Re: 1984: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
In every story there were supposed elements of truth,
but now the Internet has enabled a very large dedicated
special interest cohort of capable humans to perform the
needed observation, archiving, sharing, analysis, and compilation
of realworld events and quotes together to form a clear picture.
What were once theories have become truth, profferings spoken
at high conferences developed into actual running global programs,
more and moreso every year.

Humanity, Human DNA and Freedom, is not, has never been, and
will never be, centrally controlled, attempts to do so will prove disastrous.

Nothing is more important than the ability and right to individual independent
human freedom interaction and life, person to person, together, in real life.
Preserve it, at all costs. The time to act is now.

Prepare for the future, and have fun ;)

Agenda 2030 / Agenda 21 / The Great Reset

This documentary series aims to show the undeniable
connections between:
UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030
Sustainable development / Climate Change
The increasingly biased and corrupt media
WEF, UN, Bill Gates, George Soros
And the hard to accept, but outright fact that this
entire elitist cult worship two things,
Unlimited Power and Satan. Brain Control

Havana Syndrome
Targeted Individual TI
Quantum 5G DWave 2048-QAM 3-Strand DNA Adiabatic
New World Order NWO
Control Grid
Sentient World Simulation SWS Sim Strife War Games
Psychological Operations PSYOP
Social Engineering
Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP
Voice to Skull
Human Brain Mapping Project
Remote Neural Monitoring
Edgewood Arsenal
Black Budget
Global Computer
Unacknowledged Special Access Program USAP
Nanoparticles Nanotechnology
Food Supply Chain
Conspiracy Theorists
Behavior, Purpose and Teleology
Telepathy Telekinesis
Hive Mind / Brain Net
Ultrahigh Resolution Fully Immersive Transparent Shadowing
Extra Life Session
Neocortex Brain to Cloud Interface
Residual Self Image
Behaviour Manipulation
Cloud Engine 12800
Transcranial Brain Stimulation TBS
The Bases Project
Virtual Government
Quantum Computing
DNA Human Resonant Frequency
Manipulation and Prediction
Steered Game Society
Quantum Brain
Human Quantum Computer
Emulated Minds
Neural Link
Quantum Link
Star Link
Man Computer Symbiosis
Subproject 12 Dual Use Brain Science
Strategic Multilevel Assessment Group
Google Quantum Computing AI Lab
Aerospray Chemtrails
Quantum Photons
DARPA Patents
Minority Report
Security Industries Systems SIS, Seattle
Security Industry Specialist[s] SIS
Bluffdale Utah Data Center
Cambridge Analytica
OCEAN scale of personality traits
PACTS International
FCC Tom Wheeler
SCL Mothership Group
Mandele Effects
Neural Networks
Artifical Intelligience
Deep Learning
Hypertargeted Messaging
Behavioral Microtargeting
Conscious Computers
Life Recorders
Josiah Macy Foundation
Total Population Control and Enslavement

Max Igan
David Icke
Bryan Kofron / Justin Carter /
Robert Duncan
John Hall
John F Kennedy
David Voights
Paul Hellyer
James Giordano
Daniel Inouye
David Livingstone
Aaron Dykes
Norbert Wiener
Arturo Rosenblueth
Julian Bigelow
Lily Kay
Eric Karlstrom
Michio Kaku
Brian Tew 92
Graham Downing
Robin Hanson
Ray Kurzweil
Anthony Patch
Alexander Nix
Steve Hoffman
Kev Baker Show
Tim Mullen
William Bill Binney
Sasha Issenberg
Alex Jones

Re: Morning Spam

2022-08-20 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
-- Forwarded message --
From: "Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many"

Cc: cypherpunks 
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2022 08:20:24 -0400
Subject: Re: Morning Spam
Person wanders of MCBossCorp Headquarters.

When they wander out, a bunch of mind controlled cultists,
experimentees, politicians, spies, ceos, homeless folk, etc etc,
wander after them so as to keep participating in the business with

Person Being Followed By Huge Mass Of Slaves Doing Boss's Shit: "Oh,
hello! How are you?"

-- Forwarded message --
From: "Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many"

Cc: cypherpunks 
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2022 09:02:50 -0400
Subject: Re: Morning Spam
MCBoss Workers Who Have Wandered Out Of Business [stumbling on coffee shop]:

[who is your mcboss] [this is how to do things]
 [oh great mcboss! our love for you knows no bounds!] [is rude to mcboss]

Anarchyplanet's free, federated social networking server built on open protocols

2022-08-20 Thread professor rat
>From comment at

Reposts etc

My microblog has the power of a thousand stampeding 

Re: [ot] cult influence and power, 1988-2018

2022-08-20 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
Chapter 3–The Threat: Mind Control Today

Imagine, if you will, the following scenes.

Saffron-robed men on street corners, dancing 
and chanting with
cymbals and drums. Bedraggled young people running from car to car,
selling flowers in the pouring rain. Glassy-eyed men and women
confronting people behind folding tables near busy intersections,
asking for money to quarantine AIDS victims and build particle-beam
weapons. Over nine hundred people—men, women, and children—lying dead,
face down in the mud.

Mention cults to someone and these might be 
some of the images
you’ll evoke. Yet these images do not accurately represent cults, mind
control, and undue influence as they exist today. They represent only
a small fraction of these phenomena.

Imagine, then, a different set of images.

Business executives in three-piece suits 
sitting in hotel
ballrooms for company-sponsored “awareness” training, not permitted to
stand up or leave, even to go to the bathroom. Housewives attending
“psych-up rallies” so they can recruit friends and neighbors into a
multi-level marketing organization. Hundreds of students gathering at
an accredited university, being told they can levitate and fly through
the air if only they meditate hard enough. High-school students
practicing satanic rituals involving blood and urine, being directed
by an older leader who claims he will help them develop their personal
power. “Troubled” teens being sent off to boot camps by their deceived
parents, unregulated by the government, some run by religious groups
who seek to convert them.[47]

Hundreds of women and men of every description 
paying huge sums to
learn cosmic truths from some channeled spirit. Tens of thousands of
women dressed in long dresses, living in harem-type households run by
men with long beards. Young girls and women (and men and boys, too)
being sold for sex, making their traffickers rich. Young Muslims being
trained to kill, rape and even blow themselves up in the name of

_These_ are some of the forms that mind control 
takes today.

The Pervasiveness Of Cults

Do you know anyone who has undergone or 
witnessed a radical
personality change because of such a group? The odds are that you do.
Someone you know—someone in your family, at work, or in your circle of
friends—has likely been directly and profoundly affected by undue

In the past decades, the destructive cult 
phenomenon has
mushroomed into a problem of tremendous social and political
importance. It is estimated that there are now over three thousand
destructive cults in the United States, directly affecting more than
three million people.[48] These organizations come in many different
types and sizes. Some have hundreds of millions of dollars; others are
relatively poor. Some, however, are clearly more dangerous than
others. The largest and most destructive are not content to simply
exercise their control over the lives of their members. They have an
agenda to gain political power and use it to reshape American
society—or even the world.

Considering how well these cults have been 
largely able to shield
themselves from public scrutiny, it might seem alarmist to regard them
as a threat to individual liberty and society as a whole. Yet, some
are influencing the political landscape through extensive lobbying
efforts and electioneering for candidates.[49] Some are attempting to
influence United States foreign policy by lobbying covertly for
foreign powers.[50] The Moonies, for example, were a major supplier of
money and guns to the Contra forces in Nicaragua.[51] They also
invested between $70 and $100 million in Uruguay,[52] in a failed
attempt to turn that country into the cult’s first theocratic state—a
springboard from which to pursue its declared goal: “to conquer and
subjugate the world.”[53]

In the United States, cults exert tremendous 
economic clout by
buying up huge blocks of real estate and taking over hundreds of
businesses. Some enter corporations under the pretense of offering
executive leadership training, while harboring a covert agenda of
taking over the company. Some seek to influence the judicial system by
spending millions of dollars annually on top attorneys to bend the law
to their will.

Since all destructive cults believe that their 
ends justify any
means, no matter how harmful, they typically believe themselves to be
above the law. As long as they believe that what they are doing is
right and just, many of them feel justified to lie, steal, cheat, or
to use any and all forms of undue influence to accomplish their en

[ot][personal] cult reading notes

2022-08-20 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
as i get farther into the cult book, i understand the importance of
writing down what you agree, disagree, or want to look more into, as
the author says to do.

it is so rare to hear somebody talking about what the book talks
about, and it engages my experiences when done, that i can forget the
things i disagree about with the author entirely and begin believing
whatever he says.


- i so much agree with BITE. nobody ever says this. systematic control
of Behavior, Information, Thoughts and Emotions. [confused: BITE must
mean how we are eating people's spirits like zombies eating brains.]

- i don't think it's clear to call all influence groups cults when
cults inspire images of people in robes worshiping dead animals, not
really a huge thing

- i disagree that meditation with belief in eventual levitation or
flying is harmful. i believe this is a good thing, without destructive
attributes itself, to give people inspiration to spend time becoming
more thoughtful. i do not mind that popular science believes that
levitation does not happen from pensation: many people hold belief
systems that have disparity with popular science, and use this as
reason for prayer or dedicated behavior. i have no trouble considering
that this belief is _used_ harmfully by some people.
i think personally i see the belief as an analogy to how, when you
meditate well and long enough, you begin seeing more and more things
that others do not ever see: things you can do, reasons people do
things, etc etc. this seems it could become a similar super power to
flying. personally, i found i develop a comparable feeling to flying
when i gain mastery over my body like with skilled free running.

- MOVE is mentioned as an example of a cult. it was an activism group
for black people. given MOVE was so politically targeted that most
members were killed by the police, it seems far more likely that the
political targeting (and disreputating messaging) was engaging in any
destructive influence than the group. counter ref 62

- similarly i am of course skeptical that a democratic workers
collective would be a destructive cult, and worry some around
political harm in the label; workers collectives have been repeatedly
targeted, sometimes killed en masse by corporations or governments, in
our nation's and global history. counter ref 64

fragment: pierce told me "some of us are felons, some of us have
families." i mentioned worrying about being tracked with my phone to
pierce. he had me turn it on, and then suddenly cory visited, and
spoke to me about the red and the blue. he lay down on the floor next
to pierce's bed, just waiting. we had an intuitive conversation where
he would wait and be silent before each thing he said. [sarah said a
fragment of an expression to me, as if people were saying things that
only made sense if all taken together as parts of the same sentence]
finished writing fragment 2022-08-20 1033 [the interaction seemed very
influential and strange. cory would often say he "was just happy to be
involved". he said he had come off a long hiking trail, but lived as a
homeless person who never left the city. i was in an intense state of mind,
near the end of behaving with strong intuition. i think i had taken a jesus
emblem with me, and showed a text message to sarah on my phone.]

- farther along, the author says that a concern around worrying about
mind control is that everything can be seen as mind control, as if
this is a struggle normal people have. i have also been exposed to
this belief. it is not normal at all. where did it come from?

- further: it seems reasonable to say that the only reason it would be
unclear whether a group is destructive or non-destructive, after
observing it, would be due to influence preventing this clarity.
clearly this clarity is needed badly.

- in the section regarding childhood sexual abuse, which explains how
learned phobias produce an environment for repeat abuse, i became
worried for a friend i love, who was sexually abused as a child. this
worry shortly became numb and hidden for me, and is hard for me to
consider now.

- "Put a person into a situation where his senses are overloaded with
non-coherent information, and the mind will go "numb" as a protective
mechanism. It gets confused and overwhelmed, and critical faculties no
longer work properly. It is in this weakened state that people become
very open to suggestion."

- i'm thinking of how my influence seemed to me to pretend to be the
things i was passionate about, kind of starting off with offering a
"deal" that if i "really wanted to get involved" i would need to do
this or that

- somewhat uncomfortable around the recommendation of trusting search
results regarding terms like "criminal" or "abuser". i think i have
hits around "criminal" as does somebody i respect have "abuser", where
these hits are from disinformation in my opinion. one possible
difference: if a powerful influence is involved and it is disreputing
the person, the h

The past is not dead - its not even past

2022-08-20 Thread professor rat
Acting for my own enlightened self-interest means I don’t have to preach about 
ethics, systemic sexism / racism or financial inequalities. Just figure how to 
make them pay. Once you can fake sincerity you’ve got it made.
The past is not dead - its not even past
Treating open-source cryptographic software as a sanctioned entity is a great 
step backwards that reminds me of the 1990s when sharing cryptography software 
could have you labelled as an international arms trafficker.
True Names cryptoanarchy means ( among other things )
Private by default
Fully distributed decentralization
User translucence; they can selectively prove parts of their LOIC. E.g not on a 
DPRK sanctions list
Open and programmable via FOSS
APster dispute resolved ( Bounty Law )
We’ve been through this already with the World Wide Web. They don’t arrest 
internet service providers for the data in their cables. They don’t arrest DNS 
providers for signing illegal traffic
For next-level web to even live it must be platform-agnostic & cryptoanarchist. 
The crypto-wars past is a past we've been passed out of.

Re: 1984: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
> COVID-19

No one will read or appreciate this till decades from now either, lol...

UN Recruited Over 100,000 'Digital First Responders' To Push
Establishment COVID Narrative
Corona Coronavirus 1984 Propaganda

At the height of the pandemic, the United Nations recruited over
100,000 “digital first responders’ to push the establishment narrative
on COVID via social media.

The revelation actually slipped out in October 2020 during a World
Economic Forum podcast called ‘Seeking a cure for the infodemic’,
although it is only going viral on Twitter today.

In the podcast, Melissa Fleming, head of global communications for the
United Nations, explains how the COVID pandemic and lockdowns created
a “communications crisis” in addition to a public health emergency.

Fleming acknowledged that in order to fight so-called “misinformation”
about the pandemic, the UN tapped up 110,000 people to amplify their
messaging across social media.

“So far, we’ve recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we
equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about
how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of ‘digital
first-responders’ in those spaces where misinformation travels,”
Fleming stated.

That was nearly 2 years ago. It is not known how many ‘digital first
responders’ have been recruited up to this point.

The World Economic Forum · Seeking a cure for the infodemic

Similar efforts to create astroturf campaigns to push a specific
message are nothing new, but when entities such as oil companies
engage in it, they are lambasted for rigging the discussion.

However, when globalist technocrats at the UN or the WEF do it,
apparently it’s fine.

Last year, it was revealed that the British government used
“propagandistic” fear tactics to scare the public into mass compliance
during the first COVID lockdown, according to a behavioral scientist
who worked inside Downing Street.

Scientists in the UK working as advisors for the government admitted
using what they later conceded to be “unethical” and “totalitarian”
methods of instilling fear in the population in order to control
behavior during the pandemic.

As we previously highlighted, the World Economic Forum is now
advocating for the merger of human and artificial intelligence systems
to censor “hate speech” and “misinformation” online before it is even
allowed to be posted.

In what some dubbed “preemptive censorship,” the WEF is creating a
system that would block posts from appearing if they fail the
censorship filter.

Of course, the WEF, which is infamous for blocking its critics on
Twitter, would never abuse such a system to shield itself from

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
US Democrats and Democracy's Involuntary Force...
all collectivist, and strikingly similar to China...

UN Report Finally Acknowledges China's Forced Labor Programs

Leave it to the United Nations to wait several years before pointing
out the blatantly obvious.  With their overt obsession with climate
change, one has to wonder how they find any time to address REAL
problems in the world, including state sanctioned slavery.  Perhaps
they stalled for so long because the nation in question is China?

A new UN report on contemporary forms of slavery has found it
“reasonable to conclude” that forced labor is taking place in China’s
far-western region of Xinjiang.  The area has long been criticized by
the alternative media as the base of operations for massive slave
labor camps which China uses to house undesirables, including millions
of native tribal Uyghurs according to human rights groups.

The reality of concentration camps in China was denied by the CCP spin
machine for years, but leaked documents on camp brainwashing programs
in 2019 as well as leaked video footage in 2020 have put that question
to rest.

The indoctrination programs used by China are common practice among
communist countries, which view religious beliefs and practices as
unacceptable competition to the collectivism and worship of the state.
If a group of people holds something in higher regard than the
government (such as God or spiritualism), then they might be harder to
control because they believe in something greater than themselves, or
greater than their own personal survival.  They become dangerous to
the authorities.

The Uyghur programs seem to follow a Mao/Soviet model, which focuses
on forced labor, separation of families and elaborate propaganda
sessions designed to instill loyalty.   Although, there is  some
evidence that the camps also use the threat of torture and death as a
means to inspire compliance.

The programs also appear to be an extension of the ethnic cleansing
efforts used by China to pacify and absorb Tibet after invading
militarily in 1949.  China's modus operandi is to claim that the
regions they ethnically cleanse are “already a part of China” even
when they are clearly separate, not only by geography and national
boundaries but by culture.  Claiming historic ownership is their way
of justifying their actions.  Again, this is typically communist.

In a report released on Tuesday, a UN special rapporteur, Tomoya
Obokata, said that evidence pointed to forced labor “among Uygur,
Kazakh and other ethnic minorities in sectors such as agriculture and
manufacturing”.  The UN has not adopted the report as their official
position, which is not surprising, but it is one of the first
incidents of the UN openly acknowledging the CCP's forced labor

The Chinese government was quick to dispute the rapporteur’s findings,
accusing Obokata of “abusing his authority” to “malignly smear and
denigrate China and serve as a political tool for anti-China forces”.

“We solemnly urge [a] certain special rapporteur to immediately change
course, respect plain facts, observe the mandate of the Human Rights
Council and code of conduct of the special procedure, perform duty in
a fair and objective manner,” foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin
said at a news briefing in Beijing on Wednesday.   “There has never
been forced labor in Xinjiang,” he added.

Here we have another very typical communist reaction to being caught
red handed (no pun intended), which is to play the victim and then
gaslight the people that are pointing out their criminality.

China argues that labor programs were actually meant to “combat
radicalism” and “fight terrorism,” though they have offered no
legitimate evidence of either.  The CCP also suggests that camps
produce workers that are “paid,” though this claim has been refuted by
prisoners and insider leaks.  Whether paid or not, all the evidence
shows that Uyghurs and other groups are indeed separated from their
families and shipped out against their will to work in Chinese

Beyond exposing the horrible practices of the Chinese government, the
slave labor and concentration camp issue illustrates the much bigger
problem of collectivist systems and their natural propensity to
devolve into brutal dictatorship.

This is the eventual end path of every socialist/communist model; it
is not as if China is being compelled by circumstances to round these
people up, to torture them or use them as slave labor.  There is no
direct threat to China.  Rather, the CCP and other collectivist
governments see ideas as threats, because ideas and beliefs outside of
state doctrine offer CHOICES, and the power of choice is the ultimate
silver bullet to the monster of collectivism.  Choice is death for
authoritarians, so all choice must be eliminated

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
Lock yourself down if you want, leave others alone, pretty simple.

Lockdown Effects Could Now Be Killing More People Than COVID

A new report based on official figures from the UK Office for National
Statistics (ONS) asserts that the effects of lockdown may now be
killing more people than COVID-19.

The stats show that non-COVID excess deaths continue to outstrip COVID
deaths, with 1,000 people dying each week from conditions other than
the virus.

“The Telegraph understands that the Department of Health has
ordered an investigation into the figures amid concern that the deaths
are linked to delays to and deferment of treatment for conditions such
as cancer, diabetes and heart disease,” reports the newspaper.

Despite some calling for the re-introduction of COVID restrictions
such as face masks in the winter, “the country is facing a new silent
health crisis linked to the pandemic response rather than to the virus
itself,” states the report.

“Hundreds and hundreds of people dying every week – what is going on?”
asked Dr Charles Levinson, the chief executive of Doctorcall, a
private GP service.

“Delays in seeking and receiving healthcare are no doubt the driving
force, in my view,” he added.

The long term impact of lockdowns is killing more people than
Covid. ⁦@Telegraph⁩

We told you, but you didn't listen. You just shouted "Covid
denier!" at us and carried on with the lockdown madness. Don't ever
say you weren't warned.

We must NEVER lockdown again.
— Julia Hartley-Brewer (@JuliaHB1) August 19, 2022

“Daily Covid statistics demanded the nation’s attention, yet these
terrifying figures barely get a look in. A full and urgent government
investigation is required immediately.”

Cases of undetected cancers, cardiac problems and serious mental
health conditions are surging, with excess deaths 14.4 per cent higher
than the five-year average.

The The British Heart Foundation said it was “deeply concerned” by the

But the media is largely disinterested, despite scaring the public for
years with ominous COVID death toll numbers.

Experts have long warned that the effects of lockdown would end up
killing more people than COVID, although they were demonized and
censored at the time by the establishment.

Academics from Duke, Harvard, and Johns Hopkins have concluded that
there could be around a million excess deaths over the next two
decades as a result of lockdowns.

A study conducted by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
found that there were conservatively 170,000+ non-Covid excess deaths
in the U.S. through 2020 and 2021, numbers exacerbated by lockdowns.

Another study conducted by Johns Hopkins University and released in
February concluded that global lockdowns have had a much more
detrimental impact on society than they have produced any benefit,
with researchers urging that they “are ill-founded and should be
rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”

Stanford University professor of medicine Jay Bhattacharya said that
in years to come lockdowns will be looked back upon as the most
catastrophically harmful policy in “all of history.”

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
> The Palmer Report is an American liberal[2] fake news website,[3]
> founded in 2016 by Bill Palmer.[4] It is known for making
> unsubstantiated or false claims,[5] producing hyperpartisan
> content,[6] and publishing conspiracy theories,[7][8] especially on
> matters relating to Donald Trump and Russia.[14] Fact-checkers have
> debunked numerous Palmer Report stories, and organizations including
> the Columbia Journalism Review and the German Marshall Fund have
> listed the site among biased websites or false content
> producers.[15][16]

Along with Bill Palmer, two more longtime frauds and residents on
the list of fake newsies... Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe,
and disgraced CNN host Brian Stelter.

We have discussed the litany of “slam dunk” crimes that Harvard Law
professor Laurence Tribe has declared as established against former
President Donald Trump, none of which have been actually charged.

While some of us have suggested that we wait to see the actual
evidence before evaluating the risk in the case, Tribe again is
confident that the still uncharged case has already been made.

Just last month, Tribe declared Trump clearly guilty of the attempted
murder of Vice President Mike Pence on January 6, 2021.

It is a curious thing that none of these prior “proven” crimes have
been charged.

Now, without an indictment or the public disclosure of actual evidence
beyond the inventory list, Tribe sees no reason to wait for proof.

Tribe argues against the release of any of the affidavit.

Tribe also insisted that any release would “violate important rules on
grand jury secrecy.”

Tribe added that ” this man  . . . I was going to call him ‘traitor’
but that is not quite right it is not treason.”

It has been the signature of much of the legal analysis in the last
six years. Yet, it would be useful. . .  just once . . . if only for
appearances . . . to start with the release of actual evidence before
discussing slam dunk convictions.

Re: [ot][personal] cult reading notes

2022-08-20 Thread \0xDynamite
Why are you posting here?


On Sat, Aug 20, 2022 at 10:16 AM Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery,
One Victim of Many
> as i get farther into the cult book, i understand the importance of
> writing down what you agree, disagree, or want to look more into, as
> the author says to do.
> it is so rare to hear somebody talking about what the book talks
> about, and it engages my experiences when done, that i can forget the
> things i disagree about with the author entirely and begin believing
> whatever he says.
> ch3:
> - i so much agree with BITE. nobody ever says this. systematic control
> of Behavior, Information, Thoughts and Emotions. [confused: BITE must
> mean how we are eating people's spirits like zombies eating brains.]
> - i don't think it's clear to call all influence groups cults when
> cults inspire images of people in robes worshiping dead animals, not
> really a huge thing
> - i disagree that meditation with belief in eventual levitation or
> flying is harmful. i believe this is a good thing, without destructive
> attributes itself, to give people inspiration to spend time becoming
> more thoughtful. i do not mind that popular science believes that
> levitation does not happen from pensation: many people hold belief
> systems that have disparity with popular science, and use this as
> reason for prayer or dedicated behavior. i have no trouble considering
> that this belief is _used_ harmfully by some people.
> i think personally i see the belief as an analogy to how, when you
> meditate well and long enough, you begin seeing more and more things
> that others do not ever see: things you can do, reasons people do
> things, etc etc. this seems it could become a similar super power to
> flying. personally, i found i develop a comparable feeling to flying
> when i gain mastery over my body like with skilled free running.
> - MOVE is mentioned as an example of a cult. it was an activism group
> for black people. given MOVE was so politically targeted that most
> members were killed by the police, it seems far more likely that the
> political targeting (and disreputating messaging) was engaging in any
> destructive influence than the group. counter ref 62
> - similarly i am of course skeptical that a democratic workers
> collective would be a destructive cult, and worry some around
> political harm in the label; workers collectives have been repeatedly
> targeted, sometimes killed en masse by corporations or governments, in
> our nation's and global history. counter ref 64
> fragment: pierce told me "some of us are felons, some of us have
> families." i mentioned worrying about being tracked with my phone to
> pierce. he had me turn it on, and then suddenly cory visited, and
> spoke to me about the red and the blue. he lay down on the floor next
> to pierce's bed, just waiting. we had an intuitive conversation where
> he would wait and be silent before each thing he said. [sarah said a
> fragment of an expression to me, as if people were saying things that
> only made sense if all taken together as parts of the same sentence]
> finished writing fragment 2022-08-20 1033 [the interaction seemed very 
> influential and strange. cory would often say he "was just happy to be 
> involved". he said he had come off a long hiking trail, but lived as a 
> homeless person who never left the city. i was in an intense state of mind, 
> near the end of behaving with strong intuition. i think i had taken a jesus 
> emblem with me, and showed a text message to sarah on my phone.]
> - farther along, the author says that a concern around worrying about
> mind control is that everything can be seen as mind control, as if
> this is a struggle normal people have. i have also been exposed to
> this belief. it is not normal at all. where did it come from?
> - further: it seems reasonable to say that the only reason it would be
> unclear whether a group is destructive or non-destructive, after
> observing it, would be due to influence preventing this clarity.
> clearly this clarity is needed badly.
> - in the section regarding childhood sexual abuse, which explains how
> learned phobias produce an environment for repeat abuse, i became
> worried for a friend i love, who was sexually abused as a child. this
> worry shortly became numb and hidden for me, and is hard for me to
> consider now.
> - "Put a person into a situation where his senses are overloaded with
> non-coherent information, and the mind will go "numb" as a protective
> mechanism. It gets confused and overwhelmed, and critical faculties no
> longer work properly. It is in this weakened state that people become
> very open to suggestion."
> - i'm thinking of how my influence seemed to me to pretend to be the
> things i was passionate about, kind of starting off with offering a
> "deal" that if i "really wanted to get involved" i would need to do
> this or that
> - somewhat uncomfortable around the recommendation of tru

Cryptocurrency: JPMorgan's Dimon Convicted of BTC Manipulation, Again

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
Anybody who knows anything knows that JPMorgan, Blackrock,
GoldmanSachs, WellsFargo, etc have been cloning and maladvising clients,
manipulating the Crypto Markets and other markets since inception,
and are generally nothing but frauds, and since Genesis known as
unnecessary leeches being burnt off by the crypto revolution.

Ignore what they say, adopt and use crypto, route around them,
make them starve and die, along with their crony corrupt GovPols.

Public market elements where need be,
privacy otherwise... sound money and finance wins.

JPMorgan Gold Trading Boss & Former LBMA Board Member Found Guilty By US Jury

In a major embarrassment for banking giant JP Morgan and the London
Bullion Market Association (LBMA), a federal jury in a US criminal
trial has convicted Michael Nowak, global head of JP Morgan’s precious
metals trading and former LBMA board member, on 13 counts of attempted
price manipulation, commodities fraud, wire fraud, and spoofing prices
in the gold, silver, platinum and palladium futures markets.

The same criminal trial jury, in a trial which was presided over by
federal judge Edmond E. Chang of the United States District Court for
the Northern District of Illinois, also convicted Nowak’s colleague
and JP Morgan precious metals trader, Gregg Smith, on 11 counts of
attempted price manipulation, commodities fraud, wire fraud, and
spoofing. In a US federal trial, the jury the verdict has to be

The charges against the JP Morgan global precious metals trading desk
traders were brought by the US Government’s Department of Justice
(DoJ) Criminal Division in a trial officially called “United States v.
Smith (1:19-cr-00669)”. While the jury’s verdict found the two traders
guilty of price manipulation, commodities fraud, wire fraud and
spoofing, the jury also found both Nowak and Smith not guilty under
one count each of a RICO conspiracy (the Racketeering Act) and a

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
> Long string of frauds, liars, embezzlers, hypocrites, and
> worse, from Politicians to Corporations to Fake News,
> now all getting COVID when they all said you can't get
> COVID with the vaccine, and locked your ass down
> and otherwise fucked you over if you didn't.

Quad vaxxed Jill Biden and Lloyd Austin and Pfizer CEO
all just got COVID, time to lock those superspreaders down,
close their business, fire them, and inject them again, lol.

Re: 1984: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
The Coming Nightmare of Build Back Better

If there's one thing Politicians consistantly do,
besides lying stealing warring grabbing power,
it's fuck things up...

Something Is Looming Geopolitically, And We Better Start Taking It Seriously

As a result of western governments’ taking collective action under the
auspices of a ‘climate change’ agenda, we are on the cusp of something
happening with ramifications that no one has ever seen before.

Western governments’, specifically western Europe, North America
(U.S-Canada) and Australia/New Zealand, are intentionally trying to
lower economic activity to meet the intentional drop in energy

This is the core consequence of the Build Back Better agenda as
promoted by the World Economic Forum.

Anyone who says there is a reference point to determine both the
short-term and long-term consequences is lying. There is no precedent
for nations’ collectively and intentionally trying to reduce economic

Hiding behind the false justification that current inflation is driven
by too much demand, central banks in Europe, the Bank of England, Bank
of Canada and U.S. federal reserve are raising interest rates.  The
outcome we are currently feeling is an intentional economic
contraction and global recession.

The Build Back Better monetary policy is successfully shrinking
western economic activity; however, the impacted nations that produce
goods for markets in North America and Europe, specifically southeast
Asia, Japan and China, are not raising interest rates in an effort to
try and offset the drop in demand.  China has announced they are
dropping their central bank rates in a desperate effort to lower costs
and keep their export dependent economy working.

Underneath all of this, is a drop in energy production in the same
nations trying to lower economic activity.  The political policymakers
are attempting to manage this process without informing the citizens
of the unspoken goal.   Shortages of oil, coal and natural gas are
self-inflicted problems, all part of the BBB agenda.

Beyond the massive increases in energy costs, which is the true source
of inflation and a direct/intentional outcome of the BBB effort,
Europe is now facing a looming winter without the energy resources to
heat homes and sustain people.  Things are going to be very
uncomfortable in Europe this winter as roaming brownouts are now

As the collective west attempts to, using their words, “manage the
transition,” they do not have mechanisms to control an outcome of this
magnitude.  It is simply too big a situation to manage.  Where the
rubber meets the road, the think-tanks and high-minded climate change
ideologues do not have the ability to manage a transition and still
meet the needs of people.  Beyond the esoteric thinking, there are
real consequences from these actions.

Many people have discussed the potential for longer-term food
shortages and recently, shorter-term winter heating.  However, beyond
that, the downstream geopolitical consequences are seemingly being
ignored.  Instead, what we see is an effort to keep pretending the
climate change ends will justify the means (disruption of energy

In this connected world, when the western nations stop buying things,
we find ourselves domestically with economic trouble.  Businesses
fail, unemployment rises, financial stress ripples throughout the
economy, dependency on government subsidy increases and real pain is
felt.  However, beyond the domestic issues the supplier nations run
into even bigger problems.

Unemployment in Malaysia, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and even
China, creates an entirely different set of regional stability issues
on a geopolitical level.

There is no precedent for this.  Never before in the history of
industrialized nations has any government intentionally tried to lower
its economic activity.  It has never been done with intent before
because within the contraction nations get more poor, people suffer.

Not only has no single nation ever tried to intentionally shrink its
wealth, but there is no precedent whatsoever for an alliance of
nations to join together with the same purpose. While this might seem
like an academic economic modeling exercise, unfortunately it is very
real.  What I am describing is happening right now, and we had better
start talking about it before the unforeseen consequences start to
become a crisis.

In North America (U.S-Canada), Europe and Australia, there will
continue to be massive increases in food prices as a result of the
collapse in energy production.  Beyond the western nations there will
be food shortages as a result of lowered harvest yields and less
industrial food production.  This is not controversial.

It is also not controversial that regions with harsh winter climates
are going to be paying much more for

Re: US 2nd Amendment Under Assault, Freedom Firearms Guns Defense

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
> Video: US Gov BATF goes door to door demanding that
> owners of multiple firearms prove they still have them... however,
> that inquisition is not a requirement or part of any law or regulation,
> and is against the 2nd and 4th amendment, the 1st, etc.
> Multiple instances prompt court cases.

Joe Biden lied, election promise said he wasn't going to take people's guns.

Nor are these confiscations and prosecutions constitutional either...
3D Printing takes up the slack.

ATF Shows Up At People's Homes To Confiscate Rare Breed FRT-15 Triggers

A new report from the gun blog website AmmoLand Shooting Sports News
claims that Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)
agents have shown up at the homes of "multiple people" to confiscate
previously legal forced reset triggers for AR-15 style rifles that
were recently classified as "machine guns."

According to the report, it is unknown how the ATF acquired the
customers' information - though the owners in question acquired their
triggers via Gun Broker or the Rare Breed Triggers website.

Rare Breed Triggers FRT - Animation from RARE BREED TRIGGERS on Vimeo.

"It is possible the ATF received the customers' information from
credit card processors or shipping companies," AmmoLand said, adding
the federal agency had received customer information from and to track people who've bought 80% lowers
from gun parts kits manufacturer Polymer80.

A person named "Paul Britton Finch" is allegedly one of those gun
owners who got a knock on the door from ATF agents.

"Just a heads up, I got a visit today from the AFT for a trigger I
bought from gunbroker and one from Rare Breed directly...hide your
dogs, ladies and gentlemen. They're comin' a knocking," Finch said in
a post in what appears to be a gun forum.

He continued: "I don't want to say much more on here because they
[ATF] do infact watch this group and who posts what information. so
take what you will of it. They're out there with all the information
you used to buy them with and enough to prosecute you if they want to
push it. Yeah it sucks, but that's the reality of it right now."

Finch provided pictures of the special agent's identification card who
visited his home that served him with a "warning notice: you may be in
violation of federal law." The notice was dated Aug. 16.

We have thoroughly covered the ATF's battle against Rare Breed
Triggers. The gun parts company once legally sold a drop-in trigger
for an AR-15-style rifle that forces the trigger to reset at such a
high speed that it increases the weapon's fire rate.

ATF Now Labels FRT-15 A Machine Gun, Turning Law Abiding Citizens
Into Criminals
Rare Breed Triggers Fires Back At ATF, Says "Will Not Comply" 
Rare Breed Triggers Responds To Alleged Leaked ATF Memo To Seize
FRT-15s From Dealers
ATF Declares Some FRT-15 Triggers "Prohibited Machineguns"
Rare Breed Triggers Cancels Customers' Orders After "ATF Raided Vendor"

Meanwhile, people are learning to 3D print these triggers, posing an
even larger challenge for the ATF.

ATF Tries To Ban Forced Reset Triggers As People Begin To 3D Print At Home

Under the Biden administration, the ATF has waged war against gun
companies, parts manufacturers, and law-abiding citizens.

Last month, a Delaware man was stunned when special agents rang his
doorbell and asked if they could do an inventory audit of his
legally-obtained firearms.

ATF agents and a #Delaware state officer showed up to a man’s
house without a warrant demanding to see his #firearms. #2A
— Sarah Fields (@SarahisCensored) July 20, 2022

And last summer we told readers that the "puzzle pieces were all laid
out" - in terms of how the ATF, weaponized under the Biden
administration, would try to ban semi-automatic rifles.

One year later, the US House of Representatives passed a bill to ban
importing, selling, manufacturing, or transferring semi-automatic
assault weapons. However, it has no chance of passing in the Senate.

Meanwhile, the online gun community is quickly accelerating the 3D
printing technology of guns that can be entirely printed at home, even
the plastic ammo. We've pointed out that others have printed weapons
at home for under $350, while one company in Austin, Texas, unveiled
the 0% lower earlier this year.

Re: IEEE Spectrum: “Quantum-Safe” Crypto Hacked by 10-Year-Old PC

2022-08-20 Thread Maria Brown
Thanks Gym

Duckgo anymous

--- Original Message ---
On Friday, August 19th, 2022 at 9:39 PM, jim bell  wrote:

> IEEE Spectrum: “Quantum-Safe” Crypto Hacked by 10-Year-Old PC.
> Future quantum computers may rapidly break modern cryptography. Now 
> researchers find that a promising algorithm designed to protect computers 
> from these advanced attacks could get broken in just 4 minutes. And the catch 
> is that 4-minute time stamp was not achieved by a cutting-edge machine but by 
> a regular 10-year-old desktop computer. This latest, surprising defeat 
> highlights the many hurdles postquantum cryptography will need to clear 
> before adoption, researchers say.
> In theory, [quantum 
> computers]( can 
> quickly solve problems it might take classical computers untold eons to 
> solve. For example, much of modern cryptography relies on the extreme 
> difficulty that classical computers face when it comes to mathematical 
> problems such as factoring huge numbers. However, quantum computers can in 
> principle run algorithms that can rapidly crack such encryption.
> To stay ahead of this quantum threat, cryptographers around the world have 
> spent the past two decades designing [postquantum 
> cryptography]( (PQC) 
> algorithms. These are based on [new mathematical 
> problems](
>  that both quantum and classical computers find difficult to solve.
> “What is most surprising is that the attack seemingly came out of nowhere.”
> —Jonathan Katz, University of Maryland at College Park
> For 
> [years](,
>  researchers at organizations such as the [National Institute of Standards 
> and Technology]( 
> (NIST) have been investigating which PQC algorithms should become the new 
> standards the world should adopt. NIST announced it was seeking candidate PQC 
> algorithms in 2016, and received 82 submissions in 2017. In 
> [July](,
>  after three rounds of review, NIST announced [four algorithms that would 
> become 
> standards](,
>  and four more would enter another round of review as possible additional 
> contenders.

Re: US 2nd Amendment Under Assault, Freedom Firearms Guns Defense

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
> Joe Biden

Biden just hired 87,000 IRS agents, gave them $700,000 worth of
illegal weapons, and ordered them to shoot and murder US citizens
if they don't submit to robbery, including the robbery done to pay for it.

Re: Anti War: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
> Declarations of Independence historically risk death

Clearly none of these want you to be Free Independent Human Beings,
so stop paying them to enslave you...

As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has continued, military spending and
technology has come under the spotlight as the world tracked Western
arms shipments and watched how HIMAR rocket launchers and other
weaponry affected the conflict.

But, as Visual Capitalist's Niccolo Conte details below, developing,
exporting, and deploying military personnel and weaponry costs nations
hundreds of billions every year. In 2021, global military spending
reached $2.1 trillion, rising for its seventh year in a row.

Using data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
(SIPRI), this visualization shows which countries spent the most on
their military in 2021, along with their overall share of global
military spending.

Which Countries Spend the Most on Military?

The United States was the top nation in terms of military expenditure,
spending $801 billion to make up almost 38% of global military
spending in 2021. America has been the top military spending nation
since SIPRI began tracking in 1949, making up more than 30% of the
world’s military spending for the last two decades.

U.S. military spending increased year-over-year by $22.3 billion, and
the country’s total for 2021 was more than every other country in the
top 10 combined.

The next top military spender in 2021 was China, which spent $293.4
billion and made up nearly 14% of global military spend. While China’s
expenditure is still less than half of America’s, the country has
increased its military spending for 27 years in a row.

In fact, China has the largest total of active military personnel, and
the country’s military spending has more than doubled over the last

While Russia was only the fifth top nation by military spending at
$65.9 billion in 2021, it was among the higher ranking nations in
terms of military spending as a share of GDP. Russia military
expenditures amounted to 4.1% of its GDP, and among the top 10
spending nations, was only beaten by Saudi Arabia whose spending was
6.6% of its GDP.
Military Collaboration Since the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February has resulted in seismic
geopolitical shifts, kicking off a cascade of international military
shipments and collaboration between nations. The security assistance
just sent by the U.S. to Ukraine has totaled $8.2 billion since the
start of the war, and has shown how alliances can help make up for
some domestic military spending in times of conflict.

Similarly, Russia and China have deepened their relationship, sharing
military intelligence and technology along with beginning joint
military exercises at the end of August, alongside other nations like
India, Belarus, Mongolia, and Tajikistan.

Since China’s breakthrough in hypersonic missile flight a year ago,
Russia has now been testing its own versions of the technology, with
Putin mentioning Russia’s readiness to export weaponry he described
as, “years, or maybe even decades ahead of their foreign
Sanctions and Energy Exports: New Weapons in Modern Warfare

Along with advanced weaponry, sanctions and energy commodities have
become new tools of modern cold warfare. As Western economic sanctions
attempted to cripple Russia’s economy following its invasion, Russian
gas and oil supplies have been limited and forced to be paid in rubles
in retaliation.

Global trade has been turned into a new battlefield with offshore
assets and import dependencies as the attack vectors. Along with
these, cyberattacks and cybersecurity are an increasingly complex,
obscure, and important part of national military and security.

Whether or not Russia’s invasion of Ukraine ends in 2022, the rise in
geopolitical tensions and conflict this year will almost certainly
result in a global increase in military spending.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
Do no work, jerk off at home, steal the people's money into
your pockets anyway, soon to become protected remote 1984...

Republicans Call For Pelosi To End House Proxy Voting$file/20-5240-1906976.pdf

On Friday, the House of Representatives passed the so-called Inflation
Reduction Act, a $420 billion package that funds 87,000 more IRS
agents, raises corporate taxes, throws hundreds of billions of dollars
at climate projects and imposes a new tax on stock buybacks.

There was plenty at stake in a bill that proponents are calling
"historic," and yet 158 House members -- more than a third of the body
-- didn't even bother showing up for the vote. Rather, they were
content to take advantage of proxy voting rules that House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi controversially ushered in during the pandemic and still
clings to like microchip stocks.

To use proxy voting, House members must submit a signed statement to
the House clerk declaring they are "unable to physically attend
proceedings in the House Chamber due to the ongoing public health
emergency." In reality, members are using the scheme to take early
recesses, schmooze donors and campaign for office.

"When those people go up, and they vote by proxy, they're LYING."

Watch Rep. Roy demand Republicans END proxy voting on
— Rep. Chip Roy Press Office (@RepChipRoy) August 17, 2022

Despite the fact that only a few hardcore Branch Covidians still think
Covid-19 presents a "public health emergency," Pelosi on Aug. 9
extended proxy voting rules until Sept 26. Serving as an accomplice in
the farce, House Sergeant at Arms William Walker continues to certify
that a public health emergency exists.

Even The New York Times has spotlighted the ulterior motives:

Perhaps no one has benefited more from the arrangement than
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who recently informed lawmakers that proxy
voting would be in effect for the remainder of the summer. It has
allowed Ms. Pelosi, whose majority is so slim that she can afford to
lose no more than four Democrats if every member is present and
voting, to all but ensure that absences alone do not cost her pivotal

Central Texas House Republican Chip Roy decried the state of affairs
in a colorful text to the Austin American-Statesman:

“It’s bullshit the Democrats can just call a last-minute vote
knowing half their caucus are free to vote by proxy. And it’s perhaps
even higher level bullshit that many Republicans (even ones who signed
litigation challenging it) similarly proxy vote and stay on vacation
while those of us trying to defend any semblance of fidelity to the
Constitution and respect of the institution to look each other in the
eye and treat our offices with respect — and it’s exquisite next level
bullshit that the Supreme Court hid behind speech and debate to avoid
the plain text, obvious unconstitutionality of not being present to do
our jobs.”

Chip Roy represents parts of San Antonio, Austin and the Texas Hill
Country (Michael Brochstein/Sipa USA via Reuters)

In January, the Supreme Court chose not to hear an appeal by House
Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who'd argued proxy voting is
unconstitutional. Earlier, in a 3-0 decision, the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia said courts had no jurisdiction
to rule on House procedures, which are adopted under the
Constitution's speech or debate clause. The court didn't rule on
whether proxies count toward a quorum.

That lawsuit originally had more than 150 Republican House members
listed as plaintiffs. In the end, there were just two: McCarthy and
Roy. While others still supported the suit, many removed their names
after they'd used proxy voting themselves and reasoned it wouldn't
help the case to keep plaintiffs who'd taken advantage of the very
rule they were challenging.

Austin Republican representative Michael McCaul told the Statesman
that proxy voting is having an insidious effect:

“The broader concern is that it encourages disengagement by
members — hearings and markups are nearly empty with little
attendance. There is no reason to extend remote voting. It’s time we

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
Watch: Border Patrol Unlocking Gates For Illegals;
Rand Paul Says Time For "Zero Tolerance Policy"

Video of Border Patrol agents unlocking a gate in Eagle Pass and
allowing illegal immigrants to pour through after the National Guard
had locked it prompted Senator Rand Paul to call for a ‘zero tolerance
policy’ to be implemented.

Fox News reporter Bill Melugin tweeted footage of the incident, noting
“For the first time, we witnessed the TX National Guard close & lock a
gate on private property at a major crossing area in Eagle Pass,
denying entry to migrants who just crossed illegally & expected to be
let in. Border Patrol then came w/ a key & let them in for

Meliugin also noted “Border Patrol opening gates etc to allow migrants
in is not new. They have to process migrants on US soil per federal
law. What’s new is TX is now closing the gate & denying entry at this
major crossing location. Always open in months past, including this
video I shot in May.”

Border Patrol opening gates etc to allow migrants in is not new.
They have to process migrants on U.S. soil per federal law. What’s new
is TX is now closing the gate & denying entry at this major crossing
location. Always open in months past, including this video I shot in
— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) August 17, 2022

Commenting on the video, Senator Rand Paul stated “The Democrats love
illegal immigration, and so they have not been willing to change the

“Anybody who is caught in the act of coming in should be immediately
placed back on the other side. No process, nothing. If you were caught
breaking in, not through a normal portal of entry, you should go back
on the other side of the river immediately,” Paul asserted.

The Senator further explained that he would like to see more
incentives for legal immigration as a way of stemming the influx of
undocumented migrants.

“We should put more resources to allow more people to come and apply
in a normal fashion at the port of entry. But I would have zero

“Once you did that for about six months, and while I was not opposed
to the wall, I think you could do it with helicopters and with maybe
50 stations along the border, and you could have it done in a month,”
Paul said:

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
Federal Government To Stop Paying For COVID Shots, Tests, & Treatments

The Biden administration is starting to transition the federal
government away from paying for Covid-19 vaccines, tests and
treatments, with the shift likely to materialize this fall.

"One of the things we've spent a lot of time thinking about in the
last many getting us out of that acute emergency phase
where the US government is buying the vaccines, buying the treatments,
buying the diagnostic tests," White House Covid-19 Response
Coordinator Ashish Jha said at a US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
event on Tuesday.

"My hope is that in 2023, you're going to see the commercialization of
almost all of these products," Jha added. "Some of that is actually
going to begin this fall, in the days and weeks ahead." Earlier this
year, a White House request for another $10 billion in pandemic
response funding stalled in Congress.

On Thursday, The Wall Street Journal reported that, on Aug. 30, the
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will host a meeting of
pharmaceutical companies, state health departments and pharmacies to
start sorting out how to make the transition, which also include
regulatory adjustments.

Referring to the broader transition, Pharmaceutical Research and
Manufacturers of America SVP Anne McDonald Pritchett told the Journal
“there are issues of reimbursement, equitable access to vaccines and
treatment, and distribution that need to be resolved.”

"Resolving the issue of equitable access" loosely translates to
figuring out how to still give many tests, vaccines and treatments
away to the uninsured and others -- so drug companies will still be
reaping some benefit from governmental redistribution of wealth where
Covid-19 is concerned.

The federal government has already stopped buying monoclonal antibody
treatments, such as Eli Lilly's bebtelovimab. The list price is $2,100
a dose, and Lilly is working with HHS to transition to direct sales to
health care providers. At the same time, “Lilly is coordinating with
the US government to identify solutions so that uninsured,
lower-income individuals can access bebtelovimab,” an Eli Lilly
spokeswoman told Bloomberg.

Pfizer and Moderna racked up $79 billion in Covid vaccine sales in
2021 alone, the Journal reports, with sales juiced by public health
officials' false claims of efficacy, coupled with coercive vaccination
requirements imposed by governments, schools and employers.

Whoopsie...#Biden #vaccine #covid #trust#Bidenlying
— Dubb'ed Dan (@DubbedDan) August 11, 2022

Moving forward, Covid-associated prices will be subject to
negotiations among drug-makers, pharmacy benefit managers and
insurance companies. Kaiser Family Foundation executive vice president
Larry Levitt told the Journal the net effect will likely be higher
prices and higher insurance premiums.

No idea why WSJ thinks that now the pharma companies are going to
make more money. They already profited insanely off of C-19, and a lot
of people didn't even want the shots for free.
— Cecilia Glennon (@CeciliaGlennon) August 18, 2022

However, after The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday that
planning for the transition is getting underway in earnest, shares of
vaccine makers slumped: Moderna was down 5% and Pfizer down nearly 2%.
"Moderna will be at a disadvantage as the Covid-19 vaccines enter the
commercial market, as it goes up against Pfizer, which has a
substantially larger commercial infrastructure," said Josh
Nathan-Kazis of Barron's.

While the inept government middleman was in the mix, Pfizer and
Moderna were happy to churn out far more vaccines than the market
demanded. Between December 2020 and mid-May of this year, US federal
agencies, pharmacies and states threw out a whopping 82.1 million
Covid-19 vaccine doses.

Meanwhile, in mid-October, the Biden administration is expected to
extend the declared Covid-19 public health emergency into January
2023, ensuring midterm voters are still benefitting from expanded
Medicaid coverage and higher payments to hospitals.

What a racket.

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
> Some sort of 1984...

Tent Cities Are Taking Over Vast Stretches Of Our Major Cities
And It's Only Going To Get Worse

If brighter days are ahead for the U.S. economy, why are so many tent
cities popping up all over the nation?  At this point things are so
bad that even the New York Times is admitting that “America’s
homelessness problem has the makings of an acute crisis”.  That
article goes on to explain that our homeless population is steadily
rising.  Tonight, hundreds of thousands of our fellow Americans will
be sleeping in tents, under bridges, in overcrowded shelters or in
their vehicles.  Of course there are many that are so addicted to
drugs or alcohol that they just sleep wherever they end up passing
out.  This is a tragedy that is growing with each passing day, and it
is only going to get worse in the months ahead as the U.S. economy
slows down even more.

Earlier today, I was truly stunned by a Fox News article about what is
going on in Portland right now.  Tent cities are literally taking over
entire neighborhoods, and many residents are “resorting to selling
their homes” as a result…

Residents in a Portland, Oregon, neighborhood are resorting to
selling their homes and moving due to homeless encampments right
outside their front doors.

“It’s a little scary because I know there is mental illness and
that concerns me,” North Portland resident Maria Inocencio told KGW8.

Residents of North Portland said at least three families on one
street have left in recent days due to the homeless camps, and KGW8
reported seeing for-sale signs up and down streets.

Portland was once such a beautiful place, but now it has literally
been transformed into a hellhole.

Needless to say, Portland is far from alone.  From Seattle all the way
down to San Diego, communities all along the west coast are being
plagued by relentlessly growing encampments.  In many cases, such
encampments are magnets for drug addicts and other societal outcasts.

But this is not just a west coast problem.

Let me give you are couple of examples.  In recent weeks, tent cities
have been popping up all over Pittsburgh…

“We want immediate action. We want to see people in homes. There’s
a humane way to deal with homelessness,” said Pittsburgh City Council
president Theresa Kail-Smith.

Homeless camps are popping up all over the Northside.

You’ll see them on the Riverfront Trail to Millvale.

Another makeshift tent city popped up underneath the Andy Warhol Bridge.

And in Fayetteville, North Carolina one burgeoning homeless camp
recently made news because it features quite a few registered sex

There are 843 registered sex offenders living in Cumberland
County. For dozens in Fayetteville, their home is a tent alongside the

Deputies in the Sheriff’s Office Sex Offender Registration
Enforcement Unit (SOREU) learned the group of offenders are homeless
and stay in a tent community along where the busy Martin Luther King
Jr. Freeway (Highway 87) goes over Gillespie Street. Some live under
the overpass while others live in a nearby field beside Gillespie

>From coast to coast, this is becoming an enormous issue.

And the truth is that it is only going to intensify as the months roll along.

In 2008 and 2009, millions of Americans lost their jobs as the economy
plunged into a major downturn.

Once those people lost their jobs, many of them could no longer afford
their homes and soon found themselves on the streets.

I wish that we would never have to see anything like that again.  It
was truly a very dark chapter in our history, and countless people had
their lives turned completely upside down.

Unfortunately, it is starting to happen again.

As I detailed earlier this month, large companies are starting to lay
off workers in substantial numbers.

This even includes Facebook.  This week, we learned that Facebook
recently used a very unique method to lay off one group of workers…

A group of about 60 contractors who work with Facebook learned
they were laid off this week after they were chosen ‘at random’ by an

The layoffs are the latest example of Big Tech reining in spending
and hiring, as just days ago Apple let go of about 100 recruiters.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has also recently said he will weed out
underperforming employees with ‘aggressive performance reviews’ as the
company braces for a deep economic turndown.

I su

Re: Assassination Politics

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
> Notable uptick...
> Stay out of the crossfire.

Putin Ally Assassination Attempt Reportedly Ends In Daughter's Death

The daughter of Alexander Dugin - a close ally and adviser to Russian
President Vladimir Putin - has reportedly been killed in an
assassination attempt meant for her father.

Darya Dugin was 'blown to pieces' near Moscow suburb of Bolshiye
Vyazyomy, according to reports, which say taht Alexander had
originally planned to travel back with her from a festival before
deciding to ride in a separate car, according to the Daily Mail and
other outlets.

YES - lets “slaughter” federal agents, and all “police state scum.”

2022-08-20 Thread professor rat
You say "  threatened online to murder FBI agents " like that's a BAD thing!

KILL the PRESIDENT ( My 200 Sats )

"If you work for the FBI then you deserve to die,"

2022-08-20 Thread professor rat
In the affidavit for Mr. Bies, the FBI said he compared bureau agents to the 
Nazi SS of World War II and the Soviet-era KGB and said everyone at the FBI, 
from agents to janitors, deserves to die.

This guy should be an honorary cypherpunk!


Re: The Wall Street Journal: Abolish the FBI

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
> The Wall Street Journal: Abolish the FBI.

> DOJ and FBI have combined to destroy project veritas

Seems lots of political and corruption questions surrounding
the US FBI over last years...

Here's one laptop that was acted on...

Ex-FBI Agent Pleads Guilty To Destroying Evidence

A former FBI agent said he is pleading guilty to paying a business to
wipe his computer hard drive to make it unavailable for forensic
examination, according to a statement.
The FBI headquarters in Washington on Jan. 2, 2020. (Samira Bouaou/The
Epoch Times)

Former FBI agent Robert Cessario was charged with corrupt destruction
of record in an official proceeding in connection to the trial of
former Arkansas Republican state Sen. Jon Woods, local media reported.

On Wednesday, Cessario issued a statement saying that he is pleading
guilty as part of a plea deal in the case.

“I erased the contents of the computer hard knowing that the court has
ordered that the computer be submitted for a forensic examination,”
the former federal agent stated in court documents, according to local
Arkansas news outlets. “I did so with the intention of making the
contents of the computer’s hard unavailable for forensic examination.”

“Ex-FBI Agent Pleads Guilty To Destroying Evidence, that is, Cause No.
5:17-CR-50010, United States v. Woods et al,” Cessario’s statement
continued, adding that he “corruptly performed and had performed, the
erasures with intent to impair the integrity and availability of the
computer hard drive and its contents for use in that official

He added: “I am guilty of the violation alleged.”

Court documents show Cessario faces as many as 20 years in prison and
a fine of up to $250,000 and three years of supervised release,
according to local media reports. His sentencing will come at a later
date, which has not been disclosed.
Woods’s Trial

The case stems from the trial involving Woods, who in 2018 was
convicted of mail fraud and wire fraud charges. Woods was accused of
taking kickbacks in return for steering state grants to Ecclesia
College in Springdale.

Read more here...

Re: Cryptocurrency: WarOnCrypto - Tornado.Cash SW Speech CensorBanned by UST OFAC SDN and their Apologists

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
Too many Profiteers and Maxi's pumping centralized nonprivacy stacks,
too few (and too many retired) principled AnCaps, Anarcho's,
Libertarians, Voluntaryists, Agorists, Austro-Hayek's, etc speaking,
risks crypto's downfall...

Is Ethereum's Censorship-Resistance Under Attack: A Recap Of The
Biggest Crypto News In The 2nd Week Of August

The recent sanction of Tornado Cash from the U.S. treasury has had a
windfall of effects on crypto.

A developer was arrested and a string of “decentralized” applications
have banned wallets that have touched Tornado Cash.

People are afraid of OFAC. These guys are nothing to mess with. If you
don’t comply with their demands, there’s a really good chance you go
to jail.

This collective fear and action from OFAC are sparking debate among
the community.

On one hand, protocol teams are worried. For most, prison time is not
an option to consider (understandably). Companies will comply if
threatened with jail time.

At the very least, if these companies are working in the best interest
of crypto, they’ll fight it in the legal system. But that will take
years and millions (and millions and millions) of dollars.

On the other hand, crypto is about open, unstoppable access to money
and finance. The idea that “DeFi” apps are banning access because
certain wallets directly (or indirectly) used a sanctioned code goes
against the ethos and mission of crypto.

Satoshi would be pissed. This isn’t what we’re here for.

Regardless, this looming threat becomes a serious issue when looking
at Ethereum’s validator set.

Start with the big, current one.

Currently it looks like over 66% of the beacon chain validators
will adhere to OFAC regulations, @LidoFinance @coinbase @krakenfx
@stakedus @BitcoinSuisseAG
— eylonverse X 🏴 (@TheEylon) August 14, 2022

A handful of companies are responsible for operating a majority of the
validators on Ethereum.

What happens if OFAC starts demanding these companies to censor
specific transactions via their validators (or go to jail)?

Will they bend the knee?

Will they shut down their staking services?

Will validators accept it and get slashed by the network, losing user deposits?

This is a big unknown right now, but any of these outcomes are possible.

Before you say “Ethereum would never support censorship”, there are a
lot of nuances behind this, primarily with Flashbots and block
building, that go above my head.

Regardless, this was a major discussion on the Ethereum Core Devs
meeting this week, and there’s a lot to unpack here. I recommend
listening to the discussion and reading Tim Beiko’s thread on the
topic to get the full rundown.

Starts at 18:11.

Is Ethereum’s censorship resistance under attack?

The honest answer is that it’s not entirely clear right now.

The Best Monetary Asset

Four weeks from now, Ethereum will be in a post-merge world. Issuance
will be reduced by 90% and net inflation will virtually become
neutral, if not negative.

This creates a compelling case for ETH as a monetary asset in an
increasingly inflationary world.

Fiat is currently inflating at 12.8% per year.
Gold sits at 1.79%
After the next Bitcoin halving in 2024, BTC’s inflation rate will be 0.88%.

Post-Ethereum Merge?

ETH issuance falls to 0.18% based on current demand levels where it
could potentially go negative if demand recovers to same the levels as
a few months ago.

Most people looking at this graph might respond “But Apple is sitting
at -3.78%! That’s the better store of value.”

True—sort of.

But Apple stock is not a monetary asset. You can’t instantly transfer
it to anyone in the world. You can’t buy anything with it. You don’t
have global access to lending, borrowing, trading, or earning yield.

Apple stock has no credible neutrality. There’s no decentralization.

It’s not a Medium of Exchange or a Unit of Account.

Issuance is just one part of it.

But when you factor in all of it, ETH becomes a highly favorable
monetary asset in the current landscape.

Other News

Celsius owes $6.7 billion in crypto tokens and only holds $3.8
billion; Genesis CEO quits amidst job layoffs; Mailchimp cracks down
on crypto newsletters; The SEC sues Dragonchain; Canada lays new
crypto regulations; The NFT market faces a potential liquidity crisis?

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
> FBI Raid Has Solidified Trump's Clout In GOP Ahead Of Expected 2024 Run

Streisand Effect also rallying US Libertarians but
the Fake News Media hasn't let them speak yet.

Republican Voter Enthusiasm For Midterms Boosted By Mar-a-Lago Raid: Poll

Before-and-after survey results show the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid last
week largely encouraged Republican voters to go to the ballot box in
November for the midterms.
An aerial view of former U.S. President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home
after Trump said that FBI agents searched it, in Palm Beach, Florida
on Aug. 15, 2022. (Marco Bello/Reuters)

The FBI on Aug. 8, in an unprecedented move, raided the home of former
President Donald Trump for a potential violation of the Espionage Act,
before allegedly finding four sets of top-secret documents and seven
other sets of classified information that the former president removed
from the White House.

One poll (pdf) conducted from Aug. 13–16 by the Economist/YouGov,
found that 51 percent of Republican respondents said they were more
enthusiastic about the 2022 midterm elections compared to the previous
congressional election year. It turned out to be a 6 percent increase
from an Aug. 7–9 poll result (pdf), showing only 45 percent were more
devoted to voting.

The growth was smaller when it came to Democrat and Independent
voters—both increased after the raid by one point to 36 percent and 25
percent respectively. Both surveys asked 1,500 adult citizens
nationwide, declaring a margin of error of 2.9 percentage points.

The recent raid by the FBI in Palm Beach has solidified Trump’s hold
on the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, according to conservatives
and analysts. Trump’s family and aides also slammed the move as being
politically motivated to prevent the former president from regaining
the presidency.

The release of findings came as Trump’s 2022 endorsement record grows
to 209–17, according to Breitbart, after five “America First”
candidates he backed won their primary races in Wyoming and Alaska
Tuesday night.

Incumbent Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) lost her seat in the U.S. House of
Representatives on Aug. 16, without coming close to her Trump-endorsed
challenger, Harriet Hageman, who doubled Cheney’s votes to win the
Wyoming primary.

Trump had three other endorsements in Tuesday’s state races: Wyoming
State Rep. Chuck Gray, who secured the nomination for secretary of
state, and incumbent State Treasurer Curt Meier advancing in his
renomination bid, as well as Brian Schroeder, former head of Veritas
in Cody who lost his bid to maintain his position as state

In Alaska, both Trump-endorsed candidates—former Gov. Sarah Palin and
Kelly Tshibaka—advanced to general election races.

Tshibaka, along with Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who voted to
impeach Trump for inciting the Jan. 6 Capitol protest, advanced to the
ranked-choice election from the open primary on Aug. 16.

Re: Prediction Markets to STOMP Centralized Manhattan Projects [re: Funding, OpenHW/SW/Nets/...]

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
Prediction Markets would instantly bump this to $50B...

Investors Have Now Spent $5 Billion Pursuing The "Holy Grail Of Energy"

What do The Dark Knight Rises, Back to the Future, Oblivion, and
Interstellar all have in common? They are sci-fi blockbusters that
showcase a technology that scientists consider to be the Holy Grail of
Energy: Nuclear fusion. Theoretically, two lone nuclear reactors
running on small pellets could power the entire planet, safely and
cleanly. That’s the promise of nuclear fusion. So, why are we still
relying on fossil fuels? What’s stopping us from building these
reactors everywhere?

After all, scientists have been working on nuclear fusion technology
since the 1950s and have always been optimistic that the final
breakthrough is not far away. Yet, milestones have fallen time and
again and now the running joke is that a practical nuclear fusion
power plant could still be decades away.

Well, the past few years have witnessed a resurgence in the field with
a handful of startups setting up shop to make nuclear fusion an
everyday reality. Interestingly, the vast majority of the sector’s
funding has come from the private sector rather than public

According to the second global fusion industry report published by the
Fusion Industry Association (FIA), private investment in fusion
technology hit $4.7 billion in total, dwarfing the $117 million of
public investment. Also, the current year is proving to be a watershed
moment for fusion technology, with the amount of funding in 2022 more
than doubling the industry's entire historic investment to the tune of
$2.83 billion.
Fusion Startups

To date, Commonwealth Fusion Systems has bagged the largest amount of
funding for a fusion startup. Back in December, the
Massachusetts-based fusion startup snagged more than $1.8 billion in
the largest private investment for nuclear fusion yet from a plethora
of big-name investors including Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates,
George Soros via his Soros Fund Management LLC, and venture capitalist
John Doerr.

Commonwealth Fusion System is in good company.

On Nov. 5, Helion Energy announced that it had raised $500 million in
its latest fundraising round, making it the second-largest-ever single
fundraising round for a private fusion firm. Helion has a chance to
surpass Commonwealth Fusion System since its latest round of funding
includes an additional $1.7 billion tied to certain performance
milestones. Meanwhile, Canada’s General Fusion has closed a $130
million fundraising round that was oversubscribed. General Fusion
plans to launch an even bigger fundraising effort soon.

Google and Chevron participated in a $250-million funding raise for
TAE Technologies, a nuclear fusion startup with an unconventional
strategy, back in June. Since then, TAE has raised a total of $1.2

“It’s a sign of the industry growing up," General Fusion Chief
Executive Christofer Mowry has told the Wall Street Journal.

Various fusion companies are pursuing different designs for fusion
reactors, though the majority rely on fusion that takes place in
plasma. Commonwealth Fusion has successfully tested the most powerful
fusion magnet of its kind on Earth that would hold and compress the

Commonwealth Fusion Systems is collaborating with MIT to build their
fusion reactor. The team has planned a fusion experiment they have
dubbed Sparc which is about 1/65th the volume of the International
Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). The experimental reactor
will generate about 100MW of heat energy in pulses of about 10 seconds
- bursts big enough to power a small city. The team anticipates that
the output will be more than twice the power used to heat the plasma
thus overcoming the biggest technical hurdle in the field: positive
net energy from fusion. The Sparc team has set an ambitious target to
have the reactor running in about 15 years.

But why have scientists so far failed at replicating a natural process
that powers the stars in our universe?
Extreme Challenge

Turns out that the conditions necessary for nuclear fusion to take
place present an extreme challenge for us earthlings.

Fusion works on the basic concept of forging lighter elements into
heavier ones. When two hydrogen atoms are smashed together hard
enough, they fuse to form helium. The new atom is less massive than
the sum of its parts, with the balance converted to energy in the
E=MC2 mass-energy equivalence.

Ok, that’s a bit simplistic since hydrogen atoms do not fuse together
directly but rather in a multi-step reaction. Anyway, the long and
short of it is that nuclear fusion produces net energy only at extreme
temperatures - in the order of hundreds of millions of degrees
celsius. That’s hotter than the sun’s core and far too hot for any
known material on earth 

Re: Cryptocurrency: WarOnCrypto - Tornado.Cash SW Speech CensorBanned by UST OFAC SDN and their Apologists

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
> Lawfare...
> I bite OFAC in the nose over their vague sanction of "Tornado Cash." I
> applied to OFAC for a license in a way that would either obviate the
> harm they did, or give my non-profit The Crypto Freedom Lab standing
> to sue if the deny my license.

Shaq to remain free, while you and Ross all serve double-life plus 40...

Shaquille O'Neal's Crypto-Mixer Move Just Crossed The Line...

Basketball Entrepreneur, Shaquille “Big Sexy” O’Neal just crossed the line.

Here’s the Etherscan page for Shaq’s NFT project showing the
sanctioned, illegal transaction.

The US Treasury announced sanctions applied to Tornado Cash
transactions beginning last Monday.

I’m not suggesting that Shaq’s done anything wrong, but this is an
example of why the Treasury’s attack on Crypto mixing services via
sanctions is unworkable.

Who Gets Invited To The Crypto Mixers?

Mixers are tools within the Cryptocurrency ecosystem that allow users
to deposit tokens, combine them with other people’s tokens, and then
withdraw to an unrelated wallet. They can be used simply for privacy
reasons, or it can be used to hide the tracks of illicit funds.

The US Treasury was obviously focused on the latter when it sanctioned
Tornado Cash, with an estimated $455M washed through Tornado over the
last few years by North Korean hacker group Lazarus.

I’m not defending the ability to hack and launder money, but you can
walk the line if one can actually be laid down. Lazarus has been a
scourge on the Crypto industry since at least 2017 and I would love
nothing better than to see them dealt with effectively and severely.
But that’s the problem…

The solution to Crypto hacks needs to be effective or there’s no point.

According to Chainalysis’ research on the topic, for every criminal
use of crypto mixers, there appears to be a legitimate use. So a large
part of the pushback on this round of sanctions is to do with
preserving privacy tools in an increasingly aggressive surveillance
state that jeopardizes citizens’ legitimate need for privacy in
everyday life.

Privacy is normal and needs to be defended.

Among notable legitimate and extremely necessary uses of privacy tools
that have come out since the sanctions announcement are Ethereum
founder Vitalik Buterin using Tornado Cash to donate money to
Ukrainians. This reduced their risk. Blockchain developers can also
use untraceable funds to seed new projects without exposing their
entire net worth.

However, this article isn’t about privacy. There’s plenty written
about that elsewhere. I’m talking about why sanctions aren’t the right
tool for this problem.
Sanctions Didn’t Stop Party Crasher Lazarus

This isn’t the first mixer the US has sanctioned. In May, the Treasury
sanctioned, another mixing service that had also been used
extensively by Lazarus group. In that case, the sanctions worked well
to shut down the service.

They had no meaningful effect on the Lazarus group who simply kept
hacking and moved to the next mixer. was a custodial mixer. Users deposited funds into a
centralized custodian who would then mix your funds and return them.
The people running the service were targeted by sanctions and shut

Tornado Cash is structured differently. Rather than having a
centralized custodian making decisions it’s simply a smart contract
hosted on the Ethereum blockchain which holds funds prior to mixing
and withdrawal. It’s just a piece of code that will continue running
indefinitely and doing what it was designed to do. No one that can
take it down. It is an immutable smart contract.

Tornado Cash is Bitcoinesque. It cannot be changed. It cannot be removed.

The Treasury seems to not really be aware of this dis

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
Big Blue Democrat Cities... Failing In Every Metric...

Restaurants In Lockdown-Loving, High-Crime Cities Still Reeling While
Others Thrive

More than two and a half years after the Covid-19 pandemic reached
America, there's a enormous divide among America's restaurant markets.
In deep-blue cities that embraced lockdowns, the number of diners is
still far below pre-pandemic levels. Meanwhile, restaurant businesses
are prospering in states that were quickest to reject Covidian

That's the finding of a Fox News report centered on data from
OpenTable, a company that helps more than 60,000 restaurants worldwide
manage reservations, payments and operations.

Civil unrest and crime have likely played a defining role too. It's
probably no coincidence that the worst-performing city -- Minneapolis
-- was at the epicenter of the George Floyd riots that ravaged
deep-blue cities. Strikingly, the number of average daily diners in
Minneapolis is still less than half what the city enjoyed in
pre-Covid, pre-Floyd 2019.

"We’re just getting killed in Minneapolis," restauranteur Greg
Urban told Fox News. "People don’t feel safe. They don’t feel safe
coming to Minneapolis. It’s a public safety issue right now."

Happily, Urban is geographically -- and politically -- diversified,
with nightspots in Austin, Pensacola and Lakeland, Florida too.

The 10 worst cities represent a who's who of cringe-inducing,
high-crime, vaccination-forcing, mask-adoring metropolises, with the
likes of San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and Philadelphia rounding
out the top five losers.

Meanwhile, the list of the 10 best-performing restaurant cities
includes four from Florida which, under Governor DeSantis, helped set
an example that emboldened other red-state governors to shift policies
and begin rising out of the depths of public health madness.
Underscoring a clear Sunbelt trend, Texas and Arizona placed two
cities apiece.
10 Worst Lockdown-Hammered Restaurant Cities (Change in Daily Diners:
July 2022 vs July 2019)

Minneapolis (-54.3%)
San Francisco (-45.9%)
Portland (-45.2%)
Seattle (-40.8%)
Philadelphia (-39.2%)
New York (-37.9%)
St. Louis (-28.2%)
Washington, DC (-27.3%)
Baltimore (-24.9%)
Chicago (-22.8%)

10 Best-Performing Restaurant Cities (Change in Daily Diners: July
2022 vs July 2019)

Las Vegas (+35.7%)
Fort Lauderdale (+34.0%)
Miami (+32.8%)
Austin (+27.3%)
Naples (+25.4%)
Tampa (+22.3%)
Nashville (19.2%)
San Antonio (+18.6%)
Scottsdale (+18.0%)
Phoenix (+14.3%)

Source: OpenTable via Fox News

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
> While the secret documents content would bigly expose something,
> the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...

FBI Unit Leading Mar-a-Lago Probe Earlier Ran Discredited Trump-Russia

The FBI division overseeing the investigation of former President
Trump’s handling of classified material at his Mar-a-Lago residence is
also a focus of Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation of the
bureau’s alleged abuses of power and political bias during its
years-long Russiagate probe of Trump.
The J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building in Washington on July 21, 2022.
(Chung I Ho/The Epoch Times)

The FBI’s nine-hour, 30-agent raid of the former president’s Florida
estate is part of a counterintelligence case run out of Washington—not
Miami, as has been widely reported—according to FBI case documents and
sources with knowledge of the matter. The bureau’s counterintelligence
division led the 2016–2017 Russia “collusion” investigation of Trump,
codenamed “Crossfire Hurricane.”

Although the former head of Crossfire Hurricane, Peter Strzok, was
fired after the disclosure of his vitriolic anti-Trump tweets, several
members of his team remain working in the counterintelligence unit,
the sources say, even though they are under active investigation by
both Durham and the bureau’s disciplinary arm, the Office of
Professional Responsibility. The FBI declined to respond to questions
about any role they may be taking in the Mar-a-Lago case.

In addition, a key member of the Crossfire team—Supervisory
Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten—has continued to be involved in
politically sensitive investigations, including the ongoing federal
probe of potentially incriminating content found on the abandoned
laptop of President Biden’s son Hunter Biden, according to recent
correspondence between the Senate Judiciary Committee and FBI Director
Christopher Wray. FBI whistleblowers have alleged that Auten tried to
falsely discredit derogatory evidence against Hunter Biden during the
2020 campaign by labeling it Russian “disinformation,” an assessment
that caused investigative activity to cease.

Auten has been allowed to work on sensitive cases even though he has
been under internal investigation since 2019, when Justice Department
Inspector General Michael Horowitz referred him for disciplinary
review for his role in vetting a Hillary Clinton campaign-funded
dossier used by the FBI to obtain a series of wiretap warrants to spy
on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Horowitz singled out
Auten for cutting a number of corners in the verification process and
even allowing information he knew to be incorrect slip into warrant
affidavits and mislead the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

In congressional testimony this month, Wray confirmed that “a number
of” former Crossfire Hurricane team members are still employed at the
bureau while undergoing disciplinary review. In the meantime, Wray has
walled off the former Russiagate investigators only from participating
in FISA wiretap applications, according to the sources.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary
Committee, has asked Wray for copies of recent case files and reports
generated by Auten and whether he is included among the team the FBI
has assembled to determine which of the seized Trump records fall
within the scope of its counterespionage investigation and which fall
outside of it.

Some former FBI officials worry that Auten, a top bureau expert on
Russia and nuclear warfare, will have a hand in analyzing the boxes of
documents agents seized from Trump’s home on Aug. 8 to help determine
if any of the alleged Top Secret material he kept there might have
been compromised, potentially putting national security at risk.

“It is a disgrace that Auten is still even employed by the bureau,”
said 27-year FBI veteran Michael Biasello. “I would substitute other
analysts and agents.”

An examination of t

12 years of documented groping incidents - very Assange

2022-08-20 Thread professor rat
And Julio and Gary appear to have some political ideology in common.  
Right Gramps?

Reposts etc

Re: Prediction Markets to STOMP Centralized Manhattan Projects [re: Funding, OpenHW/SW/Nets/...]

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
Putting massive optical and radio telescopes in
space, rebuilding Arecibo, launching faster probes
out the solar system, space and land based guerrilla
networks, health care, roads, education, research, food,
whatever people want to do...
Prediction Markets are the future of crowdfunding,
and they conveniently obsolete such needless and
inefficient government in the process.

All The Contents Of The Universe, In One Graphic

Scientists agree that the universe consists of three distinct parts:
everyday visible (or measurable) matter, and two theoretical
components called dark matter and dark energy.

As Visual Capitalists's Mark Belan explains below, these last two are
theoretical because they have yet to be directly measured - but even
without a full understanding of these mysterious pieces to the puzzle,
scientists can infer that the universe’s composition can be broken
down as follows:

Let’s look at each component in more detail.
Dark Energy

Dark energy is the theoretical substance that counteracts gravity and
causes the rapid expansion of the universe. It is the largest part of
the universe’s composition, permeating every corner of the cosmos and
dictating how it behaves and how it will eventually end.
Dark Matter

Dark matter, on the other hand, has a restrictive force that works
closely alongside gravity. It is a sort of “cosmic cement” responsible
for holding the universe together. Despite avoiding direct measurement
and remaining a mystery, scientists believe it makes up the second
largest component of the universe.
Free Hydrogen and Helium

Free hydrogen and helium are elements that are free-floating in space.
Despite being the lightest and most abundant elements in the universe,
they make up roughly 4% of its total composition.
Stars, Neutrinos, and Heavy Elements

All other hydrogen and helium particles that are not free-floating in
space exist in stars.

Stars are one of the most populous things we can see when we look up
at the night sky, but they make up less than one percent—roughly
0.5%—of the cosmos.

Neutrinos are subatomic particles that are similar to electrons, but
they are nearly weightless and carry no electrical charge. Although
they erupt out of every chemical reaction, they account for roughly
0.3% of the universe.

Heavy elements are all other elements aside from hydrogen and helium.

Elements form in a process called nucleosynthesis, which takes places
within stars throughout their lifetimes and during their explosive
deaths. Almost everything we see in our material universe is made up
of these heavy elements, yet they make up the smallest portion of the
universe: a measly 0.03%.
How Do We Measure the Universe?

In 2009, the European Space Agency (ESA) launched a space observatory
called Planck to study the properties of the universe as a whole.

Its main task was to measure the afterglow of the explosive Big Bang
that originated the universe 13.8 billion years ago. This afterglow is
a special type of radiation called cosmic microwave background
radiation (CMBR).

Temperature can tell scientists much about what exists in outer space.
When investigating the “microwave sky”, researchers look for
fluctuations (called anisotropy) in the temperature of CMBR.
Instruments like Planck help reveal the extent of irregularities in
CMBR’s temperature, and inform us of different components that make up
the universe.

You can see below how the clarity of CMBR changes over time with
multiple space missions and more sophisticated instrumentation.

What Else is Out There?

Scientists are still working to understand the properties that make up
dark energy and dark matter.

NASA is currently planning a 2027 launch of the Nancy Grace Roman
Space Telescope, an infrared telescope that will hopefully help us in
measuring the effects of dark energy and dark matter for the first

As for what’s beyond the universe? Scientists aren’t sure.

There are hypotheses that there may be a larger “super universe” that
contains us, or we may be a part of one “island” universe set apart
from other island multiverses. Unfortunately we aren’t able to measure
anything that far yet. Unravelling the mysteries of the deep cosmos,
at least for now, remains a local endeavor.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
Biden Misled Public On Afghanistan; New GOP Report Finds

The frantic and deadly U.S. evacuation from Afghanistan was so
disorganized that 1,450 children were evacuated without their parents,
and senior leaders in Vice President Kamala Harris’ and first lady
Jill Biden’s offices, as well as one of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
asked private veteran groups for assistance evacuating certain people
from the country.

In the waning days of the evacuation, more than 1,000 women and girls
waited more than 24 hours on dozens of buses, desperately circling the
Kabul airport and trying to avoid Taliban checkpoints. Many of them
were told multiple times they were not allowed to enter the airport.
Now, nearly a year since the Taliban took control of the country,
fewer than one-third of them have managed to flee the country.

These are just some of the findings in a new report by Republicans on
the House Foreign Affairs Committee one year after the Taliban swept
into the Afghan capital of Kabul, almost instantly rolling back more
than two decades of U.S. and NATO military support and nation-building

More broadly, the report, which RealClearPolitics obtained late last
week, asserts President Biden and top officials in his administration
repeatedly – and perhaps intentionally – misled the American people
when they said the fall of Kabul came as a surprise and there was no
alternative other than depending on the Taliban for security in the
Afghan capital as the U.S. military evacuated hastily.

The report asserts that the chaotic withdrawal that left more than 800
American citizens stranded in the country was completely avoidable if
Biden and his national security team had listened to the warnings and
advice of military leaders, U.S. diplomatic officials operating on the
ground, and international allies.

It adds that one of the most tragic outcomes of the evacuation – the
death of 13 U.S. servicemembers and 160 Afghans in a suicide bombing
at the Kabul airport – could have been prevented if the administration
had accepted the Taliban’s Aug. 15 offer for the U.S. to control the
capital city’s security until the end of the withdrawal.

Such an arrangement would have allowed American forces to extend the
airport’s security perimeter, creating more space for evacuating
Afghans and a far more orderly process. It also would have prevented
U.S. servicemembers from being penned in amid the frantic crush of
Afghans desperately trying to board U.S. military planes, leaving them
vulnerable to the suicide attack, several former officials told
committee Republicans, according to the report.

“There were many sins if you will – there was a complete lack of and
failure to plan,” Rep. Mike McCaul, the top Republican on the panel
told CBS News’ Face the Nation Sunday. “There was no plan executed.”

In a new memo over the weekend, the White House started defending its
decision to withdraw troops, arguing that the move strengthened U.S.
national security by freeing up military and intelligence agents and
assets. The memo, written by National Security Council spokesperson
Adrienne Watson and first reported by Axios, is a direct response to
the House Republicans’ interim report outlining their view of the
administration’s withdrawal failures.

It assails the House Republicans’ report as a partisan exercise
“riddled with inaccurate characterizations, cherry picked information,
and false claims…. It advocates for endless war and for sending more
troops to Afghanistan, and it ignores the impacts of the flawed deal
that former President Trump struck with the Taliban,” the memo states.

Republicans are standing by their findings, arguing that a failure to
plan left the State Department with only 36 consular officers at the
airport trying to process hundreds of thousands of people in a matter
of days. These officials were overwhelmed, McCaul said, but the lack
of resources for a withdrawal of this magnitude was just one of the
many mistakes involved in failing to plan for Kabul’s fall despite
multiple warnings.

United States of America fled Afghanistan leaving behind innocent Afghans.

These shocking visuals from Kabul today describe the US withdrawal
from Afghanistan. Betrayal. Escape. Lack of empathy. No clarity.
Failure. Chaos.
— Aditya Raj Kaul (@AdityaRajKaul) August 16, 2021

Several top U.S. military leaders for months had warned the president
that the Afghan government would likely collapse if the U.S. left
fewer than 2,500 troops stationed there, the report states.

The report also cites “more realistic assessments 

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2022-08-20 Thread grarpamp
Is Your Government Ready For Another Pandemic?

With polio now confirmed in New York City's wastewater and monkeypox
having spread around the world - albeit with mortality rates remaining
low - it appears that disease outbreaks are happening faster and more
frequently than before.

While greater media attention has certainly heightened awareness,
we’re also seeing the ripple effects of a number of factors including
population growth, which means more people are living in closer
proximity to potentially infected animals, climate change, which is
making diseases more severe, and even the decline of vaccine coverage
for other diseases over past years, as reported by the OCHA. Not to
mention the fact increased trade and travel as well as rapid
urbanization - where levels of contact between people is high and
living conditions can be unhygenic - are also making transmission

But how ready are the world’s governments for another - unfortunately,
fairly inevitable - health crisis?

As Statista's Anna Fleck details below, a survey carried out by the
OECD in 2021 found that perceptions of government preparedness vary
greatly around the world, with a fairly even split of opinions,
favoring slightly more positive. People living in Luxembourg and
Ireland, for instance, thought more highly of their government’s
healthcare strategies, with 69 percent and 60 percent, respectively,
saying they thought their leaders would be ready. Just over half of
Brits felt the same.

In Austria, however, trust on the topic was fairly low, with 29
percent of people saying they thought their government would be ready.
Japan came in with 32 percent feeling confident in the government,
although a greater share than any other felt ambivalent about the
issue - responding that they felt either ‘neutral’ or ‘didn’t know.’

Infographic: Is Your Government Ready for Another Pandemic? | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista

According to the report, public trust in government rise and fell
throughout the pandemic, with a show of support for governments at the
start, versus later when the death count started to rise. The authors
note that the survey’s results likely correspond to the intensity of
the pandemic at the time, in November 2021. They add:

“It is also worth noting that – in spite of the many challenges
governments faced in effectively responding to the economic and health
exigencies of the pandemic – this finding suggests that people see
governments as having learned from the information gained during this

The countries surveyed included Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada,
Colombia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Iceland, Ireland, Japan,
Korea, Latvia, Luxembourg, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand,
Norway, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Solid-eye - Translucent vision

2022-08-20 Thread professor rat
Privacy for the poor - transparency for the powerful

Reposts etc

Exit Darya Dugina,

2022-08-20 Thread professor rat
Poor Amir Taaki, must be heartbroken

Reposts etc

Fwd: [ot][personal] cult reading notes

2022-08-20 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
i did not see a post from you so im forwarding it

i infer you are irritated. i do not see the logic, and we are top
posting unsigned emails, so i am disregarding this. i like you and
hope you are well.

-- Forwarded message --
From: "\\0xDynamite" 
Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2022 15:38:26 -0700
Subject: Re: [ot][personal] cult reading notes
To: "Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many"

I posted it for you.

It lands in my inbox which I find annoying.

On Sat, Aug 20, 2022 at 1:40 PM Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery,
One Victim of Many
> On Sat, Aug 20, 2022 at 4:38 PM Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One 
> Victim of Many  
> wrote:
>> i've built up the habit (it's hard for me to do things, so things i've built 
>> up a habit for are helpful to me). why do you ask? how does the posting 
>> land? (do you mind if i cc the list, replying to you?)
> specifically i posted these notes because i had misplaced my notes from the 
> earlier 2 chapters, and it started seeming important to keep them. here, the 
> list keeps them for me.
>> hope you are well, mark.

Fwd: [ot][personal] cult reading notes

2022-08-20 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
-- Forwarded message --
From: "\\0xDynamite" 
Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2022 13:21:20 -0700
Subject: Re: [ot][personal] cult reading notes
To: "Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many"

Why are you posting here?


On Sat, Aug 20, 2022 at 10:16 AM Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery,
One Victim of Many
> as i get farther into the cult book, i understand the importance of
> writing down what you agree, disagree, or want to look more into, as
> the author says to do.
> it is so rare to hear somebody talking about what the book talks
> about, and it engages my experiences when done, that i can forget the
> things i disagree about with the author entirely and begin believing
> whatever he says.
> ch3:
> - i so much agree with BITE. nobody ever says this. systematic control
> of Behavior, Information, Thoughts and Emotions. [confused: BITE must
> mean how we are eating people's spirits like zombies eating brains.]
> - i don't think it's clear to call all influence groups cults when
> cults inspire images of people in robes worshiping dead animals, not
> really a huge thing
> - i disagree that meditation with belief in eventual levitation or
> flying is harmful. i believe this is a good thing, without destructive
> attributes itself, to give people inspiration to spend time becoming
> more thoughtful. i do not mind that popular science believes that
> levitation does not happen from pensation: many people hold belief
> systems that have disparity with popular science, and use this as
> reason for prayer or dedicated behavior. i have no trouble considering
> that this belief is _used_ harmfully by some people.
> i think personally i see the belief as an analogy to how, when you
> meditate well and long enough, you begin seeing more and more things
> that others do not ever see: things you can do, reasons people do
> things, etc etc. this seems it could become a similar super power to
> flying. personally, i found i develop a comparable feeling to flying
> when i gain mastery over my body like with skilled free running.
> - MOVE is mentioned as an example of a cult. it was an activism group
> for black people. given MOVE was so politically targeted that most
> members were killed by the police, it seems far more likely that the
> political targeting (and disreputating messaging) was engaging in any
> destructive influence than the group. counter ref 62
> - similarly i am of course skeptical that a democratic workers
> collective would be a destructive cult, and worry some around
> political harm in the label; workers collectives have been repeatedly
> targeted, sometimes killed en masse by corporations or governments, in
> our nation's and global history. counter ref 64
> fragment: pierce told me "some of us are felons, some of us have
> families." i mentioned worrying about being tracked with my phone to
> pierce. he had me turn it on, and then suddenly cory visited, and
> spoke to me about the red and the blue. he lay down on the floor next
> to pierce's bed, just waiting. we had an intuitive conversation where
> he would wait and be silent before each thing he said. [sarah said a
> fragment of an expression to me, as if people were saying things that
> only made sense if all taken together as parts of the same sentence]
> finished writing fragment 2022-08-20 1033 [the interaction seemed very 
> influential and strange. cory would often say he "was just happy to be 
> involved". he said he had come off a long hiking trail, but lived as a 
> homeless person who never left the city. i was in an intense state of mind, 
> near the end of behaving with strong intuition. i think i had taken a jesus 
> emblem with me, and showed a text message to sarah on my phone.]
> - farther along, the author says that a concern around worrying about
> mind control is that everything can be seen as mind control, as if
> this is a struggle normal people have. i have also been exposed to
> this belief. it is not normal at all. where did it come from?
> - further: it seems reasonable to say that the only reason it would be
> unclear whether a group is destructive or non-destructive, after
> observing it, would be due to influence preventing this clarity.
> clearly this clarity is needed badly.
> - in the section regarding childhood sexual abuse, which explains how
> learned phobias produce an environment for repeat abuse, i became
> worried for a friend i love, who was sexually abused as a child. this
> worry shortly became numb and hidden for me, and is hard for me to
> consider now.
> - "Put a person into a situation where his senses are overloaded with
> non-coherent information, and the mind will go "numb" as a protective
> mechanism. It gets confused and overwhelmed, and critical faculties no
> longer work properly. It is in this weakened state that people become
> very open to suggestion."
> - i'm thinking of how my influence seemed to me to pretend to be the
> th

Fwd: [ot][personal] cult reading notes

2022-08-20 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
-- Forwarded message --
From: "Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many"

Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2022 16:38:39 -0400
Subject: Re: [ot][personal] cult reading notes
To: "\\0xDynamite" 

i've built up the habit (it's hard for me to do things, so things i've
built up a habit for are helpful to me). why do you ask? how does the
posting land? (do you mind if i cc the list, replying to you?)

hope you are well, mark.

Fwd: [ot][personal] cult reading notes

2022-08-20 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
-- Forwarded message --
From: "Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many"

Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2022 16:39:54 -0400
Subject: Re: [ot][personal] cult reading notes
To: "\\0xDynamite" 

On Sat, Aug 20, 2022 at 4:38 PM Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One
Victim of Many 

> i've built up the habit (it's hard for me to do things, so things i've
> built up a habit for are helpful to me). why do you ask? how does the
> posting land? (do you mind if i cc the list, replying to you?)

specifically i posted these notes because i had misplaced my notes from the
earlier 2 chapters, and it started seeming important to keep them. here,
the list keeps them for me.

> hope you are well, mark.

Re: [ot][personal] cult reading notes

2022-08-20 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
mark, i found where you included the list, with an older email, sorry
i missed this

On 8/20/22, \0xDynamite  wrote:
> I posted it for you.
> It lands in my inbox which I find annoying.
> mark

i don't understand. this is very little information.

did my cult books filter through because i did not spam label them?

I'm sorry if i am rude sometimes. it is hard for me to believe this is
the real cypherpunks list, the posts i get have seemed so strange to

cults seem similar to govcorp to me. any thoughts?