Anglin: “It was always 100% obvious to me that Gab was filled with feds” - [PEACE] - Re: latest false flag attack?

2018-10-27 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Fri, Sep 07, 2018 at 04:56:35PM -0700, Mirimir wrote:
> On 09/07/2018 03:57 PM, juan wrote:
> > it's been a while since the US military nazis, the wall street
> > bankers, other amerikan humanitarians and US empire vassal
> > states have carried their last false flag attack? A new one is
> > overdue? 
> > 
> > Is there any betting on it? =)
> I bet $10 that someone will assassinate Trump, during his first
> term, and implicate snowflakes.

Need a -real- false flag to motivate the kick back. Looks like we
mighta just got it:

Anglin: “It was always 100% obvious to me that Gab was filled with

And we know Gab is young and was marketed, just like Facebookerberg 
and Twatter as "free speech champion"s.

Anglin: “It is the absolute most obvious thing in the world that
because the bombing didn’t work, they pulled the mass shooting card.

I don’t know how this is going to affect the elections. But I do know
how it is going to affect something that is 1000 times more
important: free speech on the internet. It is going to be bad.”

Cryptocurrency: Banks and Wall Street Playbook Scam

2018-10-27 Thread grarpamp
On 10/27/18, Steven Schear  wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 1, 2018, 11:28 AM grarpamp  wrote:
> Financial scams like 2008 are always effective ops because
>> they don't teach any of that in school to the non elite masses.
> Great video on how the WS grandees missed prior major market opportunities,
> as they did the crypto asset boat, and are now talking their book so they
> can manipulate Bitcoin lower and get in at better prices and make a
> killing.

The full video is here

No different than geriatric politicians in thier lofty
retirement homes known as your Congresses when it
comes to foregone unstoppable rapid tech and societal change.

True, they missed the early curve and have been in
FOMO mode spilling FUD ever since the first big news
wave around 2013+. Anyone who sells spent money now,
rather than rebalance and spend and replace, is still likely
to miss out big time. The Cabal wants to be Bank players
in metering out coin at a premium to the masses 10
years out when the dolts of the earth get it on their
phones as paycheck to spend at the supermarket
while they sit back and collect trans fees and loans.
There are many reasons for them to spill FUD.
There is no other reason for them to be buying coin.
It is too risky for them to gamble on a suprise dump
scheme years from now from $250k back down to
their buy price at $5k in order to remain fiat kings,
when they could just keep accumulating coin,
dump fiat, and become coin kings.
They know cryptocurrency has them by the balls,
so now they're trying to run game.
What is mere interesting is what coins they're
buying and developing... whether those coins
are distributed decentralized mined confirmation
crypto-anarchy coins... or their own cabal shitcoins.

The Sheeple will accept as truth whatever coins work first.
So you need to beat the Banks, Steet, and Govts at their
game by getting your crypto-anarchy coin adopted right
fucking now before their Cabal-Govt shitcoins.
Or you will lose your chance forever.

You should have ignored all that Govt Bank
Permission ICO Shitcoin and Forking FUD.
But you ate it up like stupid sheeple.
Now you've got at least four years to make up by
working four times as hard to win adoption.

You don't need permission to do that.
Not then, not now, not ever.
Just do it.

Re: latest false flag attack?

2018-10-27 Thread grarpamp
Many Khashoggi's and Saud's...

“would destroy the entire master narrative of official liberal historiography” - Ivan "the terrible" - [PEACE]

2018-10-27 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Ivan "the terrible" was terrible to the western "elite" and Jewish
bankers running and profiting from the Slavic slave trade raids into
Russia, taking 100s of 1000s of Slavs and selling them all over "the

Bankers of yore, bankers of today. Russian slavic "near animals" of
Ivan's time, "it's the Russians!" of today.

A little history courtesy Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson:

Ivan the 'Terrible' Wasn't Terrible at All - an Oligarch-Busting,
Virtuous Hero, Demonized by the West

 … The Balkan Slavs and the Russians were at war with a huge network
 of capital at the end of the Renaissance that has yet to be analyzed
 in English. The tight bond among immensely wealthy Jews, European
 elites and Tartar empire-builders would destroy the entire master
 narrative of official liberal historiography.

 This alliance, and several others to the north and west, caused
 Moscow to engage in Herculean efforts to mobilize enough men and
 resources to keep three or four large enemies at bay simultaneously.
 This had to be done also with harsh winters, poor soil, difficult
 travel and internal divisions often goaded by foreigners. This is
 the source of the Muscovite policy of centralization and
 service-estate monarchy. It is the historical condition for the
 Russian mind and defined the Russian national character.4 

 The literature in English usually decries the “lust for power” of
 the tsars and the “massacre” of helpless Muslims and defenders of
 Kazan under Ivan IV. The official narrative is uncomfortable with
 the fact that Russia barely escaped total genocide at this time, and
 only by the total mobilization of every possible man to create a war
 machine capable of defending its own borders was Russia ever
 preserved at all. In the best of times this was a risky gamble. At
 the worst of times, millions of Russians were exterminated, enslaved
 and exploited.

Re: latest false flag attack?

2018-10-27 Thread Steven Schear
On Mon, Oct 1, 2018, 11:28 AM grarpamp  wrote:

Financial scams like 2008 are always effective ops because
> they don't teach any of that in school to the non elite masses.

Great video on how the WS grandees missed prior major market opportunities,
as they did the crypto asset boat, and are now talking their book so they
can manipulate Bitcoin lower and get in at better prices and make a killing.


Re: latest false flag attack?

2018-10-27 Thread Razer
Corrected link
juan >  well, I guess the latest false flag attack is : trumpo supporter 
sending 'pipe bombs' how fuckingly retarded can amaericans be? This seems like 
a new universal record. Not false flag... red herring. Diversion op.I think he 
was living in that van at shopping mall parking lots. I suppose he was building 
a brace of explosive devices on the foldout table next to the propane stove... 
ROTF Jajajajaja!. (and a hearty k for Cecilia) Speaking of explosive 
devices... seen a pic of the device and mailer?
 thing never left the post office it was dropped at.The van was new-looking as 
were the stickers. He was a nonpolitical felon who had threatened a bombing 
somewhere along the line in relation to some criminal act, or perhaps in a 
relationship spat, and they had his DNA. The perfect Patsy. Would be 
interesting to find out how this guy working at an AutoZone for a little over 
minimum wage found the money to buy the van or even make a down payment... 
considering he went bankrupt in 2012 and probably couldn't get any sort of 
loan.As far as Red Herring... diversion... What pray tell might they be 
diverting from?Maybe Donald Trump's longstanding relationship with the 
Khashoggi family?  My theory on this? 
That Khashoggi was really spying for the saudis on the US nuke weapons pgm with 
tacit consent of certain aspects of the US govt, was outed, and unlike Pollard 
was snatched home before being busted. It took a few days to smooth some 
ruffled feathers at the DOJ and grab the script from the 60s vintage horror 
movie House on Haunted Hill. Pepe Escobar has noted the CIA KNEW he was going 
to be snatched and did nothing further validating my hypothesis. He was too 
high value to be disposable. He was one of the CIA operators responsible for AQ 
when the US was using them to run the Russians out of Afghanistan. The only 
possible reason they MIGHT have killed him... That he was killed as a 
mafia-style message to Donald Trump, a long time friend of the Khashoggis that 
he WAS NOT to fuck with the current state of US-Saudi relations in re Yemen, 
nuclear power tech, etc no matter what, or else. Trump understands Mafia 
Messages. He IS mafia. See: which is 
well linked to high quality sources.Rr

Documentary: Loose Change, Remo Conscious

2018-10-27 Thread grarpamp

This documentary has at least 5 different versions,
last done in 2017. This one is An American Coup. Lies We Know Welcome to the Aftermath Loose Change In Plane Site

Re: latest false flag attack?

2018-10-27 Thread Razer

 Original message From: juan  Date: 
10/27/18  12:23 PM  (GMT-08:00) To: Subject: Re: 
latest false flag attack? >  well, I guess the latest false flag attack is : 
trumpo supporter sending 'pipe bombs' how fuckingly retarded can amaericans be? 
This seems like a new universal record. Not false flag... red herring. 
Diversion op.I think he was living in that van at shopping mall parking lots. I 
suppose he was building a brace of explosive devices on the foldout table next 
to the propane stove... ROTF Jajajajaja!. (and a hearty k for Cecilia) 
Speaking of explosive devices... seen a pic of the device and mailer?
 thing never left the post office it was dropped at.The van was new-looking as 
were the stickers. He was a nonpolitical felon who had threatened a bombing 
somewhere along the line in relation to some criminal act, or perhaps in a 
relationship spat, and they had his DNA. The perfect Patsy. Would be 
interesting to find out how this guy working at an AutoZone for a little over 
minimum wage found the money to buy the van or even make a down payment... 
considering he went bankrupt in 2012 and probably couldn't get any sort of 
loan.As far as Red Herring... diversion... What pray tell might they be 
diverting from?Maybe Donald Trump's longstanding relationship with the 
Khashoggi family?  My theory on this? 
That Khashoggi was really spying for the saudis on the US nuke weapons pgm with 
tacit consent of certain aspects of the US govt, was outed, and unlike Pollard 
was snatched home before being busted. It took a few days to smooth some 
ruffled feathers at the DOJ and grab the script from the 60s vintage horror 
movie House on Haunted Hill. Pepe Escobar has noted the CIA KNEW he was going 
to be snatched and did nothing further validating my hypothesis. He was too 
high value to be disposable. He was one of the CIA operators responsible for AQ 
when the US was using them to run the Russians out of Afghanistan. The only 
possible reason they MIGHT have killed him... That he was killed as a 
mafia-style message to Donald Trump, a long time friend of the Khashoggis that 
he WAS NOT to fuck with the current state of US-Saudi relations in re Yemen, 
nuclear power tech, etc no matter what, or else. Trump understands Mafia 
Messages. He IS mafia. See: which is 
well linked to high quality sources.Rr

Re: latest false flag attack?

2018-10-27 Thread juan

well, I guess the latest false flag attack is : trumpo supporter 
sending 'pipe bombs' 

how fuckingly retarded can amaericans be? This seems like a new 
universal record. 

Re: The Assassination Of Donald Trump

2018-10-27 Thread Razer
Cecilia Tanaka:>  I am sick of them saying that Trump and Trump supporters are 
"nazis" or "kkk".Oh, I can explain the "kkk" thing...  In other countries, the 
sound of written loud laugh is expressed in several different ways.  I like to 
laugh using "hahaha", but most of the Brazilian people usually laughs "kkk", 
"", or even ""!  :DIt is just a different "lol", NOT a support to 
the  - blargh! -  disgusting Ku Klux Khan.  Well, the sound of "ku" for us is a 
very, very bad word used to say "anus" in an offensive way.  It means 
"@sshole".It would be fun to say "I am a very proud @sshole", but no way...  It 
would not work well here, just in the USA, hahaha!!  ;DHey, do you use your 
official KKK clothes to ask for candies in the Halloween, pretending to be a 
ghost?   ;DOn Thu, Oct 25, 2018, 22:25 CANNON  

Re: the Expression Problem and its solutions - [PROGRAMMING]

2018-10-27 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 01:25:43PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

> Enter the White Knight, Clojure, with syntax so powerful only Lisp
> dialects raise their heads in a collective superiority sneer.

> (Observing Java's predicates and other such Lisp wanna be syntax,
>  it's rather fugly IMEHO.)



God's one and only son's programming language. The alpha and the
omega of conceptual reisms, the ultimate well for "mundane language
of the du jour" enhancements and new features, the unassailable,
maximally minimal, ultimately flexible in its sublime simplicity, the
inherently superior and every other superlative a humble language
such as English could even imagine...

... or ... well, actually yes, it's all these things and more, a
mathematically pure mind expanding logical construct of meta syntax
for the construction of logical constructs - so serenely ...


List just does that to you … draws out superlatives.

Well someone noticed this trait and ... attempts ... to call it out,
before falling smack into the same problem.

Woe be ye who enter here, into a twisty little maze of ye own
creation from fundaments so bracketingly voluptuous and enticingly
paleo, one wonders ... ah, one wonders ... oh firetruck it! Just
read it already:

How Lisp Became God's Own Programming Language
Languages 14 Oct 2018

  … Wouldn’t it be great if you could convince everyone that your new
  language had divine powers? But how would you even do that? How
  does a programming language come to be known as a font of hidden

  How did Lisp get to be this way?

  Theory A: The Axiomatic Language
  John McCarthy, Lisp’s creator, did not originally intend for Lisp
  to be an elegant distillation of the principles of computation.
  But, after one or two fortunate insights and a series of
  refinements, that’s what Lisp became. Paul Graham—we will talk
  about him some more later—has written that, with Lisp, McCarthy
  “did for programming something like what Euclid did for
  geometry.”(2) People might see a deeper meaning in Lisp because
  McCarthy built Lisp out of parts so fundamental that it is hard to
  say whether he invented it or discovered it.

[ You didn't -really- think an article poking fun at Lisp's Godly
  status could get away from such superlatives? :D ]

  … In 1960, McCarthy published his famous paper on Lisp called
  “Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation
  by Machine.” By that time, the language had been pared down to such
  a degree that McCarthy realized he had the makings of “an elegant
  mathematical system” and not just another programming language.(13)
  He later wrote that the many simplifications that had been made to
  Lisp turned it “into a way of describing computable functions much
  neater than the Turing machines or the general recursive
  definitions used in recursive function theory.”(14) In his paper,
  he therefore presented Lisp both as a working programming language
  and as a formalism for studying the behavior of recursive

  … That Lisp can be specified by such a small sequence of basic
  rules no doubt contributes to its mystique. Graham has called
  McCarthy’s paper an attempt to “axiomatize computation.”(15)

  Theory B: Machine of the Future
  … The Symbolics 3600 cost $110,000 in 1983.16 So most people could
  only marvel at the power of Lisp machines and the wizardry of their
  Lisp-writing operators from afar.

  Theory C: Learn to Program
  … In 1985, MIT professors Harold Abelson and Gerald Sussman, along
  with Sussman’s wife, Julie Sussman, published a textbook called
  Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. The textbook
  introduced readers to programming using the language Scheme, a
  dialect of Lisp. …
  SICP took Lisp and showed how it could be used to illustrate deep,
  almost philosophical concepts in the art of computer programming.
  Those concepts were general enough that any language could have
  been used, but SICP’s authors chose Lisp. As a result, Lisp’s
  reputation was augmented by the notoriety of this bizarre and
  brilliant book, which has intrigued generations of programmers (and
  also become a very strange meme).
  Lisp had always been “McCarthy’s elegant formalism”; now it was
  also “that language that teaches you the hidden secrets of

and on it goes...

PS: Found courtesy LWN Brief items:

"Juan, lite" aka Paul Craig Roberts lets rip on USA, Russia, Saudis and evil in general - [PEACE] [MINISTRY]

2018-10-27 Thread Zenaan Harkness
"Juan, lite" aka PCR, lets rip on Washington, Russia, the Saudis and
the prevailing of evil in this world.

Paul Craig Roberts On The Triumph Of Evil

On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 09:55:33PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> Paul Craig Roberts, known by the non obvious acronym "PCR" (God knows
> why…) is a former assistant to Reagan, but despite this (as we see so
> often in the USA once people lose any real authority) he now is an
> "anti-war commentator".
> Seems he must be at least a little more useful than a battery filled
> plastic tube since he's been banned by Twitter - go PCR, achievement
> unlocked, your "I was banned from Twitter" feather has been added to
> your culturally appropriate and linguistically sensitive head
> adornment:
> Twitter Bans Former Asst. Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts
>  … Roberts also suggested that "The Zionist Neoconservatives are
>  responsible for Washington's unilateral abandonment of the INF
>  treaty, just as they were responsible for Washington's unilateral
>  abandonment of the ABM Treaty [in 2002], the Iran nuclear agreement,
>  and the promise not to move NATO one inch to the East." 
>  Is this what got him suspended?
>  Roberts goes on to say that the ideology of US neoconservatives is
>  "akin to the German Nazy Party last century" in their ideology of
>  American supremacy and exceptionalism. 
>  "Their over-confidence about their ability to quickly defeat
>  Israel's enemies and open the Middle East to Israeli expansion got
>  the US bogged down in wars in the Middle East for 17 years ...
>  During this time, both Russia and China rose much more quickly than
>  the neoconservatives thought possible."
>   Dr. Roberts opined that US policy makers are seeking to weaponize
>   the Russian opposition and "pro-Western elements" to exert pressure
>   on Moscow into "accommodating Washington in order to have the
>   sanctions removed." On the other hand, the Trump administration's
>   new arms race could force Russia into spending more on defense,
>   according to the author. -Sputnik
>  While we don't know if Roberts' Sputnik interview resulted in his
>  Twitter ban 48 hours later, it's entirely possible.
>  …
> Nahhh, Shirley you must be Joe King? Highlighting Zionist Neocon
> actions wouldn't get a prominent (ex-"official" no less) speech
> shoahed?
> SURELY?!?!?!!???
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 08:57:16AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > Analysis, summary, thoughts:
> > 
> > Where Does The Latest Social Media Purge Leave The State Of
> > Social Discourse?
> >
> > 
> > 
> >  - First they came for David Duke,
> >  - then they came for The Daily Stormer,
> >  - then they came for Alex Jones,
> >  - then they came for everyone more than one standard deviation from
> >the establishment or "deep state" party-line
> >  - then they came for me...
> > 
> > 
> > IRL folks. I. R. L.