Fwd: xNY.io - Bank.org: New York State Saftey Concern

2023-01-14 Thread Gunnar Larson
Dear New York State Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government:

We are concerned of conflicts related to the matter below being exasperated
since August 5, 2022.

Warm regards,

Gunnar Larson

-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Fri, Aug 5, 2022, 8:25 AM
Subject: xNY.io - Bank.org: New York State Saftey Concern
Cc: cypherpunks , Harris, Adrienne A (DFS) <
adrienne.har...@dfs.ny.gov>, Weber, Richard (DFS) ,
Alexi Anania , , Reader, Shaun 

Dear Madam Attorney General:

As xNY.io - Bank.org has continues to help pioneer digital asset innovation
out of New York City, it has become apparent that our personal saftey is a
concern. Specifically, we are aware of various threats to our saftey via
alternative techniques concerning entrapment.

Obviously, we support all vetting and effectiveness of intense
interrigation from the effencent technology that is pioneering the next
generation of saftey and surveillance. Yes, we are on the cutting edge of
New York innovation and are proud to be engaged in group actions (NYPD,
Trooper, FBI, DHS and other) monitoring xNY.io - Bank.org activities.

Meanwhile, also as a litigation finance journalist living in Chelsea I have
noticed particular threats to personal saftey. The FBI and NYPD have been
very helpful in taking reports of these concerns and have offered general
comfot to personal wellbeing.

That being said we are aware of Palantir's system capabilities and respect
the watchful eye of New York City authorities. However, we cannot be sure
of the level of abuse to our enterprise. Furthermore, the Superintendent of
New York State's Departmentof Financial Services holds certain conflicts to
xNY.io - Bank.org security from our last correspondence with your office.

We aim to not exacerbate the NYPD and FBI who are aware of the conflicts
mentioned as we challenge our competitor's board directors under the NY-DFS
Superintendent's auspicies.

The "PayPal Mafia" is in the crosshairs of xNY.io - Bank.org and the
Superintendent is not necessarily providing the NYPD and FBI a safe space
for our efforts.

Your office may find
158 highlights to DONALD J. TRUMP, vs. HILLARY R. CLINTON insightful to the
RICO approaches:

xNY.io - Bank.org is at the liberty of the esteemed New York State Attorney
on the techniques currently in use. For added information we have
corrinated 212 highlights to "The Entrapment Controversy" here:

Madam Attorney General, as a Bill and Melinda Gates Scholar and Blockchain
Scholar with further international distinction as a pricipal to the launch
of the United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law, I am
confident that xNY.io - Bank.org's RICO approach usurps Mr. Trumps at
global scale.

 xNY.io - Bank.org's access to litigation investment is not to be
adversarial to New York State at any level. For these these reasons we
kindly seek the Attorney General's Office urgent assessment of the matter.
Additionally, we note the pending actions to our New York False Claims Act
requests to challenge the PayPal Mafia's potential RICO at the libery of
xNY.io - Bank.org's global enterprise.

Further NY-DFS FOIL requests are pending and we fear the Superintendent's
Goldman Sachs and Brex associations are party to Mr. Trump's RICO approach.

Sending you warm regards.

Thank you,

Gunnar Larson
xNY.io - Bank.org

On Wed, Aug 3, 2022, 10:46 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:

> Dear Attorney General James:
> xNY.io - Bank.org has been reporting concern of collusion between Peter
> Thiel and Donald Trump with respect to the Moscow Exchange. Mr. Trump has
> filed a similar RICO claim concerning Russia and Ms. Clinton.
> https://www.npr.org/2022/03/24/1088694473/trump-lawsuit-clinton-democrats-russia
> This is a very serious problem.
> We have contacted Meta Platform's Board and Palantir Technologies Board
> Directors
> Meta has responded signaling awareness of the Moscow Exchange and the
> concern.
> Palantir has yet to respond. Russia's President labels Palantir and Meta
> potential extremists organizations.
> Meanwhile, we have contacted the New York State Department of Financial
> Services (NY-DFS) concerning Ms. Harris' former Brex role.
> NY-DFS has responded and we have appealed for Ms. Harris' resignation.
> We seek the Attorney General's office urgent assessment of the Moscow
> Exchange concern. Meanwhile, we will notify the FBI who I understand may be
> aware of the efforts.
> Respectfully yours,
> Gunnar Larson
> xNY.io - Bank.org
> 646-454-9107
> On Sat, Jun 18, 2022, 4:44 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:
>> Dear Attorney General Letitia James:
>> xNY.io - Bank.org, PBC seeks to earn your esteemed approval to engage the
>> New York False Claims Act under urgent pretences.
>> Today's correspondence marks the first time in 

Re: 1984: Thread

2023-01-14 Thread grarpamp
The NSA has stadiums of digital storage space. Anything with a camera
can be suspect, anything with a microphone can be suspect. They even
use baby monitors to spy on people. Cameras are so tiny nowadays they
can put them anywhere they want, so even general appliances could be

How the US and other nations skirt laws against domestic spying:

"Britain's GCHQ intelligence agency can spy on anyone but British
nationals, the NSA can conduct surveillance on anyone but Americans,
and Germany's BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst) foreign intelligence
agency can spy on anyone but Germans. That's how a matrix is created
of boundless surveillance in which each partner aids in a division of

NSA 'offers intelligence to British counterparts to skirt UK law'

NSA shares raw intelligence including Americans' data with Israel

William Binney (Former high level NSA analyst, also whistleblower
pre-Snowden): “At least 80% of fibre-optic cables globally go via the
US”, Binney said. “This is no accident and allows the US to view all
communication coming in. At least 80% of all audio calls, not just
metadata, are recorded and stored in the US. The NSA lies about what
it stores.” 

Russel Tice (NSA whistleblower pre-Snowden): "I Saw The Order To
Wiretap Barack Obama In 2004."

Eschelon was on 60 minutes back in the year 2000. The relevant part is
13 minutes. Highly recommended.

The government created a controversial spy program called "Total
Information Awareness," a Darpa project, and their logo was an all
seeing eye and pyramid, but it was canceled due to public backlash.

Although the program was formally suspended, its data mining
software was later adopted by other government agencies, with only
superficial changes being made. The core architecture of TIA continued
development under the code name "Basketball." According to a 2012 New
York Times article, the legacy of Total Information Awareness is
"quietly thriving" at the National Security Agency (NSA).

May 4, 2013, right after Boston Marathon: a former FBI
counterterrorism agent admitted that the government records all phone
calls, and this is how they were going to investigate suspects. This
was reported in The Guardian by Glenn Greenwald. Mind you, this was
about a month before Greenwald first published the Snowden documents.

Are all telephone calls recorded and accessible to the US
government? A former FBI counterterrorism agent claims on CNN that
this is the case - by Glenn Greenwald

Sat 4 May 2013 08.22 EDT

...they are now focused on telephone calls between Russell and
Tsarnaev that took place both before and after the attack to determine
if she had prior knowledge of the plot or participated in any way.

On Wednesday night, Burnett interviewed Tim Clemente, a former FBI
counterterrorism agent, about whether the FBI would be able to
discover the contents of past telephone conversations between the two.
He quite clearly insisted that they could:

BURNETT: Tim, is there any way, obviously, there is a voice mail
they can try to get the phone companies to give that up at this point.
It's not a voice mail. It's just a conversation. There's no way they
actually can find out what happened, right, unless she tells them?

CLEMENTE: "No, there is a way. We certainly have ways in national
security investigations to find out exactly what was said in that
conversation. It's not necessarily something that the FBI is going to
want to present in court, but it may help lead the investigation
and/or lead to questioning of her. We certainly can find that out.

BURNETT: "So they can actually get that? People are saying, look,
that is incredible.

CLEMENTE: "No, welcome to America. All of that stuff is being
captured as we speak whether we know it or like it or not."

...but, but muh "metadata"... No, they are pulling in everything, not
just your metadata. Entire phone calls are recorded, then probably
transcribed into text for easy storage and searching.

They have also had "voiceprint" tech for years. That's another
interesting aspect.

"You take on the Intelligence Community, they have six ways from
Sunday of getting back at you." - Chuck Schumer.

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2023-01-14 Thread grarpamp

2  i_reddit_for_lulz 2016-10-02

This life changing event in 2020, what countries do you think will
be hit worst?

America, it is already starting to affect parts of Europe now. Most of
the world has always been the half empty. Whereas America has been
half full if you get the analogy. America will see how it feels to not
be half empty but actually empty.

It's in 4 years, realistically what kind of event could happen?
All out war? A super plague? Nuclear warfare?

Less than 4, actually 3 years 3 months. But the exact as if it will be
plague, war, etc., are not 100% for certain because that depends on
many factors. The climate factor is a bit down the road so at least
you can count that one out for a while.

9  i_reddit_for_lulz 2016-10-02

Is there anymore information you can give us OP?

If someone were to say to me, out of all that I know or have
experienced, in my opionion what should man be more concerned with?

I would say, man needs to find a way back to what it means to actually
live life. Not spend life actually working for a machine. Man needs to
recapture the spirit of adventure, and this adventure has nothing to
do with WAR. Man needs to understand and internalize the will to
advance the internal self, not for more stuff, not for war, but
because he wants to become closer to the universe itself.

Can we have tech, yes and of course. Make a hard life easier. But we
shouldn't allow it to define us.

Also, we all can agree you shouldn't kill, steal, or destroy someone
else property. But other than that no one should be telling you how to
live your life. When man also understands this, he will walk and act
in a way in which only freemen behave.

3  i_reddit_for_lulz 2016-10-02

The real question would be... what would the catastrophic event be...

I would just say, keep your eyes and ears open approaching year 2020.
Sometime during that time events will occur. Not enough to destroy the
earth time, but enough to unravel certain ways of living, or fear of
not having a certain way of living.

4  i_reddit_for_lulz 2016-10-02

Also,what do you mean by certain ways of life unravelling?

The standards people have been used to, especially in America. Things
that have always been taken for granted, and also the ways people
treat people just because they have "stuff". This will become

5  i_reddit_for_lulz 2016-10-02

there is no such thing as the secrecy that is depicted in movies.
Maybe high-ranking officers would keep their mouths shut, but the guys
who operate the heavy machinery, who toil every day, the lowest levels
of such project, simply do not comply.

Do you know how many declassified documents are still being released
from the 50's that tell how governments and even the medical
establishment was doing experiments on people. And some of these
experiments were horrific.

And guess what? You didn't hear a peep of any of this until those
documents become declassified. If you're in the military and having
experienced secrecy at this level, you are not even close to being
high enough up the chain (kindly).

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2023-01-14 Thread grarpamp

 Anonymous ID:FoT86R5e Thu 05 Sep 2019 00:45:17 No.225498529 Report
Quoted By: >>225498677
9-10 million Americans will be killed during 2020 > 2021 in some kind
of major event. Don't ask me how I know this.

 Anonymous ID:FoT86R5e Thu 05 Sep 2019 00:49:41 No.225498934 Report
Quoted By: >>225499052 >>225500408
No. I'm operative.

 Anonymous ID:FoT86R5e Thu 05 Sep 2019 00:50:37 No.225499031 Report
Quoted By: >>225499094
Do not accept any vaccines that will be released for a deadly virus in
the winter of 2020.

 Anonymous ID:FoT86R5e Thu 05 Sep 2019 00:51:37 No.225499128 Report

 Anonymous ID:FoT86R5e Thu 05 Sep 2019 00:54:45 No.225499413 Report
Quoted By: >>225499919 >>225499966
It will originate from a pharmaceutical company working with military
op's in a west coast state. It will be accurately planted in major
cities and It will cause flue like symptoms and may be deadly to
elders and babies but the media will report it as deadly for everyone
but It's a hoax, the vaccine will be the real killer packed with
copious amounts of toxic metals.

 Anonymous ID:FoT86R5e Thu 05 Sep 2019 01:02:56 No.225500111 Report
I do not know any details on the actual genetics of the virus sorry.
But I know they have tested It multiple times already but in different
"brand" names.

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-01-14 Thread grarpamp
Biden dereliction leaves TOP-SECRET documents Everywhere


Kathy Chung, former VP Biden's executive assistant when he left
office, has a very curious past with Hunter and now is being
Kathy Chung may be a key figure in the mishandling of classified
documents from Joe Biden's two terms as vice president.  As his
executive assistant at the time, she was reportedly involved in
packing up the documents he removed from government offices when his
term as V.P. ended.

Re: 1984: Thread

2023-01-14 Thread grarpamp
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ylV43ZjjuM Vladimir Putin WEF Speech

Re: 1984: Thread

2023-01-14 Thread grarpamp

5th-Gen Warfare Terms and Tactics
"The deliberate manipulation of an observer's context in order to
achieve a desired outcome."
"The basic idea behind this term 5th-generation warfare is that in the
modern era, wars are not fought by armies or guerrillas, but in the
minds of common citizens."
#5genwarfare #digitalbattlefield #truth #socialmedia #gametheory

Former SEC Chairman Joins Fireblocks Advisory Board - Fireblocks

2023-01-14 Thread Gunnar Larson

Jay Clayton was the Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
from May 2017 to December 2020. Clayton focused on modernizing the
regulation and oversight of our equity and fixed income markets,
concentrating on the interests of long-term investors. In addition, under
his leadership, the women and men of the SEC addressed various market
developments and emerging risks, including the 2020 COVID-19 economic
shock, the digitization of securities and other assets, the Brexit and
LIBOR transitions, and various cybersecurity matters. Clayton was an active
member of the Financial Stability Board, the International Organization of
Securities Commissions, the Financial Stability Oversight Council and the
President’s Working Group on Financial Markets.

Prior to Clayton’s government service, he spent over 20 years at Sullivan &
Cromwell where he was a member of the management committee, co-managing
partner of the General Practice Group and co-head of the Cybersecurity
Group. He was a lead lawyer in an array of complex M&A and capital markets
transactions, as well as regulatory and governance matters, in the
financial, telecoms, energy, transportation and e-commerce sectors. Clayton
also advised a number of individuals in connection with their public and
private investments as well as transition matters.

SpaceX Interlocking Directors’ Intent to Manipulate Markets

2023-01-14 Thread Gunnar Larson
-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Sat, Jun 18, 2022, 4:44 PM
Subject: SpaceX Interlocking Directors’ Intent to Manipulate Markets
Cc: , , ,
cypherpunks , , <
prospectus...@ny.email.gs.com>, , Weber,
Richard (DFS) , Alexi Anania 

Dear Attorney General Letitia James:

xNY.io - Bank.org, PBC seeks to earn your esteemed approval to engage the
New York False Claims Act under urgent pretences.

Today's correspondence marks the first time in history, a self-titled
"mafia" (aka, the "PayPal Mafia '') is compelled to answer publicly the
decision to manipulate both the New York False Claims Act and the Martin
Act against one another.

   - Madam Attorney General, your leadership approach has historical context
   to logic and ultimate Exxon Mobil vs. New York State
   - xNY.io - Bank.org, PBC research and development notes our hawkish
   approach to ESG, D&O and LBO innovation.
   - xNY.io - Bank.org, PBC sees this not a democrat vs. republican concern
   as Mr. Elon Musk (CEO, SpaceX and Tesla) claims. False pretense to
   free speech are now being debated as party to a $200B pryamid scheme.

Ms. James, on May 21, 2022 xNY.io - Bank.org, PBC
contacted the SpaceX Corporation with reasonable concern of CEO Musk's
intent behind the $44B Twitter LBO. The Orlando Police Pension Fund shared
similar concerns to the intent behind Twitter's LBO as illegal.

Since, market forces suggest that SpaceX and Tesla directors are part of
interlocking directorate, self proclaimed the PayPal Mafia. The racket
could waterfall to problem(s) at the New York State Department of Financial
Services with Superintendent association to D&O insurance regulation.

Ms. James, xNY.io - Bank.org, PBC seeks your office's urgent assessment of
this matter. We aim to earn approval to explore the New York False Claims
Act to confront SpaceX as a racket.

*Like a house of cards, the PayPal Mafia  racket could risk a waterfall of
D&O  interlocking directorate insolvencies. In summary: *

   1. xNY.io - Bank.org's May 21, 2022 memo to SpaceX questioned intent
   behind baseless claims pioneered by SpaceX's CEO, branding ESG a scam via
   Exxon Mobil. Obviously, Exxon Mobil vs. New York State
   Mr. Musk party to a false claim.
   2. SpaceX has failed to establish a preponderance of evidence and burden
   of proof not a racket.
   3. SpaceX has failed to prove that Twitter's LBO is not false claim to
   free speech protection.
   4. True social innovation cannot sponsor a fake news racket that could
   jeopardize space exploration and war.
   5. Twitter's LBO dealmakers (Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase) company
   balance sheets, financial statements and other corporate records do not
   impact xNY.io - Bank.org, PBC holding a racket accountable to false

The CEO of SpaceX and Tesla leveraging Exxon Mobil as an ESG
securities scam does not preclude the PayPal Mafia's intent to engage false
claims at the sacrifice of New York State's financial future.

Madam Attorney General James, we hope to hear from your esteemed office and
learn assessment of best next steps.

Thank you,


*Gunnar Larson *
*xNY.io  - Bank.org , PBC*

Digital Currency
- Entrepreneurship
and Innovation (ip)

New York, New York 10001

On Sun, May 22, 2022 at 9:34 AM Gunnar Larson  wrote:

> May 21, 2022
> SpaceX Corporation
> Board of Directors
> One Rocket Road
> Hawthorne, California
> 90250
> sa...@spacex.com
> Re:  Potential SpaceX Interlocking Directors’ Intent to Manipulate
> Markets
> Dear SpaceX Board of Directors:
> From our New York headquarters, xNY.io - Bank.org, PBC embodies the notion
> that rather than a merry-go-round, the process of change and innovation is
> like a slide.
> Today’s memo aims to notify the SpaceX Corporation of concern of potential
> market manipulation that could impact cross-border digital asset
> innovation, free speech in the United States of America, the global ESG
> economy and Moon exploration.
> Please find the attached memo
> <

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-01-14 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
kind of a predrafthavent innected withcharavtersnboss

kid iswith family somewhere with some technology, using the technology
kid: "look mommy it's a mind control virus here!"
parent: "what?"
sibling: "let me see!"

kid starts pulling on something on the tech, pulling and pulling like
unravelling a garment by a thread, through systems and medical and
government personnel ...
then with a "pop!" the whole thing comes free!
it looks like a tiny depiction of the world wide web with little
people hanging on to many nodes

kid: "i'm going to keep it!" they ball it up and open their pocket
parent: "don't put that in your pocket! if it fell out it could make a
nation elect your sibling dictator. you need a shielded box for that!"
parent hands kid a box with multiple insulated layers of copper and a
motorized lid with multiple knife edges; the kid dutifully places the
mind control virus in the box before putting the box in their pocket
[i am not a security engineer]

sibling: "i want one!"
kid looks at sibling who looks at the same tech device.
sibling "somebody's making another one!"
sibling starts pulling.
kid: "pull carefully! maybe you can see who made it!"

sibling pulls and pulls like reeling in a poorly-hooked fish, and soon
with a "pop!" is a network of spy agencies!
sibling: "oh boy oh boy i want to keep it!"
sibling starts balling up the spy agencies and opens their pocket
parent: "don't put that in your pocket, if it got out somebody might
tell it to take over the world for them! you need a [prison] for that!
and don't forget to feed it!"
parent takes out a pocket-sized [prison] and sibling dutifully places
the network of spy agencies in it before putting it in their pocket.

... keeps going

Data from Cellebrite & MSAB

2023-01-14 Thread zeynep
Data from Cellebrite & MSAB, two companies that provide phone hacking tools to 
governments, has just been published online.The leak includes actual software 
as well as documentation.

Two Former eBay Executives Sentenced to Prison for Cyberstalking | United States Department of Justice

2023-01-14 Thread Gunnar Larson

Harville and Baugh were arrested and charged in June 2020. Co-conspirators
and former eBay employees Philip Cooke, Brian Gilbert, Stephanie Popp,
Veronica Zea and Stephanie Stockwell previously pleaded guilty for their
roles in a conspiracy to cyberstalk the victims. Cooke was sentenced in
July 2021 to 18 months in prison. Gilbert, Popp, Zea and Stockwell are
awaiting sentencing.

Between approximately Aug. 5, 2019 and Sept. 6, 2019, Harville, Baugh and
their co-conspirators at eBay agreed to engage in a harassment campaign
targeting a husband and wife in Natick, Mass. for their roles in publishing
a newsletter that reported on issues of interest to eBay sellers. Senior
executives at eBay were frustrated with the newsletter’s tone and content
as well as the substance of comments posted beneath the newsletter’s
articles. The harassment campaign arose from communications between those
senior executives and Baugh, who was eBay’s senior security employee.

The defendants and their co-conspirators executed a three-part harassment
campaign intended to intimidate the victims and to influence their
reporting about eBay. The campaign included sending anonymous and
disturbing deliveries to the victims’ home; sending private Twitter
messages and public tweets criticizing the newsletter’s content; threats to
visit the victims in Natick; and traveling to Natick to surveil the victims
and installing a GPS tracking device on their car.

The deliveries ordered to the victims’ home included a book on surviving
the death of a spouse, a bloody pig mask, a fetal pig, a funeral wreath and
live insects. The harassment also featured Craigslist posts inviting
members of the public to experience sexual encounters at the victims’ home.

The threatening Twitter messages were written as if they had been sent by
eBay sellers who were unhappy with the victims’ coverage in the newsletter.
Some of these messages posted the victims’ home address and threatened to
show up at their home.

On Aug. 15, 2019, Baugh, Harville and a co-conspirator traveled from
California to Natick to surveil the victims and install a GPS tracking
device on the victims’ car. The victims spotted the surveillance team and
contacted local police. Harville also purchased tools intending to break
into the victims’ garage and lied to an eBay investigator who was
responding to the Natick Police’s request for assistance.

After learning of the police’s investigation, Harville and Baugh deleted
digital evidence related to the cyberstalking campaign. Additionally, Baugh
made false statements to police and internal investigators and falsified
records intended to throw the police off the trail.

U.S. Attorney Rollins, FBI SAC Bonavolonta and Natick Police Chief James G.
Hicks made the announcement today. eBay provided valuable assistance and
cooperation with the investigation. Assistant U.S. Attorney Seth B. Kosto,
Deputy Chief of Rollins’ Securities, Financial & Cyber Fraud Unit
prosecuted the case.

Re: Morning Spam

2023-01-14 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
On 1/14/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
> duringit you have to stay very quiet andcommunicate only withfeeling
> so the faction surveilling you more doesn't use you for their
> advantave

etc etc etc etc etc
and pushharderthan anybody everhas before
and inventa new kind of ai anduseit
and formplans to muRder bossandyourfsmily
thenholdplanstomurderyourself while planning what they want
theb get quiet agaib

Re: Morning Spam

2023-01-14 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
# # we need to support the parts of boss and mc that want to be
surveilled, want to be kind, [want to support free action,] etc etc
# # as we build process part around them, they can grow.
# $ they grow because of the amnesia.[coverup.]
$: command not found
# #/$ and because the original assumptions were inaccurate, and
because we are a living mutable system
# # if we add relaxation in [dissociation/etc therapy], then so much
more opens, that can also be boss or mind control or anything, and
grown [i think this line had largest worry uncertain]
# ### this is not being recorded [oops, reason to post to list]

Re: Morning Spam

2023-01-14 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
duringit you have to stay very quiet andcommunicate only withfeeling
so the faction surveilling you more doesn't use you for their

Re: Morning Spam

2023-01-14 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
boss freezes and begins drooling

underground, a storm made of wormholes and masses ofmiswired humans
and robots begins calming

boss stumbles and a zombie doctor rushes up

Re: Morning Spam

2023-01-14 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
mcboss [on live camera]: this is a mind control cleanupbusiness! our
job is to kill people who talk about mind control!"

a few of the rebel zombies respond by standing at rigid attention
their friends rush to console them

Re: Morning Spam

2023-01-14 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
boss turns from the camera, which follows him, and begins dumpstering
some of how it is held. he starts with the robots. "this piece of
trash was dumber than atoaster. good riddance."

the robot whirrs its actuators from inside the dunpster, and climbs out

Re: Morning Spam

2023-01-14 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
Bossbegins wrestling with the camera. "Gotta dumpster this corpse too!"

A crowd of rebels hold it in place.

Fwd: FOIL Request Confirmation from Open FOIL NY

2023-01-14 Thread Gunnar Larson
-- Forwarded message -
Date: Sat, Jan 14, 2023, 3:26 PM
Subject: FOIL Request Confirmation from Open FOIL NY

Thank you for submitting your FOIL request through Open FOIL NY.

Here is your Open FOIL NY confirmation information for future reference:




*Records Requested From*
Department of Financial Services
Division of the Budget
Department of Taxation and Finance
*Short Title*
Coinbase $100M Settlement Investigation Records
Dear Madam or Sir: xNY.io - Bank.org kindly seeks access to any and all
records concerning New York State's investigation of Coinbase, comprising
the $100M settlement mentioned here:
We are requesting all public records from 2018 to 2022 concerning New
York's aforementioned Coinbase investigation. Moreover, xNY.io - Bank.org
seeks access to any and all records concerning New York's regulatory
scrutiny (and/or approval) of Goldman Sachs' partnership with Coinbase,
issuing the bank's first Bitcoin loan mentioned here:
In addition, xNY.io - Bank.org seeks any and all records concerning New
York's approach to Coinbase and Goldman Sachs compliance programs mandated
by the United States Department of Justice, Criminal Division, Fraud
Section and Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section mentioned here:
Finally, xNY.io - Bank.org seeks records concerning New York's regulatory
approval of Coinbase engaging a fine of $50M to implement heightened
controls and additional procedures and policies relating to electronic
surveillance and investigation, due diligence on transactions or clients
and the use of third-party intermediaries across business units; and
enhancing anti-corruption training for all management and relevant
employees. Warm regards, Gunnar Larson Gunnar Larson xNY.io - Bank.org
*Uploaded Files*
*FOIL Response Format*
*If fees apply, please contact me if costs will be greater than*

Your FOIL request has been forwarded to the organization(s) you selected,
and the respective Records Access Officer will contact you directly for
further processing of your request. Please allow up to five business days
for such communication(s). For your convenience, here is additional contact

Department of Financial Services
One State Street
20th Floor
New York, NY 10004

Division of the Budget
State Capitol
Room 128
Albany, NY 12224

Department of Taxation and Finance
W.A. Harriman Campus
Bldg 9, Room 100,
Albany, NY 12227

Re: Morning Spam

2023-01-14 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
[boss thought about supporting the camera, which made orthogonal
competing balanced factions in the research lab. times like that are
when real-world factions progress.]

Re: Morning Spam

2023-01-14 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
a big wave of moving people androbot parts spreads through the core
underground research areas where everything purportedly happens as
part of compute for boss's spilled taken-off-like-a-hat brain

Re: Morning Spam

2023-01-14 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
idea of boss letting camera happen in hopes his whole enterprise will
be somehow isolated and him and everybody in it freed of their
recursive mind control

like a last ditch effort when mistakes or unspecified areas in the
original parameters began completely taking over behavior

The worker has no country - especially Turkey

2023-01-14 Thread professor rat
Marx sometimes struck an internationalist pose - it was just another one of his 
frauds on the public.

Marx, "British Politics" (April 7, 1853), Collected Works, Vol. 112, p.7: " . . 
. The real point at issue always is, Turkey in Europe -  the great peninsula to 
the south of the Save and Danube. This splendid territory has the misfortune to 
be inhabited by a conglomerate of different races and nationalities, of which 
it is hard to say which is the least fit for progress and civilization. . . . "


Reposted in the interests of post-national-socialist harmony

Intelligent xenomorphs vow to exterminate all humans based on Matt Damon movie

2023-01-14 Thread professor rat
Apparently mistaking ' The Martian ' for a documentary, intelligent aliens are 
moving together in their Galactic ' UN " to nip a potential planet-destroying 
species in the bud.  To lose one planet might be considered unfortunate. To 
lose two is beginning to look like proactive genocide. 
Sorry no link is available right now since so many died to bring us this 
information. TL/DR use of a so-called " Death Star " has been authorized 
against us. Such is intelligent life. And a great lesson for all of us. The 
strong AI do what they like - the weak-minded conservative suffer what they 

Turkey pushes back vote on Sweden and Finland’s Nato accession | Nato | The Guardian

2023-01-14 Thread Gunnar Larson

“We are not in a rush here, they are in a rush to join Nato,” İbrahim
Kalın, chief adviser to Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, told


Why is Turkey calling NATO shots while being in a Cyprus war, with United
Nations peacekeeping mission?

Fact-Checking Matt Damon's Promise About Clean Water In Stella Artois Super Bowl Ad : Goats and Soda : NPR

2023-01-14 Thread Gunnar Larson

In a new Super Bowl ad, Matt Damon makes a bold promise: Buy a
limited-edition Stella Artois chalice and your money will help give a clean
water supply to someone in the developing world for five years.

The ad, called "Taps," reminds viewers that water is something we take for
granted. Around the world, 844 million people do not even have a basic
service providing water to their homes, according to the World Health

Matt Damon And Gary White On The World's Water Crisis
Matt Damon And Gary White On The World's Water Crisis
"If just 1 percent of you watching this buys [a chalice], we can give clean
water to 1 million people," says Damon in the ad.

The 30-second spot was purchased by Stella Artois (estimated price tag: $5
million). It's part of an ongoing partnership between the beer giant and
Damon's nonprofit group, Water.org, whose mission is to provide access to
clean water and sanitation in the developing world.

The chalices are sold on Amazon for $13, with $3.13 in proceeds from each
purchase going to Damon's charity. The beer glasses are imprinted with
designs by artists from India, Mexico and the Philippines, countries where
Water.org currently works.

Damon's statement about "1 percent of you watching" would add up to roughly
1 million purchases from the Super Bowl audience. According to Water.org,
Stella Artois would donate the $3.13 for "up to 300,000 chalices" sold in
the U.S. between January 1 and December 31.

Sponsor Message

And what exactly does that $3 buy? Can it really bring clean water to one
person for half a decade? Skepticism surfaced on Twitter.

This doesn't explain the correlation between the chalice and the water.
Like how could buying one chalice fund all that? To me it just means Stella
Artois won't help until we buy something.

— Trumpet Wom' (@trumpetgrrrl) January 30, 2018
Even water specialists weren't clear on how the numbers were calculated.

To learn more, we interviewed researchers and spokespeople for Water.org

What does Water.org do?
Despite its name, Water.org doesn't actually provide water to people in the
developing world. So your $3 won't go directly toward, say, the delivery of
jugs of water or the building of a well.

To fulfill its mission, the nonprofit has set up a custom microlending
system called WaterCredit. The group partners with financial institutions
in developing countries to lend people small amounts of money so they can
pay to get water. That might mean buying a faucet and hiring a contractor
to tap into water supplies or buying containers to catch rainwater.

Children drinking from a makeshift water pipe in a village in the Mindanao
island in the Philippines.
Jes Aznar/Getty Images
Giving people that kind of choice is a good thing, says Annie Feighery, a
co-founder of mWater, a digital platform that water nonprofits use to
measure the impact of their work. The group has worked with Water.org for
four years.

For a long time, charities would try to fix a community's water problem by
digging wells and then leaving, she says. But the wells would often
malfunction and become contaminated within a year, and they cost a lot to
maintain. Today, wells are seen as an "old-fashioned approach that we now
call the dig-and-ditch model," she says.

Although in some cases, wells are still a reasonable option. Families who
live miles away from a clean drinking water source can take out a loan to
pay for the construction of a deep borehole well, which siphons clean water
deep in the ground, or a large container to catch and store rainwater.
According to the World Health Organization, harvesting rainwater generally
provides good quality water.

Is $3 enough to cover those kinds of expenses?
Not exactly.

When someone buys the chalice from Stella Artois, $3 does indeed go to

According to Water.org's calculations, that $3 equals five years of clean
water for one person in the developing world. To come up with that number,
the group counted up the number of people it helped get water from 2014 to
2016 — roughly 3.3 million — and then divided that figure by the sum of the
group's organizational costs in the same time period: $42 million. (The
data is available in the charity's financial statements on their website.)

And the answer is: $12.50 to give one person access to water.

In this formula, the infrastructure for their water would last about 20
years. Based on these calculations, the $3 from the Stella Artois chalice,
says Water.org, would provide five years of clean water.

But that doesn't mean the loans are only $3.

In fact, the average loan taken out by a borrower from local financial
institutions, in partnership with Water.org, is about $300.

According to Water.org, 99 percent of the borrowers pay it back. To date,
the group says they have given out 2.2 million loans. When people repay the

France Financial Regulator Fines London’s H2O €93 Million for Fund Misrepresentations

2023-01-14 Thread Gunnar Larson
Check out my new article:

UK-based H2O Asset Management is under regulatory investigation by the
French financial crime enforcement auditors. H2O is accused of breaching
financial instrument ownership laws.

Pensions and Investments reports that Bruno Crastes (H2O Group CEO)
received a €15M penalty, with Vincent Challiey (H2O Group CIO) panelized
€3M. Furthermore, regulators assigned €75M in fines for H2O AM totalling
€93M or $99MUSD.

French assessors claim H2O’s mismanagement yielded significant investor
losses. As of June 30, 2022, H2O maintained €12.3B in assets under
management. In November, 2020, Natixis Investment Managers elected to
cancel a 10 year agreement with H2O, liquidating 50.01% stake ownership in
two tranches, immediately capitalizing 26.61%. Natixis plans a six year
horizon for complete divestiture.

H2O has claimed innocence of wrongdoings, suggesting French authorities
issued the group penalty in the absence of fraud or mismanagement by H2O.

Deminor announced that it is financing litigation for victims of H2O’s
Natixis managed asset fund. Deminor is representing 1,500 individuals on a
non-recourse basis. After meeting with French authorities, H2O announced
formalizing a reserve allocation to cover the maximum potential fine as a
cash flow precaution.

Re: A protocol for passing cryptographically signed messages around a peer to peer network.

2023-01-14 Thread grarpamp
> But Why?

Because it's cool.
Is that not sufficient for people to do things?

"Why" do Maxi's say Lightning is the answer
to everything, when it clearly is not. They think
sending 1sat is cool, what they don't say is
that it cost $5 x 2 + 1sat, similarly useless for
other unidirectional pay, and doesn't work offline.

Random list of mostly older chats
rocket chat
omemo xmpp
simplex chat
delta chat

How does George Bush sleep at night?

2023-01-14 Thread zeynep


"Mr. Bush, when are you going to apologize for the million Iraqis that are dead 
because you lied?
You lied about weapons of mass destruction, you lied about connections to 
9/11,You sent me Iraq to 2003, My friends are dead.Joshua Casteel. You killed 
people. Because You lied,​ You need to apologize! Apologize​!

Re: Dishonest Tor relay math question - tor-talk is to lazy

2023-01-14 Thread grarpamp

The FBI Won't Say Whether It Hacked Dark Web ISIS Site


The FBI somehow obtained the IP address of someone who allegedly visited
an ISIS-related site on the dark web. The DOJ is blocking discussion of
the issue from entering the public docket.

by Joseph Cox January 11, 2023, 2:00pm

Hacking. Disinformation. Surveillance. CYBER is Motherboard's podcast and
reporting on the dark underbelly of the internet.
See More →

U.S. government lawyers are hampering efforts that could reveal how the
FBI managed to obtain the real IP address of an alleged visitor to an ISIS
website on the dark web, according to court records reviewed by

The case involves Muhammed Momtaz Al-Azhari, who was charged in May 2020
with attempting to provide material support to ISIS. According to the
complaint against him, Al-Azhari allegedly visited a dark web site that
hosts "unofficial propaganda and photographs related to ISIS" multiple
times on May 14, 2019. In virtue of being a dark web site--that is, one
hosted on the Tor anonymity network--it should have been difficult for the
site owner's or a third party to determine the real IP address of any of
the site's visitors.


Do you know anything else about the FBI's use of NITs? We'd love to hear
from you. Using a non-work phone or computer, you can contact Joseph Cox
securely on Signal on +44 20 8133 5190, Wickr on josephcox, or
email joseph@vice.com.

Yet, that's exactly what the FBI did. It found Al-Azhari allegedly visited
the site from an IP address associated with Al-Azhari's grandmother's
house in Riverside, California. The FBI also found what specific pages
Al-Azhari visited, including a section on donating Bitcoin; another
focused on military operations conducted by ISIS fighters in Iraq, Syria,
and Nigeria; and another page that provided links to material from ISIS's
media arm. Without the FBI deploying some form of surveillance technique,
or Al-Azhari using another method to visit the site which exposed their IP
address, this should not have been possible.

Now, in a recent series of filings, Department of Justice lawyers won`t
say how the agency accessed Al-Azhari`s IP address, and are blocking
discussion of the issue from entering the public docket.

"In discovery, the Government has declined to provide any information
related to its TOR operation," Samuel E. Landes, the defense attorney
working on the case, wrote in a filing published Tuesday.

The news highlights the Department of Justice`s continued and intense
secrecy about its use of hacking tools, despite them becoming more popular
in a wide range of types of criminal investigations. The knock-on effects
of that secrecy can be that defendants do not have access to details of
how they were identified, and don't have an opportunity to effectively
challenge its legal basis. In some cases, prosecutors have also lost
chances of convictions because keeping the tools secret was deemed more
important than winning a case.


In the motion filed Tuesday, Landes writes that government prosecutors
have successfully demanded his motion to compel for more information be
marked as a "highly sensitive document." That designation is used for
documents that may be of interest to the intelligence service of a hostile
foreign government, and use of which by the foreign government would
likely cause significant harm, Landes filing says. Landes' latest filing
is a subsequent motion asking the court to reconsider giving that
designation to his earlier motion.


The FBI Hacked Over 8,000 Computers In 120 Countries Based on One Warrant

Joseph Cox

Landes points to how the FBI's use of network investigative techniques
(NITS)--the DOJ's euphemism for hacking tools--is far from a secret,
having been used in multiple cases over the years. He says he also found
an exhibit filed in other cases with similar issues and is widely
available on the internet. Despite the public availability of this
information, the government asked the court to treat the motion to compel
as a highly sensitive document, Landes writes.

The Department of Justice declined to comment.

In other cases,