On Thu, 20 Apr 2000, Michelle Diamante wrote:

> Dear Ms. Reno,
>     Please send Elian Gonzalez back to his father.  I realize that he 
> cannot leave the United States but legally he can be with his father.
> His father deserves the right as his FATHER to have him back and not
> just his relatives in Miami who have certainly abused their power by
> taping him saying things against wanting to be with his father.   
> I ask of you to please UPHOLD THE LAW and get him back to his father who 
> has waited so long.

Dear Michelle,
But he's so darned cute! Besides, maybe he'll be able to play baseball for
us someday.
Janet Reno c/o [EMAIL PROTECTED]

there are reasons i stopped watching the news when i was 7.
             Tom "spot" Callaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Fingerprint: 0316 DF83 911C D63C 666A  EC45 B6C3 8ABA 102D F978
        "Line up all the bastards, all i want is the truth."
                   --foo fighters, "stacked actors"
         "There is no truth--only facts to be manipulated."
                  --S E Corff, NSA Collection Manager

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