Re: Putin: "Big problem - Hillary knows!" - [PEACE] [COMEDY]

2020-02-02 Thread Zig the N.g
Word "wow", in just now, from Moscow:

  "Wow! Big problem, Hillary has 'urge' - must be Tulsi time
   already !?#!"

  Can Bernie And Tulsi Survive Hillary's "Urge" To Save The DNC?

  "Great! Thank you @HillaryClinton. You, the queen of
  warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of
  the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long,
  have finally come out from behind the curtain.
  It’s now clear that this primary is between you and me. Don’t
  cowardly hide behind your proxies. Join the race directly."

 — Tulsi Gabbard  (@TulsiGabbard) October 18, 2019

Gabbard throws down the gauntlet here outing Hillary as the
mastermind behind the DNC strategy of allowing the current crop
of future losers to fall all over themselves to alienate as many
centrist voters as possible.

This paves the way for Hillary to swoop in on her broom, pointed
hat in hand, and declare herself the savior of the Democratic
Party’s chances to defeat Donald Trump next November.

Surely Hillary wouldn't be running on an urge to keep outta jail?

As the number of Hillary Clinton body doubles increases (see photo in
original article for one double - there are at least 3 Hillarys doing
the rounds - I guess since she struggles to remain conscious and not
trip over smooth floors...), Hillary's "urge" grows.

The amount of money being spent for Hillary is truly impressive -
especially the latest alleged 'hat in the ring' from Mini Mike B -
all just to try to keep Bernie at bay and provide a viable pathway
for  Hillary "'Cause You'd Be In Jail" Clinton.

You've heard of Breaking Bad, now have a laugh with Barking Mad, the
true tale of Hillary Clinton's dozens of attempts to avoid legal
service, arrest and jail, her subsequent commitment (she's a very
committed woman) to the Brokensaw Psychiatric Quantannimoh Bae
Facility, and be sure to stay tuned for Season 2 - Hillary's
over a dozen thrilling Quantannimoh Bae escape attempts.

Rumour has it the finalé grants her Quantannimoh laundry privileges,
in no small part due to her animated uncontrolled flailing being put
to effective use to wash the orange man bad linen for her fellow

On Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 09:42:35PM +1100, some N.g wrote:
> Well well well, an absolutely UNredacted Trump-Putin telephone
> transcript.
> In non Soviet Russia, phone transcribe you!
> On problem below, subject line postulate with "If".
>   What If Hillary Clinton Was Right...
>   The following is a transcript of what Russian President Vladimir
>   Putin recently told President Donald Trump during a phone call.
>   This transcript was provided by an anonymous Russian – possibly the
>   same one from whom Rep. Adam Schiff tried to get compromising
>   photos of Trump. Unlike Schiff, we have not doctored this
>   transcript.
>   Vladimir Putin:
>   “Hello, Trump, this is Vladimir. Hah! Funny man. Vladimir Putin,
>   president of Russia. Listen, we need to have serious talk. We had
>   agreement. You tell me you cooperate if I help you win election in
>   2016. What’s this make American great again sh*t? I thought that
>   was joke. You start playing with the ball or I’m going to replace
>   you next year with Tulsi Gabbard.
>   “Yes, Donald, I know, but you are not helpful. Not like Obama. When
>   I rigged his election against … what’s his name? That big, stupid
>   Mormon? Romney, yes, Romney. When I helped Obama he promised to be
>   flexible. Yes, he was very flexible – I got everything I wanted. He
>   was, how you say, pushover. I hoped you would be like him, only
>   more white, of course.
>   “You make America strongest country in world, now. You increase
>   energy production – that’s not good for me. You give aid to the
>   sniveling Ukrainian dogs. You do nothing for Russia. No, that’s not
>   funny, I tell you funny Soviet joke: What do you do with peasant
>   who steal sack of potatoes? Send him to gulag for three winters.
>   Hmm, perhaps it lose something in translation – in Russian, is very
>   funny. Of course, as we used to say in KGB: In Soviet Russia, joke
>   laughs at you.
>   “So, listen carefully, Trump. You start helping me or Tulsi gets
>   your job. Yes, she secret Russian asset but we have problem.
>   Clinton knows. Yes, she knows – I read it on the News Fox and the
>   Washington Examination. I don’t know how she knows. Probably those
>   Ukrainian sh*ts told her – you know, the same ones who try to help
>   her win election.
>   “Clinton is stupid woman, though. She think I groom Tulsi to help
>   you win next year. No, I 

Re: The Republic is dead, long live the...

2020-02-02 Thread Ryan Carboni
>epstein was a wall street thief to the tune of 1000 millions. That's the the 
>'only' crime he commited. Now, go get ass-raped by jesus, carboni.

I don't know. Is what makes a person elite is when the judiciary looks
the other way at their crimes?

Still, I'd like to contest the accusations against me, and a ten year
investigation is somewhat unusual.

Really very, very OT... ;)

2020-02-02 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
Happy 02022020, CypherPunks!!!  :D

Much love, health, and happiness to each one of you!!!  <3

Ceci, who loves anagrams and annoy friends with my fool messages,
hahaha!!!  ;D

Re: The Republic is dead, long live the...

2020-02-02 Thread Ryan Carboni
Let's play some Clue. Epstein wasn't responsible for the overwhelming
evidence, the positive blood reagent tests can't be true. Clearly he
was a sweet and innocent man, who hired the wrong servants who all
coordinated a frame up of him. It's why there are so many government
informants in labor unions (that too has a list compiled...).

So let's play some Clue. The Butler did it with an ice pick in the

Changing your minds perhaps?

2020-02-02 Thread Ryan Carboni
I wonder if the elites are changing their minds, maybe they no longer
want to live isolated castles with total dominion over their lands,
maybe they want to experience more sublime pleasures... like the arts
or nice events. Certainly can be more appealing.

For all their wealth and power, they don’t believe they can affect the future.

The Event. That was their euphemism for the environmental collapse,
social unrest, nuclear explosion, unstoppable virus, or Mr. Robot hack
that takes everything down.

This single question occupied us for the rest of the hour. They knew
armed guards would be required to protect their compounds from the
angry mobs. But how would they pay the guards once money was
worthless? What would stop the guards from choosing their own leader?
The billionaires considered using special combination locks on the
food supply that only they knew. Or making guards wear disciplinary
collars of some kind in return for their survival. Or maybe building
robots to serve as guards and workers — if that technology could be
developed in time.

The Republic is dead, long live the...

2020-02-02 Thread Ryan Carboni
Nance, cont’d: “Absolutely” Trump is now a “king,” “we are not living
in a constitutional republic anymore … Donald Trump is the supreme
element of the state, like North Korea”; 2020 might spell end of
“America as we’ve known it."

Reid adds: “Scaring is caring”


Returning to Pre-Dick Act militias might help protect Republican
values. To protect Republican virtue, independent grand juries would

But there are higher priorities, and some of you can keep murdering
your wives. No one can protect people from their own misjudgement.
Just if you want to assault or enslave your servants in any way,
perhaps you should apply for citizenship in a third world country.

Uncle Tom's Cabin is not a recommendation.

Re: [OBORONA-SPAM] Re: Cryptocurrencies: alpha-11 US-Public System released

2020-02-02 Thread other.arkitech

 [OBORONA-SPAM] ? this should be a false positive
answer inline..

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‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Sunday, February 2, 2020 12:20 AM, Zenaan Harkness  wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 01, 2020 at 10:24:33AM +, other.arkitech wrote:
> > > > I do share the code with devs for specific patches under NDA.
> > >
> > > NDA? LMAO! Frankly, at this point I should tell you to get lost.
> >
> > said who?
> There might be something lost in language barrier - or not, not sure
> here.
> There are perhaps not many "hard core floss devs" willing to sign an
> NDA with you.
> The question folks will want answered is "why should I sign an NDA,
> just to look at code or to write some modules?"
> But again, perhaps we are missing something between the language
> barriers...
> Knowing the following getting repetitive, I strongly suggest
> beginning discussions on the real fundamentals - some are simply not
> grasping that your "virtual/ collective/ public ledger taxation"
> model is something we want to get on board with.
> It might be - but such a "might be" must live in the minds of those
> you want to convince to join you, see?
> Such conversations might best be started with questions.
> Here's one such hypothetical beginning:
> Do we consider roads to be "public infrastructure"?
> In what ways can we pay for roads?
> Do we want more roads?
> What criteria should we use for deciding amongst the different ways
> to pay for new roads?
> Good luck,

Thanks for changing route Zen,
As Punk-Stasi points out the Public System definition is vague at this point. 
what this USPS proposes is a bottom-up approach to a Public System, starting 
from the fundamentals.
The proposal is to replace current Governments with a low-cost distributed 
machine that would collect inputs and produce outputs in infinite loop. A 
system that would have a real view of the 'common interest' because it would 
not apply filters in people's input.
The system would be able to let people decide whether if a 'road' is convenient 
or not, and how to fund it.
Everything is better compared to our current model of participation in the 
society based on ticking a box every 4 or 5 years.