public blackmale in plain sight - #PrayForFiddy - Chelsea Handler (white) explains to 50 Cent that he's Black - USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-10-26 Thread Zenaan Harkness


On 19 October 2020, 50 Cent aka Fiddy, spat the dummy at Joe Biden's 62%
tax rate plan for wealthy Americans, which has NO exemption for African
American rappers named "Fiddy":

   The KNICKS never win anyway. 🤷🏽<200d>♂️I don’t care Trump doesn’t
   like black people 62% are you out of ya fucking mind. 😤
— 50cent (@50cent) October 19, 2020

On 24 October 2020, tasked with handling Fiddy and the certain fallout
of some of his millions of fans (many/most black) switching their vote
from Biden to Trump, 45 year old Chelsea Handler, an ex girlfriend of
Fiddy's, absolutely emasculated him, in a very public way:

   On Friday’s #FallonTonight, @50cent’s ex-girlfriend,
   @ChelseaHandler, scolded him: “I had to remind him that he was a
   black person, so he can’t vote for Donald Trump.” If he denounces
   Trump, “I might be willing to go for another spin, if you know
   what I’m talking about”
  — Brent Baker (@BrentHBaker) October 24, 2020

There is no self-respecting man in this world that would accept such a
public humiliation, on principle, except that he is compromised.

Just for piece of 45yo skankasaurus rect?  Please!

So, a poll for the blackmailluminati:

A) Fiddy's Handler, the 45yo skankasaurus rect otherwise known as
   Chelsea Handler, really is the sweetest pussy in this world and she
   knows it, and she also knows that Fiddy is willing to be utterly and
   publicly humiliated for the priviledge to "go for another spin".

B) Chelsea "Skankasaurus Rect" Handler knows something that she and
   Fiddy know, and the rest of us don't, and her words to fiddy "go for
   another spin, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT" have a double
   meaning: for the privilege of being made a rap king, Fiddy's handler
   may have had the role to offer some pussy so sweet that it was
   statutorily illegal - say 16 years old and found in an uptown NewYork
   mansion under cameras at 9 East 71st Street under a painting of Bill
   Clinton in a blue satin dress .

C) Don't be ridiculous, Fiddy's not that disgusting, he'd never touch
   anything over 14 unless it has the name Natalie Biden.

What -is- amazing is how brazen this handler is in handling Fiddy so
publicly, so brutally and in such a racist way ("I had to remind him
he's black").

I guess when you are used to having things your way, and the system of
blackmail within which you have lived for decades continues to serve you
well, that you just don't imagine things could change...

Let's #PrayForFiddy - one wonders what would happen if he instead chose
to put his handler in her place, equally publicly and reclaimed his
manhood rather than sulk in humiliation, a coward - if he has the dirt
on others, perhaps an immunity deal could be in the cards, if he does
not, and remains cowering, this will be the last we hear of it.

If he reclaims his manhood, and Chelsea drops the dirt on Fiddy, then
surely she can be done for blackmail?  If someone else ... same?

Evil only thrives in darkness.

Re: GCHQ: Jonathan Wiltshire & Debian, Falsified Harassment claims, Tiger Computing

2020-10-26 Thread jamesd
On 2020-10-27 00:00, Debian Community News Team wrote:

This is what you get with a code of conduct.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-10-26 Thread jim bell
 On Sunday, October 25, 2020, 06:55:18 PM PDT, grarpamp  

>"Democracy dies in darkness.
We must treat the Hunter Biden leaks as if
they were a foreign intelligience operation...
even if they probably aren't. --Washington Post"

>Self-admits Media Censorship and Bias.

I agree that we should laugh at the portion of this comment quoted in that URL, 
said portion I italicize and bold below:  

>"The Washington Post published an op-ed Saturday advising readers: “We must 
>treat the Hunter Biden leaks as if they were a foreign intelligence operation 
>— even if they probably aren’t.”  "  

>"The rationale for this argument, by Johns Hopkins Professor Thomas Rid, was 
>that Russian interference in 2016 — through the hacking of the Democratic 
>National Committee (DNC) email server, blamed by intelligence agencies on 
>Russia — provided damaging information about the inner workings of the party 
>(specifically, how it prevented socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont from 
>winning the nomination.)"
>"Therefore any unexpected information — even if true — that could affect 
>voters’ choice in 2020 must be treated with suspicion."                   [end 
>of quote]
James Comey committed a fraud on July 5, 2016, when he said, quoted 
"FBI’s Comey says ‘no reasonable prosecutor’ would bring a case against Clinton 
for emails."
Actually, it would have been far closer to being accurate to say:
               'No reasonable prosecutor would FAIL TO BRING A CASE against 
Clinton for emails'.While it is not absolutely certain that 'every prosecutor' 
WOULD have brought such a case, what I think is obvious is that any prosecutor 
COULD have chosen to bring such a case:  All the case elements were present, 
the only thing missing might have been the will of a politically-de-motivated 
prosecutor to do that.  Remember the old (?) saying,
    'You could get a Grand Jury to "indict a ham sandwich" ' Prosecuting 
Hillary Clinton would have been far easier.Or, perhaps:               'No 
reasonable politically-connected prosecutor who works for a Democrat-controlled 
administration would bring a case against head-Democrat Hillary Clintonwho is 
currently running for President, for emails'.I was fully convinced in mid-2015 
that Hitlery  Clinton was guilty of violations of the Espionage Act.  
Prosecutors COULD have charged and tried her, but they chose to not do so.

"Yet Comey let her off the hook, citing lack of intent. But negligence doesn't 
require intent. Compromising national secrets is such a grave offense that it 
requires either intent or negligence.

"Lack of intent is, therefore, no defense. But one can question that claim as 
well. Yes, it is safe to assume that there was no malicious intent to injure 
the nation. But Clinton clearly intended to set up an unsecured private server. 
She clearly intended to send those classified emails. She clearly received 
warnings from her own department about the dangers of using a private email 

"She meant to do what she did. And she did it. Intentionally.
"That's two grounds for prosecution, one requiring no intent whatsoever. Yet 
Comey claims that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Nor has one 
ever been brought.[end of quote]
And I completely agree with this, all of it, and I believe I agreed with this 
sentiment in mid-2015.  I said long ago, elsewhere, that Comey chose the only 
path consistent with Hitlery Clinton getting elected to the Presidency in 2016. 
  He knew that if he indicted her, she would definitely have lost the election. 
 So, he DIDN'T indict her.  That, of course, didn't guarantee that she would 
have been elected, as we saw nearly four years ago.  So, to me, it's obvious 
that Comey deliberately manipulated the election of 2016.
We are now seeing a different, though distinctly similar, fraud play out.  
Other investigators, and other prosecutors, have been failing to bring a 
criminal case against Joe and Hunter Biden.  The nature of that fraud is 
essentially the same that we knew about in mid-2019, the main difference now is 
that we know far more evidence of their corrupt actions exist, and has actually 
come to light.  
But the same rules apply:  These days, most people would probably agree, albeit 
some reluctantly, that if Joe and Hunter Biden had been indicted "early" on 
this, he would not win the Presidency.  Indeed, if Joe Biden had been indicted 
pre-2020, he almost certainly would not have won the Democrat nomination.  He 

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2020-10-26 Thread jim bell
 On Monday, October 26, 2020, 03:25:41 AM PDT, grarpamp  

Full disclosure:  While I consider myself conversant with many sciences and 
technologies, 'biology' is probably my area of least knowledge.
I rapidly skimmed this article, but was doubtful when I saw this:
> "RaTG13 looks like a “close cousin” of the Wuhan coronavirus – the two are 
> 96% identical throughout the whole sequence of the viral genome. If RaTG13 is 
> a nature-borne virus, one can comfortably conclude that the Wuhan coronavirus 
> must very likely also come from nature and must share a recent common 
> ancestor with RaTG13."
[end of quote]
My impression is  that if two viruses are ONLY "96% identical"  "throughout the 
whole sequence of the viral genome", they shouldn't be described as a "close 
cousin".   Should it be called a "not-so-close cousin"?   I don't know.  


Daniel Rothschild on the politicisation of everything: "the politicization of everything.. is unhealthy to our civic fabric" - [ENJOY] [PEACE]

2020-10-26 Thread Zenaan Harkness
A very grounded, and very timely public letter on the hyper partisanship that 
one or two of us have noticed is doing the rounds these days:

   One Client Responds To "Vain, Narcissistic" CEO Of Expensify After 
Unsolicited Political Email

  Over the weekend we wrote about the CEO of San Francisco-based
  tech company Expensify - one of the world's largest providers of
  expense account software - and his decision to email the company's
  10 million clients pleading with them to vote for Vice President
  Joe Biden.

 Hi David,
 I'm writing about the unsolicited email that you sent last
 night to many of my colleagues - and, I gather, millions more
 users around the globe.

 Let me start by saying that I have no objection to you having
 strong feelings about politics. Those strong feelings are
 shared by many at the moment among partisans of all stripes.
 Supporters of President Trump and Vice President shared by many
 at the moment among partisans of all stripes. Supporters of
 President Trump and Vice President Biden both cast this
 election in apocalyptic terms, the result no doubt of strongly
 held feelings.

 My feelings on politics aren't as strong as yours. But I do
 have strong feelings about another matter: trust. For a variety
 of reasons, America is becoming a low-trust society. Conspiracy
 theories abound, relationships are breaking down on partisan
 lines, and the institutions that are critical to a free and
 open society are being undermined in many cases by their own
 actions that destroy trust.

 Your email contributes to this breakdown in social trust.
 David, we selected Expensify as a vendor based on trust - after
 all, you have financial information for us organizationally as
 well as the personal information of hundreds of my colleagues.
 You also have our email addresses. We trusted you with our
 private information. You have violated that trust.

 I also have strong feelings about another matter of public
 interest: the politicization of everything. A healthy society
 cannot exist if its political tribalism invades every aspect of
 commercial, civic, and community life. Team Red and Team Blue
 have gone from being who we vote for to, in many cases,
 lifestyle determinants. That is unhealthy to our civic fabric.

 And again, your email has exacerbated this. Until last night, I
 saw Expensify as a pioneering company that made my life a lot
 easier. Now, I see Expensify as a Team Blue company.

 To be clear, I'm not writing this as a member of Team Red. I'm
 not on that team. I'm not on any team. Millions of Americans
 are in the same boat.

 Frankly, we're sick and tired of partisans on both sides
 telling us that we need to ally ourselves with one team or
 another. And if I may be more blunt, we're especially tired of
 being told this by people who have built an app or look good on
 camera. You have no special insights on public policy or
 politics, and the fact you think we need to have your opinions
 placed in our inboxes is vain and narcissistic.

 David, last night you chose to violate the trust your company
 has built up and politicize your company. That is, I suppose,
 your right. But this country cannot endure without trust and
 apolitical spaces. And fixing these underlying issues is a far
 deeper and more important issue than the next election.


 Daniel Rothschild

  Well said Daniel! However, we suspect all David can think of are
  the stack of virtue-signaling points he achieved in the new
  social-credit-scoring system after The Great Reset.


2020-10-26 Thread Karl
I had this weird vision of zenaan strongarming me to spam to the list.
Maybe I think about his posts the wrong way.

Some people have been oppressed by black people.  Some people have
been oppressed by white people.

Meanwhile, others of us have stories too.  Is it important to hear the
stories of people?

What stories are present in this mailing list?

What stories were present 10 years ago, on this mailing list? [...
prior to the mutual leaks of the mid 2010s...?]

Why are things different?

GCHQ: Jonathan Wiltshire & Debian, Falsified Harassment claims, Tiger Computing

2020-10-26 Thread Debian Community News Team

Re: Why Equality Of Outcome Can Never, Ever Work -- Re: sexism - feminism - equality - empowerment - penis man - vaginas - bobs and vagene

2020-10-26 Thread Karl
The tone of your words is so pleasant.  It differs so much to me from
some of the other things I've read here (posted by you).

On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 9:01 AM Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> > How does this subject land for you?  What feelings are you trying to
> > get across with it?
> It lands as true, in many ways - in fact in all ways that I am able to 
> discern, and this is in where I've read the whole thing, and listened to the 
> Jordan Peterson video.
> And so I have to recommend Jordan Peterson again - some of JP's words have 
> not entirely "gelled" for me, but the majority of what he says resonates 
> really well for me, and to me is "spot on".  So I can't recommend him 
> enough...

It's hard for me to dedicate a lot of time to listening to extensive
things when it is so hard for me to produce work.  I need my time to
try to work.

> I'm actually not trying to get any feelings across - I'm hoping that some 
> concepts get across to people, which they may not have thought about before.
> Without understand the problems and the causes of our problems, what hope 
> have we to fix those problems?

Yes!  Completely!  Similarly, don't we need to consider the arguments
of all sides, when there are disagreements?

> So fundamentally I am attempting to assist the conversation generally, for 
> everybody.  And I think this is one of the most powerful things we can do.
> > I expect the content to be pushing divisive politics.
> No - at least not from my perspective, not at all.  It's about concepts, 
> understanding, perceiving that which we have not seen before - and similarly, 
> and perhaps more importantly, finding words and ways to speak these things 
> which we are not taught about, and are otherwise not able to speak about.
> This is not at all about flinging mud, it's about having a conversation we 
> desperately need to have.
> We have to start somewhere.
> > Outcome and opportunities really look basically the same to me;
> Well, that's not the case.

I see you are focusing on their difference; I see them as basically the same.

> Outcome is the result.
> Opportunity is the environment, the "rules", a level playing field - 
> conceptually very different to outcome.

The environment, the rules, the playing field: are all the result of
things that have happened.  Peoples' behaviors, acting in their

Outcome is your opportunity, within and after that outcome.
Opportunity, is the outcome of what happened before, to give it to you.

I'm not up to speed on the politically-specific meanings, obviously.

But what it sounds like it comes down to, is that we need to be free
to talk about and address the real issues instead of putting
'socialist' bandaids on them.  So long as we are fighting instead of
talking productively, those bandaids keep emerging (on a scale of

> > If you look at the reasons outcomes change,
> > undiscussed differences in opportunities show up.
> Here's where people often get all dichomatic - the false assertion that "it 
> must be all the environment and luck".
> It's not, but it's also NOT not those things:
> It's both, all three, all four etc:
>  - latent capacity/ abillity, genetics, shape of your vocal chords, length of 
> your legs etc
>  - luck
>  - opportunity
>  - environment of nurture, training, etc
>  - internal characteristics like will, persistence, emotional temperament and 
> more
> ... and as we progress through life, one or another of these facets of an 
> individual and his/her environment, can impact, benefit or restrict, some 
> other aspect(s).

I'm not quite sure what point you're making here, but some relevant
additional information is that opportunity and outcome flow forward,
to children and grandchildren.  They inherit not only your genes, but
also a ton of your knowledge, beliefs, wealth, friends, education,
laws, culture.  If their parents were slaves, workers of an oppressive
regime, or addicted to a youtube channel, these things were probably
given to them by those who guide what they learn.

> We are to at least some degree, authors of our own lives.
> AND we are to a degree a product of our environment.
> AND we are blessed, or challenged by our latent capacities.

All things that we can influence, and that others have influenced.

> Once again, I must thank Cari for reminding us (for values of "us" 
> corresponding to "me") of being conscious when we use dichotomies.

Oh, since there are very few real dichotomies, if any, dichotomies
show the boundaries of all the things we described above.

> > On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 1:02 AM Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> > >
> > > A good summary for anyone who might've missed the memo on equality of 
> > > outcome (equity) vs equality of opportunity:
> > >
> > >
> > >Why Equality Of Outcome Can Never, Ever Work
> > >  Troy Smith via
> > >
> > >

Re: Why Equality Of Outcome Can Never, Ever Work -- Re: sexism - feminism - equality - empowerment - penis man - vaginas - bobs and vagene

2020-10-26 Thread Zenaan Harkness
> How does this subject land for you?  What feelings are you trying to
> get across with it?

It lands as true, in many ways - in fact in all ways that I am able to discern, 
and this is in where I've read the whole thing, and listened to the Jordan 
Peterson video.

And so I have to recommend Jordan Peterson again - some of JP's words have not 
entirely "gelled" for me, but the majority of what he says resonates really 
well for me, and to me is "spot on".  So I can't recommend him enough...

I'm actually not trying to get any feelings across - I'm hoping that some 
concepts get across to people, which they may not have thought about before.

Without understand the problems and the causes of our problems, what hope have 
we to fix those problems?

So fundamentally I am attempting to assist the conversation generally, for 
everybody.  And I think this is one of the most powerful things we can do.

> I expect the content to be pushing divisive politics.

No - at least not from my perspective, not at all.  It's about concepts, 
understanding, perceiving that which we have not seen before - and similarly, 
and perhaps more importantly, finding words and ways to speak these things 
which we are not taught about, and are otherwise not able to speak about.

This is not at all about flinging mud, it's about having a conversation we 
desperately need to have.

We have to start somewhere.

> Outcome and opportunities really look basically the same to me;

Well, that's not the case.

Outcome is the result.

Opportunity is the environment, the "rules", a level playing field - 
conceptually very different to outcome.

> If you look at the reasons outcomes change,
> undiscussed differences in opportunities show up.

Here's where people often get all dichomatic - the false assertion that "it 
must be all the environment and luck".

It's not, but it's also NOT not those things:

It's both, all three, all four etc:

 - latent capacity/ abillity, genetics, shape of your vocal chords, length of 
your legs etc

 - luck

 - opportunity

 - environment of nurture, training, etc

 - internal characteristics like will, persistence, emotional temperament and 

... and as we progress through life, one or another of these facets of an 
individual and his/her environment, can impact, benefit or restrict, some other 

We are to at least some degree, authors of our own lives.

AND we are to a degree a product of our environment.

AND we are blessed, or challenged by our latent capacities.

Once again, I must thank Cari for reminding us (for values of "us" 
corresponding to "me") of being conscious when we use dichotomies.

> On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 1:02 AM Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> >
> > A good summary for anyone who might've missed the memo on equality of 
> > outcome (equity) vs equality of opportunity:
> >
> >
> >Why Equality Of Outcome Can Never, Ever Work
> >  Troy Smith via
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >   In the early 20th century, in support of equality of outcome, Soviet
> >   communist dictator Vladimir Lenin coined the phrase, "Who, Whom."  The
> >   concept was simple.
> >
> >   In a socialist society, where equality of outcome takes precedence 
> > over
> >   equality of opportunity, a critical question arises: who plans, 
> > directs,
> >   and redistributes the resources of a society, and to who is the
> >   beneficiary, or victim — the object, the "whom" — of said 
> > redistribution?
> >
> >   Politically speaking, the central maxim is to represent 
> > "disenfranchised"
> >   groups, provide them with monetary resources and government or state
> >   positions, and reshape any imbalances of power that have come to 
> > exist.
> >   The catch is that once power is given to central planners to initiate
> >   such action, "there will be no economic or social questions that would
> >   not be political questions in the sense that their solution will 
> > depend
> >   exclusive on who wields the coercive power" (Hayek, p. 138).  In other
> >   words, the question of Who, Whom is what equality of outcome hinges 
> > upon.
> >   All internal struggles are squashed.
> >
> >   In a society structured to foster equality of opportunity, three 
> > things
> >   tend to determine how successful someone is or isn't: intelligence (or
> >   skill), industriousness, and luck.  On the surface, these things may 
> > seem
> >   unfair.  For example, someone born into a family that promotes and
> >   develops education, who was taught about the value of hard work and 
> > had
> >   resources and connections on hand, would clearly have an enormous
> >   advantage over someone born into a split or uninterested family, 
> > enduring

Re: selfish yt-dl dmca drama

2020-10-26 Thread Karl
Findable infohashes and time travel?  Do you know what predictive
analysis is?  I like sliding through time backwards where large-scale
physical laws are more schrodinger but it leaves me too confused to
read wikipedia articles.

For me, the poignancy of "time runners" is that it addresses people
who aren't aware of ways other than war using superior analysis to
prevent a caring genius heart from acting, and that this is impossible
to succeed with forever: in national law enforcement!

Have you seen BD05FFB9E34019CE89954984BF1489E59B33BD43 ?  No seeds
over here but I've seen it before.  Australia makes good shows like

man these numbers and letters are so confusing to read over plain text

I'll probably watch one of your infohashes at some point in the
future.  3407956A1AF9B17C0C060B4C8BFA275D5FA67944

I've made a little progress on my hobby videogame project where people
store livestreams of each other on immutable blockchains.  Not a lot,
but a little.

On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 8:09 AM Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 24, 2020 at 10:33:48PM -0400, Karl wrote:
> > I eventually downloaded this movie from a very old torrent, which only
> > went to 99.9% completion because I didn't hunt down the last few
> > pieces.  Torrents are so much more reliable than youtube.  I haven't
> > even watched it yet myself.  Here it is on ipfs:
> >
> REALLY appreciate this!  Thank you Karl.
> (Just now found "Trancers" 6-film series - it's in the same genre, from '84 
> to '02:
> 1-5, 3.5G: 3B86A78BAAB9608C57BC6D9A1FD2DA0AA6E2A131
> 6, 700M: D42CDE32581028EBCB96F81A6B4BC788DDADA1E2
> Dimensions 2011 8270bcadd95077f65ea0b8df9980c154b9cfd7f4 3G
> I'll follow you down 2013 70F4372482877131330D3B9AC24FD7354C5411F8 1.4G
> (no seed yet)

Re: selfish yt-dl dmca drama

2020-10-26 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sat, Oct 24, 2020 at 10:33:48PM -0400, Karl wrote:
> I eventually downloaded this movie from a very old torrent, which only
> went to 99.9% completion because I didn't hunt down the last few
> pieces.  Torrents are so much more reliable than youtube.  I haven't
> even watched it yet myself.  Here it is on ipfs:

REALLY appreciate this!  Thank you Karl.

(Just now found "Trancers" 6-film series - it's in the same genre, from '84 to 
1-5, 3.5G: 3B86A78BAAB9608C57BC6D9A1FD2DA0AA6E2A131
6, 700M: D42CDE32581028EBCB96F81A6B4BC788DDADA1E2

Dimensions 2011 8270bcadd95077f65ea0b8df9980c154b9cfd7f4 3G

I'll follow you down 2013 70F4372482877131330D3B9AC24FD7354C5411F8 1.4G
(no seed yet)

Fwd: community-administrated servers

2020-10-26 Thread Karl
not sure where the other to: address goes, here's the usual one

-- Forwarded message -
From: Karl 
Date: Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:09 AM
Subject: community-administrated servers
To: cpunks 

To resolve server admins being targeted,

-> set up a server

-> run a simple wiki (preferably one users can fork; mediawiki has a
basic poorly-maintained git remote that works enough)
-> run a simple service that watches a page on the wiki for changes

-> the service waits for the page to change, and then for that page to
go for 1 day/week without changes (for it to stabilize), treats the
content as an e.g. docker file, and uses it to run a user-defined
service towards an end

-> logs are publicized on the wiki


community-administrated servers

2020-10-26 Thread Karl
To resolve server admins being targeted,

-> set up a server

-> run a simple wiki (preferably one users can fork; mediawiki has a
basic poorly-maintained git remote that works enough)
-> run a simple service that watches a page on the wiki for changes

-> the service waits for the page to change, and then for that page to
go for 1 day/week without changes (for it to stabilize), treats the
content as an e.g. docker file, and uses it to run a user-defined
service towards an end

-> logs are publicized on the wiki


Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-10-26 Thread grarpamp FRAUD Magazine cover

The world is becoming one giant lol.
You decide.

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2020-10-26 Thread grarpamp

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-10-26 Thread grarpamp
Biden-Obama built out and used the cages well before 2017.
June 25, 2014... site operations in support of the recent influx
of unaccompanied children. Official DHS photo by Barry Bahler.
Bohai Rosemont money flow.
Biden's dementia on display tonight without protection
of his press "lid" and sleepy mattress, needs minder / wife
support, unfit for office.
Biden-Harris politicians both now caught not bothering to
care/know what part of USA they're in while shilling themselves,
Cleveland will reject SF marijuana prosecutor trying to hang with them.

Biden's protective press "lid", media censorship and bias
keeping questions away... Leaks regarding Biden family
corruption with Ukraine and China might get buried and never
properly and fully investigated to same extent "Russia" was.

The US Media is taking down hundreds of Anti-CCP
accounts... what other meaning can there be.

If nothing else, this cycle's bias and censorship coming from
all media, tech, and moderators... must be marked for history.

Alternative Media updates...
"The media has completely invented numerous new standards
to justify not reporting these documents, as this thread reflects,
and they're not even being clever about it..."

"Thousands of #BidenLeaks information was forcibly deleted, and This
account were temporarily restricted for 12hr. I have been in the
United States for many years, but yesterday I thought I was still in

"Yesterday, a lost Twitters were shock down by dark power, they stop
us to tell the truth. They try to let's shut up. But, no way, the
truth is there!!! the more info from the hard drives is coming out to
let people know they are EVIL."

"It is not hypothesis. It is the fact. Refer to the bioweapon
definition from Academy of Military Medical Sciences (AMMS), China.
Please read Page 26-27 in my 2nd report. Spreading the truth of
COVID-19 is not for me, but for you. I already knew it is unrestricted

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2020-10-26 Thread grarpamp

Quite laughable how anyone thinks they have
reign over other people's choice to freely associate
with family, eat dinner, and die from Corona or not.
In Democrat world, your slavery is non-optional.

People have 8 days to revolt against that.

Biden, your captor and hypocrite, caught not wearing mask...