Marxist apopalypse begins

2018-04-26 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Cultural-/ neo- marxism, the fundament of our "modern" and largely
Godless society, as Jordan Peterson points out so poignantly.

Tom Luongo is a little "daily tabloid" in his somewhat adjective
laden summary of the historical moment we are collectively
witnessing, yet it's accurate - the game is steadily shifting, a
steam roller of woke thankfully overarching the left/right identity
schism which was seemingly unstoppable in its bifurcationing rift
tearing society apart.

Kanye West And The Utopia Trap

The Culture War is over.  The Marxists lost.

They were always going to lose.  Because cultural Marxism cannot
sustain itself without feeding off of other people’s wealth.  It’s a
parasitic ideology that first consumes the host then drives it mad to
destroy everyone else.

After the 2016 election of Donald Trump when Kanye West had his
famous meltdown on stage and walked off during a show it was a
pivotal moment.

Many saw an enfant terrible throwing a tantrum and crying for
attention  But I didn’t.  I heard a man whose world-view was in flux
and causing him real pain.

The kind of pain that changes a man.

It’s a moment when you look at what you’ve built and see it for what
it is.  In Kanye’s case it wasn’t his art that was the problem, it
was the reaction to it.  The system supporting it.

He saw the politics and structure of the music industry, rightly, as
just another mechanism of social control. He railed against radio,
MTV and the rest of the distribution system.

He saw his place within it, how it was driving artists and fans
apart, to bicker and argue while the real power lay with those
controlling and stoking the conflicts.

And he torched it.  Willingly.  With an almost hyper self-awareness.

Fast forward to this week when Kanye emerges from his personal 40
days in the desert and tweets out, as Scott Adams said, “Seven Words
that Changed Everything.”

I love the way Candace Owens thinks
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 21, 2018

Scott’s right about that.  I’m not sure about his whole “Golden Age”
thing (watch the video linked above).  But, I am sure that Kanye West
put paid his promise to his fans that he pissed off in November 2016
that he would be a change agent.

That he wasn’t going to go along to get along, stay quiet, be a good
boy and reap the benefits of a system he saw as corrupt and

Like Kanye or hate him, in this moment you have to respect him.

What he did this week goes far beyond red-pilling a large swath of
the American black community about how the Democrats take them for
granted, use them for their purposes.

What he did was throw the entirety of cultural Marxism into the
ashbin of history.  He just took a massive dump on the entire canon
of identity politics.

And then he lit it on fire and threw it on the Gatekeepers of
Culture’s front door.
Actions Over Intentions

I don’t know how much of Kanye’s original rant was calculated
performance art but I don’t care.  As an economist I’ve trained
myself to dispense with such nonsense.

Because you don’t measure a man by his intentions.  You measure him
by his actions.

This is one of the fundamental issues of identity politics and
Marxism. The insistence that intentions are more important than

Cultural Marxists wrap themselves in the moral high ground, stating
their intentions are noble and selfless. The are putting the
community over themselves, while denigrating those honest enough to
admit they act for themselves first and the community second.

And this is their defense mechanism for deflecting criticism when
their plans fail.

At least our intentions were pure. 

But, as Ayn Rand rightly pointed out, altruism doesn’t exist.  One
helps another person because it satisfies their own needs first and
the object of their help second.

Some people get immense satisfaction in helping others.

And there is nothing immoral about that. It doesn’t taint their good
works with the stain of profit.   It simply is.

So, I don’t care if Kanye did these things for purely selfish reasons
or not.  I don’t think he did.  But, he could be the kind of
malignant narcissist his critics accuse him of being, most of whom
today side with the cultural Marxists.

I just know that whatever his reasons he destroyed the narrative of
minority victimization.  And he did it with the precision of a brain
surgeon, cutting out the ideological rot in millions of brains with
seven words.

As a writer, I’m a bit jealous.

As a human being I’m eternally grateful.
It’s Not My Fault!

And this is why the Culture War is over. It’ll take some time, but
this period of history is the culmination of more than a hundred
years of Marxism as the dominant political ideology.

Their long march through the institutions is complete just in time to
see all of these institutions fail.

They aren’t failing all at once.  A pension system here, a small
country’s hyperinflation there.  Bu

“security is no excuse for poor performance”, says seL4 FTW

2018-04-26 Thread Zenaan Harkness
For those unwilling to compromise, the stack begins …

Easy introductions:

 seL4 is free: What does this mean for you? (2015)

 From L3 to seL4: What have we learned in 20 years
 of L4 microkernels? (2014)

(from here:
  The seL4 kernel is a burgeoning project that’s been creating a buzz
  in the security world for its uncompromising capability-based
  security model that comes with end-to-end proofs of conformance to
  its formal specification. It’s a microkernel, and it’s the fastest
  of its ilk. It says, “Security is no excuse for poor performance!”,
  and then backs it up. It’s open source. It’s free. It’s an
  increasingly relevant disruption in the Operating Systems monolith.
  These invariants allow us to prove that any kernel memory access is
  not to a device register, no matter what the initialisation
  component does, and no matter whether it is trusted or not. This
  means, verification helped us to not only improve one specific
  case, but also makes sure this entire kind of problem will not
  re-occur, and to reduce the trust that is necessary in the rest of
  the system.


Plenty to learn, plenty to improve (from the raspberry pi 3 link
  There is no silver-tongued way to say, that seL4 has a fairly
  involved build-dependency set-up procedure. We know it’s tedious,
  and we’re working on it.
  Here’s the simple description: you’ll need a compiler toolchain
  that can target your platform, and the “Repo” script, which is
  really just a script released by Google, that is a git
  submodule-management replacement. We use some Python scripts to
  generate some headers and our custom bitfield functions, so you’ll
  need some python modules. Slap on an XML parser which we use to
  generate our syscall invocation stubs, and ncurses for our “make
  menuconfig”, and you’re good to go.

O—M—G, sounds too difficult for folks round ’ere ... ;D

Hero level bonus for the significance junkie who just can't get
enough and is not in need of a trigger warning, cry-in, or
  Plug in SNABB as an isolated ubermaxx performance user space
  network snack and build that GPL chaff-filled I2P module the
  world awaits with baited breath…

Dang, you know you love it :)

YOU Are Being Social Scored and Controlled

2018-04-26 Thread grarpamp

Audiobook: The Most Dangerous Superstition

2018-04-26 Thread grarpamp

Makers: Open Simple LIDAR

2018-04-26 Thread grarpamp

Replacing Facebook
AMA Mike Hearn

Re: Makers: Open Simple LIDAR

2018-04-26 Thread juan
On Thu, 26 Apr 2018 14:38:58 -0400
grarpamp  wrote:

> AMA Mike Hearn

lawl at google agent, government agent scum hearn.

"we are working on encrypting the entire ledger using Intel
SGX, such that no human has access to the raw unencrypted data

looks like he and his accomplices don't see themselves as

Re: Makers: Open Simple LIDAR

2018-04-26 Thread grarpamp
> "we are working on encrypting the entire ledger using Intel
> SGX, such that no human has access to the raw unencrypted data
> "

"SGX isn't perfect - life is full of tradeoffs, and I'd love to move
to zero knowledge proofs once the technology has developed further"

"Intel ME isn't a backdoor - it's just a secondary computer"

"it's treated as part of the chipset so the tools for doing so were
given to computer manufacturers, not end users."

Right, a computer you have no fucking idea what it does,
what's inside it, what it's software is, or how to own it.
And you want to put money and secrets on it
and connect it to the internet? Lol.

Not that it matters since the entire planet runs
on completely closed and thus untrustable
hardware, and software, connected to the internet.

Sane people would rather trust opensource math
than closed hardware, or at least call out that
their worshipped hardware is in fact... closed.

There's just no excuse for not publicly loudly calling out
closed shit and demanding #OpenFabs , #OpenHW .

Instead of doing that, seems like everyone bought
the "security is number one" kool-aid Intel spun out
during Meltdown / Spectre / etc. Fools.

Re: Makers: Open Simple LIDAR

2018-04-26 Thread Steven Schear
Without having open hardware designs and trusted fabs about the best you
can do is use as many discrete components as possible and FPGAs (whose
designs greatly minimize places to hide backdoors). Definitely avoid SoCs.

These guys appear to be using some of the best ideas:

On Thu, Apr 26, 2018, 9:11 PM grarpamp  wrote:

> > "we are working on encrypting the entire ledger using Intel
> > SGX, such that no human has access to the raw unencrypted data
> > "
> "SGX isn't perfect - life is full of tradeoffs, and I'd love to move
> to zero knowledge proofs once the technology has developed further"
> "Intel ME isn't a backdoor - it's just a secondary computer"
> "it's treated as part of the chipset so the tools for doing so were
> given to computer manufacturers, not end users."
> Right, a computer you have no fucking idea what it does,
> what's inside it, what it's software is, or how to own it.
> And you want to put money and secrets on it
> and connect it to the internet? Lol.
> Not that it matters since the entire planet runs
> on completely closed and thus untrustable
> hardware, and software, connected to the internet.
> Sane people would rather trust opensource math
> than closed hardware, or at least call out that
> their worshipped hardware is in fact... closed.
> There's just no excuse for not publicly loudly calling out
> closed shit and demanding #OpenFabs , #OpenHW .
> Instead of doing that, seems like everyone bought
> the "security is number one" kool-aid Intel spun out
> during Meltdown / Spectre / etc. Fools.

Re: Makers: Open Simple LIDAR

2018-04-26 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 05:11:00AM +, Steven Schear wrote:
> Without having open hardware designs and trusted fabs about the best you
> can do is use as many discrete components as possible and FPGAs (whose
> designs greatly minimize places to hide backdoors). Definitely avoid SoCs.
> These guys appear to be using some of the best ideas:


I've unsubbed from main stream hw provider "latest discount" mailing
lists just recently, having discovered Purism.

They're a great step in the right direction, notwithstanding current

> On Thu, Apr 26, 2018, 9:11 PM grarpamp  wrote:
> > > "we are working on encrypting the entire ledger using Intel
> > > SGX, such that no human has access to the raw unencrypted data
> > > "
> >
> > "SGX isn't perfect - life is full of tradeoffs, and I'd love to move
> > to zero knowledge proofs once the technology has developed further"
> >
> > "Intel ME isn't a backdoor - it's just a secondary computer"
> >
> > "it's treated as part of the chipset so the tools for doing so were
> > given to computer manufacturers, not end users."
> >
> > Right, a computer you have no fucking idea what it does,
> > what's inside it, what it's software is, or how to own it.
> > And you want to put money and secrets on it
> > and connect it to the internet? Lol.
> >
> > Not that it matters since the entire planet runs
> > on completely closed and thus untrustable
> > hardware, and software, connected to the internet.
> >
> > Sane people would rather trust opensource math
> > than closed hardware, or at least call out that
> > their worshipped hardware is in fact... closed.
> >
> > There's just no excuse for not publicly loudly calling out
> > closed shit and demanding #OpenFabs , #OpenHW .
> >
> > Instead of doing that, seems like everyone bought
> > the "security is number one" kool-aid Intel spun out
> > during Meltdown / Spectre / etc. Fools.
> >

Re: Makers: Open Simple LIDAR

2018-04-26 Thread juan
On Fri, 27 Apr 2018 00:09:06 -0400
grarpamp  wrote:

> Instead of doing that, seems like everyone bought
> the "security is number one" kool-aid Intel spun out
> during Meltdown / Spectre / etc. Fools.

that's  because from the point of view of ordinary retards,
the 'arguments' are perfectly sound. 

the government is good and the source of all justice,  and
intel and any other big business exist only to 'serve

so, given a supremely just government like the amerikkkan
government and the amazing 'free market' firms that the govt
created (by 'protecting human rights') no sane person would
doubt their good intentions and technical skills.

also, open source security might be better in some ideal
scenario,  but close source works pretty well for the
industrial mafia. Of course closed source stuff can be
reverse engineered given enough resources, but the vast
majorith of people don't have those resources.