Media Write Protection / Crypto Devices / BadUSB - #OpenFabs #OpenHW

2018-10-12 Thread grarpamp
>>> This is the use case for Tails. . . . [T]here are no writes to storage,
>>> unless users configure [otherwise] . . . .

> Sure, but this isn't a _Tor_ issue. It's just about Tor browser, which
> is just (heavily) modified Firefox. And although I'm no software expert,
> I'm guessing that it's impossible to guarantee what some code will or
> won't leave behind when it crashes. Even if you tweaked the browser to
> never write temp files to disk, and keep everything in RAM, you couldn't
> guarantee that the OS won't write stuff to disk.

> That is, unless there _is_ no disk, as in Tails. Even with Whonix,
> traces likely remain in the virtual disk.

There is never "no" disk, just a matter of which ones
are plugged into the box, physically, or remotely.

Only old SCSI, optical, some floppy / tape mediums
had functional hardware write protect. Even burnables
could conceivably have more bits burnt, or burnt down,

USB and SD are software honor system write protect.

Most people don't even know they can disable swap
and keep system mounted read-only, that's basic.

Uid 0 can write to all firmware and user areas on all

Some flash chips and controllers can be soldered / cut
per docs to enable write protect lines.

No media lasts forever, is bug free, or bitrot proof.

Kanguru does make a hardware write protect USB series.
Transcend Jetflash, PQI, and others might.
Some claim to offer additional protections such
as signed firmware loads, etc.

Any firmwares involved may or may not be protected
against BadUSB... ask them how their write protect
etc works... if you're brave / dumb enough to believe their
non #OpenFabs , non #OpenHW marketing lies about it.

Same goes for any claims about integrated AES
encryption hardware, PKI sticks, crypto key modules,
hardware enclaves, and all other backdoored junk you
can't see, etc.
Including from the likes of Intel, Apple, Trezor...

Even from opensource OS that refuse to implement block storage
opcode command filtering to help prevent at least some
user level propagation common with shared / public systems.

Blaze speculates that the USB attack may in fact already be common
practice for the NSA. He points to a spying device known as
Cottonmouth, revealed earlier this year in the leaks of Edward
Snowden. The device, which hid in a USB peripheral plug, was
advertised in a collection of NSA internal documents as
surreptitiously installing malware on a target’s machine. The exact
mechanism for that USB attack wasn’t described. “I wouldn’t be
surprised if some of the things [Nohl and Lell] discovered are what we
heard about in the NSA catalogue.”

The alternative is to treat USB devices like hypodermic needles.

Nohl says he and Lell reached out to a Taiwanese USB device maker,
whom he declines to name, and warned the company about their BadUSB
research. Over a series of emails, the company [Phison] *repeatedly
denied* that the attack was possible.

Remember, BadUSB porn got Bin Laden :) ... maybe.

Rubber up your duckies, check hashes, backup, be insane!

#OpenFabs , #OpenHW , #OpenSW , #OpenDev , #OpenBiz

When will you ever learn... it's not that hard.

Cc the biased and censored metzdowd list because...

Re: Recorded by a system like personal black box??

2018-10-12 Thread jim bell

Audio from murder recorded on Khashoggi's Apple Watch, maybe linked by radio to 
an iphone outside the Saudi Embassy?
                Jim Bell

On Thursday, October 11, 2018, 10:25:32 PM PDT, jim bell 
 Audio recording reportedly proves Khashoggi was killed in consulate, Turkey 


Cryptocurrency: Nation State to Empire, Monetary Theory

2018-10-12 Thread grarpamp

Secret Bases UK et al

2018-10-12 Thread grarpamp

The Black Vault Government Document Archive

2018-10-12 Thread grarpamp

AP Variation

2018-10-12 Thread John Young
Paul Rosenfeld Accused of Planning "Sortition" to Blow-up DC National 
Mall on November 6, 2018 

All your law are belong to us - Israeli Court Sentences 2 New Zealand Skanks for Promoting Boycotts - [PEACE] [TDS]

2018-10-12 Thread Zenaan Harkness
(((Your))) newly minted International Justice system being tested,

IRL, really, seemingly the LULZ but no, this is for real.

Seems there are ⟨⟨⟨some folks⟩⟩⟩ we are not allowed to criticize or
something - who woulda thunked it?

Israeli Court Sentences 2 New Zealand Skanks for Promoting Boycotts,
Wants to Steal Money Directly from Their Bank Accounts
  Two New Zealand women have been ordered by an Israeli court to pay
  damages for allegedly persuading pop singer Lorde to cancel a show
  in Israel.

 …Even some of the NPCs from Breitbart are starting to ask questions…

Re: free speech or die, mofos! - Lana Lokteff calls for action 'gainst Big Tech - [PEACE] [MINISTRY]

2018-10-12 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Bam!  Just like that, 800 conservative FaceBook accounts, millions of
followers - all gone.

So sad.

Gone for evah muh exalted libber tardian!

 Facebook Purges Over 800 Accounts With Millions Of Followers;
 Prominent Conservatives Vanish
  "After 5 years of building fans Facebook has officially unpublished
   our page (3.1 million fans) so we can't post on it anymore."

Remember Mark Zuckerberg's quote: “They trust me - dumb fucks!”

(For anyone who mistakenly thought that by using [FaceBookerberg |
 Jewgle | Twatter | etcStein] that they were the product - nope, not
 according to Zuckerberg.)

Welp, that should fortify Zuckerberg's 2024 US presidential urn.

HA! For that offer you can't refuse, there's CNN.
For everything else, there's dumb f.

On Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 08:00:37AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
>  But muh corporations must be free!
>  Muh muffugin shares!
>  Muh "free" corporate monopolies!
>  Muhfuggin Libertarian rights!
>  Suck it up buttercup - you be sheep, nyet gazillionaire$;
>  we be trenchin from now, from here, not there in
>  your utopian imagi-bullshit-nation.
>  But muh upotian bushtits are the best buffslishts we ebbah
>  seen in dum histary off muh world!??? Surely?!?!?!?!?
>  Non! You bin edumacated, muh fellow sheeple!
>  Wake up and smell (((thy shit)))!
> Leading Russian-American Alt-Right YouTuber Makes a Great Case for
> Laws Against Censorship (Lana Lokteff)