Re: RE: startxwin/XWin won't start properly

2010-06-30 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 06:11:49PM +0200, Ryan Johnson wrote:
>> What Mike and I want is actually pretty reasonable.  We want to be able
>> to preserve the work we do in picking the wheat from the chaff (from our
>> point of view) to avoid having our coworkers or ourselves duplicate that
>> work, whether they understand Unix or not (I'm sorry I brought it up!
>> It is largely irrelevant.).  It seems simple--at some point the Setup
>> program knows what was selected.  It just needs to save it out and be
>> able to read it back in.
>vote +1
>I've also had this need many times. Most recently, the update to the 
>latest cygwin dll, which the instructions specifically said should be a 
>clean install rather than an in-place upgrade.

Sheesh.  The instructions did *not* say that a clean install was needed.
We tried hard to make sure that wasn't necessary in fact.

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Re: RE: startxwin/XWin won't start properly

2010-06-30 Thread Ryan Johnson

What Mike and I want is actually pretty reasonable.  We want to be able
to preserve the work we do in picking the wheat from the chaff (from our
point of view) to avoid having our coworkers or ourselves duplicate that
work, whether they understand Unix or not (I'm sorry I brought it up!
It is largely irrelevant.).  It seems simple--at some point the Setup
program knows what was selected.  It just needs to save it out and be
able to read it back in.

vote +1

I've also had this need many times. Most recently, the update to the 
latest cygwin dll, which the instructions specifically said should be a 
clean install rather than an in-place upgrade.

Migration wizard would have been nice...


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