Dissidents in China - gas trains -- Re: China's "legal diplomacy" in the face of decades of preferential treatment

2020-07-19 Thread Zig the N.g
One bowl of bat soup, thank you.

Wanna some Chinese Virus overlords dirctly above you, dissident?

Here many are literally loaded into a train, by our decidedly unfriendly 
Chinese "not yet" overlords:

Chinese Ambassador Struggles To Explain Shocking Footage Of Handcuffed & 
Blindfolded Uighurs Loaded Onto Train

   During a Sunday morning BBC news program, China’s ambassador to the UK Liu
   Xiaoming was in a rare segment asked point blank about viral footage which
   purports to show a terrifying scene from Xinjiang province of Muslim
   minority Uighurs being handcuffed and loaded onto train cars. 

   While the footage, which appears to have been secretly caught via drone,
   appears to be a year old or more, it resurfaced in recent weeks, gaining
   millions of views and reigniting allegations of Uighur people being mass
   shipped to communist 'reeducation' camps and sprawling detention centers.

   #Marr asks Chinese ambassador to the UK Liu Xiaoming to explain footage
   from China of handcuffed and blindfolded detained
   peoplehttps://t.co/PkjcTsClEX pic.twitter.com/RSbrSaOAPT
   — BBC Politics (@BBCPolitics) July 19, 2020

   During the tenses Andrew Marr Show segment, Liu described Xinjiang simply as 
“the most beautiful place.”

   Showing the shocking footage which many observers said echoes Jews being 
mass loaded onto cattle cars during the Holocaust to be taken to their deaths, 
Marr pressed the Chinese ambassador with:

   “Can I ask you why people are kneeling, blindfolded and shaven, and 
being led to trains in modern China? What is going on there?”

   To which Liu replied: “I do not know where you get this video tape. 
Sometimes you have a transfer of prisoners, in any country.” And Liu then 
questioned the authenticity and location of the video: “I do not know, where 
did you get this video clip?”


Forgets you Kenya, I gats a nu country for ya Juanagger :)

On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 08:05:15PM +1000, some n.g wrote:
> Chine has had WTO "developing nation" status for decades, has had the bulk of 
> Western manufacturing literally shipped to China, and even under Obama spat 
> in the face of the world:
>The Hague's 2016 Verdict Exposed Communist China's Predatory War On World 
> Order
> https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/hagues-2016-verdict-exposed-communist-chinas-predatory-war-world-order
>Austin Bay via The Epoch Times,
> https://www.theepochtimes.com/the-hagues-2016-verdict-exposed-communist-chinas-predatory-war-on-world-order_3424720.html
>   ..On July 12, 2016, The Hague’s international arbitral tribunal, 
> relying on the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea treaty (UNCLOS), 
> issued a ruling supporting the Philippines’ claims that China had violated 
> Filipino territory in the South China Sea by seizing islets and “sea 
> features.” China had also plundered resources in the Philippines’ maritime 
> Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
>   Despite having signed the sea treaty (which meant accepting the 
> arbitration process), the Chinese government callously ignored the verdict 
> and disdained the court’s authority.
>   UNCLOS codified the geophysical conditions and legal precedents 
> establishing sovereign control of territorial waters and sovereign rights in 
> the EEZ. It is an example of practical, peace-promoting diplomacy.
>   China’s blunt rejection of the decision stunned the Filipino government 
> and alerted other nations on the Pacific Rim. The Beijing regime not only 
> broke a major treaty it had ratified but also openly maligned legal 
> procedures created to promote peaceful resolution of international disputes. 
> Beijing’s thuggish rebuke sent the message that Chinese whim backed by 
> China’s enormous military and economic power determined sovereignty in the 
> South China Sea.
>   Chinese communist predatory behavior long predates 2016, but in 
> retrospect, Beijing’s appalling reaction to the ruling clearly demonstrated 
> the CCP could not be trusted to abide by even the most meticulously 
> negotiated treaty. The CCP’s June 2020 decision to break the Sino-British 
> Joint Declaration of 1984 and impose its authoritarian laws on Hong Kong 
> reinforced the ugly lesson that treaties with communist China do not protect 
> smaller nations and territories from Chinese theft and absorption. ...
>The WTO still considers China a 'developing nation.' Here's the big 
> problem with that
> https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/25/what-trump-gets-right-about-china-and-trade.html
>   ..China is still considered a developing nation by the WTO a status 


2020-07-19 Thread таракан
Anyone interested to [FUND THE] extract Assange from Jail - Mesrine + 
Cipherpunks style

contact me on my ProtonMail Email

BTW I do not live in RUSSIA I live in DONBASS - ONLY place to FUCK the world 
power -


Sent from [ProtonMail](https://protonmail.ch), encrypted email based in 

Sent with [ProtonMail](https://protonmail.com) Secure Email.

Communication Channels [PEACE]

2020-07-19 Thread Karl
We may or may not incidentally represent major influential figures and for
one thing our devices are hacked to control our world decisions.  We need
help securing our devices and understanding what is true about device
security, and what is needed to improve it.

Is there a communication channel that resists censorship better than e-mail
and provides for possible anonymity, to talk with people who have the
knowledge to relate around establishing secure systems and improving device


Krazy Karl

There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing
group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that
responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what
people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en
masse, for profit.

Re: Cybersecurity is a Ponzi racket

2020-07-19 Thread Robert Hettinga

> On Jul 19, 2020, at 9:29 AM, John Young  wrote:
> Wonder how long it will take to reveal cybersecurity is a Ponzi racket.

“Every cause becomes a business. Then it becomes a racket.” — Eric Hoffer

Cybersecurity is a Ponzi racket

2020-07-19 Thread John Young

Wonder how long it will take to reveal cybersecurity is a Ponzi racket.

Profits from commercial harvesting data of online users now exceeds 
the total funding of all the global spy agencies, with a healthy 
chunk of the steal bought by official spies and law enforcement which 
ignore the violation. Edu, orgs and NGOs part of the rotten racket.

EU leaders take aim at “Cultural Marxism” -- Re: [PSYCH] [IDEAS WAR] Jordan Peterson destroys (neo-) marxism in 3 minutes

2020-07-19 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 11:42:54PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> 3 minute Jordan Peterson extract useful for anyone who does not yet
> grok the catastrophe that is marxism expressed in the 20th Century:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8p2QfjaSIUo
> How to shut up a marxist (Jordan Peterson speech)
> Create your world,

EU leaders begin to take direct aim at “Cultural Marxism”:

   Europe Uncensored: An Online Warning Shot
   Tim Kirby via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

  ... Regarding this surprising direct attack on Cultural Marxism Mr. Janša 

  “To create a new world, you need to dismantle a nation, , family,
  private property, private schools and religion. And, this is going on
  now. This is Cultural Marxism and it’s obvious there is a messy
  offensive, going on through mass media, universities, cultural
  industry, multinational institutions. some political parties… and the
  front against the is offensive is weak and uncoordinated.

  It is hard to argue with the obvious truth that in order to fight 
ideologically one needs to be organized with a well vetted historical narrative 
and talking points as well as the civil organizations, media and university 
infiltration to push it. Compared to the machine these men are up against their 
forces seem very small. So, the question is to what extent will/are the 
participants in Europe Uncensored actually going to be able achieve even half 
of what they want to do?

  ... “Europe is in retreat” [Orbán] said in reference to the dismal
  divorce and birth rate statistics across the union of nations. He also
  added that the “balance of power” has also changed over the last 30 years
  with the UK dropping out among other things. As the leader of a smaller
  often ignored country a restructuring of the balance of power could
  certainly help Hungary. The EU has been dominated by the Liberal West. If
  the core of the EU shifts East there could still be hope for a family
  friendly, pro-human, traditional Europe.

 .. “…A concept of Europe based on Christian Culture… this concept is 
deeply anti-Communist and pro-family…

  Calling a “spade a spade” is always a good option for a Populist, the key
  thing is, despite these strong words, the message of Mr. Orbán and the
  other leaders is one of changing course, not jumping ship. So far the
  subcontext of the language used at the event sounded like a warning shot.
  They are essentially trying to politely yet loudly tell the EU that the
  ideological side of the status quo is not working. They want to shift the
  EU towards a pro-Christian, less-Liberal, pro-Family organization not
  tear it all down for the sake of some revolution. They want the Eastern
  vision for what the EU could be to come into mainstream acceptance.

  I use the term “warning shot” because at this point the voices on the
  Right in Europe are happy to play nice as long as they start to finally
  get some of what they want. However, if the EU’s Cultural Marxist foolery
  continues another 5 or 10 years and those like Viktor Orbán see the death
  of their culture on the horizon, the next volley will be a lot “lower”.
  Furthermore, much of the EU depends on the USA and if Washington is no
  longer able or willing to dominate Europe certain countries will no
  longer need to engage in polite begging.

  Europe Uncensored was a friendly warning that something is wrong in
  society with a gentlemanly offer to fix it together. But no offer lasts

Re: tmpfs is not a ramdisk

2020-07-19 Thread Peter Fairbrother

On 18/07/2020 06:31, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:

On 7/18/20 00:18, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

If you're current RAM+swap is say 8GiB+8GiB, one alternative is to
consider upgrading RAM to 16GiB and ditching swap entirely.  That
could save your lazy butt from having to learn how to encrypt swap -
and just so you know I do in fact want you to feel good about your
choice, it will also mean a faster overall user experience ;D

Some of us out here are stuck on older systems with a maximum of 8GiB of
RAM. Others may be using systems like the Raspberry Pi that can't be
upgraded (that I am aware) and that typically max out at 4GiB or 8GiB.

Sure, it will be a bit faster having 16GiB of RAM and no swap than 8GiB
RAM + 8GiB swap if that is an option. However, modern operating systems
are designed to swap out out certain things to make the best use of all
available RAM and so you will technically not get the full benefit of a
RAM upgrade going this route. 

You could, of course, use 8Gib of RAM as a swap ramdisk ...

I'll get my coat

Peter Fairbrother

It may be, however, that your usage

patterns only max out 16GiB of virtual memory usage either way, in which
case it may not matter as much.