Re: Leaks: Intel ExConfidential Lake Platform Release ;)

2020-08-06 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Thu, Aug 06, 2020 at 10:25:09PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> infohash:38f947ceadf06e6d3ffc2b37b807d7ef80b57f21

Sort of an Intel-only "Vault 7" :)

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-06 Thread jamesd
On 2020-08-07 09:54, Karl wrote:
> I'm not sure our emails are reaching the list.  They don't seem to all be
> in the archive.  Maybe we triggered a brief DoS?
> It sounds like you hold a lot of reasons to be very angry around race
> issues.

That is crazy talk.

People who believe things for emotional reasons reveal this by being
wildly out of contact with reality.

Which of us is out of contact with reality?

You believed all manner of fantastic stories, despite the fact that the
mass media has been hungrily searching for these stories for years, and
not finding them.  If every such story the media turns up turns out to
be lie, why would you believe such bunk?

I thought the reason you were unaware of massive shockingly brutal
racist violence in America is that it was unavailable on censored social
media, but when I went looking, there were piles of it, even on YouTube.
 If you are unaware of it, you are lying or willfully self deluded.

Every parent who talks about "Good Schools" is piously lying.  He has
given up on schools teaching anything, and just hopes for a school where
colored kids will not beat up his kids while teachers turn a blind eye.
 What makes a school "good" is the low level of racist violence that
whites and east Asians suffer.

Now they have given up on looking for poster boys, and are just
inventing statistics out of thin air.  According to the New York Times
two thirds of people at emergency are there due to police inflicted

I have, unlike most Americans, a privileged existence, which has always
protected me from black predation, but black predation is visible around me.

My only reason for being angry with blacks is that since the riots
tenants are fleeing San Francisco, without notice, and frequently
without a forwarding address.  Probably those tenants have reason to be
angry with blacks,  but are too terrified to show their anger.

> I've received some links from you to duckduckgo, alternative media, and
> .  Are these what you mean when you say uncensored social media?

No, but when I went looking, I found that the links on uncensored social
media frequently linked to stuff on censored social media, including, to
my considerable astonishment, YouTube. Qualcomm chip vulnerability puts millions of phones at risk

2020-08-06 Thread jim bell Qualcomm chip vulnerability puts millions of phones at risk.

Ars Technica: More than 20GB of Intel source code and proprietary data dumped online

2020-08-06 Thread jim bell
Ars Technica: More than 20GB of Intel source code and proprietary data dumped 

"Liberal" Bidenite DemRats paraphrased by Matt Taibbi: "Kansas is a White Supremacist Project and Can Go Fuck Itself"

2020-08-06 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Matt Taibbi cuts to the chase of the USA's "liberal" "Democrat" party's willful 
condescension and lately, complete demonisation, of conservative white North 

   'Kansas Should Go F*** Itself': Taibbi Opines On Liberal Arrogance In Lieu 
Of Introspection

  … Matt Taibbi has written one hell of a book review in advance of a 
Friday podcast interview with author Thomas Frank, whose new book "The People, 
No: A Brief History of Anti-Populism" is currently Amazon's #1 new release in 
'radical political thought.'

  … That Democrats needed Thomas Frank to tell them what conservatives 
fifteen miles outside the cities were thinking was damning in itself.

  … After 2016 it became axiomatic that the Trump voter, or the Leave 
voter, was – without exception now – a crazed, racist monster. As detailed here 
multiple times, ruminations on Republican voter behaviors became not merely 
uninteresting to pundits after November 2016, but actively taboo. By 2020, the 
official answer to What’s the Matter with Kansas? was Kansas is a White 
Supremacist Project and Can Go Fuck Itself. -Matt Taibbi

Re: Cryptocurrency: The State of Global Macro Lately... ;)

2020-08-06 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
On Thu, Aug 6, 2020, 23:19 grarpamp  wrote:

I was missing you so, so, so much...  Thank you for being still alive,
grarpamp!!!  <3

And talking about unicorns, meow...  Puuu...   ~(=^‥^)

I do love you.  Keep yourself alive and never disappear again, please!!!  <3

Leaks: Intel ExConfidential Lake Platform Release ;)

2020-08-06 Thread grarpamp


"We believe an individual with access downloaded and shared this data."

Intel ME Bringup guides + (flash) tooling + samples for various platforms
Kabylake (Purley Platform) BIOS Reference Code and Sample Code +
Initialization code (some of it as exported git repos with full
Intel CEFDK (Consumer Electronics Firmware Development Kit (Bootloader
stuff)) SOURCES
Silicon / FSP source code packages for various platforms
Various Intel Development and Debugging Tools
Simics Simulation for Rocket Lake S and potentially other platforms
Various roadmaps and other documents
Binaries for Camera drivers Intel made for SpaceX
Schematics, Docs, Tools + Firmware for the unreleased Tiger Lake platform
(very horrible) Kabylake FDK training videos
Intel Trace Hub + decoder files for various Intel ME versions
Elkhart Lake Silicon Reference and Platform Sample Code
Some Verilog stuff for various Xeon Platforms, unsure what it is exactly.
Debug BIOS/TXE builds for various Platforms
Bootguard SDK (encrypted zip)
Intel Snowridge / Snowfish Process Simulator ADK
Various schematics
Intel Marketing Material Templates (InDesign)
Lots of other things

"If you find password protected zips in the release the password
is probably either "Intel123" or "intel123"."

"there *are* results for just the word "backdoor", which is always
funny and sometimes questionable."

#OpenFabs , #OpenHW , #OpenAudit

Cryptocurrency: The State of Global Macro Lately... ;)

2020-08-06 Thread grarpamp

Re: Message Channels a Smidge was: Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM

2020-08-06 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
My dear Karl,

Please, calm your heart and breath slowly, darling.  Everything is okay
with the list archives and I've been receiving all your messages to the CP
list.  Believe me, each one of them.  Why do you think I was complaining
about your emails?  Hahaha!!  ;D

You do _not_ need to copy anyone to your answers, but you can copy me if it
makes you feel more comfortable, more secure and warm in this moment.  <3

Just relax and be calm, please.  There is life outside, out the lists, out
the blockchains, out the Internet.  This list is strangely cute and I also
love it, but try to get some fresh air.  It will be healthy for you, dear.

Greg is a very lovely person and pretty, pretty busy.  He donates a lot of
time and patience for managing this list adequately and I admire him really
a lot.  I don't know what happened about your message, but don't be
annoyed, everything is alright.  Nothing personal, nothing for losing your
sleep or wasting your time creating crazy conspiracy theories, please...  :P

Well, I will be silent, trying to sleep.  Sorry, I am always trying to
sleep because I have a very brutal insomnia, and I am happier when I have
water, food, and sleep.  Choose wisely your priorities in the life,
darling.  Without enough sleep, my bad mood is epic!  Without Internet,
it's even worse!  I seem a furious devastating monster, grrr...
Hahahaha!!  ;D

Tender kisses!!!  Take care and be well, please.  <3

Loving.  Caring.  Sharing.  Being Excellent To Each Other And To Our
Hackerspace.  <3
"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your
curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on and do all
you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison



2020-08-06 Thread rooty

The New Yorker: How Vulnerable Is G.P.S.?

2020-08-06 Thread jim bell
The New Yorker: How Vulnerable Is G.P.S.?.

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in America -- Re: Soros' BLM _finally_ lifting their image, much to Soros' relief -- Re: surprisingly, Soros now pins US color revolution on Trump

2020-08-06 Thread Karl
I'm not sure our emails are reaching the list.  They don't seem to all be
in the archive.  Maybe we triggered a brief DoS?

It sounds like you hold a lot of reasons to be very angry around race

Is it accurate that your people need fairness with regard to the story of
white and black people being understood by the public?

> I don't know where to go on uncensored channels to find the videos you
> describe.  I consider uncensored social media to be scuttlebutt, mastodon,
> possibly steem ... What do you consider uncensored social media?

I ask because media censorship is a huge concern of mine and sometimes gets
squarely in the way of accurate discourse.  It can seem a very complex

> On Mon, Aug 3, 2020, 9:35 PM  wrote:
>> On 2020-08-03 21:37, Karl wrote:
>> > James it sounds like we've been exposed to significantly different
>> media,
>> > giving us different beliefs.
>> Just search uncensored social media.  You will find huge numbers of
>> videos of black gangs attacking whites.

I've received some links from you to duckduckgo, alternative media, and .  Are these what you mean when you say uncensored social media?



Bloomberg: In San Diego, ‘Smart’ Streetlights Spark Surveillance Reform

2020-08-06 Thread jim bell
Bloomberg: In San Diego, ‘Smart’ Streetlights Spark Surveillance Reform.

Re: WIRED: Hackers Are Building an Army of Cheap Satellite Trackers

2020-08-06 Thread Karl
This particular event is so wonderful, like what I have been dreaming of
for five years.  They have a website of their own, too.

Their site appears to be missing how to acquire a good antenna.  A
discarded satellite television antenna should work; this is what the diy
outreach projects at the green bank observatory use.

On Wed, Aug 5, 2020, 12:00 AM jim bell  wrote:

> WIRED: Hackers Are Building an Army of Cheap Satellite 
> Trackers.

Re: PCMag: SpaceX Eyes Satellite Internet Expansion Amid 'Extraordinary Demand'

2020-08-06 Thread Karl
There's always a way.

Note: this angry community daydream is directed at satellites, which have
no living people on them to suffer.  Anger stems from an unmet need to be
safe.  The below information is already public knowledge.

I believe lasers can be made arbitrarily powerful.  I imagine you'd want to
focus them with reflective surfaces, like in a telescope, to prevent them
from melting a lens.  Math and a makerspace, possibly.

Seems like you'd need an incredible amount of electricity and it would
light the sky up like an alien abduction, no?

On Wed, Aug 5, 2020, 2:36 PM Steven Schear  wrote:

> One wonders if DIY lasers and optics are capable of damaging these birds.
> On Wed, Aug 5, 2020, 5:02 AM jim bell  wrote:
>> PCMag: SpaceX Eyes Satellite Internet Expansion Amid 'Extraordinary 
>> Demand'.

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in the US shithole

2020-08-06 Thread jamesd
On 2020-08-07 08:40, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Aug 2020 07:48:45 +1000
> wrote:
>> The Topic was Karl's deluded belief that whites were physically
>> attacking blacks in America with impunity today, 
>   so I provided a list of all the crimes that whites commit at a global 
> scale,

No you did not. Whites did not enslave blacks.  Whites enslaved whites
but they did not enslave blacks.  Muslims enslaved both blacks and whites.

Whites purchased slaves that blacks had enslaved, giving them vastly
better lives than they would have had in Africa, assuming that they had
been allowed to live at all and not been eaten.

Segregation was a favor whites did for blacks, the first of many ever
bigger favors.

Whites going ape for Blacks in the US shithole

2020-08-06 Thread jamesd
The real racism in America:

Enormous numbers of racially motivated attacks by blacks on whites:

This is what Karl imagined whites were doing to blacks.  But they are
not.  Not even once, because the media are frantically searching for
such cases, and all they come up with are liars and scammers, like
Jussie Smollet.

If one black person in the entire history of the United States had been
lynched without plausible grounds of suspecting him of a serious crime,
you would have a better poster boy than Emmet Till, and if one of the
incidents that Karl had imagined had actually happened, you would have
one poster boy to counter the long, long, long list of black hate crimes

But you do not even have one.

Under segregation, blacks generally had fathers and real families, and
performed meaningful and productive jobs under a black middle class that
segregation and Jim Crow artificially created.

Under desegregation, they generally do not have fathers, and are
unmanned by the lack of fathers and real families, they generally live
on crime and welfare, or work in meaningless affirmative action jobs
where no one expects them to do anything useful.

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in the US shithole

2020-08-06 Thread jamesd
On 2020-08-07 07:12, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
>> On 2020-08-06 04:06, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
>>> On Wed, 5 Aug 2020 17:09:23 +1000
>>> jamesd at wrote:
 Where are the white racist equivalents?
>> Slaves in Africa were generally 
>   Sorry James, the topic was slaves in the US, not in africa, 

The Topic was Karl's deluded belief that whites were physically
attacking blacks in America with impunity today, while the reality is
that this simply never happens, hence the desperate and ever
unsuccessful efforts of the mainstream media to find a poster boy, while
in fact there are continual group attacks by blacks on whites with
impunity, which attacks are indulged and tolerated by authority.

There were white slaves in America before there were black slaves in
America.  The Muslim world had been raiding white countries for slaves
for a long time.

The Barbary wars were fought over Muslims enslaving white Americans.

American slaves were not enslaved by Americans but purchased from black
people who had enslaved other black people, for the most part enslaved
them for cause (petty crime or rebellion) and according to law
applicable at the time, and the descendants of those black people are
still selling slaves to Muslims today, as for example in Libya.

Those slaves sold by their black owners to Americans were vastly better
off in America than they would have been in Africa, and their
descendants are vastly better off in America than in Africa.

Their descendants in America live largely on crime and welfare, and are
dependent on the wealth produced by whites, as was illustrated when they
drove whites out of Detroit.

INTEL ME Mega-Leak Number 1

2020-08-06 Thread Se7en
There has been a mega-leak of Intel ME-related documents, schematic,
and so-on, released earlier today.

I have not finished downloading the torrent, but plan to seed it for
the next few days after its completion. Looking at some of the
semi-downloaded files, it contains a full, confidential schematic and
wiring diargam for SandyLake from 2007.

|-/   | Se7en
 /  The One and Only! |
/ | 0x0F83F93882CF6116
   /  |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in the US shithole

2020-08-06 Thread jamesd
On 2020-08-06 04:06, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Aug 2020 17:09:23 +1000
> wrote:
>> Where are the white racist equivalents?

Slaves in Africa were generally people seized by the local authorities
for vagrancy and petty theft (the penalty for everything else being
death)  Some of them were populations engaged in stubborn but
unsuccessful rebellion.  If they had not been sold off, would probably
have been eaten.

They were vastly better off in America then, and their descendants are
vastly better off than the descendants of those that remained behind.


Segregation was good for whites and good for blacks.  Look at the school
cafeteria.  Blacks don't want to hang out with whites, and whites don't
want to hang out with blacks.

Diversity plus proximity equals war.

Segregation created a black middle class, that had real jobs and real
families, because it needed black shops, black cops, black judges, and
black lawyers.  Before desegregation, black men had wives, and black
universities turned out blacks with skills in something other than
hating white.

Desegregation has destroyed city after city, starting with Detroit, and
it has destroyed black people, who are now fatherless and now live on
crime and welfare.

Whites fled Detroit because black people were beating up white people
and burning down their homes.  Without white people to keep everything
running, Detroit collapsed.

When blacks were no longer sent to the back of the bus, white people
stopped using buses because they got beaten up.


Blacks commit more crime, and the most severe inequalities in
incarceration are in Democratic states with an indulgent attitude
towards crime, especially black crime.

The question is not what proportion of a race get imprisoned, but what
proportion of criminals of a race get imprisoned, and it is absolutely
obvious that blacks are more likely to get away with crimes, or not be
punished even if caught, than whites.

It is absolutely obvious that blacks can get away with crimes more than
white people, due to less enforcement, a revolving door policy by
judges, and a remarkably indulgent attitude to attacks by colored people
on whites.

And strange to report, the more indulgent the State Government towards
crime, especially black crime, the more unequal the incarceration rate.
 If racism caused inequality in incarceration rates, why are the
inequalities distributed the way they are. By and large, the more
progressive the state government the worse the disparity.

Try to imprison less people, you are apt to wind up with a larger
proportion of blacks in prison relative to whites in prison.

What happens is that if you simply imprison less and police less, this
decreases white imprisonment considerably but does not much decrease
black imprisonment because it increases crime, and increases black crime
more than white crime. Imprisoning lots of people reduces crime, but it
reduces black crime considerably more, reducing the disparity in
imprisonment rates.  Black crime seems to be more sensitive to policing
and enforcement than white crime, perhaps because blacks get less
policing and enforcement than whites, so increasing enforcement on
whites yields decreasing returns.

If you make an effort to rehabilitate prisoners, and get them out of
jail without them promptly needing to be returned, this tends to have
more success with white prisoners, and again your disparity increases.
George Floyd being a good example of someone who just needed to be kept
permanently out of circulation as a danger to himself and others.
Letting him out of prison with a slap on the wrist did not work out well
for anyone.