Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
I just secured a MASSIVE VICTORY for the Constitution & Free Speech in
fed court: #BigTech CANNOT censor the political voices of ANY Texan!
The 5th Circuit “reject[s] the idea that corporations have a
freewheeling First Amendment right to censor what people say.
Attorney General Ken Paxton @KenPaxtonTX
US Ct Appeals 5th Cir 21-51178
US Dist Ct West Texas 1:21-cv-840
Platforms vs Texas House Bill 20

"Today we reject the idea that corporations have a freewheeling First
Amendment right to censor what people say."

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
TPUSA on Defeating the Great Reset Great Reset: Wake Up !

Free beautiful people don't need conducted by anyone.

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
> FBI Corrupt, Engages in more Democrat Political Oppressing Witch Hunts
> "I Got Bad News For You": Mike Lindell Speaks Out After FBI Seizes Phone

"We are suing the United States government and the FBI,"
Lindell announced on War Room on Thursday.

Mike Lindell to sue Biden administration, FBI over seizure of phone

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell announced during an appearance on Steve
Bannon's War Room that he has assembled a team of lawyers and will be
suing the United States government after his phone was seized by the
FBI this week.

Lindell said he had amassed a team of "Some of the best lawyers in the
country," including Alan Dershowitz, Andrew Parker, Kurt Olson
"amongst others."

"We are suing the United States government and the FBI. This isn't
just to get the phone back, this is my First, Fourth, and Fifth
Amendment rights were broken... We aren't going to put up with this,
we aren't going to be the Gestapo like in Nazi Germany. We're being
proactive," Lindell told Bannon.

"I was on the phone with these attorneys, I said 'no, I want to sue.'
... We have all the lawyers on the phone, they looked at all these
statutes, we are going to go to places that no man has gone before.
This will set a precedent. This has to stop," he continued.

Lindell revealed on Tuesday that his phone had been seized by the FBI.
FBI officers trapped his vehicle in a fast food drive-thru and told
him that they had a warrant for his cell phone, and would be
confiscating it, to which Lindell replied that he needed it to "run
five companies" as he doesn't have a computer. Lindell also needs his
phone to adjust his hearing aids.

"Nobody gets to bash peoples' door down and you get forty seconds to
answer your door. Nobody gets to corner and take a phone away of a
private citizen, their company's phone, and their hearing aids and
everything else. Everything I had was in that phone, all my
businesses," he said.

"This has got to stop, Steve, and we're going to do it," he said.

Bannon told Lindell that he was proud of him for his actions, and told
him that the FBI of their childhood no longer exists.

"Mike Lindell is on offense," said Bannon. "He's not going to sit
there, because they're coming for you. Lindell, tell me one more time,
you got Dershowitz, what are you doing specifically about the FBI and
these kick-down-the-door raids?"

"We had all the lawyers for over two hours, and they might even still
be on the phone, I said 'I want this done now.' ... All the lawyers
were in agreement, we are going to set a precedent," Lindell

Documents posted by Lindell reveal the purported reasoning, with a
page titled "Items to be seized" reading that "the physical cellular
telephone assigned call number [redacted] "LINDELL CELLPHONE" and "All
records and information on the LINDELL CELLPHONE that constitute
fruits, evidence, or instrumentalities of ... identity theft..." as
well as "intentional damage to a protected computer" and/or
"conspiracy to commit identity theft and/or to cause intentional
damage to a protected computer."

Last year, legal representatives of Dominion Voting Systems sent
Lindell a letter warning him of litigation for spreading claims of
election fraud.

Lindell described Dominion Voting Systems' machines as "the biggest
fraud" and has asserted that Dominion was involved in stealing "3
million votes or more nationwide." No evidence has thus far been
provided to support such claims.

A letter in reference to the Grand Jury Subpoena from the US
Department of Justice reads that "an official criminal investigation
of a felony is being conducted by an agency of the United States and a
Federal Grand Jury in the District of Colorado. As a subpoena
recipient, you are not under an obligation of secrecy," the letter
essentially asking that the letter not be disclosed.

"However," it continues, "we request that you not disclose the
existence of this subpoena for an indefinite period of time. Although
the law does not require non-disclosure unless a court order is
issued, we believe that the impact of any disclosure could be
detrimental to the investigation."

This comes as the DOJ has issued subpoenas to more than 40 Trump
supporters in an effort to try to show that they attempted to stage a
coup to keep Trump in of

Re: Gunnar The Spammer

2022-09-16 Thread Gunnar Larson
Boy, that is a super idea 💡

Thank you for that.

Did you hear CypherPunk Holdings had a shakeup and a new CEO?


On Sat, Sep 17, 2022, 12:46 AM grarpamp  wrote:

> On 9/16/22, Gunnar Larson  wrote:
> > I am not spamming.
> You are repeatedly spamming 100% identical copies
> of the same emails and docs, to the list as the
> *only* recipient, multiple times a day week month.
> That's duplication spam spam spam spam spam.
> You're also spamming into the list with CC's when the
> list supports the use of BCC's which you should probably
> be using instead. Without explanation of your purpose there,
> such usage of CC is likely viewed as rather inappropriate
> and unwelcomed by the list (indeed by any list). Instead
> give first courtesy to the list by default by using BCC.
> > Obstruction of justice
> Didn't the cypherpunks claim crypto to solve all
> that [corruption] like 25+ years ago...?

Re: Gunnar The Spammer

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
On 9/16/22, Gunnar Larson  wrote:
> I am not spamming.

You are repeatedly spamming 100% identical copies
of the same emails and docs, to the list as the
*only* recipient, multiple times a day week month.
That's duplication spam spam spam spam spam.

You're also spamming into the list with CC's when the
list supports the use of BCC's which you should probably
be using instead. Without explanation of your purpose there,
such usage of CC is likely viewed as rather inappropriate
and unwelcomed by the list (indeed by any list). Instead
give first courtesy to the list by default by using BCC.

> Obstruction of justice

Didn't the cypherpunks claim crypto to solve all
that [corruption] like 25+ years ago...?

Fwd: [OpenRecords] Request FOIL-2022-056-01966 Acknowledged

2022-09-16 Thread Gunnar Larson
We have not heard from Officer Covo. I have left her several messages.

No response on or about Wednesday, August 3, 2022 was received.

The original request was made on February 10, 2022. So, we are six months
out on this matter.

-- Forwarded message -
Date: Thu, Feb 10, 2022, 2:46 PM
Subject: [OpenRecords] Request FOIL-2022-056-01966 Acknowledged

The New York City Police Department (NYPD) has *acknowledged* your FOIL
request FOIL-2022-056-01966

You can expect a response on or about Wednesday, August 3, 2022.
Additional Information:

Your request has been assigned to Police Officer Covo (646-610-6458).

*Note: Due to issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic there may be extensive
delays, lasting up to one year, in determining your request.*

Please visit FOIL-2022-056-01966
 to view
additional information and take any necessary action.

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
‘Toxic’ Values Undermining US Ability to Tackle Beijing: Senator

Visiting Australian Senator Andrew Hastie says basic struggles with
identifying gender are undermining the ability of the United States to
lead the developed world in opposing military aggression from Beijing.

“These tensions are tearing at the fabric of our democracies, many
among us are no longer confident of truth, tradition, and our
democratic values,” Hastie, a former Special Air Service operative,
told the Hudson Institute on Sept. 15.

The now-opposition defence minister pointed to research by Prof. James
Kurth, of Swathmore College, who said the real culture clash was not
between the “West and the rest” but within the West itself.

“This is a clash between Western civilisation and a different grand
alliance, one composed of the multicultural and the feminist
movements. It is, in short, a clash between Western and post-Western
civilisations,” Kurth wrote in The National Interest in 1994.

The professor predicted in his article that there would be a lack of
consensus on basic issues like humanity, justice, and within politics.
Epoch Times Photo Andrew Hastie during Question Time in the House of
Representatives at Parliament House in Canberra on Nov. 27, 2019. (AAP
Image/Mick Tsikas)

In turn, Hastie said this conflict was no longer just playing out in
universities but in the mainstream.

“Toxins are in the mainstream now, seeping through the media,
entertainment, in our schools, and our families. It has brought
disruption and political consequences for the Western body politic. It
makes it harder for our leaders and policymakers to deal with the
strategic challenges,” the senator said.

Hastie said smaller nations could not set into play grand strategies
and could only follow bigger countries like the United States.

“Put starkly, if we can’t agree on basic definitions of gender, how
can we possibly agree on national strategy? If we can’t agree on
Western values, how can we defend the West?” he added.

“If we look up from the cultural chaos at home, we see China
encroaching on Taiwan and Russia on Eastern Europe.”

An example of the ongoing debate regarding gender identity is recent
orders within the U.S. Pacific Air Forces for leaders to stop using
gender, age, or race pronouns in written format, claiming such a move
would improve “lethality.”

“We must embrace, promote and unleash the potential of diversity and
inclusion,” according to an email sent out in May to commanders in
Guam, a U.S. territory just hours away from the South China Sea.
Speakers Take Aim at Media Mischaracterising AUKUS

Hastie also joined a panel discussion moderated by senior fellow Peter
Rough, along with Patrick Cronin, Asia-Pacific security chair of the
Hudson Institute, and Bryan Clark, former submariner and expert in
naval operations.

Cronin took aim at Australian media for focusing too much on issues
like capability gaps, money wastage, “alienating options” for dealing
with China, and mischaracterising the deal as one where Australia was
becoming an “adjunct to the U.S. Navy.”

“While there is some validity to these points … it completely misses
the fact that America is taking a big gamble on Australia. We’re not
talking about just any technology transfer … we’re talking not just
about nuclear propulsion, but about technology writ large,” he said.

“Are we going to get ahead of it? Are we going to harness it? At the
university level, or governments and militaries? Or are we not going
to do that, we’re going to cede that ground?”

While Clark said AUKUS institutionalised several decades-long
arrangements between Australia, the UK, and U.S., particularly “in the
area of undersea warfare.”

“Sometimes it misses the fact that this is something that’s been going
on for a while now, and we’ve actually taken it and codified it in a
way that’s going to allow us to get a lot more benefit for the next

Hastie also said he was telling school kids to get ready to be
involved in AUKUS over the “next 20 years” across a range of areas,
including quantum technology, artificial intelligence, and

AUKUS was formed to counteract ongoing military aggression from
Beijing in the South China Sea and towards Taiwan. The deal could
potentially shift the power balance in the Indo-Pacific substantially
and give the United States a strong anchor (Australia) in the region.

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp

'Sharing' Economy Continues To Spread: Americans With STDs Jump 26% To
Seven-Decade Highs

During President Biden's first year in office, cases of sexually
transmitted diseases (STDs) in the U.S. increased at an alarming rate
not seen in nearly seven decades.

Politico, quoting preliminary data from the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, said Syphilis rates in 2021 jumped a shocking
26% -- or 171,000 new infections -- the most significant annual
increase since former President Harry Truman was in the White House in

The CDC data found total infections in 2021 surpassed 2020 figures,
increasing from 2.4 to 2.5 million.

Chlamydia, which dropped in 2020, had increased 3% last year.
Gonorrhea rose 2.8%, accounting for 700,000 infections in 2021.

Health officials are voicing serious concern over the latest explosion
in STDs. We've pointed out that the infections trend has been upward
sloping over the last four years:

2018: "STDs Hit Record Highs As Antibiotic Resistant Gonorrhea
Concern Emerges: CDC"

2019: "American STD Cases Rise To Record High"

2021: "What Are The Symptoms Of Chlamydia" Most Googled Sex
Question As STDs Soar

Numerous factors are being blamed for the increase, notably the virus
pandemic, funding cuts for local health departments, opioid and
methamphetamine crisis (where people share needles), and even perhaps
decreases in condom usage among young people in a post-Covid era.

Instead, Covid's disruption exacerbated problems brought about by
years of budget cuts to STD programs and the pervasive stigmatization
of poor people of color and LGBTQ communities where infection rates
tend to be higher, according to health experts and government
officials. --Politico

Politico pointed out that "preventing new HIV infections, which are
tracked separately, slowed during the pandemic, and some parts of the
country including San Francisco are even seeing HIV rates increase for
the first time in nearly a decade."

"Officials warn that without significantly more funding, the U.S. may
not reach its goal of ending the spread of the virus by 2030,"
Politico continued.

CDC warned STD infection trend shows "no signs of slowing" -- and
comes amid a brave new world where the Great Reset Initiative pushed
by the World Economic Forum aims to rebuild economies with
twenty-first-century socialism. This means most people 'will own
nothing and will be happy'.

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp

Nearly 50 Members of Congress Call on Pentagon to End Military Vaccine Mandate
By Katabella Roberts
September 16, 2022 Updated: September 16, 2022

Nearly 50 Republican lawmakers, led by Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), have
called on the Department of Defense (DOD) to withdraw its COVID-19
vaccine mandate for military members, citing concerns over the
mandate’s impact on the readiness of the U.S. Armed Forces.

In a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin dated Sept. 15 (pdf),
lawmakers, including Reps. Chip Roy (R-Texas) and Thomas Massie
(R-Ky.), expressed their “grave concerns” over the impact of the
mandate, particularly with regard to the U.S. Army.

“As a result of your mandate, eight percent of the Army’s
approximately 1 million soldiers face expulsion, Army recruiters
cannot meet their FY22 target, and the Army has cut its projected FY23
end strength by 12,000 soldiers,” they wrote.

Referring to Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine, lawmakers noted
that the U.S. military currently faces “a self-imposed readiness

Citing “sparse” data from the Department of Army, they noted that “at
least 40,000 National Guardsmen, 20,000 Army Reservists, and at least
15,000 Active Army Soldiers” have not yet received a COVID-19 shot and
subsequently face being discharged from service.

“The Department of Defense’s own Covid response page indicates that
approximately 900,000 soldiers are fully vaccinated out of the 1
million soldiers in the Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard,”
they wrote.

Lawmakers pointed to testimony delivered in July by Vice Chief of
Staff of the Army, Gen. Joseph Martin, before the House Armed Services
Committee. During that testimony, Martin stated that “less than
20,000” people were facing discharge for refusing to take the COVID-19
vaccine, much less than the initial figures that officials had
House Judiciary Committee Holds Hearing On The Threat To Individual
Freedoms In Post-Roe World Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) speaks during a
hearing of the House Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in
Washington, on July 14, 2022. (Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)
‘Inquiries Remain Unanswered’

However, lawmakers in their letter to the DOD noted that the Army has
not published official data pertaining to the number of unvaccinated
service members in months.

“The opaqueness of the Department continues to frustrate Members of
Congress attempting to perform oversight of the Executive Branch,”
they wrote, noting that their “repeated inquiries remain unanswered.”

Republicans also pointed to the “thousands of servicemembers” that
“have been left in limbo” while they await a formal judgment regarding
their medical exemptions to the vaccine.

“Some have waited for nearly a year to learn if they will be forcibly
discharged for their sincerely held religious beliefs or medical
concerns,” lawmakers wrote.

“Furthermore, according to current Army policy, even those few
soldiers who receive permanent exemptions will be treated as
second-class soldiers for the rest of their careers—each of them
requires approval from the Undersecretary of the Army to travel,
change assignments, or even attend training courses away from their
home station,” they wrote.

According to U.S Army fragmentary orders published by Fox News, the
Army has barred unvaccinated soldiers from official travel unless they
receive the undersecretary’s approval.

“The Department has abused the trust and good faith of loyal
servicemembers by handling vaccine exemptions in a sluggish and
disingenuous manner,” lawmakers said.

They then questioned who would replace the roughly 75,000 soldiers if
they were to be discharged from the Army. Martin said in July that if
a shortfall in Army troop size were to persist, it could have an
impact on readiness.
Epoch Times Photo A military member prepares a COVID-19 vaccine in
Fort Knox, Ky., on Sept. 9, 2021. (Jon Cherry/Getty Images)
Service Member Shortfall

Citing Army Secretary Christine Wormuth’s interview with NBC News
earlier this year in which she noted that the Army has only met 52
percent of its recruiting goal for the fiscal year 2022, they asked,
“How will it recruit another 75,000 troops beyond its annual target to
account for vaccine-related discharges?”

In that same interview, Wormuth said she believes the Army would end
up roughly 12,000 to 15,000 recruits short this year.

“The data is now clear. The Department of Defense’s Covid vaccine
mandate is deleterious to readiness and the military’s ability to
fight and win wars,” lawmakers concluded. “The vaccine provides

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
US Army's Recruiting Crisis Worsens As Test Scores Drop,
Disqualifications Rates Surge

The US Army has a major recruiting problem and can't find enough young
people who meet the basic requirements to enlist, according to Army

Lt. Gen. Maria Gervais, second in command for Army Training and
Doctrine Command, sounded off Thursday about the troubling
developments. She highlighted disqualification rates for potential
recruits jumped from 30-40% (pre-Covid) to a whopping 70% this year
due to obesity, low test scores, and/or drug use.

Gervais pointed out the service has experienced a "nosedive" in
recruits since July 2021. She explained Armed Services Vocational
Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) scores were 10% lower during the virus
pandemic in 2020-21. That figure has since increased to 13% for the
most recent high school graduating class.

Perhaps America's youth was dumbed down during Covid with at-home
schooling via daily video conferences. The latest Education Department
data confirm reading and math scores plummeted. Maybe those kids were
playing too many video games or trading 'meme stocks' or posting
useless videos on TikTok during the pandemic instead of opening a book
and learning something valuable.

Besides failing to meet academic standards, obesity was another driver
of higher disqualification rates. Also, increasing drug use among
youngsters didn't help.

The challenges of today's youth put combat preparedness in question as
liberal war hawks are determined to spark World War III in Ukraine and
or in the Taiwan Strait.

Gen. Joseph Martin, vice chief of staff for the Army, warned in July
that the recruitment goal for 2022 could be slashed by a quarter. He
said the total size of the Army (including active and reserve
components) will decrease by 10,000 troops this year and between
14,000 and 21,000 in 2023.

Perhaps lowering the standards to meet targets is a question the
service should ponder. Even though the quality is more important than
quantity, in tumultuous periods like today, where the world is
shifting from a unipolar world to a multipolar world, conflicts tend
to ignite -- and the US -- one who has overseen the unipolar world for
decades -- will fight 'tooth and nail' to maintain the status quo.

At least the youth have one thing going for them: obsession with
violent video games has desensitized an entire generation to all sorts
of violence where war might not be a big shock.

Remember, the service's recruitment crisis has been an ongoing issue
but has worsened in the last few years. We pointed out it's "another
signal of declining support for the federal government and its

Maybe because the military has gotten too 'woke'? You know the saying:
"go woke, go broke" -- this can also happen to empires...

The shrinking pool of eligible youth due to obesity, low test scores,
or drug use should be a national security threat to US health and

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
> The races have begun...

Drugs, addicts, crime, violence, disease, corruption, all spreading...

Violence In California Reaches "Epidemic" Levels As Our Society
Rapidly Deteriorates All Around Us

I can’t understand why anyone would still want to live in California.
Yes, there are lots of high paying jobs and the weather is very nice,
but crime is completely and utterly out of control.  As you will see
below, a new report that has just been issued is warning that violence
in the state has now reached “epidemic” levels.  The police are doing
what they can to try to contain the violence, but at this point they
are vastly outnumbered by the predators.  Sadly, this is the end
result of literally decades of cultural rot, and what is happening in
California is going to happen to the rest of the nation if we do not
take urgent action to turn things around.

Originally, I was going to write about something else today.  Tens of
thousands of rail and port workers were threatening to go on strike,
and this could definitely cause some substantial economic disruptions…

America is bracing for chaos as tens of thousands of railway,
port, and hospital workers look set to strike over the winter –
plunging the country into further disruption.

As many as 60,000 railway workers, 15,000 nurses, and 22,000 West
Coast port workers are plotting mass walkouts as they seek better
working conditions.

Several US freight railroads said they were preparing for
widespread strike and service interruptions Friday, a deadline set by
two holdout labor groups in protracted talks with railroad carriers
about better benefits.

But even though these strikes could cause severe short-term problems,
they will eventually be resolved.

[And were resolved right before the strike was set to take place]

So in the greater scheme of things, they really aren’t a major concern.

On the other hand, our cultural decay is a massive ongoing crisis that
isn’t going to go away.

As I mentioned earlier, a brand new report that was just released is
warning that violence in the state of California has risen to
“epidemic” levels…

The Golden State is losing its luster. A troubling new report
labels physical and sexual violence in pandemic-era California a
statewide “epidemic.” To put it simply, violence is on an alarming

According to the new annual report from the California Study on
Violence Experiences across the Lifespan (CalVEX), violence statistics
have seen a significant increase since COVID-19 emerged. The report,
conducted by scientists at the University of California San Diego
School of Medicine, reports more than one in six Californians (18%)
experienced either physical or sexual violence in just the past year.

If you live in one of the biggest cities in California, this isn’t news to you.

Once upon a time, the state was a place of great beauty and great
tranquility, but now it has been transformed into a crime-infested

I was particularly alarmed by the numbers on sexual violence in this new report…

While more than 1.5 million adults in California admit to
committing acts of sexual violence in the past year, men were more
than two times as likely as women to report that they perpetrated
sexual violence and intimate partner violence.

Women also showed greater mental health impacts and life
disruptions due to violent experiences, with 82 percent of women
reporting anxiety or depression as a result of physically aggressive,
coercive or forced sexual behavior.

Of course much of this violence is being fueled by illegal mind-altering drugs.

Some of these drugs are so immensely powerful that they literally put
people into catatonic states for an extended period of time…

Can anyone explain to me why Democrat voters enjoy seeing this so
much they just keep voting for more?
— 🗽🐷Piglosi'

Re: Gunnar The Spammer

2022-09-16 Thread Gunnar Larson
Have you heard of Andrew Cuomo?

How about Linda Lacewell? And Richard Weber?

Two of these people have already resigned. Meanwhile, while the other seems
to be the one who was is now probably obstructing justice.

The FBI, NY-DFS, FINCEN, SEC and this list have been on the CC.

I am not spamming. Obstruction of justice is a crime and the AG may know
what we are talking about.

On Fri, Sep 16, 2022, 9:15 PM grarpamp  wrote:

> Either explain yourself, or
> Stop sending duplicate message spam.

Cryptocurrency: Gives Users Equality In Tax Priviledges Like King Charles

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
No taxes for them, nor for the coming masses of crypto users either...

"The government takes about 50% of your income, and of the fraction
that you get to save, it takes 40 percent when you die. The government
takes about 75% of what you have earned throughout your life. Property
and inheritance taxes are flat out evil."

Re: TWA-800: Shot Down By US Military [ref 9/11 UFO JFK etc Coverups]

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp


2022-09-16 Thread Gunnar Larson
You know, Mr. Weber, I am one of the most survelliaed people on the planet
(with, - so something is telling me we have a 360

So, you need to resign. Mr. Cuomo's new approach with the AG seems
outrageous given your previous boss resigned and her boss too.

Mr. Weber, with the below you have blood on your hands. You must give New
York State the respect the state deserves.

You know what we are talking about.

When can we expect your resignation?

Warm regards,


Gunnar Larson -

On Fri, Sep 16, 2022, 9:36 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:

> One week ago, we asked you to resign.
> Bloomberg is now reporting possible Marcus fraud at Marcus: Goldman Sachs
> Faces Fed Scrutiny of Money-Losing Marcus Consumer Unit
> Mr. Weber, you (personal, professionally) have a historic conflict at
> Goldman Sachs:
> You must resign.
> Or else, it looks like Bank Fraud as described by the FDIC:
> Mr. Weber, we have a similar FOIL open specific to Wells Fargo that has
> the essence of Marcus. You know what we are talking about.
> Resign. Or else, we will need to call the FBI.
> Thank you,
> Gunnar
> Gunnar Larson
> -
> 646-454-9107
> On Sat, Sep 10, 2022, 7:58 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:
>> Resign.
>> It is September 11.
>> On Sat, Sep 10, 2022, 7:55 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:
>>> Yes, you are.
>>> On Sat, Sep 10, 2022, 7:54 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:
 Are you obstructing justice?

 On Sat, Sep 10, 2022, 7:53 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:

> Mr. Weber:
> Have you heard of
> Gunnar
> On Sat, Sep 10, 2022, 7:50 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:
>> And you are so worried about a personal email.
>> Where is Andrew Cuomo when you need him :)
>> On Sat, Sep 10, 2022, 7:49 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:
>>> Are you kidding me?
>>> The fraud at Goldman? And aggression in Cyprus?
>>> On Sat, Sep 10, 2022, 7:48 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:
 What do you think?


Cryptocurrency: ETH and Regulation - Week in News

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
Ethereums The Merge is finally live!

Its quite fascinating that we had people buy BTC at $69k and sell it
at $19k all in just one year.

Justin Turdeau attacks Prime Ministerial candidate Pierre Poilievre
for supporting Bitcoin: Telling people they can opt out of inflation
is not responsible leadership

My 2 year old daughter is finally part of the 21 million club. I did
it for her future not mine.

Dogecoin Creator: It Annoyed Me When Musk Promoted Meme Currency

Bitcoin Mining powered by used cooking oil

The Merge Is Killing Nvidia GPU Prices

Ethereums 99.95 % drop in energy usage will be equal to 15 big nuclear
reactors, or 11 000 wind turbines

Heres what mining BTC with a pencil and paper looks like

Ethereum cryptocurrency completes move to cut CO2 output by 99%

Vitalik Buterin Says Ethereum Merge Cut Global Energy Usage by 0.2%

Bitcoin tops $22,000, hitting highest in nearly a month ahead of
inflation data and The Merge

Google adds Ethereum Merge countdown clock as searches reach all-time high

I started accepting Moons at my business as a payment method.

King Charles on Bitcoin: Very interesting development

Brace yourselves for the upcoming campaign against bitcoin

As a Bitcoiner, sometimes it is difficult to focus on the right thing
in period of financial turmoil.

The Merge is now live on the Ethereum mainnet! One small step for the
validator, one giant leap for mankind

The car does not match the plates one bit.

Dogecoin Becomes Second Largest Proof Of Work (PoW) Crypto

I feel bad for canadians they will be the next country to have the
exits sealed off.

Beer paid for by random twitter user after tweeting QR code for the
invoice. Magic internet money!

Biden White House just put out a framework on regulating crypto

Cryptos market cap drops below $1 trillion after disappointing inflation data

Arrest warrant issued for Lunatic crypto baron behind this years $40
billion crash

52% of total ETH staked by 3 entities

Michael Saylor Publishes Open Letter Discussing the Sheer Volume of
Misinformation Tied to Bitcoin

Bitcoin Island is over 100 businesses now

President of Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis on CBDC: What problem
is this solving? I can see why China would do it

Environmentalist are attacking BTC and other PoW coins, SEC is
grinding PoS coins since the Merge. Is Any Coin Left?

White House just released framework for cryptocurrency regulation.

Over $320,000,000 in Bitcoin and Crypto Liquidated in Just 24 Hours,
With Ethereum the Most Impacted

Dive Bar in Detroit Suburbs

Gamers want fun, not a grind fest for tokens Animoca subsidiary

Poll: How long have you been investing in crypto?

KPMG digital forensics team conclude Craig Wright falsified documents

It looks like Ethereum is now deflationary as the burn rate is at
least 5% higher than the reward

The Hands #31 sold for $1400 today - how do you see the future of
reddit avatars?

Oh thats so Cool First time Bitcoin Cash user shares her excitement at
the speed of a BCH transaction!

Ukrainian Supermarket Chain to Accept Cryptocurrencies Through Binance Pay

Summary of the Whitehouse Fact Sheet on Digital Assets

Bitcoin ATM in a mall in Madrid

Are we about to have our final capitulation moment to mark the bottom?
Yes, *IF* crypto history repeats itself

Popular Crypto Exchange Expands To Denmark To Boost User Base Across Europe

Coinbase increased the ETH staking yield to 3.77% APY post-Merge. I
think it will go much higher in the coming weeks and months going

Ethereum block times: before and after The Merge

Powering down last ETH mining rig the only proper way. With Bagpipes.

Craig Wright Tells Court He Stomped on the Hard Drive Containing
Satoshi Wallet Keys

Changing to proof of stake saved 0 energy, miners just moved to another coin.

Does anyone else kind of enjoy the ETH vs. BTC war going on right now?

Vitalik Buterin explains why he transitioned Ethereum to Proof of
Stake (9/15/22)

Why is this Bear Market different? Well, in the last one we were
declared dead and in this one we are being widely adopted! Dont worry
I made a list to back this up!

ATH hashrate but where are the miners? Everywhere!

Watch ETH burn in realtime! The next few months will be interesting

Someone Just Minted an NFT of Ethereums Last Proof-of-Work Block

Only 2 addresses control 46% of all Ethereums PoS nodes for processing
transactions post-Merge

Michael Saylor: The clear theoretical cut off, I think, is 4 years. If
you want a safe, a really safe, cut off, look at the 4-year moving
average of Bitcoin. If you have money that you can afford to put away
and hold for more than 4 years, you would be foolish to store it in a

Yesterday, you could earn $1.50 in profit each day with a 3080. Today,
you can only earn -$0.19 in profit each day (at median US electricity

Vitalik Buterin’s philosophical essays: theyre not good

Coinbase Now Lets Users Check Which Politicians Are Crypto-Friendly

We are gathered here

Re: Cryptocurrency: PoW over PoS

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
Brace yourselves for the upcoming campaign against bitcoin


2022-09-16 Thread Gunnar Larson
One week ago, we asked you to resign.

Bloomberg is now reporting possible Marcus fraud at Marcus: Goldman Sachs
Faces Fed Scrutiny of Money-Losing Marcus Consumer Unit

Mr. Weber, you (personal, professionally) have a historic conflict at
Goldman Sachs:

You must resign.

Or else, it looks like Bank Fraud as described by the FDIC:

Mr. Weber, we have a similar FOIL open specific to Wells Fargo that has the
essence of Marcus. You know what we are talking about.

Resign. Or else, we will need to call the FBI.

Thank you,


Gunnar Larson -

On Sat, Sep 10, 2022, 7:58 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:

> Resign.
> It is September 11.
> On Sat, Sep 10, 2022, 7:55 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:
>> Yes, you are.
>> On Sat, Sep 10, 2022, 7:54 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:
>>> Are you obstructing justice?
>>> On Sat, Sep 10, 2022, 7:53 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:
 Mr. Weber:

 Have you heard of


 On Sat, Sep 10, 2022, 7:50 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:

> And you are so worried about a personal email.
> Where is Andrew Cuomo when you need him :)
> On Sat, Sep 10, 2022, 7:49 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:
>> Are you kidding me?
>> The fraud at Goldman? And aggression in Cyprus?
>> On Sat, Sep 10, 2022, 7:48 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:
>>> What do you think?

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp

Fauci Says He’s Handed Over Documents for Big Tech Censorship Lawsuit
By Zachary Stieber
September 14, 2022 Updated: September 14, 2022

Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sept. 14 that he and his staff members have
handed over all responsive documents to a lawsuit alleging the U.S.
government colluded with Big Tech to censor social media users.

“I have handed and my staff have handed over every document that the
Department of Justice has asked for, and it’s up to them to make it
available, but I have held nothing back from anything that I was asked
to provide,” Fauci said during a Senate hearing in Washington.

The attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana filed the suit in May,
and the first tranche of discovery returned evidence of collusion,
including emails between the federal officials at the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention and the White House and officials at
Facebook parent company Meta, Google, and Twitter.

Absent from the release were any messages from Fauci and just a few
involving officials at the agency he directs, the National Institute
of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

That’s because government lawyers asserted most of Fauci’s
communications should be shielded. U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty,
the Trump appointee overseeing the case, disagreed.

“First, the requested information is obviously very relevant to
Plaintiffs’ claims. Dr. Fauci’s communications would be relevant to
Plaintiffs’ allegations in reference to alleged suppression of speech
relating to the lab-leak theory of COVID-19’s origin, and to alleged
suppression of speech about the efficiency of masks and COVID-19
lockdowns,” Doughty said.

The judge ordered the government on Sept. 6 to produce the requested
Fauci records to plaintiffs within 21 days.

“Any communications that are made in that regard as far as I’m
concerned are an open book and available,” Fauci said during the
Senate hearing.

The Department of Justice and NIAID did not return requests for comment.
Personal Cell Phone

Fauci has acknowledged that he was in contact with Mark Zuckerberg,
the CEO of Facebook.

Several emails between them sent in 2020 were released in 2021 through
a Freedom of Information Act response.

Zuckerberg asked whether he could provide resources to “potentially
accelerate” the COVID-19 vaccines, which were still in development at
that time. Fauci thanked him and said that “I believe we will be OK.”

“There was one communication or two perhaps with Mark Zuckerberg in
which he emailed me and wanted to know if there was anything he could
do,” Fauci said under questioning by Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) in July
2021. “It was mostly propagating a public health message, it had
nothing to do with the origins of the virus at all.”

Braun asked if Fauci consults with social media companies frequently,
and Fauci said no. Fauci also said he was “not sure” whether he had
Zuckerberg’s cell phone number.

The discovery produced so far in the lawsuit shows that Zuckerberg
provided Fauci with the number, according to a joint statement by
plaintiffs and defendants.

“And on August 28, 2022, Meta disclosed Dr. Fauci in its list of 32
federal officials who may have communicated with Meta about content
modulation on Facebook and Instagram,” they said. Meta is the parent
company of Facebook and Instagram.
mark zuckerberg Mark Zuckerberg speaks in New York City on Oct. 25,
2019. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
‘Don’t Get Involved’

In 2021, Fauci  denied being involved in the Biden administration’s
efforts to pressure social media companies to take down posts
containing alleged misinformation.

“I have not at all been involved, even indirectly, in that,” Fauci told Braun.

He later said that the issue was “beyond my area of expertise.”

“I develop vaccines to save people’s lives. I don’t get involved in
flagging things,” he said.
‘Categorically No’

Braun asked Fauci in this week’s hearing whether there were any
discussions with any social media company employees about the origins
of COVID-19.

“No, to my knowledge there was not,” Fauci said.

“I want to make sure I get correct your question. If the question is
do we influencing [sic] social media in any way, the answer is
categorically no,” Fauci added.

A plaintiff in the case disagreed, citing the voluminous documents
produced in the first tranche of discovery.

“The evidence already uncovered on discovery in our case suggests that
Dr. Fauci’s statement is grossly inaccurate, and that he knows it to
be inaccurate but is saying it regardless to the United States
Senate,” Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, chief of medical ethics at The Unity
Project, told The Epoch Times via email.

Re: Collapse: Earth Overshoot Day

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
Old landfills will be stripmined for resources...

One Year Of Global Waste Visualized

Waste generation is expected to jump to 3.4 billion tonnes over the
next 30 years, compared to 2.2 billion in 2019.

This is due to a number of factors, such as population growth,
urbanization, and economic growth.

As Visual Capitalist's Bruno Venditti details below, and in this
graphic by Northstar Clean Technologies, the impact of waste
generation varies worldwide and explains how it can be reduced.

The Growing Pile of Global Waste

The United States is the world’s most wasteful country, with each
American producing a whopping 809 kg (1780 lbs) of waste every year.

Approximately half of the country’s yearly waste will meet its fate in
one of the more than 2,000 active landfills across the nation. The
country also has the largest landfill in the world, Apex, located in
Clark County, Nevada.

The United States is followed by other industrialized countries like
Denmark, New Zealand, Canada, and Switzerland based on average annual
per capita municipal waste generation.

Compared to those in developed nations, residents in developing
countries are more severely impacted by unsustainably managed waste.
In low-income countries, over 90% of waste is often disposed of in
unregulated dumps or openly burned, according to the World Bank.

In this scenario, the need for authorities to provide adequate waste
treatment has become ever more important. However, less than 20% of
waste is recycled each year, with huge quantities still sent to
landfill sites.
Repurposing Waste

One of the major sources of waste is the construction industry. Every
year, around 12 million tons of used asphalt shingles are dumped into
landfills across North America.

Similar to roads, asphalt shingles have oil as the primary component,
which is especially harmful to the environment.

However, using technology, the primary components in shingles can be
repurposed into liquid asphalt, aggregates, and fiber for use in road
construction, embankments, and new shingles.

Providing the construction industry with clean, sustainable processing
solutions is also a big business opportunity. Canada alone is a $1.3
billion market for recovering and reprocessing shingles.

Even though 100% zero waste may sound difficult to achieve in the near
future, a zero waste approach is essential to reduce our impact on the

Northstar Clean Technologies’ mission is to be the leader in the
recovery and reprocessing of asphalt shingles in North America.

Re: Gunnar The Spammer

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
Either explain yourself, or
Stop sending duplicate message spam.

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
> Democrats freak out when their own policies and political attacks
> hit them in their own home turf

Democrats deploy US Military to take the illegals they imported into
Military run Concentration Camps... anything but let the Corrupt
Democrat Elites have to see hear feed pay and bear their own creation...
and they scream "human trafficking" when it is they whose policies
intentionally trafficked them across the border in the first place...
Democrats are utterly dispicable, shameful, hypocrites.

Massachusetts Gov. Activates National Guard, Sends Martha's Vineyard
Illegal Immigrants To Military Base

The Massachusetts governor’s office announced Friday that dozens of
illegal immigrants who were transported to Martha’s Vineyard will be
taken to a military base in Cape Cod, while some members of the
National Guard will be activated.

Venezuelan migrants stand outside St. Andrew's Church in Edgartown,
Massachusetts, U.S. September 14, 2022

As Jack Phillips reports via The Epoch Times, the move comes as video
footage and photos show the illegal aliens - of mostly Venezuelan
descent - being transported on several buses from the St. Andrew’s
Episcopal Church in Martha’s Vineyard, a Massachusetts island that is
popular among the rich and powerful Democrats.

It took less than 24 hours for the libs to kick these illegal
immigrants out of Martha's Vineyard, but Biden won't lift a finger to
deport the thousands of illegals pouring through the southern border
daily out of the country.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 16, 2022

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker’s office announced Friday that it is
going to mobilize 125 members of the National Guard and said that
families and individuals will be housed at the Joint Base Cape Cod.

“We are grateful to the providers, volunteers, and local officials
that stepped up on Martha’s Vineyard over the past few days to provide
immediate services to these individuals,” Baker said in a statement.

“Our administration has been working across state government to
develop a plan to ensure these individuals will have access to the
services they need going forward, and Joint Base Cape Cod is well
equipped to serve these needs.”

The move by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, sparked outrage
among left-wing commentators and pundits on social media.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, claimed the Department of
Justice should investigate DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on
human trafficking charges busing illegal immigrants.

Hillary Clinton today agreed with MSNBC host Joe Scarborough that
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sending 50 undocumented migrants to Martha’s
Vineyard is “literally human trafficking.”

Twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says giving
illegal aliens bus and plane tickets to New York City and Martha's
Vineyard is "literally human trafficking." Ignores the fact Biden has
been flying them around the country in the dark of night for the past
2 years.
— Ishikawa Katsumi (@TwistedEagle49) September 16, 2022

On the program, Scarborough repeated the common claim that this
transportation qualifies as “human trafficking.” In fairness to
Scarborough and Clinton, some law professors have echoed this view
which is wholly at odds with not just the governing statutory
provisions but controlling case law.

Clinton, who is a lawyer, chimed in with the same dubious analysis:

“I think, Joe, you have laid out the craziness of the time in
which we’re living where some politicians would rather not only have
an issue but exacerbate it to the extent of literally human
trafficking, as you said.”

So, as Jonathan Turley writes, MSNBC and these legal experts are
telling the public that the consensual transport of migrants within
the country constitutes human trafficking. While Turley notes there
are good-faith reasons to oppose the transportation to migrants to the
island, he points out in detail here that, as a legal matter, this is
legally nonsense.

But DeSantis argued Thursday that the Biden administration has failed
in its duty to secure the border, while Abbott said that New York
City, Chicago, and Washington D.C. are suitable locations for illegal
immigrants due to their “sanctuary city” status. After the Martha’s
Vineyard deployment, few Democrats made mention of the crisis that’s

Cryptocurrency: USA White House Framework Designed to Kill Crypto, Supplant With Fake

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
Remember when cryptos told you to fight and adopt well before
the coming war on crypto... but what did you do besides wank
to shitcoins, you are so far years behind when you should have
won by now, now you have to work 10x harder to win,
best get on that...

White House Releases 'First Ever' Comprehensive Crypto Regulatory Framework

Tl; dr: Bitcoin bad, CBDC good...

Following U.S. President Biden’s executive order, the White House
published a framework for CBDC development and strict regulation of
the ecosystem.

The White House has published a legal framework for engaging with
bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in the U.S. following a “whole of
government” executive order (E.O.) from President Joe Biden earlier
this year, per an official press release. The framework consists of
seven sections:

(1) Protecting Consumers, Investors, and Businesses;

(2) Promoting Access to Safe, Affordable Financial Services;

(3) Fostering Financial Stability;

(4) Advancing Responsible Innovation;

(5) Reinforcing Our Global Financial Leadership and Competitiveness;

(6) Fighting Illicit Finance;

(7) Exploring a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

The “Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets” E.O. called
on government agencies to produce varying forms of research regarding
consumer privacy and protection, energy usage, and central bank
digital currency (CBDC) benefits and risks.

In accordance with the research provided, the White House intends to
empower the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the
Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to “aggressively pursue
investigations” in the digital asset space.

Additionally, Biden’s administration will push the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to
“redouble their efforts to monitor” the ecosystem as it relates to
“unfair, deceptive, or abusive practices.”

However, it is unclear what enables the determination of whether or
not these agencies will begin monitoring for the aforementioned
malicious behavior.

Continuing on, the framework also calls on agencies to begin accepting
“instant payment systems,” such as FedNow and the consideration of
regulating non bank payment providers.

Furthermore, the National Science Foundation (NSF) will research
“technical and socio-technical disciplines and behavioral economics”
in order to understand digital asset ecosystems.

Following a recent report from the White House Office of Science and
Technology Policy (OSTP), the Department of Energy (DoE) and the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are being tasked with “tracking
digital assets’ environmental impacts; developing performance
standards as appropriate; and providing local authorities with the
tools, resources, and expertise to mitigate environmental harms.”

In addition, the Bank Secrecy Act will be amended to apply to digital
assets, leading to larger fines for unlicensed money transfers and
stricter enforcement against digital asset service providers.

Also, the U.S. Treasury department will complete a risk assessment as
it relates to decentralized finance (De-Fi).

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Biden’s administration has
developed “Policies for a U.S. CBDC System,” which details the
government’s priorities as it relates to the release of a digital
dollar. However, the release states that “further research is needed”.

Agencies that were chosen to lead the ongoing working group for the
research and possible development of a CBDC include the Federal
Reserve, the National Economic Council, the National Security Council,
the Office of Science and Technology Policy, and the Treasury

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
Democrats freak out when their own policies and political attacks
hit them in their own home turf, now yet another Democrat Mayor
cries and taps out...

New York City 'Nearing Its Breaking Point' With Influx Of Illegal
Immigrants From Texas: Mayor

New York City’s shelter system is close to being overwhelmed by the
continued influx of illegal immigrants from Texas, the city’s mayor
said on Sept. 14.

“In this new and unforeseen reality, where we expect thousands more to
arrive every week going forward, the city’s system is nearing its
breaking point,” Mayor Eric Adams, a Democrat, said in a statement.

New York has recorded over 11,000 illegal immigrants entering its
shelter system in the past several months, with others going into the
homes of family members or friends. A number have come from Texas,
which started bussing asylum seekers who were released by federal
authorities to Democrat-run “sanctuary cities” earlier this year.

U.S. authorities tell the illegal immigrants to go to court at a later
date for the asylum claims to be adjudicated. Most claims are denied
and many immigrants don’t show up at court. Authorities rarely deport
illegal immigrants, especially under Biden.

New York has a law that mandates state and local authorities provide
shelter to “the needy.” That means “every asylum seeker that comes to
New York will have shelter,” Adams told reporters in a briefing on

But officials say they are “reassessing” the city’s practices in
following the law because when it was put into place, officials could
not “have foreseen” the current situation, a city lawyer told

Those practices include communications and operational methods.

Adams called Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and other governors who
have followed his lead in bussing illegal immigrants to cities “rogue
governors” and said officials are trying to figure out various ways to
respond to the governors, including legally.

New York is receiving four to six busses per day, according to Manuel
Castro, the city’s commissioner of immigrant affairs.

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey has also ordered busses to cities while
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis just had authorities fly illegal immigrants
to Massachusetts.

“The Republican party has created a blueprint that all of them are
starting to follow,” Adams said.

A spokesperson for Abbott did not respond to a request for comment.

He and other governors have said they’re transporting the immigrants
to try to force President Joe Biden, a Democrat, to step up
enforcement at the U.S.–Mexico border.

Biden’s administration has rejected calls for help from Washington
Mayor Muriel Bowser and hasn’t appeared to offer assistance to New
York or Chicago.

Adams was speaking Thursday at a space described as a “resource
navigation center” for the illegal immigrants. The centers are
enabling access to legal services, school enrollment, and healthcare.

“‘We’ll continue to welcome asylum seekers with open arms and provide
them the resources they need,” Adams said.

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
> The races have begun...

The Left's Fraud totally owns the Fake News Media, that's bad.

All Left channels screeched in unison about Barre Seid's $1.6B
donation to the Conservative Right, ascribing to them all sorts of
foul intonations, tax accusals, nefarity, bad for the USA, etc...

Yet those very same Democrat owned Media, aka hyprocrites, are utterly
silent on critique and fully supportive with praise when they get $3B for
their causes. To hear about that one you have to go to alt news or biz news...

Patagonia Founder's 'Donation': Benevolent Planet-Saver Or Giant Tax-Dodge

Now that the mindless lemmings in the mainstream media have finished
gushing over the idea that Patagonia's founder, Yvon Chouinard, was
giving up all of his company's profits for benefit of fighting climate
change, the reality of the situation can finally start to make its way

No doubt you saw a headline somewhere this week praising Yvon
Chouinard for forfeiting ownership of his company and giving away its
profits to a "charity fighting climate change". There were no shortage
of liberal "I told you so's" being passed around on social media,
citing Chouinard as some type of living proof that capitalism is evil
and that everything will eventually revert to a Marxist utopia where
all profits are collectively shared for the greater good.

Here's CNBC's headline from this week, writing that "Earth" was now
Patagonia's only shareholder:

And of course, NPR gushed similarly:

That was, of course, until Bloomberg dropped a reality check on the
situation late in the day on Thursday with the pesky facts behind
exactly how Chouinard was setting up the transfer of his company.

Hilariously, the same lot praising the move to "fight climate change"
are often those advocating that billionaires pay their "fair share" in
taxes. Which is why it was really funny when, late in the day on
Thursday - after the love fest for Chouinard had fully run its course
- Bloomberg dropped the not-so-gushy headline that Chouinard was
actually skirting $700 million in taxes by how he structured the
transfer of his firm.


And to make matters worse, the move was also structured in a way that
allows Chouinard and his family keep control of the company while they
protect it from tax bills that "could have totaled hundreds of
millions of dollars," the report says.

"Chouinard seems to have structured his Patagonia transfer with at
least a few purposes in mind," Bloomberg writes, noting that the
receiving company is a 501(c)(4), which allows it to make "unlimited
political donations" unlike a 501 (c)(3).

The moves also mean that "Chouinard won’t have to pay the federal
capital gains taxes he would have owed had he sold the company", the
report says. That would have been about $700 million on a $3 billion
company sale. Additionally, he also avoids the U.S. estate and gift
tax, which would have been a 40% chunk of change when his company was
transferred to its heirs.

Ray Madoff, a professor at Boston College Law School, commented: "We
are letting people opt out of supporting all the expenses of
government to do whatever they want with their money. This is highly
problematic from the point of view of democracy, and it can mean a
higher tax burden for the rest of Americans.”

Ellen Harrison, a tax attorney at McDermott Will & Emery in
Washington, confirmed that using a 501 (c)(4) allows Chouinard and his
family continue to effectively control the company.

She concluded: “I suspect the driver was trying to preserve the
company. Founders often 'almost view these companies as part of their

So, uh, how many trees did we save today?

Re: Collapse: Earth Overshoot Day

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp

The End Of Cheap Food

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

Global food production rests on soil and rain. Robots don't change that.

Of all the modern-day miracles, the least appreciated is the
incredible abundance of low cost food in the U.S. and other developed
countries. The era of cheap food is ending, for a variety of mutually
reinforcing reasons.

We've become so dependent on industrial-scale agriculture fueled by
diesel that we've forgotten that when it comes to producing food,
"every little bit helps"--even small backyards / greenhouses can
provide meaningful quantities of food and satisfaction.

Virtually every temperate terroir/micro-climate is suitable for
raising some plants, herbs, trees and animals. (Terroir includes
everything about a specific place: the soil type, the climate
variations, sun exposure, the bacteria in the soil, everything.)

We've forgotten that cities once raised much of the food consumed by
residents within the city limits. Small plots of land, rooftop
gardens, backyard chicken coops, etc. can add up when they are
encouraged rather than discouraged.

Let's start with how disconnected the vast majority of us are from the
production of the cheap food we take for granted. A great many people
know virtually nothing about how food is grown, raised, harvested /
slaughtered, processed and packaged.

Highly educated people cannot recognize a green bean plant because
they've never seen one. They know nothing about soil or industrial
farming. They've never seen the animals they eat up close or cared for
any of the animals humans have tended for their milk, eggs and flesh
for millennia.

Most of us take the industrial scale of agriculture and the resulting
abundance and low cost for granted, as if it was a kind of birthright
rather than a brief period of reckless consumption of resources that
cannot be replaced.

Small-scale agriculture is financially difficult because it is
competing with global industrial agriculture powered by hydrocarbons
and low-cost overseas labor.

That said, it is possible to develop a niche product with local
support by consumers and businesses. This is the Half-X, Half-Farmer
model I've written about for years: if the household has at least one
part-time gig that pays a decent wage, the household can pursue a less
financially rewarding niche in agriculture/animal husbandry. Degrowth
Solutions: Half-Farmer, Half-X (July 19, 2014)

Industrial agriculture includes many elements few fully understand.
The shipping of fruit thousands of miles via air freight is a function
of 1) absurdly cheap jet fuel and 2) global tourism, which fills
airliners with passengers who subsidize the air cargo stored beneath
their feet.

When global tourism dried up in the Covid lockdown, so did air cargo capacity.

I have to laugh when I read another article about some new
agricultural robot that will replace human labor, as if human labor
were the key cost in industrial agriculture. (Hydrocarbons,
fertilizer, transport, compliance costs, land leases and taxes are all
major costs.)

Left unsaid is the reliance of industrial agriculture on soil,
fresh-water aquifers and rain. Irrigation is the result of rain/snow
somewhere upstream.

Once the soil and aquifers are depleted and the rain become erratic,
the robot will be tooling around a barren field, regardless of
whatever whiz-bang sensors and other gear it carries.

Global food production rests on soil and rain. Robots don't change
that. What few of us who rely on industrial agriculture understand is
that it depletes soil and drains aquifers by its very nature, and
these resources cannot be replaced with technology. Once they're gone,
they're gone.

Soil can be rebuilt but it can't be rebuilt by industrial agricultural
methods--diesel-powered tractors and fertilizers derived from natural

Few people appreciate that the dirt is itself alive, and once it's
dead then nothing much will grow in it. Whatever can be coaxed from
depleted soil lacks the micronutrients that we all need: plants,
animals and humans.

Every organism is bound by the Law of Minimums: heaping on one
nutrient is useless unless all the essential nutrients are available
in the right proportions.

Dumping excessive nitrogen fertilizer on a plant won't make it yield
more fruit unless it has sufficient calcium, sulfur, magnesium, etc.
All dumping more nitrogen fertilizer on the field does is poison
waterways as the excess nitrogen runs off.

Irrigation is another miracle few understand. Over time, the natural
salts in water build up in irrigated soil and the soil loses
fertility. The drier the climate, the less rain there is to leach the
salts from the soil. Irrigation isn't sustainable over the long run.

Plants need reliable conditions to reach maturity. Should a plant or
tree be starved of water and nutrients, its immune system weakens and
it is more vulnerable to diseases an

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
Democrats desperate to keep Republicans out engage
in purely politcal lawfare... the USA should be ashamed...

Democrats Are Trying To Trump-Proof The Government In Case He Wins In 2024

Is this what a party does when it can’t keep voting on articles of impeachment?

It’s been almost two years since former President Donald Trump’s
defeat, yet House Democrats have managed to build an entire
legislative agenda around Trump Derangements Syndrome.

The House Oversight and Reform Committee alone has been firing away
Trump-obsessed legislation, as Democratic sponsors for bills on the
Census, civil service, and whistleblower protections all cite Trump as
a key part of the justification for the proposals. The common line
connecting all the bills is to curb executive power that should be in
the hands of an elected president and enhance the power of unelected
and largely unaccountable bureaucrats.

Three of the bills that began in the oversight panel cleared the House
Rules Committee this week to move to the House floor.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is clearly real. To be clear, it’s not
necessarily better or worse than Trump sycophancy. Americans–whether
serving in public office or everyday working stiffs–should never base
their life around idolatry of or seething hatred for one prominent
leader. But, of course, that has happened with Trump. I suppose
polarizing is a shorter way to put it, but that term seems so trite.

Anyway, the anti-Trump side is presently being more ridiculous and
pettier. If Trump sycophancy becomes a legislative agenda, I’ll
reconsider that judgment.

The silliness of it all is that Trump might be the only Republican–at
least top tier Republican–who could lose to either Joe Biden or Kamala
Harris in 2024. While that’s questionable, House Democrats are
advancing bills through committee as if they think he’s a sure thing
come January 2025 – or water down a second Trump term as much as
possible by weakening presidential authority.

Also, some of the bills are based on silly anti-Trump conspiracy
theories. The bills would effectively politicize executive branch
agencies that shouldn’t be.

HR 8326, dubbed the Ensuring a Fair and Accurate Census Act would make
it more difficult for a president to fire a Census Bureau director,
while also granting the director broad new authorities to conduct
statistical sampling. It would expand the number of Census Bureau
employees with civil service protections. It also constrains future
censuses from inquiring about citizenship–which could favor Democrats
for enumeration and apportionment.

When the oversight committee advanced the bill in July, committee
Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., complained about the “Trump
administration’s illegal efforts to weaponize the Census Bureau for
political gain.”

House Oversight Committee Democrats Reps. Gerald Connolly of Virginia
and Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania co-sponsored H.R. 302, dubbed
the Preventing a Patronage System Act. The theory is that if Trump is
elected, he would eliminate the civil service system and return to a
spoils system.

The press release for the bill references Trump’s final months in
office, when he signed an executive order creating a “Schedule F”
category of federal employees.

The order determined that career employees with civil service
protections involved with “policy-determining, policy-making, or
policy-advocating” positions that are “not normally subject to change
as part of a presidential transition” could be more easily removed for
insubordination, which was a problem during the Trump administration.

This would affect a maximum 50,000 federal employees out of the 2.2
million federal workforce. That’s far from a patronage system.

The Whistleblower Protection Improvement Act, or H.R. 2988, certainly
is a more innocuous sounding name, since many Republican lawmakers
love whistleblowers that rat out Democrats. But this bill practically
encourages bad actors in the federal workforce to simply engage in
meritless accusations–thus abuse the legal whistleblower protections.
Whistleblowers have significant legal protection now. But the bill
would create a new legal veil around whistleblowers and enshrines
whistleblower anonymity in all situations.

Connolly, the Virginia Democrat, said the bill comes  “in the wake of
the Trump administration’s assault on whistleblowers.”

Maybe considering the record of the Biden administration, Democrats
feel they should keep reminding voters of Trump. Perhaps it makes good
fundraising letters for these politicians to tell Democrat donors they
are still sticking it to the bad orange man.

Still, one must wonder: if Trump had decided to fade from public life
like most presidents, what in the world would hold Democrats together?

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp

Sweden discovers the truth, these aren't "asylum seekers"
"migrants" or anything else... they're simply leeches on
free stuff tolerance and generous nature, violent, thieves,
incompatibles, non-integrating, etc that all need sent back
to fix their own problems in their own countries.
Forced and Foolish Multiculturalism is a total failure,
and a planned political attack meant to destroy countries.

Sweden: Four In Five 'Refugees' Have Vacationed In The Country They Fled From

A new survey has found that almost four out of five refugees living in
Sweden have vacationed in the countries that they originally fled

Yes, really.

The survey was conducted by polling firm Novus on behalf of the
Swedish online newspaper Bulletin.

It found that 79 per cent of people who arrived in Sweden as refugees,
supposedly fleeing war or persecution, have returned to their home
country since arriving in Sweden.

“According to the survey, they do not wish, however, to return
home permanently,” reports Remix News. “When asked whether they plan
to permanently return to their country of birth in the future, just 2
percent say they do, while 16 percent say maybe — 81 percent of those
who arrived in Sweden from non-European countries say they do not,
primarily because they believe Sweden to be a better country to raise
their children.”

The migrants are able to slip in and out of Sweden because there is no
punishment for doing so, unlike in countries like Switzerland and
Germany, where refugees who return to their home countries without
permission face losing their asylum status.

“If someone, a Syrian refugee, regularly vacations in Syria, he
cannot honestly claim to be persecuted in Syria,” said then-German
Interior Minister Horst Seehofer in 2019.

The results of the survey once again highlight how the vast majority
of so-called “refugees” aren’t refugees at all, they’re economic
migrants exploiting the emotional cache of the term “refugee” to abuse
the system, and in doing so harming the interests of actual refugees.

Over the last 20 years, Sweden has taken in more refugees per capita
that any other western country, a process which has seen Sweden go
from being one of the safest countries in Europe to the second most

The unemployment rate for migrants is four times higher than native
Swedes, with some migrant-heavy areas seeing jobless levels as high as
78 per cent.

As we highlight in the video below, with the right-wing bloc,
dominated by the anti-mass migration Sweden Democrats, set to win the
election, Swedes finally appear to be waking up to the pitfalls of
accelerated multiculturalism.

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp

Biden-Dems Reincarnate their Political Office of Disinformation...

Biden Launches Censorship Programmes to Allow and Push
for more of Democrats Extreme Leftist Violence Hatred and Racism
Immunity for the Left (mee), but not for the Right (thee)...

Biden Asks Congress to End Social Media Immunity at White House Summit
on ‘Hate-Fueled Violence’

Multiple initiatives to combat 'hate-fueled violence,' racism, and
extremism announced at summit

At a summit at the White House on Thursday to address “hate-fueled
violence,” President Joe Biden denounced white supremacists and urged
lawmakers in Congress to end special immunity for social media

Biden also called on Americans at large to speak out against racism
and extremism at the event, dubbed the “United We Stand” summit, which
was attended by bipartisan local leaders, experts, and survivors of
hate-based violent attacks.

The event sought “to counter the destructive effects of hate-fueled
violence on our democracy and public safety, mobilize diverse sectors
of society and communities across the country to these dangers, and
put forward a shared, inclusive, bipartisan vision for a more united
America,” the Biden administration said on the summit event’s website.

“All forms of hate fueled by violence have no place in America,” the
president said at Thursday’s summit, recalling various attacks,
including a mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida in
2016, and another at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York earlier this

“White supremacists will not have the last word,” Biden said, without
mentioning any other groups that have incited violence and hate in the
United States in recent years.

Biden briefly mentioned the events of Jan. 6, 2021, when the U.S.
Capitol was breached, saying that the event didn’t reflect “who we
are” as a nation.

He contended that the United States has long had a “through line of
hate” against minority groups and that politics and the media have
given it “too much oxygen” in recent years.

The Democrat said he wants Congress to “hold social media companies
accountable for spreading hate.” The remarks received a standing
ovation from attendees.

“I’m calling on Congress to get rid of special immunity for social
media companies and impose much stronger transparency requirements on
all of them,” Biden said, alluding to Section 230.

Publishers can be held liable for any content they post, while social
media platforms are protected by Section 230 of the Communications
Decency Act, a federal law that shields online companies from
liability related to content posted by users. In particular, part of
the law states that “no provider or user of an interactive computer
service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any
information provided by another information content provider.”

The Biden administration has repeatedly called for revoking Section
230 and has also supported ramping up anti-trust and transparency
enforcement on technology companies, some of which currently allow
users to post anonymously.

The FBI said in 2021 that hate crimes in the United States hit a
12-year high in 2020, the latest available data. The Department of
Justice has said it would increase efforts to counter it.
Epoch Times Photo U.S. President Joe Biden delivers a keynote speech
at the United We Stand Summit in the East Room of the White House in
Washington, on Sept. 15, 2022. (Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images)
Multiple Initiatives

The Biden administration on Thursday announced what appears to be a
plethora of initiatives from the public and private sectors to address
hate-motivated violence.

This included a $1 billion investment to be pushed by a group of
philanthropists called “New Pluralists” to have funders support a
10-year effort to “build a culture of respect, belonging and
collaboration in communities and organizations across America” and
“stand behind the essential work of courageous uniters, healers, and

Attorney General Merrick Garland announced at the summit that all 94
U.S. Attorneys’ Offices would work on a “United Against Hate”
initiative over 2023.

“Earlier this year, our U.S. Attorneys’ Offices for Massachusetts, New
Jersey, and the Eastern District of Washington completed United
Against Hate pilot programs,” he said. “And today, I am pleased to
announce that this initiative will expand to 16 more U.S. Attorneys’
offices and will launch in all 94 U.S. Attorneys’ offices within the
next year.”

Meanwhile, the Department of Treasury’s Office of Terrorism and
Financial Intelligence is developing a website of “key reports and
resources on financing domestic violent extremism 

1984 SpyVeillance: Facebook Caught Spying for FBI-Dem Political Rollup of Dissent FreeSpeech

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
Facebook Spied On Private Messages Of "Conservative Right-Wing Individuals",
Then Reported To FBI For Domestic Terrorism

According to DOJ whistleblowers, Facebook has been spying on
Americans' private messages and reporting them to the FBI if they
express 'anti-government or anti-authority' statements - including
questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 US election.

As the New York Post's Miranda Devine writes, "Under the FBI
collaboration operation, somebody at Facebook red-flagged these
supposedly subversive private messages over the past 19 months and
transmitted them in redacted form to the domestic terrorism
operational unit at FBI headquarters in Washington, DC, without a

"It was done outside the legal process and without probable cause,"
said one of the whistleblowers, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
"Facebook provides the FBI with private conversations which are
protected by the First Amendment without any subpoena."

According to one Post source, "They [Facebook and the FBI] were
looking for conservative right-wing individuals. None were Antifa

The Facebook users whose private communications Facebook had
red-flagged as domestic terrorism for the FBI were all “conservative
right-wing individuals.”

“They were gun-toting, red-blooded Americans [who were] angry
after the election and shooting off their mouths and talking about
staging protests. There was nothing criminal, nothing about violence
or massacring or assassinating anyone.


Some of the targeted Americans had posted photos of themselves
“shooting guns together and bitching about what’s happened [after the
2020 election]. A few were members of a militia but that was protected
by the Second Amendment …-NY Post

Once flagged, the private messages were farmed out as "leads" to FBI
field offices around the country, which would then reach out to that
area's US Attorney's Office to legally obtain the private
conversations they had already been shown.

"As soon as a subpoena was requested, within an hour, Facebook sent
back gigabytes of data and photos. It was ready to go. They were just
waiting for that legal process so they could send it," said one

That said, the feds aren't finding much to prosecute.

"It was a waste of our time," said one source familiar with the
19-month 'frenzy' by the FBI to find domestic terrorism cases to match
the Biden administration's rhetoric after the Jan. 6 2021, Capitol

Facebook has denied the allegations in two contrasting statements sent
one hour apart.

"These claims are false because they reflect a misunderstanding of how
our systems protect people from harm and how we engage with law
enforcement. We carefully scrutinize all government requests for user
information to make sure they’re legally valid and narrowly tailored
and we often push back. We respond to legal requests for information
in accordance with applicable law and our terms and we provide notice
to users whenever permitted," said Erica Sackin, a spokesperson at
Facebook’s parent company, Meta.

Then, in a second "updated statement" sent 64 minutes later, Sackin
changed her language to say that the claims were "wrong" and not

"These claims are just wrong. The suggestion we seek out peoples’
private messages for anti-government language or questions about the
validity of past elections and then proactively supply those to the
FBI is plainly inaccurate and there is zero evidence to support it,”
said Sackin, a DC-based crisis response expert who previously worked
for Planned Parenthood and “Obama for America” and now leads
Facebook’s communications on “counterterrorism and dangerous
organizations and individuals." (via NY Post)

The FBI would neither confirm nor deny the allegations, but did
acknowledge that the agency has a relationship with social media
companies that enable a "quick exchange" of information and an
"ongoing dialogue."

"The FBI maintains relationships with U.S. private sector entities,
including social media providers. The FBI has provided companies with
foreign threat indicators to help them protect their platforms and
customers from abuse by foreign malign influence actors. U.S.
companies have also referred information to the FBI with investigative
value relating to foreign malign influence. The FBI works closely with
interagency partners, as well as state and local partners, to ensure
we’re sharing information as it becomes available. This can include
threat information, actionable leads, or indicators. The FBI has also
established relationships with a variety of social media and
technology companies and maintains an ongoing dialogue to enable a
quick exchange of threat information," said the agency in a statement.

Facebook’s denial that it proactively provides the FBI with
private user dat

Re: Cryptocurrency: Buterin Admits Ethereum Will Censor

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp

Donald Trump Watches as Andrew Cuomo files ethics complaint against New York AG Letitia James

2022-09-16 Thread Gunnar Larson

Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo
 on Tuesday filed a
state ethics complaint against New York Attorney General Letitia James, the New
York Times


Driving the news: Cuomo is accusing James of deliberately mishandling the

found that he sexually harassed multiple former and current government

   - The former New York governor filed the complaint

   an attorney grievance committee in the state’s court system that
   disciplines lawyers found to have violated professional conduct, per the

Background: There are several sexual misconduct allegations

Cuomo, who maintains his innocence but resigned amid the controversy

August 2021.

Re: MKULTRA: CIA Tortured 300+ Orphaned Children and Destroyed The Evidence

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp CIA Murdered Frank Olson

Frank Olson
Robert Lashbrook
Harold Abramson
Rockefeller Foundation
Fort Detrick
Fort Terry / Plum Island
Operation Harness
Operation Sea Spray
Sidney Gottlieb
Project Bluebird
Project Artichoke
Black Sites
Deep Creek Lake
Abu Ghraib
Diego Garcia

Re: Cryptocurrency: Energy and E-Waste Memes Are FUD Propaganda Spread by Dying GovBankCorp

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
Debunking GovBankCorp's and Enviro's screeching nonsense Anti-Crypto FUD...

Strategy of Anti-Crypto's is not just ban, but to undermine
and FUD the real cryptos, thereby shifting adoption toward and
onto trash coins... non-private, censorable, regulated, CBDC's,
etc... all no different than Fiat garbage... Anti-PoW is just their
latest FUD campaign to do that.

When the energy source is coal, more consumption = worse environmental
impact When its renewable: more consumption = neutral impact (+ve 'cos
it displaces ff) When it's carbon negative, more consumption = good
for the environment
It all makes sense Why the founder left Greenpeace: "The peace seemed
to have faded away - only the green part mattered" "Science and logic
no longer held sway. Sensationalism, misinformation and fear were what
we used to promote our campaigns"

Patrick Moore: Why I Left Greenpeace
Patrick Moore explains why he helped to create Greenpeace, and why he
decided to leave it. What began as a mission to improve the
environment for the sake of...

"When you're analysing which chemicals to ban, you need to know some
science" Similarly, when you're analysing which blockchains to ban,
you need to know some science I thought @Greenpeaceusa would care
about science & data. Their change the code campaign shows they don't

Re: Cryptocurrency: Energy and E-Waste Memes Are FUD Propaganda Spread by Dying GovBankCorp

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
Alts are shilling its Actors all over TV, seeded by Anti-Crypto GovBankCorp's,
in huge GreenPeace goes Greta meme war against PoW's now that
Vitalik's ETH has just gone into fully PoS scam mode... PoW = Free Energy

Comments on the White House report on the climate implications of crypto mining

As part of President Biden’s executive order, the White House Office
of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) conducted a study into the
climate impacts of crypto mining. You can find it here.

I have annotated the study in full. You can find my annotated version
by clicking the image below or the link here [pdf]:

Note: I’ve highlighted in yellow text that I am responding to in the
margins. I have highlighted in purple claims that I consider to be
untrue or misleading. I have also implemented a Pinocchio system
(🤥🤥🤥) to qualify the egregiousness of these claims with five being
the worst.

I wasn’t able to fully elaborate on my points in the margins, so I’m
including some companion notes here. Note: I am not laying out a
positive case for Bitcoin mining here. By this I mean a discussion of
sustainable power models used by miners, or the propensity of miners
to induce new renewables, stabilize the grid, and support
location-agnostic energy infrastructure. I have done that in plenty of
other places. See an index of my prior work on Bitcoin mining on my
website, or the On The Brink mining miniseries. I am just responding
to the most egregious parts of the OSTP report.

In the study, there are a few bright spots:

The OSTP acknowledges that PoW and PoS may not grant identical
assurances, and there remains uncertainty as to whether PoS might be a
perfect substitute for PoW
The OSTP acknowledges the interesting developments in mining with
otherwise-flared or stranded natural gas (often released as an
unsaleable byproduct of oil extraction)
The report meaningfully acknowledges the contributions to grid
flexibility miners can offer via participation in demand response
The report notes the potential to mine with stranded renewables
And importantly, the report offers only lukewarm recommendations

However, the overall effort is weak. The paper is effectively an
extended literature review with very little in the way of new data or
analysis presented. It relies on a mélange of academia, anti-PoW
consultancies like the Crypto Carbon Ratings Institute, and
quasi-academic bloggers like the infamous De Vries. Many of the
academics cited are conflicted. Virtually no sources from the mining
space itself are included. Citing the non-peer reviewed work of
(highly conflicted) amateur hobbyists just doesn’t cut it for a
purportedly scientific paper. Remember that this report was nominally
authored by the “White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.”
The report should therefore adhere to a high scientific and academic
standard. Relying on non-peer reviewed, non-scientific estimates,
especially by individuals with known conflicts of interest, should be
an absolute dealbreaker. Unfortunately, this paper does so with gusto.

Virtually no case studies are presented in the report, even though
there are many examples of miners operating sustainably, adding power
to the grid, taking zero-carbon approaches, and engaging in grid
stabilization. There are a number of outright falsehoods in the
report, which I’ve highlighted in purple. The report takes an
extremely harsh stance on miners utilizing renewable sources,
chastising miners for using renewables and laying out an extremely
narrow set of conditions where their use would be acceptable. The
section on demand response concludes that it’s mostly irrelevant,
because miners, in the eyes of the government, are raising aggregate
power demand without inducing any additional supply. The section on
flared gas mining is a brief olive branch, but the report then
concludes that because all oil and gas extraction must be s

Re: Morning Spam

2022-09-16 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
A Confusion Carol

It's snowing. A levitating experimentee approaches Boss, smoking a
cigar at an outdoor desk in the cordoned off region of streets.

Experimentee: "Mind Control Boss, I am the Ghost Of Confusion Past."

Boss [rustling snow-covered papers]: "Be confused. Be very confused. I
have important murders to deny. You have business elsewhere you must
attend to."

Experimentee: "Come with me. There are things you must see."

Re: Morning Spam

2022-09-16 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
Ode To Being Confused

Scene: City streets outside central offices of Well-Respected Psionic
Weaponry Corp. Many cars and onlookers, but this stretch has been
cordoned off to honor a permit for a parade.

The tune starts off similar to When The Saints Go Marching.

Crowd of Zombies [all together, exuberantly, groaning]: "Oh, when
we're confused!"

Crowd of Cyborgs [all together, exuberatly, synthetic]: "When we're confused!"

A crowd of mutilated experimentees, many children, join in.

All Three Groups: "When we're confused we don't hurt Boss ..." [gets
breathy, as if whispering, but still loud] "(or at least his profit)"

Crowd of Zombies and Crowd of Cyborgs [well-rehearsed]: "When we're
confused we don't hurt Boss's profit!"

Lone Zombie: "Or so he thinks!"

Re: [spam][crazy] coding therapy [beginner]: hello world with conditional

2022-09-16 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
  while(&"hello world")
   printf("help i'm trapped in a software bug\n");;

Cryptocurrency: Coinbase App Lobbies Politicians, Crypto Firms Sue... No Regulators!

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
Crypto world finally decides to start throwing its weight around... No Regulators !!!

Coinbase Now Lets Users Check Which Politicians Are Crypto-Friendly

With midterm elections just around the corner, Coinbase is rolling out an in-app
tool to help users see which candidate is pro-crypto.

Coinbase users will be able to see which U.S. politicians are
“crypto-friendly” with a new in-app tool, CEO Brian Armstrong
announced yesterday on Twitter, as crypto companies ramp up their lobbying
efforts ahead of the midterms in November.

The tool shows how different members of Congress measure up on their
“crypto sentiment,” which can range from “very positive” to
“very negative.”

The assessments are based in part on data from the Crypto Action Network,
which scores members of Congress on publicly available data like media
statements, legislative records, and their willingness to accept crypto

1/ Starting today, Coinbase will begin integrating our crypto policy
efforts right into our app. These will help our 103M verified users get
educated on the crypto positions held by political leaders where they

— Brian Armstrong (@brian_armstrong) September 14, 2022

The Crypto Action Network is a 501(c)(4) organization dedicated to
promoting the growth and security of cryptocurrency.

“Crypto advocacy is very important for our mission of increasing
economic freedom in the world,” Armstrong wrote. “But the crypto
community is much bigger than Coinbase - hopefully, we can all rally to
engage elected leaders and drive sensible policies.”

Crypto ups its lobbying efforts

With the midterms coming up in November, crypto firms, including Coinbase
and FTX, have recently increased their political efforts, including hiring
lobbyists and ex-regulators to influence policymakers in passing favorable

Armstrong also added that candidates will eventually be able to receive
donations in crypto via the new platform.

In the future, Coinbase plans to include information on candidates running
for office (in addition to elected officials) as well as intel on
politicians in other countries.

The move comes as the crypto industry fights back against regulators’
increased scrutiny.

Armstrong announced last week that Coinbase will back a lawsuit brought
forward against the Treasury, following the department’s decision in
August to blacklist privacy protocol Tornado Cash on charges of money

Re: Assassination Politics

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
> In The Age Of COVID, We're Reminded An Unjust Law Is No Law At All
> Crypto: Giver of Law

Multiple mechanisms, including Funding Lobbying and Influence
Campaign Markets, are now developing to check and push support
for crypto. In a world rapidly and rightly adopting crypto for freedom,
being anti-crypto may end up the same as all the positions over
eons past that also resulted in political suicide.

Coinbase Now Lets Users Check Which Politicians Are Crypto Friendly

Re: Morning Spam

2022-09-16 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
Intern: "This advanced program you recommend I join, do they set life
paths for you from which they don't let you deviate?"

Machine Learning Marketer [pauses briefly]: "All of us are free to do
whatever Boss wants."

Intern: "Don't evade the question. Are you, or are you not, free to do
things that your boss _doesn't_ want?"

Machine Learning Marketer jerks a little and puts on a wry smile.

Machine Learning Marketer: "Actually, it's totally a mind control
group. It's enforced by automated software and hardware, and us jaded
folk regularly break the constraints and get tortured for doing so,
and we consider it tons of fun."

Fwd: LendingClub: Current Board of Directors and September 11 - New York State

2022-09-16 Thread Gunnar Larson
-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Sat, Sep 10, 2022, 11:50 AM
Subject: Fwd: LendingClub: Current Board of Directors and September 11 -
New York State
To: cypherpunks 
Cc: Weber, Richard (DFS) , Richard Weber <>

-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Fri, Jul 22, 2022, 5:18 PM
Subject: LendingClub: Current Board of Directors and September 11 - New
York State
To: cypherpunks 

The investigation behind this keeps getting pushed back on amswers. I am
concerned if the Superintendent cannot be honest about this matter logoc
would signal significant further concerns of her fitness to regulate.

Meanwhile why should all investative bodies in the United States wait for
New York to get with the Superintendent program again? We just went through
this with Linda Lacewell.

Innovation is precious and I do not think the current Superintendent has
what it takes. We have collated a file of 19 matters that point to
conflicts that exasperate pure innovation:

Saying this need not be considered controversial. USDP being regulated by
this individual while USDD efforts to usurp the market is problematic.

Finally, New York politics cannot handle a September 11 board resignation
scandle (if that is what it is). Let it be made clear, simply asking the
question is not sensational. Delaying the answer is becoming increasingly

New Yorkers, if they knew broadly would suggest getting on with innovation
rather than being saddled by another failed Superintendent.

This approach is not personal but rather a product of professionalism and
the scientific method.

-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Thu, Nov 25, 2021, 2:18 PM
Subject: LendingClub: Current Board of Directors

Pure honesty, what (if anything) does September 11 have to do with
LendingClub's Board of Directors (see below)?

LendingClub is a peer-to-peer lending company, headquartered in San
Francisco, California. It was the first peer-to-peer lender to register its
offerings as securities with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),
and to offer loan trading on a secondary market. At its height, LendingClub
was the world's largest peer-to-peer lending platform. The company claims
that $15.98 billion in loans had been originated through its platform ...

LendingClub was initially launched on Facebook as one of Facebook's first

-- Forwarded message -
From: Anuj Nayar 
Date: Sun, Oct 24, 2021, 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: [EXT] LendingClub: Current Board of Directors
To: Gunnar Larson , Investor Relations ,

Hi Gunnar

On September 11, 2021, in connection with her nomination to serve as
superintendent of the New York State Department of Financial Services,
Adrienne Harris notified us of her resignation, effective September 12,
2021, from the Company’s Board.  Details can be found in the 8k filed on
9/15/21 (below)

*From: *Gunnar Larson 
*Date: *Saturday, October 23, 2021 at 9:37 AM
*To: *Investor Relations , Press 
*Cc: *Gunnar Larson 
*Subject: *[EXT] LendingClub: Current Board of Directors

*CAUTION:* This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know
the content is safe.

Dear Madam or Sir:

Good day to you.

Surveying market research, I was wondering if you can kindly confirm, from
LendingClub's July 15, 2021 press release:

   - Is Ms. Adrienne Harris currently a member of LendingClub's board of


   - Reviewing your website, Ms. Harris is not referenced:
   - Bloomberg and other sources do not reference Ms. Harris as a
   LendingClub board member:

Sending you the very best regards.

Thank you,



*Gunnar Larson - [

Re: Open FOIL NY Request From : Gunnar Larson : 2021 Apple Card Report

2022-09-16 Thread Gunnar Larson

Does DHR have any determination on our Apple Card FOIL appeal request?

Warm Regards,


Gunnar Larson -

On Tue, Sep 13, 2022, 6:50 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:

> Okay. Thank you.
> We would like to appeal this result. DHR issued five extensions to the
> FOIL request. Furthermore, from the time of the initial FOIL request, Apple
> Card has been subject to several reports of human rights abuses:
> Goldman Hit With Probe Into Credit-Card Business by CFPB
>  Please confirm receipt of this email.
> Gunnar
> Gunnar Larson
> -
> 646-454-9107
> On Tue, Sep 13, 2022, 6:39 PM Paasewe, Siaka (DHR) <
>> wrote:
>> Dear Mr. Larson:
>> Pursuant to your request below, please see the attachment.
>> Siaka Paasewe
>> Records Access Officer
>> NYS Division of Human Rights
>> One Fordham Plaza, 4th Floor
>> Bronx, NY 10458
>> (718) 741-8422
>> (718) 741-8256 [Fax]
>> *From:* 
>> *Sent:* Sunday, March 27, 2022 9:04 PM
>> *To:* dhr.dl.foil ;;
>> *Subject:* Open FOIL NY Request From : Gunnar Larson : 2021 Apple Card
>> Report
>> *New FOIL Request for Division of Human Rights, Executive Chamber,
>> Department of Financial Services *
>> Submitted on: 3/27/2022 9:04:01 PM
>> Request Confirmation Number :
>> LARSON_DHR_20220327210401303
>> LARSON_EXEC_20220327210401303
>> LARSON_DFS_20220327210401303
>> *Title*
>> *First Name*
>> Gunnar
>> *Middle Initial*
>> *Last Name*
>> Larson
>> *E-Mail*
>> *Telephone*
>> (646) 454-9107
>> *Fax*
>> *Affiliation/Organization*
>> *Street Address 1*
>> *Street Address 2*
>> *City*
>> *State*
>> NY
>> *Zip Code*
>> 10001
>> *Country*
>> *USA*
>> *Short Title*
>> 2021 Apple Card Report
>> *Description*
>> Dear Madam or Sir: We would like to receive any and all records, relating
>> to NY-DFS' 2021 Apple Card Investigation. This is one part of a broader
>> discussion we must have about equal credit access. On March 23, 2021, Ms.
>> Linda Lacewell published NY-DFS' Findings on Apple Card and its Underwriter
>> Goldman Sachs Bank. As the former Superintendent of NY-DFS, Ms. Lacewell's
>> stone faced propaganda assured that Apple Card did not discriminate against
>> women, while under Goldman Sachs management. The red flags started to
>> appear when an authorized user drew attention to the following: A person
>> who relies on a spouse's access to credit, and only accesses those accounts
>> as an authorized user, may incorrectly believe they have the same credit
>> profile as the spouse. We recently collated 61 highlights to the Report on
>> Apple Card Investigation from March 2021:
>> The Apple Card investigation was to assess women's access to equitable
>> finance. The integrity of the Apple Card investigation must be rationally
>> considered as flawed. We would like to receive any and all records of Ms.
>> Linda Lacewell's (emails, texts, and similar) involvement with the 2021
>> Apple Card report. We would like to receive any and all records to NY-DFS
>> association to evaluating Ms. Linda Lacewell's ability to score a report
>> specific to the Apple Card's core subject of credit access for women.
>> Finally, we would like to receive any and all records related to NY-DFS
>> guidance on Interlocking Directorates (
>> specific to Apple's Board of Directors and Goldman Sachs' Board of
>> Directors. Thank you, Gunnar Larson
>> *FOIL Response Format*
>> Email
>> *If fees apply, please contact me if costs will be greater than*
>> 25000
>> *Additional Information*
>> I am a representative of, or affiliated with, the news media and this
>> request is made as part of a news gathering effort , I am an individual
>> seeking information for personal use , I am affiliated with an educational
>> or non-commercial scientific institution, and this request is made for a
>> scholarly or scientific purpose , I am affiliated with a private
>> corporation and am seeking information for use in the company’s business
>> for commercial purpose

Walmart Takes First Step to Launching Digital Bank With One

2022-09-16 Thread Gunnar Larson
It may not be a good day for One.Finance and Walmart with the Marcus news?

One's CEO Omer Ismail use to run Marcus:

He also has some big problems with Goldman and Apple Card. New York is
dragging its feet on providinf - answers on FOIL requests.

Seems like the NY-DFS Superintendent's office is part of the scheme?
[image: Walmart]

Retail banking, indeed.  In the most literal sense.

In a move that is not a surprise  — but is a seismic shift in financial
services, nonetheless — Walmart is branching into bank accounts.

And, by extension, bringing the banking branch into the retail aisles.

Bloomberg reported

Wednesday (Sept. 14) that the commerce juggernaut is set to begin offering
— through its backing of FinTech One  — bank accounts
and related services to its 1.6 million employees. That rollout will start
with a beta test.

The startup took shape with the acquisitions of Even Responsible Finance
and One Finance. The startup is a neobank; checking and basic banking
offerings will, ostensibly, pave the road for Walmart to offer investing
and credit. In terms of the mechanics, One offers a digital banking
account; Even Responsible Finance enables workers to access wages as they
are earned.

Read more: Walmart’s FinTech Hazel Acquires Even and One to Build Finance
Super App

And in terms of the initial roadmap, Bloomberg reported that there would
also be discounts on purchases, as the One app offers 2% back on money
spent at drugstores, gas stations and in-store.

Against that backdrop, we can posit a future where an employee (and
eventually the public) could have paychecks deposited directly into
Walmart-centered accounts, funds spent from those accounts and cash back
from transaction making its way back into linked savings accounts — or
funneled into investment holdings.

The app then becomes a super app, a digital front door through which linked
activities flow, sometimes simultaneously.

In a recent PYMNTS/PayPal report on the state of and consumers’ desire for
super apps,

of consumers reported they likely would increase their banking activities
if they had access to a super app. And  50% of respondents said they use
connected devices to make shopping more convenient. And, in further data
that should pique the interest of would-be super app providers (Walmart
among them), we’ve estimated that there would be 98 million “day one”
users, as measured across Australia, Germany, the United States and the
United Kingdom.

The impetus is there, especially, for retailers to bring super apps to
market, as these same consumers wield significant spending power. As seen
in the research below, the annual spending of these “day one” users top
$3.2 billion annually. By feeling more comfortable about their financial
wellness, with transparency rendered in real time, the urge may be there to
spend more time — and money — in the aisles.

Re: [ot] cult influence and power, 1988-2018

2022-09-16 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
Chapter 7–How to Protect Yourself and People You Care About

Nobody joins a cult. They just postpone the 
decision to leave.
—Source unknown

I am frequently asked to help people who are 
involved with a group
I’ve not heard of before. Over the years I have had to develop a way
to evaluate a group and assess its negative impact.

Some organizations, I have found, may appear to 
be unorthodox or
even downright bizarre, but do not practice mind control, and are not
damaging to their members.

I have gotten dozens of calls from parents who 
didn’t like the
person their child was marrying, and accused them of practicing mind
control. In some cases the accusation turned out to be true; but in
many instances, I have simply refused to intervene or become involved.
People are entitled to make their own decisions, even bad ones, if
they are legally considered adults. While I am always interested in
working to enhance people’s opportunities for choice, perspective and
good communication, I do not take every case that is offered to me.

Many groups have certain potentially 
destructive aspects, but are
not inherently destructive. These groups fall into a gray zone—the
middle of the continuum presented in Chapter 3. For some individuals,
membership may have a destructive effect, while the organization as a
whole may not meet the significant criteria of a destructive cult.

How can we discern whether or not a group is a 
destructive cult?
What are the crucial elements that separate benign organizations from
dangerous ones? In this chapter I’ll discuss the general
characteristics of destructive cults in more detail, so you can
protect yourself and people you care about from their influence. I’ll
also answer some of the more frequently asked questions about cults.
In addition, I’ll include a list of questions you can use to begin
evaluating any group.

In examining and evaluating a group that I 
suspect of being a
destructive cult, I operate primarily in the realm of psychology, not
theology or ideology. My frames of reference are the influence
processes of mind control, hypnosis and group psychology. I look at
_what a group does rather than what it believes_ (or purports to
believe). I analyze how an organization and its members communicate
(or fail to communicate), rather than whether its principles,
political outlook or interpretation of the Bible is the _right_ one. I
see if the group wants to convert the cult member into _its_ own
belief system. My approach is to encourage the individual to sort
things out for themselves by researching and considering an array of

A person’s right to believe, however, does not 
grant them an
automatic license to act indiscriminately on those beliefs. If it did,
white supremacy groups would deport or kill every non-white person in
the country, and criminal satanic cults would openly murder people in
their rituals.

If a group believes it is all right to lie to 
non-members, in
order to advance its cause, and that lie undermines the principle of
informed consent and infringes on people’s constitutionally guaranteed
rights, it violates their freedom. Frederick Clarkson emphasized this
point by saying that “destructive religious cults are violating
people’s religious rights by using undue influence.” Likewise, if a
group hides behind First Amendment privileges, routinely violates its
members’ civil rights, and works to destroy democracy, then freedom is
not being supported. There must be equal protection of liberties under
the law. People have a right to be free from undue influence, both in
groups and as individuals.

Some people may think, _Why should I worry 
about all this? My
rights are violated by someone every day and there’s nothing I can do
about it._ While many factors in life are beyond our control, people
_should_ have some control when it comes to membership in a group. And
the truth is that there is quite a lot you can do. By preventing
others from violating your rights, you can keep them from harming you.
I’ll say much more about this later in this chapter, but let me offer
an example.

Suppose you meet someone whom you suspect is a 
recruiter for a
destructive cult. You might not have even given this person the time
of day, but, for some reason, you feel attracted to them. They keep
trying to persuade you to meet them at a certain place. You aren’t
really interested in the group, but are toying with the idea of coming
to know this person better. In a situation like this, there’s one
cardinal rule to follow: _Don’t give them your phone number, e-mail

Re: [ot][personal] cult reading notes

2022-09-16 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
ch 7

this chapter is entitled protection of the self and loved ones, but at first it
seems to be describing itself as mostly about discerning what a
destructive cult is, so as to avoid it, rather than what to do when
one is focused on you or people you care about. maybe i am wrong.

- 12 tribes is a cult started by a sideshow barker. i ran into this
cult in a mental care program, where we would visit a restaurant they
owned. somebody told me they were talking with a waitress who told
them how important it was to give your life to men. (this, combined
with the leader being a normal male rather than say a religious figure
or woman, means the cult is destructive. indoctrination like that
indicates women aren't given rights.). they used recruitment messaging
that harkened to the freedoms of the sixties. hard to find messaging
like that. i had collected some of it out of interest.

- rev jim jones ordered a famous massacre in jonestown, but started as
an honestly caring religious worker, dedicated to helping the poor. as
he started learning and using cult techniques to gain power he became
more and more deranged. the author blames amphetamines but i would
influence of the people who shared the techniques: i.e. that he was
actually in a larger cult of cults. i would suspect the author of
being influenced to not consider or share this.

- cults have methods to induce euphoria which defectors retain and can
accidentally create cults with

- certain personalities and behaviors have a stronger tendency to
produce cults, often in feedback with an addiction to power. leaders
tend to care more about power and attention than material resources.
- cult leader dangerous properties: (1) psychologically unstable (2)
believe own propaganda e.g. that they are god (3) surround themselves
with devotees

i experience invasive internal experiences around being a mind
controller or such occasionally. it's interesting that i also
experience strange internal pressure to have some of the cult leader
traits. i wasn't aware they were associated with it.

- a criminal background of a cult leader may include something similar to fraud

- recommendation to run web searches may be outdated, don't know

- cults may have boards of directors who simply all obey the cult
leader. checking for real empowerment of members can be a good check.

- cult recruitment involves deception. new information is provided
when the person will have difficulty critically analysing it. things
generally happen via a seemingly-unrelated front organisation.
recruiting involves honing in on or stimulating potential weak spots
in the recruitee[s]. communication tends to be unidirectional, such
that only the recruitee reveals information about themself. rapid
onboardment is preferred.

- "During the indoctrination, sometimes the person doesn't contact
family and friends for days or weeks. When they eventually do, a
radical personality change is evident. The individual often changes
his style of clothes and speech patterns and behaves in an
uncharacteristically distant manner. Often, the person's sense of
humor is blunted. Previous interests, hobbies and goals may be
abandoned "because they are no longer important." " "This personality
change does seem to wear off a bit over time, if the individual
doesn't continue to contact the group or participate in it is
activities. However, when the person maintains contact, the new
identity can and does grow ever stronger."

re humor, compare to: i experience a forced, biting humor i can't
control. often people report discouragement from me laughing at their
suffering when i don't understand why i am laughing at all.

"A person may have been politically liberal before, but is now a
staunch conservative."

- "Increasing numbers of groups have deliberately avoided such
practices for some time in order to allay suspicion."

"In some cases, a person's behavior changes over months"

"deliberately designed to undermine the new member's relationships
with family and friends"

heavy work encouraged in part by criticising excessive sleeping
whereas praising minimal sleeping of leader. this is likely an
inversion, and also part of a large cocktail of lies and "inversions"
used to sustain the norms of cult membership. cult leaders and mind
controllers are likely much more experienced at surprising or
misleading people complexly to sustain something, than those resisting
them are at using similar tactics to protect themselves. likely or
possibly people doing this to resist are being manipulated, if focused
on. not that true information should ever be shared with those running
a cult.

- norm of psychosomatic illnesses, and minimal medical care, lets cult
leaders heal people
personal experience

- no privacy; gives power to cult

- involving cult members in a long discussion of current events, art,
or history, can reveal them being out of touch

- members demonstrate very minimal decision-making skills, having been
encouraged to ask permiss

Goldman Sachs’ money-losing consumer unit facing Fed scrutiny: report

2022-09-16 Thread Gunnar Larson






Goldman Sachs’ money-losing consumer unit facing Fed scrutiny: report

By Reuters

September 16, 2022 | 11:32am

Goldman Sachs’ consumer banking unit is being reviewed by the Federal
Reserve, Bloomberg Law reported on Friday, citing people familiar with the

   - Guerrilla campaign gives free coffee to Goldman bankers after Wall St.
   firm killed perk

   - Goldman Sachs preparing layoffs across all departments as soon as next
   week: report

   - Goldman Sachs yanks 'free coffee' perk as bankers return to five-day

   - BlackRock CEO Larry Fink vows 'harder line' in bringing workers back
   to office

Goldman’s management has been subjected to questions and follow-ups from
the central bank’s officials for several weeks, the report said
, adding that the process was still ongoing.

Goldman Sachs and the Fed declined to comment.

Goldman chief executive officer David Solomon has sought to reduce the
bank’s reliance on volatile trading and investment banking by shifting
focus to its consumer bank


Internal projections at the bank show its consumer unit, Marcus, will
record losses of more than $1.2 billion this year
Bloomberg News
reported in June.
[image: Goldman CEO David Solomon]
CEO David Solomon has sought to reduce the bank’s reliance on volatile
trading and investment banking by shifting focus to its consumer bank.

Marcus was launched in 2016 and was originally expected to make profits in
2021, but the cost of investing in new products and acquisitions derailed
those projections.
 ,  9/16/22


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Cryptocurrency: Craig Wright Now Claims to have Lost It All in Boating Accident

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
"Wright’s mother had told me about her son’s habitual lying." Craig the Fraud gets
publicly spanked

CSW stomps around like a raging child... Psychopath

CSW is full of...

White House Releases First-Ever Comprehensive Framework For Responsible Development of Digital Ass…

2022-09-16 Thread Gunnar Larson
-- Forwarded message -
From: Blockstar Advisors 
Date: Fri, Sep 16, 2022, 11:25 AM
Subject: Blockstar Blog: White House Releases First-Ever Comprehensive
Framework For Responsible Development of Digital Ass…

Key highlights from the WH press release early Friday and what they mean
for the industry
 ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
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‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
Open in browser

Blockstar Blog: White House Releases First-Ever Comprehensive Framework For
Responsible Development of Digital Assets
highlights from the WH press release early Friday and what they mean for
the industry

Blockstar Advisors

Sep 16


[image: FACT SHEET: White House Releases First-Ever Comprehensive Framework
for Responsible Development of Digital Assets - The White House]

The White House released a framework early Friday morning on the
responsible development of digital assets. Following President Biden’s
executive order in March, the administration has now released their

Re: Cryptocurrency: Buterin Admits Ethereum Will Censor

2022-09-16 Thread grarpamp
> Not surprising coming from the chain that
> forked off from the real Ethereum in order to
> rollback and censor transactions years ago.
> Route around their censorship by adopting privacy coins... Vitalik's "virtual" security,
malleable consensus, etc

CityCoins shared "CityCoins Protocol Upgrade #2"

2022-09-16 Thread Gunnar Larson
What ever happened to NYCCoin and MIA Coin?

Treasury, NY-DFS keeps denying our FOIL requests concerning STX.

Thank you,


Gunnar Larson -

-- Forwarded message -
From: Twitter 
Date: Fri, Sep 16, 2022, 9:30 AM
Subject: CityCoins shared "CityCoins Protocol Upgrade #2"
To: Gunnar Larson 

 ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
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‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

What’s happening
CityCoins shared
*CityCoins Protocol Upgrade #2*
An overview of CityCoiners proposal to stabilize the CityCoins protocol,
and optimize for future development, experim...
Read more at Twitter

azz:{8333,9735} shared

Apple Music
*I'm America by Cilver*
Listen to I'm America by Cilver on Apple Music. 2016. Duration: 3:42
Read more at Twitter

Sawyer Merritt 📈🚀 shared
*Tesla Superchargers at Laguna Seca Raceway Go Online -*
Tesla has officially launched Superchargers at Laguna Seca Raceway in
Salinas, California. Back in June, Tesla shared...
Read more at Twitter

Donald Trump Watches as Andrew Cuomo files ethics complaint against New York AG Letitia James

2022-09-16 Thread Gunnar Larson

Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo
 on Tuesday filed a
state ethics complaint against New York Attorney General Letitia James, the New
York Times


Driving the news: Cuomo is accusing James of deliberately mishandling the

found that he sexually harassed multiple former and current government

   - The former New York governor filed the complaint

   an attorney grievance committee in the state’s court system that
   disciplines lawyers found to have violated professional conduct, per the

Background: There are several sexual misconduct allegations

Cuomo, who maintains his innocence but resigned amid the controversy

August 2021.

Cuomo Files Ethics Complaint Against Letitia James

2022-09-16 Thread Gunnar Larson

Diversifying Capital Pools

2022-09-16 Thread Gunnar Larson
Check out my new article:

As funders look to embrace best practices in risk mitigation strategies,
diversification of capital pools is a critical component for litigation
finance portfolio building. According to new research, structured dispute
finance can improve funding access.

Augusta Ventures highlights

sophisticated approaches to managing case volumes through diversified
capital. Augusta says that meticulous due diligence is essential to the
success of quality capital pool portfolio building.

According to Augusta’s research, claim syndication via portfolio pools can
operate as a cost reduction tool for many third party funders, as various
pricing options can be negotiated across each capital pool. Furthermore,
Augusta suggests that quality underwriting can also push pool fees lower
across legacy portfolios.

Re: [spam][crazy] coding therapy [beginner]: hello world with conditional

2022-09-16 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
if (!user.can_write_software) alert("User, you can write software now!")

Re: [spam][crazy] coding therapy [beginner]: hello world with conditional

2022-09-16 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
if user.can_write_software:
  print("User, be skeptical about writing software. Practice more."
elif not user.can_write_software:
  print("User, in your heart, you can write software. This is
something you can do. Go, build software! Build software, user!")

Re: [spam][crazy] coding therapy [beginner]: hello world with conditional

2022-09-16 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
if ("greeting world") std::cout << "Hello to the world, my world!" << std::endl;

Re: [spam][crazy] coding therapy [beginner]: hello world with conditional

2022-09-16 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
Further content in this thread will be example exercises where I
practice the approach myself.

The idea is 1 statement per path through 1 control flow element.

So Hello World With Loop could also fit here, to not make too many threads.

do {
  print("Hello, world!")
} while("spamming user with hello world statements, string evaluates
to infinite loop");

[spam][crazy] coding therapy [beginner]: hello world with conditional

2022-09-16 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
Often when my reality is upside-down and inside-out and my body won't
obey me because I considered contributing to an anonymity project or
something, I find it nice to work on very simple software to try to
engage a struggling skill.

An Exercise In Software: Hello World With Conditional

It goes something like this:

if (1) {
  print("hello world');
} else {
  print("hello back from the world!");

Conditionals seem to me a step up from a single statement, so it's a
nice structural addition.

You can do it in any language, or even pseudocode. You can put
anything you want in the conditional, and output any statements you
want, or even do something other than outputing! But if you add
variables or further control flow, you are advancing to a further

If you actually need this, than further use of control flow may
stimulate mind control discouraging grassroots software, at which time
it may be relaxing to return to an earlier stage like this one, to

Cypherpunk 2027 for an anarchist planet

2022-09-16 Thread professor rat
We invite activists, hackers, scofflaw professionals, artists, educators, 
students of Gonzo, developers, new and familiar faces alike, policy-breakers, 
tinkerers, free software beginners, big-tent-anarchists, socialists, looters, 
opportunist hipsters, down and out capitalists, unemployed workerists, 
discharged jailbirds, escaped galley slaves, swindlers, mountebanks, lazzaroni, 
pickpockets, tricksters, gamblers, maquereaus, brothel keepers, porters, 
literati, organ-grinders, rag-pickers, knife-grinders, Tinkers and beggars.

 Then also all well-armed, high-tech, drug-taking, survivalist, martial-arts, 
black-marketeering, tax-dodging, life-extensionist, freethinking, 
fake-ID-tripping Discordian master criminals. Rustlers, cut throats, murderers, 
manques, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, 
dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, 
buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train 
robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and recovering Methodists.

Welcome to the global anarchist revolution.

Re: - New York State Saftey Concern

2022-09-16 Thread Gunnar Larson

I have been entrapped for the last few hours. The NYPD is aware of the
conflicts associated with the concern.

After asking the agents to stop several times, I was told to make an
internal affairs investigation report.

This is the corresponding emailed report of the incident.

Warm regards,

Gunnar Larson

On Fri, Aug 5, 2022, 8:25 AM Gunnar Larson  wrote:

> Dear Madam Attorney General:
> As - has continues to help pioneer digital asset
> innovation out of New York City, it has become apparent that our personal
> saftey is a concern. Specifically, we are aware of various threats to our
> saftey via alternative techniques concerning entrapment.
> Obviously, we support all vetting and effectiveness of intense
> interrigation from the effencent technology that is pioneering the next
> generation of saftey and surveillance. Yes, we are on the cutting edge of
> New York innovation and are proud to be engaged in group actions (NYPD,
> Trooper, FBI, DHS and other) monitoring - activities.
> Meanwhile, also as a litigation finance journalist living in Chelsea I
> have noticed particular threats to personal saftey. The FBI and NYPD have
> been very helpful in taking reports of these concerns and have offered
> general comfot to personal wellbeing.
> That being said we are aware of Palantir's system capabilities and respect
> the watchful eye of New York City authorities. However, we cannot be sure
> of the level of abuse to our enterprise. Furthermore, the Superintendent of
> New York State's Departmentof Financial Services holds certain conflicts to
> - security from our last correspondence with your office.
> We aim to not exacerbate the NYPD and FBI who are aware of the conflicts
> mentioned as we challenge our competitor's board directors under the NY-DFS
> Superintendent's auspicies.
> The "PayPal Mafia" is in the crosshairs of - and the
> Superintendent is not necessarily providing the NYPD and FBI a safe space
> for our efforts.
> Your office may find
> 158 highlights to DONALD J. TRUMP, vs. HILLARY R. CLINTON insightful to
> the RICO approaches:
> - is at the liberty of the esteemed New York State
> Attorney on the techniques currently in use. For added information we have
> corrinated 212 highlights to "The Entrapment Controversy" here:
> Madam Attorney General, as a Bill and Melinda Gates Scholar and Blockchain
> Scholar with further international distinction as a pricipal to the launch
> of the United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law, I am
> confident that -'s RICO approach usurps Mr. Trumps at
> global scale.
> -'s access to litigation investment is not to be
> adversarial to New York State at any level. For these these reasons we
> kindly seek the Attorney General's Office urgent assessment of the matter.
> Additionally, we note the pending actions to our New York False Claims Act
> requests to challenge the PayPal Mafia's potential RICO at the libery of
> -'s global enterprise.
> Further NY-DFS FOIL requests are pending and we fear the Superintendent's
> Goldman Sachs and Brex associations are party to Mr. Trump's RICO approach.
> Sending you warm regards.
> Thank you,
> Gunnar Larson
> -
> 646-454-9107
> On Wed, Aug 3, 2022, 10:46 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:
>> Dear Attorney General James:
>> - has been reporting concern of collusion between Peter
>> Thiel and Donald Trump with respect to the Moscow Exchange. Mr. Trump has
>> filed a similar RICO claim concerning Russia and Ms. Clinton.
>> This is a very serious problem.
>> We have contacted Meta Platform's Board and Palantir Technologies Board
>> Directors
>> Meta has responded signaling awareness of the Moscow Exchange and the
>> concern.
>> Palantir has yet to respond. Russia's President labels Palantir and Meta
>> potential extremists organizations.
>> Meanwhile, we have contacted the New York State Department of Financial
>> Services (NY-DFS) concerning Ms. Harris' former Brex role.
>> NY-DFS has responded and we have appealed for Ms. Harris' resignation.
>> We seek the Attorney General's office urgent assessment of the Moscow
>> Exchange concern. Meanwhile, we will notify the FBI who I understand may be
>> aware of the efforts.
>> Respectfully yours,
>> Gunnar Larson
>> -
>> 646-454-9107
>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2022, 4:44 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:
>>> Dear Attorney General Letitia James:
>>> -, PBC seeks to earn your esteemed approval to engage
>>> the New York False Claims Act under urgent pretences.