on freedom - Re: [WAR] - Re: (53) Gaddafi's Prophecy, 2011 - "Europe will turn black" - YouTube

2018-10-23 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Not many countries have been 100% (as in absolutely, completely, one
hundred percent)


Australia up until Bretton Woods (just near the end of WWII) and
Libya under Gaddafi are two stunning examples.

In the case of Australia, we were an industrious, fair minded
Christian nation formed on a resource rich country.

In the case of Libya, it was under the authority of a benevolent
dictator in a resource rich country (essentially indisputable in the
face of the example of almost all other countries - refer factoids

Gaddafi was mocked, even by other Arab leaders.

Australia was undermined (as with most all other Western nations) by
the (((banking cabal))) and the debt based enslavement system - a
mathematically very simple system by the way - grains of rice brah :)

Where do we begin from now?

We must proclaim and hold true to those fundamentals which, in our
own context, our own time, we know to be true.

Free housing and free food are not rights.

Freedom of speech is a right.

Free transport could be a benefit of a strong and prosperous nation -
it is not a right.

Freedom to travel by one's own means, anonymously whilst safely, is a

"The community" has a right, via its "chosen" organs of power, to
sanction poor conduct, but the state, nor any other entity, may ever
take away the right.

Live your truth, connect with those who share your heart, your will,
your understanding, prosper in body as well as in spirit.

Good luck all,

Gaddafi/ Qadhafi/ Qaddafi/ Qaddhafi:

Gaddafi speech -'America hanged Saddam and we might be next! (with
-f43 (best) ~= 25MiB

50 million muslims In Europe and 80% are living on welfare
-f43 (best) ~= 20MiB

Muammar Gaddafis SHOCKING Secret
  Published on Dec 25, 2016
  Under Qaddafi’s rule, Libya  attained the highest standard of
  living in Africa, it was the only debt free country in Africa, He
  raised the literacy rate from 20% to 83%, he built one of the
  finest free health care systems in the third world, therefore
  raising the life expectancy from 44 to 75 years, Qaddafi gave women
  full access to education and employment and enabled the women to
  serve in the armed forces. Gaddafi provided to its citizens what is
  denied to many Americans or Europeans, free public health care,
  free education don't believe me? Check out the WHO and UNESCO DATA,
  Nelson Mandela called Muammar Qaddafi one of the 21st century’s
  greatest freedom fighters, the foreign powers conspired to murder
  Qaddafi, he was targeted by the CIA, France and UK since the 1970s.
  He was an enemy of the Dajjal System, an influencial enemy and had
  to be taken out. 2011 uprising was initiated and supported by Saudi
  Arabia, UAE and Qatar, may Allah trap the leaders of those
  countries with the storm of Aad, curse be upon them for betraying
  the ummah. But why did those countries betray Gaddafi? Qaddafi
  supported feverishly the Palestinian cause.
  Qaddafi hated all monarchs of the Gulfs, accusing them of being
  puppet and slaves to the west. Qaddafi supported anti-Zionist,
  pan-Africanist, and black civil rights movements. Qaddafi put up a
  communications satellite the first in Africa to bring the continent
  of Africa into the 21st century of technology. Gaddafi wanted to
  free Africans from the imperialism and the neocolonialism.

On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 08:04:16PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 03:13:17AM -0500, Ric wrote:
> > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLflLdIJeMw
> > 
> > Wow! Ric
> Beginning of transcript:
>  Qaddafi/ Gaddafi:
>  “Now you people in NATO listen to me - you are bombing the wall that
>   stopped African migration into Europe...
>   This wall stopped the terrorists from Al-Qaeda;
>   This wall was Libya.
>   You are destroying it, you fools...
>   For the many thousands of migrants from Africa, for your support of
>   Al-Qaeda, you will burn in hell, this is how it will be.
>  ”
>  Until 1968, Libya was a monarchy.
>  70% of the population lived below the poverty line.
>  Many were illiterate and lived in simple nomadic tents.
>  It was a typical, underdeveloped African country.
>  Gaddafi provided Libyans with the kind of life that made the rest of
>  the dark continent envious.
>  Out of a desert, arose the "8th wonder of the world" - the Great
>  Man-Made River [world's largest irrigation project].
>  He was able to create a system of irrigation throughout the desert,
>  through an underground pipe network.
>  Factories and enterprises began working throughout Libya, none of
>  which were there before.
>  Not having payed a single Dinar, Libyans moved from tents into
>  apartment blocks.
>  "Rent" did not exist.  

free speech or die, mofos! - Robert Faurisson, French champion of free speech, never cucked, dies at 89 - [PEACE] [MINISTRY]

2018-10-23 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Puttin' many to shame folks. Faurisson is up there with Grandma
Haverbeck, Duke and Anglin on the free speech front.

Rest in peace brother!

Heroic Holo-Skeptic Robert Faurisson has Passed Away at Age 89

On Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 08:57:16AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> Analysis, summary, thoughts:
> Where Does The Latest Social Media Purge Leave The State Of
> Social Discourse?
> https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-10-20/where-does-latest-social-media-purge-leave-state-social-discourse
>  - First they came for David Duke,
>  - then they came for The Daily Stormer,
>  - then they came for Alex Jones,
>  - then they came for everyone more than one standard deviation from
>the establishment or "deep state" party-line
>  - then they came for me...
> IRL folks. I. R. L.
> On Sun, Oct 14, 2018 at 03:14:40PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > It's anuddah free speech shoah folks, literally.
> > 
> > 'Like a death blow': Banned alternative media speak to RT after mass
> > Facebook purge
> > https://www.rt.com/usa/441140-facebook-purge-victims-speak/
> > 
> > The Facebook Purge: Corporate America's War on Alternative Media
> > https://sputniknews.com/radio_loud_and_clear/201810131068843495-facebook-purge-alternative-media/
> > 
> > 
> > Also, RT getting "speech shoahed":
> > 
> > First They Came For the Alt-Right, Then They Came For Alex Jones,
> > THEN They Came for the Russians
> > https://dailystormer.name/first-they-came-for-the-alt-right-then-they-came-for-alex-jones-then-they-came-for-the-russians/
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Intense in the speech trenches ... Haverbeck, Robinson, Anglin, Duke,
> > Jones, RT.com, and collectively 1000s of Twatter, FaceBookerberg and
> > Jewwgle accounts and 10s of millions of followers.
> > 
> > And the USA values free speech?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Fri, Oct 12, 2018 at 10:02:08PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > > Bam!  Just like that, 800 conservative FaceBook accounts, millions of
> > > followers - all gone.
> > > 
> > > So sad.
> > > 
> > > Gone for evah muh exalted libber tardian!
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  Facebook Purges Over 800 Accounts With Millions Of Followers;
> > >  Prominent Conservatives Vanish
> > >  
> > > https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-10-11/facebook-purges-over-800-accounts-millions-followers-including-conservative-meme
> > >   "After 5 years of building fans Facebook has officially unpublished
> > >our page (3.1 million fans) so we can't post on it anymore."
> > > 
> > >  https://www.rt.com/usa/441040-facebook-deplatforms-political-pages/
> > >  https://www.rt.com/usa/441063-ron-paul-political-tensions/
> > >  
> > > https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2018/10/11/facebook-purged-over-accounts-pages-pushing-political-messages-profit/
> > >  https://www.foxnews.com/tech/facebook-purges-800-accounts
> > >  
> > > https://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2018/10/facebook-purges-over-800-accounts-pages-pushing-po.html
> > >  https://phys.org/news/2018-10-facebook-purged-spam-accounts-pages.html
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Remember Mark Zuckerberg's quote: “They trust me - dumb fucks!”
> > > 
> > > (For anyone who mistakenly thought that by using [FaceBookerberg |
> > >  Jewgle | Twatter | etcStein] that they were the product - nope, not
> > >  according to Zuckerberg.)
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Welp, that should fortify Zuckerberg's 2024 US presidential urn.
> > > 
> > > HA! For that offer you can't refuse, there's CNN.
> > > For everything else, there's dumb f.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > On Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 08:00:37AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > > >  But muh corporations must be free!
> > > >  Muh muffugin shares!
> > > >  Muh "free" corporate monopolies!
> > > >  Muhfuggin Libertarian rights!
> > > > 
> > > >  Suck it up buttercup - you be sheep, nyet gazillionaire$;
> > > >  we be trenchin from now, from here, not there in
> > > >  your utopian imagi-bullshit-nation.
> > > > 
> > > >  But muh upotian bushtits are the best buffslishts we ebbah
> > > >  seen in dum histary off muh world!??? Surely?!?!?!?!?
> > > > 
> > > >  Non! You bin edumacated, muh fellow sheeple!
> > > >  Wake up and smell (((thy shit)))!
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Leading Russian-American Alt-Right YouTuber Makes a Great Case for
> > > > Laws Against Censorship (Lana Lokteff)
> > > > https://russia-insider.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fa2faf7034c3c3c413cb3652f=6e91d674bf=5110f4b440
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lana_Lokteff
> > > > 

US twists Ecuador re Assange, Assange sues Ecuador, Saudi's pissed

2018-10-23 Thread grarpamp





Free Assange.

Re: Yet another reason to call him #$%& Re: yet another reason...

2018-10-23 Thread Steve Kinney

On 10/21/18 6:46 PM, juan wrote:
> On Sat, 20 Oct 2018 15:12:22 -0400
> Steve Kinney  wrote:
>> The high volume of torrent traffic over i2p, 
>   I wasn't aware that i2p is mainly used for torrents? 

I don't recall the statistics but I would guess that torrents account
for at least 95% of the traffic on that network.  Maybe more like
99-point-something percent.

>   Last time I checked their eepsites(or whatever they are called) I 
> didn't find anythign interesting or 'criminal'. In other words, nobody seems 
> to be using i2p to host anything of value. And I saw more than a few sites 
> that looked that like russian honeypots. 

A website on the i2p network (eepsite) can host any files the user puts
in the site's /docroot directory.  That would include subdirectories
with their own index pages, not publicly advertised and available only
to "confidential" correspondents who know the names of the subdirectory
and index pages in question.  That's not quite a "digital dead drop" but
comes close.

I used to run a moderately popular eepsite and seeded lotsa torrents.
"Who" I was and what I may have distributed aside from publicly
advertised content is for me to know and others to guess.  Let's just
say I did it as an exercise and for amusement purposes only.  Last time
I checked, some of the stuff I seeded out was still bouncing around in
there years later.  :o)

>> and the lng duration of
>> typical downloads (25kbps counts as 'decent speed' in there), greatly
>> complicate matters for anyone doing traffic analysis, compared to the
>> hit-and-run pattern of TOR usage that typically lights up an entry and
>> exit router for just a few minutes per user session, during which easily
>> fingerprinted clusters of packets, all of them "of interest" to
>> potential adversaries, flow thick and fast.
>   Which is exactly the reason why  torscum should be promoting the use of 
> their network for filesharing...if they were honestly interested in 
> protecting userswhich of course they are not. 

The Tor Project's position on torrent traffic never made sense to me.
More users and more traffic add up to more security.  If casual users
see a bit more lag, so what?  In every instance where security vs. end
user arises convenience arises, TOR chooses convenience.

I was also very disappointed when the TOR Browser distribution dropped
support for router configuration; now they have done away with the last
scrap of that. "The Tor circuit display has been relocated and improved!
Click the Site Identity button (located on the left side of the URL bar)
to see the new circuit display" is a lie; there's no such button in the
update I just installed (ver 8.03), which presents the quoted text on
its 'update completed' page, but nothing related in any menu accessible
to the user.

The browser's configuration menu does present "new identity" and "new
circuit for this site" buttons; that's all, folks!  The "Donate Now"
link on the TOR welcome page does work though.

>> than they would consider acceptable if they knew about
>> them.  The reluctance of intelligence services to reveal their
>> capabilities by acting on what they know too often provides the best
>> protection most users can get...
>   ...but that didn't work too well for ulbricht and a few others like 
> him...

I would say it worked exactly as expected for Ulbricht and a few others
like him:  Always expect a faulty cost/benefit estimate produces net
loss results.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: ByScience NewsApp: "Government corruption tops 5th annual Chapman University survey of American fears"

2018-10-23 Thread Marina Brown
Hash: SHA256

On 10/23/18 12:16 AM, jim bell wrote:
> On Monday, October 22, 2018, 11:08:42 AM PDT, juan
>  wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Oct 2018 21:52:44 + (UTC) jim bell
>  wrote:
>>> NEWS from Science NewsApp
>>> https://phys.org/news/2018-10-corruption-tops-5th-annual-chapman.htm
>>> "More Americans are afraid than ever,> "1. Corrupt government
>>> officials (73.6 percent)2. Pollution of oceans, rivers and
>>> lakes (61.6 percent)te]
>> notice that the objects under 'scientific study' aka american
>> subjects are afraid of 'corrupt' agents, not of government per
>> se. And it would be pretty funny to find out what 'corruption'
>> means to the fine 'scientists' doing the poll.
> Well, what we need to do is learn about the methodology of this
> poll.  Did the surveyers merely ask, "What are you most afraid of",
> or did they suggest the subjects:  Was the example "Corrupt
> government employees" provided to them?
> Also, I suspect that a lot of the results of this survey reflect,
> more or less, the product of the news media's commentary over the
> last few years.  The news media, most of them anyway, loved Obama,
> and many of them currently hate Trump.  That position has
> presumably rubbed off onto the public. And, I suspect that "corrupt
> government" is often, even usually defined as "government
> controlled by people that I don't want to see control it".   That
> may indeed be "corrupt", but perhaps they have no problem with
> "corruption" if done by the people they WANT to see in control of
> government.

In the US that is probably true.

Note - i dislike ALL of these candidates and presidents but here is my
rundown on corruption of the last few presidents.

Nixon - moderately corrupt but he got caught
Carter - not very corrupt. The thing with his brother being the touch
Reagan - moderately corrupt
Ford - not effective enough to be corrupt
Bush I - moderately corrupt
Clinton - heavy corruption
Bush II - more corrupt that Bush I
Obama - not very corrupt but very authoritarian
   He did eventually get rid of Hillary
Trump - heavilly corrupt businessman

Hillary - probably more corrupt than Bill

> Jim Bell

Lets look at this with real events and try to figure it out.

Where i live out in the sticks of the Northeast it is pretty
corrupt. A town clerk actually pocketed over a million dollars
of tax payments in a small town. ...And so far she has gotten
away with it.

- --- Marina


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