Risk to Financial Stability in ‘Present Trajectory’

2022-05-24 Thread professor rat
They say that like its a bad thing


Welcome to the revolution

Attaturk's crackpot language theory

2022-05-24 Thread professor rat
No power-drunk despot is complete without some ludicrous theory 


" . . . transforming their meaningless blabbering into a coherent set of ritual 
utterings . .  ."

Shulte is worth more tactical support than Assmange

2022-05-24 Thread professor rat
One thing Joshua Shulte never did was preen, pose and posture as some sort of ' 
Cypherpunk Revolutionary ".

This alone makes it easier for us to pool our collective intelligence on his 
behalf in the short term and in the tactical , not long-term strategic, sense.

Shultes negatives include, but are not limited to, his secreted covert work and 
alleged pedophile activity.

If you work for a govt and are proved to collect child porn there are limits to 
what we can do to you, sorry, for you.

There's no limits on what we can do to you. 

Registered journalist-publishers don't start overt information wars

2022-05-24 Thread professor rat
And that makes them orthogonal to cypherpunk-revolution, especially 
crypto-anarchist, cypherpunk revolution.

" . . .  That said, the Court concludes that the information Defendant seeks to 
admit — or some version thereof — may be relevant and admissible for another 
purpose: to rebut the Government’s argument that he intended to start an 
“information war.” 

Gov.’s Mem. 38. That is, although Defendant’s motive and intent are not 
elements of the offense with which he is charged, the Government may open the 
door to evidence of the sort that Defendant seeks to offer if it argues that 
Defendant was motivated by a desire to start an “information war” with the 
United States. If it does, the fact that Defendant was privy to other highly 
classified information — or even more highly classified information — and did 
not leak it would tend to rebut the Case  . . . "



How Josh Shulte's Graymail is shaping-up

2022-05-24 Thread professor rat
Catch 22 - previously public information may also be classified under USG law


. In sum, the fact that information was previously public does not mean, as a 
matter of law, that it is not NDI.

 By the same token, the fact that the information was previously public is 
relevant to whether it is NDI, even if it was made public by someone other than 
the Government. Accordingly, the Government’s motion to preclude Defendant from 
offering evidence that the information he is charged with leaking from the MCC 
was already public is DENIED. 
That is not to say that Defendant can offer the specific evidence that he has 
noticed, let alone in its current form. But that is a CIPA Section 6(c) 
question and a question for another day.
 2. Evidence of Classified Information Defendant Knows Next, Defendant provides 
notice that, should he take the stand, he intends to testify that, by virtue of 
his employment at the CIA, he was privy to specific, highly sensitive 
classified information. Third Notice 3-4. Defendant argues that such 
information is relevant and admissible to show that he did not intend to harm 
the United States through the conduct charged . . . "

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich

typedef struct pt {
  int x;
  int y;
} pt;

void plot(int x, int y, char c)
  printf("\x1b\x5b%d;%dH%c", y, x, c);

pt pt1 = {20,10};
pt pt2 = {40,30};
pt pt3 = {0,30};

void line(pt a, pt b)
  pt change = {b.x - a.x, b.y - a.y};
  int ctx = change.x > 0 ? change.x : -change.x;
  int cty = change.y > 0 ? change.y : -change.y;
  int ct = ctx > cty ? ctx : cty;
  for (int t = 0; t <= ct; ++ t) {
plot(a.x + change.x * t / ct, a.y + change.y * t / ct, '*');

int main()
  line(pt1, pt2);
  line(pt2, pt3);
  line(pt3, pt1);

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
std::string find_most_useful_string(std::string const & doc)
  // measure all strings in doc in a naive way, finding the one with
the most repetitions.
  // stop when repetitions * length^2 decreases

  std::unordered_map counts;
  int length = 1;

  todo todo syntax error

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
std::string find_most_useful_string(std::string const & doc)
  // measure all strings in doc in a naive way, finding the one with
the most repetitions.
  // stop when repetitions * length^2 decreases

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
we could use the utility to find a really heavy string!

what's is the most common character?
then, what is the most common 2-character string?

i'll try it!

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
just looking to improve my coding, here

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
it seems like useful templates might be full of heuristics of utility.
how many characters important, how far away. to generate templates.

one could measure that utility, try to consolidate the heuristic, into
something like repetitions * constant character count.

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
this seems like a fun puzzle because it's really hard. thinking of
something small enough to hold in this state of mind, that could help
code. really small.

one idea is, maybe fix bugs by matching templates. could that be made small?

like if i made a typo, lots of print() and one print(], wrong closing
brace. it could match a template by all but 1 character. then, it's
easy to point out the mismatching character.

could templates be made from a single document with short concise
code? finding repetitions of strings?

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
code has control flow constructs and functions
and these are made of templates.

templates are powerful.

the goal is to draw a triangle.

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
maybe something really small that could write part of code

a very small part


Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
maybe it's okay!

i think i read a little part of ai book when i was like 8 or 17
something. there are a lot of heuristics that do things on their own
but aren't smart unless you really use them like crazy.

imagining this:
- try steps out until metric gets close
- repeat so long as getting closer
- label that it needs tasks that are good for repeating something that
makes you get closer

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
maybe it would be helpful for it to select steps.

i'm a little worried around it. it's easy to implement something that
would fail at an unexpected task.

maybe that's okay.

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
What a successful goal process! It met one goal, after a little work!

I'm noticing two really core points around goals:
- need to select steps that help get closer
- need to repeatedly do them until goal is met

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
i can totally make 3 be 7!
Seems small. Maybe making it bigger?
I'm at 4!
Seems small. Maybe making it bigger?
I'm at 5!
Seems small. Maybe making it bigger?
I'm at 6!
This seems really close. Maybe just a nudge!
I'm at 7!
I met the goal!

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
# i ended up repasting from html mode

import operator, time

class TinySuccessfulGoal:
  def __init__(self, start_value):
self.value = start_value
  def meet_goal(self, value):
print(f"i can totally make {self.value} be {value}!")
while self.value != value:
  if self.value + 1 < value:
print(f"Seems small. Maybe making it bigger?")
self.do(operator.add, 1)
  elif self.value - 1 > value:
print(f"Maybe too big. Could try making smaller?")
self.do(operator.sub, 1)
print(f"This seems really close. Maybe just a nudge!")
self.do(operator.add, value - self.value)
  print(f"I'm at {self.value}!")
print("I met the goal!")
  def do(self, operator, operand):
self.value = operator(self.value, operand)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
left out {}

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
sed "s/[^0-9a-zA-Z\"' \-\+\(\)=_:]//g"


Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
when i paste it python complains it's full of nonprintable characters.
never fear!

sed "s/[^0-9a-z\"' ]//g'


Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
i meant to add a delay, so that the user or programmer could experience the
process developing

import operator, time

class TinySuccessfulGoal:
  def __init__(self, start_value):
self.value = start_value
  def meet_goal(self, value):
print(f"i can totally make {self.value} be {value}!")
while self.value != value:
  if self.value + 1 < value:
print(f"Seems small. Maybe making it bigger?")
self.do(operator.add, 1)
  elif self.value - 1 > value:
print(f"Maybe too big. Could try making smaller?")
self.do(operator.sub, 1)
print(f"This seems really close. Maybe just a nudge!")
self.do(operation.add, value - self.value)
  print(f"I'm at {self.value}!")
print("I met the goal!")
  def do(self, operator, operand):
self.value = operator(self.value, operand)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
import operator, time

class TinySuccessfulGoal:
  def __init__(self, start_value):
self.value = start_value
  def meet_goal(self, value):
print(f"i can totally make {self.value} be {value}!")
while self.value != value:
  if self.value + 1 < value:
print(f"Seems small. Maybe making it bigger?")
self.do(operator.add, 1)
  elif self.value - 1 > value:
print(f"Maybe too big. Could try making smaller?")
self.do(operator.sub, 1)
print(f"This seems really close. Maybe just a nudge!")
self.do(operation.add, value - self.value)
  print(f"I'm at {self.value}!")
print("I met the goal!")
  def do(self, operator, operand):
self.value = operator(self.value, operand)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
since it's all about doing things

i guess it makes a little sense to try to make a goal program.

it's hard to hold goals.

how to meet a goal: select steps that produce a state where it is present,
and pursue them.

how can we simplify to very simple and small?

say we had a number, a variable, and wanted to make the variable reach
something. maybe steps available are adding and smallifying.

the system could already know that adding is good if it's greater, and
smallifying is good if it's less.

this seems reasonable.

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
  *  *
*  *
  *  *

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
  *  *
*  *
  *  *

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich

using namespace std;

class Triangle
  Triangle(int width, int height)
  : width(width), height(height / 2)
  {  }

  void draw()
int start_offset = width / 2;
int end_offset = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < height; ++ row) {
  int bgratio = (end_offset - start_offset) * row / height + start_offset;
  lineOf(' ', bgratio - 1);
  cout << '*';
  lineOf(row + 1 < height ? ' ' : '*', width - bgratio * 2);
  cout << '*' << endl;

  int width, height;

  void lineOf(char ch, int count)
for(; count; -- count)
  cout << ch;

int main()
  Triangle triangle(16,16);

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
>   cout << ' *' << endl;
i had to remove the typo space here

  *  *
*  *
  *  *
*  *

better add a bottom.

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
i think i'm familiar with it being hollow


using namespace std;

class Triangle
  Triangle(int width, int height)
  : width(width), height(height / 2)
  {  }

  void draw()
int start_offset = width / 2;
int end_offset = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < height; ++ row) {
  int bgratio = (end_offset - start_offset) * row / height + start_offset;
  lineOf(' ', bgratio - 1);
  cout << '*';
  lineOf(' ', width - bgratio * 2);
  cout << ' *' << endl;

  int width, height;

  void lineOf(char ch, int count)
for(; count; -- count)
  cout << ch;

int main()
  Triangle triangle(16,16);

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich


Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich

using namespace std;

class Triangle
  Triangle(int width, int height)
  : width(width), height(height)
  {  }

  void draw()
int start_offset = width / 2;
int end_offset = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < height; ++ row) {
  int bgratio = (end_offset - start_offset) * row / height + start_offset;
  lineOf(' ', bgratio);
  lineOf('*', width - bgratio * 2);
  lineOf(' ', bgratio);
  cout << endl;

  int width, height;

  void lineOf(char ch, int count)
for(; count; -- count)
  cout << ch;

int main()
  Triangle triangle(16,16);

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich

using namespace std;

class Triangle
  Triangle(int width, int height)
  : width(width), height(height)
  {  }

  void draw()
int start_offset = width / 2;
int end_offset = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < height; ++ row) {
  int bgratio = (end_offset - start_offset) * row / height + start_offset;
  lineOf(' ', bgratio);
  lineOf('*', width - bgratio);
  lineOf(' ', bgratio);
  cout << endl;

  int width, height;

  void lineOf(char ch, int count)
for(; count; -- count)
  cout << ch;

int main()
  Triangle triangle;

time to test it

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich

using namespace std;

class Triangle
  Triangle(int width, int height)
  : width(width), height(height)
  {  }

  void draw()
for (int row = 0; row < height; ++ row) {
  todo todo syntax error
  cout << endl;

  int width, height;

  void lineOf(char ch, int count)
for(; count; -- count)
  cout << ch

int main()
  Triangle triangle;

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich

using namespace std;

class Triangle
  Triangle(int width, int height)
  : width(width), height(height)
  {  }

  void draw()
todo todo syntax error

  int width, height;

int main()
  Triangle triangle;

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich

typedef struct pt {
  int x;
  int y;
} pt;

void plot(int x, int y, char c)
  printf("\x1b\x5b%d;%dH%c", y, x, c);

pt pt1 = {20,10};
pt pt2 = {40,30};
pt pt3 = {0,30};

void line(pt a, pt b)
  pt change = {b.x - a.x, b.y - a.y};
  int ctx = change.x > 0 ? change.x : -change.x;
  int cty = change.y > 0 ? change.y : -change.y;
  int ct = ctx > cty ? ctx : cty;
  for (int t = 0; t <= ct; ++ t) {
plot(a.x + change.x * t / ct, a.y + change.y * t / ct, '*');

int main()
  line(pt1, pt2);
  line(pt2, pt3);
  line(pt3, pt1);

i'll try to write it again

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
simple thing

does simple part

not sure.

maybe make triangle more useful?

oh! it is useful! it moves toward visualization. charts.

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][crazy][spam]

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
came up with new idea of triangle but don't remember what is

Alex Jones reports - everythings fine in Texas

2022-05-24 Thread professor rat
Nothing to see here - move on


Just a few crisis actors playing games again

Re: Dishonest Tor relay math question - tor-talk is to lazy

2022-05-24 Thread Karl Semich
The NSA actively targets projects like Tor, to reduce and coopt their

Appelbaum wrote about and cited this in his thesis.

It would be no surprise if spy agency workers were employed in Tor. It is
no surprise if they are also employed in other anonymity, privacy,
security, and software and hardware freedom projects.

It is of interest how much, where, and to what ends.

Fwd: Once Daily Digest Email

2022-05-24 Thread Gunnar Larson
-- Forwarded message -
From: Pam Martens 
Date: Tue, May 24, 2022, 11:02 AM
Subject: Once Daily Digest Email

Wall Street On Parade has posted a new item:

Wall Street Traders Are Being Ordered to Hand Over their Personal Phones for
Examination by the Firm’s Lawyers: How Is This Legal?

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: May 24, 2022 ~
Last Wednesday Bloomberg News reported, without citing a source, that the
Securities and Exchange Commission was “forcing Wall Street banks to embark
on a systematic search through more than 100 personal mobile phones carried
top traders and dealmakers….”
But according to Bloomberg’s report, SEC lawyers were not [...]

If the hyperlink above is not active, please paste it into your browser and
press "Go" to read the full article.

You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates

If you ever wish to stop receiving these emails from us, just email me at
pamk...@aol.com with the word "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Best regards,
Pam Martens, Editor, Wall Street On Parade

No More Blueboxing :(

2022-05-24 Thread grarpamp
No More Blueboxing :(

Re: 1984: Thread

2022-05-24 Thread grarpamp

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA4e0NqyYMw  PSYWAR: Ghosts In The Machine

Cops get away with murder, speeding, civil forfeiture theft,
torture beatings maimings, false testimony, etc...
You stupidly keep paying for their PsyOps to whitewash
and make their crimes against you easier...


People's City Council - Los Angeles @PplsCityCouncil
LAPD has 24 media relations employees if you’re wondering why the
copaganda is so strong in the local media. The cops have a highly
funded PR department.

Kenneth Mejia, CPA @kennethmejiaLA
We were asked how much the LAPD spends on their PR / MEDIA RELATIONS
DIVISION (MRD). 🚔📹 As part of our mission for
#FinancialTransparency, MRD has 24 employees & gets paid an estimated
$5,008,620 from taxpayers annually. Average base salary is $122,378.
All info is public. 🔍

President Eisenhower sketches a buff version of himself on a memo
about how the CIA had just overthrown the Guatemalan government.

Hackaday: Knowing Your Place: The Implications Of GPS Spoofing And Jamming

2022-05-24 Thread jim bell
Hackaday: Knowing Your Place: The Implications Of GPS Spoofing And Jamming.

"Artificial satellites have transformed the world in many ways, not only in 
terms of relaying communication and for observing the planet in ways previously 
inconceivable, but also to enable incredibly accurate navigation. A so-called 
global navigation satellite system (GNSS), or satnav for short, uses the data 
provided by satellites to pin-point a position on the surface to within a few 

"The US Global Positioning System (GPS) was the first GNSS, with satellites 
launched in 1978, albeit only available to civilians in a degraded accuracy 
mode. When full accuracy GPS was released to the public under the 1990s Clinton 
administration, it caused a surge in the uptake of satnav by the public, from 
fishing boats and merchant ships, to today’s navigation using nothing but a 
smartphone with its built-in GPS receiver."

"Even so, there is a dark side to GNSS that expands beyond its military usage 
of guiding cruise missiles and kin to their target. This comes in the form of 
jamming and spoofing GNSS signals, which can hide illicit activities from 
monitoring systems and disrupt or disable an enemy’s systems during a war. 
Along with other forms of electronic warfare (EW), disrupting GNSS signals form 
a potent weapon that can render the most modern avionics and drone technology 

"With this in mind, how significant is the threat from GNSS spoofing in 
particular, and what are the ways that this can be detected or counteracted?"

Tom's Hardware: Kingston's New Encrypted SSD Unlocks Via Touch Screen

2022-05-24 Thread jim bell
Tom's Hardware: Kingston's New Encrypted SSD Unlocks Via Touch Screen.

Re: The New Yorker: How Vulnerable Is G.P.S.?

2022-05-24 Thread grarpamp
On 8/6/20, jim bell  wrote:
> The New Yorker: How Vulnerable Is G.P.S.?.
> https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/how-vulnerable-is-gps

New series on Government has GPS explainer segment...
https://twitter.com/adamconover/status/1521995456787607552  GPS Explained

Re: Dishonest Tor relay math question - tor-talk is to lazy

2022-05-24 Thread grarpamp
"Communication in a world of pervasive surveillance ... 2.8.1 –
Sabotage ... The NSA estimated in 2011 that they performed around one
thousand attacks against VPN sessions per hour and NSA projected it
would soon be performing one hundred thousand such attacks in parallel
per hour. It is reasonable to assume that this number is significantly
higher after more than a decade."

Tor is not immune to such things... attacks and advances in attacks.
Yet everyone still refuses to talk about that, and Tor Project Incorporated
and it$ minion$ $till apologize$ for it$elve$ and refuse$ to acknowledge that
"Tor Stinks  -- NSA"

Tor's users are at risk because of Tor Project Incorporated and its
minions, and its money and money sources, among other things.

And Tor now officially advertises offering secret paychecks to
its minions, and still masks its players. As some say, more
better to hide the corruption and protect its corrupt actors and
hide chains of employer and funder relationships. Regardless,
so much for their bogus meme of transparency and openness.

Tor Project literally hired a CIA agent, and at least one
of its Board of Directors had ongoing carnal relationship
with at least one NSA agent. For real.

And Tor Project Inc censorbans all people who mention any
of these things (and more) off all their comms forums.
And remember that FOIA request from the free independent
tor user community that got ignored and craftily closed.
Seems Tor Project Incorporated has some big things to hide.

"Of the three, OpenVPN is a protocol without a basis in formal
specifications or peer review except where TLS or DTLS is concerned.
IPsec is a pro- tocol built by committee as part of the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF) Re- quest for Comments (RFC) process.
Both are understood to have been weakened [ins14b,BBG13,PLS13,Lar13] 2
by the NSA intentionally. The techniques are not entirely understood
but it appears that the NSA uses every option available when they deem
it necessary. What they deem necessary is not always what is expected.
This includes sending people to standardization meetings to sabotage
the security standards as well as sending people into companies to
perform so-called cryptographic enabling; this is how NSA
euphemistically describes sabotaging cryptography or security. It is
difficult to overstate the level of subterfuge understood to be
attributed to the NSA, both by external investigations and by their
own internal documents. The normally classified and thankfully leaked
black budget [GM13a] shows hundreds of millions of dollars budgeted
and specific successes against specific U.S. domestic and
international companies."