end times "games" - tread very carefully, protect those you care about - [PEACE]

2020-07-20 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Tucker Carlson and his children are now on the edge of being targetted
again, this time by the NYT/ New York Times/ Jew York Times (literally owned
by very wearthy and very well connected, Jews).

The reckless attemp by a (((certain faction of this one not so little
tribe))) to bring on the destruction of American civil society is an
abomination begetting of great karma, but in the meantime we will all pay
the price if they succeed.

I live in Australia, thus unable to physically help.

Those who care about good people, where you can, do your bit where you are
in assisting in some small way in the protection of those good people who
are targetted.

This war is very real, though hard for many to see.

The cost of failure is unimaginable to most folks.

Jews, pull your own into line: Isaacson is clearly a disturbed individual.
You may have (collectively) had ~4500 years of repeated success, but that
does not mean things can't change.  Beware the wrath of heaven...

   Tucker Carlson Livid; Dismantles The New York Times Over Alleged Plan To Dox 

  In November of 2018, an organized Antifa chapter known as "Smash
  Racism DC" showed up at the home of Fox News host Tucker Carlson -
  ringing his doorbell as their violent co-founder, Michael Isaacson -
  who loves dead cops and called for VP Mike Pence's assassination - led
  them in chants such as "Tucker Carlson, we will fight! / We know where
  you sleep at night!"


  Later that evening, the group posted "Every night you spread fear into
  our homes -- fear of the other, fear of us, and fear of them. Tonight
  you're reminded that we have a voice. Tonight, we remind you that you
  are not safe either."

  The angry mob would return weeks later to further hassle Carlson and
  his family.

  The previous month, Carlson said that he's "not a restaurant guy
  anymore" because of the constant harassment from the left - including
  a verbal altercation the Fox News host got into with a man who
  allegedly called his 19-year-old daughter a "whore" at at a
  Charlottesville, VA club.

  Due to the ongoing threats, the Carlsons packed up and moved to a new
  house in order to keep his family out of harm's way.

  Except now, Carlson claims that the New York Times is about to dox his
  family by revealing their new address in an upcoming article.

  This was his response Monday night:

  "As a matter of journalism, there is no conceivable justification for
  a story like that. The paper is not alleging we’ve done anything
  wrong, and we haven’t. We pay our taxes. We like our neighbors. We’ve
  never had a dispute with anyone. So why is The New York Times doing a
  story on the location of my family’s house? Well, you know why. To
  hurt us, to injure my wife and kids so that I will shut up and stop
  disagreeing with them," Carlson said, adding "Editors there know
  exactly what will happen to my family when it does run. I called them
  today, and I told them. But they didn’t care. They hate my politics.
  They want this show off the air. If one of my children gets hurt
  because of a story they wrote, they won’t consider it collateral
  damage. They know it’s the whole point of the exercise: To inflict
  pain on our family, to terrorize us, to control, we say. That’s the
  kind of people they are."



  The Times has denied the allegation, saying in a Monday night
  statement: "While we do not confirm what may or may publish in future
  editions, The Times has not and does not plan to expose any residence
  of Tucker Carlson’s, which Carlson was aware of before tonight’s

  Smash DC's Isaacson, meanwhile, has an axe to grind after Carlson
  demolished him on live television in September, 2017:


  In addition to airing his violent fantasies across the internet, a
  January, 2017 undercover video from Project Veritas captured the
  now-fired Isaacson encouraging his supporters to "throat punch"

Re: give a listening ear to those who might "struggle" -- [sa...@grainmills.com.au: Fwd: Fw: Interesting]

2020-07-20 Thread таракан

> I think the flu hysteria virus illustrates that the current human population 
> is hopelessly retarded(thanks to public 'education' mostly) and willing to 
> believe the most stupid lies, something that can indeed have catastrophic 
> consequences.
> What the flu hysteria has shown is that govcorp can tell the most outrageous 
> lies, and the majority of ignorant assholes (like many assholes on this list) 
> will believe them. And even advocate for more surveillace! Hey Jim, tell us 
> about the 'achievments' of musk and how google-nsa should 'track the flu'.

That crisis is the result of the madness of the ruling class and demonstrate 
how they are afraid, fearing everything with the fantasy to live in a totally 
artificial world under control. Everything that they perceive as a threat to 
their lives (e.g. the virus ...) must be wiped and destroyed with great fire. 
That biological virus is a threat for the few, probably because of their 
inherent lack of (biological) immunity.

That global power is now based on fear. Using fear as a political and social 
instrument is indeed outrageous. Nothing can be achieved with the logic of fear.

Imagine a corpulent middle-aged woman shouting like a shrew, with extreme rage, 
and - in her ugly ignorance and fear - brandishing a broom in the air ... 
you'll get a picture of our modern societies and how and who control them... 

That remind me the song of Pink Floyd

"Hush now, baby, baby, don't you cry
Mama's gonna make all of your nightmares come true
Mama's gonna put all of her fears into you
Mama's gonna keep you right here under her wing
She won't let you fly, but she might let you sing
Mama's gonna keep baby cozy and warm
Ooh baby, ooh baby, ooh baby
Of course mama's gonna help build the wall
Mama won't let anyone dirty get through
Mama's gonna wait up until you get in
Mama will always find out where you've been
Mama's gonna keep baby healthy and clean
Ooh baby, ooh baby, ooh baby
You'll always be baby to me"

'Mother' wants to keep the 7 billions 'babies' healthy and clean...

'Mother gonna ask you to wear the mask'

Xi claims trains were surprise -- Re: Dissidents in China - gas trains -- Re: China's "legal diplomacy" in the face of decades of preferential treatment

2020-07-20 Thread Zig the N.g
Chinese president claims the Uighur trains were actually for a 'Surprise Trip 
To Disneyland':

   President Xi Claims Uighurs Were Being Loaded Onto Trains For A 'Surprise 
Trip To Disneyland'

  BEIJING—China has responded to allegations that Uighurs are being loaded
  onto trains and taken to concentration camps.

  President Xi said Monday that the Uighurs are being rounded up,
  blindfolded, and loaded onto trains for a "surprise trip to Disneyland."
  According to the president of the Communist country, the minority group
  was corralled and put into trains and then taken to Shanghai Disneyland
  Park, where they got to ride the Peter Pan ride, Dumbo, the carousel, and


On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 10:14:21AM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
> One bowl of bat soup, thank you.
> Wanna some Chinese Virus overlords dirctly above you, dissident?
> Here many are literally loaded into a train, by our decidedly unfriendly 
> Chinese "not yet" overlords:
> Chinese Ambassador Struggles To Explain Shocking Footage Of Handcuffed & 
> Blindfolded Uighurs Loaded Onto Train
> https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/chinese-ambassador-struggles-explain-shocking-footage-handcuffed-blindfolded-uighurs
>During a Sunday morning BBC news program, China’s ambassador to the UK Liu
>Xiaoming was in a rare segment asked point blank about viral footage which
>purports to show a terrifying scene from Xinjiang province of Muslim
>minority Uighurs being handcuffed and loaded onto train cars. 
>While the footage, which appears to have been secretly caught via drone,
>appears to be a year old or more, it resurfaced in recent weeks, gaining
>millions of views and reigniting allegations of Uighur people being mass
>shipped to communist 'reeducation' camps and sprawling detention centers.
> https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-10-16/transformed-better-china-defends-mass-re-education-camps-uighur-muslims
>#Marr asks Chinese ambassador to the UK Liu Xiaoming to explain footage
>from China of handcuffed and blindfolded detained
>peoplehttps://t.co/PkjcTsClEX pic.twitter.com/RSbrSaOAPT
>— BBC Politics (@BBCPolitics) July 19, 2020
>During the tenses Andrew Marr Show segment, Liu described Xinjiang simply 
> as “the most beautiful place.”
>Showing the shocking footage which many observers said echoes Jews being 
> mass loaded onto cattle cars during the Holocaust to be taken to their 
> deaths, Marr pressed the Chinese ambassador with:
>“Can I ask you why people are kneeling, blindfolded and shaven, and 
> being led to trains in modern China? What is going on there?”
>To which Liu replied: “I do not know where you get this video tape. 
> Sometimes you have a transfer of prisoners, in any country.” And Liu then 
> questioned the authenticity and location of the video: “I do not know, where 
> did you get this video clip?”
> Forgets you Kenya, I gats a nu country for ya Juanagger :)
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 08:05:15PM +1000, some n.g wrote:
> > Chine has had WTO "developing nation" status for decades, has had the bulk 
> > of Western manufacturing literally shipped to China, and even under Obama 
> > spat in the face of the world:
> > 
> >The Hague's 2016 Verdict Exposed Communist China's Predatory War On 
> > World Order
> >
> > https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/hagues-2016-verdict-exposed-communist-chinas-predatory-war-world-order
> >Austin Bay via The Epoch Times,
> >
> > https://www.theepochtimes.com/the-hagues-2016-verdict-exposed-communist-chinas-predatory-war-on-world-order_3424720.html
> > 
> >   ..On July 12, 2016, The Hague’s international arbitral tribunal, 
> > relying on the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea treaty (UNCLOS), 
> > issued a ruling supporting the Philippines’ claims that China had violated 
> > Filipino territory in the South China Sea by seizing islets and “sea 
> > features.” China had also plundered resources in the Philippines’ maritime 
> > Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
> > 
> >   Despite having signed the sea treaty (which meant accepting the 
> > arbitration process), the Chinese government callously ignored the verdict 
> > and disdained the court’s authority.
> > 
> >   UNCLOS codified the geophysical conditions and legal precedents 
> > establishing sovereign control of territorial waters and sovereign rights 
> > in the EEZ. It is an example of practical, peace-promoting diplomacy.
> > 
> >   China’s blunt rejection of the decision stunned the Filipino 
> > government and alerted other nations on the Pacific Rim. The Beijing regime 
> > not only broke a major treaty it had ratified but also openly 

Re: Fwd: give a listening ear to those who might "struggle" -- [sa...@grainmills.com.au: Fwd: Fw: Interesting]

2020-07-20 Thread таракан
> Keep a disposable mask prominently displayed in your shirt pocket or
> around your neck, not only so you can use it if needed at a moment's
> notice, but to remind one another that we should look out for each
> other

These masks are perfectly useless. They are a symbol of human solidarity all 
over the world?
I would think they represent a very small piece of the gigantic fascism to come.

> We do not whow how this virus might mutate into something much worse -

Which virus? The biological one? It's the result of pollution in China mainly. 
Why it should evolve to something fundamentally different?
Biological viruses do have no such power as far as I am aware of (except in 
'blockbuster' films)

The psychological virus 'Covid-19', yes it may mutate to something 
fundamentally different, a global psychosis and madness with potentially 
catastrophic effects.

> This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.
> https://www.avg.com
... [sic]

Fwd: give a listening ear to those who might "struggle" -- [sa...@grainmills.com.au: Fwd: Fw: Interesting]

2020-07-20 Thread Zenaan Harkness
-- Forwarded message --
From: Zenaan Harkness 
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 10:39:38 +1000
Subject: give a listening ear to those who might "struggle" --
[sa...@grainmills.com.au: Fwd: Fw: Interesting]
To: my_b...@freedbms.net

Be alert.

In the face of extended uncertainty and lack of the truth being told
to us, some folks can get a bit stressed out.

By reaching out when you get that nudge or "sharing a little support"
i.e. you're own groundedness, simple preparations ("hey, a little rice
and water can go a long way, right?") and reminders, you may lessen
the fright, the shock, and or the "madness" that some folks might tend

Keep it conservative/real, especially for those who are not inclined
to "think for themselves" much - you know the sort - sometimes a few
simple words like "we'll be right, we're Aussies, and we will pull
through this together, like we always have" can be enough to lighten
the load.  May be confirm that they have your phone number in their
mobile - could make all the difference to their sanity, and if they
have a family at home, this might mean a meaningful difference to
their family.

Keep a disposable mask prominently displayed in your shirt pocket or
around your neck, not only so you can use it if needed at a moment's
notice, but to remind one another that we should look out for each
other, that perhaps we ought take our duty of care "responsibility to
one another" seriously - and a mask let's people know you're thinking
of them, not just yourself!

We do not whow how this virus might mutate into something much worse -
this is the big scientific difficulty with viruses, they can mutate on
a cycle of a few weeks, making any vaccine from even 6 months ago,
less than useful (vaccines are often not harmless, even when they are

So let's continue to give our best to each other, look out for each
other, this is just another journey.

Stay safe, be prepared, and do what your gut tells you is prudent,
moment by moment.

If you pray, then pray; if you meditate or contemplate, do that.

Good luck and may God's will prevail,

- Forwarded message from Leo  -

From: Leo 
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 08:27:41 +1000
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Interesting
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101

*Sent:* Monday, 20 July 2020 11:28 AM
*Subject:* Interesting

Sent from my iPad

This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

- End forwarded message -

Re: Assange

2020-07-20 Thread таракан
You can as well write to the pope in Vatican, you'll get the same answers.

Also, these are pre-written answers "The Queen cannot intervene in such ...

That letter never reached that Queen. I am puzzled that some idiots want to use 
that pre-formatted letter in front of a court.

These idiots with their petitions, balloons and open letters...

> .. I have received a reply back from Buckingham Palace following my >letter & 
> petition to the Queen in support of #JulianAssange some weeks >ago. The 
> response says, basically, that the Queen cannot intervene in >issues which 
> are Political. This should be used in court. > >pic.twitter.com/GJVRiAXcTV

Re: Assange

2020-07-20 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 04:09:03PM +, таракан wrote:
> >>I laud the goal of seeing Assange released.
> >
> >>But perhaps money is not going to get him out. Even the British Queen 
> >>responded to the petition in relation to this, conceding it "is a political 
> >>matter"
> I think this is fake news... the Queen never took position regarding the case 
> of Assange ...
> >> I wonder what she really meant by that! If it is REALLY a "political 
> >> matter", then it shouldn't have been brought in any criminal court, either 
> >> US or UK.
> >
> >> My understanding is that in UK law, the Queen has the power to pardon. She 
> >> should exercise that power immediately, and have Assange released.
> The british Queen has certainly many powers, as of 2020, but she cannot 
> exercise any of them ..
> >> Jim Bell
> What would save Assange now is money because with money you can (possibly) 
> buy extraction teams.
> Again, nothing else will save or free Assange... he is now on the way to 
> extradition and then to court and then to supermax for the rest of his life, 
> and they will make sure he stays alive but slowly becomes a zombie/vegetable.
> As for 'political motives'... it's incorrect, these are 'imperial and 
> ideological motives'. The man threatened (Digital) Rome and the (Digital) 
> Power of Rome/Zeus/whatever must not be defied.
> 2,000 years ago a Christ was crucified and now in some ways Assange - which 
> is to the contrary far from being without sins - is crucified by a similar 
> power using different ways, hypocritical ways but probably even more horrible 
> than crucifixion.
> The mad queen of Roma/ Hillary (Il-a-rit) the great is personnaly behind this 
> and that vicious lady(sic) will make sure he suffers and suffers a lot 
> because a woman's cruelty can far exceed a man's cruelty.
> As for the 'laws' and 'democracy' it's a necessary decorum which, again, is 
> very juicy (how much money spent for Assange ?)
> Actually there is one and only thing that can save Assange, without the risks 
> of sending a military extradition team to Belmarsh.
> But don't believe I will tell there :-)
> Some are working in the shadows

 Queen Elizabeth won’t get involved in Julian Assange case because it’s a 
POLITICAL matter – Buckingham Palace

A Buckingham Palace spokeswoman has said the Queen will not intervene to 
release Julian Assange, vowing to remain “non-political.” The statement 
seemingly confirms that Assange’s detention is a political, not criminal, 

With WikiLeaks founder Assange holed up in HM Prison Belmarsh awaiting 
extradition to the US, activist Chris Lonsdale penned a letter to Queen 
Elizabeth II last month, asking the monarch to “ensure that Mr. Julian Assange 
is freed from Belmarsh Prison unconditionally,” in the spirit of “justice, 
peace and fair-mindedness.”

In a reply posted by Lonsdale on Sunday, a spokeswoman for the Queen said 
that Her Majesty “remains strictly non-political at all times,” and Assange’s 
detention is therefore “not a matter in which the Queen would intervene.” ...

 Royal shock: Queen finally responds to demand to help Julian Assange in 
prosecution row

   QUEEN ELIZABETH has waded into the row over whether or not Julian Assange 
should be prosecuted as the dilemma over the WikiLeaks founder erupts.

 Queen Elizabeth Won’t Get Involved in Julian Assange Case Because It’s A 
POLITICAL Matter – Buckingham Palace

   .. I have received a reply back from Buckingham Palace following my letter & 
petition to the Queen in support of #JulianAssange some weeks ago. The response 
says, basically, that the Queen cannot intervene in issues which are Political. 
This should be used in court. pic.twitter.com/GJVRiAXcTV

Re: Assange

2020-07-20 Thread таракан
>>I laud the goal of seeing Assange released.
>>But perhaps money is not going to get him out. Even the British Queen 
>>responded to the petition in relation to this, conceding it "is a political 

I think this is fake news... the Queen never took position regarding the case 
of Assange ...

>> I wonder what she really meant by that! If it is REALLY a "political 
>> matter", then it shouldn't have been brought in any criminal court, either 
>> US or UK.
>> My understanding is that in UK law, the Queen has the power to pardon. She 
>> should exercise that power immediately, and have Assange released.

The british Queen has certainly many powers, as of 2020, but she cannot 
exercise any of them ..

>> Jim Bell

What would save Assange now is money because with money you can (possibly) buy 
extraction teams.
Again, nothing else will save or free Assange... he is now on the way to 
extradition and then to court and then to supermax for the rest of his life, 
and they will make sure he stays alive but slowly becomes a zombie/vegetable.

As for 'political motives'... it's incorrect, these are 'imperial and 
ideological motives'. The man threatened (Digital) Rome and the (Digital) Power 
of Rome/Zeus/whatever must not be defied.

2,000 years ago a Christ was crucified and now in some ways Assange - which is 
to the contrary far from being without sins - is crucified by a similar power 
using different ways, hypocritical ways but probably even more horrible than 

The mad queen of Roma/ Hillary (Il-a-rit) the great is personnaly behind this 
and that vicious lady(sic) will make sure he suffers and suffers a lot because 
a woman's cruelty can far exceed a man's cruelty.

As for the 'laws' and 'democracy' it's a necessary decorum which, again, is 
very juicy (how much money spent for Assange ?)

Actually there is one and only thing that can save Assange, without the risks 
of sending a military extradition team to Belmarsh.
But don't believe I will tell there :-)

Some are working in the shadows

Re: Assange

2020-07-20 Thread jim bell
 On Monday, July 20, 2020, 02:50:57 AM PDT, Zenaan Harkness  
>I laud the goal of seeing Assange released.

>But perhaps money is not going to get him out.  Even the British Queen 
>responded to the petition in relation to this, conceding it "is a political 

I wonder what she really meant by that!   If it is REALLY a "political matter", 
then it shouldn't have been brought in any criminal court, either US or UK.  
My understanding is that in UK law, the Queen has the power to pardon.  She 
should exercise that power immediately, and have Assange released.
              Jim Bell

Re: "Here's What 75 Preppers Learned During The Lockdown" -- Re: Australian's being prepped for total lockdown, no more freedom of movement

2020-07-20 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sat, Jul 18, 2020 at 12:38:09AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 17, 2020 at 01:30:47PM +, таракан wrote:
> > Preppers it's like the sandwich without the sauce, the bread etc... as a 
> > matter of fact just the 'raw' idea.
> > 
> > Here is lacking a political description of what the 'lockdown' is and what 
> > it represents and in fact there is need for a meta-political explanation, 
> > more in terms of science, technology, social changes and probably, biology.
> > 
> > The core question is: how to resist to it? How to organize ourselves 
> > against it ? etc... laziness & lack of imagination seems the rule here.
> Now dang!  That's some tough questions!
> What is important is an individual thing I guess - given that so far at 
> least, covid prep has only been for the need to handle the stupidity of 
> others ("How much toilet paper do you need for a respiratory virus").
> Still, the uncertainty of gov. and possible despotism on our doorstep does 
> not rule out "food and water for basic survival" - we in Oz reportedly have 
> the army locking down the border between Victoria, the state I live in, and 
> New South Wales, just a few hours North.  Perhaps a practice run for bigger 
> things to come - who knows?
> Where/which/how/what is a life worth living?
> Perhaps in the bosom of Google, from the gradle to the grave?  All tech needs 
> back doors, since most tech is used against us, so Code Wisely muffas :)
> As a human, life and love outdoors, under the sun, under the stars, 
> resplendent before our creator and grateful in our existence.
> Some of the "wild West frontier" novels of yore get into the heart of this... 
> the vastness and glory of nature, the crushing defeats, the redemption and 
> upliftment.
> Camraderie, the journey with more than self at some point.  Without mateship, 
> real friendship, companionship, intimacy, we can truly be said to miss part 
> of the journey of a life worth living.  However flawed, we must live and love 
> and die inside infinitely small and unworthy, to be born again, ride again, 
> love again.
> Thank you for your question.

We know we're not being told the full story, we are kept as shrooms (mushrooms).

As long as "our Western elites" definitively handle China, I'm willin to 
continue to play along with the Corona boax.

This evidently means a full and financial divorce with China.

And we are sorry, we have much to answer for, and as such I continue to cringe 
in embarrassment on behalf of the Western "elites" in the face of Putin's stern 
rebuke "Do you understand what you have done now?"

(The chaos unleashed, the forcing of Russia's hand in so many ways!, the 
consequential rapid destruction of Western societal structure, and plenty 

We are where we are.  The West is in melt down mode, and shall continue as such 
for a while at least - treat us accordingly as 'we' shall continue for the time 
being to be agreement incapable.  IFF there is a solid shift in November we may 
have hope for a future better than "ongoing chaos and uncertainty".

On the personal front, "clean up your back yard" and continue to prep 
materially, spiritually, emotionally.

Whilst "uncertainty" around the China virus and its mutations proceeds and we 
are obliged in certain ways such as "keep a mask in your pocket" which you can 
therefore put on if needed, and be seen to be __handling your duty of care 
responsibility to others in your community__, consider always "is there a 
righteous foundation to this next bit of hoo.hah, notwithstanding?"

The West has some serious cleaning up to do.  Things can be argued to be going 
relatively quickly - such huge shifts take time, and months is "short" tbh, so 
let's be grateful to those who are pulling their weight - thank you to you, 
weight pullers, bloody great weekend down under, sunshine an all :)

I hear it's startin to rain in China.  So sad.

Re: Juan, you have a lot of women on your side! - [PEACE]

2020-07-20 Thread Zig the N.g
On Sat, Jul 18, 2020 at 04:53:28PM -0700, Mirimir wrote:
> On 07/18/2020 07:48 AM, Karl wrote:
> > i feel so furious reading this!  it becomes so hard to do my work!  zig why
> > are you saying these things?
> He's saying those things to piss you off. Not you, personally, but
> people generally who care what randoms on the webs say.
> More than that, it's hard to say. Z used to be more of a normal geek on
> this list. But then he started trying to satirize and out-troll Juan aka
> pu...@tfwno.gf, who's been here like forever. So Z has more or less
> inverted Juan's tropes, in prototypically Australian style.

You're a kind Soul, Mirimir, and for this I am grateful.

We not only have a right to own our thoughts, but some consider it a sacred 

PC (politically correct) censorship, and worse, self censorship, is the usually 
tacit, often explicit, consent to censorship.

This is consent to the "social Marxists" being in control of what words we may 
use, and therefore as explained a few times now, what thoughts are permissible. 
 Such is dictatorship, plain and simple.

In other words this is obviously the death of independent thought.

And _that_ is the ultimate death of the individual, in that we all become now 
compelled to comply with the new orthodoxy, under threat of personal attack, 
the threat of society wide disintegration, and on the micro scale, the threat 
of being accused of "hurting" some "poor, damaged, uniquely fragile" individual.

This all is a sort of penultimate rapture of narcissism, where the individual 
reigns so supreme, that he dictates acceptable speech (and therefore thought) 
for all, thus erasing all individuality and ensuring the homogeneity of all.

This last is of course impossible in practice, but that never stopped the 
unthinking from being led in their lust for power and control from 
belligerently attempting to destroy all if they don't get their way.  Quite 
literally "temper tantrums" of (psychologically) 4 year olds, in adult 
"university educated" bodies.  Such is of course an utter disgrace and blight 
on the Western "education" system.

And this existential battle of ideology (and truly too, a battle of wills) is 
heightened to its apex as the "liberal" world empire implodes on itself for 
want of an enemy (really, go back and read Dugin if you skipped over him - as 
Dr. Jordan Peterson states, knowledge is power).

Dugin highlights the fundamental paucity of substance in what we think of as 
the "liberal world order" or "liberal" ideology: "liberalism" as we know it in 
the West is sadly lived as the negative 'freedom from'.  For example:

 - freedom _from_ communism
 - freedom _from_ fascism
 - freedom _from_ "the suffocating social construct of gender"
 - etc

As Dugin highlights, this "freedom from" is inherently negative, a "liberation" 
from this or that "evil", and so when the USSR fell, the End of History began, 
and with it, the inherent end of this negative "liberal"ism, since it had 
vanquished all enemies, we had been freed "from" the worst evils (the 
anti-liberalism (supposedly) of Russia's communism).  Which is entirely ironic, 
as The End of History being caused by the demise of all liberalismi's 
"enemies", is simultaneously the end of that which opposes those "enemies", 
i.e. the very "liberalism" which succeeded (as it is a negative ("freedom 
from") in nature).  Negative (freedom from) liberalism, cannot exist without an 
enemy to fight to the death and liberate us from.  This normally would all be 
rather funny, except the present society wide consequences (for whatever 
superficial and other causes), are very significant, there is quite possibly 
great danger immediately ahead - so, we must tread  very  carefully.

In this present penultimate insanity, all who fail to uphold the "freedom from" 
dogma of the day, are heathens, infidels who must be sacrificed on the alter of 
the Social Justice Cathedral.

Historically, the literal death of infidels follows in short order, by the 
guns, torture and murder done by a dictator and his regime.  We must tread 

The "4th political theory" which Dugin begins to put forth is ironically at 
once both an opposite of "liberalism and the glory of the individual", and yet 
it is also very similar and the term used "dasein" speaks directly to the 
_beingness_ of the individual!  This is quite existential (!), yet admits of 
all aspects (and all needs) of the experience of the individual, rather than 
the eternally pithy "freedom _from_ some bad dogma 'out there'".

Note however that dasein is wrt a positive and not a negative "individuality" 
or rather "experience of" - where the reality of the individual, his beingness, 
becomes central to some new "way" or "ideology": dasein (/ 4th political 
theory) is finally a truly existential construct, not the oh so superficial 
narcissism of the "negative freedoms _from_" which "liberalism" (as we 
unfortunately call it) supposedly "frees" us 

Re: Assange

2020-07-20 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Jul 19, 2020 at 11:46:29PM +, таракан wrote:
> Anyone interested to [FUND THE] extract Assange from Jail - Mesrine + 
> Cipherpunks style
> contact me on my ProtonMail Email
> BTW I do not live in RUSSIA I live in DONBASS - ONLY place to FUCK the world 
> power -

Legends of the Donbass!  I pray for you.

I laud the goal of seeing Assange released.

But perhaps money is not going to get him out.  Even the British Queen 
responded to the petition in relation to this, conceding it "is a political 
matter" - in other words the DemonRats hope to "vindicate" (if you can call it 
that) Hitlery's murder of Seth Rich.  "Man, those danged Russkies^B^B I mean 
American's with conscience!"

Seth Rich, may your Soul carry on proudly, in dignity, and with the ultimate 

   CHAPPAQUA, NY—Hillary Clinton has suggested that Americans vote for
   president via email, a controversial proposal that's nonetheless gaining
   some traction on the left.

   Clinton released her proposal to have Americans send in their votes via
   email and even offered to run the server herself. She said her server
   could handle up to 30,000 emails per second, more than enough bandwidth
   to run the national election.


   "I would be more than happy to provide a server that could handle all the
   email votes," Clinton said. "I'd guarantee no votes sent in by email
   would be lost. They'd be safe and secure. Our security systems are to die

   Some people criticized the suggestion, saying that email is inherently
   insecure and that emails have a way of disappearing when they're
   inconvenient to Clinton's purposes. These people have not been heard from

Re: Communication Channels [PEACE]

2020-07-20 Thread Stefan Claas
Karl wrote:
> We may or may not incidentally represent major influential figures and for
> one thing our devices are hacked to control our world decisions.  We need
> help securing our devices and understanding what is true about device
> security, and what is needed to improve it.
> Is there a communication channel that resists censorship better than e-mail
> and provides for possible anonymity, to talk with people who have the
> knowledge to relate around establishing secure systems and improving device
> security?
> Thanks,

I would check out Bitmessage which gives you anonymity and is censor resistant
and can be configured for Tor usage. 

You can create also public chans (channels) for discussions, but those can 
been spammed, from people who do not like Bitmessage.

Another option could be ZeroNet.




my 'hidden' service gopherhole:

Re: PPP Loans and Solving America's Pathetic Commercial Banks Problem - [MONEY] [PEACE] [NATIONALISM]

2020-07-20 Thread Zenaan Harkness
The middle кlass is the foundation of a strong nation, which is the necessary 
foundation of "our" oligarchs.

Crumbs off the table of the elite, are the life blood of a prosperous and happy 

No pyramid may last on foundations of seething anger gnawing away at all 
foundations of society, willing to descend into the depths of destruction but 
for a little justice.

How can it be any other way?

The game shifts mp friends, a little ray of sanity is on the horizon - stay the 
course, stay true, and continue to care for loved ones, as we cannot be sure 
what is to come.


   Mnuchin Suggests US Should Forgive "Small" PPP Loans Of $150,000 Or Less
  .. In what is turning out to be one of the biggest cash grabs and 
fleecings of the middle class that our Central Bank and government have ever 
conspired to create, the government is now considering forgiving all of the 
"small" PPP loans that it distributed under the coronavirus pandemic.
  While the average American is still clinging to the one $1200 stimulus 
check they were distributed months ago, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has 
said that he is considering "forgiving all small loans, but would need fraud 
protection,” for businesses, according to Bloomberg. ...

   Blast Hits Power Plant In Central Iran Sunday As Mainstream Media Admits 
'It's Likely Israel'
  .. Yet another strange and unexplained explosion has rocked central Iran 
on Sunday, reports state-owned Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).
  Citing no injuries during the large explosion, it occurred at a power 
station in the city of Islamabad, which is in the central province of Isfahan. 
  At this point, the spate of 'mystery' blasts and fires which has damaged 
key military, nuclear, and industrial sites across Iran - especially in and 
around Tehran - is approaching a dozen in only the past month.
  .. Mainstream media is also increasingly laying blame on an Israeli 
Mossad sabotage campaign, especially prior to the US presidential election, 
given concern that if Joe Biden takes the White House, Israel will be pressured 
to stop such sabotage campaigns possibly leading to war.
  "Israel has long targeted nuclear programs in the Middle East in secret, 
open, and openly secret ways," writes Vox. "Simply put, officials in Jerusalem 
worry Iran could more credibly threaten Israel’s existence if it had a nuclear 
weapon," the report adds.

  The term Judeo-Christian is used to group Christianity and Judaism 
  The term Judæo Christian first appears in a letter from Alexander McCaul 
which is dated October 17, 1821. In this case the term referred to Jewish 
converts to Christianity. The term was similarly used by Joseph Wolff in 1829, 
in reference to a type of church that would observe some Jewish traditions in 
order to convert Jews.
  Use of the German term Judenchristlich ("Jewish-Christian"), in a 
decidedly negative sense, can be found in the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche, 
who emphasized what he believed were neglected aspects of continuity between 
the Jewish and Christian world views.
  The concept of Judeo-Christian ethics or Judeo-Christian values in an 
ethical (rather than a theological or liturgical) sense was used by George 
Orwell in 1939, along with the phrase "the Judaeo-Christian scheme of 
  Theologian and author Arthur A. Cohen, in The Myth of the Judeo-Christian 
Tradition, questioned the theological validity of the Judeo-Christian concept 
and suggested that it was essentially an invention of American politics.
  The related term "Abrahamic religions" includes Bahá'ísm, Islam, Druze 
etc. in addition to Judaism and Christianity.[2]

   Is there really such a thing as the "Judeo-Christian tradition"?
   14 Feb 2019, Philip C. Almond
  .. These days, the term "the Judeo-Christian tradition" is most often 
meant to evoke "those religious, ethical, or cultural values or beliefs 
regarded as being common to both Judaism and Christianity." Obvious enough, 
perhaps. But then, when asked to specify what these religious, ethical, or 
cultural values or beliefs really are, we quickly find ourselves struggling.
  So before asking what the term "Judeo-Christian tradition" means or what 
its particular "values or beliefs" are, we first need to ask what work the term 
"Judeo-Christian" doing in the modern West?
  It may come as a surprise to many that it has a very short history. In 
its current dominant meaning, it is virtually unknown before the Second World 
War, only really coming