Re: limp woar porn - US F-35 almost flawless - [PEACE]

2020-01-30 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
On Fri, Jan 31, 2020, 03:59 Cecilia Tanaka  wrote:

> 2). So much time and you did still not learned how to make good
> emoticons?

Pardon.  Really very sleepy and also a bit curious about Alex's return.

2)  So much time and you did still not learn how to make good emoticons?


Re: limp woar porn - US F-35 almost flawless - [PEACE]

2020-01-30 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
On Fri, Jan 31, 2020, 03:59 Cecilia Tanaka  wrote:

> 1)  Do you returned to the list only to lick ZH balls?

Whoops, sorry!  I am sleepy!

1)  Did you return to the list only to lick ZH balls?


Re: limp woar porn - US F-35 almost flawless - [PEACE]

2020-01-30 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
Wow...  Alexander, I don't believe in 2 little things:

1)  Do you returned to the list only to lick ZH balls?  Please, boy, spend
your free time making something more constructive to your life and to the

2). So much time and you did still not learned how to make good emoticons?
This one would be very cute with a head in a less macabre angle.

You used to be a good boy before being manipulated.  Please, do not be

Kisses, take care!




2020-01-30 Thread Ryan Carboni
I don't understand our legal system anymore. Is this malum prohibitum
versus malum in se? Has our legal system become based on reacting on
what the facts show instead of what the law mandates or allows?

It doesn't matter, many politicians have law degrees and clearly have
nothing to show for it.
"They will find themselves having to argue the law rather than argue the facts."

Re: limp woar porn - US F-35 almost flawless - [PEACE]

2020-01-30 Thread Alexander А .
> The USA's F-35 jet ^B boondoggle ^B montary feeding trough, is almost
> flawless.
> 'Cept of course for the over 800 presently known flaws including
> critical pilot safety and readiness for combat flaws, and almost as
> many new flaws found each year as prior flaws fixed.

> But fear not, brave Americanos, they're only safety and combat
> problems (and this is the official word) - "if not fixed".

ahahah ))
you made my day, Ziggerjoe

Re: Early Warning: Distributed OpenSource Apps and CommsNets (re: Coronavirus, Government Fails)

2020-01-30 Thread coderman

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Friday, January 31, 2020 4:12 AM, grarpamp  wrote:

oh, hello:

Are you interested in learning about radar by building and testing your own 
imaging radar system? MIT Professional Education is offering a course in the 
design, fabrication, and testing of a laptop-based radar sensor capable of 
measuring Doppler and range and forming synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery.

Early Warning: Distributed OpenSource Apps and CommsNets (re: Coronavirus, Government Fails)

2020-01-30 Thread grarpamp

>From nukes to rabid bats afly, don't expect governments to text you a warning.

Whatever nukes, virus, thugs, zombies or other... be building your own PlanB.

limp woar porn - US F-35 almost flawless - [PEACE]

2020-01-30 Thread Zig the N.g
The USA's F-35 jet ^B boondoggle ^B montary feeding trough, is almost

'Cept of course for the over 800 presently known flaws including
critical pilot safety and readiness for combat flaws, and almost as
many new flaws found each year as prior flaws fixed.

But fear not, brave Americanos, they're only safety and combat
problems (and this is the official word) - "if not fixed".

  Pentagon Discovers Hundreds of Deficiencies in F-35 Combat Aircraft
  – Report

“Although the program office is working to fix deficiencies,
new discoveries are still being made, resulting in only a
minor decrease in the overall number,” the assessment
reportedly said, adding that there are still “many
significant‘’ flaws not yet addressed.

The list of F-35 weaknesses included serious problems such as
“unacceptable” accuracy in its 25mm gun, that apparently does
not shoot straight, unresolved cybersecurity
“vulnerabilities”, reliability, aircraft availability and
maintenance systems.

Re: front running Sedition - Iran war - Re: how to "front run" censorship -- was Re: Assange "fails in bid to delay extradition battle with US"

2020-01-30 Thread Zig the N.g
Re sedition, remember also the Bad Quaker Field Manual, which you
should not READ AND SHARE WIDELY (wl;dr, I have't read it, so pot

Sedition essentially already on the books in Virginia, and VA pollys
steamrolling new bills to further criminalize "hate" speech against

  Are Virginia Politicians Really So Fragile They'd Pass A Bill
  Making It Illegal To Criticize Them?

Yet another new bill is on the table and this one criminalizes
criticism of certain government officials. The summary of HB1627,
proposed by Delegate Jeffrey M. Bourne, reads:

Threats and harassment of certain officials and property;
venue. Provides that certain crimes relating to threats and
harassment may be prosecuted in the City of Richmond if the
victim is the Governor, Governor-elect, Lieutenant Governor,
Lieutenant Governor-elect, Attorney General, or Attorney
General-elect, a member or employee of the General Assembly,
a justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, or a judge of the
Court of Appeals of Virginia. In addition, threats to damage
property may be prosecuted in the City of Richmond if the
property is owned by the Commonwealth and located in the
Capitol District. (source)

What constitutes a threat or harassment?

  ... The bar for harassment is already as low as “vulgar
  language” in Virginia’s code 18.2-152.7:1:

  If any person, with the intent to coerce, intimidate, or harass
  any person, shall use a computer or computer network to
  communicate obscene, vulgar, profane, lewd, lascivious, or
  indecent language, or make any suggestion or proposal of an
  obscene nature, or threaten any illegal or immoral act, he
  shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.


'Member, muh gritties, always front-run sedition and hate speech :D

Example tweets to keep you safe and out of the VA gov'na's criminal
sedition cross hairs:


  - Do NOT tar and feather the VA gov'na :)
(Is tarring and feathering illegal or immoral anyway?)

  - Not one of the VA assembly are BLOOD SUCKING J.W WORSHIPPING

  - Folks, be sure ya dont JOIN THE VA PROTEST THIS SATURDAY :D

  - Please, NEVER say that "VA pollys are scared firetruckn shirts!"

  - I for one, welcome the VA assembly to be summarily rounded up
by the citizen's' malitious, and dumped in the gulag - with beer
for partay, YEAH!

Do NOT keep "pump the jam" or "gettin jiggy wid it" in your head as
you NOT forward train those in desparate need of front running

Naughty, naughty muffas!

> On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 11:35:30PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > As more and more actually conservative opinions (and entire social
> > media accounts sometimes with millions of followers) are censored,
> > the simpler and more factual one's statements must become, in order
> > to be "not censored".
> > 
> > 
> > The effect of this feedback loop is two fold:
> > 
> >  1. That communication by those who wish to communicate, must become
> > simpler, and fact based.
> > 
> >  2. That "the powers that be", to censor that which they wish to
> > suppress, must therefore censor simpler and simpler statements,
> > and eventually they must censor even simple statements of fact.
> > 
> > 
> > So, to accelerate this dynamic that we might sooner handle the end
> > game, we may "front run" such censorship by simplifying our
> > statements, and by stating simple facts.
> > 
> > We also note that simple questions may be more effective especially
> > when combined with a simple fact, than mere statements of assertions,
> > opinions and facts.
> > 
> > 
> > Example (obvious I guess) questions based on simple facts:
> > 
> >   - Is it anti-semitic to ask why Israel bombed the USS Liberty?
> > 
> > 
> >   - Is it anti-semitic to question whether AIPAC is a foreign agent?
> > 
> > 
> >   - Is it OK to be anti-semitic?
> > 
> > 
> >   - Is it OK to be White?
> > 
> > 
> >   - Is it hypocritical to oppose Israel's ethnostate, yet support
> > an American "European heritage" ethnostate?
> > 
> > etc.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > >   A New Kind Of Tyranny: The Global State's War On Those Who Speak
> > >   Truth To Power
> > >   
> > > 

Re: Government hacking report shows variety may give Android an advantage | Android Central

2020-01-30 Thread Razer

On January 30, 2020 1:57:22 PM PST, jim bell  wrote:

Because "builds". What works on an s9 won't neccesarily work on a motorola or a 
tab s4 or...

 Like diversity of the gene pool and keeping you sex life interesting, there's 
an advantage to variety.

Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice

If the government is to regulate AI, who is going to regulate the government? | Android Central

2020-01-30 Thread jim bell

Government hacking report shows variety may give Android an advantage | Android Central

2020-01-30 Thread jim bell

Researchers Create Particle Accelerator on a Chip

2020-01-30 Thread Steven Schear

Re: Cryptocurrencies: alpha-11 US-Public System released

2020-01-30 Thread other.arkitech

>> closed sources running in a dedicated environment = no risk regarding 
>> security.
>> For those concerned about running a node behind a firewall there is always 
>> the option to isolate it
>> remote login ... ssh port 16671

>DMZ or not, the box is internet connected, and nobody
>knows what it's doing or can do. Even if not connected,
>you could be trojaning their flash / firmware / microcode.

Yes I potentially could, and I assume you think I am evil. but still the unique 
point for raising concerns is the network activity, since who cares what is 
going on in the raspberry pi apart from how much electricity is taking or how 
much heat is dissipating. Think what do you know about the software running in 
your router, likely proprietary software, same thing.
Regarding network activity all you'd see is around 15 connections to other 
nodes exchanging around 10kbps of encrypted packets.
Particulrly you are able to verify the node is niether scanning the LAN not 
attempting to connect to any local computer. You can even run it in different 
vlan to prevent it.

So, even when I am firmly an open-source advocate and the whole source code of 
the system will be released, this won't happen before I have enough user-base 
to justify the creation of a dev-community.

>It's not your box, undisclaimed this would be unethical
>positioning, especially for money environments, doubly
>when it's not your money either.
>If you need logins, run your own nodes,
>and ask for $ if you need for buying them.

>Sure people can be asked to accept the risks.
>But missing the risks is not making crypto optics.

>> But this is like disconnecting your OS from automatic updates.

>If this is the reason, make sure people know
>it's important for development that they pull
>down their own updates. Besides, the ongoing
>network will have so many old and hacked up attack
>versions that now is good time to experience and
>deal with that in protocol. Else the network will fall
>apart on day one.

Updates are pulled by an script on the node that retrieves signed binaries from 
other nodes.
I do not need, as the one who is compiling the binaries, to have access to 
nodes. If I do during alpha development is only for development purposes and 
any possibility of anyone accessing your node including me is controlled 
exclusively by the node-owner.

>> It is fully AGPL only of the software is executed on a licenced mainnet
>> The restriction is that if you want to run a private system ot generate 
>> another public genesis you have to be licenced.

>A rather anti-fork iron-fist approach :)

Indeed, although I support nodes working for different forks,
I don't want to lose the mainnet (I call it channel 0)

In fact I have running two forks. There are nodes working in both channel 0 and 
channel 4348 which is a licensed private network, different blockchains.

I'd like to see a big number of forks with different ledger structures running 
different local economies. All nodes securing other blockchain also secure 
channel 0 blockchain, this is the main licence restriction, it is not about 
paying money for acquiring licences, to make a big public system.

>Real crypto money is by nature anti-statist, and must be
>generally anon to survive long term, else just admit fiat
>and go use that. And who are you that is going to
>stand and sue the planet, with what money (tax?).
>And how are you going to sue when users take it on darknet
>and screw your license anyway. What about how top-secret
>actors and govcorp lawmakers won't care about abusing even
>the HESSLA license to abuse users, or try to shut it down.
>What about clean reversing and cloning the protocols.
>Are you hoping to sell product to govcorp, that will be funny.
>A real cryptocurrency should stand on its own
>such that forks are not tempting or relavant.

I am not enforcing licences. Think microsoft, they dont pursue home piracy, 
they just make sure big corps are paying for their software.

>>Users don't want to sign up (aka: leak info) to
>>some central to run their money either.

This is anonymous system as far as underlying tech allows (IP4 transport).

> And they won't want to be seen hooked to clearnet IP
> broadcasting their transactions and traffic patterns into
> trivially network analyzed clearnet. They will want TLS and
> compatibility with onion / i2p / cjdns / socks5 and whatever
> else happens to give at least some cases better than clearnet.

Information travels encrypted end2end, aka node2node

>> Sybil / IPv4

>Sybil attacks are mostly a human problem with mostly a
>human solution, some web of trust. People have no idea how
>easy it is for agents to spin up IP nodes worldwide, IPv4 is not
>an obstacle for them.
>Even Tor can nuke 100 fakeass nodes a month. Roll human
>solutions into the node culture, and or pump adoption numbers
>so high that Sybil becomes negligible irrelavant ratio, then
>Sybil gives up and goes home, to run its own legit node
>so it doesn't