America needs a conscience - [PEACE]

2020-07-24 Thread Zenaan Harkness
(North) America needs a conscience.

This need is a duty we all share, and we each must do our part, calling out 
despotism and evil in its many disguises.

   Patriotic Dissent: How A Working-Class Soldier Turned Against "Forever Wars"
   Steve Early and Suzanne Gordon via,

  .. Not many on the left favor a return to conscription.

  But Sjursen makes it clear there’s been a downside to the U.S. replacing 
“citizen soldiering” with “a tiny professional warrior caste,” created in 
response to draft-driven dissent against the Vietnam War, inside and outside 
the military. As he observes:

  “Nothing so motivates a young adult to follow foreign policy, to 
weigh the advisability or morality of an ongoing war as the possibility of 
having to put ‘skin in the game.’ Without at least the potential requirement to 
serve in the military and in one of America’s now countless wars, an entire 
generation—or really two, since President Nixon ended the draft in 1973–has had 
the luxury of ignoring the ills of U.S. foreign policy, to distance themselves 
from its reality.”

Re: ideology

2020-07-24 Thread jim bell
 On Friday, July 24, 2020, 12:40:37 PM PDT, таракан 


>(I don't say that specifically for you Jim Bell, whether you are the 'real' 
>Jim bell or a fake) 
If you want to find out that I am the "real" Jim Bell, we could do a Skype 
call.  There are a few pictures of me already available using Google, and a few 
videos on YouTube of me.  (There are MANY videos  of "Jim Bells", nearly all of 
which AREN'T me!!!)

The following picture was taken May 2000 by Declan 


>@Jim bell (if you are the right one) 
About 30 years ago, I got a phone call from somebody looking for a "Jim Bell".  
A few questions, and the caller said, "you aren't the right Jim Bell".I 
responded:  "That's odd!  All these years, I THOUGHT I WAS the RIGHT Jim 
Bell!"The caller chuckled.

>What your years in jail brought to your mind? What sort of ideology? Concepts ?
In a truly astonishing event of monumental engineering and scientific 
importance, I made a discovery and then a large series of inventions based on 
the concept of substitution of isotopes.  See for a very brief 
sampling.  My college degree is a BS in Chemistry from MIT (1980), but I also 
had an extensive history of experience in electronics.  The story of this 
discovery will eventually be the weirdest tale of discovery in the entire 
history of science.  I need to write the whole thing up in a book.  
Generally, people are taught that isotopes are atoms with different numbers of 
neutrons, leading to them having different weights.  That is quite true, but it 
turns out that isn't the only difference.  Some isotopes have either an odd 
numbers of neutrons, or an odd number of protons.  Either condition (or both) 
causes a nucleus to have 'electromagnetic spin', a permanent mechanical wobble 
which results in a tiny permanent magnetic field:  Think of it as a nanoscopic 
permanent magnet suspended in space.  This leads some isotopes to have 
different mechanical and electronic properties, but different in ways all 
engineers and nearly all scientists either didn't notice, or didn't bother 
with.  Since separation of isotopes has been extremely expensive, the only 
useful inventions are those where the benefit of of the invention exceeds the 
cost of the isotope separation.  And so far, I'm the only person who 
understands these effects and how to apply them to existing materials and 

>Sometimes I think that dying is easy but surviving is hard. The same I think 
>going to jail is easy but defeating a bunch of special agents with guns is 
Yes, that's pretty much it!
             The RIGHT "Jim Bell"  

redux -- Re: USA status check

2020-07-24 Thread Zenaan Harkness
There are no shortage of facts of doom and gloom in the West.  To avert 
destruction and the violent power grab and subsequent enslavement that would 
immediately follow (or run parallel to) this quite possible collapse, we must 
begin the process of living a higher ethic.  Choose wisely.  Catalyze and 
precipitate that which we need.  Amplify the higher ethics.

   Doug Casey On Why This Election Could Be The Most Important Since The US 
Civil War,

On Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 03:29:39AM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
> For those who care, a quick status check on the USA; it's quite precarious:
>A Stress Test For A Straining Superpower
>Patrick Buchanan via,
>   ...
>   From the protests, riots, rampages and statue-smashing of the last two 
> months, it is apparent that millions of Americans detest our history and 
> heroes. Though nowhere in recorded time have 42 million people of African 
> descent achieved the measures of freedom and prosperity they have in the USA, 
> we are daily admonished that ours is a rotten and sick society whose every 
> institution is shot through with “systemic racism.”
>   ...

A new MXene material shows extraordinary electromagnetic interference shielding ability

2020-07-24 Thread jim bell
Very thin EMI shielding material.


2020-07-24 Thread таракан
[sans les coquilles]

I registered to that mailing list for a few weeks by now.

My surprise: no ideology, no thoughts, no 'operative' or 'operational' 
intelligence but only 'passive' intelligence, just forwarding events like 
synapses would transmit messages.

(I don't say that specifically for you Jim Bell, whether you are the 'real' Jim 
bell or a fake)

Using ideas, not 'raw feelings' is a mark of 'superior' intelligence.

Using 'concepts' not 'news' is equivalent mark.

Our 'post-whatever-modern-industrial' societies destroy intelligence to replace 
it by a fog , a swamp , a cloud of diffuse 'feelings'; 'desires' and other such 
Brownian movement orientated stuff.

Try to read Spinoza: Axioms... theorems in terms of philosophy

Concepts, theory, demonstration, examples...

Statements, analysis, synthesis ...

Whatever ...

I read the Cypherpunk manifesto... in other words: "me want privacy"

It's even an idea, as basic as it is. Even the Unabomber manifesto has more 
ideas : "me against technology, technology bad... cannot say why"

Funny enough both manifesto were written by mathematicians. I am also a 

Not all mathematicians are like Pascal or Descartes.

A mathematician is an expert in logic, symbolic abstraction and have learnt how 
to manipulate a bunch of abstract things ranging from Algebra to Functional 
Analysis or Algebraic Geometry.

Unfortunately being able of expressing ideas and ideology is an other problem...

I'm always amazed at example like Mr cedric villani... a medal fields prize who 
turned into politics but unable to express more ideas than ... 'one should 
clean the dog's shit of Paris..." or "there should be politics for ‘velibs’ 
(rent-a-bike from the town administration) "

@Jim bell (if you are the right one)

What your years in jail brought to your mind? What sort of ideology? Concepts ?

Sometimes I think that dying is easy but surviving is hard. The same I think 
going to jail is easy but defeating a bunch of special agents with guns is 


2020-07-24 Thread таракан
I registered to that mailing list for a few weeks by now.

My surprise: no ideology, no thoughts, no 'operative' or 'operational' 
intelligence but only 'passive' intelligence, just forwarding events like 
synapses would transmit messages.

(I don't say that specifically for you Jim Bell, whether you are the 'real' Jim 
bell or a fake)

Using ideas, not 'raw feelings' is a mark of 'superior' intelligence.
Using 'concepts' not 'news' is equivalent mark.

Our 'post-whatever-modern-oindustrial' societies destroy intelligence to 
replace it by a fog , a swamp , a cloud of diffuse 'feelings'; 'desires' and 
other such brownian movement orientated stuff.

Try to read Spinoza: Axioms... theorems in terms of philosophy
Concepts, theoiry, demonstration, examples...
Constatation, analysis, synthesis ...
whatever ...

I read the Cypherpunk manifesto... in other words: "me want privacy"
It's even an idea, as basic as it is. Ecven the Unabomber manifesto has more 
ideas : "me againt technology,m technology bad... cannot say why"

Funny enough both manifesto were written by mathematicians. I am also a 
Not all mathematicians are like Pascal or Descartes.

A mathematician is an expert in logic, symbolic abstraction and have learn how 
to manipulate a bunch of abstract things ranging from Algrabra to Functional 
Analysis or Algebraic Geometry.

Unfortunatelky being able of expressing ideas and ideology is an other 

I'm always amaze at example like Mr cedric villani... a medal fields prize who 
turned into politics but unable to express more ideas than ... 'one whould 
clean the dog's shit of Paris..." or "there should be politics for velibs 
(rent-a-bike from the town administration) "

@Jim bell (if you are the right one)
What your years in jail brought to your mind? What sort of ideology? Concepts ?

Sometimes I think that dying is easy but surviving is hard. The same I think 
going to jail is easy but defeating a bunch of special agents with guns is 


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USA status check

2020-07-24 Thread Zig the N.g
For those who care, a quick status check on the USA; it's quite precarious:

   A Stress Test For A Straining Superpower
   Patrick Buchanan via,


  From the protests, riots, rampages and statue-smashing of the last two 
months, it is apparent that millions of Americans detest our history and 
heroes. Though nowhere in recorded time have 42 million people of African 
descent achieved the measures of freedom and prosperity they have in the USA, 
we are daily admonished that ours is a rotten and sick society whose every 
institution is shot through with “systemic racism.”


Foundations for Action

2020-07-24 Thread Zenaan Harkness
For those who missed the memo, we're in a conversation.

Right now in the West this is a community wide conversation as we face certain 
critical junctures in history.

It is not only poignant and important but literally game changing, and an 
urgent last minute call to higher principles.  For example Kek's meme army 
memed "the orange man" into the presidency (along with a lot of prayer from 
those who pray, and certain great sacrifices).

Feel free to join this conversation - we will share the outcome, either chaos 
and rapid destruction, or a steady recovery and rebuild of relationships.  
Breaking habits can be tough, with withdrawals, headaches, occasional relapses 
and drying out periods, but with a stern father figure and guiding hand (Putin) 
we can get through this; we must!

Let's also remind ourselves that we are all human.

Where possible in this conversation try to help your "opponent" to understand 
his own words when your "Stupid O Meter" highlights for you how stupid his 
words are; consider responding with a sentence beginning with "Did you mean 
..." or "Are you trying to say that ..."

It is convenient to use the "royal we" that is to use "we" (or "our" etc) to 
refer to either our whole community or any subset - if the true meaning is 
unclear to you, that's an opportunity to join the convo and ask for 
clarification.  When the royal "we" is used, it often is not meant to imply 
that the writer is necessarily included in the group referred to.

Example 1: Pragmatism

Pragmatism has its place, but it often has its price!

Pragmatism is in many circumstances a reasonable "default fallback", e.g. when 
in doubt.

Pragmatism also appears to be the dominant old school modality for our trusted 
deep state allies - yes, we use the word "trusted" in a generous way as not 
only a figure of speech, but as a prayer for a future for our children of peace 
between nations; let's call it a pragmatic choice :)

The problem with pragmatism is its limits - without the higher guiding 
principles, "pragmatism" justifies torture, murder, and for example the 
revolving turnstyle in Iran of regime change de-installing one leader and 
system for another, followed by later de-installing your new "puppet" and 
re-installing the old, just to later turn around and do it all again in 
repeated reversing repetition; and the obvious result is a cluster-check of 
distrust, instability, international condemnation, and generally fear.  All in 
the name of pragmatism.  And this has of course been repeated all over the 
place including Iraq, Turkey and Libya.

Given the West's regime change antics, it is no wonder we are on the precipice 
of the same sword.  The will to use evil on another, justifies that evil 
befalling ourselves - karma or "do unto others that which you would have them 
do unto you".

Despotic pragmatism has so universally dominated the CIA that the CIA's present 
Director Gina Haspel has reportedly engaged in / authorized / upheld / publicly 
supported, torture (named by the despotic euphemism "enhanced interrogation 
techniques").  One wonders what happened to Ms Haspel in her younger years…

Torture must be forever taken off the table, and publicly renounced, 
unambiguously, and permanently.

The Western regime is on the precipice of destruction.  We must repent of our 
evils.  We must cast evil from our "toolbox" of foundations for action.  We 
must stop justifying all manner of evils as the means to reach "the 'good' 

For starters, "our deep state buddies" must actually renounce, and actually 
refrain from, certain evils including:

   - torture
   - extrajudicial killing aka murder
   - violent regime change of client (or "enemy") states

(Feel free to add other evils which we must cast from the West!)

Without actually renouncing, denouncing and refraining from, torture (for one 
example), no mandate from heaven can be in operation (duh!) and instead the 
wrath of heaven must descend, and if that's hard to understand, pray you be 
guided as to why righteous humans would uphold, or destroy, a nation.

If "you" (CIA, FBI, employees, etc) struggle to find righteous foundations for 
action within yourself or within your department, you are in urgent need of 
crowdsourcing some righteousness immediately!  Achieving that might mean a 
public dialog of some sort, possibly whistleblowing, or perhaps something else, 
but at this point in history we cannot afford to fail on such basic 
moral/spiritual principles; act accordingly.

Some have paid a very high, yet honourable price, their lives: from Seth Rich 
to the Donbass region for example, and to honour their sacrifices we must do 
more than carry on as before, we must instead lift our game, live a higher 
ethic, do all that we can to atone for such evils and to bring forth 

Example 2: Russia blaming

There is not much that is more insulting to the plain thinking man than y

Gaynor: Free Speech update: Garry Burns is bankrupt

2020-07-24 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Awesome news folks, the New South Wales Anti-Discrimination Board (in NSW, 
Australia) "is on the verge of a catastrophic defeat"!!!

Fan, freaking, tastic, BatMan!

Not quite there yet on this front, but thousands have contributed from their 
wallets, from their prayers, and from their moral support to Bernard and his 
family - they went through some really tough times, even before Covid tought us 
the meaning of "tough" <:D>.  Seriously, Gaynor is a trooper and so many have 
played their small part.

It ain't over yet either!  Cancel culture might have just taken a hit, but 
there's a metric tonne to go yet.  Stay the course!

Pray, muffas!

Pray for righteousness, for justice to prevail, and for those good men under 
attack to find the strength within to stay the course of truth and justice.


- Forwarded message from Bernard Gaynor  

From: Bernard Gaynor 
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2020 08:15:42 +
Subject: Free Speech update: Garry Burns is bankrupt
X-Mailer: MailChimp Mailer - **CID932b777af0761ea41511**
List-ID: 2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210mc list

Garry Burns has filed for bankruptcy

View this email in your browser 
Dear Zenaan,

Garry Burns is bankrupt. 

This does not mean that his complaints against me are over. There is still a 
process to unfold. But it does mean that they could end soon. Then the work of 
holding the New South Wales Anti-Discrimination Board to account will begin.

I have written some thoughts about Burns' bankruptcy here 

And this piece highlights 
 the important victories that we have achieved since this farcical saga first 
began. You will not hear about these victories in the mainstream media.

When we take stock, it is clear that the New South Wales anti-discrimination 
industry is on the verge of a catastrophic defeat.

These victories are proof that conservatives can win. They are also proof that 
those who attack us have complete disregard for the law.

However, there is still work to be done. I still have legal costs to pay and 
still face proceedings in the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal, NSW Local 
Court, NSW Supreme Court and High Court of Australia. If you wish to assist, 
please donate here. 

I have also commenced action to examine Garry Burns' financial affairs. I have 
reason to believe that this may be an explosive process. Stay tuned.

On Tuesday night at 8pm I will be appearing on Pellowe Talk to discuss these 

Tune in online by visiting
 and clicking on the live stream. I will also be speaking about my latest 
podcast which focuses on the attack on free speech and 'cancel culture'.

You can view this by clicking below:
Finally, thank you for your ongoing support, prayers, encouragement and 
generosity. These victories would not be possible without you.

Kind regards,

Bernard Gaynor
Christus Rex!
( Email 
Join the fight and donate today 

Copyright © 2020 Bernard Gaynor, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Bernard Gaynor
PO Box 766
Park Ridge, Qld 4125
** unsubscribe from this list 

Gaynor: Free Speech update: Garry Burns is bankrup

2020-07-24 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Awesome news folks, the New South Wales Anti-Discrimination Board (in
NSW, Australia) "is on the verge of a catastrophic defeat"!!!

Fan, freaking, tastic, BatMan!

Not quite there yet on this front, but thousands have contributed from
their wallets, from their prayers, and from their moral support to
Bernard and his family - they went through some really tough times,
even before Covid tought us the meaning of "tough" <:D>.  Seriously,
Gaynor is a trooper and so many have played their small part.

It ain't over yet either!  Cancel culture might have just taken a hit,
but there's a metric tonne to go yet.  Stay the course!

Pray, muffas!

Pray for righteousness, for justice to prevail, and for those good men
under attack to find the strength within to stay the course of truth
and justice.


- Forwarded message from Bernard Gaynor

From: Bernard Gaynor 
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2020 08:15:42 +
Subject: Free Speech update: Garry Burns is bankrupt
X-Mailer: MailChimp Mailer - **CID932b777af0761ea41511**
List-ID: 2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210mc list

Garry Burns has filed for bankruptcy

View this email in your browser
Dear Zenaan,

Garry Burns is bankrupt.

This does not mean that his complaints against me are over. There is
still a process to unfold. But it does mean that they could end soon.
Then the work of holding the New South Wales Anti-Discrimination Board
to account will begin.

I have written some thoughts about Burns' bankruptcy here

And this piece highlights
the important victories that we have achieved since this farcical saga
first began. You will not hear about these victories in the mainstream

When we take stock, it is clear that the New South Wales
anti-discrimination industry is on the verge of a catastrophic defeat.

These victories are proof that conservatives can win. They are also
proof that those who attack us have complete disregard for the law.

However, there is still work to be done. I still have legal costs to
pay and still face proceedings in the NSW Civil and Administrative
Tribunal, NSW Local Court, NSW Supreme Court and High Court of
Australia. If you wish to assist, please donate here.

I have also commenced action to examine Garry Burns' financial
affairs. I have reason to believe that this may be an explosive
process. Stay tuned.

On Tuesday night at 8pm I will be appearing on Pellowe Talk to discuss
these matters.

Tune in online by visiting
and clicking on the live stream. I will also be speaking about my
latest podcast which focuses on the attack on free speech and 'cancel

You can view this by clicking below:
Finally, thank you for your ongoing support, prayers, encouragement
and generosity. These victories would not be possible without you.

Kind regards,

Bernard Gaynor
Christus Rex!
( Email
Join the fight and donate today

Copyright © 2020 Bernard Gaynor, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Bernard Gaynor
PO Box 766
Park Ridge, Qld 4125
** unsubscribe from this list

Russia "takes over" the UK -- Re: Bears can swim - (⌐■_■) -- Re: "He's not the Messiah, he's just a very naughty Russian!"

2020-07-24 Thread Zig the N.g
>From "explosive" reports (yeah, yeah...) just now see below, to spies 
>purportedly running around with nerve-poison spray bottles (Novichok and the 
>Skripal hoax), to entire legislative regimes built on the back of lies, theft 
>and murder (the Magnitsky Act), the UK's Ministry of Truth and their lackeys 
>in the cucked and compromised ABC of Australia are hard at work blaming 
>Russians for everything in sight.

Russians have supposedly 'not only come to town, they've meddled their way to 
total domination of all of the West' and "must therefore be" the cause of all 
our ills and our imminent demise, which is of course all so farcical it could 
never be used even for a B-rated movie plot, yet we continue to be fed this 
shit week after week, year after year!

This is all so, so pathetic.  Western "leaders", that is, any and all 
politicians who are compromised, ought step down immediately, for the possible 
redemption of their own Souls.

The latest circus show culminating in the last few days is the UK's own demon 
rats casting endless aspersions against "RUSSIA!!!" (I know, I know, "how truly 
original") - just check out this 'funny' headline (funny if it weren't so 
shitty for our relationship with our Russian brothers):

   While Britain looked for terrorists under the bed, Russia took over the house
  Posted Yesterday at 3:28am, updated Yesterday at 10:42am
   A new report exposes how Russian spies infiltrated the UK

… and plenty more (actually it's so weak, so pathetic and so bad, that it's 
just sad):

   Long-awaited Russia report says UK Government failed to investigate Kremlin 
interference in Brexit

You know, what's most pathetic is the West's eternal "need" to blame someone, 
in almost all cases Putin, or Russia, or Putin's Russia, often times "the Putin 
regime", and occasionally also "the Russian regime under Putin", or often 
enough some combination of these.

And what's most irritating about this latest bunch o' bullshit from the 
Ministry's spin rats in the UK in the above "explosive report" and endless 
droning "Putin dunnit" articles, is that the UK is perhaps the world's largest 
money laundering capital, whilst proclaiming to wear a halo (!):

   Dirty money or dirty politics? UK hypocrisy over ‘Russian oligarchs’
   According to Russia’s Prosecutor General, 61 criminals who stole up to 
$10 billion in Russia are enjoying life in the UK. Britain claims to be 
concerned about ‘dirty money,’ but has rejected requests from Moscow for 
   It was the financial heist of the century. The looting of Soviet 
Russia’s wealth by a group of well-connected oligarchs in the 1990s enriched a 
tiny few, but impoverished vast swathes of the country’s population. The 
foundations for this massive, reverse-Robin-Hood redistribution of wealth were 
laid with Gorbachev’s ‘restructuring’ economic reforms of the late 80s. 
However, the process reached its peak under Boris Yeltsin.
   READ MORE: Russia to Britain: 'You can keep the criminals, but return 
the money'

Lé Mérchánt is Lé very Lé Háppí of course.  Ahh, the wicked webs we weave in 
the wicked web weaving Western web weaver's wick.

It really is sad, and so we continue with our "one step forward, nine tenths of 
a step back" reality for the time being.

The nihilist "freedom from some external evil" is so, so tiresome.  The 
desperate "Western" yearning for evil regimes to oppose, which are so dastardly 
(supposedly Putin), so malevolent towards "our values" (supposedly Russia and 
her family friendly approach to advertising), so irredeemably black and 
nefarious that they just might begin to make us Westerners look 'OK', possibly 
may be acceptable to ourselves 'in comparison'.

Western "leaders" push out forced smiles and strained cackles of "muh human 
rights" as though they actually know something about what human rights actually 
are …

On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 02:01:15PM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
> Who knew bears ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ could swim?
> ▄▄██▌█ TOOT TOOT
>  ▄▄▄▌▐██▌█ ICBM DELIVERY   ʕ⌐■_■ʔ
>  ███▌█▄▄▄▌
>  ▀(@)▀▀▀(@)(@)▀(@)(@)▀
> Impressive stuff:
>Russia's Newest Cutting Edge Submarine, the Super-Quiet, Nuke Carrying 
> 'Prince Vladimir'
> And a good collection of ASCII 'moticonicons - check out #825 :
>List of All ASCII Emoticons