Re: WORKAROUND: Unable to load any usable iso8859 font

2009-02-12 Thread Jon TURNEY

ThinkDifferently wrote:

My solution was, at the very least, to re-run setup.exe and to install the
package "font-misc-misc".  Once I did that, XWin stopped hanging and xterm
and xclock ran without a hitch.

I found this nugget of information buried deep in the Cygwin/X FAQ page ,

section 9.4, sub-item 1.  To quote:

"You do not have a font package which provides the default font ('fixed')
installed. This is rarely the problem; but in the event that it is the
problem, just rerun Cygwin's setup.exe, select the font-misc-misc package
and install it."

I find the phrase "This is rarely the problem" to be ironic, considering
that it seems to be the most common, based on what I've read.

Well, in fact, this FAQ is obsolete.  The fixed font is now available built-in 
to the server, so it starts even when no font packages are installed (to avoid 
precisely this kind of configuration problem)

With 1.5.3-6 xserver, it should never happen that the server fails to start 
"could not open default font 'fixed'". (In fact, since 1.5.3-3, but there was 
a bug in libXft which caused it to fail to find 'fixed' after a server restart)

The problem (lately) is that font-misc-misc is a prerequisite, but it is not
(no longer?) flagged as one by setup.exe when you choose the various xorg

The packages I installed were...
+ xauth
+ xclock
+ xcursor-themes
+ xhost
+ xinit
+ xkbcomp
+ xkeyboard-config
+ xmodmap
+ xorg-server
+ xrdb 
+ xterm

None of these flagged font-misc-misc, but when I installed the font package
manually, the above packages all started working.


Yes, there is a bug.

Installing the "font-misc-misc" package is a workaround.

But, no, it's not the obvious packaging error that "font-misc-misc" should be 
in the dependencies for packages which use the 'fixed' font, as that font is 
now available 'built-in' to the server and the server starts with no fonts 

It seems the specific error message quoted "Unable to load any usable ISO8859 
font", comes from libXt [1], when it has failed to find the requested font, it 
tries a fallback of "-*-*-*-R-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-ISO8859-*", which should match 
the always-available, built-in fixed font.

I have no problems starting xterm just using the built-in fonts

$ xset fp built-ins
[or start the server with -fp built-ins, or uninstall all font packages]
$ xlsfonts -fn "-*-*-*-R-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-ISO8859-*"
$ xterm
[starts with no error]

So, why some people see this error is a mystery to me.  The first post in this 
thread seems to pin the blame on something which changed recently, possibly 
xserver 1.5.3-5, but I can't reproduce it and can't see any changes which seem 
likely suspects...

Entered into bugzilla


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Re: WORKAROUND: Unable to load any usable iso8859 font

2009-06-17 Thread Jon TURNEY

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Please read wrote:

Dear Jon Turney,

Today I installed cygwin from scratch on a new laptop with Vista Home Premium.  I have gotten the "Unable to load any usable ISO8859 font." message when starting xterm.  I would suggest as a workaround that users experiencing this problem try uninstalling the font-alias package.  (The version I installed and uninstalled several times is 1.0.1-1.)  Uninstalling and reinstalling this eliminated and recreated problems.  The last time I reinstalled it, it did not cause the the above problem, but did cause the default path to come up wrong in tcsh and bash.  

I think the underlying problem may be related to the fact that postinstall 
scripts do not seem to be running correctly on this machine.  For different 
packages, I see similar messages in setup.log.full along the lines of those 
shown below.  I believe it may be happening for every postinstall script, 
because they all take a very long time, as if they were timing out.


 from setup.log.full

2009/06/14 14:25:07 running: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c 
  5 [main] sh 4436 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
1278289 [main] sh 4436 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
3492971 [main] sh 4436 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
7629204 [main] sh 4436 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
15769988 [main] sh 4436 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
/etc/postinstall/ fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
  6 [main] sh 3288 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
1296137 [main] sh 3288 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
3463129 [main] sh 3288 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
7628057 [main] sh 3288 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
15771513 [main] sh 3288 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
/etc/postinstall/ fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
  6 [main] sh 4244 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
1247804 [main] sh 4244 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
3417015 [main] sh 4244 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
7551184 [main] sh 4244 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
15694516 [main] sh 4244 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
/etc/postinstall/ fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
  6 [main] sh 3628 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
1250144 [main] sh 3628 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
3401141 [main] sh 3628 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
7535070 [main] sh 3628 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
15678284 [main] sh 3628 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
/etc/postinstall/ fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
  6 [main] sh 4536 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
1247102 [main] sh 4536 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
3383669 [main] sh 4536 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
7518999 [main] sh 4536 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
15631750 [main] sh 4536 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
/etc/postinstall/ fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
  6 [main] sh 4384 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before 
initialization, retry 10, exit code 0x100, errno 11
1232152 [main] s