCP connection using startxdmcp.bat or the command line
Xwin.exe -query remotehost. (Having learnt to mount the /tmp as a bin
type mount! )
This works fine and I can get the indirect list of machines on my net
served up to me via the remotename machine. Connect to that machine
and get the remote xdm to give me a login prompt.
Is it possible set up cywin to run the equivalent of my Linux Boxes'
inittab lines:
  x1:5:respawn:/usr/X11/bin/X -indirect thislocalhost
  x2:5:respawn:/etc/X11/xdm -nodaemon
I have tried to do this in two ways:
The first is to run xdm without removing the line in 
/etc/xdm/Xservers specifying the server name:
  :0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X
Infact I modified this to:
 localhost:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X
Because I needed that name to fix the auth problem. (see below)

I could then run xdm from the command line. It returns:
  Only root wants to run xdm
I worked around this in one of two ways:
either running xdm -debug 10
or creating a root account and logging in as root.
The other files I altered were all in /etc/X11/xdm
  *   #any host can get a login window
  * CHOOSER BROADCAST #any indirect host can get a chooser
  !DisplayManager.errorLogFile:  /var/log/xdm.log
  DisplayManager.errorLogFile:  /tmp/xdm.log
  ! removing this makes life simpler for now
  ! DisplayManager.willing: su nobody -c /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xwilling
  !DisplayManager.requestPort: 0

Some comments on the above. I changed the errorLogFile so that
I did not have to monitor logs in more than one dir.
I removed the su nobody -c because it just complicates things!
Removing the whole line saves running a script which includes
programs which do not exist on my installation of cygwin.
I created an Xauthority file because the one generated by xdm
has a colon in it and the file system barfs at that. When
creating the entries for the Xauthority file I used a modified
version of the which appeared in May 2002 in this mail list:
   mcookie=`dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 | md5sum | cut -f1 -d\ '`
   xauth -f $XAUTHORITY -v add $DISPLAYNUM . $mcookie
   xauth -f $XAUTHORITY -v add$DISPLAYNUM . $mcookie
   xauth -f $XAUTHORITY -v add $HOSTNAME$DISPLAYNUM . $mcookie
NB; For belt and braces I mounted the file authfiles dir as type bin.
This is why I changed the line in the Xserver file to include localhost as 
this script generates that entry:
  $ xauth list
  myhost/unix:0  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  7042...fc
  localhost:0  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1   7042...fc  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  7042...fc

DM.RandomFile was used because the default is /dev/mem which does not
appear to exist. I would be grateful for a better solution than the
log file as a file for sum.
DM.requestPort is commented out because I want other machines to get XDMCP 
messages from this machine.

If I run xdm with the Xservers commented out and from separate
window with the line: Xwin -indirect myhost
The host name appears in the indirect list on a Linux machine.
But when I connect to it I get a grey cross hatched screen
and nothing else. The same is true for the local X screen.
At the same time as the cross hatch appears xdm core dumps
Whether I run xdm -debug 10 as root or another user whether there is
an entry in Xserver or chooser or xterm inplace of chooser
xdm always core dumps usually with the  KERNEL32.DLL or less often
CYGWIN1.DLL depending on the settings in xdm-config
I noted the entry 2003/7/102 that other have been doing far more work
on his than I have. Has anyone got a version which runs (with the release
which I am using) and if so what am I doing that is not correct?
Two useful mail list refrences:
Here is one example of a dump cut from the popup window.
XDM caused an invalid page fault in
module KERNEL32.DLL at 0137:bff85fe5.
EAX=c0013f4c CS=0137 EIP=bff85fe5 EFLGS=00010202
EBX=8160e5a0 SS=013f ESP=006d EBP=006d009c
ECX=c0013f48 DS=013f ESI=006d00d0 FS=2877
EDX=006d01f8 ES=013f EDI=006d00b4 GS=
Bytes at CS:EIP:
57 8b 30 55 83 7e 54 00 0f 84 1c 01 00 00 f6 46 
Stack dump:
006d00d0 006cda98  bff85812
0001 000e 006d00b4 006d00d0
006d0300 000b 006cda98

Re: How to get xdm working?

2003-09-08 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
On Mon, 8 Sep 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 CYGWIN_95-4.0 myhost 1.5.3(0.90/3/2) 2003-09-01 13:15 i586 unknown
 unknown Cygwin

 I am running these tests on a Samba partition which is mounted
 on the F: drive.

 I can make an XDMCP connection using startxdmcp.bat or the command line
 Xwin.exe -query remotehost. (Having learnt to mount the /tmp as a bin
 type mount! )

 This works fine and I can get the indirect list of machines on my net
 served up to me via the remotename machine. Connect to that machine
 and get the remote xdm to give me a login prompt.

 Is it possible set up cywin to run the equivalent of my Linux Boxes'
 inittab lines:
   x1:5:respawn:/usr/X11/bin/X -indirect thislocalhost
   x2:5:respawn:/etc/X11/xdm -nodaemon

There is a sysvinit package for Cygwin that might do exactly what you
want.  See the package documentation in /usr/doc/sysvinit* (or
/usr/share/doc/sysvinit*) and the Cygwin-specific documentation in
/usr/doc/Cygwin/sysvinit-*.README (or /usr/share/doc/...).

 I have tried to do this in two ways:
 The first is to run xdm without removing the line in
 /etc/xdm/Xservers specifying the server name:
   :0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X
 Infact I modified this to:
  localhost:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X
 Because I needed that name to fix the auth problem. (see below)

 I could then run xdm from the command line. It returns:
   Only root wants to run xdm
 I worked around this in one of two ways:
 either running xdm -debug 10
 or creating a root account and logging in as root.

This is probably a bug in xdm.  It's been discussed on this list before.
Cygwin (or, rather, Windows) doesn't have a root user, but does have users
with various permissions usually attributed to root.  On Win9x you can
simply add a line for root to /etc/passwd (on WinNT/2k/XP you can copy
the line for system and change the user name in that new line to

 The other files I altered were all in /etc/X11/xdm
   *   #any host can get a login window
   * CHOOSER BROADCAST #any indirect host can get a chooser

   !DisplayManager.errorLogFile:  /var/log/xdm.log
   DisplayManager.errorLogFile:  /tmp/xdm.log

   ! removing this makes life simpler for now
   ! DisplayManager.willing: su nobody -c /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xwilling


   !DisplayManager.requestPort: 0

 Some comments on the above. I changed the errorLogFile so that
 I did not have to monitor logs in more than one dir.

 I removed the su nobody -c because it just complicates things!
 Removing the whole line saves running a script which includes
 programs which do not exist on my installation of cygwin.

 I created an Xauthority file because the one generated by xdm
 has a colon in it and the file system barfs at that. When
 creating the entries for the Xauthority file I used a modified
 version of the which appeared in May 2002 in this mail list:
mcookie=`dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 | md5sum | cut -f1 -d\ '`
xauth -f $XAUTHORITY -v add $DISPLAYNUM . $mcookie
xauth -f $XAUTHORITY -v add$DISPLAYNUM . $mcookie
xauth -f $XAUTHORITY -v add $HOSTNAME$DISPLAYNUM . $mcookie
 NB; For belt and braces I mounted the file authfiles dir as type bin.
 This is why I changed the line in the Xserver file to include localhost as
 this script generates that entry:
   $ xauth list
   myhost/unix:0  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  7042...fc
   localhost:0  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1   7042...fc  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  7042...fc

 DM.RandomFile was used because the default is /dev/mem which does not
 appear to exist. I would be grateful for a better solution than the
 log file as a file for sum.

Cygwin has a /dev/mem (but it won't be shown by ls /dev, since /dev is a
virtual filesystem in Cygwin.  Try ls -l /dev/mem, and you'll see that
it does exist.  I've posted a script to the main Cygwin list that would
create the /dev directory and the various entries in it so that ls and
tab completion works.  Another possibility is using /dev/urandom, which
you've used for mcookie above.

 DM.requestPort is commented out because I want other machines to get XDMCP
 messages from this machine.

 If I run xdm with the Xservers commented out and from separate
 window with the line: Xwin -indirect myhost
 The host name appears in the indirect list on a Linux machine.
 But when I connect to it I get a grey cross hatched screen
 and nothing else. The same is true for the local X screen.
 At the same time as the cross hatch appears xdm core dumps

 Whether I run xdm -debug 10 as root or another user whether there is
 an entry in Xserver or chooser or xterm inplace of chooser
 xdm always core dumps usually with the  KERNEL32.DLL or less often
 CYGWIN1.DLL depending on the settings in xdm-config

If you'd like to debug this yourself, you could 

Re: How to get xdm working?

2003-09-08 Thread Sylvain Petreolle
This doesnt work for me on Win2K.
I have an account that is in the Administrators group.
I copied the SYSTEM line and changed it to root: xdm fails the same
I tried with the Administrator line too, no way.

$ grep 544 /etc/passwd

$ xdm
Only root wants to run xdm

 This is probably a bug in xdm.  It's been discussed on this list
 Cygwin (or, rather, Windows) doesn't have a root user, but does have
 with various permissions usually attributed to root.  On Win9x you
 simply add a line for root to /etc/passwd (on WinNT/2k/XP you can
 the line for system and change the user name in that new line to

Sylvain Petreolle (spetreolle_at_users_dot_sourceforge_dot_net)
 ICQ #170597259
Say NO to software patents
Dites NON aux brevets logiciels

What if tomorrow the War could be over ? Morpheus, in Reloaded.

Do You Yahoo!? -- Une adresse gratuite et en français !
Yahoo! Mail :

Re: How to get xdm working?

2003-09-08 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
On Mon, 8 Sep 2003, Sylvain Petreolle wrote:

 This doesnt work for me on Win2K.
 I have an account that is in the Administrators group.
 I copied the SYSTEM line and changed it to root: xdm fails the same
 I tried with the Administrator line too, no way.

 $ grep 544 /etc/passwd

 $ xdm
 Only root wants to run xdm

  This is probably a bug in xdm.  It's been discussed on this list
  before. Cygwin (or, rather, Windows) doesn't have a root user, but
  does have users with various permissions usually attributed to root.
  On Win9x you can simply add a line for root to /etc/passwd (on
  WinNT/2k/XP you can copy the line for system and change the user
  name in that new line to root).

Erm, yes.  I forgot that some programs check for root by checking whether
UID==0.  You might need to also change the UID (3rd field) to 0.  If xdm
will try to do a seteuid(), use the SYSTEM line as your template (to have
the same SID).
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster.  -- Patrick Naughton

Re: How to get xdm working?

2003-09-08 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
On Mon, 8 Sep 2003, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

 On Mon, 8 Sep 2003, Sylvain Petreolle wrote:

  This doesnt work for me on Win2K.
  I have an account that is in the Administrators group.
  I copied the SYSTEM line and changed it to root: xdm fails the same
  I tried with the Administrator line too, no way.
  $ grep 544 /etc/passwd
  $ xdm
  Only root wants to run xdm
   This is probably a bug in xdm.  It's been discussed on this list
   before. Cygwin (or, rather, Windows) doesn't have a root user, but
   does have users with various permissions usually attributed to root.
   On Win9x you can simply add a line for root to /etc/passwd (on
   WinNT/2k/XP you can copy the line for system and change the user
   name in that new line to root).

 Erm, yes.  I forgot that some programs check for root by checking whether
 UID==0.  You might need to also change the UID (3rd field) to 0.  If xdm
 will try to do a seteuid(), use the SYSTEM line as your template (to have
 the same SID).

Replying to myself here.  Just realized: of course, you'll have to be
logged in as the user you set as root before you run xdm...
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster.  -- Patrick Naughton

Re: How to get xdm working?

2003-09-08 Thread Sylvain Petreolle

 Replying to myself here.  Just realized: of course, you'll have to be
 logged in as the user you set as root before you run xdm...
In this case, will a user that is in Administrators group be able to
launch xdm ?

Sylvain Petreolle (spetreolle_at_users_dot_sourceforge_dot_net)
 ICQ #170597259
Say NO to software patents
Dites NON aux brevets logiciels

What if tomorrow the War could be over ? Morpheus, in Reloaded.

Do You Yahoo!? -- Une adresse gratuite et en français !
Yahoo! Mail :

Re: How to get xdm working?

2003-09-08 Thread pnews
 This doesnt work for me on Win2K.
 I have an account that is in the Administrators group.
 I copied the SYSTEM line and changed it to root: xdm fails the same
 I tried with the Administrator line too, no way.
 $ grep 544 /etc/passwd

I have run some tests. It is the UID which is tested not the name. So
any user which as the 3rd column in the passwd file of 0 can run xdm as
a daemon. 

NB For testing purposes I suggest that you remove the * in 
the second column (password) until you have the thing working.
Also to login as root I would have thought you would need
a home dir and a shell:

Re: How to get xdm working?

2003-09-08 Thread pnews
  Replying to myself here.  Just realized: of course, you'll have to be
  logged in as the user you set as root before you run xdm...
 In this case, will a user that is in Administrators group be able to
 launch xdm ?

Will xdm run under SYSTEM using xdm -nodaemon ?

Re: How to get xdm working?

2003-09-08 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
On Tue, 9 Sep 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Replying to myself here.  Just realized: of course, you'll have to be
   logged in as the user you set as root before you run xdm...
  In this case, will a user that is in Administrators group be able to
  launch xdm ?

 Will xdm run under SYSTEM using xdm -nodaemon ?

xdm has this silly check for UID==0 before it can run.  Once you convince
xdm that it's running under root, it'll run under any user (even an
unprivileged one), FWICS.  Since xdm needs to access the desktop, you have
to make sure you set up the service (and access permissions) properly, but
otherwise nothing prevents xdm from being invoked by any particular user.
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster.  -- Patrick Naughton