Re: Re: damn commie hypocrite leech! (was Re: Re: Re: why worry?)

2000-03-03 Thread Jim Choate

On Thu, 2 Mar 2000, Duncan Frissell wrote:

 At 12:29 PM 3/1/00 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
 Capitalism is not equivalent to freedom in any manner. If anything the
 pursuit of capitalist goals has driven more abuse than help by many
 orders of magnitude.
 There is a reason the Constitution doesn't mention business rights or
 commerce in general except in two sections (i.e. inter-state commerce and
 the pursuit of happiness (it's implied)).
 You (like the Supremes) forgot:
 Section. 10.
   Clause 1:
 No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant 
 Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any 
 Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill 
 of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of 
 Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

Which is completely and utterly off topic. One of the sorriest strawman
attempts I've seen from you in a long time. Nowhere in there does it
mention 'business' only generating money that is independant of the
federal system.
 Capitalism is not the answer to anything, it's the mechanism that funds
 the society not defines it. Nothing more, most especialy it is not the
 final goal of human effort.
 Capitalism is an attack formation created by that great Classical Economist 
 Karl Marx.  Classical Economics has been obsolete since the middle of the 
 last century and the development of Neo-Classical Economics and the Theory 
 of Marginal Utility.

Bullshit, 'classical' smassical. You're playing word games and saying
 "Capitalism" isn't the answer to anything but liberalism is.  These days we 
 liberals use the term market liberalism in the US to distinguish ourselves 
 from the followers of Karl who use that term liberalism here because 
 they're too chicken to call themselves socialists.

Liberalism isn't the answer to anything either. Respect and toleration
are. Liberalisms are people who are smart enough to know that anyone
calling themselves a socialist in a democratic system is going to get
exactly what they deserve.

The future is downloading. Can you hear the impact?

O[rphan] D[rift]
Cyber Positive

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Re: damn commie hypocrite leech! (was Re: Re: Re: why worry?)

2000-03-02 Thread Duncan Frissell

At 12:29 PM 3/1/00 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:

Capitalism is not equivalent to freedom in any manner. If anything the
pursuit of capitalist goals has driven more abuse than help by many
orders of magnitude.

There is a reason the Constitution doesn't mention business rights or
commerce in general except in two sections (i.e. inter-state commerce and
the pursuit of happiness (it's implied)).

You (like the Supremes) forgot:

Section. 10.

  Clause 1:

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant 
Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any 
Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill 
of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of 
Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

Capitalism is not the answer to anything, it's the mechanism that funds
the society not defines it. Nothing more, most especialy it is not the
final goal of human effort.

Capitalism is an attack formation created by that great Classical Economist 
Karl Marx.  Classical Economics has been obsolete since the middle of the 
last century and the development of Neo-Classical Economics and the Theory 
of Marginal Utility.

"Capitalism" isn't the answer to anything but liberalism is.  These days we 
liberals use the term market liberalism in the US to distinguish ourselves 
from the followers of Karl who use that term liberalism here because 
they're too chicken to call themselves socialists.


Republican politicians are better than Democrat politicians because they 
don't support gun control so if you don't like them you can just shoot 
them. -- P. J. O'Rourke

Re: Re: damn commie hypocrite leech! (was Re: Re: Re: why worry?)

2000-03-01 Thread Tom Vogt

 Any government needs appropriate leadership, 

that is an assumption, as yet unproven. I agree that it DOES sound good,
but it is still an assumption. since the rest of your argument rests on
it, you should give it a little more support.

 especially in its
 infancy.. and those leaders need to be dedicated to that government
 deep in their bones.

one could argue (playing devils advocate here) that a GOOD government
system is good enough to survive a couple crooks.

 I don't think that the United States has done so well because
 representative democracy and capitalism are so great and clearly
 superior. I think we have done well because the Founder's, for all
 their faults, truly believed in the ideals of the government they
 were creating.. and so they got us off on a good start.
 We have since fucked it up but good.

from what I can see from over here - yepp. but it isn't much different
here, only that our foundations are a bit younger (1945) and thus
there's still a bit of it left. :-/

Re: Re: damn commie hypocrite leech! (was Re: Re: Re: why worry?)

2000-03-01 Thread Sunder

Missouri FreeNet Administration wrote:
 :Erm, what, Russia is not good enough an example for you?
 No, it is definitely not.  the USSR (not "Russia" BTW) was no more a
 genuine communist state than the US is a genuine capitalist state.

 :If you agree (and I
 :don't speak for you) that there is no perfect version of capitalism, but the
 :USA is the closest,
 Sorry, I do not agree with this statement.  It is mere propaganda. See

So ok, what then is a good version in your eyes of communism and capitalism?

 No.  Prefall USSR was an almost perfect example of Fascism.

I'd venture to say that the USA's government is pushing fascism slowly.  But
that it is a capitalist system.  I'd also venture to say that while Russia
wasn't fully communist, it was the closest any government got to it.  But
again, I don't force you to agree.
 :Ok, well, just go and ask the Average Russian(tm) if he gives a rat's ass about
 :some Average American(tm) bitching about how his beer and his pack of
 :cigarettes are too expensive these days, or about any other topic.  I'd guess
 :(remember, I don't speak for the Average Russian either) that he'd say "Fuck
 :you" in so many words.
 This argument does not address my point.  I have just as much of a problem
 with the average Russian not giving a rats ass about my beer and
 cigarettes.  I'm fatally flawed in that I believe that a thinking creature
 (and I am convinced that at least *some* humans fall into this category)
 must use this ability to serve *everybody*.  That may well be best done
 through serving ones self, but this is not the question under
 consideration here.

I think your argument then is quite moronic.  You cannot honestly expect
someone to care about something that does not affect them either way.  I don't
expect you to care either way about how much I liked or disliked my breakfast,
or what color my morning shit was.  It's irrelevant to your life in the same
way that a Russian would find your beer and cigarettes.

In a word, not everyone will care about the same things.  This isn't up for
debate, it's reality.  You might or might not like it, but that's irrelevant to
 :Bottom line - it's human nature to not be interested in what doesn't affect you
 I disagree:  that is animal nature.  If man wants to claim the higher
 ground, s/he will have to play the part.

Whatever.  I'm not here to argue your opinions on how humans should be.  But
I've stated how we are.  You might not like it, but again, reality is.  Hope

 There is a distinct difference between the concepts of "first hand
 knowledge" and "not giving a rats ass".  That you see them as one in the
 same is the root of the problem here.

No I don't.  I've had first hand knowledge of something, I can speak for it.  I
might have had first hand experiences about something  and not given a rat's
ass either.  And I might not have had first hand knowledge of something, nor
given a rats ass about it.  

You are being quite moronic here.  Again, you can disagree if you wish, it's
your right.  But unless your arguments begin to approach logic and reality, I
won't retract that opinion.
 :Doubtful.  As long as you can make money, what's the difference?
 I don't really give a rats ass about the money: don't you *get it*?  A LOT
 of us don't care about he friggin money!!!  I work because I find it
 fulfilling.  The day that stops, I look for new work: money has not *once*
 been the issue.  I have taken STEEP pay cuts for jobs I found attractive,
 as well as big increases.  The money just doesn't matter to me.  What
 difference does it make if you have "enough"?  Enough is defined here as
 enough to pay the utilities, medical expenses, and car parts for my aging
 1986 piece of American S**T (I *love* learning how to fix it's broken
 parts!).  Food is noce, etc.  Just how much does that *take*?  Certainly
 nowhere *near* what I am used to being paid.  Would I work for free?  Yes.
 I've done it.  A lot.  Give away the money I haven't used?  Yep.  That

And if you asked whether I gave a rats ass, my answer would be no.  Look, do
whatever makes you happy.  I'm not forcing your hand one way or another.  It's
your life, you make your choices.  But as soon as you force me to do what YOU
do, it's not freedom.
 I think we are seeing here the actual capitalist (actual == native belief)
 vs the actual communist/socialist/democratrist (I often wonder where I
 should try to pigeonhole myself.  Closest to Libertarianism..).

Except for one little thing: you're free to do with your life what you will. 
Under a communist regime, that wouldn't be the case.  While you may be
perfectly happy working for nothing and giving your money away, I wouldn't.

But again, I wouldn't force you to accept money and keep it, but a communist
state would force me to work for free.  I'm not stating that you would force me
to work for free, but as soon as "you" become a government, that would be the

Re: Re: damn commie hypocrite leech! (was Re: Re: Re: why worry?)

2000-03-01 Thread Sunder

Amen brother!  Sing it again!  Ain't nothing sweeter than freedom.  And that's
as capitalist as you can get.

Now if only Uncle Sam would stop fucking it over with bullshit anti-gun,
anti-speech, insane taxes, and pro-bureocractic regulation bullshit laws!

Curtis Fockler wrote:
 Come on out of the basement boys.
 Try North Korea and Cuba for a commie view, for all you socialist, take a
 look at European friends, yeah that works well, or maybe take a look at what
 the bitch wanted to do with health care, thank-you freaks who put that pair
 in office.
 Lets take a look over to the sandy shore and and see what nerve gas they are
 testing on their people today.
 People and the right, yeah, I think the USA is good enough for me.  Yeah we
 have Waco, Ruby ridge and all the crap. But we are able to have all the crap
 and play a role in it if we want.
 Try that somewhere else in the world and see what happens.
 Freedom baby, sing it loud and proud, some people don't get to pick, but I
 do, and I pick freedom baby, sweet freedom.
 P.S. and to all those that bitch about having a choice, LEAVE...
 take care and protect that freedom...
 And if you get a chance to travel abroad and experience some of other
 people's freedom in the world, do it and lets see you bitch about something
 you know nothing about.
 Oh yeah, what ever go god you believe in loves you, try that somewhere else,
 I know, I know, don't mix the pol relg,

 Kaos Keraunos Kybernetos  
 + ^ +  Sunder  "Only someone completely distrustful of   /|\ 
  \|/   [EMAIL PROTECTED]all government would be opposed to what /\|/\ 
--*--  we are doing with surveillance cameras" \/|\/ 
  /|\   You're on the air.   -- NYC Police Commish H. Safir.  \|/ 
 + v +  Say 'Hi' to Echelon  "Privacy is an 'antisocial act'" - The FedZ. ---
I love the smell of Malathion in the morning, it smells like brain cancer.

Re: Re: damn commie hypocrite leech! (was Re: Re: Re: why worry?)

2000-02-29 Thread Missouri FreeNet Administration

On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, Sunder wrote:
:Missouri FreeNet Administration wrote:
: (J.A. Terranson donned his extra heavy asbestos underwear, then appended
: his thoughts thusly...)
: (1) I would argue that there has yet to *be* an actual *Communist* state
: by which we could gauge the Communist existense.
:Erm, what, Russia is not good enough an example for you?

No, it is definitely not.  the USSR (not "Russia" BTW) was no more a
genuine communist state than the US is a genuine capitalist state. 

:If you agree (and I
:don't speak for you) that there is no perfect version of capitalism, but the
:USA is the closest,

Sorry, I do not agree with this statement.  It is mere propaganda. See

:then would not pre-fall Russia be a perfect example of

No.  Prefall USSR was an almost perfect example of Fascism.
: (2) I have a *big* problem with Americans not caring what conditions are
: like in the rest of the world: it allows us to continue to both tolerate
: and perpetrate such crimes as we have been committing in Iraq over the
: last 10 years or so.  And then of course there are the shenanigans in
: Honduras, Columbia, and let's not forget our dear "friends" the
: Sandinistas...  American apathy for all things not *directly* (we don't,
: as a people, seem to understand the concept of indirect events) affecting
: America^h^h^h^h^h^H The "United" States is our greatest (IMNSHO) fault.
:Ok, well, just go and ask the Average Russian(tm) if he gives a rat's ass about
:some Average American(tm) bitching about how his beer and his pack of
:cigarettes are too expensive these days, or about any other topic.  I'd guess
:(remember, I don't speak for the Average Russian either) that he'd say "Fuck
:you" in so many words.

This argument does not address my point.  I have just as much of a problem
with the average Russian not giving a rats ass about my beer and
cigarettes.  I'm fatally flawed in that I believe that a thinking creature
(and I am convinced that at least *some* humans fall into this category)
must use this ability to serve *everybody*.  That may well be best done
through serving ones self, but this is not the question under
consideration here.

: (3) As for the statement (which I choose to take as a "stand alone", e.g.,
: not requiring the support of McG's other positions) that most Americans
: are oblivious to the conditions they themselves live in: I believe it is
: true only in the sense that we as a people very much *choose* to *fein*
: this lack of insight.  
:Bottom line - it's human nature to not be interested in what doesn't affect you

I disagree:  that is animal nature.  If man wants to claim the higher
ground, s/he will have to play the part.

:I honestly couldn't give a rats ass at what went on in Bosnia.  If you asked me
:what I thought of millions of people getting killed, I'd tell you it's a sad
:thing, and I do feel it's sad.  But it doesn't affect me.  It's not "real" to
:me the same way that living my own life is.  Knowledge as an outsider and first
:hander are different.

There is a distinct difference between the concepts of "first hand
knowledge" and "not giving a rats ass".  That you see them as one in the
same is the root of the problem here.

: Interesting side story here(to prove my assertion that these high-wage,
: low  physical effort jobs are in fact *forced* on much of the population
: as a sort of opiate):  Recently (last 6 weeks or so) I have been making
: the job rounds (boredom has *definitely * set in).  Just for the *fun* of
: it, I applied to about a dozen "shitbox" jobs: Jack-in-the-box, MickyD,
: etc.  One of them went so far as to "permit"  me to take their applicant
: "test" (How many burritos do you need for an order with 2 burritos? g).
: Not a single one of them called me back.  I was *serious* about taking
: these jobs: the money was unimportant, but not a single one of these
: places could be convinced of that.  On the other hand, when I finally gave
: up and went back to applying for jobs more "in my field g", I managed 4
: immediate offers (of which only 2 look interesting).
:Interesting experiment... :)

It wasn't done as an experiment though: I was legit in wanting that job.
I just wanted a change of pace, with something *totally* new and different
to learn (how to make 4 million french fries in 1 afternoon *is* a new
skill for me ;-).  I wouldn't have applied if I wasn't serious.

: No matter how you slice it, we are forced into the peter principle in this
: country.  Is this a bad thing? I'm not really sure, although I *am* a
: little bit bitter that I won't get to wear a red baseball cap with pins
: all over it and ask if you would like that Super-Sized ;-)
:Doubtful.  As long as you can make money, what's the difference? 

I don't really give a rats ass about the money: don't you *get it*?  A LOT
of us don't care about he friggin money!!!  I work because I find it
fulfilling.  The day that stops, I look for new