William Thomas Walsh: “I commenced my researches with a prejudice in favour of the poor persecuted Jews” - [PEACE]

2018-11-30 Thread Zenaan Harkness
>From le Wiki:

William Thomas Walsh

William Thomas Walsh (September 11, 1891 – February 22, 1949),[1]
born in Waterbury, Connecticut, was an historian, educator and
author; he was also an accomplished violinist. His educational
background included a B.A. from Yale University (1913). Walsh
received an honorary Litt.D. from Fordham University.


Born in Waterbury, Connecticut on September 11, 1891, William Thomas
Walsh attended local schools and received a bachelor's degree from
Yale University in 1913. the following year, he married Helen Gerard
Sherwood; they had six children. He began his career as a reporter,
working at papers in Waterbury and Hartford, Connecticut, New York
City, and on the Philadelphia Public Ledger. During the last year of
the Great War he held the position of Connecticut State Fuel

In 1918, he took up teaching English in Hartford’s public high
school. From 1919 to 1933, Walsh was head of the English Department
at the Roxbury School in Cheshire, Connecticut. He then became an
English professor at the Manhattanville College of the Sacred

In 1941, he was awarded the Laetare Medal by the University of Notre

Walsh received international attention for his biographies Isabella
of Spain and Philip II. In 1944, he was given Spain's highest
cultural honor, the Cross of Comendador of the Civil Order of Alfonso
the Wise, and also the 1944 Catholic Literary Award of the Gallery of
Living Catholic Authors.

Walsh's work was set apart by its well-researched, documented,
footnoted, and faithful account of history. Heralded for his
uncompromising devotion to truth and accuracy, Walsh's frank
retelling of many sensitive but nevertheless historical events
elicited both acclaim as well as personal attacks from detractors
within the Jewish community. For instance, Jewish writer Cecil Roth
claimed that Walsh's recounting of events in his acclaimed book The
Last Crusader: Isabella of Spain, which had earned Walsh Spain's
highest cultural honor, the Cross of Comendador of the Civil Order of
Alfonso the Wise, had crossed the line. Roth accused Walsh of being
an "anti-Semite." Roth's charge had followed Walsh's factual
repudiation of the works of Lea and Loeb, whose account of the Jews
in Spain during Isabella's reign held popular sway but had been
challenged as historically dubious, if not anti-Catholic. Walsh's
famous reply to Roth's ad-hominem attack was published in "The Dublin
Review, A Quarterly and Critical Journal, October 1932, London: Burns
Oates and Washbourne Ltd., pp. 232-25," wherein Walsh wrote: "Dr.
Roth begins by accusing me of reading Spanish history 'with the eyes
of the wildest anti-Semite'. There are two errors here. The term
'anti-Semite' is inaccurate. Surely Dr. Roth does not mean that I am
against the Arabs, Babylonians, Assyrians, Phoenicians, and other
Semitic peoples? He really means that I hate Jews. And that is false.
If anything, I commenced my researches with a prejudice in favour of
the poor persecuted Jews. It was a popular prejudice that shrank
considerably in the strong light of historical truth. . . ."

One of Walsh's most popular books was Our Lady of Fatima, which to
this day is considered one of the best and most accurate accounts of
the event. The account was based on his own personal interviews with
visionary Sister Lucia and many of the visionaries family members and


  The Mirage of the Many (1910)
  Isabella of Spain, the last crusader New York, R. M. McBride & company, 1930.
  Out of the Whirlwind (novel, 1935)
  Philip II (1937)
  Shekels (blank-verse play, 1937)
  Lyric Poems (1939)
  Characters of the Inquisition New York, P.J. Kennedy & Sons [c1940]
  "Gold" (short story)
  Babies, not Bullets! (booklet, 1940)
  Thirty Pieces of Silver (a play in verse)
  Saint Teresa of Ávila (1943)
  La actual situatión de España (booklet, 1944)
  El casa crucial de España (booklet, 1946)
  Our Lady of Fátima (Doubleday, 1947) ISBN 978-0-385-02869-1
  The Carmelites of Compiègne (a play in verse)
  Saint Peter, the Apostle (1948)

Re: IMPORTANT Imposters and community

2018-11-30 Thread Mirimir
On 11/28/2018 08:37 AM, kamoshin wrote:
> Hey Everyone,
> It has come to my attention that there are people trying to impersonate me. 
> Trying to claim Bitcoins promised to me years ago which I left to a community 
> member for safe keeping. I do not fully recall who'm I interacted with back 
> in the 2000's as my memory is poor. Though lately for some reason being 
> around exactly 10 years ago I am recalling some interactions. So if what I 
> describe reminds you of a conversation please email me. As I do not wish to 
> risk my property getting in bad hands. I have everything I need to prove my 
> claim. I have recalled a lot of things regarding the early days of Bitcoin 
> which are not public knowledge. Ask me anything? I can as well if need be 
> agree to an in person meeting if it is required to prove my claim. Though I 
> would rather keep my anonymity unless the community really wants me to become 
> more public. I could see myself as a more open figure like the rest of the 
> blockchain community & developers as the times have changed since the 2000's. 
> In 10 years Bitcoin has gotten a lot more mainstream and we are ready to move 
> forward to the next level of implementation. I have a few ideas ;)
> Best, Kamoshi Natosato

Something's up: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com/profile/SatoshiNakamoto

Re: The Forgotten Story of the Julian Assange of the 1970s

2018-11-30 Thread Steve Kinney

On 11/29/18 12:48 AM, jim bell wrote:
> https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/11/28/assange-wikileaks-prosecute-agee-covert-action-cia-222693
> Philip Agee.

Good one.  :o)

I do approve of Phil Agee - I literally shook his hand and thanked him
for his service - but he was not a Nice Man.  What he saw the U.S. doing
in Latin America - sponsoring and directing State terror campaigns
against opponents of U.S. backed totalitarian governments - pushed Agee
over to the Commie side.  He believed that the USSR and its allies
presented the only hope for relief from the U.S. reign of terror in
various countries south of the U.S. border.  Apparently it was the
systematic use of torture and murder to make examples of political
activists that really got to him.

Where widespread concerns about setting precedents negating First
Amendment press protections kept Agee from being prosecuted, Assange
already has "secret" U.S. criminal charges.  The charges against Assange
probably assert that he "conspired" with Russian Federation intelligence
agencies to harm the U.S. National Interest.

This tells us a lot about the evolution of U.S. public policy in the
years between:  Agee personally collected and published very damaging
classified information; Assange has only published materials provided by
others.  Agee committed criminal offenses under U.S. law; Assange is an
Australian under no legal obligation to obey any U.S. chain of command's
orders.  By the late 1980s Agee was free to travel and speak in the
United States.  If Assange sets foot outside the Ecuadorian embassy, a
joint US/British team already in place will snatch him and ship him to
the United States for a show trial.

What defensive strategies will Assange use going forward?  That's hard
to guess.  But I would suggest that anyone who approves of Wikileaks'
work, and happens to have access to damaging information related to the
individuals who would be personally involved in prosecuting Assange, can
contribute by collecting as much of that information as possible and
sending it along to Wikileaks.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Cyberpunk, Stasi Spies Youth SubCulture

2018-11-30 Thread John Newman

On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 08:34:19PM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> East German secret police guide for identifying youth subcultures (1985)
> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18532842
> https://twitter.com/industrial_book/status/1066411965004812288
> https://twitter.com/TurnerMarko/status/1066830331288973314
>  x220 3 hours ago [-]
> One subculture I got somewhat involved in was the internet
> cyberpunk-hacker culture, until about a year ago. Communicating
> through 4chan threads, alt-chans, and IRC channels, these users were
> always interesting to read from on various topics such as cyberpunk
> media, politics, current events, hacking, software, fashion, and
> travel.
> I'm dismayed that it petered out. I see the cyberpunk form of art and
> worldview as more useful with each passing year.
> reply
> peterwwillis 23 minutes ago [-]
> What was the cyberpunk worldview? Afaik it was something along the
> lines of "the world is run by vast networks of shadowy dystopian
> entities and we must use cryptography to resist this so we can have
> freedom" (basically, Information Technology libertarians)
> reply
> westmeal 18 minutes ago [-]
> That's the cypherpunks. Cyberpunks are 'high tech low lifes'.
> reply
> wavefunction 19 minutes ago [-]
> That's cypherpunks.
> reply
> malvosenior 2 hours ago [-]
> Do you have any theories as to why it petered out? Like you I feel
> it's more relevant today than ever before but also can't find a
> growing or healthy community with that mindset anymore.
> reply
> x220 2 hours ago [-]
> Aside from conspiracy-theorizing about current events (and I don't use
> that term pejoratively), people tended to discuss the same topics. New
> cyberpunk media doesn't come out very often, so people tended to talk
> about the same books, movies, manga, anime, videogames, and fashion.
> Some of the alt-chans with dedicated cyberpunk boards would run out of
> ideas to talk about pretty quickly, since there weren't enough posts
> that the website had to prune old threads like 4chan did.
> Another hypothesis I have is that cyberpunk media is not as
> captivating as it used to be since we arguably live in a cyberpunk
> world. In America there is unimaginable wealth inequality, with some
> cities having insane costs of rent for cramped apartments, with access
> to the best technology and medicine in the world but only if you can
> afford it. We also don't have to use media to imagine a world where
> digital corporations have a huge amount of power over daily life and
> the government spies on everyone all the time since both of those
> things are happening right now. I think we live in a cyberpunk world,
> it just doesn't have huge buildings, neon lights, and widespread punk
> fashion.
> I came in contact with a few guys who wanted to make another alt-chan
> with a different model (see what other users are typing in real-time,
> and all posts get deleted early in the morning) but it never
> materialized as far as I can tell.
> Edit: do any of you want to join an online cyberpunk community?
> reply
> ebullientocelot 1 hour ago [-]
> I don't think your two points are mutually exclusive, and suspect they
> are both correct to one degree or another. I live in a second-tier
> city working for a second-tier company and my daily life is already
> fairly cyberpunk! During the day I actively work on the advertising
> economy surveillance state, and at home I do things like install the
> Pi-Hole for my family and try to help anybody who will listen reduce
> their target profile for the eye in the sky. I mention this,
> particularly that my city and company are second-tier, because you
> don't have to work at FAANGM in SV to experience these things.
> There is definitely a sense in which I would be interested in at least
> checking out a cyberpunk community, but as other have mentioned, it's
> more or less culture now.
> reply
> ip26 1 hour ago [-]
> Another challenge is when your alt culture goes mainstream, now it's
> just culture. The alt community has to tack deeper to the extremes to
> stay alt. You don't need an alt board to talk about current events
> (aside from conspiracy theories)
> reply
> ebullientocelot 59 minutes ago [-]
> While this is true, I still experience a little of that
> early-exposure-to-the-Internet sense of wonder when I stumble across a
> community that's off the beaten path technologically. sdf.org's Gopher
> service was such an experience in the past couple years.
> reply
> starbeast 2 hours ago [-]
> Not an online one. If it was a BBS running on a cube sat, then maybe.
> reply
> n-exploit 2 hours ago [-]
> Maybe it's time to create anew.
> reply
> eindiran 2 hours ago [-]
> Are you considering maki

What if Responsible Encryption Back-Doors Were Possible?

2018-11-30 Thread grarpamp
-- Forwarded message --
From: hbaker1 
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2018 01:31:51 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [Cryptography] What if Responsible Encryption Back-Doors
Were Possible?
To: John Levine , cryptogra...@metzdowd.com

-Original Message-
>From: John Levine 
>Sent: Nov 29, 2018 1:40 PM
>To: cryptogra...@metzdowd.com
>Subject: [Cryptography] What if Responsible Encryption Back-Doors Were 
>On the Lawfare blog, an interesting piece by Josh Benaloah here.
>If you are tempted to respond, please read the whole thing first.  In
>particular, do not waste everyone's time by replying "but they're not!"
>We know that.

I attended this "conference" and all of its sessions.

The whole thing was a setup, IMHO.  I think that they were trying to
gather possible arguments against backdoors so that they could be
prepared for future discussions with politicians.  They also wanted to
tell these politicians that there were *some* in the crypto community
that thought we all really should leave our keys under the front door

A group of US ex-intel hangers-on, plus some brits, some aussies, and
perhaps a kiwi; more or less the 5i's.  They may also have invited
some press.  Some of these folks flew on to Australia to wreak more
havoc, as best I can gather.

One result of this wannabe conference can apparently be found in the
recent activity in Australia to mandate back doors.  These folks
apparently wanted to find one of the 5i govts to pass the first test
law requiring these back doors, and Australia must have volunteered.

Magical thinking by all.

BTW, with perhaps a handful of exceptions, no actual crypto people
attended this conference, which was merely held at the same
*location*, so that some of the prestige of a Crypto Conference would
rub off on this sham.

The only reason I knew about this conference was that I ran into one
of the participants while parking my car for Crypto, and talked with
him while walking over to the main venue.

Apparently, I was the only one there who questioned this whole thing,
and I asked about the "C" word (Constitution).  I simply said that
some of us had pledged to uphold the Constitution, and the reason why
*individuals* make such pledges is that they are expected to
understand the Constitution well enough to make their own assessment
about possible unconstitutional activities and refuse to engage in
those activities.  Recall that "simply following legal orders" didn't
absolve anyone at Nurenburg, so trusting these 5i's to interpret
Constitutionality isn't going to be much of a defense, either.

BTW, the "Lawfare" blog is about as close as one can get to "the
unclassified (apologist) voice of the Deep State" & I suspect that Ben
Wittes would consider this tag line to be high praise!
The cryptography mailing list

Re: Assange Journalism

2018-11-30 Thread juan
On Fri, 30 Nov 2018 03:01:03 -0500
Steve Kinney  wrote:

> Intimately related, from Julian Assange -
> also hosted by JYA:
> https://cryptome.org/0002/ja-conspiracies.pdf

the "Conspiracy as Governance" article is unfinished? 

Re: The Forgotten Story of the Julian Assange of the 1970s

2018-11-30 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 12:07:04PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 05:48:02AM +, jim bell wrote:
> > https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/11/28/assange-wikileaks-prosecute-agee-covert-action-cia-222693
> > Philip Agee.
> Entirely apropos and an interesting story to boot.
> Just as the Jews have their spyware and flashmob "counter
> anti-semitic" apps:
>   The software, called the Anti-Semitism Cyber Monitoring System, or
>   ACMS, is "the most advanced development in the world for monitoring
>   anti-Semitism in real time," the ministry said...
> https://www.timesofisrael.com/diaspora-ministry-unveils-system-for-tracking-online-anti-semitism/
> https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/israel-running-campaign-against-jeremy-corbyn
> https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-israeli-spyware-was-used-to-track-saudi-journalist-khashoggi-edward-snowden-says-1.6633745
> https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-spyware-used-against-saudi-arabian-dissident-in-canada-report/
> https://www.mintpressnews.com/saudi-arabia-secretly-purchased-250m-spy-package-from-israel-to-track-foreign-journalists-and-activists/251266/
> in this day and age a CIA-agent (and NSA, FBI etc) identification app
> would be relatively easy to create - turbo charging what Agee did in
> the '70s.
> For example one obvious group are the legacy stream media plants,
> Luke Harding and or Dan Collyns (is that a real name, Collyns?) for
> two face planting manipulator examples to start with:
>   The Guardian Faceplants As Manafort's Passport Stamps Don't
>   Match "Fabricated" Assange Story
> https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-11-29/guardian-faceplants-manaforts-passport-stamps-dont-match-fabricated-assange-story
> …WikiLeaks immediately fired back at The Guardian - betting the
> paper "a million dollars and its editor's head that Manafort
> never met Assange." 
>   This is going to be one of the most infamous news disasters
>   since Stern published the "Hitler Diaries".
>   — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 27, 2018
> It is evident that those who proclaim "Russia hacked the USA's 2016
> elections" are compromised, idiots, (CIA or Hitlery) agents, or some
> combination.
> A problem with human "annotations" if you like is the problem of
> "the tyranny of the mob" which it times of stress descends into witch
> hunting lynch mobs - so empower that at your peril,
> yet on the other hand, evil only thrives in secrecy and the Satanists
> seem to corral an extraordinary large number of humans into the "eff
> the optics of the Butcher of Benghazi and her oral lynching of a 12
> year old (at the time) rapee, I'm With Her" - this level of mass
> programming is truly impressive, shocking, etc. - evidently many
> folk simply don't think, they are CNNPCs, MSNPCs, as in literally.
> Exposure, transparency, truth and facts must be the fundament of any
> sane "community or tribal grouping" (politics), and so from this
> foundation, turbocharging publishing of empire-embarrassing facts as
> Agee and Assange have done, and the trasparency that a "CIA and other
> agent crowd sourced identification" app would bring to the table,
> despite any possible, or even probable, problems, are necessary and
> important, with the benefits far outweighing those potential
> problems.
> Besides, the hypocrisy of Western "democracy" ought be utterly
> exposed and crushed into the dark halls of history - as humans at
> least trying to think about things (and to whatever limited the
> degree we actually achieve something resembling "thought"), we owe it
> to ourselves and future "try to think"ers to clean out the rot.

Chapter 2 of Assange, Luke Harding and Dan Collyns of MI6, sorry I
mean The Guardian, and the neurotic moronic revenge charges being
concocted to Send A Message in the style of CNN's "offers your can't
refuse" - impressive in its chutzpah, brazen disregard for all
decency and even any remote hint of righteousness:

PCR Fumes "There Is No Case Against Assange,
So Lies Replace Evidence"

It is Global Cooling we should fear the most

2018-11-30 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 11:37:02AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 09:18:19PM +, jim bell wrote:
> >  On Tuesday, November 27, 2018, 12:46:40 PM PST, Kurt Buff 
> >  wrote:
> >  
> >  
> >  On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 11:33 AM jim bell  wrote:
> > 
> > >> (Full disclosure:  I have a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from MIT, 
> > >> Class of 1980).
> > >>
> > >> While I am not sufficently convinced that, quantitatively, "global 
> > >> warming" ("climate change"), or more specifically AGW (Anthropogenic 
> > >> Global Warning) is a genuine problem,  I'd say it would be irresponsible 
> > >> to not prepare for the possibility that this sulfur-injection protocol 
> > >> will be necessary, or at least useful.  It should be quite cheap. 
> > >> Further, there are likely to be various (positive) feedback-loops 
> > >> associated with global warming, such as the thawing of permafrost, whose 
> > >> magnitude aren't well-understood.
> > >>
> > >> I suspect that the main opposition to this idea comes from people who 
> > >> see "climate change" as simply an opportunity to increase government 
> > >> control over the world.  They think that they've found themselves one 
> > >> hell of a problem, but a problem which would be threatened,  like garlic 
> > >> or a silver bullet, or a gold cross, to a vampire.
> > 
> > 
> > >So, the solution to warming is smog? Really? Perhaps if injected at a
> > high enough altitude it won't affect lungs, but it seems like SO2
> > isn't something we want to pump into the atmosphere...
> > Kurt
> > 
> > Ironically, that solution will likely be correct.  But to understand why, 
> > it helps to know that circulation between the lower-levels of the 
> > atmosphere (say, under 10,000 AGL (above ground level)) and the upper 
> > levels, say around 60,000 feet AGL is quite slow.  SO2 injected at low 
> > levels of the atmosphere will wash out in weeks or months due to rain.   
> > SO2 injected at, say, 60,000  feet AGL will probably last for years.  That 
> > SO2 will eventually diffuse downward and be lost due to rain as well, but 
> > far less SO2 will need to be added at 60,000 feet than is currently being 
> > added from ground-level sources.
> > China's coal-fired power plants currently emit huge amounts of ground-level 
> > SO2, which could be scrubbed just like America's plants.  
> > http://www.pnas.org/content/115/27/7004      And, presumably, should be 
> > scrubbed.  But only a far smaller amount of SO2, than could be scrubbed 
> > from China's coal-fired power plants would need to be released at 60,000 
> > feet AGL, each on a per-year basis, to accomplish the cooling effect 
> > required.  I looked it up, maybe a year ago, and I think the comparison was 
> > 32 million tons/year v. 1 million tons/year.  I hope I'm remembering it 
> > correctly.  
> > 
> >                      Jim Bell  
> We actually want the earth to be a warm, wet greenhouse. In fact,
> life demands as much...

The Little Ice Age with Solar Minimum, and the only problem this
Earth really has to worry about, right on cue:

Martin Armstrong: Global Cooling, Not Warming, Is What We Should
Fear Most
  … This is what I keep pointing out that cold is what kills society
  and creates poverty – not warming.
  The Year Without Summer: 1816
  … Beneath the snow, after weeks of severe cold, the ground was
  frozen solid to a depth of two feet. Packed ice in the road made
  the journey very hazardous.
  … John Adams: “… Posterity! You will never know, how much it cost
  the present Generation, to preserve your Freedom! I hope you will
  make a good Use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven,
  that I ever took half the Pains to preserve it.”

Re: Assange Journalism

2018-11-30 Thread Steve Kinney
Supplementary Insider Threat dox, hosted by JYA:


Intimately related, from Julian Assange -
also hosted by JYA:


Insider access and exfiltration is the true "universal decryption key."

Even benchtop Quantum Computing, anticipated here in 1992...


... will not crack large one time pads.  OTPs are still used for
materials considered "worth the trouble" of really locking down.

The more things change, the more they don't.

"Let a thousand flowers bloom."
- Mao Tse Tung
