On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 06:11:49PM +0200, Ryan Johnson wrote:
>> What Mike and I want is actually pretty reasonable. We want to be able
>> to preserve the work we do in picking the wheat from the chaff (from our
>> point of view) to avoid having our coworkers or ourselves duplicate that
>> work, whether they understand Unix or not (I'm sorry I brought it up!
>> It is largely irrelevant.). It seems simple--at some point the Setup
>> program knows what was selected. It just needs to save it out and be
>> able to read it back in.
>vote +1
>I've also had this need many times. Most recently, the update to the
>latest cygwin dll, which the instructions specifically said should be a
>clean install rather than an in-place upgrade.
Sheesh. The instructions did *not* say that a clean install was needed.
We tried hard to make sure that wasn't necessary in fact.
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