Re: Connie Chung fucks up things are not as they seem.A good example of the tremen

2000-11-04 Thread Gary Jeffers

Declan McCullagh writes:

Source? TV show? Date? Transcript?


   Declan, my source is the net address listed below. At
the top of that page are a "general info" button and a
"contact us" button. Under "general info" they list
[EMAIL PROTECTED] as their email address. They also list
there their snail mail address.

   That's all I know of the source. This looks like a job
for an investgative reporter such as yourself:-) Sorry I
am not more helpful. If you can actually validate from
tv network sources that that sequel occurred, you will have a great big can 
of worms to play with :-)
-Good luck!

On Sat, Nov 04, 2000 at 10:20:10PM -0600, Gary Jeffers wrote:
  My fellow Cypherpunks, The following is interesting.
  find string: Connie Chung
  A good example of the tremendous degree to which the major news media
  organizations are called to heel is seen in the facts surrounding the 
  year hiatus in the professional career of CBS broadcaster Connie Chung, 
  had the misfortune to have ended up being paired with Dan Rather several
  years ago.
  On a live call-in TV talk show some two years ago, Ms. Chung responded 
  a bit too much candor to a question as to what actually gets reported
  publicly by the major news media, given the great number of stories and
  items which come from the numerous sources of "raw" information. How are 
  stories which get the attention of the media chosen and by whom?
  Connie Chung replied to the effect that it wasn't too hard to decide 
  stories get aired--they just checked with Washington D.C. to see what 
  been cleared for publication by the government.
  As a result of her being foolish enough to tell the truth in what was 
  just a naive, probably unintentional and inadvertent slip, within no 
  than a few hours Ms. Chung was out of a job and remained blacklisted in 
  industry for a good two years, only resurfacing in 1998 with a position 
  ABC--sufficiently chastened, some no doubt believe, to allow her to 
  the public airwaves once again.
  Yours Truly,
  Gary Jeffers
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Connie Chung fucks up things are not as they seem.A good example of the tremen

2000-11-04 Thread Gary Jeffers

My fellow Cypherpunks, The following is interesting.

find string: Connie Chung

A good example of the tremendous degree to which the major news media 
organizations are called to heel is seen in the facts surrounding the two 
year hiatus in the professional career of CBS broadcaster Connie Chung, who 
had the misfortune to have ended up being paired with Dan Rather several 
years ago.

On a live call-in TV talk show some two years ago, Ms. Chung responded with 
a bit too much candor to a question as to what actually gets reported 
publicly by the major news media, given the great number of stories and 
items which come from the numerous sources of "raw" information. How are the 
stories which get the attention of the media chosen and by whom?

Connie Chung replied to the effect that it wasn't too hard to decide what 
stories get aired--they just checked with Washington D.C. to see what had 
been cleared for publication by the government.

As a result of her being foolish enough to tell the truth in what was likely 
just a naive, probably unintentional and inadvertent slip, within no more 
than a few hours Ms. Chung was out of a job and remained blacklisted in the 
industry for a good two years, only resurfacing in 1998 with a position at 
ABC--sufficiently chastened, some no doubt believe, to allow her to grace 
the public airwaves once again.

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers

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Tim May goes bush shooting.

2000-09-29 Thread Gary Jeffers

" are _probably_ either ML or GJ."
Well, that almost flew under my radar:-) Hey, I don't do anon. flames
of Cypherpunk regulars. Hey, watch out ML. You're next.


Bush Shooting: There is a breed of deer hunter who, when hearing a noise
in the woods, fires into the bush in roughly its direction hoping that
it may be a deer and that he may hit it.  :-)

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers

Beat State!!

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Re: RC4 source as a literate program

2000-09-05 Thread Gary Jeffers

Fellow Cypherpunks,


   I remember reading in old anti-IRS literature about a technique for
avoiding prosecutions. A client would tell a lawyer that he wanted to
do something and would ask if it were legal to do. The lawyer would
then give his opinion as to wheather it was legal or not. If the lawyer
said that it was legal and gave his opinion in writing, then the
client could proceed without out worry. The lawyer's opinion would stop
any criminal prosecution.

   I wonder if this would work with publishing crypt code. I think it
might put the lawyer at risk. If we had a lawyer who really thought
that publishing crypt code on the Internet was legal and wasn't afraid
of sticking his neck out then his published statement on the Internet
to this might open the floodgates of crypt code Internet posting for

   Donald has stated that the law in this area is quite vague. I would
think even if the law prohibited it, then the law would be unconstitu-
tional and therefore null and void.

   Any thoughts on this?

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers


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Re: RC4 source as a literate program

2000-09-01 Thread Gary Jeffers

Fellow Cypherpunks,
   I was aware that posting binary/executables of crypt code from the
U.S. was illegal. Is source posting of crypt from U.S. illegal too?

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers

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KOH, the friendly disk encryptor virus.

2000-04-20 Thread Gary Jeffers
such a modification unless circumstances really warrant it! Just consider 
what the legal implications might be. Would the government excuse an 
infection? Or would they use it as an excuse to put a new computer in their 
office, or some revenue in their coffers? What do you think?


   KOH comes with several options including uninstall, change pass
phrase, and a floppy disk migration toggle ( you want to encrypt
floppies automatically or not).

   I have not tested KOH myself but it looks quite nice. Also,
Ludwig's idea of forced hard disk encryption with a passphrase looks
like it could have a number of variations that Cypherpunks might want
to consider.

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers

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Re: WSJ: Backdoor in MS WWW software

2000-04-15 Thread Gary Jeffers

My fellow Cypherpunks,

   Tim May reports in a post:
soon to be:

Federal prosecutors intend to charge the two men who illegally
looked at Microsoft's "Front Page" software and thereby discovered
a security hole.

Note: I am assuming that Tim May is not doing some kind of spoof
here. What he reports sounds like a sort of vicious fantasy.

   What the 2 men did was a PERCEPTUAL crime. This crime is 100%
imaginary! However, the crime the U.S. will commit will be real.
would not exist as we know it.

   The U.S. will commit two crimes. First, a crime against the
heros. Second, our right to know (this is a part of free speech).
It will also help to silence our watchdogs so that we may be better
enslaved. The crimes are both individual and collective.

   There seems to be some class of moral error that is rarely
mentioned: Serving a small right at the expense of a large right.
This occurs when values contradict each other. It also occurs
often in U.S. when state crushes important and real rights while
using imaginary rights as the rational. The above is an instance of
this. The heros warned us of a substantial security threat. We have
few people who would be willing and able to find this threat for
us. Now they are going to be charged with an imaginary crime. The
service they did for society is completely ignored.

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers

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computer assisted fingerprint impersonation

2000-04-14 Thread Gary Jeffers


My fellow Cypherpunks,

   I am troubled by the article from the American Sentinel that was
posted by Jean-Francois Avon. - STATE FINGERPRINTING OF DRIVERS IS
/current/msg00020.html  . Soon to be
dir.2000.04.10-2000.04.16   .

   I have heard that it is possible to temporarily artifically change your 
finger prints with some kind of adheasive membrane. I do not
know if this is correct. However, it would seem to be a very doable

   I propose this scheme: Design fingerprints with a computer! This
seems very doable as a technology. A computer program could have a
function that used random number input to design individual 10 digit
(fingers) fingerprints. The fingerprints would use a digital code to 
describe the prints. That is, for instance: My fingerprints would be 
assigned a decimal number string by the computer. Any time my prints 
(analog) were displayed to the computer, the computer would assign them the 
same decimal number string. Also, if the computer program were inputed this 
decimal number string, then it could output a perfect picture of my physical 

   A scanner would be used to input actual prints. That is: ink your
finger tips, roll them on a white paper, then scan them in. An
algorithm would assign the decimal number string.

   For outputing the prints, the program would change the number
string to the analog print (the physical look). Then print them
on a printer. I do not know what kind of scheme to use in making
a membrane print from this. - photography, lithography, electronic
board like etching? - an elaboration on one of these.

   Libraries of prints could be saved for different aliases. They
could be sent over the Internet to other people to continue imper-
sonating the id's.

   If fingerprinting became very common, then this tech. would have
great value. Also, it could be an asset to privacy. If your finger-
prints said you were a certain person, what clerk or official would
question your identity?

   Yours Truly,
   Gary Jeffers

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Disk INsecurity:Last word on deletes, wipes The Final Solution.

2000-04-06 Thread Gary Jeffers

Jim Choate writes "...Fourier Analysis..." for ressurecting wiped

   This is interesting but a question arises: How do you interrogate the 
data? That is: what INT's (pc interrupts) do you use to look at
the data? Actually, maybe I should say the sectors rather than the data. Are 
these undocumented DOS?

   Also, I hear stories of companies that unwipe data. Who are these
companies? What is the name of the software that they use? Is it
available to cops only? Where can we get it?

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers

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Disk INsecurity:last word on deletes, wipes The Final Solution.

2000-04-05 Thread Gary Jeffers

Disk INsecurity:last word on deletes, wipes  The Final Solution.

My fellow Cypherpunks,

   On the matter of getting rid of dangerous info on your hard disk,
here is a very interesting quote from The GIANT BLACK BOOK of
COMPUTER VIRUSES, second edition by Dr. Mark Ludwig

American Eagle Publications,Inc
P.O. Box 1507
Show Low, Arixona 85902



   If one views a diskette as an analog device, it is possible to
retrieve data from it that has been erased. For this reason even a
so-called secure erase program which goes out and overwrites
clusters where data was stored is not secure. (And let's not even mention 
the DOS delete command, which only changes the first letter
of the file name to 0E5H and cleans up the FAT. All of the data is still 
sitting right there on disk!)

   There are two phenomena that come into play which prevent secure
erasure. One is simply the fact that in the end a floppy disk is
analog media. It has magnetic particles on it which are statistically
aligned in one direction or the other when the drive head writes to
disk. The key word here is STATISTICALLY. A write DOES NOT simply
align all particles in one direction or the other. It just aligns
enough that the state can be unambiguously interpreted by the analog-
to-digital circuitry in the disk drive.

   For example, consider Figure 36.2. It depicts three different
"ones" read from a disk. Suppose A is a virgin 1, written to a disk
that never had anything written to it before. Then a one written over
a zero would give a signal more like B, and a one written over
another one might have signal C. All are interpreted as digital ones, but 
they're not all the same. With the proper analog equipment you
can see these differences (which are typicall 40 dB weaker than the
existing signal) and read an already-erased disk. The same can be
said of a twice-erased disk, etc. The signals just get a little
weaker each time.

   The second phenomenon that comes into play is wobble. Not every
bit of data is written to disk in the same place, especially if two
different drives are used, or a disk is written over a long period
of time during which wear and tear on a drive changes its characteristics. 
(See Figure 36.3) This phenomenon can make it possible to read a disk even 
if it's been overwritten a hundred

   The best defense against this kind of attack is to see to it that
one NEVER writes an unencrypted disk. If all the spy can pick up off the 
disk using such techniques is encrypted data, it will do him
little good. The auto-encryption feature of KOH can help make this NEVER a 

1.2 |
  1 | ..CM
| ..AA
0.8 | ..BG
| .  N
0.6 | .  E
| .  T
0.4 | .  I
| .  Z
0.2 | .  A
0   -I
  Figure 36.2N

||previous write
| p  | \\
| R  |\  |
| e  | last  |
| v  | write |
| i  |   |
| ous|   |
\--- \   \
Figure 36.3


Another problem with wipes is that, as long as 5 years ago,
manufactures of disk drives were adding caching functions to the
hard drives that were not visible to software. Maybe you can program
around a software cache when writing a wipe program but a hardware
cache looks like a real problem. Are writers of wipe programs aware
of disk hardware caches?  With disk caching, you may get one real
wipe and several virtual wipes. When I started writing my wipe
program, SUPERWIPE, I was not aware of hardware caches.


   The only way to make sure of disk security is to use encrypted
disk programs. That way dangerous plain text never touches your
hard drive. I would recommend SECUREDEVICE  SECUREDRIVE. Both are

   SECUREDEVICE is easier to use but SECUREDRIVE is a better product.
Both may be found on the Internet.

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers

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