Black Trump supporter to Biden voters: "They gonna come get you" - welcome to the revolution -- Help sought

2020-11-10 Thread Zenaan Harkness
> Even the DemRats are now beginning to be targetted:
>A marauding pack of, uh, "ideas" smashed up another political office over 
> the weekend.

As was predicted, by an African-American Trump supporter:

   "To all my white liberal friends in the cities and in the suburbs,
   you think if you put a Black Lives Matter sign on your lawn, that
   they won't run in your house. Do you know what happened in China
   during the cultural revolution? It's not about your character or what
   you do or what you believe. It's about your skin color or about
   what's between your legs or about the class you belong to. They gonna
   come get you. They might not come get you first, maybe they will, but
   they gonna come get you. So don't think your liberalism is going to
   come save you. It's a lie."

Found here:

   WATCH: Biden voter gets hit with vicious truth of what he JUST VOTED
   FOR as mob surrounds his house

  For today's nature documentary, we present you with a fascinating
  view of a dying political breed that's quickly vanishing from our
  streets. I'm talking about Moderatus Liberali – also known as an
  old school, blue collar liberal – who might swing left on certain
  social issues, but loves things like baseball, freedom, apple pie,
  and the Constitution.

  In the following video, one of these more moderate liberals
  realizes that his attempt to assuage a new species on the block,
  Re Socialās – also known as screeching leftists – has utterly
  failed. Watch as this man attempts to placate the screeching mob
  with a profession of allegiance, only to be subsequently told he
  is a white supremacist (the worst insult a member of the leftist
  species could be called):

  [Warning: Language]
 "Asking for people to be peaceful is white supremacy"

 On election night in Portland, hundreds of protesters shut down
 the streets of SE Portland. They confronted Portlanders at
 their homes, including a family with a "Biden Harris" sign.

  All joking aside, what you just witnessed was a moderate Biden
  voter waking up to the brutal reality of what he just voted for.
  As BLM activists swept through Portland suburbs on election night,
  this homeowner pleaded with the mob to be peaceful.

 "There's my Biden sign," the man said, desperately trying to
 show he's on their side. "Don't destroy anything. Be peaceful!"

[Oh my, what a pathetic pleading virtue signaller you discovered
 yourself to be Mr Biden voter.
 Hopefully enough shall learn.
 And mend their ways.

  The mob, of course, reacted to his pleas with hatred and

 "Who do you think you are telling black people how to
 protest? You [flowerbedding] white [donkey] privilege old
 man!" replied one of the mob members.

 "You ask for a peaceful protest. It's white supremacy!"
 yelled another.

 "Asking people to be peaceful is white supremacy!"
 continued the mob's cry.

  The homeowner then came down off his front porch and tried to
  reason with the crowd. They accused him of instigating and told
  him to go home.

  … I know many such people who voted for Biden and have tried to be
  an ally of the BLM protests because they sincerely believe Trump
  is Hitler-adjacent. After all, the media has been pushing that
  narrative for four long years.
  When the leftist mob shows up at your doorstep and devours you
  despite your professed support for their cause, that veil of lies
  quickly falls away.

  Last week in Detroit, a black Trump supporter said it so very

 "To all my white liberal friends in the cities and in the
 suburbs, you think if you put a Black Lives Matter sign on your
 lawn, that they won't run in your house. Do you know what
 happened in China during the cultural revolution? It's not
 about your character or what you do or what you believe. It's
 about your skin color or about what's between your legs or
 about the class you belong to. They gonna come get you. They
 might not come get you first, maybe they will, but they gonna
 come get you. So don't think your liberalism is going to come
 save you. It's a lie."

  Welcome to the revolution.

Mike Drop Mike (Pompeo) -- USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-10 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Mike drop Mike FTMW Muffaduckas :D

What an epic team …

   Video: Pompeo Says "There Will Be A Smooth Transition ... To A Second Trump 

Thug Life Mic Drop Mikes:


Re: Help sought

2020-11-10 Thread Zenaan Harkness

7) As is widely seen, the empowered mob contains individuals who do not take 
kindly to criticism, and often react violently to -effective- criticism.

The most effective criticism are implied yet indisputable truths delivered in 
comedic form, e.g. memes of visual or textual or musical etc form.

So, in the AP world, the most effective meme-sters shall be swiftly targetted.

Even the DemRats are now beginning to be targetted:

   A marauding pack of, uh, "ideas" smashed up another political office over 
the weekend.

because as some have thankfully reminded us, the left always eats its own.

AP is nothing but a turbocharged "tool of the left".  Use or otherwise build 
that at our collective peril.

Ars Technica: Intel SGX defeated yet again—this time thanks to on-chip power meter

2020-11-10 Thread jim bell
Ars Technica: Intel SGX defeated yet again—this time thanks to on-chip power 

LIST professors from Austria for 500 please Alex

2020-11-10 Thread professor rat
Its embarrassing to be another professor from Au following on from the likes of 
Assmange and Pastor Craig.
My butt is turning rosy as we speak.
In my defense I wasn't aware of those two back then and they've since exposed 
themselves as rolled-gold-frauds 
anyway. So... pibs wasser under the bridge.
I named myself after " Doctor Rat ' which was a book by Kotzwinkle.
" Matt Taylor " is like my slave name.
If you don't like it - tough tittie.
Sayonara globocop.

RE: Help sought

2020-11-10 Thread professor rat
The screams of the wounded echoes in my ears.  With all the trouble in the 
world and you are worried about Jim Bell, 
APster Tsar!
Of course if you weren't a total fucking eunuch you would have helped CJ and I 
shut the Gates by now.
What a pathetic creature you are.
Bill Gates —

|  |  |


|  | 
Bill Gates —


The official home of The Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool




My apologies Tanaka

2020-11-10 Thread professor rat
Why its a brilliant plan.  The Nazi's get what they want - spamming rights on 
the c-punks list - while the value of your
 concern trolling goes up, what?  2% per anum?
I respect your " Good Cop ' opinion enough to follow your example. Karl, Gramps 
and Harkon overboard.
Like losing 10lbs of ugly fat.
Or some petty criminals.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-10 Thread grarpamp

> Orange... Blue, Red, Black, Yellow, Green...

If the analysis of any potential group of election
parties or candidates in the world, may show
any set of them as making it potentially harder
for Libertarians Voluntaryists Anarchists etc to
live than the other set, then LVA's may have responsibility
to act, to play and tilt the game to their favor, to wage
some allocation of resources which may give
optimal returns on investment, on all fronts and arenas,
as sitting idly by solely in their own limited spaces
is unlikely an optimal or faster path to their freedom.
Any parties in world proposing bigger more
pervasive entrenched widespread Government,
more new laws, more new systems, more new programs,
more rulers and even old school socialist / communist style
thought minders clothed in new trendy faux sjw... distributed
everywhere in everything, more anti-free-speech Censors,
more theft to pay for it all, etc...
LVA's should not rest against such parties if
they are discernible and worthwhile.
Worlds one, or two, or even three plus party systems
are all against LVA's. Yet does an analysis show each
enemy truly at same weight against them, or not?
If so, then remain 100% on own space.
If not, then consider reasonable plays, perhaps
a few of them would not necessarily be corruptive
or impure. After all, all spaces are never pure,
the enemy of enemies are sometimes useful friends,
and idling is sometimes martyrdom.

Re: Cecilia Tanaka Nazi lover.

2020-11-10 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
PS:  - I was talking about Goebbels' Law, not the Godwin's Law.  Goebbels
was a compulsive liar.

Let's try the Rule 34?  Hahahaha!!!  ;D

Everything, but can we minimize the number and the level of our mutual
offenses, please?  <3

1984: Corp Spy-Censor-Mil Schmidt Google now Biden BigTech Partner

2020-11-10 Thread grarpamp

"Biden already selling out to the tech robber barons. Amazing"

"hired both Jessica Hertz, former associate general counsel at
Facebook, and Cynthia Hogan, former Apple vice-president for
government affairs to his transition team. Eric Schmidt, the former
Google chief executive, has been a big fundraiser,"

Even before the biggest Media, Social, and Tech
Bias and Censorship scam in history posted its
fake election results, Biden's false Presidency is
appointing all those involved dating back to even
Clinton Obamba.

Re: Cecilia Tanaka Nazi lover.

2020-11-10 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
On Tue, Nov 10, 2020, 10:21 professor rat  wrote:

> YOU do know there are at least two Nazi's posting a shitload of NAZI crap
> here don't you, deer?
> Gramps and Zenaan. JFC.
> Then don't get me started on that little fucking NAZBOL cockroach, James
> A. Donald.
> Jesus Fucking Christ ...

Everyone knows I do _not_ respect Jim or ZH.  Please verify the archives.
They publicly hate me too.

grarpamp is acting in a very strange way, I admit.  He used to be my
dearest pumpkin, but pumpkins are orange...  :'(

I do _not_ read ZH and Jim' s messages for years.  I use filters to avoid
this waste of time.  And I muted Karl and Juan some weeks ago.  No much
patience for reading always the same things.

And you, noisy spammer, are a nazi too.  Goebbels Law is the last resource
of an ignorant person.  You do not know anything about me.  Try verify it
first before judge my character.

Why is so important for you to be recognized as "Professor", Matt?  Low
self-esteem?  :P

Should I ask for being called a Professor too?  Or a PhD?  Or maybe a
Doctor?  :)

I will always the same.  Only a Ceci.

Cecilia Tanaka Nazi lover.

2020-11-10 Thread professor rat
YOU do know there are at least two Nazi's posting a shitload of NAZI crap here 
don't you, deer?
Gramps and Zenaan. JFC.
Then don't get me started on that little fucking NAZBOL cockroach, James A. 
Jesus Fucking Christ ...

[OT] tia

2020-11-10 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
I am slower than usual and was wondering what "tia" means...

Matt is using it politely, meaning "Thanks in advance", but the first
answer of my 5 seconds stupid research was much funnier, hihihi...  :D

Urban Dictionary: Tia

Take care and be well please, my dear cypherpunks.  I love you!  <3

"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your
curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on and do all
you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison


2020-11-10 Thread professor rat
Curious about how long " Stiffs " dotcom has been going exactly. 
Also CJ's thoughts on ' Black Box " APster Vs " Open Source ".
Too late to arrange an intervention for John Young?
All and any help appreciated - TIA!

Secession -- USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-10 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 02:34:08AM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> Making the vote irrelevant makes secession relevant.



 - the people
   - axis of IQ
   - axii of "qualities": diligence, persistence, conscientiousness/
 empathy, more

 - the political class

 - the bankers engaged in a ~$500 trillion debt ponzi regime

 - the "holders" of that debt
   - the bankers named above
   - sovereign wealth/pension funds
   - others? hedge funds etc

~Half the people would choose to live in Trump's "potriot" Redland,
the other half wish to live in the coastal elites "liberal" Blueland.

The bankers wanted to use the present turmoil to lock in a new century
of debt serfdom, but the deplorables are uniting behind the idea of
Trumpism/ populism/ Tuckerism - if Trump were to be JFKed, we've still
got David Duke, Alex Jones, and now thousands of energized "patriot"
type folks - we are grateful for the uniting and energizing force that
Trump has been and is, but we shall continue on our path regardless, in
righteousness and solid principles (so far as folk can hold principles
within their consciousness).

Here's why this particular transition has a hope of success:
   The consolation "prize" for the bankers is that they finally get an
   excuse for a debt jubilee, since "the people demanded secession, so
   we're sorry but there's nothing we can do but wipe out the old debt".

Humans don't like to be blamed for anything, and on this count at least,
the bankers are also human, so absolving them of the consequence of
being blamed for the USD debt jubilee should have some appeal to them.

(USD reset is implicit in secession.)

But the bankers will fight to the last to maintain their debt over us,
so every man must beware and understand these principles:

 - we admit no debt from the past - the Federal Reserve was, and
   remains, unlawful

 - we shall accept NO indebtedness to anyone but ourselves, just like
   Australia prior to Bretton Woods (we Ozzies were at that point in
   time not compromised, and responsible, which is why we were the only
   ally to emerge from WWII with precisely ZERO debt :D

   We were shortly thereafter sold out at Bretton Woods :(

   Your secessionist state can do exactly the same thing and be equally
   wealthy - assuming your people are willing to work to make that

So in this possibility there shall be the red Heartland, and say 2
coastal "vertical strips" (simplistic: or rather many smaller states
which may, according to their will, federate as they so choose).

The coasts shall be inhabited by the AOCs ("End lockdown to go back to
work? We are NOT going back to that!") and the Bidens of the world ("I'm
so SICK of smart people!") and as a result, as Anglin correctly points
out, many Liberals are "too stupid to understand that we’re where the
money comes from" and will therefore become our client states in a
couple short decades:

   The Fix is In – Biden Now “Ahead” in Pennsylvania and Georgia
… Liberals will also see that if we give up our Congresspeople, that
they will be in a better position to enact their utopia. So there is
a possibility that many of them will be too stupid to understand
that we’re where the money comes from, and begin to support our
agenda on their side.

   How many folks would immigrate to a country where
   an entry criteria includes a minimum IQ,
   and a willingness to work - no social $afety net?

Such may well be on the cards... prepare yourself accordingly.

Remember that back in 2016 that Texas secessionsts were only narrowly

   Majority of Texan Trump Supporters Want Secession from USA if Hillary
   is Elected
… A new poll from the Cultural Marxist Public Policy Foundation says
that three out of five Texan Trump supporters support secession if
Hillary wins.
… The political platform fell just two votes shy of going to the
convention floor of nearly 4,000 delegates.

There is plenty of material:

   Secessionist Movements Rising
  … “The State of Jefferson, as originally envisioned, would be the
  same size as, say, New Mexico,” said Geri Byrne, Chairman of the
  Modoc County Board of Supervisors, which passed a resolution in
  September to leave California and help form the State of
  Jefferson. “It would be, like, the 44th largest state, and the
  44th largest by population, too.”

  A newspaper poll in 

Zenaan Harkness is some kind of Xtian religious nut?

2020-11-10 Thread professor rat
More evidence for Hercules than any " Jesus " .

Re: Help sought

2020-11-10 Thread professor rat
 Jordan Peterson might have been a good suggestion a few years ago. But he's 
already brain dead.
APster is a sword of Damocles over the famous / infamous -, not the 
little-people. Unless you count car-thieves.
I said private LAND title not private property. Proudhon also said " Property 
is freedom ". 
You should get some remedial reading help then read Jim's marvelous essay. Get 
up to speed. 
Its a brave new cryptoanarchist world. 

( Snip )

Re: How Do We Escape Computer Controlled Propaganda Flow

2020-11-10 Thread grarpamp
On 11/9/20, Karl  wrote:
> Let's start reliably and publically logging and
> auditing things, to prevent fraud, now.

Cry all you want, but you're not going to get politicians
to log their secret conversations for you, ever.
Those are the convos in which you and humanity get fucked,
and they get more power. It is literal suicide for them to be
open and logged and they will not do it, instead they will twist
and use your log ideas to log you.
The only fix is to downsize them, globally, permanently,
you don't need them, wean off that teat.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-10 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 02:34:08AM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> > I don't see how immutable public records help freedom.
> > Rather they sound like more surveillance.
> "History re 2020... Several studies found Gore likely won Florida, but
> Bush was already sworn in as president."
> Making the vote irrelevant makes secession relevant.
> Article II, Section 1, Clause 2: Each state shall appoint electors “in
> such Manner as the Legislature Thereof May Direct.”
> Trump is the President of Red America. And depending on how the
> scripted (s)election tragicomedy develops next, the Deplorables are
> bound to become The Ungovernables.

Collective refusal to pay any taxes will be an efficient secession driver, 
should the present "more diplomatic" options fail to bring justice.

> World's Govt's holding off on acks re Biden's claims as to being
> President Elect.

Re: Help sought

2020-11-10 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 07:31:15AM +, professor rat wrote:
> Help sought to get some names listed at Stiffs dotcom. Biden, Thiel, Bezos, 
> Harris, Pelosi, etc
> And something else - I don't think we should be talking up blockchain voting 
> for traditional 
> politics - or freehold land titles either.  Maybe some of those traitors to 
> the sacred cause of 
> anarchist freedom that do this sort of thing need killing.  Even if I'm in a 
> minority on this I'll 
> continue to agitate. Representational politics and private beaches are not 
> just orthogonal to 
> anarchism. They are a knife at our neck. 
> Yrs in social-revolution, etc

1) The law of karma or "cause and effect" or even simply "moral equivalence", 
brings the sword upon he who lives by the sword.  Sometimes there are moments 
to righteously draw arms (in defence), this is not one of those.

2) You want AP.
That appears to have significant, and not meaningfully discredited, probability 
of descent into a very dark place for all of us - a place in which dissidents 
may well cease to exist.
Feel free to download cp list archives for October - December 2019 and respond 
meaningfully as best you can to bring meaningful counter args.
Or start a new thread.
But there are apparently fatal flaws, likelihoods (a number of them) of 
collectively falling into hell with far greater difficulty of clawing our way 
out should such happen.

3) Any successful AP system will ultimately be used against "us anarchists" or 
liberalists or whatever you choose to name us as.

4) As Juan has recently reminded us, our fundamental problems are political 
(small "P") in the sense that we live in a world ... with other humans.
Without meaningful marketing of your proposal (as it is) to some significant 
majority - i.e. without sellability, if your proposal fails to appeal to 
sufficient numbers of our fellow humans, then expect swift response against 
your actions seeking any such AP system.

4.b) If you do get sufficient "public buy in" (and see point 6 below), then 
we're on a rapid path to a Bolshevik style revolution: You only get to choose 
socialism/ communism/ Marxism, once.

5) Any and every AP system or call attracts the attention not only of those (in 
this case) obscenely wealthy individuals you call for "to be targetted" but of 
the regular existing arms of gov - police, fbi, cia, etc.
To even "make the call" as you have just done, demonstrates that you are 
failing a basic acid test (apparently of your own making, but no less obvious 
to those who witness it...).

6) Get rid of private property?  You really think communism is going to be a 
seller and "real communism" will finally work this time?  Really?
It appears obvious you have thoroughly failed to do your homework of listening 
to Jordan Peterson's concise summary and outline on this very point, of which 
one link has been recently posted (by itself that was insufficient, but it's a 
Without even an attempt to rebut, debunk, tear down or at least "marginally 
dispute" Peterson's summary, you may find you are granted little credibility 
amongst 10s of millions of people (yes, he is THAT popular - and for good 

The likes of AOC, Joe Biden and millions of others, "can't stand smart people" 
and literally highlight this fact publicly (a good thing they are so public).

But those lists of deplorables they are (under AOC and others) beginning to 
produce (this is all over the interwebs) will be used in any such revolution as 
you seem to seek.

Mercy does not exist within such mobs.

Censorship: Oligarch Media+Social - 2020s Censors More Dangerous Than Anything

2020-11-10 Thread grarpamp

Oligarchs and social media giants are now claiming a monopoly on “the
truth”, that should worry everyone...

The media have called the election for Biden, but the counting goes on
and there is a legal case in the offing. But whoever emerges from this
deluge of sludge, fraud and propaganda to become president of the
United States, there has undoubtedly already been one big loser –
freedom of speech.

Late on Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning, Donald Trump – the
elected President of the United States – emerged from the White House
to make a speech.

He accused the Democratic party, the political establishment, the
media and tech giants/social media companies of working together to
steal the election and put Biden in the Whitehouse.

You likely didn’t see all of it, because most of the mainstream news
channels simply refused to broadcast it. Watch this clip:

Earlier that night, MSNBC had cut away from Trump’s first speech
claiming victory, with anchor Brian Williams claiming it was “not
rooted in reality” and “dangerous”.

Social media companies were doing the same thing. Within hours of it
being set up Facebook deleted a group protesting the election result,
while twitter reduced the President’s timeline to this:

This isn’t about defending Donald Trump, or even agreeing that the
election was rigged (although there is plenty of evidence to suspect
as much). This is about a principle. Donald Trump is the elected head
of state, and he is being denied a platform to address the people he
represents by the faceless servants of corporate media oligarchs.

This is a terrible, terrifyingly awful precedent to set.

The owners of Comcast or Warner Bros or Disney or Facebook or Twitter
are not elected officials. They have no legal authority, and thus no
accountability. Yet they are claiming the right to determine what
elected officials can and cannot say to the people who elected them.

There is a strain of thought that this kind of censorship is
justified. “Spreading disinformation puts lives at risk”, they say.
“If the media stopped people lying we wouldn’t be in this mess” or
“the news should only broadcast the truth!”.

The argument goes that “allowing Donald Trump to “publicly undermine
our democratic institutions will erode the public trust and could lead
to violence.”

But I would argue that empowering billionaires to hold a monopoly on
“the truth” is far more dangerous to democracy than anything Trump
could ever say.

To people inclined to disagree, I leave these five questions. Answer
them, if you can:

Who made the decision to censor the elected President of the United States?

Who granted them this power?

Whose interests do they serve?

To whom are they accountable?

In the future, who gets to decide “the truth”?